View Full Version : [IC] Cardassian Border Wars [Star Trek Adventures]

2023-09-01, 11:00 PM

~ The Cardassian Border Wars ~
A Tale of Heroism on the Forgotten Alkarab Front



Admiral's Log, Supplemental: The formation of the Antilles Task Force marks a crucial step in our efforts to protect the rimward borderland and the worlds within the Alkarab Sector. These older vessels, though not as advanced as some of the modern Starfleet ships, still hold immense potential and experience. With the urgency of the Cardassian threat, we cannot afford to let any available resource go to waste.

The initial preparations are underway, and the selected crews for the Constitution Refit-class, Soyuz-class & Oberth-class vessels are showing remarkable enthusiasm. Many of these officers and crew members have served on older ships in the past and are thus well acquainted with the antiquated tech foundwith in these ships. For those who have only served aboard newer vessels, I am told a rigorous training course has been whipped up to get those officers up to speed. Regardless, these officer's dedication to this mission is commendable, as they understand the pivotal role they play in safeguarding the colonized worlds of the Alkarab Sector.

Assembling this Task Force has not been without challenges. Acquiring the necessary supplies, updating the ships' systems to meet modern standards, and ensuring proper coordination among the different classes require careful planning and execution. However, the resourcefulness of Starfleet engineers and crews has been inspiring, and progress is being made.

The Alkarab Sector holds promise, with potential allies and resources that could bolster our efforts against the Cardassian Union. Establishing contact with the Federation citizen-colonized worlds is paramount, not only for their protection but also to solidify the Federation's presence in the sector. Diplomacy will be as important as defense, as we must navigate the complexities of the local politics and affiliations.

While the Admiralty's focus on the coreward borderland is understandable given the immediate threat, the Antilles Task Force represents a testament to Starfleet's adaptability and determination. The crew members of these vessels are proving that the spirit of exploration and Federation ideals burn as brightly as ever, even in the face of adversity.

End of Supplemental Log.


The Antilles Task Force's Mission Profile:

1. Exploration and Mapping: Our foremost mission is to thoroughly explore and map the Alkarab Sector, a region that was only lightly explored before mass colonization began. Many of these worlds are still uncharted territories, and their strategic importance cannot be underestimated. Detailed surveys and cartography will provide us with essential data for defensive strategies and potential negotiations.

2. Contact with Colonies: We must establish communication with the worlds colonized by Federation citizens in the Alkarab Sector. These colonies look to us for protection and guidance in these turbulent times. Our presence will assure them that they are not alone and that the Federation remains committed to their safety and well-being.

3. Defense Against Cardassian Threats: The Cardassian Union's appetite for territorial expansion threatens not only the colonies but the stability of the entire region. The Antilles Task Force will serve as a shield against Cardassian aggression, preventing any further encroachments into the Alkarab Sector. Our ships, although older, have been refitted and are battle-proven, and our determination will be our greatest strength.

4. Negotiations and Diplomacy: While we stand ready to defend, we also recognize the importance of diplomatic efforts. Should Cardassian forces attempt to breach our defenses or engage us in hostile actions, we will strive to engage in dialogue and negotiation before resorting to armed conflict. Our goal is to maintain a precarious peace in the sector while protecting Federation interests.

5. Resource Management: As we operate with older vessels, resource management and maintenance will be crucial. Our engineers and crew will need to work diligently to keep our Task Force operational and combat-ready. We shall make use of every available tool and technology to ensure our ships remain formidable adversaries.


The Antilles Task Force is composed of sixteen ships:

- The Antilles: An aging yet esteemed Excelsior-class vessel, the Antilles proudly serves as Admiral Marina Serrano's personal flagship. Unfortunately, the Admiral is often engaged in administrative, diplomatic, and strategic military planning pursuits, aboard Deep Space Station T-12. In her absence, control of both the Task Force and the Antilles is entrusted to Fleet Captain Toshiki Hosokawa.

- Constitution Refit-class Vessels: The Task Force fields six of these storied vessels, each bearing the name of a significant island in Earth's Lesser Antilles: the Martinique, the Dominica, the Saint Lucia, the Saint Vincent, the Carriacou, and the Grenada. While upgraded with contemporary technology, these Constitution-class ships are deemed outdated compared to more advanced counterparts such as the Ambassador and the newer Project Galaxy ships. While they can hold their own against smaller Cardassian vessels, engaging a Galor-class ship in open combat poses a grave risk. Admiral Serrano emphasizes coordinated tactics for the Constitution-class captains, especially when confronting larger Cardassian adversaries.

- Soyuz-class Vessels: Despite their retirement and antiquated status, the Task Force relies on five Soyuz-class vessels — the Bequia, the Union, the Canouan, the Mustique, and the Mayreau. Their rugged communication arrays assume critical importance in bridging communication gaps within the remote Alkarab Sector, which rests far beyond the mainstream Federation communication network. The mobility and agility of the Soyuz-class ships might prove decisive in scenarios where Cardassian incursions threaten sector stability.

