View Full Version : Jerry's entourage [OOC]

2023-10-23, 05:27 AM
Hi guys,

welcome to the thread.

Just to make it clear again, the following were chosen.

Ridai with Shadow Ear Bommel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2838373) (or Shadow)

Metastachydium with Morazzt the Mound (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2838935) (or Morazzt)

Armonia13 with Enadyotriatesserapenteexiepta (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2838431) (or Enadyo)

WantGame with Feyella Glace (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2839204) (or Feyella)

and D&DPrinceTandem with Nevral, Marru Emperor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2845961) (or Nevral, may his thirst always be quenched and may his gaze always be benevolent and may his future realm be magnanimous and vast, praise Nevral!)

You can choose colors and all the usual stuff. The

IC is here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?661446-Jerry-s-entourage-IC)
Recruitment is here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?660369-Jerry-s-entourage-a-D-amp-D-3-5-Oslecamo-monster-Greedy-guy-game-NOT-GESTALT)

I'll write/copy more info on this post here, that you're characters should be aware of but currently there is nothing much.

Regarding the current/first encounter.

Birds are pecking for low damage, don't seem to be that dangerous but seem to think that Shadow Ear Bommel is pretty tasty.
The golem has injected two elves with buffing alchemy stuff, currently has no one to buff.
The two other elves hit for Sneak attack/bolt damage.
Alchemist from above threw stuff down, like alchemist fire, tanglefoot bags (has failed) and Thunderstones. Seems to throw stuff at random, targetting not any one person.


We do use group Initiative here, I think it's easier and has shown to actually not be unbalanced.

If you have not purchased a certain ingredient (like for certain spells) you can just pay 10% more to convert the money you have on hand towards the ingredient. Thanks to the Power of Luna that also includes money.

Most of the time I want that you roll certain things in advance, like Initiative, certain knowledge checks, Spot, Listen... And I'm using these till they are used up. I may either ask you to roll if they are used up or roll myself depending on the situation.

Oh yeah.

Please all of you roll

Initiative two times
Listen, Spot, Search two times
Knowledge: Arcana two times (even if untrained)
Knowledge: Nature two times (only if trained)
A single d6

2023-10-23, 07:06 AM
The Emperor Nevral -praised be his reign, may his realm be ever sandy- will speak in Sandy brown/gold.(#daa520, third column third row)
His prepared spells for this day are
prepared spells
0 (4): cantrips
Detect Magic (x2): Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. (Player’s Handbook; Pg219)
Amanuensis: Copy nonmagical text. (Spell Compendium, Pg
Silent Portal: Negates sound from door or window. (Spell Compendium, Pg190)
1 (6): DC 18/19 (for [earth] spells and dessication spells.
Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus. (Player’s Handbook, Pg 249)
Magic Missiles (x2): 4 missiles, 1d4+1 damage each. (Player’s Handbook, Pg 251)
Parching Touch (x2): 8 touch charges, 1d6 dessication damage and possibly 1 Con damage. (Sandstorms, Pg 118)
Grease: Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery. (Player’s Handbook, Pg237)
2 (5):
Alter Self (x2): Assume form of a Simular Creature [Outsider] (Player's Handbook, Pg 197)
Rope Trick: As many as eight creatures hide in extradimensional space. (Player’s Handbook, Pg273)
Web: Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs. (Player’s Handbook, Pg 301)
Glitterdust: Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures. (Player’s Handbook, Pg236)
3 (4):
Haste (x2): Up to 8 creatures move faster and gain +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves (Player’s Handbook, Pg 239)
Slow (x2): Up to 8 creatures takes only one action/round, –2 to AC, –2 on attack rolls. (Player’s Handboo, Pg 280)
4 (2):
Polymorph (x2): Gives one willing subject a new form.
Initiative two times
Initiative 1: 1d20+4
Initiative 2: 1d20+4
Listen 1: 1d20+17
Listen 2: 1d20+17
Spot 1: 1d20+7
Spot 2: 1d20+7
Search 1: 1d20+10
Search 2: 1d20+10
Arcane Knowledge 1: 1d20+17
Arcane Knowledge 2: 1d20+17
edit: these rolls failed lol, incorrect code
Nature Knowledge 1: not trained
Nature Knowledge 2: not trained
Cube roll:
so just add +x
Initiative 1: [roll]1d20
Initiative 2: [roll]1d20
Listen 1: [roll]1d20
Listen 2: [roll]1d20
Spot 1: [roll]1d20
Spot 2: [roll]1d20
Search 1: [roll]1d20
Search 2: [roll]1d20
Arcane Knowledge 1: [roll]1d20
Arcane Knowledge 2: [roll]1d20
Nature Knowledge 1: [roll]1d20
Nature Knowledge 2: [roll]1d20
Cube roll: [roll]1d6

2023-10-23, 07:31 AM
Bommel's ears shall pierce the heavens (and nearby lunchboxes)! Behold his shadowy speech!

