View Full Version : Are discussions about real-world philosophy against the rules?

2023-10-06, 09:56 PM
I was wanting to post a thread in World Building or Homebrew (which one would be more appropriate, by the way?) about a potential morality system, something to serve as an analogue or alternative to D&D's alignment system, and I was considering bringing up real-world moral philosophies as potential options players could choose. Specifically Deontology and Utilitarianism (and inviting others to share other real-world moral philosophies that would be a good fit for the system). I wasn't entirely sure if this would be something that was allowed. Given that real-world politics and religion are both not allowed, philosophy feels adjacent to those subjects and I can see a moderator feeling like it violates the spirit of the forum rules, if not the word. So I thought it'd be better to ask first.

I feel like, while most people have pretty strong feelings when it comes to politics and religion, and hence discussions even mentioning those topics have the potential to get rather heated, I don't know that most people know enough about philosophy to have such strong opinions. Especially if we're not discussing the merits of the philosophies themselves, but merely how they might be incorporated into the rules of a TTRPG.

2023-10-07, 04:35 PM
I've seen deontology vs. utilitarianism mentioned in many alignment threads and have yet to see such mentions modded, so such high level concepts seem to follow both the letter and the spirit of the rules. Although whether one's morality system is more concerned with rules or consequences seems a bit of a high level abstraction for an alignment rework.

Specific philosophers and their schools of thought should be okay in theory. Although given how often philosophers influenced religious/political thought and were influenced by such thoughts in turn, you're going to have to limit how deeply you explore certain schools of thought.

Roland St. Jude
2023-10-08, 05:23 PM
Sheriff: That doesn't inherently violate the Forum Rules, no. Such a discussion is likely to raise real world political or religious references, though, so tread carefully.