- Oberth-class Vessels: Through resourceful requisition, Admiral Serrano secures four Oberth-class vessels for the Task Force's service. Each ship accommodates a specialized pod dedicated to solar system survey missions. These scientific assets will play a pivotal role in mapping the intricate Alkarab Sector. Lacking combat adaptations, the Oberth-class ships are instructed to flee upon detecting a Cardassian vessel, subsequently alerting the nearest Constitution- or Soyuz-class vessel for support. In anticipation of heightened conflict along the border, the Admiral envisions converting a number of Oberths into hospital ships via the acquisition of medical pods. The four Oberth-class vessels in the Task Force fleet are known as the Quatre, the Baliceaux, the Bettowia, and the Palm.


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Connected Threads:
In Character
--- Thread 1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?659261-IC-Cardassian-Border-Wars-Star-Trek-Adventures)
Out of Character
--- Thread 1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?659186-OOC-Cardassian-Border-Wars-Star-Trek-Adventures)
--- Thread 1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?659035-Cardassian-Border-Wars-Star-Trek-Adventures-New-Player-Friendly)

2023-09-02, 12:01 AM
Admiral's Log, Supplemental:
The Alkarab Sector stands as a volatile and untamed border-region on the outskirts of Starfleet's jurisdiction. The recent inclusion of the Betazed colony of New Rixx as a Federation Member World has brought with it a complex set of challenges. The Federation Council, in its wisdom, has staked a direct claim in this sector. This move is bound to provoke the Cardassians into asserting their influence, leading to potential annexations and territorial disputes. The Cardassians are likely to seek to bolster their position to gain the upper hand in any future negotiations over this border conflict.

The ascension of New Rixx has necessitated a strategic shift in our operations. We must now allocate precious resources from other fronts along the shared Federation-Cardassian border to ensure the safety of New Rixx, as well as safeguard the numerous colonies founded by Federation Citizens during the colonization boom at the beginning of this century.

Our continued presence in the Alkarab Sector requires us to walk a tightrope, given its inclusion within the territories of the Federation, the Cardassian Union, the Klingon Empire, and the Talarian Republic. Furthermore, the lack of a recognized central authority within the sector has transformed it into a breeding ground for instability, characterized by rampant piracy. Among the most notorious of these pirate groups are the marauders from Nova Orion and the formidable Naussicans.

Our unwavering commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the Alkarab Sector demands vigilant surveillance and cooperative diplomatic efforts with neighboring powers. Pirate activity poses a significant threat to both civilian and Starfleet interests, and we must remain resolute in our mission to protect innocent lives and uphold the principles of justice and order throughout the sector.

To achieve this, Starfleet has deployed its finest officers and vessels to patrol the Alkarab Sector. We work closely with our allied powers to combat piracy and ensure that lawlessness does not gain a foothold. We recognize that the complexities of this region require not only a strong military presence but also astute negotiation and diplomacy to prevent conflicts that could jeopardize interstellar relations.

The Alkarab Sector, with its intricate web of political, social, and security dynamics, serves as a profound testament to the challenges we face in our mission of exploration and peacekeeping. It is a realm where the ideals of the Federation are put to the test, and where our actions resonate across the stars. We remain steadfast in our commitment to uphold the values of Starfleet and to navigate these treacherous waters with wisdom, courage, and honor.

End of Supplemental Log.



Located perilously close to the Klingon border, the world of Federation's Hope was envisioned as a beacon of peace and prosperity, a utopia designed to nurture cooperation and friendship among diverse peoples, both within and beyond the Federation's boundaries. This promising world boasted four major continents, and representatives of the original four founding members of the Federation – Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites – each undertook the task of creating a miniature version of their homeworld on one of these continents.

Tragically, the outbreak of the Federation-Klingon War shattered these dreams. Federation's Hope, with its still-incomplete planetary defense grid, became an easy target for Klingon aggression. From orbit, the Klingons unleashed devastating assaults upon each of the four continents, resulting in the annihilation of one million colonists and a profound sense of abandonment among the survivors.

In the war's aftermath, the surviving colonists came to believe that Starfleet had prioritized other strategically significant worlds, diverting resources away from Federation's Hope. This bitterness festered across the four continents. Three years following the end of the war, the colonists embarked on a bold exodus, leaving behind the war-ravaged front lines to seek a new home far beyond Federation space. Contact was eventually severed with these settlers as they ventured deep into uncharted territory.

Twenty years ago, communication was reestablished with the Nemo System, nestled deep within the Alkarab Sector. In honor of the most remote point in Earth's oceans, the colonists of Federation's Hope had built a new life on an M-class world, where they not only survived but thrived. With a burgeoning population nearing one hundred million, the inhabitants of Nemo VI serve as a testament to the Federation's potential for resilience and self-sufficiency, even without centralized governance.