Initiative: [roll0] [roll1]
Listen: [roll2] [roll3]
Spot: [roll4] [roll5]
Knowledge (arcana): [roll6] [roll7]
Knowledge (nature): [roll8] [roll9]

The d6 of Mystery: [roll10]

2023-10-23, 08:06 AM
Fixed rolls:
Initiative 1: [roll0]
Initiative 2: [roll1]
Listen 1: [roll2]
Listen 2: [roll3]
Spot 1: [roll4]
Spot 2: [roll5]
Search 1: [roll6]
Search 2: [roll7]
Arcane Knowledge 1: [roll8]
Arcane Knowledge 2: [roll9]

2023-10-23, 09:44 AM
Hi guys,

Birds are pecking for low damage, don't seem to be that dangerous but seem to think that Shadow Ear Bommel is pretty tasty.

Agreed, looks tasty. But also violent. :P :P

Fixed rolls:
Initiative 1:
Initiative 2: [roll1]
Listen 1: [roll2]
Listen 2: [roll3]
Spot 1: [roll4]
Spot 2: [roll5]
Search 1: [roll6]
Search 2: [roll7]
Arcane Knowledge 1: [roll8]
Arcane Knowledge 2: [roll9]

Mystery d6 [roll10]

Opsies forgot nature. Quite the fopaux for Feyella especially...

Nature 1: [roll]1d20+3
Nature 2: 1d20+3

2023-10-23, 09:49 AM
Okay guess I can't add rolls?

Nature Knowledge 1: [roll0]
Nature Knowledge 2: [roll1]

2023-10-23, 11:55 AM
Yay! The Mound cometh! And GReEn is still available!

Initiative: [roll0]
Also Initiative: [roll1]

Listen: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]
Search: [roll4]
Search: [roll5]
Spot: [roll6]
Spot: [roll7]

Knowledge (arcana): [roll8]
Knowledge (still arcana): [roll9]
Knowledge (nature): [roll10]
Knowledge (nature, again!): [roll11], all trained

A single d6: [roll12]

And there's even BIRDIES!

2023-10-23, 03:11 PM
On the topic of rolls: Never preview posts with rolls in them, as that will break them. You also can't edit in rolls, as you found out.

Also everyone, please be sure to repost your backstory and other fluff here in this thread if it isn't on your sheet (ideally in your first post in this thread), as the recruitment thread might not stick around forever.

Also also! I made some sheet pictures for y'all, since I noticed some images are smushed into the box or are awfully small. And then I just went and made one for Morazzt too. If you don't like them/don't want to use them, no biggie.


This is a different image, my apologies. Picked this one because it is more vertical and thus better able to fit into the 125x193 dimensions and still showcase the hydra heads.

Zoomed it in a bit.

I hope this is blob-like enough.

2023-10-23, 04:43 PM
So I see black is open... So I call black because I am a lazy bastard and want to use [B] like it.

Also ty Ridai for the image because Feyella's was indeed all squish and poorly aspected for her sheet which also could not be because I am lazy. Nope not at all.

2023-10-23, 04:54 PM
Just Chillin' Theme Song:
Gonna Put a Spell on You - Hex Girls (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e39HAbz2Xhk)


Revved Theme Song:
Blind and Frozen – Beast In Black (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N4tXf3Ensw)

Feyella Glace (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2839204)


Party Role

Face, Blastomancy and Crowd Control with side helping of Assassin

Class & Levels

Yuki-On-Na 4 / Dark Creature (1) / Sword Sage 1 / Frostwind Virago 1


Feyella could certainly be viewed as somewhat alien by the lights of humanity. A true unseelie fey she is attuned to the ideals of fall and especially winter. Her beliefs focus on the clearing out of the old, infirm, unprepared and just plain unlucky (and if we are honest here, also those who really cheese her off) to make ready for the next new cycle of rebirth and life while sparing those she deems worthy. She idealizes the beauty of stasis, if only for a moment, in the eternal flow of the seasons as reflected in cold and ice. And she also embodies both the energy and violence of the winter storms as well as the beautiful glistening snow scapes that follow.

