View Full Version : [IC Celadon] Idylls of the Rat King [D&D 3.5]

2023-09-05, 11:54 AM
D U N G E O N.....C R A W L.....C L A S S I C S.....#1
Idylls of the Rat King
By Jeffrey Quinn



Silverton is a small village located two weeks north of the city of Soulgrave and three weeks south of the capital city of Archbridge. It is a small mining village that grew from the hard work of one merchant family, the Gannu family of Soulgrave. Jasper Gannu, prospector and patriarch of the Gannu family, discovered silver during a prospecting tour of the area over 100 years ago. He immediately spent his entire life’s savings on funding a small mining operation and opening the silver mine on a rich vein of ore. Miners and the poor, looking for work, flocked to the Gannu Silver Mine, creating a small boomtown less than half a day’s travel from the mine. Within a few months, the mining shafts broke through large underground chambers that were littered with bones and huge nuggets of silver ore. The miners found this to be strange and priests were brought in from both Soulgrave and Archbridge to cleanse the area of evil spirits. All the while, Jasper was growing very rich and powerful from the silver that was transported to the Miner’s Guild in Archbridge. Two years after the mine opened, Silverton, as the boomtown was called, began to erect permanent structures for the miners. The silver ore was plentiful and other mines began to open to the west of the town under the banner of Archbridge’s Miner’s Guild.

Our intrepid band of adventurers has just wrapped up a week-long assignment, safeguarding a caravan on its journey to deliver cherished mead to the taverns of Silverton. While en route, they encountered a bit of trouble in the form of a wolf pack, resulting in a few scrapes and bruises among our brave party. Eager to mend their wounds, the adventurers have sought out the locals' guidance, and they've been directed to none other than Renna's Herb Store for the remedy they seek.

Renna the Midwife's Herb Store is a quaint and welcoming establishment, located in the small village of Silverton. Renna's Herb Store occupies a charming wooden cottage nestled amidst the picturesque landscape of Silverton. The cottage is adorned with flowering vines, giving it a rustic and inviting appearance. A wooden sign hangs above the door, bearing the name "Renna's Herb Store" in delicate script, with depictions of various herbs and plants. Upon entering Renna's Herb Store, you are enveloped in the soothing aroma of dried herbs and flowers. The interior is cozy and well-organized, with wooden shelves lining the walls, displaying an array of colorful herbs, roots, and potions in neatly labeled jars and containers. Renna's collection of herbs is extensive and meticulously arranged. She offers a wide variety of healing herbs, each with its own unique properties. Herbs such as lavender, chamomile, and rosemary are neatly dried and bundled, ready for purchase. Rare and exotic herbs are stored in ornate glass jars, catching the soft light streaming in through small windows. From the front window of her shop, one can easily see the tall, snow capped mountain peaks off in the distance. In addition to herbs, Renna creates an assortment of potions and tinctures that line a separate shelf. These remedies are known throughout the village for their effectiveness in treating ailments. Bottles of soothing salves, healing elixirs, and sleep-inducing tonics are prominently displayed. One can also find vials of colorful, mystical liquids, each promising its own magical benefit.

For those of a more mystical bent, Renna's Herb Store is not limited to herbs alone. Shelves near the counter display an assortment of healing crystals, talismans, and amulets, each with its own spiritual significance to both dwarven and human cultures. These mystical items are said to ward off evil spirits and provide protection to those who carry them.

Renna herself is a warm and knowledgeable midwife and herbalist. Currently, she is behind the counter, ready to offer advice and assistance to customers seeking remedies for various ailments. Her gentle demeanor and years of experience have earned her the trust of the villagers, making her a respected figure in Silverton.

She greets the party pleasantly as they enter her serene shop, "Warm welcome and good tidings travelers. May your day be blessed by both The Shining One & Her Beneficence." She then pulls out a small cloth for each of you, moistens them with some cool water. "I offer you this small grace, a cool cloth to whisk away the sweat and grime of the road from upon your brows."

After a moment, she continues, "How may I be of service to you this day?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-05, 10:11 PM
Timothy gladly takes the wet cloth to sooth his hot brow. His eyes dart around the shop in wonder and amazement. The family farm never had such oddities and opportunities available, but the comfort of a cool wet cloth on a hot day as this was a welcomed sensation.

