View Full Version : Challenges for lvl 20s

2023-10-06, 01:31 AM
Hey guys,
I'm just looking for some concept ideas that make sense for lvl 20 partyes to engage? If goblin lord, trying to take over a village is a good concept for lvl 5, and an adult dragon with his small army of five mages and 100 underlings may be a good concept for lvl 10... what would be good plot summaries for lvl 20?

One idea I have is a circle of archliches trying to gate-in an actual god of Murder. Ritual will be finished within 72 hours and party must find the location, kill the archliches, then seal back the 5 planar seals, that keep the god imprisoned.

What other plots would make sense for lvl 20s?

2023-10-06, 11:02 AM
I'm assuming 5e...lmk if that's wrong.

Are these level-20 PCs coming to the end of a long campaign? Or level-20 PCs that were created to be in a level-20 one-shot?

I have never run for level 20 PCs, but I'm running for level 14s right now and I would be confident throwing multiple dragons at them at once. By level 20 you have so many game-breaking abilities that the rules don't really apply anymore. Their opponents should likewise be reality-warpers, on par with actual gods or demon lords or something somehow bigger. At level 20, it's not just about the world -- the outer planes, time, or existence itself is often at stake.

2023-10-06, 11:17 AM
What game system? Because just in D&D it can range from warriors trying to stop a dinosaur stampede, to casters stopping a planar invasion, to the party trying to kill a vampire wizard before he blots out the sun, to becoming literal gods, to trying to put on a fancy dinner without looking like clowns.

2023-10-06, 11:42 AM
The Mod Ogre: Locked. Please reopen in the appropriate subforum, with an indication of which game if in Older Games.