View Full Version : 3.5 - Hammer of Thunderbolts Artifact Abuses

2023-09-04, 08:30 PM
The hammer of thunderbolts (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/artifacts.htm#hammerofThunderbolts) has rather loose wording that could be fairly easily breakable, if you can manage to actually get one.

Hammer of Thunderbolts
This +3 Large returning warhammer deals 4d6 points of damage on any hit. Further, if the wielder wears a belt of giant strength and gauntlets of ogre power and he knows that the hammer is a hammer of thunderbolts (not just a +3 warhammer), the weapon can be used to full effect: It gains a total +5 enhancement bonus, allows all belt and gauntlet bonuses to stack (only when using this weapon), and strikes dead any giant upon whom it scores a hit (Fortitude DC 20 negates the death effect but not the damage).

When hurled, on a successful attack the hammer emits a great noise, like a clap of thunder, causing all creatures within 90 feet to be stunned for 1 round (Fortitude DC 15 negates). The hammer’s range increment is 30 feet.

Strong evocation, necromancy, and transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 15 lb.The hammer of thunderbolts in the DMG "allows all belt and gauntlet bonuses to stack (only when using this weapon)." The wording there seems just a liiittle abusable, unless I'm mistaken...

Belt of giant strength +6 that is also enhanced as a belt of magnificence +6, and gauntlets of ogre power +2 (the max they can be, apparently), and you would have a nice +14 enhancement bonus to your Str score. A belt of dwarvenkind would also give an extra +2 Con, which would also stack with the +6 from the belt of magnificence. How many other belt and glove/gauntlet combos can we find that the hammer allows to stack? And no, they need not be Str and Con bonuses, given the wording on the hammer.

If you add throwing to it, you can even actually use the throwing abilities on it...

What other abuses can you think of?

2023-09-05, 12:44 AM
You can stack the bonus but you do not have more slots.

So what you could stack bonus Strength from a belt of magnificence and gauntlets of ogre and that's it for exemple.
You might find more abusable combo tho.

2023-09-05, 05:07 AM
You can stack the bonus but you do not have more slots.

So what you could stack bonus Strength from a belt of magnificence and gauntlets of ogre and that's it for exemple.
You might find more abusable combo tho.Except you can stack item qualities, as per the MIC. You can have multiple belt item qualities stacked onto a single belt slot. Typically, two enhancement bonuses won't stack, but the hammer specifies that they do when wielding it.

2023-09-05, 06:09 AM
You can make a belt that's both a Belt of Dwarvenkind and a Belt of Magnificence, but I don't think you can make a belt that's both a Belt of Giant Strength and a Belt of Magnificence. Or more precisely, I think that a Belt of Magnificence already is a Belt of Giant Strength that has other things stacked onto it.