View Full Version : Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

2023-10-23, 05:11 PM
RHσD: Cԋαρƚҽɾ 1

As the first light of dawn breaks, it casts long shadows on the worn path known as the Dawnway. The morning sun, with its golden rays, heralds the beginning of an adventure that could shape the fate of the Elsir Vale. Our heroes, bound by a shared destiny, walk down the Dawnway towards Drellin’s Ferry. The soft murmur of the Elsir River, that flows alongside the path, is a subtle but constant companion. The sky overhead is an expansive canvas of soft blues and pinks as birds sing the morning into being.

The journey so far has been uneventful but the camaraderie among the party has grown with each step. They are not just a band of adventurers anymore; they are a fellowship with a common purpose. They share laughter and tales of their past as they march on, the rhythm of their steps a steady drumbeat on the road.

Novalis, the harbinger, rides ahead, his mind a cauldron of thoughts. The whispers of the young maiden and the old crone ring through his mind as he approaches Drellin’s Ferry, the winds carrying with them the scent of an impending storm. His veins thrum with the essence of violence, a gift and a curse that fate has bestowed upon him.

Ringel, the courier, moves with a pace born of familiarity with the land. Her heart beats in rhythm with the cadence of the Vale, her bond with the soil and the people as unyielding as the hills she has roamed. She carries messages, yes, but today she carries the hope of the Vale within her.

Michael, the cleric and envoy, rides with a purpose. His allegiance to Lord Kerden Jarmaath is as firm as his resolve to unveil the mysteries that now shroud the Vale. Each stride his mount takes is a step towards unveiling a fate that hangs precariously over the land he calls home.

Sharess, the Ur-Priest, with her heart seething for retribution, joins this fellowship with a will of steel. Her path, albeit filled with personal vendetta, now aligns with a cause greater than any individual. Her eyes, that have seen the grim dance of death, now seek to pierce through the veil of uncertainty that looms ahead.

As they approach Drellin’s Ferry, the quaint little hamlet appears to be awakening slowly with the morning. The distant sound of a blacksmith’s hammer meeting metal, the gentle clang of the anvil, cuts through the morning serenity. It is a song of normalcy, a stark contrast to the storm they know is brewing on the horizon.


As the adventurers make their way closer to the hamlet, the quaint simplicity of Drellin’s Ferry unfolds before them. Nestled by the Elsir River, the settlement is a humble collection of rustic homes, modest trade establishments, and a scattering of sturdy watchtowers. The watchtowers stand like silent sentinels, their wooden frames weathered but resolute against the test of time.

The central landmark of the town, the old but sturdy wooden ferry, waits patiently by the river, ready to bear travelers across the gentle waters. The ferry, a symbol of the town’s namesake, stands as a humble testament to the enduring spirit of the community that calls this place home.

Surrounded by the lush greenery of the Elsir Vale, the hamlet exudes a sense of tranquility. The land around it is fertile and the farmers have tilled it with care, the fields are a patchwork of different crops swaying gently with the morning breeze.

But beneath the peaceful facade, a thread of tension runs through the town. The faces of the townsfolk carry a quiet apprehension. They go about their morning chores with a hurried intent, casting wary glances towards the horizon as if expecting an unseen storm.

The adventurers can feel the pulse of the town, the rhythm of normalcy trying to beat against the drum of dread. The town guards are a part of this rhythm, their vigilant presence a reminder of the unseen threats that loom beyond the tranquil veil of Drellin’s Ferry.

As the party steps within the bounds of the settlement, the watchful gaze of the town guards falls upon them. The guards, dressed in humble but sturdy armor, stand at the ready at the town's entrance, a blend of curiosity and caution painted across their faces.

The lead guard, a stern but fair man named Sergeant Hersk, steps forward, his hand resting on the pommel of his sword, yet he does not draw it. His eyes scan over the party, gauging the potential threat or aid they might offer.

"Hail travelers," he says, his voice firm yet not unfriendly. "I am Sergeant Hersk, the leader of this humble guard force. We’ve not had many travelers on the Dawnway of late, for rumors of war spread faster than wildfire. What brings you to Drellin’s Ferry?

We skipped the first encounter, which was a doozy. Feel free to do whatever with this info. (but you may need a cart to carry all that loot)
You got ambushed by a Hobgoblin patrol made up of:
A hobgoblin Doom Cleric
A hobgoblin Bladebearer
2x Hell Hounds
12x Hobgoblins

Cleric - +1 Banded Mail, light steel shield, 2 potions of cure light wounds, scroll of spiritual weapon, scroll of summon monster III (CL 6th), and a holy symbol (a DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check identifies it as a symbol of Tiamat)
Bladebearer - 2x +1 shortswords, Masterwork Studded leather
Hobgoblins - 9x chainmail, 9x heavy steel shield, 9x masterwork longswords, 9x composite (+1) longbows, 9x 1 (20) quiver of arrows, 9x potions of cure light wounds

Further investigation found they had murdered a traveler and his guards, you found their bodies on the side of the road, with some extras:
355 gp
2x studded leather, 2x longswords, 2x light crossbows, 2x 1(10) quiver (human guards)

2023-10-24, 12:19 AM
"The rumors do. Michael Burne, a special envoy of Lord Kerden Jarmaath of Brindol, here to investigate the rumors... which so far seem to be substantiated enough. You'll have to send people to bury some people and dispose of some dead hobgoblins. Some distance that way." Michael points, also specifying the distance. "I want the one with the check mark on his forehead to be brought here for possible questioning. He's dead like the rest, but that is not an obstacle." With that matter handed over, Michael proceeds with what he came here for. "We'll need to talk: you, the mayor, the head cleric and any scouts and witnesses you would see fit to invite, together with this small team here. Preferably today."

The whole team have had Elation since the morning and it will persist until the morning tomorrow: +2 STR (morale), +2 DEX (morale), +5 speed (untyped).

I'm also marking some other spells and charges as spent, as appropriate for having been in an encounter.

I will make and manage editable loot tables starting some time this week. Fow now, just write OOC if you are taking anything for yourself. I assume we haul the rest for a possible sale.

2023-10-24, 02:09 AM
After the fateful encounter with the hobgoblins and the clerics of Tiamat Novalis recited verses to himself to drown the voice of Manheim. But as the party approached Delin's Ferry, the voice became a vision of barren land, and the final verses of the poem rung true in his head.

And there lay the rider distorted and pale,
With the dew on his brow, and the rust on his mail:
And the tents were all silent, the banners alone,
The lances unlifted, the trumpet unblown

He directed a smirk to the rest of the party, hiding the knowledge of what he imagined. Tiamat was a threat, Istus had warned in omens and visions. Some of these competent adventurers he had come to appreciate, and who where undoubtfully good warriors, would fall in the field of battle, perhaps Novalis himself. So was Fate.


As sergeant Hersk approached them, wary and trying to project authority, Novalis let the others do the introductions and lets his gaze wanders around while they did, reading the town with the knowledge of many battles.

Then he spoke softly.

Maese Hersk, we humbly come to the vale carried by the winds of war. For one reason or another, we seek to find whether there's cause of greater concern. I see that your competent leadership has this town prepared
with sturdy walls and rising towers. I offer you my sword.

2023-10-24, 10:11 AM
The elf known as Telrayel had some feather bound in his hair, that he probably had found on the way towards Drellins Ferry. He kept an erratic scouting pattern around the group, mingling know and again with them but being too erratic to stay at they're side for too long.

The previous encounter had worried him, and even when his arrows proved to be more accurate than the Hobgoblins this time, they were a lot and it seemed more could be on the way.

When Michael and Novalis talk to the guards he only nods towards they're words, possibly giving them more weight. Then he flashes a letter that was on his person for awhile.

I would also like to inquire the whereabouts of a Sorannah Anitah? She should live here, yes?

2023-10-24, 04:32 PM
That was quite the crowd. I don't think I've ever seen so many Hobgoblins my darn life, and that's before the weird dogs. Ringel interjects between Michael and Novalis, the latter biding his time, silently looming in the background. So… What's rumours for Lord Burne here, is more like luck for me. Because, gods, I wouldn't have made that one alone. for her part, the Eneko is content with lingering a step behind Michael herself, but she does look the sergeant in the eye, her gaze curious, scanning that of the man for the faintest hint of familiarity. Hersk… She knows several Hersks. Does she know this Hersk? She should come this way more often. I mean, didn't this stretch of road use to be a lot safer? This will eat business whole. she scratches her left ear idly. Hersk… Hersk… When was she last at the Ferry, anyhow? Bloody Terrelton. Everything would be so much better if that place weren't on the same road. Hersk… Should she introduce herself?

I would also like to inquire the whereabouts of a Sorannah Anitah? She should live here, yes?

Having let the odd knight speak his part, it is the Elf's words that shakes her out of her musings. Right. That, too. she taps a spot on her armour. I also have one of those. How weird. Busy person, this Soranna, it appears. or Katal is right and this is for the other Soranna in Hillwatch. Again. Maybe it's important?

And because I can't bear not rolling anything,
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2023-10-25, 11:03 AM
"Aye, Lord Burne," Sergeant Hersk nodded with a firm resolve. "We'll attend to the scene you've described and ensure that the marked one is brought here for questioning. Captain Soranna Anitah, our guard captain, will undoubtedly want to be part of this investigation. I'll arrange for a council meeting at the town hall come evening. Your insights, along with those of your companions, will be invaluable in these perilous times."

He turned towards Novalis, acknowledging his offer with a respectful nod. "Your offer of aid is a beacon of hope, sir. In such dark times, the strength of honorable warriors like yourself is what we need to fortify our town against the looming threats."

Addressing Telrayel's inquiry, Hersk continued, "Captain Soranna Anitah resides near the eastern edge of town, close to the barracks."

Hersk looked towards Ringel, her reminiscing words resonating with the sergeant's own longing for the safety that once cradled Drellin's Ferry. "The peace of the road has been shattered, but with your presence, there might just be a chance to restore some semblance of security. The letters you carry seem to hold significance, and delivering them to Captain Soranna Anitah might unveil vital clues to our current predicament."

He then addressed the group as a whole, "I’ll ensure that Mayor Wiston, Captain Soranna Anitah, and the rest of the Town Council are informed and present at the meeting this evening. Until then, feel free to acquaint yourselves with the town and gather any additional insights that may aid us. Our town's folk, especially the likes of Delora Zann with her keen observational skills, and Kellin Shadowbanks with his well-informed nature, could prove to be resourceful allies. We’ll convene at the town hall come evening to discuss our course of action against the threats that loom over the Elsir Vale.”

With a final salute, Hersk turned to dispatch a group to the scene Michael had described, the weight of the task at hand pressing heavily on his shoulders. Yet, the resolve in the eyes of the newly arrived group sparked a glimmer of hope amidst the encroaching darkness that threatened to engulf Drellin’s Ferry and the entire Vale.

2023-10-26, 02:06 AM
Michael first goes to Old Bridge Inn to book a stay for everyone (though he does not pay for that yet) while the driver heads to the stables and pays there. At the inn, Michael orders something to drink after the day of travel, like a pitcher of a reasonably good watered-down wine or mead or berry juice or what not, then asks Kellin if he is available for a chat. If so, Michael starts with telling the news and roughly the rumors he has, then tries to get some in return. Topics of interest:
1. Bandits, goblins, other threats, especially recent or those that have changed.
2. Business, especially the recent traffic and interruptions thereof and the business sentiment here in town.
3. Accidents, incidents, etc. that have not been routinely explained, if any.
4. Anything else that Kellin would like to tell Michael or pass to Brindol military.

Know (local): [roll0]
Gather info: take 10 + 5 = 15

2023-10-26, 05:26 AM
Novalis dismounted, patted his steed twice and send it back to the plane of shadows. The steed dissolved like a shadow under the midday sun.

Your words are appreciated, maese Hersk. I shall visit Sir. Shadowbanks, since the affinities are obvious. -He chuckled- And then I'll visit the local churches, may the have a place to spare for me where I can spend the night. Shall anyone come with me to visit Sir. Shadowbanks?

Novalies gestured with his hand and then politely waved.

Knowledge local [roll0] Moslty about the local churches that may need illustrations on their prayerbooks.
Knowledge Nobility [roll1] whose jurisdiction is Dellin's Ferry on?

2023-10-26, 06:55 AM
While the others make they're plans and look around, He gestures no towards Novalis, weaving his message for emphasis and goes over towards Ringel.

We should probably bring both our messages to Captain Soranna Anitah, if it holds major significance to the current situation it would probably be better if she get's the messages as soon as possible.

Ringel was still a bit weird for Telrayel, she did look like an orc after all but neither smelled like one nor did she behave like one. The elf was still a bit weary in her presence but every day she seemed less like an ancestral nemesis.

Just trying to get towards Captain Anitah first, if the messages are important she probably would like to think about they're contents a bit before getting thrown in a meeting.

2023-10-26, 10:02 AM
Tanna-Mai looked up from cleaning her new short sword. "I'll join ya, Novalis!" It would give her a chance to stretch her legs and maybe distract herself from the fact that Ringel and Telrayel were given Very Important Letters to deliver -- and she wasn't.

2023-10-26, 12:04 PM
Ringel is about to open her mouth and take up Novalis on his offer (she feels like he's probably best not left unattended), but Tanna-Mai is quicker in seeing to having that covered, which is good; she enjoys her full trust. Too bad she'll miss out on the knight's poetry herself, though. He has a way with words. But the Eneko must likewise acknowledge that much as the scuffle on the road has shaken her, she still has her own duties. The twitchy Elf, Telrayel, gets a radiant smile for reminding her of that much. Work comes first! Good thinking! she tells him, almost too cheerily given what they'd just endured, grabbing his arm more gently than her hands seem capable of grabbing things, to start, essentially, dragging him along as she begins to stride straight for the barracks. It's not even far away or anything. she adds, lifting a few fingers of the haft of her spear to wave the others a clumsy goodbye. See the rest of you around! We won't be long. although this seems like a good evening for a good walk. She'll see. Ever been to the Ferry? she asks the Elf, half her mind already rifling through local sights and folks, and, a more businesslike third, places to sell the Goblins' salvaged junk. It's a quaint little place.

Knowledge (local): [roll0] Anyone buying weapons and the like? Any friendlies that might hang out hereabouts now that she could look up?

2023-10-26, 05:11 PM
In the quaint setting of the Old Bridge Inn, Michael finds himself seated across from Kellin Shadowbanks, the congenial halfling innkeeper. The old wooden tables and rustic charm of the place providing a comforting backdrop to their conversation.

Kellin, with a genuine concern in his eyes, leans in closer to share his thoughts, but now in a soft country accent. "Well, I tell ya, Michael, these goblin and bandit skirmishes have truly ruffled some feathers 'round here, they have. They've been plaguing the Dawn Way like a persistent cough, so they have. Trade caravans are now thinkin’ twice 'fore headin' this way, and it's puttin' a right ol’ dent in the business, 'specially here at the inn. Folks are as jittery as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockin' chairs, I tell ya."

He takes a small sip from his cup before continuing, "Now, speakin’ of unusual, some travellers been whisperin' 'bout seein' strange lights out in the Witchwood. Now, I reckon it might be that local druid, Avarthel, doin' his nightly rounds, but folks are spooked nonetheless."

His eyes wander off for a moment as if reminiscing about quieter days, before he returns his attention to Michael, ready to delve further into the local happenings.

Novalis and Tanna-Mai find themselves welcomed warmly at the local church of Pelor, where the stout-hearted Brother Derny receives them. His lilted accent adds a comforting cadence to his words, "Ah, ye’re more than welcome to find refuge here for the night. The house of Pelor is always open to those seekin' sanctuary," he says, his face a blend of warmth and worry.

As Novalis inquires about the local jurisdiction, Brother Derny shares, "Ah, Drellin’s Ferry, it falls under the watchful eyes of Town Speaker Norro Wiston and our brave Captain Soranna Anitah, it does. Though we've some local lords and minor nobility 'round the outskirts, they’ve been good 'bout respectin' the town's autonomy, they have."

He sighs, "The marauder attacks have cast a long shadow 'cross these lands. The faithful have been fillin’ the pews, prayin’ for protection from the shadows lurkin’ 'round the bend."

As Telrayel and Ringel approach the barracks, they find Captain Soranna Anitah reviewing the guard rotations for the evening. She's a tall, strong-boned woman with an air of discipline about her. When she speaks, her voice carries a crisp, distinctive lilt.

Upon seeing the duo, she sets aside her papers, her face hardening with a subtle air of urgency as she addresses them. "Alright, what's this I 'ear about messages of importance? Let's 'ave it then," she says, extending a hand for the letters.

As Telrayel hands over the letters, she quickly scans through them, her face growing a shade grimmer with each line she reads. "Bloody 'ell... This ain't good, not good at all," she mutters under her breath, though loud enough for the duo to hear.

She looks up, locking eyes with Ringel and Telrayel. "I appreciate you bringin' this to me attention swiftly. Seems we've got a storm brewin' on the horizon, and it ain’t just any drizzle. I’ll need to get the council together, discuss our next steps. In the meantime, feel free to get yourselves settled in town. And... thank you," she adds, her tone firm yet appreciative as she nods towards the two.

On Ringel’s inquiry about weapons, Captain Anitah mentions, "Morlin Coalhewer might be your man. He’s the local swordsmith and armorer. Given the dire straits, he might be lookin' to stock up."

With a swift motion, she gathers her papers and heads towards the town hall, her mind seemingly racing with the implications of the news she just received.

You all rolled quite well, responses are above, just so you know im not ignoring your checks,

2023-10-27, 08:25 AM
When Ringel grabs Telrayel's arm he has no probelm getting dragged and instead of fighting it keeps pace. He let's her talk at first, the younger races were always so full of life and vibrancy, which was always fascinating. He waits, perhaps a bit longer than usual, till he answers. I'm not sure to be honest? You know... Telrayel shuts himself up, of course she didn't know.

I have problems remembering towns and villages. If I walk in a forest and see a certain tree or a boulder that works as a marker I can see the change time has wrought upon it and realize that it's the same thing that I have seen 10 years ago. I can't do the same with buildings, and most non-elves change too rapidly to keep up with properly.

------------At Soranna Anitah----------

We'll be at the meeting. After Soranna Anitah took her leave Telrayel says to Ringel. It seems there is a lot to do. I'll try to make myself acquainted with the surroundings. He takes his leave, but then adds. I hope the poor 'Ell doesn't get too bloodied. It sounds like we may need basically everyone.

Survival: [roll0]Telrayel making himself more acquainted with the surroundings. Plantlife that may be usable and stuff. Especially I'm thinking thorny things like gooseberry's or blackberry that may be usable for defense. He'll be back when it get's dark for the meeting but would also like to find a place to sleep outside because he doesn't like most inns.

2023-10-27, 08:37 AM
You're most welcome, as always, Captain! Ringel replies to Soranna within the instant herself, her quick bow trying to imitate a military grade level of respect as she shifts out of the way. I hoped she'd be happier to see those. Ill news, it'd seem. I wouldn't say I love that sort of charge, exactly, not any more than those that receive them. she muses, keeping her voice low as she begins idly ambling back towards the Green. But such is… she appends to that, an absent hand reaching out to establish a hold on the Elf's arm once more, only for Telrayel to speak up, prompting the Eneko to look up and realise he's drifted out of reach in the meantime. Huh. Quite the slippery one, this Elf is. Mention of the poor 'Ell draws a last chuckle from Ringel, but before she could comment, Telrayel is already on his way, seemingly fine enough not to have her company. Alright. I'll be… Somewhere. Doing something. she tells his departing back, somewhat confused. That was weird. But it's not like she can't find business to occupy herself with. If nothing else, she can always catch up on Lord Burne or knight Novalis and Tanna. Not that hitting Morlin's shouldn't be worth the time she wouldn't spend on anything else anyhow.

At a pace leisurely enough to surprise even herself, Ringel sets out for where she remembers the forge must have been when she last felt the Ferry's dirt under her feet, if such telltale signs as the chimney and the noise that came from within were anything to go by. She couldn't quite recall ever working for the smith before, so whether he is ready to buy or not, she'd likely meet someone new and get to know another face – a boon in and of itself.

2023-10-27, 09:01 AM
"They may very well need such prayers, Brother..." began Tanna-Mai in a quiet tone so as not to alarm any nearby snoopsparishioners. "The hobgoblins we faced summoned bloody hellhounds! That's usually not normal for your average brigand waylaying travelers..."

She paused, then nodded to Novalis. "Ya got that holy necklace one of their priesties was wearin'? Mebbe the Brother here can tell us who they were followin'...

2023-10-27, 11:34 PM
Sharess listened to Michael address the good Sergeant with just enough interest to know what was expected of her. Her mind was still on the scrimmage with the Hobgoblins. She had nearly forgotten the silence from her divine patron as she ran them through with her crystalline blade. There was purity of thought and form as she moved the blade through a series of parry's and ripostes, but she must not let violence become her refuge. She has seen too many warriors become addicted to war until there was little left of them in normal society.

