View Full Version : [Spheres] Doing stuff with the Faction-Sphere

2023-10-04, 09:41 AM
This is not planned to be a full review of the Faction-Sphere. I don't have that in me, nor do I want to step on @SangoProduction's toes. I actually look forward to reading one of their reviews of this, and other Sphere of Guile, spheres.

Instead, this is an elaboration on how this Sphere works, both as a player and in a game. I'm looking at the rules and how they interact with each other, and what you can then actually do with them as a player character. And since this is Spheres of Guile, I'll occasionally elaborate a bit on the impact on a game, on how this Sphere makes different impacts on different campaigns, and so on.

Core Elements:

The Faction-Sphere assumes that you are a member of an organisation. The Type of Faction determines what mundane equipment, mundane services, and spellcasting services you can requisition. Talents do not expand this, so choosing the right faction carefully is important, and since you can only belong to one type of faction you can not requisition every mundane services. Note, however, that you can change factions at a low cost with no real drawbacks.

You can only requisition within a settlement where your faction has a presence. Rural Factions may be allowed to be accesisble at specific locations outside of settlements.
This is easily the biggest factor where your Campaign and GM determine how useful the Faction-Sphere will be. Games can easily range from taking place in the same settlement, to frequently visiting settlements so you can stock up on your requisitions, to being journeys across hostile territory where you basically can't make use of this sphere.
Note that you can expand the influence of your faction to new settlements within 4-10 days (depending on a skill check) and for 500 gp. Also remember that settlements can be very small - a Thorp can have a population of less than 21 people (though most factions are of course unlikely to have a presence there).
This is however easily fixed via the Social Clout utility talent. It allows you to pick an area around a settlement where your faction has a presence, and requisition in any settlement or public establishment, even if your faction has no presence there. The radius grows reasonably quickly - 12 miles at 3rd level, 25 at 5th level, 90 at 9th level, and so on.
Finally, with the Remote Requisition exceptional utility talent you can requisition up to 16 miles outside of a place where you could normally requisition - with the Travel Papers talent, this expands to 150 miles. In games with constant travel, this talent might be mandatory to get any use out of this Sphere. GMs should consider whether they allow this talent, or instead allow their player to more frequently find settlements with a faction-presence.

To requisition anything, this sphere keeps track of a resource called Authorization. You start with 2, and get 1 more per talent you have from this sphere. 1 or 2 is how much is typically asked for a Requisition. Some exceptional talents demand 3 or 5 however. Authorization refreshes daily, and does not get carried over from day to day. It should be pretty simple to keep track of.

Finally, many Requisitions are bound by a Resource Budget. This simply goes up by skill rank, and thus level. Note that the budget for each option is tracked seperately, and is tracked for each talent. The actual limitation is that you can only borrow one permanent item at a time (I assume per option to borrow permanent items, because otherwise many talents break) and need to return it before borrowing another, and can not "accumulate" temporary items without causing an offense towards your organisation. Many temporary requisition options state that you need to use up or return the requisition before getting another. I would simply run it as one requisition per option until returned (or used up for temporary ones). This could give you e.g. the following:
an Expendable Bundle worth 3x your temporary budget, an Ammunition Bundle worth 1x your temporary budget, a set of fancy clothing worth 1x your permanent budget from Assured Lifestyle, and a magic weapon worth 1x your permanent budget from Magical Armory. The limitation is for each specific requisition option - you could not get another Ammunition Bundle until your return or use up (since it is temporary) your current one, and you need to return (since it is permanent) your magic weapon to requisition a magic armor with Magical Armory.

What can you actually do with it?

I've already started going into Requisitions, so I may as well expand on what you can actually do with the Faction Sphere.
By default, you get either the Supply Package or the Retainer Package. The former is based off Appraise, the latter of Knowledge (local or nobility or otherwise fitting for your faction), which you'll only really roll to expand your faction quickly, so you want the skill ranks to get increased benefit.
By default, you can do what that package allows, and spend authorization on room and board for you and some friends, as well as get replace Faction Favors and cheaper Prestige Awards.

