View Full Version : Roy theory

2007-12-07, 08:34 PM
any one else think

that roy might see miko in the after life?

2007-12-07, 08:37 PM
No, nobody's thought of that yet. Really.

2007-12-07, 08:38 PM
no, I don't think so

2007-12-07, 08:39 PM
Why two threads? I answered in the other one.. :smallconfused:

Moff Chumley
2007-12-07, 08:41 PM
No, nobody's thought of that yet. Really.

Really? :smallwink: [/Sarcasm]

2007-12-07, 09:10 PM
No, nobody's thought of that yet. Really.

Are you sure? I swear I've seen it mentioned before.:smallbiggrin:

Green Bean
2007-12-07, 09:13 PM
Are you sure? I swear I've seen it mentioned before.:smallbiggrin:

Clearly, this member is insane (and possibly gassy).

2007-12-07, 09:50 PM
i already posted

:roy: : come on wheres my body?

?: *tap* *tap*


:miko: hello evildoer...

2007-12-08, 03:18 AM
Deceased equines seem to be popular right now...

2007-12-08, 04:00 AM
And I've already put up my theory of the pair of them hooking up in the afterlife without realising! I that threads lost though...:frown:

Ah well. It's probably for the best. *searches madly*

I beleive I know how Roy and Miko will end up together. They both hear that the majority of the beings in the ToIONS are merely creations made for them, or something similar. They go there, see each other, assume that the other is nothing more than an invention for them and think ''well, what the heck? Why not, I'm here to enjoy myself! I mean, it's not really Roy/Miko, there's no way that Roy/Miko would end up in Celestia. Roy/Miko, Lawful Good? I think not.'' And, assuming it's going to be guilt free with the other never finding out...

Found it!...not that I was looking or anything...although, it is a bit outdated...

Klaz Eidron
2007-12-08, 04:43 AM
I think that Miko would be in the Lawful Neutral or Neutral Good afterlife at this point...

2007-12-08, 05:34 AM
I don't think its going to happen. namely because Roy is outside looking onto the mortal plane. Miko is on the other side of the mountain being processed (or by now, in the afterlife). I can't think of a reason to go all the way around a giant mountain, leave the afterlife and go hang out on some clouds with nothing to do four months after getting into the afterlife. Which ever afterlife shes in, its probably not boring enough to go do that. Mikos gone. Accept it. Lets all move on with our lives.

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-12-08, 08:40 AM
I don't think its going to happen. namely because Roy is outside looking onto the mortal plane. Miko is on the other side of the mountain being processed (or by now, in the afterlife). I can't think of a reason to go all the way around a giant mountain, leave the afterlife and go hang out on some clouds with nothing to do four months after getting into the afterlife. Which ever afterlife shes in, its probably not boring enough to go do that. Mikos gone. Accept it. Lets all move on with our lives.

(I hate it when I write something, and my Wi-Fi connection falls off, causing my computer to delete what I just tried to post! Maddening!)


When Roy was climbing the mountain in this comic (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0493.html), you can clearly see an Azure City soldier, and the Blue Bandana Samurai climbing the mountain within easy calling range. So, even though Miko and the rest were processed and "sent up" on the other side of the mountain, doesn't mean Roy won't be able to meet her.

Soon Kim seemed to have undergone "stick up the ass removal therapy" after his days as part of the Order of the Scribble ended, based on his conversation with Miko. Perhaps the Archons can do the same for her? Falling and Redemption have always been popular themes...

Love her or hate her, Miko will probably return.

Green-Shirt Q
2007-12-08, 09:41 AM
I seriously doubt it, but not Completely impossibe.

Same way it's not completely impossible for an ant to push a tricycle over a mount everest.

It would be a nice plot twist that would make lots of people happy but a lot more people mad.

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-12-08, 10:05 AM
I seriously doubt it, but not Completely impossibe.

Same way it's not completely impossible for an ant to push a tricycle over a mount everest.

It would be a nice plot twist that would make lots of people happy but a lot more people mad.

And Rich would want to avoid making people mad at his strip for what reason? :smallwink:

I've never quite understand why the Miko Fans or Miko Haters think that their numbers are so overwhelming, and that if they leave because Rich doesn't give them what they think they want, the website will collapse.

Whether Miko meets up with Roy in Celestia or back on the mortal plane, or not at all, it's Rich's story and the rest of us are just along for the ride.

Ants pushing tricycles over Everest? That's a new one!

2007-12-08, 11:44 AM
I think that Miko would be in the Lawful Neutral or Neutral Good afterlife at this point...

I dont know. She has been serving a lawful good life for a long time now. And even though near the end she became a little twisted in her actions, her belief was always that she was doing lawful good. Also, its not like Roy never made mistakes. I think if Roy can be considered lawful Good, its just as likely that Miko can be thrown into the same boat.

2007-12-08, 11:50 AM
It'd be more entertaining if Roy's dad was involved...

"Roy, I'd like you to meet Miko..."

2007-12-08, 01:37 PM
"...she's my new heavenly interest.":smalleek:

2007-12-08, 02:27 PM
It'd be more entertaining if Roy's dad was involved...

"Roy, I'd like you to meet Miko..."

that would be pure win, im giggling over the thought.