"Thank you Ma'am. The cooling clothes are a delight after travel. I've heard tale that goblins have taken some nearby mines, and strong arm and muscle is being sought to rid the mines of this infestation."

2023-09-05, 11:10 PM
Quarion takes the cloth with a nod and casts a sage eye to the various curios, seeing if any seem to be of innate magical quality. He runs the cloth over a cut gained on the road, though he is overall less bruised than some, having tried to keep his distance from anything too sharp and anyone too angry.We were also told you may have some balm or tincture for our minor injuries

2023-09-06, 02:12 AM
Duncan with the eye of a professional takes a look around at the neat shop, while he wipes the dust and grime of the street of his face and hands.

Great shop you have here Renna, Normally I try to keep everyone as healthy as possible but Illmater's grace can only give that much and some mundane healing may be in order once in a while. Some lavender, some rosemary, wild garlic if you have some, garlic if you don't. We helped transport some mead into you're town and were besieged by aggressive wolves. Does that happen often around here?

2023-09-06, 11:43 AM
Renna smiles pleasantly at Duncan as she rummages behind the counter. She lays out each of the items he listed, "There. all ready to go. 10 copper for the lot."

I have several potions that can temporarily relieve some wounds. She points to a shelf behind the counter with several bottles on it, "They are expensive to produce, unfortunately..."

She has 3 potions of Cure Light Wounds (30gp each), 3 potions of Cure Minor Wounds (12gp each) and 10 potions of Virtue (10gp each).

Her brow furrows at the mention of goblins and wolves, "Yes... Unfortunately, both have become an issue recently. The wolves patrol the lands to the south, harassing the caravans coming from Soulgrave. The goblins have been attacking the caravans heading north to the capital. The wolves rarely kill anyone as they are easily frightened. The only casualties have been guard dogs and some chickens. The goblins..."

Renna looks away for a second, "Have hurt many. I am sure everyone in town would appreciate if you could investigate the issue, find their warrens and drive them off..."

Just then the door to the little shop bursts open. Hard. Rocketing the door backwards, straight into the wall.

A man flops into the shop, "H-h-help. Please." The man has thick auburn hair and blue eyes. He wears padded leather armor that is mottled with spear-sized holes. He has a longsword in a scabbard and a broken heavy crossbow on his back.

Renna rushes over with bandages and cloth. She starts stripping the man of his armor, so she can assess his wounds.

"My name is Gery Foxe. My family are the liege lords of a tower to the west of Silverton." He winces with pain, then continues, "I was heading north to the capital with the latest silver caravan. We were ambushed. Everyone is dead. I barely escaped... If not for the bravery of my men-at-arms...

He coughs, hard, spitting up some blood. Renna busies herself putting pressure on the man's wounds, then begins bandaging him up. She tries to calm the man down but Renna flashes several worried looks at the party.

"I was left for dead... I saw the goblins... Heading east..."

Gery passes out.

Renna finishes bandaging the man's head and comments, "There is an old abandoned mine to the east, perhaps that is where they are hiding out?"

2023-09-06, 02:38 PM
"Goblins?!! I've been itching for a rematch with those blighters since they attacked the last caravan I was with! Count me in!" Morin exclaims.

2023-09-06, 03:41 PM
Upon entering the building Smelkie takes a good look around, taking in the smell. This certainly smells alot better than past week...
He takes the cloths with a welcoming smile. Thank you, much appreciated and starts walking around abit while using it to clean his face and arms.

Listening to the requests of his compatriots he spots an interesting label. Is this a sleeping potion? he asks.

Hearing Renna talk about the goblins hurting families in town his heart start racing. He knows this all to well. I hope your family is safe from those nasty golbins he tosses in.

Watching Gery burst in and hearing his story Smelkie is as ready as ever as the adrenaline starts pumping.
Looking at Renna Do you require any assistance here?, then looking at the others Im down to investigate as well, you with us?
Do you know how can we get to that mine? he asks Renna

2023-09-06, 05:21 PM
Quarion jumps a little as the man bursts through the door. After he passes out he looks to the others Sounds like we could be of some help at the mines? I'm afraid I don't have enough for the potions but we might find some with these goblins. Thank you, Renna

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-06, 06:35 PM
Thomas turns to look when someone bursts in. Listening and hearing about another goblin attack he checks his straps holding his various weapons and sheild.

