View Full Version : Civilization IV blues.

2007-12-10, 09:50 AM
Oh, don't get me wrong, it's a great game. I just wish I could do more with it. There's so many ideas that I have for what I'd do with the game...but I'm just not good enough to mod it to the degree that I think could be done.

What would I do?
1. Dark ages and triggers. A regular dark age could be something the player might trigger that sends the civilization into survival mode. Sacrifices advancement for durability, setting your civilization back an age or two but making it more likely for you to survive.
2. More types of great people, and interactions between them. Great farmers, hunters, scouts, philosophers, etc. Two great people can start a golden age; what if I want to start a crusade instead? Take a great prophet and a warlord and everyone with my religion contributes military units which form their own country (allied to pope of that religion a la colony) from conquered cities.
3. Religious effects - build-your-own! Does your religion support pacifism? Less unrest, less military morale. Do you embrace change? Greater scientific achievement, more unrest, easier for enemies to convert away from your religion.
4. Civilizations - build-your-own! What if I don't want musketeers as my great unit? Use great people to enhance specific units and make them your civ-specific unit.

More than that, even. What would you guys want in YOUR Civ game?

Flying Elephant
2007-12-10, 10:26 AM
If you have Beyond the Sword, you can use unrestricted leaders to play whatever leader/civ combination you want. I've heard that Civilization is easy to mod (though I've never tried to).

Also, despite being almost completely unrelated to this topic I feel that the Fall From Heaven mod (http://kael.civfanatics.net/) should be played by everyone who has Civ. Just try it, it's changes a lot of things, but once you get used to it, it's awesome.

2007-12-10, 10:37 AM
Oh, I know it can be modded, but it would require far more work than I can afford to put into it without getting paid for it. :smallfrown: The mixing of leaders and civs isn't what I want by developing my civ; I mean at the start having only the civilization's name to choose and all other aspects develop from the choices I make in-game. I mean MAKING my special unit in-game by expending resources so that the units I've built become extra useful. Like, spending a pair of Great Warriors to train my Swordsmen into Legionnaires, not getting Legionnaires instead of Swordsmen just because I picked Rome at the start. Then another pair of Great Warriors ups those Legionnaires to an even better form--and if I want to name them, for example, Sardukar, I should be able to.

I'm talking about what fundamental changes would you like to make to the game?

How about another: Two build queues per city, one for people and one being the standard, current build queue. Production goes into the normal one, while the other produces based on the city's population size (regardless of what's going on there otherwise). If you build a military unit with the supplemental queue, it reduces population growth, as this represents recruiting the youth of the city. This allows you to shoot for specific great people, or build two military units at once at the cost of growth. The supplemental queue would be automated and just churn out great people if left alone.

Or another? Production bonuses for nearby cities during every turn spend chopping a forest or building a mine, as the first harvest of a new mine or fresh timber floods the market.

Or a Great Warrior unit who gives a morale boost to any early-age units within a few squares, and can be expended after it reaches a certain level to auto-build a Heroic Epic?

Things like that!

2007-12-10, 12:30 PM
A modding wish list, eh?

Sea terraforming and colonization would be what I want.