View Full Version : A Roving Cast [IC]

2023-09-14, 06:52 PM
OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?659974-A-Roving-Cast-OOC&p=25869142)
You are currently in Lord Jace Drakmoor's manor. He has been tasked by the several of the League's leading members to ensure that Rashmir keeps its attentions on the Conclave, rather than eyeing up the League or any of its members. He has been promised no small amount of wealth and titles if he succeeds-done subtly, of course, so as not to arouse the suspicions of Rashmir.

He has gathered you here, as he knows of your skills and competence, as well as a few less battle-ready agents from the League.

The first question that must be answered, before you even depart, is whether to focus your efforts on Rashmir or on the Conclave.

2023-09-15, 12:51 AM
Lana sits in a chair, one of her feet idly swinging just off the floor as she reads through the last couple of pages in the slightly oversized book she is carrying.

From her shoulder, a soft hoot comes from the tiny brown and white barn owl perched on her shoulder.

Really? Are you sure? This one?

The owl hoots again. Okay...

She pulls out a quill and ink bottle. Then she starts scratching away at the sentence she was talking about, rewriting it. From the look of it, she does this a lot. In fact, her fingertips seem stained by her ink, and she has spots of it on the backs of both of her hands.

The owl hoots again. Well, I'm glad you like it better this way. I hope everyone else does too.

2023-09-15, 01:38 AM
In the corner, a woman skulks. Her hood is drawn, and she seems to lurk in the shadows.

Jane makes no move to speak or draw attention to herself yet. Better to find out what kind of people she would be dealing with before committing to any one course of action.

Seeing the woman interacting with her owl does pull a reluctant smile on her face.

2023-09-15, 07:04 AM
Anjo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2169919)

A handsome, strong-looking human stands off to the side. He's wearing full plate armor, a shield with a symbol of a god of the commoners, and carries a collection of spears and javelins on his back. He should be more serious but he's smiling and friendly, greeting the others as they enter.

"Anjo Ritari, Cities Watch for the League."

He then stands almost at attention as he waits for Lord Jace to address the group. He is following his orders to deliver the message to the Lord Jace and then follow him, protecting him on the mission. He arrived last night and found Jace to be pleasant in their short interaction.

2023-09-15, 12:45 PM
An athletic young man rises from a corner, where he seemingly was lost in thought. Hawk nosed, with dark chestnut hair, and deep green eyes he was dressed in a fancy buttoned up jacket, blue and black, stern, and almost military. An uneven cape, that covers more of the right side leaving the long sword on his hip visible. For the ones that are used to court, you might notice the jacket and attire aren’t the latest trend. For the ones following news or gossip, you might have heard that Drakmoor family was down on luck.

But the man in front of you was impervious to that and had a warm smile on his face and a voice that filled the whole room, although the warmth of it never reached his eyes. Those remained vitric, as if shadows permeate them. Cold.

“Dear fellow citizens of the League. For the ones that don’t know me, I’m Jace Drakmoor” he pauses a bit dramatically before continuing “and I’ve been entrusted with a task, a well-paid task, that I think you’ll be able to help with.”

“As you know we are free, free from the hand of the empire and the demanding rules of the conclave." A small pause "But that has potential to change. The League is a sheep, some might say a fat sheep… And they are wolves. Ready to pounce on our nation. Despite the mercenary groups, the cities watch and the local lord armies, we don’t have the cohesion, experience or might to stop them. The good thing is that the wolves are more interested in each other, than on us. And we must keep it like that.”

He pauses trying to remove the bit of emotion that crept into his voice. “So, the top brass wants us to pit the Empire and the Conclave against each other, or at least make them forget about us. Be it by persuading some nobles, greasing some hands, pushing some people, causing dissention, or impersonating and provoking. We have our goal, the thing is, we must make a plan. A sure plan.”

“And for that you are here. People highly recommended in the right circles. I would like to know your opinion on how to act. And if we should start on the Empire or the Conclave.”

He stops, his eyes crossing each of the participant eyes. As if looking for something.

2023-09-17, 12:15 PM
Anjo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2169919)

Looking around the room, Anjo is doubtful we could pass for locals in the Enclave. But Rashmir perhaps would let us blend in a little.

"Sir Jace, I would recommend we make our way to Rashmir, pretend to be locals and get to know some of the Rashmir lesser nobles. Then we can either sow dissension or find ways to direct their attention to the Enclave. Or try to work our way up and manipulate more powerful nobles."

He then waits to see what the others would like to do. If everyone agrees, he is prepared to coordinate supplies and transportation from Lord Jace's staff.

2023-09-20, 12:34 AM
Lana flips a few pages back in thought, the owl hoots as she starts to turn another page, and the chronicler stops to read more than a few key words on the page. Her finger skims across the lines and then she reaches a passage and stops.

