View Full Version : The *Best* Spheres

2023-09-19, 08:41 PM
Preamble: A long while ago, I did Best Magic Spheres. It had 2 categories: Best dedicated spheres, and best splash spheres, as in which get you the most mileage out of a singular sphere focus, vs what works best as a support to any given build. I still believe that is a valid way of going about things.
I am now going to expand the scope to Combat and Magic spheres, with my new set of experience. Why not guile? Because I honestly don't think I've got any thing interesting to say about it that hasn't already been said.
The spheres presented are not in any particular order.

Creation: You just get the freedom to create just about any object you can think of. The utility is abound.
Illusion: You get an even less restrictive version of Creation, but the objects aren't physical, and are more liable to the wiles of a given DM.

Nature: Many of the talents get exponentially more usefulness the more talents are pumped into the sphere.
Weather: Despite the low usefulness of the general weather control powers, if you are dedicated to being a support, then you would be in good hands here.

Divination: You like having social utility unmatched by any face? Congratulations, that takes like 3 talents, a feat and a class level. But to do it really well, you also open yourself to being a particularly useful scout. You'll particularly need to dip out of the sphere for combat prowess, but that's easy, especially given that divination encourages dipping other spheres.
Death: Despite my disdain for minionmancy, I have to admit that if the DM gives you the allowance, the range of undead you make can lead to interesting roles for said undead. Thus they could potentially have good utility. A lot of creatures have things that can be taken over by zombie / skeletal version of themselves. Additionally, having more debuffs to throw around with ghost strike is nice - which alone wouldn't make it the best, but together, does.

Mind: You want to have an army of NPCs doing your work for you? Well, have fun with like DC 42 will saves by level 5 or so.
Bear: While a generally bad joke sphere, with limited utility, its power does tend to scale more with talents spent than caster levels, and its abilities are basically borrowed from a wide set of other spheres.

Telekinesis : While generally pretty bad, if you absolutely focus every single resource you have into telekinesis for combat (or make use of it to indirectly affect foes), then you can actually make something come of them.

Warp: While expensive, a good, long range warp can be effectively save or lose, as they fly off to god knows where. Plus all the other benefits of being able to transpose time and space at a whim.

Worst:::: Destruction and Life: When focusing on Life, you completely overwhelm the typical encounter's damage, in all but the most lethal of games. And a focus on Destruction gives you flexibility in how you do damage. Which is remarkably not-useful. This isn't pokemon. You only occasionally encounter vulnerabilities. And to get around most resistances, just have 1 extra damage type.

Life: A bit of healing goes a long way.
War: Momentum talent make for the most impact-for-spell point, and action, of any magic in the spheres. It just does it over time, in small, discrete amounts. This actually allows for remarkably high power without feeling overwhelming. "Oh no, you blocked 5 damage 7 times that fight." Sounds absolutely pitiful. Yeah, that was more healing than a CL 10 Cure Serious Wounds, split as you pleased throughout that combat, for one spell point and one action (which needn't have even been spent in combat) to recharge the momentum pool. But it doesn't "feel" like you're doing a whole lot for the DM or players who want a bit of tension in their combat.

Dark / Light: Basically accomplish the same goal of ticking a field of [impairment] on an ally and then them running unto the enemy. Both accomplished with basically 2-3 talents. Light also has the psuedo-enlarge, which needs exactly 1 talent to accomplish.

Weather: With the base sphere, you can be your team's one-stop-shop for stealth.
Illusion / Creation: Although not quite as versatile as when focused on, they get much of their versatility just by their base sphere.

Alteration: The most overpowered use of Alteration is to turn enemies into fish. Enough said. Another use is as a disguise, though it's less versatile than illusion sphere's version.

Alchemy (Formulae): The formulae branch demands absolute dedication to it, to get the most use out of it. Which is kinda on point with alchemy, have to say. It scales with skill roll, and talents.
Open Hand: The trip sphere.