With the onset of the Federation-Cardassian Border Wars, the Republic of Nemo sought assistance from the Federation, although the shadow of the Klingon War still looms over their relationship. Despite their preference for neutrality, the President permitted the establishment of a small Embassy by the Federation Council. Attempts to situate the Embassy in the capital city sparked protests, ultimately leading to its placement in orbit around Nemo XIII, a remote Ice Giant on the periphery of the Nemo System.

Admiral Marina Serrano christened this space station "Easter Embassy" in homage to Easter Island, Earth's closest landmass to Point Nemo. It is from Easter Embassy that the exploration of Sub-Sector P within the Alkarab Sector will commence. Given the great distance of Sub-Sector P from Federation space and, notably, New Rixx, only three vessels from the Antilles Task Force were spared for this mission: the Constitution-class Dominica, the Soyuz-class Mustique, and the Oberth-class Quatre.



As the aged Constitution-class Dominica navigates through the turbulent subspace of the Alkarab Sector, the bridge is a scene of controlled chaos. Engineering crews are hard at work, repairing the damaged consoles that suffer from a significant input lag, making even routine operations a challenge. The ship itself creaks and groans as it maneuvers through the unpredictable subspace eddies, giving the impression that it's seen far more than its fair share of journeys through the cosmos.

The Captain's chair, showing signs of age and wear, stands as a symbol of the many crews that have lived, worked & died on this venerable vessel in the past. While the current crew members are not those who have called the Dominica home in previous eras, they all sense the historic significance of this mission. It's a final voyage, one they hope will contribute to saving the Federation and its people in a time of dire need.

Amidst this atmosphere, the communications console blinks, indicating an incoming message. Lieutenant Chesapeake, the acting CO of the Easter Embassy, appears on screen. His curly black hair and bushy mustache give him a distinctive appearance. He introduces himself and briefly explains his role overseeing the station's Starfleet personnel and its defense and maintenance. He hints at Ambassador Binni blasch Begm's assertive involvement in other matters, accompanied by a subtle eye roll.

Lieutenant Chesapeake then gets to the point, conveying the urgency of the situation. Reports of Nova Orion and Cardassian activity have recently crossed his desk, and it's clear that events are escalating. The background noise hints at the tension within the station, and he implores the Dominica to arrive as soon as possible.

With this urgent message in mind, the Dominica accelerates towards the space station, its crew prepared for the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead in Sub-Sector P of the Alkarab Sector.

The ship is about 30 minutes from Easter Embassy. Now would be a good time to introduce yourselves and perhaps have a small dialog between the crew before the ship docks.


2023-09-02, 12:37 AM
The turbolift doors open, and a green skinned Orion woman steps onto the bridge, rubbing her ear with a finger.

I will never get used to that music. I am going to have to start wearing earplugs when I am travelling around the ship.

She steps over to the engineering station and taps the crewmember there on the shoulder.

How are we looking, Chief? Any luck getting those conduits on H-deck rerouted?

2023-09-02, 12:39 AM

doctor elyra suvan stalks back and forth in her medical bay, fighting the urge to comm the bridge. her ice blue eyes watch bianca leath file paperwork on a datapad, logging every little detail of how her fingers move across the keypad and send files to where they need to go. finally, she gets tired of waiting and comms the bridge "medical bay to captain vandegroot. how are we doing?" theres a hollow chuckle from elyra, and she says "even down here i can feel the dominica creak and groan like a man sick with vegan chronomeningitis"

looking around elyras medbay, there are a trio of sterile tribbles in a glass container in her office, and four small pastel fluffballs in another container. two are light blue, one is lavender, and the last a bright shade of fuchsia. both containers are bolted to a hard surface, with an area for reaching in to fish one out. the pastel fluffballs give off a soothing trill and elyra smiles. "let the senior staff know id like them for their physicals at the earliest possible opportunity"

2023-09-02, 08:25 AM
as cheif of engineering, she sure had her hands full of getting repair crews to the most important areas first. at 21 she was not the youngest cheif engineer ever. With short blonde hair and green eyes, she could turn a head as easily as a spanner.

"How are we looking, Chief? Any luck getting those conduits on H-deck rerouted?" XO, the crews are working on it and the other vital systems, then maybe we can try to iron out some of these oddities that keep popping up.

2023-09-02, 08:59 AM
S’Vana smiles at the response from the Chief Engineer.

Good. I hope that someone will be able to figure out why the turbo lift plays music. Otherwise I’m going to ask the doctor to replicate everyone earplugs for traveling through the ship.

She picks up a spare PADD nearby and taps it to life. She calls up the crew manifest, and begins scrolling through assignments.

We have all the major projects assigned to the engineering teams, but there are some personnel with basic engineering training that we could put to work on some of the secondary problems. Recommendations for which projects first?

2023-09-02, 11:53 AM
All of the creaks and groans of the ship make Hasic uneasy as if he potentially put in the wrong coordinates to the Easter Embassy. He rubs his Bajoran earring nervously to calm himself but his brow still furrows along with the ridges across his nose. The rush of engineers around eeriely reminded him of his family's freighter. So many things that needed fixed all of the time. He was just happy his conn was still in working order.