Ah. Here it is. Right again, Nyx. The owl hoots again in response to it's name.

A countess has recently been granted a reward of farmland. But the land has been under a plight of famine for two generations. The family has sent out inquiries into artifacts that might restore fertility. Water, probably. I doubt she needs something that can make dirt. Isn't there... I've heard of something that does that, right? Or am I thinking of a story again...

She flips more pages in her book, and is once again, seemingly lost, Nyx the owl perched on her shoulder, seemingly reading with her.

2023-09-20, 04:50 PM
Jace nods at the suggestions and ponders on what the best course of action for them to take. He whispers half to himself "Very well."

He takes a small step and regains his poise and says with a deep voice "The empire seems like a good first target, I agree. They are the most dangerous wolf, but the one more sleepy at the moment."

Looking at the owl, then Lana, he keeps a smile on half of his mouth, as dangerous and devious ideas starts to gather. "An artifact of land fertility is what they need. We can work with that as a start. Maybe it will work, maybe not, but it's worth a try. Probably safer than a direct approach." he says, pointing that his original idea was more direct.

"I ask of you to search legends, stories about an artifact, or something of the kind, able to turn dust to farmable land. If none exists, we can alwas invent one like the... ... The bowl of the old gods, or the anfora of plenty."

"Knowledge about conclave geography and prosperous lands within their territory will also be important for the play."

2023-09-21, 03:28 PM
Lana flips to another section of the book. This time, Nyx remains silent as she turns page after page.

Yes. Here. The decanter of endless water. It does not do well enough on its own. But if the magic is sound, it is perhaps able to be scaled up? What would be larger than a decanter? An amphora?

2023-09-23, 08:42 PM
"Does it really matter what it's called if does what it's supposed to?" Jane called from her corner.

2023-09-24, 09:54 AM
If two things have the same name, why would you pay more for one even if it is larger?

2023-09-24, 03:31 PM
Jace gives a small smile, once again the warmth not reaching his eyes.

"A very good question." he says to Lana "But function and name is not always as important as branding. And the value it has on he imagination of the buyer."

Adressing the others he says "We have a plan, or the start of one at least."

"Let's think on it, make all preparations for the trip and ready ourselves for what we might find in the empire. We leave in five days."

"Let's make our country proud."

2023-09-24, 11:11 PM
Jane silently rolls her eyes. No one had ever been proud of her before, and she doubted doing the Conclave idiots a bad turn for money was going to start.

2023-09-25, 12:27 AM
You finalize any preparations that you might need, and join your in to Rashmir-a simple trading caravan, with some grain.

The head of the caravan's little family is Ishmal, a jovial and portly man. He introduces you to his husband, Iago, and their three children, named Jasmine, Sinbad, and Safron. He also pulls Lord Drakmoor aside, before the introductions. "My family does not know of your mission-I have told them that you're travelers, and that's it. In case anything goes wrong, I think it's best they stay ignorant."

2023-09-25, 03:58 AM
Jace, in a more streamlined gear, with a no-nonsense armor, covered by a traveler's cloack and the sword in a black leather scabbard, at his hip.

He turns from the road, looking at the man and whispers "You did well. The less people know, the less have to keep it secret. Adventurers, mercenaries, guards. We might be able to pass by that, and that anonymity serves us well for now."

2023-09-25, 06:42 AM
Anjo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2169919)

Anjo listens to Ishmal. He agrees that it's best the family doesn't know our real mission.

"Being guards should be easy to pull off. That's my job here anyway. And it's not even a lie. We would guard you if you were attacked."

He's not sure of the overall plan for deception. He would prefer a more upfront diplomacy, but he realizes that is unlikely to be successful, so he will leave the decisions to Lord Jace and focus on his role as a guard.

2023-09-28, 06:38 PM
Jane silently agreed with the notion of allowing others to come to their own conclusions. She wasn't the type to draw attention to herself before a job.

2023-09-28, 06:50 PM
While Ishmal and his family prepare for departure, there's not much for you to do. Some lifting is involved, but they move like a well-tuned instrument, leaving you to your own devices.

Before long, you're off. The horses at the front clop their hooves in a gentle trot. Anjo, being the best with animals, sits in front of the caravan with Iago. Ishmal is on top with the other three of you, and the three children are in the caravan itself.

"So, Mr. Ritari," Iago asks, "How do you and your comrades know one another? You seem an... Eclectic bunch, to say the least. Certainly better equipped than the guards we'd usually have."
The journey to the edge of Rashmir is set to take four days, with another one to reach the trading destination. Ishmal's route is a safe one-one could go faster, but that'd have rough terrain and dangerous monsters.