In short she is not so much evil in the ‘generic bad guy doing bad things’ sense, but rather because she feels fulfillment in the periodic killing of the needful or unprepared. She even perceives some satisfaction in doing this necessary job whatever others may think. Similarly she does not adhere to human mores any more than she has too, or decides (is forced) too, depending. She finds some of their views just plan baffling, such as their dislike of cannibalism. I mean sure everyone wants to live, but not everything gets to do so. That is just how the cycle of life works! And frankly, being a meal for a radiant being such as Feyella is not really such a bad way to go now is it? Beats dying in ones sleep after a mundane life of doing nothing of note. At least she respectfully appreciates the being so chosen, which is more than can be said for the rest of humanity in many cases.

Where she is more relatable to typical evil is in her love of self with little thought for the expense of others. Feyella has an ego and likes the spotlight, and is none to picky about how she gets it. Nor is she immune to jealousy although that is not really a strong driver for her. Indeed her love of attention is one of the dichotomies of her own existence in that she is both strongly drawn to the lonely snowscapes as well as to being the center of attention of the teaming masses that she believes she deserves to be. Her selfishness is somewhat moderated in that she has some of the same attitudes one would expect in a Bond villain. I.e. loyal to her important subordinates and Feyella keeps her word. She is also not above giving her opponent a chance, even if she did just maybe stack the odds horribly against them beforehand. However Feyella deviates from the bond villain trope in that she is too lazy to actually have any sort of grand master plan for the world, or even the desire to actually shoulder the burden of bureaucracy such would require.

Of course no character is fun without some flaws and Feyella’s ego comes to center stage here as one would expect. She believes herself to be both smart and wise. But only the former is actually true. She is indeed quite subject to flattery, which she tends to believe if it is not too over the top, and this can skew her decisions in ways that ultimately do not benefit herself. Additionally she likes to have the best when she can (I.e. when not actively on a mission needing stealth) so learning about her or tracking her (or a party she is with) in an urban environment is often far easier than it should otherwise be. Heck if she is not the subject of rumors going about town she would probably start them herself! :P

Her love of the arts can also cause her to make sub optimal choices. She may go out of her way to preserve bards for example, even if they are her targets. And while holding a hostage against her would not generally dissuade her attacking, holding an artistic masterpiece hostage just might. At the bare minimum it would cause her to try to work around that scenario. That said if the artist or masterpiece was done by someone she considered a hostile, versus inspirational, rival? Then all bets are off. Indeed the opposite reaction is very possible.

Feyella shares both a seelie and unseelie sense of humor. She can laugh along with 'harmless' pranks of the seelie as well as the blacker humor pushing into cruelty that the unseelie enjoy. That said she really is not a big prankster herself believing she has a more serious role in life and acting accordingly. She does not mind engaging in a bit of word play and banter though.

As far as dislikes? The top 1, 2 and 3 slots would be any goody-goody sort of Paladin. Heck, even sometimes the evil ones. No other class can randomly come along and just out her celestial cosplay as casually as a paladin can. And since that can interfere with the masses adoring her... Then so too it is frequently an automatic ticket straight onto to her poop list. Four would be lycanthropes. They make her nervous. The idea that something can infect her with a disease that just makes her ugly and out of control is a major ick in her book. She would rather be dead. Five is Gnomes. No rational reason for this. They just suck. Six is spicey food or anything that could give her the runs. There is no seven yet.


Tall and wickedly beautiful like the very embodiment of the sharpest and yet most radiant of shards of ice. With her white hair, pale silky complexion, piercing ice blue eyes and snow like wings she is not infrequently mistaken for celestial of some sort when she does not disguise herself.


You thought my performance was amazing? Please tell me more.

It burns! It burns like fire! Ohhhh wait. That is because it _was_ fire!

I think its time you just chill out!


So lets talk Feyella...