Sitting at the helm, LtJG Orhm Hasic taps his communicator and announces, "Captain, we are coming upon the embassy shortly. Recommendations for docking? The situation seems volatile."

The Commander
2023-09-02, 11:59 AM
Lt. Junior Grade Mox

The bittersweet memories of the USS Carson were still fresh in his mind, but Mox was determined to make the most of the situation and find a place for himself aboard the Dominica; even if she was to be ultimately decommissioned much like his old ship. Perhaps this was for the best? Maybe it was fate that Mox should have an ever changing 'family' with Starfleet rather than one rooted in cultural expectations. He ran a hand through his thin brown hair.

He had already been introduced to his small science team, and decided it was best to pay the ship's doctor a visit - he had nothing better to do at this particular moment and perhaps the two of them could discuss their respective cultures whilst they waited for the ship to arrive at Easter Embassy.

He took a turbolift down a couple of decks and walked to sickbay. He understood the music that played when the lift went further than he did was some kind of old Earth song. It was enjoyable, and served to break up the monotonous hum when taking a longer turbolift journey; so Mox didn't mind.

He reached the sickbay doors and strode inside.

"Ah, Doctor Suvan! It seems we have some spare time on our hands and I thought I'd come and pay you a visit! How are you liking the Dominica's sickbay?" He smiled at her, but refrained from the typical overexpression Denobulans were somewhat infamous for - he had learned early in his days at the Academy that some people were put off by such displays and so had tried to train himself not to overexpress himself in such ways.

2023-09-02, 01:27 PM

elyra pivots on her feet like a dancer and moves over to mox. "ah lieutenant, your the first one to report for your physical" she purrs, moving to fish a small pastel fluffball out of its cage and passing it to mox. "feel free to pet it" she offers, scanning mox with a tricorder while the small pastel fluffball makes soothing noises.

elyra will answer moxs question with a half shrug "It's interesting, but nothing i havent dealt with before" she says. "your physical comes back green lieutenant" she says, placing the tricorder down and retrieving the pastel fluffball from mox and returning it to its cage. "if you need anything, im always here"

youd spot elyras eyes reading you like a book, missing nothing. you dont know what shes doing

The Commander
2023-09-02, 10:48 PM
Lt. Junior Grade Mox

Mox stroked the small creature as Elyra scanned him. "I am sure the other officers will report to you once we're safely docked at the Embassy." He handed the creature back to her once she was finished.

"First time working with a Denobulan?" He inquired as he noticed her sizing him up. "I'd be happy to discuss Denobulan physiology if it's helpful to you. Oh! But I should inform you now if you haven't already seen it in my medical file: I'm due for my annual hibernation cycle in about a month. Five days should be sufficient for me. I will, of course, take my hibernation in my quarters. I will let you know when my hibernation cycle is imminent, and will likewise inform the captain. In the event of an emergency you'll need to wake me with a potent stimulant administered intravenously; but we can go over the finer details closer to the time if you wish?"

2023-09-02, 11:19 PM

elyra chuckles "i have worked on a multitude of species in a multitude of conditions" she says, clapping mox on the back affectionately. "your not the first denobulan i have had to wake from hibernation sleep, and you certainly wont be the last"

as elyra turns a little, the light from sickbay reflects a small midnight blue scorpion patch on her left shoulder embroidered in iridescent black thread. it stays visible for a split second, and then elyra turns back to face mox and its gone. "if there is nothing else lieutenant, you are free to go"

2023-09-02, 11:43 PM
S’Vana smiles at the response from the Chief Engineer.

Good. I hope that someone will be able to figure out why the turbo lift plays music. Otherwise I’m going to ask the doctor to replicate everyone earplugs for traveling through the ship.

She picks up a spare PADD nearby and taps it to life. She calls up the crew manifest, and begins scrolling through assignments.

We have all the major projects assigned to the engineering teams, but there are some personnel with basic engineering training that we could put to work on some of the secondary problems. Recommendations for which projects first?

Well as it seems to be of importance, we can assign them to figuring out why the turbo lift plays music. but if it is something more than an easy fix, it will have to wait for an engineering crew.

2023-09-02, 11:47 PM
I suppose that's fair. But I was being serious. Is there anything we can task to others to free up engineering personnel for more urgent tasks?

2023-09-03, 09:00 AM
Sorry sir there are not many other tasks that can be accomplished by a rookie.

The Commander
2023-09-03, 09:25 AM
Lt. Junior Grade Mox

Mox smiled at Elyra again and turned to leave the sickbay. She seemed friendly enough, but there was something about her that Mox couldn't quite put his finger on. Maybe she was just extremely busy, or homesick? Mox resolved to attempt to befriend her in the future.

Leaving sickbay, he made his way to crew lounge, hoping to get a good view of the Embassy at they arrived.

2023-09-03, 09:28 AM
Fair enough. I'll leave you to it then. Keep me informed of our progress.