For the first day, nothing much happens. Over the course of the next few, though, Safron spends a rather large amount of time with Anjo. He can tell she's smitten with him-his rugged charm, his dutiful nature, his looks...
Iago seems worried about Ishmal, who he comments is unusually quiet.
Jasmine and Sinbad seem fine, and not overly interested in your activities.

We'll dual scene it-Anjo can answer Iago, but I'll also have something for everyone.

2023-09-29, 02:39 PM
Anjo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2169919)

Anjo first responds to Iago. He's not going to lie to the man, but he isn't going to give any more information than he has to.

"We've had some success in the past. Someone must like you, or care about what you are transporting to have hired us. But lucky for you, I guess. Do you know what we're carrying and who we are selling it to?"

He entertains Safron, and treats her like he would his own niece. He lets her play with his silver whistle in the shape of a wolf's head, but when she starts to make too much noise with it, he gently takes it back from her.

2023-09-29, 03:04 PM
"Grain, mostly. The kind that's grown in the League, and not in Rashmir. Buy low, sell high, you know? And Ishmal always has some odds and ends to part way with when we make stops. But our main destination is the town of Idlwen," Iago informs Anjo. "They're a peaceful people, in that town. Very 'live and let live', you know?"

Safron has trouble taking the hint from Anjo that her feelings aren't really reciprocated, but eventually Jasmine and Sinbad manage to get it through to her. Near the last legs of the trip, she's a bit sulky, but she'll get over it.

And then, Idlwen approaches! You spy the architecture of Rashmir-less boxy than the League's buildings, with more decorations in general. Ishmal's caravan rolls next to various other travelers. "Our destination is near the other end of Idlwen, unfortunately-we sell to bakers, mainly," Ishmal tells you. You stay on the caravan with them until they arrive safely at their destination-a small building, two stories tall, with the absolutely heavenly scent of baked goods wafting from it. Iago and the kids begin to unload the grains, while Ishmal says "This is where we say goodbye, for now. Thank you-and good luck." He then flags down someone working with the bakers.

2023-09-30, 10:56 AM
Lana spends most of the time on the journey engrossed in a book.

It’s actually almost astonishing how many books she has. There are smaller volumes that she keeps in pockets, her spellbook which she keeps latched onto her belt with several straps, and two much larger tomes.

The first is the larger of the two and is what she writes random observations and events into. She writes down rumors and stories, and fragments of things she overhears. But the second is far more interesting. This time is where she writes down predictions and visions. None of them have been earth shaking. Or even particularly useful. Though she did seems to know which shoe a horse would throw off a full day before it happened.

And the rest of the time, she was talking with her owl, Nyx. When they arrived at their destination she set Nyx on her shoulder, gathered up her times and waited to see where they were going to go.


2023-10-01, 05:15 AM
For Jace the trip was ... Boring. Not that he was used to lavish days like some other nobles. But the trip without interesting crossings, or even a street robery was... Too normal. Every once he would look into the dark and try to spot hidden hooligans, or monsters, but none had crossed his eyes.

"Better this way I guess" he muses to himself, not too convinced, as he finishes eating a tough cookie from the rations. Every morning he would go around talking with the crew, short conversations about weather, likes, or gossip.

And as Ishmir approaches he closely looks into the architecture, the simple but elegant design, much different from the industrial, serviceable structures abounding in the League.

"Thank you for letting us travel with you." Jace says taking a small bow "Could we bother you with one question? Where is a good place around to eat something warm, maybe rest and hear gossip about the area?"

2023-10-01, 06:53 PM
"I can get you a good price here-we trade with the bakers often enough that they're used to and like us," Ishmal tells you for food. "As for the other bit, you saw that fountain across the road? The one in the roundabout? People often have their meals there, or let their kids play, or just hang around and talk to one another."

2023-10-03, 06:18 AM
"Thank you again." he says and makes a small bow. Then he backtracks towards the group "We should buy food here, rest a bit before going on, and go eat in the fountain over there. People gather there and talk." he says as if it explained all.

Lowering his voice he adds "Keep your ears open. We should gather some info."

2023-10-03, 11:46 AM
You exchange some coins and get some grub. Bread, some pastry treats, and a few pieces of harder, more lasting food just in case. And then, you head for the fountain.

Go ahead and do actions, but I'd also like some checks for keeping ears and eyes open.

Wisdom [Investigation] is a default check you can make here, but if you've got ideas for other checks, make your case.

2023-10-03, 12:48 PM
Anjo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2169919)

Anjo takes his share of the food, saving the more durable rations for later, and heads over to the fountain with the others. Instead of just passively listening to conversations though, he looks for an opening to introduce himself to the locals and try to converse with them. To him, it seems easier to get information by asking rather than just passively listening.

"Hello, we're just stopping here as caravan guards. Any news in the area? Anything we need to be careful of?"