The Supply Package allows you to requisition items, which depend on the Resource Budget elaborated on above. Note that for mundane items, you are limited by your type of faction - you won't get silvered swords from a wizards college, for example. Also note that Requisitions are still bound by the Base Price and Purchase Limit of Settlements - you can't get very expensive items in a small hamlet, for example. By default, you can requisition the following:

a single permanent or temporary item worth up to it's budget, or for 2 authorization worth twice it's budget
a bundle of related permanent items up to twice the permanent budget, plus half the temporary budget in fuel, ammo, light sources, or other related expendables, for 2 authorization
three copies of the same expendable item for 2 authorization
ammunition of one type up to your temporary budget, or for 2 authorization up to 3x your temporary budget

Note that these must all be mundane items. But if you have a couple of days to spend authorization multiple times, you could get a silvered weapon, some alchemical weapons, and some special ammo as a low-level adventurer without cutting into your WBL.

With talents, you can requisition the following items:

magic weapons, armor, or ammunition. Notably, they can come with charges, though I'm sure it would then come out of the temporary rather than the permanent budget
Potions and similar single-use items. This is limited by your factions spellcasting service and to your Ranks-2 in caster level, unless you take the talent twice. To get a 1st-level potion you need to be 4th level, to get a 2nd-level potion you need to be 8th level, and to get a 3rd-level potion you need to be 12th level.
Magic Scrolls for 2 Authorization. Either one with your Skill Rank -2 caster level and 2x temporary budget, or three identical ones with Skill Rank -5 caster level and 3x temporary budget. In either case, it is limited by your factions spellcasting. You could get a first-level scroll at 3rd level, three identical ones at 6th level, a 2nd-level scroll at 5th level, and so on.
Wands, with your Skill Ranks -3 in caster level. You can get partially charged wands. Of course this is also limited to your factions spellcasting service. This means you could get a 1st-level spell wand with 5 charges starting at 4th level, and with 10 charges starting at 6th level. For 2nd level spells, you'd need to be 9th level for 5 charges, and 12th level for 10 charges.
Wondrous Items, which can also come with non-daily charges but should then count as a temporary resource
Non-Wondrous Magic Items. Pick two types (e.g. Rings and Rods) to get. Same rule for charges. You can take this multiple times to get more options.
You can get a talent that allows you to use Appraise in place of UMD for any requisitioned item. This also lets you requisition Identification services.
There is a talent that increases the purchase limit of settlements by 50%, makes merchants of your faction like you better, and gives you a second item if you purchase a consumable that costs less than 60% of your budget.
For Utility Talents, remember that Authorization from Utility Talents can only be spent on Utility Talents. You can get very fancy clothing and lodging (plus travelling supplies); a hard-to-detect safe house; or a constant supply of fresh mounts.

The Retainer Package gets significantly more complex than that.
It allows you to requisition Services and Retainers. The former is quite simple - your faction performs a service it can perform for you. By default, these are non-magical, and of course limited by your type of faction. You may get passage on a ship, get messages delivered, get mundane healing, that sort of thing.
Retainers get significantly more complex. They are NPCs under your command, but they only perform specific services too, which are determined by what type of retainer they are. You can convince them to perform other services, but this is handled by the normal Diplomacy-rules and not part of this Sphere's rules.

Retainers come with a level that depends on your skill ranks and thus level, and a trade tradition which gives them two Sphere of Guile talents. They are also good at specific skills, and have a specific profile, though they typically won't be very good at combat. In fact, most retainers are non-combatants - they'll flee upon entering a dangerous situation, and you'll get significantly punished if they are harmed.

Retainers barely get any more talents on their own as you level up. However, you can share what skill talents you have with them to a level-dependent degree. This is mostly useful for sharing faction-talents so that they may use them in your stead, though it can also be useful to have them act as stand-ins if you have the right spheres (e.g. giving a Roguish Retainer more Subterfuge talents).

By default, you can hire a Courier that can deliver messages, buy and deliver items for you, and know about the local area (which is somewhat redundant since you should have good Knowledge (Local), but maybe your faction runs off a different skill), as well as a Expert who can be good at Appraise, Artistry, Handle Animal, Craft, Heal, any Knowledge Skill, Linguistics, any Lore skill, Perform, any Profession, or Sleight of Hand, and provide mundane services or consultation.