With that, she continues scrolling the PADD as she steps away from the engineer.

She looks around the bridge, but seeing nothing else she needs to attend to, she sighs as she gives the turbolift a hard look. She goes in and as the doors slide shut, she gives her destination as sickbay. And the music....

Then the ride is over and she exits the lift, and heads down the corridor to sickbay.

She takes a moment to gather herself before stepping inside.

Good morning, Doctor. I am cataloguing all of the Dominica's quirks. Everything coming together down here? Any oddities to report?

2023-09-03, 12:40 PM

elyra will turn to the orion, and offer a smile. "ah XO, how good of you to come in. no quirks in sickbay"

she will ask s'vana "would you like to do your physical now, or later? i like to make sure everyone is in good shape for the journey ahead" assuming she gets a yes, she will break out a small pastel fluffball and let s'vana pet it while she scans her

2023-09-03, 05:03 PM
A pair of weathered gray-green eyes regard the rough-edged jawline in the mirror. Lt. Cmdr. Elias Vandenboogard concludes the beard is coming in nicely, and it doesn't scratch as much as last time he afforded himself an underway soup-catcher. Tradition, he calls it.

Elias' last command was a auxiliary repair facility - he still doesn't fully understand why Starfleet stuck him on that pile of rocks for three years - so he kept clean-shaven, as he always did. Here, though - here, he's in space, and in command, to boot. A beard will do nicely, thank you.

The call from the bridge comes in and the captain acknowledges the report. "I'm not sure us screaming into port at maximum warp is going to solve any crisis, Mr. Orhm; but, increase speed to warp eight anyway. Have Ops reply to Easter Embassy with our acknowledgement and my compliments, and call Alpha Shift to the bridge," he ordered. "If trouble is imminent, let's have our senior officers at their stations. I'll be there shortly. Vandenboogard out."

With that, the captain dons his tunic, smooths it out, and leaves his quarters.

I figure all bridge PCs are on Alpha Shift. :)

2023-09-03, 06:43 PM
We can do it now, Doctor.

S’Vana looks at the Tribble. She grew up on ships in Orion space, and heard stories of infestations of the things. She gently refused the offer of the thing.

Are there any other conditions among the crew we need to be aware of?

2023-09-03, 08:02 PM

elyra shrugs "the tribbles have been sterilized, but i wont force you" she'll scan s'vana, and make some small talk while she scans the XO. "so tell me, how does an orion end up in starfleet?" she asks, putting away the tricorder. "i understand if you dont want to tell me, and my lips are sealed should you tell me anything"

2023-09-03, 09:12 PM
S'Vana considers the question. It seems like she is wondering whether she wants to answer or not. But she finally does. It is all in my service record, but the long and short of it is that I was saved by a Federation ship when my family ship was destroyed by Cardassians. I was the only survivor, it was my choice to stay in the Federation and join Starfleet. It keeps me on ships, so at least there's that. And not having to worry about being hauled out of my bed in the middle of the night by someone looking to move up in the... ranks.

She smiles up at the doctor. Plus the ladies like the uniform.

2023-09-03, 10:50 PM

elira smiles back. "ive yet to meet someone who didnt look good in a starfleet uniform" her hand moves to s'vanas' shoulder, and she says "you need something, im here"

2023-09-03, 11:16 PM
Why, Doctor. Ivy says with a small half smile. If I didn't know better, I would say I needed an escort to be around you.

2023-09-03, 11:52 PM

elira cracks a wry grin. "i dont have a vow of celibacy in place as im only half deltan" she says. "if you ever need a rebound, count me in" she lets her hand drop, and grins "see you around XO"

2023-09-04, 12:12 AM
Aye, aye, ma'am. Counseling services noted and logged.

2023-09-04, 12:20 AM

"go and fight the good fight out there" elyra says. "ill put you back together if you get a little beaten up." she grins "if there is nothing else, i can pronounce your physical complete"

2023-09-04, 01:01 AM
Better get used to seeing me in here then. I tend to need doctoring quite often.

2023-09-04, 10:21 PM

"the medbay is open, day and night" elyra says with a smile. "there aint nothing i havent seen"

2023-09-04, 11:01 PM
Guess we'll see. But hopefully not too soon.

S'Vana collects her PADD and exits Sickbay. That is when she hears the captain call for all senior officers to the bridge. Which for this ship, this tour, means her.

She steps off the turbolift, and proceeds to the security station, where she relieves the junior officer there, taking the station for herself, and awaiting their arrival at Easter Embassy.

2023-09-05, 06:41 AM
upon receiving the request from the captain, Samantha orders the crew in engineering to keep an eye on the reactor as power could be needed for the shields or weapon system. Stepping into the lift activating the controls to go the bridge, then stepping out and walking over to the engineering console. Reporting as ordered, engineering controls are transferred.

