View Full Version : DM Help AAA: The Lost Mine of Phandelver; A fully prepped module! Part 3c Cragmaw Castle

2023-08-31, 11:31 AM
Welcome back to Advent's Amazing Advice! The series where I take popular One-Shots, Adventures, Campaigns, etc. and fully prep them for both New and Busy DMs. This prep includes fully fleshed-out notes, music, ambiance, encounter sheets, handouts, battle maps, tweaks, and more so you can run the best sessions possible with the least stress possible!

In this session, your players will find themselves at Cragmaw Castle where they will have to battle through a castle filled with goblins in order to reach the missing Gundren. I've made a few minor changes to the original, in order to make it a more engaging encounter. The main being altering the final encounter to use the mechanics from Flee Mortals! This change allows the final boss battle to be far more interesting and challenging; as well as have your characters feel like absolute badasses as they tear through hoards of minions. I've included the Preview PDF in the Complete Collection in case you need to refer to it. The encounter pdf should have most of the information you need, however. Lastly in the event that Gundren meets his untimely demise, remember that Reidoth also knows the location of Wave Echo Cave, where your players will soon reach the conclusion of this epic adventure!

Without further ado:

Google Docs Notes for Cragmaw Castle: DM Notes (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KydUkHwzRLaHWsM158Oj7rqTnaEMvRLQ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111017373176788623762&rtpof=true&sd=true)

As always, If you see something you think I can improve, add, change, etc. please let me know. I want this to be an amazing resource for all DMs and plan to keep it constantly updated!