There is a big hurdle with Retainers travelling overland. Most of the time, this will expose them to danger, and fall outside their relevant role - so they won't do it. This makes them significantly more limited than the Supply-Package, because obviously you can take your items with your whereever. If your game sticks to settlements, great! If not, you'll get significantly less use out of most retainers.
Outside of Exceptional Talents, the only way around this is actually to take the Supply Package, funnily enough. Without GM permission (so, similar to an exceptional talent), they won't be a good combatant though, only bringing good BAB and barely anything else to the table.

That limitation aside, you get reliable access to a NPC that is just a couple of levels behind you, and can provide skills that you and possibly no one in your party has access to.
Looking just at the two base retainers, the Courier can be quite useful to get items for cheaper, especially since they can get access to Vigilante-talents (which can reduce purchase-prices). The Expert obviously provides skills.

You can get the following Non-Combat Retainers:

a Roguish Retainer who can create diversions, survey places, keep watch, tail and spy upon people, pick pockets, or commit other petty crimes. Note that they won't do anything dangerous for you, being a non-combatant. They come in two flavors - a Sneak who is better at stealth, and a Trickster who is better at social stuff.
a Driver who can get you to places via safe routes, or for more authorization extract you from danger. They come with up to 2x permanent resource budget for a vehicle, so at higher levels they can easily fly an airship or such.

The Armed Retainer can also be used in a non-combat role, to patrol a safe area, find (but not hunt) game, or discourage rowdy people in a public place.
Every other Retainer is gained via an Exceptional Talent. One is an upgraded Roguish Retainer (coming with actual Rogue or Shadowdancer levels), the others are various combat-retainers with class- or monster-levels. As you can imagine, this basically acts as Leadership, albeit with the limitation that you need to hire the Retainer regularly rather than them just sticking around all the time, so there is that limitation. Still, I easily see that not being allowed at most tables.

However, the Retainer-Package also opens up Services. Other than the mundane ones from your faction, you can unlock the following via talents:

You can get Spellcasting Services up to your temporary resource budget.
The talent that gives a Driver also gives you Teleportation Services and Planar Travel at Level 15
the Faction Trainers talent gives retraining and animal training services, but more importantly it gives an option to gain extra skill leverage, albeit at the cost of 6 hours (1 hour at 10th level) of training.

Finally, there are the General Talents of this sphere. Some open up extra requisitions, some give skill bonuses, but of particular note are the following two:

Logistical Genius is a Plan talent that allows you, as a full-round action, to get any Requistion. Obviously this is useful to get an item you happen to need on the spot (as long as you are in an area where you can requisition), but you could also get a getaway driver or expert adviser or similar.
Social Clout gives you a large radius in which you can requisition, in addition to giving you better social recognition. It might be mandatory for a lot of games, but fortunately it is a utility talent.

2023-10-04, 10:21 AM
And of course, I may as well write up some examples of someone using the Faction Sphere.

3rd Level Martial with low investment
They only have the base sphere with the Supply Package, as well as the Social Clout and Subordinate Schemers utility talents. They belong to a Mercenary Guild, a martial faction.
Subordinate Schemers means that they can get a +2 circumstance bonus to a skill check they can see coming, as long as their faction has 4 hours to prepare for them. They can get this bonus twice each day at no cost, since they gain 2 authorization they can only spend on utility talents anyhow.
Social Clout means that, in an area of 12 miles around their chosen settlement, everyone who would be indifferent or better has a one better starting attitude towards them. Also, they can more easily make requisitions in that area.
Finally, they can use their Supply Package to requisition the following:

A silvered rapier as a backup weapon, worth 110 gp
a light combat-trained horse with light barding, worth 125 gp, as well as feed for that mount
three alchemists fire, worth 60 gp, which they can replace easily
50 tanglefoot arrows, worth 60 gp, which they can replace easily

An extra 325 gp worth of equipment is not a lot, but some of that goes into consumables that can be regularly replaced.