She is built to be fun and by that I mean 1) To the concept of an ice maiden ability wise with a reasonably well developed personality for some character plumbing RP fun. 2) In not trying to do everything Mary Sue style thus leaving the other chars their shiny moments too. I had to slap my own hand a few times there during build to keep it that way, but I think I did it… :P I.e. she is decent enough in melee combat as an assassin should be, but not a melee goddess. Does not heal or really buff a lot. Can’t disarm traps. And is not really a Batman of useful skills (outside of sneaking or social), nor does she have utility powers. Heck she dumped max ranks into three (yes three) perform skills simply because of her character concept. And 3) is built with some idea of balance and weaknesses, both psychologically and by mechanics. Good at ice blasting and crowd control? Check. Pretty sneaky? Check. But mechanically she is not tanky so has to watch that. Is both vulnerable to the number one type of elemental damage by far, and can have some issues versus other cold resistant/immune creatures. As a martial user she has to make choices between her abilities by either being more defensive or more offensive in a given round. If offensive, she must decide to go nova or recover. <edit> After re-lookign at it and picking her martial stuff she is probably close DPS to a true arcanist, but she has sustain all bloody day long across encounters, which is something to really consider as a DM imho. I did however semi-allow for the potency of the Oselcamo martial schools by putting a 'dead' ECL level in Feyella's build, so she is using 3rd level abilities when the party will otherwise be able to use 4th of the more standard fair. I am also open to removing sword sage if that would help and even replacing it with a non martial class if desired. Maybe its ok? Guess we will see if picked, but its fully open to revision for balance if needed.

Feyella has several goals, the most immediate of which is to see if she can become blessed by Undine. She has achieved the halfway mark in that she has acquired what she both lovingly and jokingly refers to as the “Snowglobe of Undine.” A choker with a large blue gem with Undine’s representation inside of it. Those who can cause it to be bathed in sea water from the elemental plane of water as well as this prime a the same time while causing a snowstorm to form inside it shall be blessed by Undine. Its a toughie for sure…

She seeks both power and to increase her fame and proficiency as an artist. For the former simply ending up higher on the proverbial food chain is a goal in and of itself and proves that she was indeed as worthy as she thought she was. Money is also viewed as a means to an end in this regard, and so is a motivator as well. For her art? Anything that spreads her fame or allows her to make connections with influential patrons is thus deemed on task for her.