Sitting in the Inn, Sharess toy's with the recovered holy symbol.

[roll0] vs. DC 15

This symbol of Tiamat is not the most useful holy symbol to display given our current location. "It may come in use none the less." Sharess pockets the object for later use. One advantage of not having your patron deity watching your actions, she can present herself as whatever herald that maybe advantageous. She almost loses herself in her thoughts again, but Whirl, her air elemental familiar, stirs her hair and gestures towards the inn keeper.

Winking at the exasperated Whirl,"Your right, I can certainly use some hearty ale." She moves closer to hear about the local happenings.

2023-10-30, 05:54 AM
Michael nods. "Say, Kellin, are there any individuals or caravans or what not staying here with you or over there at the Apple that have came here in the recent days and plan to move on maybe as soon as tomorrow? And is there a ranger here who could backtrack that dozen of hobgoblins to where they came from? You know, they were armed awfully uniformly for a group of some random brigands." Backtracking the hobgoblins was plan B, but since plan A had to wait until the morning and was not guaranteed to work, Michael decided it would not be a bad thing if he asks right away.

Know (religion) [roll0] - so, Michael aslo recognizes the symbol (but does not yet quite know what to make out of it)

2023-10-30, 01:56 PM

As he listen to Brother Derny, Exhaustion mumbled in his head, the long walk and the battle were taking his toll, and Novaris seemed lost in his thoughts, absent mindedly looking at the church: The architecture of Pelor's temple was not as spectacular as those he had seen across Oerth. Novalis found Pelorites and St. Cuthbertines a bit excessive in their boast and preference for elaborated decorations, they seemed too rich for what their religions stood for.

Humble walls are a better home to a god of light and healing. Here is a temple fit of Pelor, and not the high cathedrals of yonder... Shush Exhaustion, soon I'll let you take over.

He let Tanna-Mai lead the conversation, then, at the mention of the amulet, he reminds Sharess was more interested in the thing:

Oh, it was a trinket of Tiamat, I'm sure Brother Derny has seen it before. Tiamat, Tiamat, mother of the chromatic dragons. I find her Iconography rather inelegant, lacking of a certain subtlety I must say. But one one considers her followers are usually savage and rancorous creatures, then I'd guess is appropriate. He looked up at Brother Derny and Tanna-Mai Excuse me, I digress. Brother Derny, I'm a servant of Istus, and her cryptic intentions, a dark cloud lords over the Vale, and I'm here to see through it. He said.

Whether that means we are here to help or to see everything burns, remains a mystery.
He thought, and Mainhem and Sorrow laughed in his head.

Brother, I beg of you for a warm corner to spend the night, in exchange I can illuminate any manuscrpits you have, my art adorns books all across Oerth.

2023-11-02, 06:40 PM
"She's the one with the five heads, right? Clearly overcompensating for something..." said Tanna-Mai with the hint of a grin. "Still, thought most hobs were followers of Maggigloobit (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Hobgoblin) or whateverhisnameis?" Religion was not Tanna-Mai's strong suit.

2023-11-06, 05:46 PM
At the Barracks with Soranna Anitah

Soranna Anitah, Captain of the Drellin's Ferry Town Guard, watches Telrayel's departure with a practiced eye. "You're right, Telrayel," she responds in her crisp Brindol accent, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards ever so slightly. "Knowing the lay of the land could be as crucial as the steel we bear. Make yourself familiar with the town; every alley and byway could tell its own tale in the days to come."

She then turns to Ringel with a nod of acknowledgment, her expression firm yet not unkind. "Ill news often travels faster than the wind, lass. And it's our duty to face it head-on, no matter how dire. Keep your wits about you and your armor close; we'll need to be ready for whatever the morrow brings."

Ringel's Reflection

Ringel observes as Telrayel's silhouette merges with the bustle of Drellin's Ferry, his elven grace contrasting with the busy surroundings. A smirk plays briefly on her lips, reflecting a shared understanding of the elf's views on the transient nature of towns and their inhabitants.

Her attention shifts from the barracks to Morlin's forge. The consistent sounds of the blacksmith at work grow nearer, and the air becomes thick with the smells of coal and toil. Without hesitation, Ringel moves towards the forge. Her steps are sure and steady; a new face and the prospect of negotiation lie ahead. With a quiet confidence, she approaches the entrance, ready to engage with whatever the forge, and its keeper, have in store.

In the Church with Brother Derny and Tanna-Mai

Brother Derny, with his Irish lilt, looks at Tanna-Mai with a furrow of concern creasing his forehead. "Hellhounds, ye say? That's dark magic, that is. Not the sort of thing ye'd find in any mundane scuffle. We'll be needin' more than just the light of Pelor to cleanse that blight."

He takes the holy symbol from Tanna-Mai, turning it over in his hands. "Aye, this is the mark of Tiamat, sure as the dawn. 'Tis a dark omen to find her followers in these parts. We'll be needin' to keep a sharp eye out; the presence of such creatures could be heraldin' somethin' far worse than a band of roguish hobgoblins."

Novalis's Musings and Plea for Shelter

Novalis's words drift through the temple, his voice carrying the weight of fatigue and foreboding. Brother Derny nods, his expression softening at the mention of Istus. "The Lady of Fate's ways are mysterious indeed, Novalis. And 'tis no small thing to stand in the shadow of such portents."

At Novalis's request for shelter, Brother Derny gestures to the modest accommodations within the temple's annex. "We have little in the way of luxury, but what we have we offer freely. Your offer to illuminate our texts is a generous one, and we'll be glad for the beauty you'll bring to our humble scriptures."

His eyes, though warm, carry the weight of unspoken concerns, shared by both Tanna-Mai and Novalis. The signs are ominous, and the church of Pelor will need all the help it can get in the days to come.

In the Inn with Sharess and Michael

Sharess, with her sharp insights into the religious aspects of their encounters, recognizes the gravity of carrying a symbol of Tiamat. The inn, filled with the low murmur of conversation and the clink of mugs, seems almost too mundane a backdrop for such contemplation. She pockets the symbol, her mind already turning over the tactical uses such a disguise could provide. Whirl's nudge is a welcome interruption, grounding her in the present. With a knowing smile, she moves through the throng, her senses tuned to pick up any useful tidbits from the conversations around her.

Meanwhile, Michael's query prompts Kellin, the innkeeper, to stroke his chin thoughtfully. His Brindolian country accent gives his words a comforting, grounded feel. "Well now, we've had a few pass through, but none lingerin' with plans to move on come mornin'. 'Tis a bit unusual, given the fair weather we've had," he muses. "As for a ranger, there's Jor, he's got a keen eye for tracks and the wilds. Lives just on the edge of town. If anyone can find where those hobgoblins came from, it'd be him."

Kellin leans in, lowering his voice a touch. "That uniformity in their gear... it's disquieting. If ye'd like, I can send word to Jor to meet with ye come the mornin'." Michael's recognition of the symbol, while not complete, adds another layer to their growing list of concerns. The pattern of events is beginning to form a more sinister shape, and each piece of the puzzle is critical.

2023-11-07, 10:46 AM
"Yes, please get Jor over here the first thing in the morning. I am not sure we will be ready to leave, but I sure will be ready to discuss concrete plans." Michael pauses for a moment. "I think I'll check on Delora..." He looks at Sharess, as if inquiring whether she wants co come along. "It's the next door from here."

Assuming Delora Zann is currently at her Livery Stable, Michael starts with telling the news, including his role of investigator of the news, then asks if Delora wants to have him informed about anything of potential relevance, including on the topics of traffic, goblins, bandits, strange lights or what not. He also asks what animals and/or vehicles she has in stock at the moment, saying he might or might not want to buy a pair of light warhorses, but wants the whole list, just in case. He does not inspect or in any way check any of that, trusting Delora's word about the quality of the stock at this preliminary stage.

Gather info: take 10 + 5 = 15

2023-11-07, 12:53 PM
Safely arrived at her destination (no big miracle in itself, granted, but at least she didn't get lost – still having the feel of a place she hasn't been to in a while is always a pleasing realization!), Ringel sticks a politely curious, green head through the door to look around. Master Morlin? Morlin Coalhewer, apparently. Is that a Dwergar name? It's probabbly a Dwergar name. Ringel's not sure she's ever really met a Dwergar, but the armed shaft supervisor up in Red Rock said the Coalhewer's round there are all Dwergar. Now, does that mean that Morlin's going to be the gruff sort? Dwergar are also said to be the gruff sort. But then, Ogres are said to eat babies, and she's never eaten a baby before. Nor does she intend to do that, ew. May I have a word? Or two? she goes on, her voice treading the fine line between "not loud enough to be heard properly through the forge-noise" and "loud enough to be possibly rude". Hopefully Morlin really isn't the gruff sort.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2023-11-09, 07:49 AM

The tired knight now had a place to lay his weary head.

Thank you Brother he nodded humbled I shall come later when the dusk settles, now we need to meet our allies. There's a fleeting feeling in the air, it usually precedes war. I have too much experience with it.

He motioned outside.

Tanna-Mai, My Lady, shall we find the others and learn what they have found out?

He walked outside with his long bended strides towards the barracks. Mainhem reared its ugly head with a deadly grin

I smell War! Soon your arm will serve my purposes, haunted knight, soon Novalis will kill again.

2023-11-14, 06:25 PM
As Michael approaches Delora Zann's Livery Stable, the sounds of bustling activity and the occasional whinny of horses fill the air. Delora, a woman with a broad smile and an even broader British country accent, greets him with a wave and a cheerful, "Well, 'ello there! What can I do for ya on this fine day?"

Michael begins to relay his news and inquiries, but Delora seems more focused on the pleasantries of conversation than the details of his requests. "Oh, goblins and bandits, you say? That does sound like a right proper pickle, doesn't it? But don't you worry none, I've got all sorts o' creatures here that could outrun any nasty old goblin!"

As Michael asks about the animals and vehicles in stock, Delora's enthusiasm only grows. "Oh, we've got all sorts! Light warhorses, you say? I've got a pair that'll make your heart sing, they're so spry and lively! But if it's the whole list you're wanting, I can gab about that all day. There's Dandy, the fastest pony this side of the Vale, and then there's Bessie, not as quick, but strong as an ox, she is!"

Her descriptions are filled with colorful anecdotes about each animal, painting vivid pictures of their personalities and quirks, though perhaps not always the most practical information for someone looking to make a purchase.

As the conversation continues, Delora's bubbly demeanor and thick accent provide a lighthearted and entertaining interaction, even if the practical details Michael seeks are sometimes lost in her enthusiastic storytelling.


As Ringel calls out, the figure at the anvil pauses and turns. The dwarf, a stout figure with a face weathered by heat and soot, wipes his brow with a thick forearm. His eyes, sharp and keen beneath bushy brows, fix on Ringel.

"Aye, lass? What can I do for ye?" he asks in a thick Scottish brogue. The warmth of the forge doesn't seem to soften the gruffness of his demeanor, but there's a hint of curiosity in his gaze as he appraises Ringel. The sounds of the forge briefly dim as he sets aside his hammer, giving Ringel his full attention.

"Morlin Coalhewer at yer service. Speak up, lass. Time's precious, and so's the iron." His arms cross over a leather apron, streaked with the marks of his trade. Despite his brusque tone, there's a twinkle of interest in his eyes, perhaps intrigued by what business an Eneko might have in a smithy like his.


As Novalis stepped outside, the dusky light of the setting sun painted the world in hues of orange and red, casting long shadows that seemed to dance with the hint of oncoming darkness. His strides, purposeful and steady, carried him towards the barracks, where the others were likely gathering information and forming plans.

Tanna-Mai, keeping pace, seemed equally resolute. The air around them felt charged, as if the very ether of the world braced for the tumult of conflict. The sense of impending war was not lost on either of them, and Novalis's experience in such matters lent a gravity to his demeanor.

Mainhem's voice, sinister and eager, whispered temptations of violence and battle, but Novalis, ever the disciplined warrior, kept such urges at bay. His focus remained on the task at hand – gathering the group, sharing information, and preparing for what might lie ahead.

As they approached the barracks, the sounds of the town in the evening - the clatter of dinnerware, the murmur of conversations, the occasional bark of a dog - all seemed to fade into the background, overshadowed by the gravity of their mission. There was a sense that every step brought them closer not just to their companions, but to the unfolding destiny that awaited them all.

2023-11-15, 11:59 AM
Oh. You're… not a Dwergar? What kind of question would that be? …exactly who I'm looking for! Well met, Master Morlin, I'm Ringel. Ringel Vosglad. From the Gap. I… she glances back over her shoulder, hunched now, ever so slightly, so as not to tower too much over the Dwarf. Won't be a burden for very long. We just hit town, with a bunch of others. Got hit ourselves on the road, by the bigger kind of Goblinfolk, a lot of them, they even had some… Helldogs with. she inhales and raises a hand defensively. She really is rambling. Now, the thing is, we lived and they, well, didn't. We claimed their things – arms, armour… Some look well made; we are having all of it lugged up here to the Ferry as we speak. Thought you'd take a look? We'd be pleased to sell much of the stuff. She glances over her shoulder once more; Morlin is right: time just flies. Anyway, you don't have to say yes or no or anything right now. We… Have a Lord person along, name's… Burne, I think? Michael Burne. From Brindol. He's called a meeting with the Speaker and… Wait, is she supposed to tell Morlin that? Well, too bad if she isn't. It's out. … Captain Soranna; probably others too. Maybe he already knows? The Dwarf looks important. Well, town-level important. I'm supposed to attend, and it's coming up. I just wanted to drop by first. Let you know. she nods to herself. What do you say?

Imaginary OOC Ringel: And what's this Scott-Land you're talking about?

2023-11-20, 09:44 AM
If Telrayel found some brambley plants he could have dragged along he just places it somewhere near the town to maybe use as an improvised defense later.

He get's towards the barracks and the change in atmosphere is not lost on him, when he enters the building.

Have you're talks been succesful? Something we should be aware of perhaps?

2023-11-20, 10:05 AM
Unfortunately, having a good time with Delora could not be extended beyond what was reasonable in the circumstances, so Michael excuses himself quoting that much. He then goes to town hall to chat with people that get there before the meeting officially begins. If no one of importance is there, he'll just find himself an unoccupied table to write down today's events in the log.

2023-11-21, 02:44 AM

The other adventurers had made their way to the barracks too, wherein Novalis related what Brother Derny had told them

The symbol of Tiamat is not a common sight in these lands. Nor is the viciousness and organization of the marauders we fought. It seems we arrived as the tides are turning.

2023-11-21, 01:24 PM
Master Morlin Coalhewer, dwarf of notable stature and unmistakable Scottish accent, listened intently to Ringel's spiel. He leaned back slightly, his arms crossed, a look of keen interest etched across his rugged face. The mention of goblinfolk and helldogs raised his bushy eyebrows, and the prospect of arms and armor piqued his curiosity.

"Aye, lass, ye’ve got yerself quite the tale there," he began, his voice a deep rumble. "Not a Dwergar, mind ye, but a dwarf through and through." He chuckled heartily, the sound echoing slightly in the confines of his forge.

He stroked his thick beard thoughtfully as she mentioned the arms and armor. "Well made, ye say? I'd be keen to have a gander at what ye’ve claimed. Quality metalwork's always a sight for sore eyes, especially if it's seen battle."

At the mention of Lord Burne and the meeting, Morlin nodded, his expression turning more serious. "Aye, I've heard whispers 'bout some meeting. Not much for politics, but if it involves the safety of the town, then it's good to be informed. Ye say this Michael Burne’s from Brindol, eh? Must be important matters to discuss if he's involved."

He gave Ringel a reassuring nod. "Ye did right by coming here first, lass. I appreciate the heads up. Go to yer meeting, and we’ll sort out the matter of the arms and armor later. Bring 'em by when ye can, and we'll see what's what."

With a final nod, Morlin turned back to his work, the glow of the forge casting dancing shadows across his face. "Good luck at yer meeting, Ringel Vosglad. And remember, if ye ever need good steel, Morlin Coalhewer’s your dwarf." His voice carried a hint of pride and confidence, a testament to his skill and reputation as a master smith.


In the barracks of Drellin's Ferry, the atmosphere is thick with anticipation. The room hosts a blend of the town's key figures and the adventurers, all focused on the dire situation at hand. As Noro Wiston, the Town Speaker, a balding man in his fifties with a demeanor that commands respect, begins to address the group, there's a sudden commotion at the door.

"Thank you all for coming, I am Noro Wi—" Wiston starts, only to be interrupted as the door bursts open.

Clumsily stumbling in, Ringel makes a rather ungraceful entrance, panting slightly. "Sorry, sorry! Didn't mean to... am I late?" she blurts out, trying to regain her composure, her haphazard arrival juxtaposing sharply with the seriousness of the meeting.

Wiston, visibly annoyed but trying to maintain decorum, clears his throat. "As I was saying, I am Noro Wiston, the Town Speaker. This is Captain Soranna Anitah of our guard." He gestures towards Captain Soranna, a woman whose stern, unsmiling face reflects her all-business demeanor. Her gaze sweeps across the room with a professional sharpness, assessing everyone present.

Captain Soranna, with a dour expression that betrays no emotion, steps forward. "We are facing an unprecedented threat. Hobgoblin raiders have been attacking travelers on the Dawn Way and our outlying homesteads. Their aggression is unlike anything we've seen before."

Wiston, regaining the focus of the room, continues. "These aren't random raids. A large, organized tribe from the Wyrmsmoke Mountains is behind this. They are bold enough to potentially sack Drellin's Ferry."

As Wiston speaks, other local figures like Brother Derny and Kellin, each with their own concerned expressions, nod in agreement, contributing their insights and observations.

Wiston, with a hint of frustration, adds, "The Dawn Way is our lifeline. If it falls, so does Drellin's Ferry. We hoped to rally our forces and confront this threat, but we can't risk more of our people. We need your help."

As the room absorbs Wiston's plea, the gravity of the situation becomes palpable. The Town Speaker looks around, his expression a mix of hope and desperation. "We've laid out our plight. Will you stand with Drellin's Ferry against these raiders?"

2023-11-21, 02:17 PM
Michael is somewhat surprised to hear that. In fact he does not even get it. At least, the man is direct.

"No, that's not the plan. I'm here to gather the intelligence and then report higher up. If Lord Jarmaath decides he is sending help, you will have help. If he decides that help includes me, you will have me. Whatever way you get that help, I'm fairly positive it will require risking your people." Michael makes a pause to let that sink in. "For now I offer you a full disclosure of any intelligence I come across and some consulting on plans we'll be taking. My plan for tomorrow morning is to interrogate a dead hobgoblin, so you can now provide your opinions about what should be asked. I can ask him three questions. If a local cleric can do that instead, I'll delegate it to him and save the spell for when I act on the information received, which would be my plan for the rest of the day. The questions I propose are as follows:
1. Where is your immediate superior most likely to be?
2. Who is your ultimate superior?
3. What will probably happen if things go as your side has planned?

I'm open to change questions 2 and 3 if you have better ideas. As for "standing"... we'll see. If things are serious, you might better be running. How many fighters you think can a large, organized tribe muster, and how many can you? Do you have any data on that tribe at all?"

2023-11-22, 03:29 AM
Telrayel was a bit confused by the statements of the people around him. They could just take they're things and go. They had some beautiful wilderness around that could support them probably for months and surely they had some plantsingers that could make them some housing, seeing that they had a lot of buildings around.

Michaels statement cut through the confusion somewhat and dropped a name the elf didn't knew.

Telrayel wasn't the best with people but even he could see that the gathered people around here seemed very distressed, if they couldn't help themselves and were so emotionally hurt by what happened around them it seemed prudent to help. He lay'd a hand on Michael's shoulder to get his attention.

Don't you think these people need help immediately Michael? Reporting to someone higher would probably take time and I can't transform into an eagle to get there.

The elf took a step forward an outstretched hand on his heart.

I see you are afraid, if I can lift that fear from you, I'll help.

2023-11-22, 04:31 AM
Michael thinks a bit to formulate the answer precisely. "I don't know whether these people need help immediately, whatever time frame that is. I can report to Brindol in less than one day if we plan to do so, and getting help here might take upwards of a week, anyway not under three days, so more immediate than that is... us here? I'd rather learn what we are dealing with before I decide if that's going to work." That should about say it all or... well, Michael decides to leave this open in case he's missed something. "I mean, if you have alternative plans to propose that you think will succeed, I'm all ears."