He then continues any conversation, trying to get as much as he can from his new friends.

tried to justify persuasion instead of insight. [roll0]

2023-10-03, 12:53 PM
The people are, as Ishmal said, pretty friendly folk. Anjo approaches a mother and father, watching their youngsters running and playing. The father answers first, saying "Well good afternoon! There's plenty of gossip, but I hardly imagine you care what the Inshin family is up to."

The woman rolls her eyes. "Everyone knows what they're up to, if they've been here more than a day," she says, "But you'll want to find a place to shelter overnight. The winds are blowing hard, and there's a storm coming."

Is there anything specific you're looking to find out?
Because with a 19, you can get some good info, relative to what the folks know.

Also, the default check in this case is Wisdom [Investigation], not Insight. Your use of Persuasion here is good, though!

2023-10-03, 12:56 PM
Anjo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2169919)

Anjo continues the conversation with the family.

"We have only been here a couple hours, so not yet a day. What is going on with the Inshin family?"

He agrees with their suggestion to find a place to stay tonight, not wanting to sleep on the ground unless necessary.

"Do you have any recommendations?"

2023-10-03, 01:19 PM
Lana takes the sweet pastry and tears a piece off holding up to her shoulder for Nyx to eat.

After the owl plucks the piece from her fingers she starts wandering around the places near the fountain, looking for anyone who may have need of a scribe’s work. After all, people put a lot of things into their books that they may not want others to see or know about. How much money they actually make, how much of a supposedly rare herb or medicine they have in inventory, things like that. Things they wouldn’t want anyone to know or think people could pick up on.

Investigation it is.


2023-10-03, 10:43 PM
Anjo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2169919)

Anjo continues the conversation with the family.

"We have only been here a couple hours, so not yet a day. What is going on with the Inshin family?"

He agrees with their suggestion to find a place to stay tonight, not wanting to sleep on the ground unless necessary.

"Do you have any recommendations?"

"Ah. Well, you see, Mrs. Inshin has been fighting with her husband ever since he was caught cheating. And the kids have known about it for a while, but..." the father starts on. It's a whole bunch of a smalltown family drama-nothing that jumps out as important, just gossip from neighbors with loose lips. "And then... What was the other question?"

"Where they can find a good place to sleep the night, dear," his wife informs him.

He nods. "There's a little inn-the Prancing Pony-or if you can find someone who needs help, you could probably find a more personal place to stay."

Lana takes the sweet pastry and tears a piece off holding up to her shoulder for Nyx to eat.

After the owl plucks the piece from her fingers she starts wandering around the places near the fountain, looking for anyone who may have need of a scribe’s work. After all, people put a lot of things into their books that they may not want others to see or know about. How much money they actually make, how much of a supposedly rare herb or medicine they have in inventory, things like that. Things they wouldn’t want anyone to know or think people could pick up on.

Investigation it is.


Lana's investigation takes her a little ways away from the fountain area. She lets one of her companions know she'll be astray for a bit, though doesn't give much more detail than that. She visits a few stores, a few stalls, and runs into a well-dressed gentleman, rings adorning his fingers, accompanied by two scantily clad women. She marks him as a person of note, and follows from a safe distance.

Listening in, she learns that he's a visiting noble, the two women are his concubines, and that he's here on "Very important business, but none of yours!" as he says to someone else who gets a little too curious.

2023-10-04, 01:16 PM
Very important business is something Lana is very interested in.

Either someone will want to know what it is, or the very important person will want it recorded for posterity.

She only wished she knew who this very important person is. So she asks some of the other people around for his identity.

2023-10-06, 10:55 AM
Jace after buying some bread and fruits, sits near the ountain and starts talking, trying to make people talk, trying to masterly veer conversations towards interesting topics, hearing about the little and the big things going around.

Investigation [roll0]
Persuasion [roll1]

2023-10-06, 12:20 PM
Jace doesn't learn much-there's a visiting dignitary by the name of Jax Kingston, but the people currently out and about by the fountain are common folk. They're not bothered by politics and such, so long as the taxes and tithes aren't too high.

2023-10-06, 01:42 PM
Anjo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2169919)

Anjo gets directions to the Prancing Pony and then waits for the others to return to suggest we try the inn.

"Let's go to this Prancing Pony Inn. Maybe the people there will have more information for us."

2023-10-09, 03:04 PM
Jace nods and starts foing towards the inn.

As he does so, he choses one of the friendlier peasants they were talking to and says "Dear sir if our friend returns, please tell her we're at the inn. Thank you very much"

He smiles and says another goodbye.

2023-10-09, 07:33 PM
"What does she look like?" the friendly person asks. With a brief description, he nods. "Understood. Will do!"

If no one has anything else to accomplish before the inn, I'll move us on. Tomorrow evening I'll move us on if there've not been answers.