11th level martial with moderate investment
In addition to the above talents, they have picked up Assured Lifestyle (utility), Scroll Cache, Wand Supply, Extra Faction Package, Travel Papers and Spellcaster Hireling (utility). Their GM also permitted the Remote Requisition utility talent. This cost them 3 utility and 4 skill talents.
Due to the additional talents, they now have 6 authorization (and 4 utility authorization) to play with.
Due to their increased level, they can requisition in a 150 mile radius around any settlement in a 90 mile radius of a settlement of their choice, meaning they should always be able to resupply.
Assured Lifestyle means they get extremely fancy clothes, as well as a castle to reside in.
Wand Supply (1 authorization) means they can have a 2nd-level wand with 5 charges. They can replace this within a couple of hours of use.
Scroll Supply (2 authorization) means they can have one 5th-level scroll, or three 3rd-level scrolls. They can replace this quickly as well.
Spellcaster Hireling means that they can request spellcaster services costing up to 600 gp for 1 utility authorization, which can cover 5th-level spells.
They can requisition three alchemical items costing up to 750 gp each (2 authorization)
And ammuniton costing up to 750 gp per bundle (1 authorization).
Notably, they have enough authorization to replace all their consumables each and every day. Or they can burn through multiple types of the same consumable in the same day, e.g they could use up three scroll requisitions in the same day if needed.

2023-10-04, 03:03 PM
Interesting that Spellcaster Hireling is a utility talent, it seems like a pretty strong option. Although I suppose it's not going to be directly used in combat. You could get some nice buffs if you knew a fight was coming though.

In fact, this solves something I've been wondering about - how much casting is reasonable to have as something that happened off-screen?

Like for example, someone wants to play a Barbarian who's been Permanent Transformed by a friendly caster before the game starts. 20th level Barbarian? Definite yes, doesn't seem like they should have any trouble getting a favor from a 10th level caster. 1st level? Not unless other PCs are also getting significant backstory benefits. But, say, 8th level? Now it gets tricky. It's not that much effort on the caster's part (10-15% of their daily SP), and an 8th level warrior is strong enough to potentially be of significant aid to them, so seems probably reasonable. But OTOH, that is effectively giving them a casting that's more powerful than anything their party members could do.

There are prices for spellcasting services, but those seem too expensive on the low end and too easy to get on the high end. The Faction method, though, seems reasonable to use as a baseline.

2023-10-08, 11:30 PM
It's nice to see more people getting into Spheres of Guile! I wrote a 250+ page guide for SoG that you can find in my signature. Currently, I've rated Social Clout and Remote Requisition low, because they're vastly outclassed by Logistical Genius which allows you to requisition in any public place by spending a plan a full-round action rather than an hour in an area where your faction has a presence. This is going to change a bit, as the authors are doing a final round of errata before, but Logistical Genius will still be pretty incredible afterwards. Here's the errata they're likely going to put out for Faction sphere:

Page 209: Arcane Faction: Add at the end: (choose three schools of magic that are outside the faction’s focus of study; they aren’t generally available)

Page 217: Logistical Genius: Replace the third and fourth sentences with the following: You can only use this talent if you could requisition where you last prepared plans or you saved authorizations for this talent since you last requisitioned. You can only reveal a retainer if you are in a place you could requisition them or their role and abilities would allow them to travel from where you last prepared plans to where you reveal them.

Page 220: Specialist Liaison: Replace the text with the following: For every noncombatant retainer profession you have, choose a new set of skills and skill talents for one. When you requisition from this profession, you choose which of your defined versions you get. If you gain another retainer profession, you can define another combination of skills and skill talents for it. You can take this talent multiple times, defining a new combination for each profession you have each time.

Spellcaster Hireling: Replace the second and third sentences with the following: The faction can only guarantee a caster with a level no higher than your ranks in the associated skill – 2, but at the GM’s discretion a more powerful caster might be available. This service must be received where you requisitioned it; the spellcaster does not follow you.

Page 223: Potion Supply: Replace the second paragraph: You can take this talent a second time if you have at least 10 ranks in Appraise. If you do, you can spend 2 authorizations to requisition any single potion or elixir regardless of your faction’s spellcasting services worth up to your temporary resource budget. The caster level must be no higher than your ranks in Appraise if it suits your faction’s spellcasting services, or no higher than your ranks in Appraise – 2 otherwise.

Page 224: Scroll Cache: Add at the end of the first sentence: Scrolls you requisition can’t have multiple different spells on them.

Faction sphere is unquestionably the most powerful sphere in the game because it gives you nearly unfettered access to other class's spell lists, lots of free money, and better action economy in the form of retainers. As we all know, action economy is king. If you make heavy use of it, make sure to talk about it thoroughly with your GM.

