View Full Version : Dragon's Graveyard Weapons

2023-10-02, 08:21 PM
Hiya Playground.

I'd like some help coming with potential loot for my Players. They have inadvertently ended up in 'The Dragon's Graveyard' from 'Dungeons & Dragons: The Animated Series'. Narrowly escaping an Aspect of Tiamat.

I am looking for a large list of weapons/items with unique abilities comparable in power to the published ones from the series Boxed Set.
We already have:
Energy Bow
Griffon Shield
Javelin Staff
Hat of Many Spells
Cloak of Invisibility
Thunder Club

There was a wand that tied people up with ropes, a trident that shot lightning, a net that could heal... feel free to stat those up :)
What else can y'all come up with as a nice surprise for my party?
They're only going to be able to take one item each from the Graveyard. They just lvl'd up to 10.

Characters are an Ice Para-Gensai custom class combining Shapeshift Druid and Monk.
Illumian early entry Mystic Theurge (archivist/wizard).
Dream Dwarf Midnight Occultist (combined Soulborn/Incarnate).
Deep Dwarf Gestalt Marshal/Dragon Shaman who attempted a forbidden ritual to become a dragonborn using the corpse of a black dragon they slew. It was 'successful' in giving him some black dragon and dragonborn abilities. He is easily influenced by Tiamat. Bahamat is displeased.

2023-10-03, 10:11 PM
a healm with every tipe of vision (x-ray, infra red, low light, darkvision, ...etc) all in 120 fts

a little floating ball, that serves as ĻinfiniteĻ marvelous fingments

portable hole!!!

a booots pair that gives extra moviment(+40fts) and extra moviment tipes (fly, swimming, climbing,...) times per day

a dancing throwing battle axe (permanent swirling blade spell on it. but 90 fts ray circle) wth best atribute bonus

a cinematographic whip (graples, got movement, binds enemies, spidermanīs webs-like movement, mutable range until 100 fs)

an animated rope or chain that make a sort of things

2023-10-05, 03:52 AM
The wand sounds like a rod of ropes.

their are lots of options for the trident.
a trident with a wand chamber holding a wand of lightning.
combine a trident with an eternal wand of lightning.
Combine with a rod of thunder and lightning
a thunderstaff with a spear rather than a trident.

their are a bunch of healing items that you can just combine with a net. they are literally everywhere.

2023-10-05, 10:46 AM
they are literally everywhere.

Yes, they are. They are also not what I asked for.

I requested items in addition to those listed.
Though I thank you for at least replying to the thread.


I appreciate your contributions Clause. It gave me good ideas :)
They will be added to the hoard.

2023-10-15, 07:34 PM
I appreciate your contributions Clause. It gave me good ideas :)
They will be added to the hoard.

Its my pleasure to help!!