Wrestling: The grappling sphere. But it kinda makes grappling good, if you take all of it. Also grappling is inherently a 3 turn kill thing (by tying up an opponent after pinned). Some builds turn it into a 1 or 2 turn kill.
Beastmastery: Basically the same reason as Death sphere, but worse. But with easier RP.

Tech: Once you get past the absurd complexity, it really does just make for the perfect artificer sphere. Even better if you find a way to regularly flex out your talents at least each day.
Sniper: Requires a ranged weapon, but the snipes do give you that nice bit of rider debuff effect, even more so when focused on.

All: They were all kinda made to be splashed. So it not being specifically mentioned here doesn't mean it's bad at that. Also, many feature bonus skill points, which innately make them splashable.
Boxing: It's just fun to be able to "ready an action" for your attack, without being held down to a singular trigger.

Berserker: Just a load of bonus durability in the base sphere.
Dual Wielding: It's got a niche, and even outside of silly cheese, that niche is achievable in as little as a singular talent.

Lancer: People like to call it op. It can be. I like it for being able to lock an opponent onto you, without any tripping or "you get disadvantage when not targeting me," or arbitrary taunts. This function can be fulfilled on the base sphere.
Guardian: Most of the function can be fulfilled in a talent, or maybe 3. But it scales well enough as a main sphere, so you get the best of both worlds.

Alchemy (Poison): Literally an entire sphere package dedicated to three-turn-kills. Pick your favorite.
Beastmastery: Entire Class features, scaling with character level, for mere talents.

2023-09-19, 11:15 PM
Just curious.. what do you mean by "spheres"? I know 2e had spheres instead of domains; but I haven't seen anything in 3e or 3.5 referring to "spheres." Isn't this a 3e/D20 (and maybe Pathfinder) forum?

2023-09-20, 12:01 AM
Spheres refers to the 3rd party supplements for pathfinder 1e known as Spheres of Power (alternate magic system), Spheres of Might (a system for buffing martials), and Spheres of Guile (I'm not very familiar with Guile, but it is supposed to expand skills). http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/ is the site I use if I want to look up spheres content online.

2023-09-20, 01:05 PM
As the sort of person that likes playing chimeric beastfolk, I love the Alteration sphere and its related Transformation feats. The opportunity to play a werebear/bear-centaur is only achievable through GM-fiat and the Improved Transformation feat. Similarly, rabbits aren't available as statblocks in PF1E, so without the "Transformation, Hybrid" feat, I can't play a wererabbit.

Also, Open Hand is just phenomenal for pulling off attack combos and makes tripping both viable and fun. It's easily my favorite martial sphere.

2023-09-20, 06:27 PM
I'd also say that Alteration works pretty well as a primary sphere, focused on self and/or party buffing. Lots of utility, since you can give every movement type, plus disguise, plus some senses. Combat-wise, get as many primary natural attacks as you can (talons work well), something that adds to them (burn, bleed, or damage buffs like the basic totem), and you're good to go.

2023-09-21, 12:07 PM
Beastmastery is an awesome splash sphere (same with Leadership), and the Janjaweed martial tradition gives a lot of Beastmastery for a mere Martial Tradition. Janjaweed allows you to grab links (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/martial-traditions#toc38) a beastmastery base, plus 2 more beastmastery and the boomstick power equipment firearm profiency

An animal companion at character level - 3 is one talent, animal companion at character level is two talents. There is a drawback where you lose the ride or handle animal package to get the animal companion or pet talent.

Likewise the pet talent in beast mastery is a free familiar, and take it twice with the improved pet legendary talent and you can grab the improved familiar stuff.


Now all these are reasonable as 1 and 2 feat / talent equivalents but sometimes in spheres talents are cheaper than feats, for example the Martial Traditions make it easy to get those 1 to 3 talents such as the Janjaweed martial tradition I mentioned.

