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2023-09-08, 08:29 PM
The Green Way Domain

Followers of the Green Way are a reclusive sect of root doctors, botanists, and hermits. Green Way Clerics spend their lives learning the names and uses of all the plants that could cure or poison a person. These disciples know well that for every ailment nature conjures, it also grows a cure.

Green Path Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Entangle, Detect Poison and Disease
3rd Wither and Bloom, Spike Growth
5th Plant Growth, Speak with Plants
7th Guardian of Nature, Blight
9th Commune with Nature, Contagion

-Learned Botanist: When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with the Herbalism and Poisoner’s kit. You also become proficient in your choice of 2 of the following skills: nature, survival, medicine, or investigation.

-Practical Botany: Also at 1st level, you gain your choice of 1 of the following cantrips: Shillelagh, Thorn Whip, Poison Spray, or Infestation. The cantrip you choose counts as a Cleric cantrip for you, and does not count against the number of cantrips that you know.

-Channel Divinity-Vital Transference: Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to harm a foe to heal an ally.
As an action, you present your holy symbol, and channel wilting Necrotic power into an enemy within 30ft. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw the target takes 2d10+your Cleric level in Necrotic damage, or half as much damage on a successful one. As a bonus action, you may choose 1 ally within 30ft to be healed for half of the amount of damage done. This healing may also resolve a disease or condition effecting it from the following: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.

-Fortified Brewing: Starting at 6th level any healing potions, poisons, or antitoxins can be created in half of the time it would normally require. Health potions you create heal the maximum amount possible, and damage inflicted by poisons you create increases by half. These substances no longer require gold to create so long as you can gather the material components needed.

-Blessed Strikes: When you reach 8th level, you are blessed with divine might in battle. When a creature takes damage from one of your Cantrips or weapon attacks, you can also deal 1d8 Poison damage to that creature. Once you deal this damage, you can’t use this feature again until the start of your next turn.

-Liferoot Network: Starting at 17th level, you can use your action to sprout roots from your body that connect you with up to 5 allies within 30ft. While connected you can sense the vitality of your allies. You are aware of their hit points, conditions, and general health. Also while connected, you may cast any healing or restoration,with a range of touch, along the vines out to 30ft.
In addition, on your turn, you can cause any spell you cast to originate from one of your connected allies as a proxy.

2023-09-11, 03:16 PM
Suggested by a friend:

-Fortified Brewing: Starting at 6th level any healing potions, poisons, or antitoxins can be created in half of the time it would normally require. Health potions you create heal the maximum amount possible, and damage inflicted by poisons you create increases by half. These substances no longer require gold to create so long as you can gather the material components needed. In order to obtain the proper materials you must be in an environment with sufficient flora, as determined by the Dungeon Master, and spend 1/2 of the time of the potions production foraging.