Green-Shirt Q
2007-12-08, 03:03 PM
And Rich would want to avoid making people mad at his strip for what reason? :smallwink:

I've never quite understand why the Miko Fans or Miko Haters think that their numbers are so overwhelming, and that if they leave because Rich doesn't give them what they think they want, the website will collapse.

When did I say that? Did I say that?:smallconfused:

I was just saying that it is unlikley for Miko to retern at this point, using the ant metaphor to say how unlikly I think it is.

When did I say the Website would collapse?:smallconfused:

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-12-08, 04:04 PM
Well, you said straight out that Miko's return would make a lot more people mad:

It would be a nice plot twist that would make lots of people happy but a lot more people mad.

What did you mean by that, now that you're getting all hot under the collar at me?

Asking a bunch of questions like that, and adding in the emoticons is the internet equivalent of getting up in someone's face.

Miko will either return or won't return, no matter what parts of the audience wants or doesn't want.

I'm as close to neutral on this issue as anyone can get. I see Miko for the antagonist that she was. She played her role, and for storytelling purposes, the "Redemption" usually follows the "Fall." And I see the possibility of her return as being FAR more likely than "ants pushing tricycles over Everest." More like "Rain on a Hawaii afternoon."

2007-12-08, 05:37 PM
Well, you said straight out that Miko's return would make a lot more people mad:

What did you mean by that, now that you're getting all hot under the collar at me?

Asking a bunch of questions like that, and adding in the emoticons is the internet equivalent of getting up in someone's face.

Miko will either return or won't return, no matter what parts of the audience wants or doesn't want.

I'm as close to neutral on this issue as anyone can get. I see Miko for the antagonist that she was. She played her role, and for storytelling purposes, the "Redemption" usually follows the "Fall." And I see the possibility of her return as being FAR more likely than "ants pushing tricycles over Everest." More like "Rain on a Hawaii afternoon."

umm...I'm not sure if you meant this as intentional or not, but rain is very likely on a Hawaiin afternoon. (I don't mean this as a shot against you, I just want clarification for myself. Are you saying its very likely, or still not likely?)

2007-12-08, 05:49 PM
that would be pure win, im giggling over the thought.
Wouldn't put it past Miko to have made some sort of blood oath involving the death of the Order, either, so it's entirely possible.

2007-12-08, 06:24 PM
I think that Miko would be in the Lawful Neutral or Neutral Good afterlife at this point...
I don't know, there was a pretty long line of Azurians (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0486.html) there....

I of course can't help but wonder if she's in the same "You're trying to be Lawful Good" boat that Roy was in (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0490.html).

Green-Shirt Q
2007-12-08, 09:13 PM
Well, you said straight out that Miko's return would make a lot more people mad:

What did you mean by that, now that you're getting all hot under the collar at me?

Asking a bunch of questions like that, and adding in the emoticons is the internet equivalent of getting up in someone's face.

Miko will either return or won't return, no matter what parts of the audience wants or doesn't want.

I'm as close to neutral on this issue as anyone can get. I see Miko for the antagonist that she was. She played her role, and for storytelling purposes, the "Redemption" usually follows the "Fall." And I see the possibility of her return as being FAR more likely than "ants pushing tricycles over Everest." More like "Rain on a Hawaii afternoon."

Hey Hey Hey! I aint getting "hot under the collar", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.

I am not trying to get in your face about anything! This is a free forum! I can say almost whatever I want! I'm just posting My opinion!

I think that there are a lot of people who really Think dead people stay dead and will argue that to the death! I personally do not. That is what I mean by Will make a lot more people mad.

Lastly, I stand by my pervious remark about the ants. I belive that Rich killed Miko for a Reason, what ever it may be. I also belive that he made the system of "notherners get prosessed on one side in a completely differnt area then the southerners" for a reason as well. I personally belive that Miko is gone for good, but I really don't care if she happens to come back, because anything the Giant does is 100% Great!

P.S. I belive that you are far to sensitive to people's opinions conficting thier own. I am nothing if not polite.:smallsmile:

2007-12-08, 10:22 PM
Hey Hey Hey! I aint getting "hot under the collar", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.

I am so not "hot under the collar" that I am now going to swear about it for absolutely no reason! Thats how calm I am!"

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-12-08, 11:07 PM
umm...I'm not sure if you meant this as intentional or not, but rain is very likely on a Hawaiin afternoon. (I don't mean this as a shot against you, I just want clarification for myself. Are you saying its very likely, or still not likely?)

Um... I spent most of my Navy career in Hawaii, where I learned to surf. I am well aware of the weather patterns of my beloved adopted home.

Oklahoma is just a job/school. I WILL get back to the islands. No matter what it takes!

So yes, I'm saying that Miko's return is quite likely. Whether people want her back, or not. What's the point of falling, if you don't get a chance to redeem yourself later?


Mando Knight
2007-12-10, 08:23 AM
:roy: : come on wheres my body?

?: *tap* *tap*

:roy: huh?

:miko: hello evildoer...

And then...

:roy: HEY! I've been up and down this mountain. I'm more Lawful Good than you'll ever be!

:miko: Oh, YEAH?

... and so on