Just imagine Gandalf showing up in the Shire with Shadowfax (Shissah animal companion aka a fast horse with 60-ft base land movement, plus the racer archetype for +10 more to speed and once every hour for 10x speed, throw in Horseshoes of Speed and this is 100-ft movement) and upgrade to a Rocthe eagles are coming at animal companion level 7.

But this Gandalf also has a boom stick musket built into his staff, Mithrandir ***** his rifle

2023-09-21, 01:26 PM
Beastmastery is an awesome splash sphere (same with Leadership), and the Janjaweed martial tradition. allows you to grab http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/martial-traditions#toc38 beastmastery base, plus 2 more beastmastery and the boomstick power equipment firearm profiency

An animal companion at character level - 3 is one talent, animal companion at character level is two talents. There is a drawback where you lose the ride or handle animal package to get the animal companion or pet talent.

Likewise the pet talent in beast mastery is a free familiar, and take it twice with the improved pet legendary talent and you can grab the improved familiar stuff.


Now all these are reasonable as 1 and 2 feat / talent equivalents but sometimes in spheres talents are cheaper than feats, but also Martial Traditions make it easy to get those 1 to 3 talents such as the Janjaweed martial tradition I mentioned.

Just imagine Gandalf showing up in the Shire with Shadowfax (Shissah animal companion aka a fast horse with 60-ft, plus the racer archetype for +10 to speed and once every hour for 10x speed, throw in Horseshoes of Speed and this is 100-ft movement) and upgrade to a Rocthe eagles are coming at animal companion level 7.

But this Gandalf also has a boom stick musket built into his staff, Mithrandir ***** his rifle

Good point.

2023-09-21, 01:53 PM
Beastmastery is an awesome splash sphere (same with Leadership), and the Janjaweed martial tradition. allows you to grab http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/martial-traditions#toc38 beastmastery base, plus 2 more beastmastery and the boomstick power equipment firearm profiency

An animal companion at character level - 3 is one talent, animal companion at character level is two talents. There is a drawback where you lose the ride or handle animal package to get the animal companion or pet talent.

Likewise the pet talent in beast mastery is a free familiar, and take it twice with the improved pet legendary talent and you can grab the improved familiar stuff.


Now all these are reasonable as 1 and 2 feat / talent equivalents but sometimes in spheres talents are cheaper than feats, but also Martial Traditions make it easy to get those 1 to 3 talents such as the Janjaweed martial tradition I mentioned.

Just imagine Gandalf showing up in the Shire with Shadowfax (Shissah animal companion aka a fast horse with 60-ft, plus the racer archetype for +10 to speed and once every hour for 10x speed, throw in Horseshoes of Speed and this is 100-ft movement) and upgrade to a Rocthe eagles are coming at animal companion level 7.

But this Gandalf also has a boom stick musket built into his staff, Mithrandir ***** his rifle

Don't forget that Spheres introduced the Martial Companion animal companion archetype. Not compatible with Racer (because both trade Devotion), but in exchange for giving up most of the non-numerical Animal Companion goodies, get a Proficient martial talent progression and ability to take extra combat talent as a feat even with animal intelligence.

Just in my games thus far I have seen this used to make some really fun ACs (Wolf with Warleader uses the drawback to change Diplomacy into Perform(Howl). When the wolf hits she howls giving the whole party a buff to damage, and out of combat she has a perform check good enough to keep up with any band). Plus a dip into duelist for some bleed damage on the bite and bonus attack when an enemy lands prone next to her.

Had a Triceratops who deep dived into the Athletics Sphere legendary talents to provide the party a non-teleport fast travel.

Had a Rhino who went deep into Brute using focusing on the basic loop of charge->bullrush into someone/something/ground->hammer

Not super relevant to this thread so I'll leave it at that, but yeah that one archetype makes animal companions way more impactful, which in turn makes that beastmastery dip that much stronger.