The Commander
2023-09-05, 02:30 PM
Lt. Junior Grade Mox

(I will assume Pepper_Oni does indeed request the Senior Officers)

Mox stood up from his seat in the ship lounge and headed to the nearest turbolift to the bridge. He hummed along with the song that played as it travelled towards it's destination.

"Mox here." He said as he stepped onto the bridge and headed over to the science control station.

OOC: Would I be able to attempt a long-range sensor sweep in the direction of Easter Embassy, or attempt to pick up any comm-traffic from that area from this distance?

2023-09-06, 01:47 PM
Just after Mox arrives, the other turbolift doors open and Elias steps onto the bridge. A nearby junior officer calls out, "Captain on the bridge," to which he responds with a quick "As you were." He nods to the Denobulan as they each make their way to their appointed places.

Reaching the center seat he surveys the bridge. S'Vana at the tactical console; Hasic at the conn; Mox arriving at the science station; Samantha as a pleasant surprise at the engineering monitoring station. He gives the engineer a second glance; he swears he served with a "Sam Duke" on his old scout ship, but he doesn't remember that Duke looking like this one. Shaking his head at the thought, Elias finds his seat and leans back.

"Status reports," he orders. "Mr. Orhm, start us off, if you please."

So, it looks like, from the GM's image, that we're using the Enterprise's bridge from Star Trek V.

Here's a link to an overhead schematic with station names. (https://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/blueprints/Starfleet-Bridge-Variations/Page_22.jpg)

Starfleet doesn't use a Communications Officer position (3) at this point in the 24th Century, so that spot could be repurposed as the tactical console for S'Vana (even though there's a standing board immediately behind the captain's chair); the standing tactical position can be just expanded for the master situation display, and may have a junior security specialist/tactical officer there in yellow and red alert situations.

Since Navigator is no longer an extant independent position, we'll say the intrepid Mr. Orhm will sit in the traditional Helm station (13), and our NPC Operations Manager will sit at the traditional Navigator station (12). Mr. Mox will work from the Science station (11), of course. Sam Duke will be at the Engineering Monitoring station (6) when she's on the bridge. (And she'll always have a couple junior officers/enlisted techs in the seats next to her.)

2023-09-08, 02:37 PM
You perform a long range scan of the Easter Embassy and find that there is an average amount of comms traffic. Your scans pick up nothing out of the ordinary... Wait, you spot something. A ship has just come out of warp. The systems have identified it as an Orion Scout Ship! Once the ship drops out of warp, all communication with the station is immediately ends.


The Commander
2023-09-08, 02:59 PM
Lt. Junior Grade Mox

Spotting the ship and the subsequent communications black-out, Mox turned towards the captain, urgency in his voice: "Captain! Orion Scout Ship detected coming out of warp near the Embassy! I've lost all communication with the station!"

Having made the report, Mox turns back to the sensors and tries to establish what's happening at the Embassy. (Assuming the sensor's aren't being jammed as well. If they are being jammed, Mox would attempt to overcome the sensor jamming. Unless the captain orders him differently of course.)

2023-09-08, 03:59 PM

ensign binarya t'zarik, or bina for short, gulped hard as the orion scout ship came out of warp, and began to jam easter station. "uh, sir, i suggest we figure out a way to stop the jamming, possibly talk to the orions, and if push comes to shove, we might have to blow them out of the sky"

then a thought comes to her "captain, what if they're here for their operatives? this could be why they're jamming easter station."

2023-09-08, 04:25 PM
looking at her engineering board, green across the board.. Shields up Captain ?

2023-09-09, 02:39 PM
Elias frowns slightly. "Yellow alert," he orders. "Shields up."

ensign binarya t'zarik, or bina for short, gulped hard as the orion scout ship came out of warp, and began to jam easter station. "uh, sir, i suggest we figure out a way to stop the jamming, possibly talk to the orions, and if push comes to shove, we might have to blow them out of the sky"

then a thought comes to her "captain, what if they're here for their operatives? this could be why they're jamming easter station."

"Interesting thought, but let's focus on the task at hand; Ms. T'zarik, look for a way to punch through their jamming to reach the station," the captain responds. "S'Vana, hail the Orion ship."

2023-09-09, 03:09 PM

"of course sir" bina says, her fingers dancing over the keypads as she tries to get through to easter station.

ooc: i will assist someone with insight and engineering and my encryption focus if that is ok

TN 15

thats 2 sux if my encryption focus matters

2023-09-09, 03:14 PM
Aye, sir.

S’Vana turns to the console and activates the communications array.

Orion Vessel. This is the Federation starship Dominica. Please respond.

2023-09-09, 03:29 PM
with the captain orders, using the panel, the ship's defense fields were energized, and the deflector shields were brought to full power, then power to the weapon systems as yellow alert was now in effect. Shields and deflectors at maximum captain, weapons energized and on standby, Full impulse power at your disposal, Warp drive available on command

2023-09-09, 07:48 PM

A connection is made with the Orion vessel. An Orion male appears on screen before you. He is wearing an emerald green jumpsuit, complete with a green and blue helmet. With a stern & harsh tone, the man barks, "This is Delbaj Gommon of the Nova Orion Cartel. Why do you bother us, Starfleet?"