In the long run she would even seek a double blessing of two elements. Water and shade if she can pull it off. I mean what more can one do to prove one's value is above even other blessed than to be blessed by two powers. So, there is that goal. :P

~~~ Sample Post Format ~~~


Feyella Glace (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2839204)

AC: 25 T: 19 F: 22 Init: +4 HP: 36/43 Saves: F: +4 R: +8 W: +4 Conditions: None

Movement: 40', Swim 30', Fly(G) 80' Special: None

Senses: Superior Low Light Vision, Dark Vision 60'; Perception: +13

Defenses: Immune to Cold x2, Resist Cold 10, Vulnerable to Fiire

Special: HiPS w/o cover (+Darkstalker), so long as not in equivalent to a daylight spell

Martial Maneuvers: 8/10, Stances 4

Stance: Assassins Stance ( Assassins Stance, Deadly Dance, Frozen Body, Ice Body )

Cold Sign (CrySil) Boost (2/3)
Counter Charge (Setting Sun) Counter
Flower Wither Away (CrySil) Strike
Frost Pillars (CrySil) Strike (1/1)
Ghastly Dream of Death (BoL) Strike (0/1)
Gifts to the Deceased (BoL) Strike
Law of Mortality-Poisonous Moth (BoL) Strike (1/1)
Midsummer Snow (CrySil) Counter (1/1)
Mystic Cold Wind (CrySil) Strike (2/2)
Shadow Jaunt (ShadowH) Strike (1/1)
Strike of the Broken Shield (Setting Sun) Strike

Assassins stance so +2d6 sneak damage

Her last attack had worked... to an extent. But, several of her foes had resisted which was vexing. What was revealed was that the golem was perhaps the key player to all this encounter, but that she could not both move to get a clear shot at it and take that shot. The bomber was too high as well. She could target the remaining bird, but that felt like a waste.

Not liking her options Fey decided to risk closing with the golem anyway, and thus help Enadyo who had covered for her. She unfurled her wings and few toward the golem to engage it directly for a bit with an icy touch as cold as her heart. She called out to Enadyo, "Mind a duet?" And then to the golem she sang, "A cold, cold wind's coming. With my ice your gears will be jammed and guming."

Fly and melee attack to the golem

Swift: switch to assassin's stance
Move: to H12 about 15' up, With 80' fly she should have movement to 'circle round' without triggering off more than one maybe/potential AoO. Note this should give both Fey and Enadyo flanking.
Standard: Icy touch attack with sneak from flanking. if it hits she will recover a martial maneuver.


2023-10-24, 01:00 PM
And then I just went and made one for Morazzt too.



I hope this is blob-like enough.

It's bloblike enough! Thanks!

2023-10-24, 05:48 PM
Very surprised that I made it in, happy to join either way. Enadyo will be Blue when speaking

Initiative 1: [roll0]
Initiative 2: [roll1]
Listen 1: [roll2]
Listen 2: [roll3]
Search 1: [roll4]
Search 2: [roll5]
Spot 1: [roll6]
Spot 2: [roll7]
K.Arcana 1: [roll8]
K.Arcana 2: [roll9]
Mystery: [roll10]

Edit: Also, thank you for the pic Ridai!

2023-10-25, 01:02 AM
Ok, figured out I will just edit my IC posts in my OoC char BG post until happy _then_ post over in IC with dice rolls in one go. That should work I hope.

2023-10-25, 03:11 AM
@Armonia: How could I say no to an accapella singing Hydra that was one of the two Cravens/Moneymancers that applied?

Generally for this fight you can assume to have any /hour per level buffs going.

By all I know you can be in stances all day long, you can have maneuvers used up if you want, but you don't need to.

2023-10-25, 09:29 AM
Few questions before I post IC
1. Enadyotriatesserapenteexiepta only occupies 4 squares (large), should it instead be 9 squares (huge)?
2. Is a knowledge Arcane check warranted for the Construct (which has been openly called a golem)? Only asking because I don’t want to throw a Slow spell at it if Nevral has the knowledge of its immunity to magic (which many golems have).
3. Can I reasonably assume that my familiar is in an adjacent square to start? Hell Hound named Flaywind.
4. What was the direction of travel prior to combat?
5. Is the bridge over a body of water, or a chasm of some kind (or both?!)?

I intend to either move forward and throw a Slow targeting as many enemies as possible or Haste on all Allies and move to a more advantageous position (probably near Enadyotriatesserapenteexiepta if possible)

2023-10-25, 09:43 AM
1. Yes Enadyo (and the other heads) should probably occupy more squares. I'll just make the bride a bit wider.

2. Yes the Knowledge Arcana is going to identify the golem, Actually most golems aren't immune against magic in this game, because they are not magic immune in the Secret of mana games this game is based upon. Some are but they basically scream (immune against magic) into every casters face (it's a design thing.)

3. Yes you can put you're familiar into an adjacent square. Though he's not an Oslecamo hellhound, just a "normal" one. (As far as hellhounds can be normal)

4. Direction of travel was in the direction of the golem.

5. The bridge is over a chasm, but it's too deep to see if it leads into water. (It could be! Or lava. Or magical healing mist. Only one way to find out.)

2023-10-25, 11:01 AM