2023-11-23, 10:54 AM
Any that has seen an Orc blush, could easily realise why the similarly green Ringel seems more blue than green as she tries not to bump into too much of the furniture as she moves over to the others mumbling another Sorry. towards the Speaker's annoyed face. Embarrasment does give way to wide-eyed alarm as the man speaks on, nevertheless. This has been going on for a while now, then? That's bad. Really bad. Lord Burne's plan gets a nod from her, and Telrayel's sudden outburst, a smile and a squeeze on the Elf's shoulder. Lord Burne's right, Telrayel. That's… A lot for the few of us to handle. she says soothingly, even though her own nervosity does get around to ooze through, easily sensed by any that pays attention. Though I really don't like this. she glances at the captain. I mean, how large are we even talking, as the size of tribes go? The only real obstacle around the Ferry beyond Terrelton's smell is just the river! And that's west. We came from the east and still ended up wading neck deep in Goblinfolk. she points out. Either way, I have no more deliveries for the week. I'll stick with you for now, Master Speaker, see if I can help. And if the Lord of Brindol can help. Of course. I take it you have a way to alert them without one of us running all the way back, Lord Burne? she tilts her head to a side. She sure couldn't reach Brindol in just a day. Not even Knight Novalis could, probably, with that weird not-horse of his.

2023-11-23, 11:02 AM
"I mean, yeah, it'd be a more thorough report to your lord if we actually see what's out there for ourselves, right?" Tanna-Mai said with some awkwardness. Not that she was suited for any sort of frontal assault herself, but the idea of brushing the town's obvious concern/request/plea/ohdeargodsPLEASEhelpus off so brusquely left her feeling rather sick to her stomach.

2023-11-23, 02:16 PM
"Thorough, right." - confirms Michael to Tanna-Mai - "Not quite sure what has to be seen at the moment, but I intend to capture and interrogate the dead guy's boss for a start and see what we learn at that point. Might or might not work, but if I can get a solid enough team for that, like of most of you, I'd be optimistic."

"The messaging... well, it's a bit complicated. Here's how it goes..."

Michael proceeds to explain it in detail. There is a druidic spell, called Traveler's Mount, that makes overland movement about 2.5 to 3 times faster. Then there is another druidic spell, named Animal Messenger, that makes a tiny animal from a place to a place, potentially carrying something. The distance between Drellin's Ferry and Brindol is about 110 miles straight. A hawk or a carrier pigeon, under those two spells, has travel speed of 16 miles per hour and can reach Brindol in 7 hours. This means getting 7 hours of Traveler's Mount, which could be problematic without metamagic or a highly-competent druid, but even 6 hours of Traveler's Mount gets the bird there fairly reliably in one day. Anything under that is a coin toss. Michael can write to be hit with a Sending if necessary, to confirm and update on the message, but that will happen next morning and is better reserved for when the stakes are high. If we have to deliver the message there in under one day, and act on it without delay, Michael can carry it himself, then virtually any amount of Traveler's Mount will do and the whole trip will take about five hours and a half.

In the end, the following two things also become clear to everyone: first, Michael has not thought of it here on the spot, it more feels like some standard procedure; second, he apparently did mean it telling it has to be planned for, and, likely, paid for.

2023-11-24, 02:44 PM
Ringel progressively narrows her eyes, her head locked in its previous tilted position as the noble's explanation goes on and on. Is he also a Druid, now? Coul he actually turn into an eagle, then? Or turn Telrayel into one? Both would make cool eagles, admittedly. Tanna's more hawk, probably, on the other hand. And Knight Novalis… Maybe a vulture? Ringel's always liked vultures. They look interesting and rid the fields of rotting things and that's… Most likely entirely irrelevant ot the situation. Hopefully irrelevant, even. Either way, she elects not to share her thoughts.

2023-11-25, 06:59 AM
Mainhem swirled inside Novalis' head,

This is how it starts, dissension and divide, small lives are snuffed while the lofty lords wait in their halls.

He bowed deeply to Soranna and Winston.

The threa of fate has brought me here, there's a promise of violence and an omen of death. I may be here to die besides you, if Istus wishes it so it be.

There's no higher authority than fate.

He listened to Michael's druidsplanning absentmindedly and nodded in agreement to Tana Mai's words.

What there is to report is too little right now. Do as your chain of command demands of you, Michael, but neither of us has sworn to the authorities you have sworn, and Tana Mai is right. The need for assistance is much more immediate. What would you have us do? Lady Sorana, Lord Winston?

2023-11-27, 03:41 PM
In the barracks, the air is thick with tension and urgency. Captain Soranna stands firmly, "Listen up," she begins, her voice a blend of authority and resolve. "We're facin' a crisis 'ere. These hobgoblins, they're organized, dangerous, and they're increasin' in number. We need to know their strength, who's leadin' 'em, and what they're plannin'. Any information you can gather is vital. If you can disrupt their ranks or take out their leaders, it'll be a massive blow to their forces."

Speaker Wiston, steps forward with a grave expression. "This situation's critical. Our town, our people are on the edge. Continuin' raids could be disastrous, not just for Drellin's Ferry but for the whole region. We need your courage and your skills now more than anythin'. Time's against us. Immediate actions to protect our people and keep the Dawn Way safe are crucial."

His gaze, sincere and earnest, sweeps over the group. "We might not 'ave the resources of bigger cities, but we've got spirit in spades. I'll do all I can to back your efforts. Need local knowledge, resources, manpower? You've only got to ask."

The discussion in the barracks takes a significant turn as Captain Soranna addresses the letters she received. She adjusts her stance, emphasizing the importance of the new information.

"Right, there's more to this letter than just yer standard inheritance claim," Soranna explains. "It states here that the deed to Vraath Keep is part of the inheritance. The family claiming it says they were bequeathed it by a dwarf clan, who apparently built the Keep for a local lord way back when."

Wiston, leaning forward with renewed interest, interjects, "Vraath Keep, eh? That's an interesting piece of our history, but it's been long abandoned. If this claim holds true, it could change a few things around here."

Soranna continues, "Now, this might be more than a coincidence. Our scout, Jorr, who's unfortunately not 'ere right now, has reported some movement around Vraath Keep in the past few days. Could be something or nothing, but it's worth noting given the current circumstances."

Wiston nods in agreement, his expression contemplative. "This is intriguing. Vraath Keep has been nothing but ruins for years, but if there's activity there now, especially given our current situation with the hobgoblins, it might be a good place to start looking into things. It's a bit of a trek, but it could hold some answers, or at least clues, to what we're facing."

He looks around at the group, his gaze lingering on each person. "If you're willing to investigate Vraath Keep, it might shed light on these hobgoblin raids, or at the very least, help us understand the significance of this inheritance claim. It's a solid lead, and we could really use your help in getting to the bottom of this."

2023-11-28, 01:19 AM
Michael has no objections against exploring Vraath Keep heading out tomorrow morning, that seems a reasonable enough lead. He wants it pointed on the map and preferably given a copy of the map, but if Jor's been there that also would do. Michael asks for the following resources:
1. Traveler's Mount spell allocated with the local druid Avarthel to be cast on request.
2. Animal Messenger spell allocated with the local druid Avarthel to be cast on request.
3. Two pigeons or, preferably, wild hawks, to be held ready for dispatch.
4. Owl's Wisdom spell cast tomorrow morning by the local cleric.
5. Optionally, war-related goods exchanged between the town and the group if the town feels like it. We have enough equipment for a small band of men in case the town wants it. We can sell the stuff commercially, but if the town is to buy it from the merchant the very next day, we can split merchant's share between us instead.

2023-11-28, 11:45 PM
The keep is as good as any place to start looking, especially if new activity has been spotted there. If only the keep was in a better state of repair...Sharess would not mind setting up home base in an old fortress. Her mind drifts a bit with images of a shiny new/old fortress until she hears Michael's list of requests. She is both impressed and bemused by the offer to sell the town battle gear at a slightly higher rate. She nudges Michael gently and whispers, "I ah, can help with your negotiations if you would like some assistance."

Sharess has a Diplomacy of 12 if Michael requests assistance on that selling bit or any other requests.

Speaking more loudly, "I need to confirm with my compatriots, but I think we are up to the task. Captain Soranna, I think Michael's request or some other means of communication might be in order to send word to us fast in case you are raided. I am sure you and your troops will be adequate to defend the town, but if things get out of hand we would not want to leave you alone."

2023-11-29, 07:36 AM
5. Optionally, war-related goods exchanged between the town and the group if the town feels like it. We have enough equipment for a small band of men in case the town wants it. We can sell the stuff commercially, but if the town is to buy it from the merchant the very next day, we can split merchant's share between us instead.

Ringel leans closer to the noble, rubbing her own neck nervously. Lord Burne? I've been to this local smith, a very respectable Dwarf person, name's Morlin, Morlin Coalhewer. Sorry about that. Should have told you right off the bat. But, um, as it is, I'd take it as a personal favour if we could at least show him some of the wargear recovered. He can probably tell its worth and value and whatnot, and I'd feel very silly if we just let him down.

Still, that the man has finally acquiesced to the requests of the locals is nothing she's not happy about. She'd hate to split from this Michael Burne, but she'd really, really want to be back on the road, and seeing how Knight Novalis and Telrayel seem willing to just go, whatever the Lords of Brindol think… She straightens up. I'm good to go whenever. she proclaims for the benefit of the Speaker and captain. And if we can have this Jorr of yours a new face: always a boon! all the better. she nods, very earnestly. There's oing to be a trip and she gets to help people. Meet some, even. That's not the worst thing that could happen, given what's going down. Too bad about that poor family, though. Suddenly getting a keep sounds good enough. Getting a keep full of warlike Goblinfolk… Not so much.

2023-11-29, 09:20 AM
Tanna-Mai perked up at the mention of the keep. Could be all sorts of goodies and secrets lyin' in there! And that could keep the Ruby Goddess (not to mention herself) happy for a spell or two.

"Anything we need to know about the history of the Keep ahead of time? Like, who was this local lord?"

2023-11-29, 10:33 AM
Ringel looks at Tanna-Mai and shrugs. I mean, they don't live there anymore. she points out most astutely, before it'd click. Her gaze snaps back at the Ferry's dignitaries. Wait, why don't they live there anymore? Not those people, of course. A family extinguishing without heirs is reason enough, right? But… I don't know, other people. Lawful ownership issues? Upkeep costs?

2023-11-30, 03:16 AM
Telrayel was a bit befuddled by Michaels academic almost mathematical approach to spellcasting. It felt way too unmystical to him and he couldn't help but meakly ask.

Michael... I don't know but could they... I mean the army, catch your messenger? Would you know if they did?

Regarding the keep Telrayel was happy that they could be on the road again tomorrow and seeing a new forest and it's guardian was always a good thing. Several people were asking questions about the Keep but for Telrayel something different was more interesting.

You said it isn't a standard claim? Who is the new owner of that keep? Would the new owner like to accompany us to see that his surprising guests are well acquainted?

2023-11-30, 04:18 AM
Michael does not respond to the whispers just yet, but he does respond to the question, again, as if quoting from a set of known facts. "The interception is possible and does sometimes happen. Normally, archery is not very effective outside of immediate vicinity depending on the bird's actual altitude and flight path. Magic is more reliable, but more expensive and less widely available. The most practical way is to use birds of prey, but first they tend not to attack other birds of prey, which is one reason why I am preferring the falcons, and second it still requires a deliberate effort to disrupt that form of communication, which is not necessarily already in place. If they just reenact an ambush like we have been through, the bird's chances should be quite good. In any case, we would not be sure of delivery until we get a response, and we might choose not to send a bird with clearly secret information. We can choose an appropriate delivery method once we come up with the message, I'd say, as these are not independent from one another."

2023-11-30, 12:07 PM
In the barracks, as the adventurers present their plans and queries, Captain Soranna and Speaker Wiston listen attentively, each processing the information in their respective, characteristic ways.

Captain Soranna, maintaining her professional demeanor, nods at Michael's requests. "Your preparations seem thorough. We can certainly arrange for Avarthel to be on standby for those spells. As for the equipment, the town could indeed benefit from additional arms. This could bolster our defenses significantly."

She continues, with a hint of skepticism in her professional demeanor, addressing the issue of purchasing the recovered equipment. "However, while we appreciate the offer of arms and armor, we must be prudent with our resources. Paying full price might be a stretch for the town's coffers. Let's have Morlin evaluate the goods first, and then we can discuss a fair price. We need to balance our immediate defense needs with our financial realities."

Speaker Wiston, speaking with a rustic accent, adds, "Vraath Keep, eh? Aye, it's been abandoned for a long stretch. Interesting that it's come up now. As for its new owner, that'd be Miss Ringel here, according to the claim. It's a curious development, especially with the recent activity reported there. As for Jorr, our local scout, his cabin is located in the Witchwood. Head east out of town, follow the Dawn Way, then take the north trail at the split. His place is a fair hike from there, but he knows these woods better than anyone."

He then addresses Tanna-Mai's question, "The Keep's history is a bit murky. It was built by a dwarf clan for a local lord, long ago. Why it was abandoned, well, that's lost to time. Could be anything from a fallen family line to too costly to maintain."

Turning to Telrayel, Wiston acknowledges the concern about message interception. "It's a valid point, but as Michael said, we can mitigate the risks. Ensuring the message gets through safely is paramount."

Soranna interjects, "And if you're heading to the Keep, be cautious. It's been untouched for years, and who knows what's taken residence there now. If there's hobgoblin activity, it could be dangerous."

Wiston concludes, "We appreciate your willingness to investigate. It's vital we understand what we're up against. And Michael, your approach to communication is prudent. We'll support you in ensuring your messages reach Brindol safely."

Ready to head out tomorrow morning, or are there more questions?

2023-11-30, 12:51 PM
"I will request a full evaluation of all the stuff, by Morlin or otherwise, even if you don't plan to buy the more expensive things, like magical swords that are there. I think Sharess and Ringel will discuss the details of your picks when we are back to town." With that, Michael is ready to conclude the meeting.

2023-11-30, 01:03 PM
Ringel manages, if with some difficulty, to turn a loud sigh of relief into a somewhat less loud sigh of relief as her concerns regarding her promise to Morlin are swiftly alleviated. She didn't expect to get quite as lucky as that; could it be that Soranna has just as good an ear? After all, she did pick up her words whispered to Telrayel when they first met. She must be a good person, then, at any… What? her head suddenly perks up in alarm as Wiston pronounces her own name. I don't… I think… What? is there another Ringel in the room? It can't be that common a name. She's an Ogre! Npobody looks like… Is this the Morlin situation all over again? She's so confused.

2023-12-01, 03:12 AM
With everything seemingly cleared up Telrayel pats Ringel on the shoulder. He didn't really understand what having a keep entails, but most people like to get stuff.

Congratulations Ringel, I didn't knew you had folk around here, that could give you a keep. Telrayel then excuses himself and try's to get a nice place outside the town to get away from the rustling and bustling, making sure that he enters the town again when the sun goes up.

I was sure there was a Survival check to get shelter but by taking 10 I get a solid 20 I guess that should be enough to get shelter for a night.

2023-12-01, 01:00 PM

Then it is decided. We will move in the morrow towards Varath's Keep. I think I have read the name in some chronicle. But words have a tendency to mix up in my head

He had little interest in the commerce of weapons. His trusty sword was ancient and well kept.

You mentioned a scout before, How long ago did he leave to Varath's Keep?

2023-12-04, 02:14 PM
Captain Soranna nods in agreement, recognizing the prudence in getting an accurate appraisal of the equipment.

Speaker Wiston answers Novalis' question, "Jorr left a couple of days ago. He knows the area well and was supposed to report any unusual activity. We should hear back from him soon, but your visit to the Keep might coincide with his return." he pauses and smiles slightly "Be warned about Jor, he brooks no nonsense, and can be....gruff sometimes."

As the meeting in the barracks draws to a close, Speaker Wiston and Captain Soranna stand up, signaling the end of the discussion. Wiston addresses the group with a tone of finality, his rustic accent emphasizing his words.

"Thank you all for your willingness to help Drellin's Ferry in these troubling times," Wiston says. "Your skills and bravery are much appreciated. We must now attend to other matters of the town, but if you need anything further, don't hesitate to ask."

Captain Soranna, maintaining her professional demeanor, adds, "We've got a lot of preparations to make and defenses to bolster. Your efforts in investigating Vraath Keep and gathering intelligence on the hobgoblin threat are crucial. We're counting on you."

Wiston then offers some suggestions for accommodations. "As for a place to rest for the night, you've got a few options around town. The Old Bridge Inn is the largest and offers comfortable rooms and good food. The Green Apple Inn is a bit smaller, but it's cozy and well-regarded for its hospitality. For those who prefer to be closer to nature, there are camping spots on the town's outskirts. And of course, there are several boarding houses if you're looking for something more economical."

Captain Soranna nods in agreement. "Rest well tonight. You'll need your strength for what lies ahead. We'll be here at the first light to provide any last-minute assistance before you set out."

With that, Speaker Wiston and Captain Soranna take their leave, exiting the barracks and leaving the group to discuss their plans and preparations for the night.Telrayel quickly finds a rather nice location to bed down by the river, a small inlet was made and it caused the water to burble in a gentle relaxing manner, the river reeds made for some good bedding, and the sky was clear with little notion of rain.

2023-12-05, 12:49 AM
Back at The Old Bridge Inn Michael has something to eat and fills one page of his journal with today's events. Not in too much detail, just making sure to mention the most important ones and the things that will help him remember the rest. Then he goes to bed. He sleeps well and maybe wakes up with some ideas about what to check for or be wary of when at the keep*.

He wakes up early as usual. The first thing he does is casting a spell**, Channeled Divine Shield, extended to last the whole day. Then he casts Divine Insight. He is not sure that one will last through to Vraath Keep, but maybe it will. Then he prays to Wee Jas. There is not much actual news that would be of interest to the goddess, and he expects no news in return. The spells he prepares today are a bit different than yesterday, but not terribly so. He then has a quick breakfast and goes to visit the designated corpse, where he casts Owl's Wisdom on himself and Speak With Dead on the corpse and asks the following questions having the local cleric as a witness and to help understand what the corpse might say:

"Where is your immediate superior most likely to be?"***
"Who is your ultimate superior?"
"What will probably happen if things go as your side has planned?"

*Invoking a night dream of Bearer of Ominous Insight.
**Assuming a cleric, unlike a wizard, can cast-then-prepare just fine.
***The questions would be all in Goblin.

Speak With Dead negated by Will DC 18.

2023-12-07, 11:25 AM
Not any less flustered than before Ringel manages to trod back to the forge to see if she can relay the good news to Morlin, but doesn't really feel much strength left in her to do a lot more than that. Though somewhat more cost-averse than the noble, she decides not to do a full Telrayel and break away from their own personal figure of authority, settling into a room at the Old Bridge. Not that the comfort of the room is doing much for hers. She spends much of the night furiously rolling from one side to another. Whatever is she going to do with a full keep sitting in an active warzone?? Not that there aren't implications to the whole business she likes even less.

As the dawn breaks, she rises early to wash herself and then just shuffle about the common areas in and around the inn, waiting for a good opportunity to ambush her best shot of someone to talk to, who happens to be none other than the likely unsuspectig Tanna-Mai. When she shows, Ringel (if not consciously,) is quick to try for an absent, but arresting hug from behind. Tanna? Can we talk? the Eneko asks quite sheepishly. I wouldn't bother you, but Lord Burne looks really busy and the Elf is weird and Knight Novalis even weirder, and neither of them is here anyhow and I don't think I ever exchanged two words with this Sharess person, and I realy need to make sense of things. What do you make of this whole Keep business? she finally blurts out. I've never owned a shack before. And it's probably full of Goblinfolk or weirder. Not to mention that… I'm not my whole family! How's my mother and father even figure into this? Why'd this inheritance deal skip them? Are they even alright? I can't just go back to the Gap now.

2023-12-07, 12:40 PM
Novalis goes back to the temple, the myriad voices in his head rumbling restless. Mainhem and Exhaustion are specially cruel this ominous night. He prances around the small cell he was allowed to use for shelter watching the dusk settle and the moon rise through the tiny window. He recites old rhymes and poems to push the intrusive voices but tonight nothing is working.
He finally moves through the dark temple and finds a prayer book left by brother Derry for him to work on and lits a candle and starts illuminating the empty spaces on top of each chapter.

He spends the nigh like that, crouched over the praying book, humming to himself, waving off the haunting voices.

When the morning comes he walsk outside and washes carfully on cold water before calling on his shadowy armor. Mainhem is not speaking so much now, but Exhaustion will be his companion for the day.

He moves as in a dream looking for his companions.

2023-12-07, 12:55 PM
"Ooooh, one thing at a time, all right?" Tanna-Mai blinked at the word salad emanating from Ringel. "I get it -- it's, like, a sudden weird thing! Didya maybe save someone's life earlier? Maybe you saved some former member of this keep that ya didn't know about from, like, I dunno, mind flayers or somethin'? And they, like, decided to gift you this place after they croaked in gratitude?" Stuff like that always seemed to happen in drunken bard ballads.