"Life calls us to duty, fellow adventurers. If I can locate the trail, I can track the goblins back to their camp, Any takers for a run to strike down this plague of goblins?"

2023-09-07, 01:37 AM
Great it seems we're all up for this Smelkie says with excitement in his voice. Lets do any purchases quickly before the trail runs dry, so that you *looks at Thomas* can guide us to their location.

2023-09-07, 04:44 AM
Duncan gladly pays for some of the necessary herbs and when the poor guy bursts bleeding into the shop he assists as best as he can.

When he passes out. Ah, poor sod. Too much agitation, not enough blood. Good he only suffered a flesh wound.

Heal check: [roll0]
Cure minor wounds for 3 HP.

Regarding the hunt for the goblins Duncan nods decisively.

We get this green-skinned raggamuffins and give em a good shakin I'd say!

2023-09-07, 01:09 PM
Renna looks down at her patient and sighs, "I am not sure if he will survive but I will do my best to help him..."

Then Duncan leans down and uses magic to heal the man. Renna's eyes light up. Smiling brightly, she says, "Thank the gods you were here sir. You have saved this man."

Yawning, as if waking from a deep slumber, Gery's eyes blink open, "W-w-ehere... Am I?" Then his face goes pale as he remembers the horrors he witnessed. "I... Am alive...? Who...?

Foxe locks eyes with Duncan and nods, "Thank you sir. Thank you. I owe you a great debt."

Renna helps Gery get to his feet. She looks at the other party members and states, "There is an old footpath leading to the mine, it snakes its way through the woods. It has been abandoned for years but I am sure you will be able to spot it. If not, you can ask one of the locals to guide you. They are just as eager to eliminate this threat as anyone else."

She then grabs several potions from behind the counter, "Here, for your journey. Be safe."

She hands the party 1 Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 1 Potion of Cure Minor Wounds and 2 Potions of Virtue.

If you go searching for the path yourselves, it will require a DC10 Survival Check or you can ask a local to lead you there (no survival check required).

2023-09-07, 01:59 PM
That is most generous of you, thank you. Unfortunately I am not able to cover the cost for it.. He reaches in his pouch and gives Renna [roll0] gold as compensation for these expensive potions.

Looking at Thomas Do we need help finding the trail or can we rely on you?

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-07, 03:38 PM
Thomas gives a good mental look for the trail

[roll0] survival

"Yea, I can get us there, follow me and ill lead you to the goblins"

Thomas gives a thankful look to the shopkeep before stepping outside to lead the group.

2023-09-07, 04:18 PM
"Well, this is shaping up to be a good day already! A warrior saved, a good deed generously repaid, and a clear path to goblins to slay!" Morin laughs. "Lead the way, Master Thomas!"

2023-09-07, 04:50 PM
Trystan stood in the doorway, silently taking in the conversation and the goings on. Normally, he was the first to talk, the first to make introductions and charm with a kind word and quick smile, but the reality of the situation took him fully by force. The goblins were here, and people were dying, and HE could be the next one. The was not a play, or a story, this was real. And still, despite the terrror clawing at his throat to shut up and walk away, he could not leave, he could not be silent. His guilt over his parent's farm and Rebecca's death outweighed the fear.

"We will do our best to help, and prevent this from happening again."

2023-09-08, 04:17 AM
Duncan pats Gery's shoulder carefully. It's alright lad, just here to help.

When the potions are offered he nods thankfully towards Renna. Normally I'd say no thanks are necesarry but we may need ever'thing to get these nincompomps down. Thank you, Renna.

I'd be there with you guys, just be a bit slower, my bad leg is acting up.

When Duncan is out of Renna's parlor he makes sure that his crossbow is ready before he continues.

2023-09-08, 03:10 PM
Renna pushes the money back into Smelkie's hands. Keep it. I will pray to the gods you are successful."

Thomas forges the path out into the woods. After a quick bit of forestry-detective work, the trail is found. It is overgrown and not easy to spot to the untrained or rushed eye. The party of adventurers makes haste, traveling east, then north-east.