5. The bridge is over a chasm, but it's too deep to see if it leads into water. (It could be! Or lava. Or magical healing mist. Only one way to find out.)

So you mean... Pitch that fire using bastard bomb thrower over the bridge edge and listen for the results? I like it.

2023-10-25, 12:22 PM
Just to confirm, Morazzt is on the bridge above grappling the weird elf right? Just want to be sure it's clear for me to get at the golem.

2023-10-25, 02:53 PM
Just to confirm, Morazzt is on the bridge above grappling the weird elf right? Just want to be sure it's clear for me to get at the golem.

Not exactly, no. Morazzt the Mound is jumping up a few feet into the air, hoping that and vertical reach are enough to let Morazzt the Mound's 70' reach with those slams do the rest of the work.

2023-10-25, 08:57 PM
Fixed rolls:
Initiative 1: [roll0]
Initiative 2: [roll1]
Listen 1: [roll2]
Listen 2: [roll3]
Spot 1: [roll4]
Spot 2: [roll5]
Search 1: [roll6]
Search 2: [roll7]
Arcane Knowledge 1: [roll8]
Arcane Knowledge 2: [roll9]
Probably not too concerning, but the listen and spot checks here are actually 2 higher due to Alertness while Flaywind (my familiar) is within 5ft

1. Yes Enadyo (and the other heads) should probably occupy more squares. I'll just make the bride a bit wider.

2. Yes the Knowledge Arcana is going to identify the golem, Actually most golems aren't immune against magic in this game, because they are not magic immune in the Secret of mana games this game is based upon. Some are but they basically scream (immune against magic) into every casters face (it's a design thing.)

3. Yes you can put you're familiar into an adjacent square. Though he's not an Oslecamo hellhound, just a "normal" one. (As far as hellhounds can be normal)

4. Direction of travel was in the direction of the golem.

5. The bridge is over a chasm, but it's too deep to see if it leads into water. (It could be! Or lava. Or magical healing mist. Only one way to find out.)
Great to know, thanks! Will be posting shortly.

Also, meant to ask this before but is it okay to assume that I have already went through this process with my familiar? Would it be okay to assume I have gone through this process with other willing party members as well or is the assumption that we haven't known each other that long? my post will assume yes for the former and no for the latter. I will update if this assumption is false.
At fifth level the Marrutact gains the ability to infuse non Marruspawn with Marrucraft Zyme. This causes the target to permanently gain the Marruspawn subtype. This process takes one hour, requires the subject to be willing or unconscious throughout the procedure, and is non-reversible.

OOC actions to be taken.
Standard Action: Cast Polymorph (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/polymorph.htm)on Flaywind, transforming it into a Seven-headed PyroHydra (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/hydra.htm) (doesn't actually gain anything from the Pyro part...just fits because it already has the Fire sub-type as well as a breath weapon)
Free action/Move Action: Fast Mount (DC 20) (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#mountDismountaSteed) [roll0]
IF Ride check is failed, Move Action: Mount Flaywind
IF Ride check is successful, Move Action: Draw a Zyme of Bite

Flaywind Actions [IF Ride check is successful]
Standard Action: Drink Zyme of Bite
Move Action: Move Bottom left corner from R11 to O13
Flaywind Actions [IF Ride check is unsuccessful]
Standard Action: Breath Weapon @Top Right Bird; Reflex Half, [roll1] fire damage;; [roll2] rounds until recharged.
Move action: Move Bottom left corner from R11 to O13

Edit:..why did it reroll those...?
EDIT 2: Ah, now I understand..

edit 3: Next turn; Nevral will draw a Zyme of speed (Move action), Flaywind will drink the Zyme (Standard action), Nevral will cast Haste or Slow [feel free to vote, input is welcomed] (standard action), then Flaywind will probably move to an advantageous position if one presents itself. If Nevral And/OR Flaywind has taken any damage Nevral will use Healing Howl to heal himself and Flaywind (and any other Marruspawn party members) up to 31 hp as a swift action.

2023-10-26, 07:50 AM
I'm a bit mean here and only giving you the enemy information while already in battle. In future encounters you will get the information as soon as you can see (and identify) the enemy.

@D&DPrinceTandem: I think we can assume that you already "infected" you're Familiar, if you have done it with the rest of the party... I guess ask them?

You do know each other for one day prior if you don't want to do some kind of joined backstory (which you could do in hindsight).

Why you are all together, here on this bridge will be explained in a flashback after the battle.

2023-10-26, 12:12 PM
Question for combat I see Feyella gets pecked at... But the 'to hits' are misses even at touch AC, so I am assuming those were all misses even though I see dmg rolled?

2023-10-26, 12:26 PM
Yes, these all count as misses.

It's just easier to roll both because editing them in doesn't work and doing another post for successful damage every time would probably be exhausting.