"OOOOH!" Tanna-Mai's eyes widened suddenly. "Or maybe! Maybe, like, does yer family have, like, any enemies or bitter rivals? Like, this is all just a way to TRAP you in order to get revenge!"

Suddenly, this upcoming trip to the Keep was looking a LOT more fun....

2023-12-07, 01:10 PM
Ringel slowly and carefully puts Tanna-Mai down.◘ Was that supposed to make her feel better? Well, it ultimately did either way. That's two oddly reasonable ways in which her parents might be perfectly safe, plus somebody's actually talking to her, instead of just bestowing weird ruined building upon her and then leave the room like that was a normal thing to do. She goes with a Thank you, Tanna! That's… Possible, I suppose? They'll have to hit the tracks and find out. That still doesn't sound that bad. And she's not alone. Traps ae way less scary that way. …what's a mind-flayer, though?

◘Yes, it's a lift people kind of ambush hug, and Tanna-Mai in full gear is well within light load for her. Ringel's big!

2023-12-08, 09:07 AM
Telrayel rested really well, took a little bath in the river and then after having succesfully woken up he walks a bit around the village, when coming near one inn there was a lot of commotion there, perhaps even a bit of screaming.

The elf decided to not get himself involved in that too much, rounds another corner and finds Novalis. He goes towards him, waving, then looks at him from head to toe. You look terrible! You're sure you want to come with us today?

2023-12-08, 04:23 PM
Weather: Overcast with morning fog
Time: Morning

As Michael sits in the quiet of The Old Bridge Inn, focusing on the task at hand, he casts Speak With Dead on the corpse of the cleric The air grows still as the magic takes effect, and the corpse shudders into a semblance of life, its eyes opening to reveal a vacant gaze that stairs at you like a puppet.

With the local cleric standing by, Michael asks his questions, his voice steady in the eerie silence of the room:

"Where is your immediate superior most likely to be?"
The corps responds in a hollow, distant voice. "In the hills to the north, near the Wyrmsmoke Mountains. There is a camp."

"Who is your ultimate superior?"
The answer comes, chilling in its simplicity. "Wyrmlord Saarvith, a servant of the Red Hand."

"What will probably happen if things go as your side has planned?"
Zarr's corpse answers with a tone that sends shivers down the spine. "Drellin's Ferry will fall, and then Terrelton, and then Nimon's Gap, and then Talar, and then Brindol, we will wash over this place like a swarm of insects gnawing at the bones of your civilization."

The local cleric, witnessing this, looks gravely concerned. "This confirms our fears," he murmurs. "The threat is greater than we anticipated. We must act swiftly."


The speaker Wiston meets you at the barracks in the morning, Captain Sorrana is not with him.

"If you're going to be wandering around in the Witchwood, I would advise you to seek out Jor. You can't find someone who knows the woods better. His cabin is out of the way, but it could be worth the walk. If you take the Witch Trail, go left at the first big trail crossing; Jorr's cabin is about seven miles in. Or, if you're on the Dawn Way, take a right on a trail about nine miles from the forest edge. Jorr's cabin is near the Blackwater."

With that, he nods at each of you with a grimace-smile, and then departs, presumably about his town business for the day.

Where do you go?

2023-12-09, 07:46 AM
Michael scribes the questions and the answers in his journal and maybe also on some sheet of paper for the cleric, in both cases including exact words in Goblin and their best translation to Common.

"I advise you don't panic, but have the local leadership informed and make a plan to evacuate the settlement. If the goblins expect Brindol to fall to their forces, you won't be able to hold them on your own. It is unclear if we can get enough forces here to assist you. I'll try to learn more and be back soon, you probably should not start the evacuation until I report in and confirm the findings. If I am not back in two days, then sure go ahead and also have Brindol informed."

Then Michael goes to The Old Bridge Inn to ask Kellin whether he should expect Jor coming to town.

2023-12-11, 11:09 AM
Weather: Overcast with morning fog
Time: Morning

After meticulously recording the questions and answers in both his journal and on a separate sheet for the cleric, Michael shares his advice regarding the potential threat.

The local cleric nods gravely at Michael's words. "I'll inform Speaker Wiston right away," he assures him. "As for evacuation, that's a big decision. We'll need to discuss it with the town's leadership. I'm not sure what the plan would be, but your advice will be taken seriously."

With this crucial information passed on, Michael heads to The Old Bridge Inn to find Kellin. Upon asking about Jorr, Kellin blinks in confusion before responding.

"Jorr? Well, the only thing you can really expect from Jorr is that he'll do what's best for Jorr," Kellin says with a slight chuckle. "He's a bit of a lone wolf, if you know what I mean. But yeah, Speaker Wiston mentioned you might be lookin' for him. If I were you, I'd go find him myself. He knows these parts better than anyone. Could be useful for what you're plannin'."

Kellin's advice seems practical, and it's clear that seeking out Jorr could provide valuable insights, especially given the recent discoveries and the looming threat to Drellin's Ferry.

2023-12-11, 01:44 PM
"Umm, could we kinda get an official notice or somethin' that we can give to Jorr if we do find him? Like, to let him know we're workin' on behalf of the town?" asked Tanna-Mai.

2023-12-11, 01:55 PM
Wiston stops and turns to listen to Tanna-Mai's question, "Uh a notice? Ummm, no not really, we're a small town with little resources, just tell him I sent you, that should be enough."

2023-12-11, 02:17 PM
"Umm, could we kinda get an official notice or somethin' that we can give to Jorr if we do find him? Like, to let him know we're workin' on behalf of the town?" asked Tanna-Mai.

Oh. That's… something half their assembled lot does for a living: pass on written notes! Ringel livens up for a moment, happy to hear mention of a task she's actually qualified to perform.

Wiston stops and turns to listen to Tann-Mai's question, "Uh a notice? Ummm, no not really, we're a small town with little resources, just tell him I sent you, that should be enough."

…something we're not actually doing, then. I guess. she deflates somewhat. So, she looks around, nevertheless, smiling at the others to get the spirits (chiefly hers, admittedly) higher let's hit that road? A proper road she can properly hit should be good for her now.

2023-12-11, 02:51 PM
Novalis is not his usual loquacious self today. He summons his shadow steed, the beast forming from the faint shades of everyone around. He mounts as Ringel suggests to part. He nods from atop the saddle.

West to the keep. I’d take the main road. Swiftness is a better ally than Stealth in days like these.

He held the reigns, dreamy, ready to go.

2023-12-12, 01:18 AM
Eventually Michael catches up with the others and is ready to go. As for the exact plan, he advises we take the carriage to speed up our travel along the road, but don't take it to the forest as this is likely not to end well. Instead, Michael advices we take the Dawn Way and stop when the trail leading into the Witchwood starts. Then Michael, and optionally Novalis, quickly fly over the trail to Jorr's cabin to see if he is even there. If he's there, it would be some time until we get him to the Dawn Way, but we can still reach the Vraath Kepp before it starts getting dark.

2023-12-12, 02:59 AM
Then we will go, thanks for explaining the way for us.

Telrayel strides along the others, if possible he keeps that weird scouting pattern around the party that he had before. Sometimes choosing to ride a bit on the cart till his feet get restless enough to let him jump off and continue on the dawn way by foot.

Survival: [roll0] To not lose the way when we go to Jorr's hut.
Spot: [roll1]
Search: [roll2] Should it come up.

2023-12-12, 03:39 AM
Novalis tilts his head as he beliefs he has heard Michael call his name...

Fly? I can't fly, unfortunately, neither can my steed. But If it's a bird's Eye view you need, my sore tired eyes can provide exactly that; though not so far away from were we are going. As we get close, I'll scout ahead from up-above.

In his mind, deep in his mind, Mainhem sang a tune.

The road is long and winding, the keep is lost to time and from the hills came down the hordes to wash away the filth.

2023-12-12, 10:17 AM
I think Lord Burne means fly on the Griffon, Knight Novalis. Ringel points out helpfully, rising on her tiptoes without noticing she's doing that. That's a very pretty Griffon. She so wouldn't mind a ride herself! She'd probably be even greener afterwards, and embarrass herself horribly in front of all the people and… And still. That's a very pretty Griffon. And she never flew before!

2023-12-12, 01:43 PM
"Please excuse my poor choice of words, sir Novalis, I did not quite meant you to fly Limbo, just that you could accompany me without slowing us down and that it should be reasonably safe with your ability to retreat from just about anything." But Michael had to admit that the possibility was indeed there. He takes a moment to guesstimate the peoples' weights, gear included, and that seems reasonably low almost across the board. "In fact, if we rearrange the load a bit, it would be possible to fly any non-giant one of you, but I would prefer not to, as that would require some spellcasting up front before we have Jorr to also benefit from it and I see no pressing need to bring more people to him at the moment."

Assuming normal winged flight is with light load only.

2023-12-13, 01:14 PM
"Like, I'm fine with stickin' on the ground for the bein'. Or at least the carriage." Tanna-Mai said with a wink as she pulled herself into the vehicle.

She didn't want to think about how slow things might get if/when they had to leave the roads for the woods.

2023-12-15, 08:14 PM
Weather: Overcast with morning fog
Time: Mid-day

As you approach the banks of the Elsir River, the atmosphere of the foggy morning envelops you. The mist hovers above the water, and the overcast sky casts a soft, diffused light over the landscape. It's a serene yet mysterious start to your journey.

At the ferry, you're greeted by the ferryman, Hobb Greenbottle. He's a character straight out of a pastoral tale – stout and ruddy-cheeked, with a mop of unruly hair. His clothing is simple and worn, indicative of a life spent outdoors. With a broad, welcoming grin, he says, "Mornin'! Ready to cross the river, are ye? Name's Hobb, at your service."

His accent is unique, his words spoken with a cheerful lilt. He affectionately pats the ferry, a sturdy vessel named 'Bessie', and assures you of a safe crossing. "Don't mind the fog, Bessie and I know these waters like the back of our hand."

As the ferry glides smoothly across the river, Hobb begins to regale you with a tale about the Elsir River. "This river's seen more history than most towns," he starts. "Years ago, it was a bustling trade route. Merchants, travelers, adventurers – you name it, they've crossed these waters. There's a tale about a band of heroes who once ferried across, chasing after a group of bandits who'd stolen a sacred relic. They say a fierce battle ensued right on these waters, under the light of a full moon. The heroes emerged victorious, and the relic was returned to its rightful place. Since then, folks say the river's been blessed. Good fortune to those who travel upon it."

The tale adds an air of legend to your crossing, making the journey feel like a passage through history. Once you reach the opposite bank and disembark, bidding farewell to Hobb, you set out along the Dawn Way. The road winds through the Vale, flanked by rolling hills and patches of dense woodland.

Eventually, the path diverges to the right, leading towards Jorr's cabin in the Witchwood. The forest path narrows, enveloped by the thick foliage of towering trees. The sounds of the forest come alive around you, creating a symphony of natural life that accompanies your steps deeper into the woods.

Fork in the road, continue right to Jorrs cabin or straight onwards the Dawn Way?

2023-12-16, 03:10 AM
Michael lands near the forest path and waits for the carriage. "So, shall I go get him?"

2023-12-16, 03:07 PM
Ringel, currently just running along the carriage anyhow, trots over to the noble mounted on the big lionbird and extends an absent hand to try and stroke the Griffon. The big guy might be a little more likely to just bite her arm off than she'd like, but she really can't not at least try. It's not being small enough to be given a go at flying, but Ringel's well accustomed to finding joy in small victories. Yes, please! she tells Michael in the meantime; it's a pity she didn't get to chat with Hobb some more. Hobb's a nice fellow. Maybe Jor's a nice fellow too. It'd be all too fitting: this is a really nice forest, after all, even with the chance of being jumped by a thousand Goblinfolk… Speaking of which. Are you sure you want to go alone, Lord Burne? she tilts her head somewhat. I'm very sure I could do better than sit on a road for all that time, and it sounds like the woods are rather busy these days.

2023-12-17, 09:36 AM
It has not occured to Michael that he could not want to go alone, but then again, the trail is not easily observable, so that might be problematic. Michael considers the options. Meanwhile, Limbo seems to enjoy being patted. "He is not some animal and can well understand us speak. You can ask him stuff and he will nod or shake head. Right, boy?" The boy nods and extends the neck to Ringel seemingly anticipating more pats. "You can scratch him around short feathers, just not the flight ones." Now, back to business. "It would be difficult for me to stick to the trail from above, but easy to evade any goblins. The other way around for people on the ground. I don't object if any or all of you go, just not with this wheeled thing."

2023-12-17, 02:48 PM
On the ferry, Novalis gazes at the water with deep focus, Sorrow murmuring in his head a tune of drowned loves and Undine chants, princes sunk below the waters, he barely pays any attention to the Hobb Greenbottle's story, and as they leave the ferry he looks at him apologetically as if missing out the story was a personal offence.

The day spun into something nice, but Novalis rode too fatigued, becoming easily irritated despite himself. This irritated him further: he didn't like treating other people with disdain or arrogance. Instead, he spurred his mount a bit to be always ahead; that way, he didn't risk snapping at any of his companions.

He briefly stopped at the fork in the yellow road. He indicated his intention to proceed towards Jorr's cabin to the others with a wave of his hand just as Michael took off.


Novalis The Fateful (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2840513)
M N Tiefling Harbinger 6//Shadowcaster 2 (VoP), Level 6, Init 4, HP 60/60, Speed 50
AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 21, Fort 8, Ref 2, Will 12, Base Attack Bonus 4
Longsword (Any Longsword) +11 (1d8+6, 19-20x2)
Sword on Maneuvers from Scarlet Throne +13 (1d8+8, 19-20x2)
Longspear (Any Spear) +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Chainshirt (Force Armor Refluff)*** (+5 Armor, +1 Deflect, +1 Natural, +4 Misc)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 22, Wis 9, Cha 9
Condition Fatigued (-2 dex and str)

2023-12-17, 05:19 PM
"Soooooo..." Tanna-Mai shot a look towards Ringel and the griffin, then towards the others. "...should we, like, go with them or babysit the carriage?"

Tanna-Mai had some talent when it came to the fine art of Being Stealthy (at least, her ego felt so), even if she wasn't a "woodsy" sort. But more people following after meant more risk of NOT Being Stealthy...

...but there were all these hobgoblins warbands lurking about...

...so, if they did follow after, they'd have to take some time to at least hide the carriage if they left it on this main road...

...and then there was also the risk that Michael would do his Poncy Lord Schtick and piss off the veteran scout who could potentially help them just by opening his mouth and orderingsaying Poncy Lord Things.

2023-12-18, 09:38 AM
It has not occured to Michael that he could not want to go alone, but then again, the trail is not easily observable, so that might be problematic. Michael considers the options. Meanwhile, Limbo seems to enjoy being patted. "He is not some animal and can well understand us speak. You can ask him stuff and he will nod or shake head. Right, boy?" The boy nods and extends the neck to Ringel seemingly anticipating more pats. "You can scratch him around short feathers, just not the flight ones."

Understood, Lord Burne, Sir! No touching the big feathers. Those are the flight ones, right, Ringel wonders, beaming with the peak luminosity a green Ogre can achieve, handing out all the pats and scratches. Do squawk if you tire of me, big bird! she adds, for Limbo's benefit. She… Is unlikely to tire of it anytime soon herself.

Now, back to business. "It would be difficult for me to stick to the trail from above, but easy to evade any goblins. The other way around for people on the ground. I don't object if any or all of you go, just not with this wheeled thing."

"Soooooo..." Tanna-Mai shot a look towards Ringel and the griffin, then towards the others. "...should we, like, go with them or babysit the carriage?"

Ringel pauses for a moment to shrug, albeit not as noncommittally as shrugs tend to go. All I'm asking is that we maybe don't break up into four groups. This is a big forest. Plenty of room for plenty of Goblins. she voices her only concern. The risk that Knight Novalis might just fall off his weird shadow horse while speeding through the woods, seemingly half asleep as he is, does enter into that at well, now that she thinks about it.

2023-12-18, 09:46 AM
------------Crossing the river--------------

When crossing the stream Telrayel listens attentively towards the story, with one hand in the water to feel the river, when leaving the boat he adresses Hobb.

I thank you for the story Hobb, mind telling us what kind of relic was rescued if you recall the tale?

------------Towards Jorr's cabin------------------

Telrayel doesn't hesitate when he meets the group again and straight goes towards the path towards Jorrs cabin, he stops himself.

I'll go fetch him.

And continues his merry way, not at all slowed down by all the roots and the underbrush, without even leaving a single sign of him crossing. If he can just move that effortlessly through the forest or if the plants even slightly move out of the way to grant him easier passage is not discernible.

Continue towards Jorrs cabin, with Flawless Stride Telrayel doesn't get slowed down in the slightest and doesn't even leave a single track. Kinda creepy.

2023-12-18, 10:02 AM
… Ringel blinks at the cold empty space where the Elf was a heartbeat earlier. Five groups. I was going to mean five groups. she corrects herself.

2023-12-20, 10:31 AM
"Take care. Don't be afreid to run away!" says Michael and gets ready to wait. At least, he trusts people to know what they are doing.

"I've had that dead hobgoblin questioned in the presence of the cleric." Michael pulls out his journal and hands it over for people to read, open at the relevant page (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25923033&postcount=58). "The guy hadn't mentioned the keep, but I still somehow feel that the keep is important. We will find something there, no idea what that would be."

Limbo squints.

2023-12-21, 12:01 PM
Maybe it's the camp thing, Lord Burne? Ringel wonders, a hand still in Limbo's feathers, content that they are apparently not splitting up any further into groups yet smaller. The Wyrmsmokes are not that far and I'd absolutely put a keep on a hill. she explains. The implication that the heap of stones that's apparently hers might have a literal army within… Is not something she'd like to think too much about. And… Maybe it's not that bad as the dead guy says? I mean, I'd like to have a million friends and walk the Giantshields and the northern plains and the sea and whatever's off to the west of the Vale and fly (that must be very nice, isn't it so, Limbo?) and… It's not really important what else, so much as how I'm not really in a position to do so right now, you know? she nods to herself a couple of times. One can hope, anyhow. she shrugs once more, with slightly more conviction than earlier. But! Speaking of friends… Do we know anything about this Jorr person? It just… Occurred to me that he better not be a difficult person. the Eneko chuckles lightly. We just let Knight Novalis and Telrayel go do the talking, I mean.

2023-12-21, 01:46 PM
"The dead guy might have been fed a picture that is too optimistic, so I have told the cleric not to start evacuating the whole town right away. We'll have to check it one way or another. I would be happy if we refute this as false." Though somehow Michael doubts it. As for Jorr... "I've been to Drellin's Ferry a few times and heard of him, but never met him. Not too unusual as far as woodsmen go..."

Know (local): [roll0] so what does Michael know about Jorr?

2024-01-03, 01:51 PM
Weather: Overcast with morning fog
Time: Mid-day

Jorr's Cabin

The trail leads past a small cabin in a deep forest glade. A ramshackle front porch is littered with fishing baskets and skinning frames. The cabin overlooks a dark bayou or lake, with old gray cedar-trees draped in moss rising out of the water. An old skiff is tied up on the shore nearby, and a little smoke curls from the fieldstone chimney.

2024-01-04, 04:20 AM
Telrayel stops when he sees the cabin. He liked it. It seems comely and quiet. Like a good place to retreat too.

He let the place calm him for a moment.

If there is nothing that should dissuade him Telrayel would go towards the cabin and knock.

2024-01-04, 04:04 PM
Novaris dismounts as Telrayel approaches the cabin. The exhausted knight sets his sights in the surroundings.

Dearest elf he addresses Telrayel Be mindful of the smoke. May it be that Jorr does not want to be surprised while having breakfast. I wouldn't sneak on a woodsman brave enough and skilled enough to live out here by himself. It could be a better idea to just announce our presence.

He walks toward the cabin, weapons sheathed, holding the shadow steed by its shadowy steers.

2024-01-05, 06:18 AM
Telrayel looks a bit surprised at Novalis. Humans were pretty weird, first they wanted him to knock, definitely, not just go into the house, even if Telrayel didn't see a problem with it, now he should shout out and disrupt the tranquility?

Well Novalis would probably know better than himself.

Hello, Jorr? You want to come out? We search a keep that one of us has inherited and don't know the way, would you lead us, please?

2024-01-05, 11:41 AM
Weather: Overcast with morning fog
Time: Mid-day

You approach the small cabin, and just as you speak, three large hunting dogs spring out from under the porch of the cabin, barking loudly for all to hear. A shutter swings open in the cabin,' revealing a rugged, weather-beaten face. His eyes, sharp and assessing, quickly scan over you and your companions.

"Who the **** are you, and what the in the god damned hell do you want?" he growls in a gravelly voice tinged with irritation and suspicion. He steps out onto the porch, his posture casual but exuding a quiet confidence. The air around him suggests a life of hard-won survival skills, both as a woodsman and a scout.