The Commander
2023-09-10, 12:45 AM
Lt. Junior Grade Mox

Mox attempted to cut through the jamming effect, assisted by Binarya. He attempted to cycle through various frequencies and modify both the receiving and sending data in an attempt to slip past whatever frequencies were being jammed.

(Will attempt an Insight + Science roll, with assistance from Binarya's 2 successes. None of my focuses apply to this, unfortunately. [roll0] vs 16)

EDIT: Rolled the 2nd d20 in OOC, and it's also a 4.

2023-09-10, 10:56 PM
Lt. Mox, with the help of their fellow Bridge Crewmembers, is able to pierce the communication dampening technology. S’Vana is then able to hail Lieutenant Chesapeake, the acting CO of the Easter Embassy. "Dominica, can you hear me? This damned thing. Dominica, the Orions are demanding we give them tribute or else they will fire upon the Embassy!"


2023-09-10, 11:43 PM
Seeing the male Orion making threats is enough to set S'Vana's blood to boiling.

And with her influx of anger comes a flush of hormonal changes, which causes her to start to release pheromones. She takes a breath and tries to get her body under control. Which is not terribly difficult, since she had to learn the skill quickly living amongst humans, and especially with the wider variety of beings she was exposed to during the Academy.

But she looks over at her captain, hoping he would say something. Because this... male... should not be in charge of proper vessel.

But then they get in contact with the embassy. She mutes the Orion momentarily. Stand by, Easter Embassy.

She mutes the embassy, then before switching back, addresses their CO. On with the Orions, sir.

2023-09-11, 12:45 PM
But then they get in contact with the embassy. She mutes the Orion momentarily. Stand by, Easter Embassy.

She mutes the embassy, then before switching back, addresses their CO. On with the Orions, sir.

Elias' nose twitches slightly, as if something is tickling it; he blinks a couple times to clear the annoyance, then answers, "Very well.

"Master Gommon, I am Lieutenant Commander Elias P. Vandenboogard, in command of USS Dominica. Stand down from your communications jamming and your threats against a Federation facility," he says in an authoritative tone. "We have no desire to fight you, but we will defend Federation interests. Stand down, and we can talk."

Elias Presence + Command (9 + 4 = 13). Hoping Diplomacy Focus applies.

[roll0] - looks like only 1 Success on the task...

2023-09-11, 10:40 PM

With a sinister hiss, Delbaj Gommon's voice crackles through the transmission to Captain Vandenboogard, "This space station has three days to deliver its tribute to the Nova Orion Cartel. If it fails to comply..." The communication abruptly cuts off. Suddenly, the bridge consoles spring to life as the Orion ship unleashes a relentless barrage of phaser fire upon the Embassy. After the brutal assault, the hostile vessel swiftly vanishes into warp, leaving chaos and uncertainty in its wake.

Behind Lt. Chesapeake, the bridge crew witnesses sparks flying, accompanied by the unsettling sound of panels popping off and clattering onto the floor. After a tense pause, the Lieutenant regains composure and addresses the communication channel, "The Embassy is a place of diplomacy, not conflict. Dominica, you saved our butts today. I think I speak for everyone aboard when I say, thank you." The lieutenant taps some buttons on a console in front of him, then adds "You are granted permission to dock with the station upon your arrival. Your crew is welcome to explore the station and enjoy the diverse environmental habitats (and robust nightlife) before embarking on your next journey into the unknown. Oh, and Captain, just a word of warning, the Ambassador is not going to be happy. So, uh, be prepared for some yelling... Chesapeake out."

The Easter Embassy gradually comes into view as the Dominica slowly approaches from an extrasolar trajectory. Originally conceived as a space-based zoo, the station underwent extensive retrofitting by the Federation Diplomatic Corps and was carefully maneuvered into orbit several months ago. The station boasts a substantial saucer section, approximately double the diameter of the Dominica's saucer. Below the saucer, an engineering pylon extends, encased in a docking bay assembly equipped with four bays along each of its four sides.

Adorning the top of the saucer are six half-sphere structures, constructed from transparent aluminum. Each of these half-spheres encompasses a distinct eco-biome, transforming the former zoos into expansive open-air parks. At the saucer's core lies an additional bulge housing various offices, apartments, rooms, and bars, serving as the station's bustling heart. Crowning this central structure is a slender cylindrical spire with a substantial antenna at its pinnacle.

Using a variety of 3-D assets, I cobbled together a basic model of the Easter Embassy. I found a nice Constitution-refit model to set next to it for scale. :smallsmile:


I am going to leave the narrative door open for some RP before we move onto the station, if you would like. If not, I will throw up the next scene tomorrow. Also, I will need to know where on the station you would like to go. I imagine the Ambassador will want a meeting with the Captain at the very least, perhaps even the senior staff. Otherwise the Embassy is filled with personnel from both the Federation and from Starfleet, as well as diplomatic groups from Nemo.

