View Full Version : A chart of encounter difficulty

2023-08-27, 07:43 PM
Since I play with a large group with rotating DM's, I've been thinking about ways to correctly convey difficulty levels so as to better set (and meet) player expectations. And I've come up with

Difficulty Chart
An attempt to categorize encounter and game difficulty via likelihood of character death/resource expenditure

1 - Poses no plausible threat, and is unlikely to consume meaningful resources
3 - Poses no real threat but some meaningful fraction of party resources will be expended
5 - The encounter is lively and meaningful, but outside of extreme statistical variance (most likely over a series of rolls) or major tactical blunders, character death will not occur
7 - Very serious encounter. While the players are likely to succeed, a couple of unfavorable rolls or small tactical mistakes could lead to character death
9 - Pushing the boundaries of what many groups would consider fair. Success comes down to optimized builds and nearly mistake-free play, and even then a couple of very important rolls will decided victory or defeat. Essentially a coin flip. This level of encounter or game will most likely be impossible for poorly constructed parties or less-than-optimized characters
10 - An overwhelming encounter. The players are unlikely to succeed, and any chance of success comes down to some combination of extraordinary rolls, extreme optimization, and the random vagaries of match-ups (e.g., having turn undead when facing undead). Failure taking the form of a TPK is a very possible outcome

In my experience, most games and encounters are at level 5 or less. Memorable, difficult encounters will push up to 7, and this is also probably a good level to aim for for boss encounters.

Going higher than 7 is tricky, and should definitely come with a talk with your players ahead of time (either in session 0 of a long form game, or as a warning at the start of a one-shot)

2023-08-28, 02:07 AM
Is there a reason to think the trivial/easy/medium/hard/deadly chart is insufficient?

2023-08-28, 09:03 AM
I was trying to be more specific about what the encounter would actually be, in terms of death threat. I'll preface it by noting that the table I play at has both a lot of magic items, a fairly high optimization level, and very strong tactical play, but when I'm making an encounter, deadly is my *baseline.* That's like a level 4 or 5 encounter. If I really step on the gas, it'll be a 6.

The book encounter difficulties don't match up with actual play very well at all. The meaning of the words used are not informative or descriptive of what the combat actually is

2023-08-28, 09:10 AM
The issue with judging encounter challenge/difficulty from the GM perspective is that it is inherently going to be flawed because the challenge and difficulty is going to be determined by the decisions made in response more so than the actual factors in question.

It is just a starting point really that gives you some warning sighs regarding overloading any given scene or recovery cycle.