This man, unmistakably Jorr, appears as someone who has little patience for nonsense and a tongue that's unafraid to express it. His attire, practical and worn, fits his rugged lifestyle. The hunting dogs, having quieted down, remain on alert, their stance protective as they stand near him, their eyes intently focused on you.

https://files.oaiusercontent.com/file-PFLUuj1nJifNA6TriBeWQIdW?se=2024-01-05T16%3A46%3A04Z&sp=r&sv=2021-08-06&sr=b&rscc=max-age%3D31536000%2C%20immutable&rscd=attachment%3B%20filename%3D138b1b73-5ba0-47d6-82fe-c31a9c87908d.webp&sig=%2BxJXg2rpzQ83tDi3baX7ugRDS60ie0ZKT0s3RppGuM4% 3D

2024-01-05, 03:22 PM
Novalis stopped dead on his tracks and flinched visibly...

And that so lamely and unfashionable
That dogs bark at me as I halt by them;

It's not that he disliked dogs, more that dogs utterly despised the Tiefling.

His voice became a trembling thread, barely audible through the barking and Jorr's booming voice.

We come with a message from Soranna and the authorities of Dellin Ferry... looking for Jorr. I'm guessing that's you

2024-01-08, 06:36 PM
Weather: Overcast with morning fog
Time: Mid-day

Jorr's Cabin

Jor scrunches up his face and spits to the side. "I aint got no business with them, why are you looking for me?"

The Dawn Way

As you wait on the Dawn Way for the others to finish their meeting with Jorr, Henrick, your companion for this part of the journey, provides a bit of local color. He's the epitome of a country bumpkin, his speech pattern a charming jumble of rural colloquialisms and mangled syntax that can be endearing and confusing in equal measure.

Scratching his head, Henrick looks over at you with a friendly, if somewhat goofy, grin. "Well, reckon y'all might be peckish 'bout now, eh? Tummy rumblin' like a ol' bear in spring, I'd wager," he says, his accent thick and his grammar a bit of a tangled web.

He rummages through a worn satchel, producing what looks like a somewhat squashed, yet still appetizing, piece of homemade pie. "Ma's apple pie, nothin' finer 'round these parts. Go on, 'ave a bit. Keeps the spirits up, it does!" He offers the pie with a wide, earnest smile, clearly proud of this humble offering.

2024-01-09, 01:09 AM
Michael is quite eager to have some apple pie. "Oh, thanks, Henrick." He grabs a waterskin from the carriage and hands it over to everyone needing some drink with the pie. Biting his share of the pie, Michael finds it quite good and says that much. While he is no stranger to haute cuisine, Michael much more of a fan of having good stuff to eat when and where he's present than some fancier stuff when and where he's not.

2024-01-09, 04:24 AM
Novalis takes a step further, focusing his eyes everywhere but the large dogs, the hairs and scales in his neck go stiff.

He clears his throats and makes an effort to speak loud and clear.

We are on our way to the Keep by request of Soranna and the town authorities. We have reasons to believe a small warband of hobgoblins has taken shelter there and are slowly becoming a threat to the Dawn road. Yesterday we fought a group of marauders who had taken the life of a few travelers before they tried ambushing our group.

Jorr, sir, we understand nobody knows these woods as you do and we came to check for any valuable information you may have before moving towards the Keep. Will you assist us?

2024-01-09, 06:04 AM
Telrayel was taken aback by Jorr's sudden outburst, which didn't match at all what he envisioned of this Jorr charakter to be. He hid behind Novalis and was pretty thankful for his presence and then added a meekly. They may damage this wonderful woods you live in?

2024-01-09, 05:14 PM
Between Limbo and Henrick's pie, Ringel is now absolutely certain she made the right call sticking around the carriage. Those two will probably be perfectly able to handle one grumpy old woodsman. This tastes gorgeous, Henrick. she enthuses with her mouth half-full Reminds me of home, too; you've ever been to the Gap? Lots of orchards, and apples and my mother makes things with them too. Not really pies, but sweet stuff, and it's also quite good, maybe I'll get to repay this sometime, do remind me. She does seize a quick chance to lean closer to Tanna-Mai's near side ear, nevertheless, for a quick What's peckish even mean? I always thought it's quarrelsome or something, but I suddenly feel like it's not.

2024-01-09, 06:22 PM
Taana-Mai blinked at Ringel's question. Initially, she had been keeping watch in case anything dangerous came in range and if so, if she needed to toss an illusion over the carriage Just In Case. "Like, I think it means 'sort of hungry', instead of 'full on hungry', right? Only like, more polite. Huh...I'm not sure where the word came from, y'know? I think it might, like, be from the halflings..."

2024-01-10, 03:06 PM
Ringel straightens up chuckling. Sorry. she says. Now I'm seeing little Halflings with beaks. she adds, entirely too loudly.

2024-01-16, 05:14 PM
Weather: Overcast with morning fog
Time: Mid-day

Jorr's Cabin

Jorr listens intently as Novalis and Telrayel explain their mission, his expression remaining unimpressed and somewhat irritable. His gaze shifts from Novalis to Telrayel, his eyes narrowing slightly as if assessing their words and intentions.

After a moment of silence, Jorr responds gruffly, his voice tinged with a mix of skepticism and begrudging acknowledgment. "Hobgoblins in Vraath Keep, you say? That's troubling news indeed. Those bastards are nothing but trouble." He spits again to the side, his disdain for the hobgoblins evident.

Jorr crosses his arms, leaning back against the wall of his cabin. "I've seen signs of increased activity in these woods, more than usual. Tracks, broken branches, and the like. Seems like you might be onto something with your warband theory."

He then turns his attention to Telrayel, his gaze softening just a fraction. "And you're right about the woods. Can't have those hobgoblin scum ruining my backyard. It's bad enough dealing with the usual critters without adding an army of them to the mix."

Jorr sighs heavily, a rare moment of contemplation crossing his weathered face. "Alright, I'll help you out. But I'm not doing this for you or the town's authorities. I'm doing it for these woods and to keep the peace around here. I can show you the way to Vraath Keep, point out some of the signs I've seen. But once we're there, you're on your own. I'm no babysitter, and I don't do well with company."

With that, Jorr seems ready to lead the way, his hunting dogs now calmer but still watchful. He steps off the porch, signaling for you to follow. As he walks, he mutters under his breath about the nuisances of hobgoblins and the incompetence of town authorities

The Dawn Way

Henrick, looking pleased as punch at Ringel's compliment on his pie, wipes his hands on his trousers before responding with his characteristic country charm. "Oh, I'm right glad ya like it! Ma's recipe, that is. Never been to the Gap m'self, but sounds like a right nice place, especially with all them orchards and apples. I'd surely like to try some of your ma's cookin' someday. Sweet stuff, you say? Sounds delicious, it does!"

His face lights up at the mention of possibly being repaid in kind. "Well, now, that'd be somethin'to look forward to, wouldn't it? Always good to try new things, especially when it comes to food. Don't you worry, I'll be remindin' ya!"

He chuckles softly, then leans in a bit closer, his expression turning to one of gentle amusement. "As for 'peckish', it's not about quarrelin'. It's just a way of sayin' you're a bit hungry, like when your stomach's grumblin' and you could do with a bite to eat. It's one of them words we use 'round here. Always funny, the different ways folks talk about the same thing, ain't it?"

Henrick's eyes twinkle with good-natured humor as he shares this little piece of local vernacular, clearly enjoying the exchange. He continues, "But hey, if you're still peckish – I mean, a bit hungry – after that slice, there's more pie where that came from. Ma always says it's best to travel on a full stomach."

As he talks, his relaxed and friendly demeanor makes the conversation feel like a cozy chat between old friends. It's clear that Henrick's simple yet genuine nature adds a touch of homey comfort to the journey, making the wait not just bearable but downright enjoyable.

2024-01-16, 06:51 PM
Novalis does not want to interrupt the already irritated Jorr or his mean looking dogs. He is exhausted, but a thread of voice comes out as a whisper.

We are not alone, we left the rest of the group on the Dawn Road, right before splitting towards your cabin. If you are so kind to wait while I fetch them...

He does not await for an answer he fears will be negative, instead, he mounts his shadow steed and steers it towards the path.

Telrayel, please, wait for me and the others

And he starts riding back.


Once in the road, he relates what happened to the others.

2024-01-17, 03:28 AM
Telrayel, left alone with the gruff Jorr, slowly relaxes. The serene atmosphere didn't seem to fit with Jorr but it was clear that he loved these woods and that couldn't be a bad thing.

He takes one step towards Jorr's dogs and looks at them, without looking at they're eyes.

How long do you have them? They look more healthy than most dogs that get taken care of by humans.

2024-01-17, 12:26 PM
Weather: Sparse cloud coverage, warm
Time: Mid-day

Jorr's Cabin
Jorr, initially gruff as always, seems to let his guard down just a bit when Telrayel asks about his dogs. His tough exterior gives way to a slightly softer side.

"These mutts?" Jorr starts, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "They're more than just dogs. They're the closest thing to family I've got out here."

He nods toward the oldest, a sturdy dog with an alert gaze. "That's Buck. He's been with me longer than the others. Tough as nails, smart too. Got a sense for trouble, always keeps me one step ahead of it."

Jorr's eyes then shift to a smaller, energetic dog, who's tail is wagging nonstop. "And that's Daisy. Don't let her size fool you. She's fast, a real spitfire. Got more spirit than most folks I know. Keeps things lively around here."

He points to the largest of the three, a formidable but calm presence. "Then there's Duke. He's the brawn of the operation. His bark alone could scare off a bear. But he's got a soft spot, especially for kids. Don't tell anyone I said that; it'd ruin my reputation."

As Jorr talks about his dogs, his tone is a mix of gruff affection and pride. It's clear these dogs are more than just companions; they're an integral part of his life in the woods.

Feel free to roleplay any interactions with Novalis/Hendrick, or if you want to skip to the cabin that works to, just post something indicating that please.

2024-01-17, 05:15 PM
Tanna-Mai kept quiet as she followed after Novalis back to the cabin where Jorr waited for their sorry butts. But her thoughts were running a mile a minute. KnewitknewitknewitKNEWITshouldaambledonoverinthefi rstplace...gotta leave the cart into the dang woods... Hopefully, Lord Poncy-Pants wouldn't be testy about it.

2024-01-18, 12:19 AM
Michael frowns. Novalis is back without Jorr and still no one but Jorr knows which way we will be going. Well, at least the timing is to be even with us just walking on foot straight from the town. Feeling it would be too dangerous to leave Henrick camping here for unspecified amounts of time, Michael sends him back to town. He thinks the road just navigated by the group should be safe enough and he does have fast horses. Michael takes a waterskin and a few rations from the carriage, offering the others do the same, and then follows Novalis through the woods.

2024-01-18, 09:57 AM
Ringel waves a very enthusiastic goodbye to Henrick with one hand, while holding onto her second serving (that really is some pie!) with the other, balancing her ranseur in the crook of an elbow and trying to walk backwards at the same time. No need to be so gloomy about it, Kinght Novalis! she tries to console the ascetic in the meantime and between bites. Woodsfolk can be on the odd side, maybe you were too… You. I mean, did you perhaps recite weird poetry for him? I did that once, thought that guy was a druid and into chanty things. Wasn't and wasn't; it's a good thing I run faster than most dogs. she chuckles finally turning around to actually face the road ahead.

2024-01-19, 10:38 AM
Telrayel get's closer to the dogsm especially to Duke and offers him pets and eventually scratchys.

It's alright, I wont tell anybody. I guess that you want to keep your peace here.

It seems the initial thought of Telrayel was correct. Jorr did fit really well in this quiet serene place. He just used a tactic to keep everything that could disturb that out. Humans could be very annoying and sometimes didn't understand relatively easy things it seemed like everything he needed was exactly here and most probably wouldn't understand.

If Telrayel hears the others he scurries away and try's to look intimidated.

Basically for fun.
Listen: [roll0] to hear people.
Bluff: [roll1] to look scared.

2024-01-19, 06:01 PM
Novalis caught Michael's frown. He was used to the type: clergy dressed as warriors who believed people were under their command.

Underneath his skalp, Mainhem laughed:

goaded by kings perched on rusty thrones
merrily the men marched to the beat of warring drums
and followed fools to dusty throes

He smiled at Ringel's humor.

I'm no Knight, though once I thought I was, for I was dark and starry. He quips.

I hope I'm better with a sword than with silly rhymes. Alas, Jorr is waiting for us and good Telrayel is entertaining his hounds.

Once more, he rode into the woods.

2024-01-29, 11:34 AM
Weather: Overcast
Time: Afternoon

Jorr's Cabin

With Henrick heading back to town, the lot of you follow the guided steps of Novalis, it wasn't long until you were back at Jorr's cabin. As the rest of you finally arrive at Jorr's cabin, following Novalis's return, Jorr stands on his porch with his usual guarded posture, his trusted dogs by his side.

"Finally decided to show up, did ya?" Jorr remarks dryly, his voice tinged with a mix of impatience and mild curiosity. "Heard you lot are heading to Vraath Keep. Must be serious business to drag you all out here."

He steps off the porch, crossing his arms as he looks each of you over. "You look capable enough, but Vraath Keep isn’t a place to take lightly. It's full of all sorts of dangers, and that's before adding a bunch of hobgoblin marauders into the mix."

Jorr's gaze lingers on each player, as if silently weighing their strengths and weaknesses. "I’ve seen signs of activity around the Keep, more than usual. Tracks, signs of camps. Whatever's going on there, it's big."

He then points towards the thick forest that leads to the Keep. "I can guide you part of the way, show you the signs I've found. After that, you're on your own. And remember, those woods can be treacherous. Keep your wits about you."

With that, Jorr seems ready to set off, his demeanor suggesting that this is as much cooperation as you're likely to get from him. His dogs perk up, ready to follow, as he starts leading the way into the dense forest towards the ominous Vraath Keep.

2024-01-29, 12:52 PM
"Sorry, did not expect the keep not be somewhere along the road. Which way and when we can expect to be there?" Michael felt eager to learn at least that much of the plan. "Pretty serious business in general, but not sure about the keep. The hobgoblins are getting bold, are equipped uniformly and talk things like taking over Brindol of all things. I'd like to catch some guy with some rank and ask him some questions. At least will have to know if they are deluded or if we... well, I don't know what." The topic of what to do if the hobgoblins are not deluded was well above Michael's level of responsibility. "Do you think we can find some sort of commander in there? Would welcome any insight into the place and the dangers thereof, even above and beyond the guy's troops. Don't you mind if I cast some beneficial spell on everyone present, including your dogs?" Whatever the answer(s) to any of that, Michael concludes with "Oh, name's Michael Burne, and we have the damn keep's new rightful owner, just so you know." Michael nods in the direction.

2024-01-29, 01:56 PM
"Any other troubles or beasts we need to watch out for in these woods?" asked Tanna-Mai to the woodsman. She always appreciated someone well trained in the arts of stealth and Not Being Made. Something told her she needed to be on her own toes on this mission...

Tanna-Mai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2840583)
F LN Human Beguiler5/Mindbender1//Warmage 3, Level 6//3, Init 2, HP 48/48, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, Fort 6, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2
Hand crossbow +1 (300) +5 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Silvered MW dagger +2 (1d4-1, 19-20/×2)
Short Sword +1 +2 (1d6, 19-20/×2)
Least Crystal of Adaptation Mithral Shirt +1 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition Endure Elements (from Least Crystal of Adaptation)

Reliable Courier (Message Delivery): Your character's reputation as a reliable messenger is well-known in Drellin's Ferry and beyond. You have advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with individuals who are aware of your courier services. This reputation opens doors to valuable information and opportunities in your adventures.

Treasure Seeker (Vault of Vraath Keep): Having stumbled upon the old map hinting at the hidden vault in Vraath Keep, your character has a keen eye for deciphering cryptic clues and an insatiable thirst for treasure. Once per day you can cast detect secret doors as a spell like ability.

Mindsight: A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless (anything with an Intelligence score of 1 or higher) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense--the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means. The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being's type and Intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being's race and clothing would be to eyesight.

2024-01-29, 02:20 PM
As Jorr and then Michael go rambling on about how bad an idea it would be for her to try and claim that Keep (which is probably a trap (and Evil)), Ringel begins very innocuously shifting sideways about the clearing, moving slowly into position… To grab the wayward Elf from behind. Got you! she pronounces with unabashed glee, absolutely certain Telrayel will understand it is for his own safety. Eventually understand. Eventually understand it's for his own safety. I'm Ringel, by the by. she then shifts her attention quite quickly to the woodsman. And the rightful ownership deal is probably a trick of the weird and nefarious sort. It's nvery nice to meet you, Master Jorr!

2024-01-29, 02:46 PM
Novalis watched the demonstrations of joy with a smile. How many times had he walked into battle with souless mercenaries who only looked into pillaging and ravaging shielded by colorful banners.

He told Mainhem and Sorrow: I will yet defeat you both!

He nodded to Jorr and dismounted, dismissing his horse. It would be easier to follow the old ranger on foot.

Lead on, good Jorr, we shall set Varath Keep free of squatters and return its stones to their solemn solitude to be slowly eaten by the woods.

2024-01-30, 04:37 AM
Telrayel looks definitely very afraid of Jorr when the others arrive. Like a goose feigning an injured leg to lead a predator away from they're young is the elf, to not give Jorr trouble in his haven.

When they are gathering themselves he is pounced by Ringel! But instead of biting him with her very orc-like fangs, instead she gives him a good-natured lesson in awareness like any elf would give a young one. Telrayel of course know to play his part, squirming and trying to get away.

Escape artist: [roll0]

With a final laugh, if he escapes or not Telrayel says. I'm really glad that you're not 'Fial'gra', Ringel.

Fial'gra = orc; If you're wanna translate it more literally it's Fial = Leather, Skin, Fur, Gra = Bad, Angry, worthless

2024-01-30, 01:53 PM
Telrayel behaves exactly as expected, albeit taking the whole deal a lot better than Ringel anticipated. Still, slippery as the Elf is, there's no escape from the Eneko. You bet! she retorts grinning, if not quite sure what a Filig… Fialgrgt… Whatever he said really is. She'll have to ask Tanna-Mai later. And perhaps figure out if she gets a say in how fast the Keep is getting eaten by the woods. Probably not, but still. But seriously. Are you going to run off on your own if I put you down? Because I'm not putting you down if you're going to do that.

2024-01-31, 07:35 AM
Telrayel still in Ringels grasp, stops squirming and looks at the Eneko. Tears shimmering at the corner of his eyes.

I didn't knew it would hurt you, Ringel. I'm deeply sorry, I won't get too far off.

The elfs voice is full of emotion and sincerity.

2024-01-31, 02:39 PM
Weather: Overcast
Time: Afternoon

The Witchwood

Jorr listens to Michael's questions with a mix of indifference and annoyance, characteristic of his gruff demeanor.

"Which way to the Keep? When we'll get there?" Jorr snorts dismissively. "I have no ****ing clue, mate. The Keep ain't exactly a tourist spot with signposts and all. It's off the beaten path, in the thick of the woods. We'll get there when we get there."

As Michael talks about the seriousness of the hobgoblin threat and the possibility of encountering a commander at the Keep, Jorr shrugs. "Catching some hobgoblin big shot? Good luck with that. These woods are crawling with all sorts, and Vraath Keep's been abandoned for ages. Who knows what or who you'll find in there. As for your spells, do what you gotta do, but leave my dogs out of it. They don't need any of your magic to do their job."

When Tanna-Mai inquires about other dangers in the woods, Jorr's expression turns slightly more serious. "Other troubles? This is the Witchwood; always something lurking around. Could be anything from a pack of wolves to something... weirder. Keep your eyes peeled and your weapons ready. And don't wander off; these woods aren't forgiving to the careless."

As the last of the group speaks up about setting the Keep free of squatters, Jorr grunts noncommittally, clearly not sharing the same romantic view of the mission. "Free the Keep, huh? Just watch yourselves in there. Old places like that are full of surprises, and not the pleasant kind."

With that, Jorr sets off, leading the way into the forest. His steps are sure and silent, the mark of a man who knows these woods like the back of his hand. Despite his rough exterior and sharp tongue, it's clear that his guidance will be invaluable on the journey to Vraath Keep.

Everyone roll a % and call out low or high.

2024-02-01, 01:36 PM
As Jor leads you all through the forest, his last words settling in the back of your mind, you hear several roars from the left! Two giant beats burst forth from the bushes, you must have stumbled upon them as you were traveling!

The massive brutes have 2 sets of arms, and look like some kind of Gorilla, though these must be larger, and have even more of an anger issue!


DC 16
They are Girallons, a Magical Beast

DC 18
They use their massive strength and multiple arms to rend their foes apart.