2023-09-12, 12:10 AM
bina gulps again as the orion ship fires on easter station, and breathes out as it warps away. "um captain, i just got a message from sickbay. doctor suvan would like to see the senior staff for their physicals with the exception of lt. commander s'vana, and lt JG mox" she says, getting up. "now if you'll excuse me sir, my slot on the rec-deck is up soon, and ive got stuff to do" she goes off whistling, and will enter the rec-deck.

"computer, my usual program" she says, and the holodeck materializes a small cozy room, with a half-finished painting on an easel. bina will sit and paint until her time is up, and then she saves her painting, and will exit the room noticeably more refreshed

2023-09-12, 07:03 AM
Turning to one of her assistants, Mind the panel, It seems the good doctor wants to see me. Captain I will be in sickbay getting examined., walking off the bridge to the lift, and then down a few levels walking out and down the hall to medical. Doctor I am here as requested, lets get it over with.

The Commander
2023-09-12, 12:13 PM
Lt. Junior Grade Mox

Mox was left speechless by the unwarranted aggression by the Orion ship. His eyes briefly darted over to the XO, wondering how she must been feeling at seeing the Orions. He wondered how easy it would be for her to order the crew to fight them, if it came to that.

He forced himself to focus. He decided to try and log the Orion ship's tactical data, in-case a future engagement came about.

Mox is attempting to better understand the Scout Ship's offensive and defensive abilities. He will use Conn + Insight (4+11=15) vs [roll0]. No focuses apply, but Mox does have the Starship Expert Talent, which should allow him to generate a point of Momentum if this check succeeds. He also has Studious, allowing him to ask an additional question when spending Momentum. So the idea would be, on a success, ask the following questions:
-What weapons does the Scout Ship have?
-How tough are it's shields?
He'll then log the information onboard the Dominica's computer.

EDIT: Uh oh. Well that's a failure :smalleek:

2023-09-12, 04:44 PM
a failure and a complication to boot.

@greendragonpage you could bank 2 threat or give us complication regarding the scout ship


elyra will pass samantha a small pastel fluffball, and will break out a tricorder to scan her. "any issues chief engineer?" she asks, making small talk while reading her like a book with her eyes. the small pastel fluffball trills soothingly as elyra finishes her scan

the small pastel fluffball

2023-09-12, 04:49 PM
... "You are granted permission to dock with the station upon your arrival. Your crew is welcome to explore the station and enjoy the diverse environmental habitats (and robust nightlife) before embarking on your next journey into the unknown. Oh, and Captain, just a word of warning, the Ambassador is not going to be happy. So, uh, be prepared for some yelling... Chesapeake out."

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time...," the captain muses to himself. With a shake of his head, he orders, "Secure from yellow alert. Maintain approach to Easter, warp factor 8."

He has a thought to pursue the Orions' egress course, but decides ultimately that they have three days to prepare for their return. They have a name. They have a organization. If anything, the spooks at Starfleet Intelligence may have a dossier on this group. It's worth a check, and if getting yelled at by an ambassador helps him get access, all the better.

Turning toward the science officer, the captain adds, "Mr. Mox, when you're done with your current pursuit, see what you can dig up on this Nova group and Delbaj Gommon. I would've asked my Ops Manager, but she seems to have skedaddled."

Facing the viewscreen once again, Elias leans back in his chair, contemplating this strange turn of events.

2023-09-12, 06:18 PM
elyra will pass samantha a small pastel fluffball, and will break out a tricorder to scan her. "any issues chief engineer?" she asks, making small talk while reading her like a book with her eyes. the small pastel fluffball trills soothingly as elyra finishes her scan

Nothing that can not be cured by a good stiff drink doctor.

2023-09-12, 07:17 PM

elyra chuckles, and counters with "alchoholism is a problem, however i trust you are not that far gone"

she will stand and let samantha off the table "physicals green commander. go off and enjoy easter stations nightlife. ill stay here and keep the homefires burning"

she collects the fluffball, and stashes it back in its cage

The Commander
2023-09-12, 11:34 PM
Lt. Junior Grade Mox

Turning toward the science officer, the captain adds, "Mr. Mox, when you're done with your current pursuit, see what you can dig up on this Nova group and Delbaj Gommon. I would've asked my Ops Manager, but she seems to have skedaddled."

"Aye sir." Abandoning the failed attempt at logging the Scout Ship's tactical data, Mox switched to consulting the ship's computers to find out what information they might contain on the group or the captain of the Scout Ship.

Using the computer to compile information as requested by the Captain - info on the Nova Group and/or Captain Gommon. Science + Insight (5+11=16) vs [roll0]. I have Cultural Studies as a Focus, which I would argue can be applied to the pirate culture within the Orion species. I also have the Cultural Flexibility Talent, which should reduce the Difficulty of this challenge by 1.

EDIT: 2 Successes, it would seem.