Through the dense underbrush and tangled trees you have followed the beaten trail of the goblins that have been plaguing the town of Silverton. Before you is the open mouth of the abandoned Gannu family silver mine. The time has come to be heroes...

From the outside, the mine shaft appears to be a long, dark tunnel. Goblin footprints clearly lead inside... What will you do?

2023-09-08, 03:16 PM
Quarion thanks Renna for the potions and directions, loads his own crossbow, and follows Thomas as they head out of town, sticking more towards the middle of the group Has anyone here actually fought goblins before? I've only encountered them through study. The grey elf keeps an eye on their surroundings just in case, closing his red vest in a nervous gesture

Renna pushes the money back into Smelkie's hands. Keep it. I will pray to the gods you are successful."

Thomas forges the path out into the woods. After a quick bit of forestry-detective work, the trail is found. It is overgrown and not easy to spot to the untrained or rushed eye. The party of adventurers makes haste, traveling east, then north-east.

Through the dense underbrush and tangled trees you have followed the beaten trail of the goblins that have been plaguing the town of Silverton. Before you is the open mouth of the abandoned Gannu family silver mine. The time has come to be heroes...

From the outside, the mine shaft appears to be a long, dark tunnel. Goblin footprints clearly lead inside... What will you do?

Well, lads, I'll help bring up the rear. Anyone else bring a lantern or torch? Quarion will offer his lantern if someone needs an extra light source, but it otherwise holding onto his crossbow and nothing else to leave some freedom for casting spells

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-08, 05:59 PM
Thomas pulls out a torch, with flint and steel he sparks the torch to life and holds it out to anyone who will take it.

"Ill volunteer to take point, if someone holds the torch, I can kill Gobbos, but I dont see too well in the dark."

Once someone takes the torch he turns back to the entrance, slinging his sheild onto his arm. He then pulls the greatsword from his back, his tight grip, as strong as a monkey, holding it up before resting it on the upper edge of the shield. Hell proceed to take point, slowly entering, wary of goblin tricks and traps.

[roll0] K. Dungeoneering - what sorts of dangers can we expect
[roll1] Spot an extra +2 to this roll if Goblins are involved
[roll2] Listen an extra +2 to this roll is Goblins are involved

2023-09-09, 09:08 AM
Has anyone here actually fought goblins before? I've only encountered them through study. The grey elf keeps an eye on their surroundings just in case, closing his red vest in a nervous gesture "They're short, vicious and untrustworthy, but they die just like anyone else if you stick 'em with a blade. I expect they'll try and attack from ambush or using superior numbers whenever possible," Morin offers his opinion.

Thomas pulls out a torch, with flint and steel he sparks the torch to life and holds it out to anyone who will take it.

"Ill volunteer to take point, if someone holds the torch, I can kill Gobbos, but I dont see too well in the dark." "Don't worry, Master Thomas, I'll keep you company up front and I see just fine in the dark," Morin says.

2023-09-09, 09:41 AM
Duncan puts his crossbow away and gestures towards Thomas. Let the old man take the torch Thomas, I can't shoot any good nowadays anyway.

2023-09-10, 10:46 AM
Trystan Bauer

Trystan readies his shortbow and casts light on a small bauble affixed to it. It shines like a torch, but he can quickly cover the bauble if necessary. He tries to hide his nervousness behind a quick word of encouragement.

"Well, fellows, into the breach I suppose. May the Gods see the worthiness of cause and send Good Lady Fortune to watch over us."

2023-09-10, 11:30 AM
I have not yet seen any goblins, but i do look forward the make them pay for their actions Killing and injuring the innocent is a low life action.
I will take the rear to lookout for any ambushes. At the cave he grips his crossbow firmly as a tiny drop of sweat begins to build on his forehead.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-10, 12:09 PM
Thomas hands the torch to Duncan.

"Almost looks like we have a squad of crossbow men. I like it. But please don't shoot me while aiming at the gobbos."

Thomas looks at the entrance with a sigh. He Steeles himself for the task at hand before taking point, entering the goblin infested mine.