DC 20+
you can look at the SRD for reference

Everyone roll initiative
No on detected them with scent due to the wind.
Tanna gets a +5 to their init due to Mindsight which just barely kicked in (I'm adhoc ruling here)

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xOC5_L7Ff7aLJ3ixkSfDRQHvl65GpQrDsbxjh06tYwE/edit?usp=sharing)

2024-02-01, 02:36 PM
Upon departure from the cabin, Michael waits until the dogs just move out of range and then casts Elation spell, affecting everyone else, including Jorr, until tomorrow afternoon, rising people's spirits and effectively strength, dexterity and all forms of speed. Then he takes the designated position and rides through the forest, probably having Limbo hustle more often than not, because the trail was not wide enough for the griffon. This was not supposed to be a major problem, even long term, but did annoy both the mount and the rider.

Still, upon the sight of some surprise girallons, Michael exercises restraint and does not open up with anything potent, instead conserving those spell for use at the keep. He casts only Blood Wind on the griffon and readies a sword to aid griffon's defenses.

The griffon recognizes the spell and the guidance that Michael exerts along with it. It was a usual procedure. He stays in place and makes motions as if attacking an invisible something next to him and... well, nothing happens as far as anyone could see...

Elation (persisted): +2 str, +2 dex, +5 any and all speeds (morale bonuses)

Swift: Blood Wind
Move: draw sword
Standard: ready aid another for +2 AC (but probably won't work against a girallon)

Limbo full attacks against G1 at -2 range penalty.
Claw: [roll0] for [roll1]
Claw: [roll2] for [roll3]
Bite: [roll4] for [roll5]

2024-02-01, 03:09 PM
It was a recent skill, learning how to detect sentient minds, for Tanna-Mai. It involved a LOT of shutting out of random birds and telemarketersother assorted animals.

Of course, when a pair of angry wordless minds came charging into range, Tanna-Mai tried to squeak out a warning to the others before the strange beasts bellowed into view. But then Michael and his griffin stomped into range. "Oh for bloody ****'s SAKE!" So much for using Glitterdust on the one nearest to her...

She shifted, trying to get a clear enough shot to not hit Lord Poncy Pants or his mount with a spell, but to not endanger herself around the multi-armed ape. "Time for night-night, dooker"!

Initiative 13 on Discord
Casting Deep Slumber (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/deepSlumber.htm) on G1 DC18
due to Spell Focus: Enchantment & Touch of Distraction. Even if her makes the save, he'll get affected by Unsettling Enchantment for one round (Any foe required to save against an enchantment spell you cast takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and to AC for 1 round, regardless of the result of the save. This is a mind-affecting effect.)

Tanna-Mai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2840583)
F LN Human Beguiler5/Mindbender1//Warmage 3, Level 6//3, Init 2, HP 48/48, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, Fort 6, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2
Hand crossbow +1 (300) +5 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Silvered MW dagger +2 (1d4-1, 19-20/×2)
Short Sword +1 +2 (1d6, 19-20/×2)
Least Crystal of Adaptation Mithral Shirt +1 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition Endure Elements (from Least Crystal of Adaptation)

Reliable Courier (Message Delivery): Your character's reputation as a reliable messenger is well-known in Drellin's Ferry and beyond. You have advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with individuals who are aware of your courier services. This reputation opens doors to valuable information and opportunities in your adventures.

Treasure Seeker (Vault of Vraath Keep): Having stumbled upon the old map hinting at the hidden vault in Vraath Keep, your character has a keen eye for deciphering cryptic clues and an insatiable thirst for treasure. Once per day you can cast detect secret doors as a spell like ability.

Mindsight: A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless (anything with an Intelligence score of 1 or higher) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense--the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means. The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being's type and Intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being's race and clothing would be to eyesight.

2024-02-01, 03:37 PM
Elated through it all, Novalis walked with a spring on his bent legs, tender was the warm noon in the deep wood, almost to a slumber, dreamy. When suddenly came these monsters brawling, unscented against the wind. They came a'hunting through the trees. Novalis saw them just in time, he cracked his neck resigned as Mayhem came alive and a horrifying grin his face traversed. The verses coming sowft but deadly out of a deeper voice inside.

Into the bosom of the earth,
Out of the Light's dominion,
Death's pains are but a bursting forth,
Sign of glad departure.
Swift in the narrow little boat,
Swift to the heavenly shore we float.

Mayhem spoke. He was no longer the bent knight.

Faced with the smell of violent carnage, the haunted knight moved unsheathing his rusted sword, and first he looked into both creatures' eyes Claiming their souls and lives, and then he glared in to the closest one, and shadow tendrils flew forth. His one hnded style of swordfighting, one hand free above his head, he no longer looked the bent knight.

Hissing, but stingless—they were slain for food.
Mayhem spoke


Movement: Move towards V15 (Placed my token there)
Swift: Claim both Girallons, thanks to Dark Allure, claimed creatures take a penalty to attacks that don't target me equal to the number of creatures claimed for 3 rounds. so -2 to attacks against anyone but me.

Standard: Use KILLING SHADOWS mystery on the Girallon on U-19 causing killing shadows to come from my eyes in a deadly cone of 30' [roll0] Will DC 19 for Half

Free: look weird AF

2024-02-01, 04:21 PM
When the weird beasts appeared Telrayel flowed basically through the underbrush, to bring himself nearer to this newest threat.

While rushing towards his target bow and arrow appeared in his hands. He was too far away to hit them correctly, he shouted out towards Jorr.

Four-armed apes, bring your dogs to safety.

move action towards V7 and drawing my weapon while I move (I ignore non-magical underbrush and move freely)
Standard action to shout a warning.

2024-02-09, 04:29 PM
Weather: Overcast
Time: Afternoon

The Witchwood

Telrayel - 22
Novalis - 18
Michael - 17
Tanna-Mai - 13
Monsters - 11
Ringel - 9

As Telrayel moves and warns Jorr and his dogs, the others react with the keen reactions of a mongoose!

Novalis sends out a wave of darkness from his eyes, but both beasts are able to twist around it, Michael casts a spell letting his magnificent mount to attack through the weave itself! Unfotunately, the surprise must have thrown of it's aim off as none of the magical attacks hit.

The Girallons reacted in likeness, and both charged Novalis!

G1 charge
If hit, DC 17 Reflex or be thrown back 5 ft and be prone

G2 charge
If hit, DC 17 Reflex or be thrown back 5 ft and be prone

Ringel will act first at the next round, so everyone else can post.
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xOC5_L7Ff7aLJ3ixkSfDRQHvl65GpQrDsbxjh06tYwE/edit?usp=sharing)

2024-02-09, 04:53 PM
By th time Ringel's all done blinking a few times in surprise, the battle gets going all around (well, mostly beside her), and it includes altogether all too mant arms on all too many… Big apes? Flustered as she might be, the Ogre nevertheless postpones figuring out whether Knight Novalis will try to eat her soul too if she gets too close and makes a bold attempt at rushing to his aid, putting herself between the apes and Tanna-Mai (who really doesn't look like she'd enjoy the treatment Novalis just received) while at that, with a loud (and likely none too helpful) Hey, leave him alone! And us, too!

Move to R13, following the road up until Q12 to avoid AoOs, and
stab: [roll0] for [roll1] magical piercing.

2024-02-09, 05:01 PM
The beast came a charging, rumbling in the woods, but their souls were claimed and their fate was sealed. A solid hit sent Novalis tumbling back and flat on his derriere, but his face was calm and somber as a smile took over.

Mainhem was not done speaking and he swiftly danced her tune, he rose looking bent and heavy inside the shadow armor, but the armor was a glamer and no heavier than a ghost, he lift his sword and then he was gone!

In a blink he appeared next to the beast as a Bearer of grim news and viciously stabbed aiming to shock the creature's spine with force!

MovementStand from prone, no AoO since the blowback took me out of their area.
Swift Bearer of Grim news to move my speed as a swift action no AoO.
Standard Dazing Attack [roll]1d18+9+[roll1] Creature must make a Fort save DC 20 or be dazed 1 round

2024-02-10, 01:16 AM
Michael waits for combat to unfold a little further, then directs Limbo into close contact with both of girallons, deciding that it has to be done sooner or later anyway. He recognizes this decision might be a mistake if girallons would send him flying around or just step back through all this underbush, but these are the risks he is willing to take. Limbo then tries to bite one of the girallons and Michael just does his best to interfere with girallons' attacks against everyone.

Fight with warhorse: (1d20+11)[18] vs DC 20 - Does Michael still threaten, just cannot make any attacks?

Delay until after Tanna-Mai
Swift: change stance to Iron Guard's Glare
Move: to T15U16 (this provokes from both)
Standard: attack one of the girallons of Limbo's choice (either the more wounded one or what not)

Bite: [roll0] for [roll1]

Maneuver granted next round [roll2]

Iron Guard's Glare in effect. While you are in this stance, any opponent that you threaten takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls against your allies. This penalty does not apply to attacks made against you. Enemies you threaten become aware of the consequences of the stance.

2024-02-12, 08:44 AM
Telrayel strides through the underbrush, getting towards it's edges, while keeping his eyes on the movement of the four-armed beasts. As soon as he reaches the end of the coverage he stops aprubtly, converging his movement to his arms to raise his bow and let one arrow flow towards the soft part between two of the Girallon arms.

Move towards S10
Attacking the Girallon at R15/S16: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Skirmish damage: [roll2]

2024-02-12, 10:27 AM
Tanna-Mai grumbled not-so much to herself as the four-armed freaky monkey managed to shake off her spell. Still, it would at least give the others an opening to take advantage of -- if they chose to do so.

"Like, what messed up mage or dippy druid thought giving an ape more arms was a GOOD IDEA?!"

A majority of her magicks were not of the showy Melt Your Face Off variety. And she didn't know if they were even close to this damn Keep yet. ...y'know, the place with the baddies we're supposed to be killing? Tanna-Mai instead hoped the others could be Proper Meatshields for her as she defaulted to her crossbow for the time being. Sure, it was basically a mosquito bite -- but better to use that now than burn herself out of spells that might be needed for later...


And, of course, try to get out of the way afterwards...

Attack on G1 (hand crossbow): [roll0]
Dmg (if hit): [roll1]
5ft step to Q12

Tanna-Mai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2840583)
F LN Human Beguiler5/Mindbender1//Warmage 3, Level 6//3, Init 3, HP 48/48, Speed 35
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2
Hand crossbow +1 (300) +5 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Silvered MW dagger +2 (1d4-1, 19-20/×2)
Short Sword +1 +2 (1d6, 19-20/×2)
Least Crystal of Adaptation Mithral Shirt +1 (+5 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition Endure Elements (from Least Crystal of Adaptation)

Reliable Courier (Message Delivery): Your character's reputation as a reliable messenger is well-known in Drellin's Ferry and beyond. You have advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with individuals who are aware of your courier services. This reputation opens doors to valuable information and opportunities in your adventures.

Treasure Seeker (Vault of Vraath Keep): Having stumbled upon the old map hinting at the hidden vault in Vraath Keep, your character has a keen eye for deciphering cryptic clues and an insatiable thirst for treasure. Once per day you can cast detect secret doors as a spell like ability.

Mindsight: A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless (anything with an Intelligence score of 1 or higher) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense--the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means. The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being's type and Intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being's race and clothing would be to eyesight.

Elation (persisted, from Michael): +2 str, +2 dex, +5 any and all speeds (morale bonuses)

2024-02-22, 02:38 PM
Weather: Overcast
Time: Afternoon

The Witchwood

Ringel moves up and skewers the northoen most Girallon, causing it to roar out in anger. At the same time Novalis delivers a deadly attack after standing up, delivering the Bearer of grim news to his opponent, who manages to avoid the worst of his attack. [made save]

Telrayel strides through the forest like a primal force of nature, sending an arrow that stuck into the hide of one of the beasts as Tanna-Mai missed with her crossbow, then Michael, who was waiting to strike at the opportune moment strikes, bursting through the undergrowth to appear between the two girallons who both tear into the Limbo before it manages to strike a clean blow against the northern one! [Limbo takes 8,9 & 15 damage]

Both Girallons turn their attention to the much larger creature that just appeared showing them the largest threat so far, they both put their full attention on the Griffon!

Girallon 1 vs Limbo





If 2 claws hit: [roll10]
If 4 claws hit: [roll11]

Girallon 2 vs Limbo





If 2 claws hit: [roll22]
If 4 claws hit: [roll23]

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xOC5_L7Ff7aLJ3ixkSfDRQHvl65GpQrDsbxjh06tYwE/edit?usp=sharing)

2024-02-22, 02:59 PM
It takes much concentration for Ringel to keep both her hands on the ranseur's shaft, rather than starting to scratch her head in frustration. What is she even supposed to do about these big ape things? Poking… Seems like it's not gonna do wonders here. She really wishes these four-armed whatevers were the kind of angry hostile thing that can be reasoned with. And perhaps smaller too. That would absolutely help.

The beating that poor Griffon's been getting in the last few heartbeats or so leaves little room for daydreaming this through, nevertheless. More poking it is, then, she's all but forced to figure. Oh, well. HEY! she yells at the negligent back of the closer big ape. You leave Limbo alone! And then she pokes.

Like I said, this is really not what Ringel's built for, which, on the flip side, makes this abundantly simple a choice. Full attack with +1 ranseur:
[roll0] for [roll1] magical piercing; and
[roll2] for [roll3] the same.

She also has 3 AoOs for the round, should the Girallon move away or do something weird.

2024-02-22, 03:24 PM
The sheer cruelty of these creatures incensed Novalis senses, the hissing and roaring buzzed in the haunted knight's voice, Mainhem demanded death, Mainhem demanded defeat.

Novalis swayed his body offering a narrow profile that allowed him to pierce further, he drove his sword in a clean thrust trying to pierce the Girallon's heart from behind.

Then, regardless of the result, he jumps back away from the beast having witnessed the devastation they are capable of.

Swift:change stance to Scarlett Einhander (+3 shield bonus and 1d6 damage per attack)
Standard actionStrike of defeat [roll0] damage [roll1] BUT if the Girallon is below 75% of it's hp deal an extra [roll2]
Move: If the Girallon is not dead, Novalis moves back 15' chosing to provoke an AoO instead og eating 5 attacks

2024-02-23, 03:38 AM
The girallons rip the griffon apart. It dies right there on the spot, pieses of meat flying everywhere. Michael falls to the ground, stands up, then tries to swing his sword at one of girallons, in a clumsy manner. He's horrified too much, but keeps fighting.

Vanguard strike at G1: [roll0] for [roll1]
Confirm: (1d20+3)[20] for (1d8+1)[5]

Iron Guard's Glare in effect. While you are in this stance, any opponent that you threaten takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls against your allies. This penalty does not apply to attacks made against you. Enemies you threaten become aware of the consequences of the stance.

Vanguard Strike in effect. All Michael's allies gain a +4 bonus on ranged and melee attacks against G1 until the start of Michael's next turn.

2024-02-23, 05:55 AM
Telrayel strode to the side, trying to get a better position again. The Gryffon got ripped apart almost immediately, which showed the elf that he should keep farther away from these things. Nonetheless he got closer, hopefully not too close and let loose another arrow, going for the legs this time to hit a vital artery.

Move towards V13.

Attack: [roll0] Attack G2.
Damage: [roll1] and Skirmish. [roll2]

2024-02-23, 10:56 AM
Tanna-Mai blinked.

In one moment, she had been snarking about Lord Poncy-Pants getting in the way and what sort of mage invented these creatures. And in the next, the griffon had been eviscerated by the savage beasts. The stench of fresh blood and bile nearly overwhelmed her. And the sudden emptiness in her head from the death of the griffon was unnerving.

"...g-gods...!" Tanna-Mai breathed. Was that was in store for her if she continued? She looked at her hand crossbow, practically a toy against these enhanced apes -- if she could hit them at all.

Stop playing, girl!

Voice shaking, Tanna-Mai spat out a word of power against the remaining girallon. It wouldn't do much. but at least it was certain to hurt it...

Casting Power Word Pain on G2

You utter a single word of power that instantly deals 1d6 points of damage to one creature of your choice, and another 1d6 points in every round thereafter for as long as the spell lasts. The duration of the spell depends on the target's current hit point total, as shown below. Any creature that currently has 101 or more hit points is unaffected by power word pain.
Hit Points Duration
50 or less 4d4 rounds
51-75 2d4 rounds
76-100 1d4 rounds

(So, you'd probably have to roll the duration to let me know how long the spell is in effect afterwards is)

[roll0] Dmg (no save, subject to spell resistance though)

Tanna-Mai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2840583)
F LN Human Beguiler5/Mindbender1//Warmage 3, Level 6//3, Init 3, HP 48/48, Speed 35
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2
Hand crossbow +1 (300) +5 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Silvered MW dagger +2 (1d4-1, 19-20/×2)
Short Sword +1 +2 (1d6, 19-20/×2)
Least Crystal of Adaptation Mithral Shirt +1 (+5 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition Endure Elements (from Least Crystal of Adaptation)

Reliable Courier (Message Delivery): Your character's reputation as a reliable messenger is well-known in Drellin's Ferry and beyond. You have advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with individuals who are aware of your courier services. This reputation opens doors to valuable information and opportunities in your adventures.

Treasure Seeker (Vault of Vraath Keep): Having stumbled upon the old map hinting at the hidden vault in Vraath Keep, your character has a keen eye for deciphering cryptic clues and an insatiable thirst for treasure. Once per day you can cast detect secret doors as a spell like ability.

Mindsight: A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless (anything with an Intelligence score of 1 or higher) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense--the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means. The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being's type and Intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being's race and clothing would be to eyesight.

Elation (persisted, from Michael): +2 str, +2 dex, +5 any and all speeds (morale bonuses)

2024-02-23, 11:02 AM
Weather: Overcast
Time: Afternoon

The Witchwood

As the griffons feathers are stil in the air, the team reacts in kind, Ringel skewering the northern monster even further, allowing Micahel to stand up and eviscerate the giant gorilla, sending it's guts onto the ground, as well as it's lifes blood, it's eyes roll into the back of it's skull and it *thumps* into the ground next to Michael. Meanwhile, Telrayel and Novalis butcher the second one, which merely falls to it's knees in a slumped strangely looking human like posture, arrows stuck in it's chest.

The wood slowly calms down, and you can hear that eerie silence of a forest after a fight.

2024-02-23, 12:00 PM
A tough, cold clump builds up in Ringel's stomach as she realizes, well after the fact, that the warped ape didn't hurt Limbo: it… It killed Limbo. She feels the solid, stubborn rage of her kin, the Giants of the uplands surge somewhere within her. She'd like to stab the fallen beast, and stab it, and kick it, and kick it again, but it is gone just as fast. The Ogre looks around. Mercifully, Tanna is fine, the Elf is fine, Knight Novalis is somehow apparently fine (despite not looking like someone should ever look) and… And then there's Lord Burne. And he's probably not fine. She trots over, letting go of her weapon. I'm so sorry, Lord Burne. she tells him. Limbo was a very, very, very good Griffon, and this is horrible. she tells him. Do you need… May I… I… I'm just going to hug you now., etiquette be damned. Worst case, he can have her executed later or whatever nobles do when very offended over attempts to help them improperly. For now, he gets hugged. Maybe it will just help.

2024-02-23, 01:34 PM
Michael casts a spell at the dead griffon. He did not really expect it to work, but knew he could not live without having done that. Then he cuts the other girallon's throat. He then gets himself together enough to recognize what Ringel is saying. He sighs, sits on the ground near the dead griffon and places Ringel's hand on his shoulder. "No, no hugs now. Just mourn with me."

Cure Minor Wounds on Limbo. Coup de Grace on girallon.

2024-02-23, 03:43 PM
…or it won't. Really not in the right mood or ahape to even apologize as appropriate, she merely offer a mumbled Didn't mean to… Sorry. as she half-kneels down beside the poor birdlion. The poor thing deserves a little silence now, that much is for sure, after all that ugly roaring ape roaring – and so does Lord Burne.

2024-02-23, 07:08 PM
Death up close was a new experience for Tanna-Mai. True, she followed Wee Jas, but that was for secrets and magic, not Death. Her stomach churned as she caught the scent of perforated organs and waste. She turned her head to spit out the bile that wasn't going to take "no" for an answer.

"...uggggh..." Tanna-Mai's knees felt weak, but she forced herself to speak. "Um, we should get movin', yeah? Like, dead bodies attract live bodies and like, these guys could be part of a pack or something..."

2024-02-24, 04:37 AM
Mayhem smelled the air with glee, elated for the violence and by death spurred. Novalis heard her loud and clear, the metallic laughter in his head as he pulled his steel from the girallon’s body and whipped the blood against the beast’s fur.