2023-10-10, 12:42 AM
This is why I shouldn't read stuff until errata is done. :P I'm not saying it's bad now, I'm sure it's still got a lot of use, but reading something and thinking "that sounds cool!" and then finding out it's been downgraded just unavoidably makes me un-hyped. I'll check it out in a few months when that feeling has faded.

2023-10-10, 02:46 AM
I found that opening cute.
I actually appreciate the explanation. I was figuring it worked like this, but having some more eyes on it before I embarrass myself on an SoG Leadership sphere is nice.
And, yes, I was also getting the impression that it was inordinately strong for precisely those reasons. But also figured it might just be a Leadership thing. Sorta like how any sort of minionmancy seems strong (and obnoxious in play), but some minions are stronger (or less obnoxious) than others.
(Otherwise trying to hide myself from other reviews, so that I still get a chance to uniquely embarrass myself reviewing something I know basically nothing about.)

2023-10-10, 08:52 AM
I think it's fairly obvious that most ways you can have a Non-Combatant Retainer accompany a PC into combat fall under "risky tasks beyond their role". It's risky to go into the wilderness, or into the dangerous parts of town together with adventurers, and so on.

Heck, it's debatable whether you can even count anything on your typical wilderness-treck or dungeon-crawl as non-risky and thus have a Non-Combatant Retainer on standby. It'd actually be interesting if the PC's have to make an effort to provide secure transportation (Travel Papers comes in handy there!) or a secure camp (cue Trap-Sphere or Survivalism) to have e.g. an Expert-Retainer stick around.

The one Retainer that, without GM-permission, can just go into combat, isn't terribly good at it either. Without a GM allowing them to have a better statline, the best use for a Warden is to actually make the Navitation- or Survivalism-Sphere much better - you have them take that Sphere, and share your Pathing- and/or Dredge-Talents with them.

Otherwise, just treat Faction-Sphere Retainers as a flavorful way to flex talents under specific circumstances, really.

Also speaking of which, how I'd make good use of that Armed Retainer:
6th level, Faction Sphere, Armed Retainer talent, Navigation Sphere, Terrain advantage (pathing) talent, Survivalism (Dredge) Sphere, Manipulate Cover (ground) talent. Share the two talents with the retainer. This gives you a Retainer who can spend their own actions to

apply Clear Shot (reduce cover by 1 step) within an area of 6 contiguous squares
apply Terrain Advantage (increase bonuses from cover, high ground, or being prone by 2) in the same area
create or remove Difficult Terrain in 4 contiguous squares, starting adjacent to them
apply Manipulate Ground to grant or remove Cover within the same area

You can of course spend your own actions on that too - such as using Manipulate Ground and Terrain Advantage in tandem in the first round of a fight to grant +6 to AC, +4 to Reflex Saves, and all the other benefits of cover to a good chunck of your party.

2024-02-05, 03:16 AM
I really wish the faction sphere text was more clear.

It gives you a bunch of stats for retainers, but notably, does not give a Operative Ability for them. If my Warden retainer uses Survivalism Sphere abilities that specific OAM, what number do I use?

Do they use your Operative Ability Modifier and Skill Ranks when you share talents with them?

Starting at 5th level Retainers get feats. Can they use these feats to gain sphere talents?

I think one use for a Courier (who get Communication Sphere), as to take Talented Retainers once and have them teach you something using Communications Coach (which can be what they have from their trade tradition). This is a way to get Mediator's Mien or Peaceful Resolution, while also getting something out of your Expert retainer who can be giving you a daily buff using Artifice or Herbalism. You'd be spending two sphere talents to get MM or PR anyway, but doing it this way lets you also get something else from the Expert you can access.

Since you can share your spheres with your Warden Retainers, sharing Performance Sphere with them is a nice way to get some Dance or Instrumental buffs up without spending your own actions in combat.


Interesting that Spellcaster Hireling is a utility talent, it seems like a pretty strong option. Although I suppose it's not going to be directly used in combat. You could get some nice buffs if you knew a fight was coming though.

I think the reason it's utility is that this is technically something you could do anyway without the faction sphere. Paying for a spellcaster to cast something for you is something you can just do - it's in the core rulebook. The talent just means you have relatively assured access to this service.