View Full Version : Sci-Fi Cyberpunk 2020 - Fast Draw or Snapshot

2023-10-06, 03:26 AM
Hello all, it has been a while a since I have been here, hope you all are well, and thank you in advance for the help!

I am going over the Cyberpunk 2020 rules, and going over combat as I am looking to run and stream this game, and I have run into something I am not sure of the answer.

The Rules are as follows, and I am not sure if I am over thinking this:

The Fast Draw or Snapshot:
By declaring a fast draw (aka snapshot) at the start of the round, you automatically add +3 to your initiative roll, taking a -3 penalty to hit (you're rushing into combat instead of preparing carefully). You also may not take advantage of scope, sights or other aiming advantages. The martial arts or melee version of this technique is called the iai-jutsu or lightning strike.

Now, this in itself it straight forward, I get the gun out to shoot, get a + 3 to initiative roll and in my haste, I just swing my gun and shoot, with out taking aim properly. Fine, yep got that, my question is, is this for just one round where you would get the bonuses, and negatives, and then have the initiative move down by 3, and you get no negatives, as that round is now over and we have entered normal rounds? Or would you still keep the +3 to initiative and the -3 to shooting for the rest of the combat? Or would you keep the +3 initiative, and have not negatives to shooting as the first round is over?

The book does not elaborate too much on this, or is this one of those things that is left up to the GM to make his own interpretation of this?

I am trying to understand this, as a) all but one player has played this, I have but this player and I have played this game like 15+yrs ago b) none of the other players have played many RPG games at all, so they are all fairly novice and c) I would like to have things run smoothly, and would like to know now so I can say, this is how it is, and we just all move on from there.

Thank you again for all the past help, this community has helped a lot in the past!

2023-10-06, 10:40 AM
My interpretation is that you keep your initiative order but lose the penalty. I think of it as seizing the initiative and pressing your advantage. Considering a -3 will bad for most people it could end up with you wasting your first turn anyway, I don't see keeping the initiative order that big of a deal.