He looked up and Sorrow took Mainhem place. Sir Michael was in pain. A pain Novalis couldn’t feel himself, so many times had he seen riders mourn their horses. But what was there to be expected: battle, futile death. no longer he rode beasts to battles, for their were only shadows.

And when convulsive throes denied my breath
The faintest utterance to my fading thought,
To thee—to thee—e’en in the gasp of death
My spirit turned, oh! oftener than it ought.

He motioned to Michael, he knew the custom of the lady of the dead and rising the hilt of his sword offered a little prayer.

So it is the way Istus draws the threads of life for creatures to follow the path of We Jas.
And what takes the guise of misfortune be in fact the blessing of bliss.

Then he sheathed his sword and added.

Would you like to take the time to offer proper burial? I suspect the smell of blood will soon draw swarms.

2024-02-26, 09:07 AM
Telrayel quickly checked the downed apes. They were surely dead and wouldn't kill anymore. Fial'gra Unlike Ringel. The elf checked if he could reuse any of his arrows but as it was so often if he hit true, the wood splintered.

It was good that Ringel took care of Michael, it was weird. It seemed that they're reactions were switched. Perhaps he needed someone that could cry for him.

He quickly strode over to Tanna-Mai, fearing that she was poisoned by something but it seems she was just ill. He try'd to comfort her with a pat on the back.

Yes, let's scram as fast as possible. We won't stay safe for long.

2024-02-27, 05:10 PM
Weather: Overcast
Time: Afternoon

The Witchwood

As the dust settles after the intense encounter with the Girallons, the group stands amidst the aftermath, their hearts heavy. Michael kneels beside his fallen griffon, a mix of sorrow and resolve etched across his face. The magnificent creature, a loyal companion through countless adventures, lies still, its life extinguished by the brutal attack.

Jorr emerges from his hiding spot, his expression grim but relieved to see the group mostly unharmed. "We should get moving," he states flatly, his gaze lingering on the scene. "Wasn't about to put my pups in no danger against those monsters. No sense in risking them for a fight we can avoid."

He looks pointedly at his dogs, which stay close by his side, a silent testament to his first priority – their safety. Jorr's practical, survival-driven mindset leaves no room for unnecessary heroics, especially when it comes to protecting his "family."

Michael stands up, his decision made amidst the turmoil of loss. "I need to head back," he announces, his voice carrying a weight of finality. "I have to take care of...this." He gestures to his fallen griffon, the bond between them more than evident in his grief-stricken demeanor, you notice a griffon feather tightly held in his hands.

Before turning to leave, Michael moves among the group, offering healing to anyone who's been injured in the fray. His actions are methodical, a distraction from his pain, as he ensures his companions are tended to before he departs.

"I'm sorry," he says, not just for leaving, but for the loss they all share in that moment. With a final nod to Jorr and the others, Michael sets off on the path back home, his steps slow and heavy with the weight of his loss.

Jorr watches him go, then turns to the rest of the group. "Let's move," he urges, the urgency in his voice clear. "We've got a mission to complete, and daylight's wasting." With that, Jorr leads the way forward, the group's resolve hardened by the day's events, their path forever altered by the encounter in the woods.

Assume all damage is healed by Michael before he leaves.
Marching order please

2024-02-28, 02:34 AM

An ally lost, an ally lost, and a winding path ahead, how many more before the day is dead? Sang Sorrow, merrily, inside Novalis head, but the others can hear the merry tune like a ghostly sound.

The funny thing about the Haunted Flaw is that technically the others can hear the voices like a murmur, that's why Novalis has a -4 penalty to move silently and Listen

Novalis bows lightly as a goodbye to Michael. The woods will have their way with the griffon and the Girallons, soon wolf and critters will their flesh consume, and soon roots and branches will their bones crack. The still warm corpses started to turn paler, and the dark blood of the torn apart griffon mixed with the feathers of its neck as an orange that starts to go off. Novalis had the minerals to paint just that color, and so he will do the next time he visits a Wee Jas temple to illuminate their sacred books.

Caught in these thoughts, the tumbling Knight dallies and is left slightly behind the group, his long limbed strides allow him to catch up, but he's not the quietest and he decides to remain in the rearguard where Jorr's dogs leave him alone.

Spot [roll0] Listen [roll1]

2024-02-28, 03:50 AM
Telrayel accepts Michaels departure, as he accepts Jorrs priorities, he wouldn't have chosen differently than either in they're situation.

When they continue they're travels the elf goes with his erratic scouting pattern again, circling the group but staying around Novalis a bit more than usual, catching and humming a merry tune while he is around the knight.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Perform: [roll2]

2024-02-28, 07:23 AM
Ringel rises herself, slowly, offering Lord Burne a last nod and a clumsy excuse for a bow. Waving would somehow feel unbecoming now, even more so than hugging the noble, after all. What the feather's for, she doesn't know, but as a priest, Lord Burne is bound to know the proper rites, better rites than just digging a hole with Jorr grumping about the ambient light in the background. She'll have to accept this much.

By the time she looks back, once more, having reclaimed her position behind Jorr and just ahead of Tanna-Mai, the cleric is gone, out of sight, if not out of mind. For that, she might need a better distraction. Tanna? she peeks past her shoulder, before lowering her voice. What's a Fil… Fiallgrr… What Telrayel just said? He keeps using that word and it would feel weird to ask him. There. That will do for a little respite. Maybe. For a little while. The Ogre swallows a sigh. This used to be such a nice day!

Let's test Ringel's piss poor perception, if everyone's rolling those things anyhow:
Spot and Listen: [roll0]

2024-02-28, 10:30 AM
Instinctively, Tanna-Mai positioned herself back in the middle of the group. The copper from the blood and iron from the organs was still stuck in her nostrils. Telrayel's singing (while not too bad) wasn't helping much either. Wouldn't the noise alert more potential dangers?

Which is why Ringel's question was a MUCH needed distraction.

"Huh....holdonholdonholdon. Okay, so like, I think it's Elven, right? But the dialect could mean, like, a whole different thing whether it's bein' said by a wood elf versus a sea elf versus a grey elf. Ooooh, and don't even get me started on the drow, who can, like, have an entire conversation without sayin' any actual words all while flippin' you off at the same time!"

A beat.

"OH! Right, yeah. So, I wanna say he's, like, sayin' goodbye? To Limbo, I mean. I think anyways..."

Tanna-Mai actually does speak Elven, but this is my translation via "Races of the Wild" and not enough caffeine. :smalltongue:

2024-02-28, 01:50 PM
Huh. Ringel stares at the road ahead for a moment, quite blankly. Does that mean… Did he, then… I think he might have told me I'm not a tearful farewell back at Jorr's, then. she says, at last. Not that it's not true and all that, but he sure is an odd ball.

2024-03-12, 03:31 PM
Weather: Overcast
Time: Afternoon-Evening

Blackwater Causeway

A wide expanse of dark water has flooded the woodland in this low valley. Trees still protrude from the calm, dark waters here and there, but many large reaches seem to be little more than open pools of algae-choked water. The trill of frogs and the whine of insects fills the air. The forest road leads right down to the edge of the flooded section, up to a rickety-looking causeway made of thick planks of wood lashed together with mossy rope. The wooden causeway runs for several hundred feet through the boggy patch, only a foot or so above the water.

Up ahead you can make out the wreckage of a wagon, lying on its side and half-sunk ii the flooded forest, about thirty feet from the causeway.

2024-03-12, 03:47 PM
Walking behind the group, Novalis comes into view of the half-sunk causeway while caught in his thoughts.

How deep are the waters?

He asked from a few feet behind the group. And he drew his sword, to watch the rear back of the group while they reached a decision.

2024-03-13, 08:29 AM
I don't know. Ringel responds, ambling closer to the water and upon the causeway as though hypnotized. But this is beautiful. Was it always here? I've never been so deep in the woods. she asks Jorr over her shoulder, before drawing a lazy circle onto the water with the tip of her ranseur. And who made it? It must be really sturdy if it can bear wagons! she enthuses on. It is the odd kind of road she can't quite recall ever walking on – a good distraction again.

2024-03-13, 09:58 AM
It would take a bog-dweller to see the beauty of a bog. Like the bourgeoise that called the city of Grey-Hawk a beauty.

Dear Ringel, I take that wrecked wagon disagrees with your assessment of the causeway's sturdiness. Can we cross over at this point? Jor?

If I had to murder someone, I'd do it in this spot!

Whispered Mainhem in his head, and while the voice was insane, it was also right. Novalis grew alert and sharpened his eyes.


2024-03-14, 03:43 AM
Telrayel also get's nearer towards the bog, he wasn't as awestruck as Ringel, it was nature after all. No matter if it's mountains, a forest or the desert, it simply was.

The deepness of the bog seems to be relevant, if there is a stick or something around Telrayel try's to determine it's depth and of course try's to walk over it, that the others have more space on the causeway.

Okay, a standard bog seems to be difficult terrain which I can ignore thanks to Flawless stride. I'm okay with sinking here, it just seemed to be cool if Telrayel could walk over swampy water... Of course without leaving any traces at all.

2024-03-14, 09:31 AM
Tanna-Mai's nose wrinkled with the stagnant stench of bog water and she frantically shooed away a cloud of gnats that seemed far too interested in her. She shot a wary look towards the bridge, sharing Novalis' lack of admiration with it. Both bridge and swamp had her on edge. Tanna-Mai almost wished Lord Poncy-Pants and his griffin were still with them, if only to ferry herthem over the rickety bridge entirely.

"...feels like a damn ambush..." Tanna-Mai muttered. Her discomfort with the Great Outdoors was obviously showing -- since she didn't realize the frogs were still idly croaking as if nothing was wrong.

[roll0] Spot attempt
[roll1] Listen attempt

2024-03-22, 04:36 PM
Weather: Raining
Time: Afternoon-Evening

Blackwater Causeway

Jor scratches his head at the deluge of questions, "Don't see why not? this has been here long before I was 'ere, an will be here afta me I'm guessin, I come by and fix up boards every nah and then, be careful, the boards will be slick from the bog. No clue how deep them waters be, they are new, fresh from the recent floods. I'd be bettin at least 10 ft deep though." He keeps to the back, obviously quite wary of being so far out in the open.

At that, the clouds broke overhead, they had been forming the last hour or so, and the evening turned into a wet one very quickly.

As you inspect the causeway and move just a bit closer, the water erupts into a maelstrom of movement, water, and...hydra heads!


Reduces visibility ranges by half, resulting in a -4 penalty on Spot and Search checks. It has the same effect on flames, ranged weapon attacks, and Listen checks as severe wind.

Severe Wind
In addition to automatically extinguishing any unprotected flames, winds of this magnitude cause protected flames (such as those of lanterns) to dance wildly and have a 50% chance of extinguishing these lights. Ranged weapon attacks and Listen checks are at a -4 penalty.

Roll initiative
Place yourselves anywhere inside the black box
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pZlKn-dY9QW5gFw5nYgnPP_dbrtMcLNcUJLktahAnCg/edit?usp=sharing)

2024-03-27, 04:11 PM
The Hydra charges forward heads thrust forward with fangs and water flying everywhere!

4 attacks vs Ringel




3 attacks vs Tanna-Mai



2024-03-27, 05:49 PM
Violence rears its ugly heads once more! And violence with violence must be faced.

Novalis does not doubt an instant, the slumping knight instinctively lunges forward to prevent Ringel and Tanna Mai to be slaughtered by this river monstrosity.

He leads with a swift blow of his sword, and then a clever sidestepping high cut devised to step away while fending off the enemy.

Movement: Move to X19 Accept an AoO Current AC 24 (+2 Extra dodge from moving 10')
Swift Action: Minute Hand (Boost) (Attack as Swift action at -2): Attack: [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Standard Action: Red Zephyr's Strike (Strike) (Move 10'after attack, no AoO): [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Ending up in AA19

2024-03-28, 08:30 AM
Ringel's jaw drops for a moment, and she reflexively stabs forward with the ranseur; but she can very easily tell that just will not do the job here. How is this forest growing these things?! Instead of an answer, she merely gets a flurry of bites rain down on her and a few more necks snake around her torso to get at Tanna-Mai. Very not ideal.

Without much in the way of further hesitation, she slides he left down on the shaft of the spear, folding the weapon behind her back as she swivels around; hoists Tanna over her shoulder without further ado; and scurries around Novalis onwards on the causeway, trying to keep her head down, but also between the heads thing and Tanna and maybe on her own shoulders. Hopefully, the thing won't be able to just eat them both in one bite. Hopefully.

Okay, here's the numbers:

AoO against the approaching Hydra: [roll0] for [roll1] magical piercing;

then: free action free up a hand and declare Dodge against the Hydra, initiating being on the defensive and increasing that AC to 19,
move action pick up Tanna-Mai (interesting fact: with the +2 to STR from Elation, she's just within light load!) and
other move action move 55 feet to whatever direction the crew were moving (I'll assume north, so she should end her movement somewhere around V9).

Picking up Tanna-Mai should provoke an AoO; if Novalis acts first, moving shouldn't, but if it still does, Ringel has Mobility for AC 23 against that AoO.

2024-03-30, 03:02 PM
The shrill shrieks eminating from Tanna-Mai as the hydra's heads bit into her surprised the young mage. Being attacked wasn't something she was used to. Stand off to the sidelines, cast a spell or shoot her crossbow, then have a laugh -- nothing serious.

But being actually attacked and wounded -- and so soon after the ambush of those mutant ape creatures and the death of poor Limbo -- this little jaunt was becoming less and less fun.
And then suddenly Tanna-Mai was lifted into the air.

The shrieks suddenly became full-fledged screams. Tanna-Mai's first horrifying thought was that the hydra had yanked her off the very bridge into one of its toothy maws. It took her a few moments to finally realize that an injured Ringel was the one carrying her northward.

"Like, put me down...please? It's not near us now (I hope!) Ohhhh, it HURTS!" Tanna-Mai whimpered. The others were too far away now for her to cast Haste and she didn't dare get too close again. Still, she took a couple of tentative steps closer -- if only to tell if the others had any chance against the hydra -- or if they would be better off just making a run for it like they did.

Move to W11
[roll0] Sense Motive (Assess Opponent CAdv p102)

Tanna-Mai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2840583)
F LN Human Beguiler5/Mindbender1//Warmage 3, Level 6//3, Init 3, HP 22/48, Speed 35
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2
Hand crossbow +1 (300) +5 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Silvered MW dagger +2 (1d4-1, 19-20/×2)
Short Sword +1 +2 (1d6, 19-20/×2)
Least Crystal of Adaptation Mithral Shirt +1 (+5 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition Endure Elements (from Least Crystal of Adaptation)

Reliable Courier (Message Delivery): Your character's reputation as a reliable messenger is well-known in Drellin's Ferry and beyond. You have advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with individuals who are aware of your courier services. This reputation opens doors to valuable information and opportunities in your adventures.

Treasure Seeker (Vault of Vraath Keep): Having stumbled upon the old map hinting at the hidden vault in Vraath Keep, your character has a keen eye for deciphering cryptic clues and an insatiable thirst for treasure. Once per day you can cast detect secret doors as a spell like ability.

Mindsight: A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless ( 50ft range intelligent mobs only) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense--the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means. The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being's type and Intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being's race and clothing would be to eyesight.

Elation (persisted, from Michael): +2 str, +2 dex, +5 any and all speeds (morale bonuses)

2024-04-02, 08:08 AM
Telrayel rushes towards the side, trying to get sure footing and get a feeling for the battering rain.

Thankfully Ringel got Tanna-Mai out of the way for the elf to have a more clear line towards the enemy.

Move towards T22.

Attack against Hydra: [roll0] (-4 ranged attacks factored in)
Damage against Hydra: [roll1] and Skirmish [roll2]

Activate skirmisher boots for another attack.

Attack against Hydra: [roll3] (-4 ranged attacks factored in)
Damage against Hydra: [roll4] and Skirmish [roll5]

AC is currently 25.

2024-04-02, 04:37 PM
Weather: Raining
Time: Afternoon-Evening

Blackwater Causeway

Novalis leaps into action, moving across the causeway, he bates one head of the Hyrda to attack him, which it does, but manages to smash it's own head into a concussive state, the massive fanged thing rises up, it's eyes rolled back into it's head. [1 hydra head is stunned]. Meanwhile he manages to strike it not once but twice, scoring clear mighty wounds upon the beast. [Takes 25 damage]

Ringel sets her jaw and goes to work, picking up Tanna, the Hydra see's another opportunity and strikes! Again, the head of the Hydra must have been seeing out another set of eyes, as this head also smashed into the causeway, making the whole thing shake and creak, the head rises up, like it's brethren with eyes glossed over. [1 hydra head is stunned][Takes 16 damage]

Telrayel comes in shooting arrows at the thing, managing to skewer a head with a well places shot. [Takes 31 damage]

The Hydra, beaten, confused, several heads limp, roars in anger, heads come crashing down around Novalis!

Hydra moves up onto the causeway to get within striking distance of Novalis (10ft reach)

5 attacks vs Novalis





Reduces visibility ranges by half, resulting in a -4 penalty on Spot and Search checks. It has the same effect on flames, ranged weapon attacks, and Listen checks as severe wind.

Severe Wind
In addition to automatically extinguishing any unprotected flames, winds of this magnitude cause protected flames (such as those of lanterns) to dance wildly and have a 50% chance of extinguishing these lights. Ranged weapon attacks and Listen checks are at a -4 penalty.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pZlKn-dY9QW5gFw5nYgnPP_dbrtMcLNcUJLktahAnCg/edit?usp=sharing)

2024-04-02, 05:03 PM
Its fangs came gashing, flesh ripping. But the knight had steel and an iron will, he stood against the challenge
Sang Mayhem mockingly as Novalis was gashed as a rag doll.

This beast was mighty, but Novalis had some tricks up its sleeve. He knew the heads were the main objective, but he lacked fire and and he lacked Time Cleaving the body would have to work.

He took a step and drove his sword pommel-deep into the creature's chest seeking the heart of the monster, he knew the deadly blow would only be temporary until they could burn the hydra! So he moved across the battlefield away from the Hydra.

5'foot step.
Strike of Defeat: rolled a 28 attack in discord then rolled 16 + 40 damage.
Swift action: Grim news to move my speed as swift action 50' away from the creature.

2024-04-02, 05:16 PM
Novalis blade is true, and sinks deep. Deep into the Hydra's chest, it pierces the massive beasts heart, exploding and pushing Novalis back several feet to land in the swamp with a loud *thwack*, which is then accompanied by the individual heads of the mighty monster smashing into the swamp, causeway and river as it's lifeblood rushes into the water and it's eyes go blank.

With but a blink, the causeway is silent again, only the ripples of the causeway on the water, and the tepid sound of the irrepressible surrounding woodlands.

Steam rises from the bulk of the beast, which was laid stricken across the causeway, blocking it at the southern entrance. Checking the corpse you find a mysterious item.

Hydra's Soulstone

Description: The Hydra's Soulstone is a rare gemstone that forms within the heart of a seven-headed hydra, a crystalline manifestation of its life force and regenerative power. This gem is the size of a large marble, with layers of swirling green and blue hues that seem to move and pulsate with an inner light. The Soulstone is warm to the touch, and holding it, one can feel a faint heartbeat, a lingering echo of the hydra's vitality.

-Fast Healing (Ex): The gemstone grants the wielder Fast Healing 17 for 3 rounds, once per week. When activated, the wounds of the wielder close at an astonishing rate, mimicking the hydra's legendary regenerative abilities. This power activates automatically when the wielder is below 50% of their total hit points.
Constitution Enhancement: While in possession of the Hydra's Soulstone, the wielder gains a permanent +2 bonus to their Constitution, a gift from the hydra's incredible resilience.
-Serpentine Communion (Su): The wielder can communicate with reptilian creatures once per day for up to 10 minutes. This ability allows for understanding and being understood by reptiles, fostering an unusual bond between the wielder and the scaled creatures of the world.
-Echoes of the Hydra (Su): Once per week, the wielder can tap into the dormant power of the Soulstone to summon two spectral hydra heads that fight alongside them for 1 minute. These heads use the wielder's attack bonus and deal 1d8+Constitution modifier in piercing damage for each successful attack.
-Caster level: 17th

Curse: Thirst of the Hydra. The Soulstone's energies are not easily controlled. The wielder finds themselves afflicted by an insatiable thirst, a metaphorical representation of the hydra's hunger. If the wielder fails to drink significantly more water than usual, they suffer a -1 penalty to all attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws until their thirst is quenched.

Origin: The Hydra's Soulstone is not made but born, a rare gem that forms within the heart of a seven-headed hydra that has lived for centuries, absorbing magical energies from its surroundings. The death of such a hydra causes the Soulstone to be expelled from its body, retaining much of the creature's power. It is said that only those who have proven themselves in battle against a hydra can claim the Soulstone, and even then, the stone judges whether the victor is worthy of its power.