2023-09-12, 12:36 AM
The brave adventurers cautiously travers the mine. It is pitch black and eerily quiet down in the dark depths... You traverse a long tunnel, which eventually comes to a dead end. Before you are the collapsed remnants of the tunnel you have been following. Small footprints can be seen entering the wreckage, as if it wasn’t there. There must be a secret door!

2023-09-12, 12:46 AM
With a hushed voice Smelkie goes Thats not right, be on your guard. Let me look if I can find a hidden door, or a traps. We dont want the ceiling falling down on us.


Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-12, 12:14 PM
Thomas steps aside to let the rogue take a look first, he glances to the Elf to see if they want to do a walk around to see if they will sense any doors before he himself looks.

"I hear Elves have the ability to sense secret doors, mind giving it a go if our rogue isnt able to?"

[roll0] search

2023-09-12, 03:37 PM
While the others search for secret passages, Morin listens for any noise that might betray goblins moving about or waiting in ambush.

Listen [roll0]

2023-09-12, 03:44 PM
Quarion nods to Thomas and begins to circle the room, fine Elvish senses looking for any sign of the secret entrance

Smelkie might have it, but it never hurts to be thorough


2023-09-12, 10:03 PM
Trystan Bauer

Trystan paces about, doing his best to look alert, his feeble senses strain to see what the others or searching for, or if perhaps the treacherous gobbos are attempting an ambush.

Search for Secret Doors: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2023-09-13, 03:04 AM
Duncan just stood around with the Torch and try's to be as less in the way as possible, while providing light to the ones who needed it.

Taking a 10 with Spot and Listen for potential dangers. Both come up as 11

2023-09-14, 05:06 PM
After a bit of searching, multiple heroes locate the hidden latch.

The hidden entrance opens into a low, rough-walled room that is forty feet by fifty feet. Four small humanoids turn to glare at you with evil, red eyes. “E’rathra!” screams a burly goblin as he and his companions reach for their naked weapons lying near them.

The goblin yelled "INTRUDERS!"

Two goblins stand 10 feet from the secret entrance, the other two stand 30 feet back from the entrance. No surprise round.

The PCs won initiative. First to post is first to go.

Darius Vibrtrar
2023-09-14, 05:48 PM
Thomas pushes into the room to create a bulwark and draw attention away from the others.

Eyes up Front you dirty spawn from the armpit of orcs.

Thomas will swing his Great sword from behind his sheild.
[roll1] If threatened a crit
[roll2] Damage
[roll3] Crit Damage


Total Defense Action, AC goes up to 21

2023-09-14, 08:10 PM
After a bit of searching, multiple heroes locate the hidden latch.

The hidden entrance opens into a low, rough-walled room that is forty feet by fifty feet. Four small humanoids turn to glare at you with evil, red eyes. “E’rathra!” screams a burly goblin as he and his companions reach for their naked weapons lying near them.

The goblin yelled "INTRUDERS!"

Two goblins stand 10 feet from the secret entrance, the other two stand 30 feet back from the entrance. No surprise round.

The PCs won initiative. First to post is first to go.

Trystan Bauer

Icy cold fear runs down Trystan's spine as the melee begins. Time slows as he watches the noble Thomas charge into the fray and OBLITERATE a goblin. He launches an arrow at the monster's companion, the projectiles release almost coming as a startled suprise, it was MUCH different than hunting deer.

Firing at the other close goblin and then peeling away to create an opening for meleers
To Hit: [roll0]
Crit Confirm (if applicable): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2023-09-14, 11:40 PM
With remarkable ease, Trystan and Thomas slash their way through the two wayward goblins, slaying both with a single attack each.

So the two by the door are now dead, two goblins left 30 feet from the entrance.

2023-09-15, 02:42 AM
With no one currently hurt, Duncan drew his crossbow, aimed at one of the goblins and hoped that he would hit.

With the crossbow preloaded, I should be able to draw and shoot.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2023-09-15, 03:56 AM
Without hesitation Smelkie also takes his crossbow out


2023-09-15, 10:58 AM
Quarion joins the other crossbowmen in firing at the goblins

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2023-09-15, 04:23 PM
With a loud war cry, Morin launches himself into the room, charging clear across to try and cut down one of the goblins with his glaive.

Charge vs. the goblin on the right [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

AC 13 if attacked