View Full Version : DM Help How to run campaign ready?

2023-09-22, 04:13 AM
Hey everyone,
I want to try to run a campaign ready.
For example, I want to run "To Grandmother's House" from Heroes of Horror.
How to do that?

Best regards,

2023-09-29, 04:17 AM
Nothing? Really?

2023-09-29, 07:26 AM
what are you asking?

2023-09-29, 09:31 AM

I know this question may be rude, but it will help the rest of us understand you better. Is English your first language?

Your question means "How do I run a Campaign?". The answer is your obtain a copy of the GM campaign settings and you read the book then GM that story. It is very straight forward. Read the Funky Manual (RTFM). But this answer is worthless to you.

But I feel your what you are really trying to ask is about how you GM a game that is tightly tied to a specific story path, or you have general questions about how to game master.

How long have you been a game master?
Do you have a current group that you want to run this campaign for?

2023-09-29, 10:16 AM
I don't know the OP, but this question translated into Portuguese is understandable. I believe the question is about how to run a campaign in the style of PF's Adventure Paths.
If this is your question, all adventures of this type, including those from other systems, have a guide on the first pages for the DM, probably you, to help players create characters that fit the proposed adventure, and most of them have an explanation of how the group came together or at least where they will start and will be brought together for some reason.

2023-09-29, 11:30 AM
I think the question you're asking is, "how do I run a pre-prepared campaign".

I've occasionally run one-shot modules within a campaign setting, and as a standalone adventure. Here's what I would suggest:

1) Read the campaign through properly. What are the adventures expected to do? What is the goal of the bad guy? What are the motivations of the NPCs? And most important, are you happy to run the module? Learn how the adventure is structured.
2) If this is a new campaign or one-shot, let your players know what sort of character they need - level, wealth, and any restrictions on character creation. If you have homebrew rules, disclose all of those rules here to be as transparent as possible. Seeing that you're fairly new to this, I would suggest sticking to any characters without a level adjustment and only doing minimal homebrew.
3) Make changes to the module as required. You might need to change the plot hook, tweak the location of the action, alter the evil character, and so forth. Module can be extremely helpful for giving a story and map, but they're not a straightjacket.
4) Check your player's characters. Are there any that are too strong or too weak compared to the rest of the group? Are the characters going to be effective in the campaign setting? If one player is far outside the norms of the rest of the group, now is the time to talk to them and tweak their character to something more reasonable.
5) Now that you know what your players are going to be, adjust your enemies. Many modules have extremely weak enemies (on a list for , especially compared to fairly high-OP groups. Balance is also something you can adjust on-the-fly as you run the game.
6) Prep game resources. At a minimum, you'll want
- a large grid for combat grids an inch wide. You'll want as large as you can reasonably get and you'll want it laminated (you can draw on this, erase, and reuse this).
- Erasable pens, to draw maps, etc
- Plastic tokens for enemies and/or players.
- Dice, paper
7) Lastly, read through the module again and make sure you're familiar with it.

Hope this helps.