View Full Version : Creating characters just cuz?

2023-09-22, 05:35 AM
So, I have my own world with lore spanning over a 2 millennia. I always find myself trying to figure out what class each in dnd would suite my main characters the best, even if I never use them. Anyone else do this?

2023-09-22, 06:06 AM
Lately I haven't had the time, but I used to make a lot of characters just for fun, regardless of setting or potential games. At one point I had a back-log of nearly 30 characters I knew I'd never play with, but since it was fun, I didn't think of it as a waste of time.

2023-09-22, 06:19 AM
I think, for me, it’s because I love to write and world build. Kinda why I like to dm. Right now I’m creating a character sheet for my Empress who is made from pure moonlight and music. Bard is the obvious choice because of music. I’ll prob have to home brew a race since there isn’t a celestial race made from pure light and sound. lol 😂

2023-09-22, 08:16 AM
I think it would be harder to find someone who plays who doesn't create characters just to create them.

2023-09-22, 08:39 AM
Being inspired easily by art I make a lot of characters fairly often, hero forge gets used a lot as well to help recreate some of them

2023-09-22, 08:43 AM
Oh yea. I make loads of characters, but I also make loads of monster stat blocks. If I'm DMing, I don't want to use a character class for my monsters, so I usually modify/create a monster stat block to fit the villain. It's good fun.

2023-09-23, 07:22 AM
One of my recent characters' backstory was that he had led a successful slave uprising. I ended up creating characters for several of his comrades in the uprising, decided what each of them had done during the fighting and afterwards, and created the town on the edge of the wilderness that most of them ended up establishing, complete with sociopolitical structures.

Another one was a very jingoistic gnome who was quite proud of his homeland, the greatest nation in the world (according to him). I asked the DM if there was already a gnomish nation in his world, and he said no, so I created it myself. I can tell you the name, stats, and full title of the ruling monarch and all of her high council, the name of her palace, the flag, the recent history, and the demographic breakdown of the various non-gnomish minorities.

These details almost never come up in actual play, but I think the characters in question are still fuller for having them.

2023-11-06, 08:57 PM
I LOVE creating characters just for fun, or because I had an idea. Also, if I am reading a book or playing a game, I will often build people from the book/game.

Easy e
2023-11-07, 05:18 PM
I am an outlier. I actually like when the GM makes me a character that thematically fits into their game and then play and make it my own.