2023-10-26, 01:04 PM
Yes, these all count as misses.

It's just easier to roll both because editing them in doesn't work and doing another post for successful damage every time would probably be exhausting.

Oh Duh yeah that makes perfect sense. Sorry all the anti-cheat dice stuff is just annoying. Back in my day.... :P

2023-10-27, 07:48 AM
Will, Will: [roll0]+7 each

2023-10-27, 10:13 AM
Just a heads up for Enadyo that Fey moved to give them both flanking for his upcoming (presumed) bites.

2023-10-28, 07:26 AM
Okie dokie

Nevral Actions
Standard Action: Cast Haste on up to 7 Allies (Self, Flaywind, Endayo, Feyella, Morazzt, and shadow [one remaining])
Move Action: Draw Zyme of Speed

Flaywind Actions
Standard Action: Drink the Zyme of Speed
Move Action: Move and Squeeze [Speed = 20 + 20 (Haste) + 30 (Zyme) = 70ft]
[Flaywind] provokes AoO from [Golem] for moving through threatened Squares.

following any possible AoO Nevral will use Swift Action: Healing Howl if Flaywind is heavily damaged.

2023-11-02, 03:23 AM
Hi guys,

just that you know, I posted Armonia that it's his turn, should he not respond till monday I'll temporarily take control of his charakter that we can continue this game.

2023-11-07, 04:18 PM
What I learnt from this round...

Wow, everyone loves fey! She has the spot light! Oh wait, its not the good kind of spotlight now is it? :P

2023-11-08, 03:10 PM
Poison save. [roll0]

2023-11-09, 05:14 AM
Typical fey, you give them something and than they complain that it's too much. :smalltongue:

Bommel did hit the invisible elf (who didn't bother to stay far away.)

Morazzt does manage to hit one of the birds (and makes it unconscious) He would also hit the other bird and would make that one unconscious as well (I know it's against the rules here, but seeing you could smother both birds I'd let Morazzt grab both angry birds here. They are unconsious after all.)

As a side note, would you like a Discord channel for this game or would it be more hassle? We can let the OOC play out here too, I just thought I could give you the option.

2023-11-09, 09:02 AM
Well if someone has a heal of any sort Feyella could use it. :P And here is to hoping that there is no secondary to that poison effect.

I am fine with discord if offered.

2023-11-09, 11:03 AM
I'm cool with having a Discord channel.

2023-11-09, 02:10 PM
Morazzt does manage to hit one of the birds (and makes it unconscious) He would also hit the other bird and would make that one unconscious as well (I know it's against the rules here, but seeing you could smother both birds I'd let Morazzt grab both angry birds here. They are unconsious after all.)

And doubly against the rules, seeing how Morazzt the Mound rolled a 1! But if you let the Mound save the birdies, I'm not going to complain!

As a side note, would you like a Discord channel for this game or would it be more hassle? We can let the OOC play out here too, I just thought I could give you the option.

I neither require nor mind those. Your call!

Well if someone has a heal of any sort Feyella could use it. :P And here is to hoping that there is no secondary to that poison effect.

How's a nice CMW next round sound? It would make Morazzt the Mound very happy.

2023-11-15, 06:26 AM
Quick poke, since only two of five player characters posted and it's been a week.

2023-11-16, 02:34 AM
Quick poke, since only two of five player characters posted and it's been a week.
Hectic work week and GitP not notifying me of posts in this thread (just re-did my subscription to the thread). I’ll post as soon as time is available, sry for my absence.

2023-11-17, 05:29 AM
Hi guys,

I have been pretty sick the past few days and haven't given the game the attention it should get, I have created a

Discord (https://discord.gg/kQUKqVtNUB)

For the game though if you are interested. I'll try to gather my strength and get this show on the road.

2024-01-17, 08:34 AM
Will save DC 20 [roll0]

2024-01-18, 10:27 AM
Will with +5 (PLANT!): [roll0]

2024-01-26, 01:05 PM
Bommel's Level Up Log! Level 7 -> Level 8

+1 Strength (23 -> 24)
2nd level of Unarmed Swordsage
+0.75 BAB (6.75 -> 7.5), +0.33 Fort (5.33 -> 5.66), +0.5 Ref/Will (4.5 -> 5)
+1 Initiator Level (4 -> 5)
+10 HP (73 -> 83)
+7 skill ranks (Jump 7 -> 10, Tumble 7 -> 11)
Class feature: AC bonus (Wisdom to AC)
+1 Maneuver Known (Soaring Raptor Strike, Tiger Claw 3)
+1 Stance Known (Child of Shadow, Shadow Hand 1)
Anthropomorphic Animal claw attacks gain Rake (two additional claw attacks against grappled foes)
Anthropomorphic Animal speed bonus +15 (+85ft -> +100ft)

2024-03-14, 06:20 AM
Goblin 3 hits Bommel! Damage [roll0]

Bommel is also shaken!

2024-03-27, 03:59 PM
Sense Motive DC 15 vs the goblins [roll0]

2024-04-08, 04:35 AM
Bommel healing up, using the single charge usage of his first healing belt three times: [roll0]

2024-04-08, 04:37 AM
Two more healing charges from the second belt [roll0]

2024-04-22, 04:16 AM
Concealment check for the shwarf [roll0]

2024-05-21, 05:17 AM
Fortitude save DC 21 [roll0]

2024-05-27, 09:47 AM
CONSTRICT everyone Impigo has previously known: [roll0]