View Full Version : 3rd Ed ...what?

2023-09-03, 10:48 PM
Our Cleric has taken a vow of silence. Somehow he's still able to cast spells -- I don't know how, I'm just one of the players.

We're playing right now, but I had to come online to mention this.

The cleric just cast speak with dead. 10 minute casting time. Then he realised he couldn't speak with it because of his vow of silence.

...I just needed someone to know about this.

2023-09-03, 11:00 PM
Some spells don't have verbal components. There's also the Silent Spell.

Also... the only thing I can see with regards Vow of Silence is the Monk Vow in pathfinder. Which isn't a Cleric thing.
There's also Oath of Silence in Spheres. And if you're using Spheres, you don't need to use Verbal components.

But both say that you simply must not speak words, not that you can't provide verbal components, though that's very much debatable.

I wouldn't allow Vow of Silence regardless, because communication is one of the key pillars of roleplay.

2023-09-03, 11:12 PM
...communication is one of the key pillars of roleplay.

We have 1+ player(s) who would disagree enthusiastically with that.

One character couldn't speak common and refused to learn it. I had a character, long time ago, who could only speak Norwegian. (I took classes just for that! Jeg snakker litt norsk.)

2023-09-03, 11:48 PM
I had a character, long time ago, who could only speak Norwegian. (I took classes just for that! Jeg snakker litt norsk.)So, you're saying you only spoke in Norse Code?

2023-09-04, 12:23 AM
Some spells don't have verbal components. There's also the Silent Spell.

Also... the only thing I can see with regards Vow of Silence is the Monk Vow in pathfinder. Which isn't a Cleric thing.
There's also Oath of Silence in Spheres.
Buommans and nonverbal spell feat from Planar Handbook.

Maat Mons
2023-09-04, 12:43 AM
There's also a magic mask in Dungeon magazine that adds Silent Spell to all your spells for free.

2023-09-04, 06:46 AM
I feel like it would be better if his vow only prevented him from talking to the living. That way, he could still communicate with the other PCs, but only through dead intermediaries.

2023-09-04, 09:17 AM
I feel like it would be better if his vow only prevented him from talking to the living. That way, he could still communicate with the other PCs, but only through dead intermediaries.

Well, o spirit who has passed through the veil of death, please tell Frank that if he wants people to leave his provisions alone then he should arcane mark them like a normal person!

2023-09-04, 10:28 AM
So, you're saying you only spoke in Norse Code?

Thanks for the laugh!

Not only is this funny in and of itself, but it also hints at the fact that a vow of silence need not prevent communication. Now, it may be dubious whether the undead / corpses / whatever would respond to the cleric’s attempts to tap / rap on their skulls, but I find that an interesting visual for one of my favorite spells.

2023-09-04, 10:34 AM
Thanks for the laugh!You're quite welcome.

Not only is this funny in and of itself, but it also hints at the fact that a vow of silence need not prevent communication. Now, it may be dubious whether the undead / corpses / whatever would respond to the cleric’s attempts to tap / rap on their skulls, but I find that an interesting visual for one of my favorite spells.Drow sign language FTW.

I like having the whole party take it; there's so much utility for being able to communicate silently when telepathy isn't available.

2023-09-04, 12:49 PM
I played a mute character once (way back in 3.0). I carried bells, chalk, and waved and pointed a lot.

I don't remember, but I must have used Silent Spell as well, since she was a Cleric, too...

2023-09-04, 06:30 PM
I had a mute character once (a rogue though) and she communicated via Drow Sign Language as well as expressions and gestures.

2023-09-05, 03:17 AM
There's also a magic mask in Dungeon magazine that adds Silent Spell to all your spells for free.

Do you remember which issue of Dungeon?

2023-09-05, 03:27 AM
on communication, to paraphrase one of my biggest inspirations for my characters:

”you’ve got your looks, your pretty face, and don’t forget the importance of body language, hah, those adventurers make a lot of blabber, they think that Speak Language is a skill, but you’ll find that nowadays, a true adventurer is a soulless murderer primarily and not a person with depth through and through,

all you need is a little bit of magic, Ghost Sound and summoned creatures in your command,

as long as no word passes your lips, then they’ll pick up your tips, if you’re creative and waggle your hips, hah!”

Maat Mons
2023-09-05, 06:26 AM
Found it. Mask of Silent Casting, Dungeon 90, page 106.

2023-09-05, 07:24 AM
So, you're saying you only spoke in Norse Code?

Not to anti this fabulous joke, but Norse is closer to Icelandic, while modern Norwegian is only a 200 year old language that was mostly developed as a way for Norwegians to distance themselves from their previous Danish/Swedish overlords. There's also two reigning Norwegian languages, one more swedish and the other more danish and 4 regional dialects across them, divided into eastern Norwegian, western Norwegian, northern Norwegian and Trøndersk.

Firest Kathon
2023-09-05, 07:30 AM
Also... the only thing I can see with regards Vow of Silence is the Monk Vow in pathfinder. Which isn't a Cleric thing.
There's also Oath of Silence in Spheres. And if you're using Spheres, you don't need to use Verbal components.

But both say that you simply must not speak words, not that you can't provide verbal components, though that's very much debatable.

The post is tagged as 3rd Ed, so I assume they are referring to the D&D 3.5 Vow of Silence from Book of Exalted Deeds.

2023-09-05, 10:24 AM
The post is tagged as 3rd Ed, so I assume they are referring to the D&D 3.5 Vow of Silence from Book of Exalted Deeds.

You can also just decide to take a vow of silence without there being a mechanical Feat involved...

2023-09-05, 12:00 PM
The post is tagged as 3rd Ed, so I assume they are referring to the D&D 3.5 Vow of Silence from Book of Exalted Deeds.

There is no Vow of Silence feat.

2023-09-05, 12:45 PM
Our Cleric has taken a vow of silence. Somehow he's still able to cast spells -- I don't know how, I'm just one of the players.

The cleric just cast speak with dead. 10 minute casting time. Then he realised he couldn't speak with it because of his vow of silence.

Check out the recent D&D movie where one character cast the spell (speak with dead) and another character asked the actual questions.

Assuming you are operating in a special system where your cleric can cast V component spells with some divine substitute for V, there shouldn't be a problem with him casting the spell and the other characters asking the questions.

2023-09-08, 06:27 PM
The post is tagged as 3rd Ed

I goofed. We're 3.5.