2024-04-03, 03:29 AM
Novalis who had dispatched the beast was also heavily wounded. Telrayel strode towards him, laying a hand on his shoulder.

You're fine? Can you still cross over? It took a beat till Telrayel added a You were pretty great out there. Really nice cleaving. That's what humans tell each other, right?

Use two charges from my healing belt, used one after another.

[roll0] healing

Telrayel checked the mighty beast. It had a lot of good scales and flesh but sadly they really didn't had the time to harvest it. Telrayel broke out an especially mean teeth as a memento at least and took a shiny stone that he found near the hydra though.

After checking on Jorr and his hounds the elf brought the stone to Novalis.

I found that near the hydra, do you want it? I know you don't want to have a lot of things, I wasn't sure if a stone is alright with you.

2024-04-03, 08:50 AM
More than out of her depth, Ringel reacts to Tanna-Mai's comlaints with a rappid succession of You're alive! And I'm sorry! I panicked! What's that… – only for the heads thing to be… Stabbed to death, by Knight Novalis, with one casual thrust of his weird rusty sword. Ringel raises and drops her arms. How did you do that?! she trots over to poke the body with her pointy stick in confusion. How did he do that? she looks back at Tanna-Mai over her shoulder, trying to collect herself somewhat. And, um… Do you need help? I can swim in or… Something. she adds, at last, catching herself staring quite unhelpfully at the headsthingslayer.

2024-04-03, 10:03 AM
The blood of the hydra an the blood of Novalis mixed under the falling rain, his wounds were great, his bones broken, exposed through the shadow armor as they broke through the illusion.

The good war-king first drew
his sword, the old heirloom,
with its edges not blunt; terror was with each
of the hostile two from the other. Sorrow chanted.

Novalis regained his foot leaning on Telrayel hand and then on his old heirloom: An ancestral sword, humble of shape but of reliable steel. Then he approached the multiheaded beast.

I must have cleft its heart with my piercing beauty. He spurted as his sole answer, and the effort tinted his teeth with blood from within.

I may need some rest. If the agenda can be delayed. I had heard the woods here were deadly, Now I know they weren't exaggerating. I can't take no loot nor treasure, whether stone or gold.

2024-04-03, 10:22 AM
Ringel skirts around the dead thing with great care, still somewhat unsure it won't juts bite more of her off. Honsetly speaking, Novalis's stab was more convincing than his explanation. I bet I could carry you, Knight Novalis! she offers the knight, nevertheless, putting the ranseur down for long enough to just gently grab him by the shoulders and lift him onto the causeway. Unless that'll make you bleed more? Or faster. By the look of things, it probably would too.

Interesting fact: R. is a full inch shrter than Novalis, but with Elation, even he is only light load for her.

2024-04-03, 12:01 PM
Tanna-Mai blinked.

Knowing full well that fighting the multi-headed monstrosity would have been a death wish if they all stuck around, Tanna-Mai was just about ready to scream out the Very Helpful Idea to RUNFORYOURLIVES!strategically withdraw across the bridge as fast as possible to the others when suddenly said death wish was itself Very Much Dead, courtesy of Novalis.

Tanna-Mai blinked again as Ringel asked her question. "I--I'm, uh, not exactly sure...hooph! She flinched as she took in a breath. Time to fix herself up before her wounds attracted another threat.

Use two charges from my healing belt on myself, used one after another.

2024-04-04, 02:58 AM
Telrayel shifted himself to take a bit more of Novalis weight towards himself to steady the knight, he seems more wounded than the elf initially thought and spared a bit more healing to the warrior.

Last charge of Healing Belt, [roll0]

Telrayel understood Ringel's confusion on the demise of the frightening beast, he himself could only see what Knight Novalis did, because he was focused on the multi-headed beast too. With unwavering confidence the elf answered.

He attacked it.

The comments about piercing beauty confused the elf. He didn't find Novalis that beautiful and he clearly used a weapon and did not flash his beauty as a finishing blow. It must be some kind of human thing that he didn't understand.

Telrayel wanted to help Ringel carry Novalis but after a look at her muscular arms and the ease in which she carried Tanna-Mai... She would probably be able to carry Knight-Novalis without him.

I think we should get closer to the fort before we should take a rest. Do you think you can hold on till there, Novalis?

2024-04-05, 04:09 PM
By the wings of friendship carried
the knight became a fool...

Sorrow started chanting, but Novalis would not have it. Not with these folks around. He gathered himself, his shadow armor torn to shreds and a wide grin across his face.

There will be no need for you to carry me, Ringel of the Enekos. Nor for you to worry more, Telrayel. Let me wash these wounds you have magically sealed from the blood of both man an beast and let us be gone.
Frankly, Jorr, I don't know how you keep your dogs alive out here!

He took of his ragged shirt and washed himself in the water. Long freshly closed wounds still bled some when he summoned his shadow armor again.

There. No one would suspect underneath the armor lies the mangled body of a corpse. I'm going to need a horse.

He summoned his phantom steed and mounted.

By the wings of friendship carried,
the knight became a fool...

He mumbled, mocking Sorrow in his head.

2024-04-07, 11:02 AM
The offer stands whenever, Knight Novalis of… Of the… what is he, again? Something something planetouched something, but it would be very rude to get it wrong. He even knew what kind of Ogre Ringel is! She better just pretend she never meant to finish that sentence. One more thing before you ride off on the weird horse, though. she adds quite unneccessarily fast; not that it helps much: the weird horse creature is just inviting compariosns with poor Limbo, and that will sting for quite a while. How long has that wagon been sitting there, Master Jorr? Maybe… Maybe it's somebody's from around here. I just… she shakes her head lightly. I just kinda think if this was the heads thing Knight Novalis stabbed with his cleaving beauty someone somewhere might need to know. Deserve to know, too. she glances at Tanna-Mai and Telrayel for support. She is in the same business as Ringel; and he can probably just run over there on the water and check, after all.

2024-04-07, 11:12 AM
"I mean, with the hydra dead, it should be safe to check out now." Tanna-Mai said in a shaky voice. She hadn't "sensed" anything like someone using it for an ambush earlier -- but maybe the hydra had already nommed any potential brigands or hobs. Or whoever actually owned said wagon. "Just to check if there's, like, a merchant or guild mark on it. No -- no corpse stuff, right? Something we can tell the town when we get back..."

The emphasis was more to keep herself steady than for the others.

2024-04-08, 02:04 AM
Novalis confused Telrayel, when he thought about it he was probably the most confusing of them all. He was clearly no corpse and probably not undead or his healing would have killed the knight of. At least he felt fit enough to ride. Telrayel thought about saying And what would they even think when the corpse fought them? But he was still not sure what non-elves would find uplifting.

Regarding the wagon he began to strode towards it, then stopped himself apruptly and told Ringel I'm gonna take a look. And hushed over towards the overturned wagon, even in the fresh bog of the swamp leaving no trail.

Checking out the overturned wagon.

Search: [roll0]

Spot: [roll1]

2024-04-08, 02:37 PM
Weather: Downpour
Time: Evening

Blackwater Causeway

Jorr stares at the speaker, his brows furrowed in a mix of irritation and disbelief, the corners of his mouth twitching downwards. The remnants of the battle still smoldering around them, he kicks at the ground, sending a small cloud of dust into the air. With a snort, he responds, voice thick with a gruff accent, "Keep my dogs alive, you say? I ain't runnin' a nursery here. It's simple: the weak perish, and the strong survive. These dogs," he gestures vaguely towards his companions, "they're survivors. They know the Witchwood's no playground."

His gaze hardens, and he steps closer, the smell of the recent skirmish still clinging to him. "You want to survive out here, you've gotta be more wolf than sheep. More," he pauses, searching for the words, "more claw and fang than bark and whimper. My dogs, they earn their keep, tearing into goblins and worse. So don't you fret about my dogs. Worry 'bout keeping your own hide intact." Jorr's voice carries a biting edge, a stark reminder of the brutal reality of the wilderness they all face.

The rain beats down ever pouring, every damp, thudding down upon you and the puddles surrounding.

Jorr squints towards the darkening sky, the rain plastering his hair to his forehead. He grunts, a sound that carries a certain finality, as if he's already made up his mind about the folly or wisdom of what they're contemplating. "Headin' to Vraath Keep now, in this downpour? You've got more guts than sense," he says, his voice rough, like gravel being ground underfoot. He pulls his cloak tighter around himself, a futile gesture against the persistent rain.

"Listen," he continues, leaning in closer as if to share a secret with the relentless wind and rain as his only witnesses, "Vraath Keep ain't no cozy inn where you wait out the storm. It's a cursed place, full of shadows and worse things than shadows. If you're set on going, know this: the dark and the rain won't be your only troubles. But," he pauses, a smirk playing at the edge of his lips, "if you're determined to make such a foolhardy trek, then at least let the darkness cover your approach. Better to slip in unseen than announce your arrival with every squelch and splash."

He steps back, arms crossed, a look of stubborn resolve etched into his features. "But don't dally. If you're going, then go with purpose. The night won't wait for you, and neither will the dangers lurking in that ruin. Just remember, I warned you. Vraath Keep ain't no place for the faint-hearted, especially not on a night like this."

2024-04-09, 12:43 PM
Aside I turn to the holy, unspeakable, mysterious Night.

Recites Novalis from atop his shadow horse.

Jorr, you are right. We should perhaps wait for the Night to provide us with the mystery of its cover. But we shouldn't rest here. The miasma of the swamp carries illnesses, and the corpse of the Hydra is bound to bring beasts that would only distract us. We may find shelter from the rain in the forest ahead.

Novalis made his way through the Causeway.

He plough the still virgin lands to sow.
But what he thought untouched already sprout death and woe

Murmured Darkness the quietest of the voices, and the most difficult to ignore.

2024-04-09, 01:50 PM
Ringel looks at the dead Hydra, then Jorr, and then the road ahead. And somehow seems to shrink away from all three at once. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to own the place or put the Goblins there or want to go there all that much, let alone squelch and splash, it's just… We want the Ferry safe and I'm big. she explains apologetically to the hunter, while giving Telrayel, returning empty-handed, a one-armed sidehug of appreciation for his effort. But, um… she leans somewhat towards Jorr, making sure she keeps a polite and cautious distance. If you need Knight Novalis poached from that saddle before he'd ride off too fast to follow, just say.

2024-04-09, 02:36 PM
"Like, aren't hobs night-time critters anyway or something?" Tanna-Mai asked, trying not to sound nervous. Getting away from this damned causeway and making progress to the Keep was a Good Idea -- but if the hobgoblins could see in the dark, she worried how well waiting until night would work out for them. Still, she hurried as best as she could to keep up with the others.

2024-04-10, 03:45 AM
Telrayel took his time with checking the half-sunken wagon, even trying to touch the wood under the mire to feel something out but it seems there really wasn't anything there. Perhaps the hydra used it as bait? Telrayel stayed a bit longer and when he returned he had the stone of the hydra weaved into his hair, together with some feathers, wodden beads and leaves that made for a workable camouflage.

I haven't found any... When Ringel hugged him the hunter returned the gesture, before giving his own opinion towards Jorr.

We could use the rain as cover to get closer to the keep, perhaps find a place to rest and then go there in the morning, because it seems to be more dangerous at night than throught the day?

Telrayel kept his erratic scouting pattern but stayed way closer to the group than before, his ears and eyes sharp and also looking for a place to rest.

Search: [roll0]

Spot: [roll1]

Survival: [roll2] To find shelter.

Listen: [roll3]

2024-04-11, 11:28 AM
As much as Tanna-Mai wanted to rest (and maybe heal up a bit more), she had to ask the question.

"If we make it the Keep, do we even have the time to take a rest? If those hobs are really as big a threat as the town's council are saying..." Her voice trailed off in concern.

2024-04-13, 02:43 PM
And isn't it kind of on the rude side to call them hobs? I mean, I know they are bad guys, but I think we aren't supposed to be? Ringel wonders aloud and unhelpful in the background, scratching her right earlobe with her left hand. Either way, I can see just fine at night, and I think… So does Knight Novalis, maybe? But I'm all for sleeping some somewhere safe-er before we get into something very bloody again. Just do note that I reportedly snore.

2024-04-14, 07:40 AM
If anything, I see too well at night. And rarely close my eyes.
We wont' be at disadvantage. Personally, I'd trust our elven friend finds a nice place to rest a few hours, and maybe survey the surroundings of the keep. And we can move in closer to dawn, while still dark, we can avoid the night terrors

2024-04-18, 03:03 PM
Weather: Downpour
Time: Late-Evening

Blackwater Causeway

Jorr's eyes scan the rain-soaked surroundings, his gaze lingering on the dim path that leads further into the wilderness. He seems to weigh the options, considering the grim weather and the weary state of the group.

"Alright, listen up," Jorr finally decides, his voice cutting through the sound of the rain. "Pushin' through to Vraath Keep in this mess might be brave, but it ain't smart. We need to hold up for the night, rest up proper before tackling what lies ahead."

He gestures toward a barely visible trail veering off the main path. "There's a spot not too far from here, an old ranger’s hut. It's been abandoned for some time, but it'll provide shelter from this damn downpour. Ain't much, but it’s solid enough to keep us dry and out of the wind."

With a decisive nod, he leads the way, his steps sure even in the slippery mud. "It's tucked away good, used it myself a few times when the weather turned foul like this. We can make camp there, dry off, and get a decent night's rest."

As he walks, Jorr keeps a vigilant eye on the surroundings, his demeanor suggesting he's as prepared to encounter wildlife as he is to face off against more supernatural threats. "Stay close and keep your wits about you," he advises over his shoulder. "This weather's likely stirred up more than just the creek."

With Jorr’s guidance, the group trudges through the thickening mud, their spirits buoyed slightly by the promise of a dry place to rest. The old woodsman’s knowledge of the land proves invaluable, offering not just a respite from the storm but also a strategic advantage for the challenges that await at Vraath Keep.

Ok, you can rest for the night
Do you set a night watch? and if so, what are the shifts?
You can light a fire if you wish.
How long do you take for downtime?
Normal HP healing for downtime etc.

2024-04-19, 02:00 PM
…and I sometimes roll about after a bad day too, and I'm kind of heavy, so you don't want to sleep too close either, because it was kind of a really bad day. Ringel drones on, starting to fidget with the healing stones on her belt. For her part, she sees the issue as otherwise settled. Telrayel finding them a good camping spot would have been nice as well, of course, but the Elf seems to like sleeping in the weirdest of places, so the prospect of an actual roof and some dry space underneath that is more than one can hope. But that's all. Let's go sleep some. I feel like I might drown simply by breathing this rain at this point. she ambles forward, smiling at Jorr in gratitude for his insight and proposal – whatever the gruff old man meant by rain stirring up things other than other water. She'd figure things hide and try to keep dry when all the rain is falling like that. She'll have to ask Tanna-Mai. Or Telrayel, rather.

2024-04-19, 02:14 PM
"Being able to restore some of my magic would be nice..." GAWDS! Girl, you were as useful as tits on a bull today... "...but yeah, watches and stuff. Like, I don't mind doing first or last, so long as I can hopefully get eight hours in if ya need me...

She rubbed her arms, whether it was to get the wet off herself or to reassure herself, who could say?

2024-04-19, 03:59 PM
I can take the first watch. I have a lot of trouble falling asleep anyway.

2024-04-20, 03:24 PM
Novalis is offered his own personal sympathetic smile as Ringel slides closer to Tanna so that she can squeeze her shoulder (was that her wounded shoulder? Hopefully not her wounded shoulder) gently. And it's not like you have to watch either. There's a lot of us, we'll cover your shifts and all that. If you want us to. she says, as though she had a say in it. Well, she might, but if she really snores as bad as they say, someone will eventually kick her awake early anyhow.

2024-04-22, 05:53 AM
Thankfully Jorr was able to find a cabin to give them all some shelter from the downpour which may or may not summon more hydras.

Telrayel asked Jorr if a fire may attract hydras or other unpleasant things in this forest too and if the woodsman deemed it safe, Telrayel made one to dry his and the clothes of others.

I'll take the second part of the watch then, I don't need as much rest as the rest of you.

Telrayel was a bit anxious in the hut, he would have preferred a dry place outside but finding one in this rain may prove more difficult than besting the hydra from before. He settled in a corner, made himself as small as possible, his belongings at his side and sleeps.

If it's his time to take over watch Telrayel keeps the fire going and try's to find anything unusual that may threaten the hut.

Taking the second watch. Rolls for that.
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]
Survival: [roll3]

2024-04-22, 03:32 PM
Weather: Sunny
Time: Early morning

Blackwater Causeway - Hunters lodge

As night falls and the party settles into the old ranger's hut, the relentless rain gradually gives way to a gentle drizzle. The dense canopy and persistent cloud cover have obscured much of the sky throughout the evening, but as the night deepens, a brief break in the clouds offers a rare glimpse of the starry sky.

Suddenly, one of you notices a particularly bright star moving swiftly across the sky—it's not just any shooting star; it's exceptionally bright, trailing vibrant red and gold. Known locally as the "Hunter's Star," such celestial phenomena are often viewed as omens signifying the presence of significant and dangerous creatures in the region—a harbinger of formidable challenges ahead.

Jorr, stepping outside with you, notices your interest in the phenomenon. "Ah, the Hunter's Star," he remarks gruffly, his eyes following the fiery trail across the sky. "Folk around here say it's a bad omen, heralding the awakening of powerful beasts. Makes sense with what's been going on."

As you all watch the star pass through a rare constellation known as the Manticore's Crown, Jorr shares a piece of local folklore. "That constellation there, the Manticore's Crown, is said to appear when a creature of great ferocity is on the prowl. It’s an old tale, but who's to say there isn't truth to it? Especially on a night like this."

The sight of the Hunter's Star crossing through the Manticore's Crown instills a sense of foreboding, and Jorr suggests, "Best keep a sharp watch tonight. Tales or not, we don’t want to be caught off guard. We'll need to be ready for anything at Vraath Keep."

As the break in the clouds closes and the heavens are once again veiled by the night, the group feels a renewed sense of caution and readiness. Jorr advises preparing for the possibility of encountering something formidable, given the ominous signs.

"We’ll discuss our approach to Vraath Keep at first light," Jorr concludes, turning back towards the shelter of the hut. "For tonight, rest up but stay alert. Tomorrow, we might need all the strength and cunning you can muster."

The rest of the night passes with an air of heightened vigilance, the tale of the Manticore's Crown echoing in your minds as you contemplate the challenges that lie ahead.

Order of march, select spells and other things.
Anything special, or just as Jorr how to get there?

2024-04-25, 04:07 AM
Telrayel also took a look at the star phenomenom. He was pretty impressed with Jorr that he wasn't only a capable hunter and tamer of beasts but could also see the future in the stars. Telrayel wasn't acquainted with that way to see into the future. Some knowledgeable elves could see the future in the way the wind blew or how certain animals reacted, he did took the prophecy with all the gravitas it entailed.

An old beast was awakened, it also was on the hunt. Telrayel knew how to survive but the lore of beasts had eluded him due to his inner restlessness. He hoped that Jorr would stay with them when they encountered this old beast, surely he would know what to do.

When they awakened, Telrayel asked Jorr what would the best approach towards the keep be, how much he thinks it could be scouted out and how much of it would be reclaimed by nature.

Instead of his irrate scouting pattern, Telrayel would just circle the group when they're going towards the keep.

2024-04-25, 06:01 PM
Before she allowed herself to fall into uneasy sleep, Tanna-Mai used the last charge of her healing belt. True, her bedroll could help heal the rest of her injuries with a good night's rest, but the mage was already paranoid and on high alert what with Jorr's eerie talk of bad omens in the stars.

2d8 Last charge is for...

In the morning...

"I can -- I can assist with scouting. If, like, ya want." Tanna-Mai nervously piped up. "I mean, I'm good at bein' stealthy too and I can pick up with my mind if there's intelligent threats ahead of us. 'Bout fifty feet ahead. OH! And, like, I can talk in your heads without actually opening my mouth! 'Bout a hundred feet there...."

2024-04-27, 03:04 PM
I'm told I'm also very stealthy! Ringel raises a proud index finger. …for an Ogre. Which… Might mean I'm not very stealthy. she deflates somewhat. I think I'll be here with Jorr as yesterday. she points at the ground besides the grumpy ranger. Speak into my mind if you need me to hit something. Or a lift. Or anything. I'm kinda very curious how that works now. she admits. Could that mean that Tanna hears her thoughts? That would be wild.

2024-04-28, 01:54 PM
Novalis washes his face with the water accumulated in the tiles of the shelter. He feels fresh and rested, even if his ribs are sore and there's a nasty wound on his left shoulder where the Hydra bit him hard and right through the bones. What he didn't feel anymore, was elated.

Talking inside my head? Novalis looks playfully at Tanna Mae You'll find quite the company right there.

My eyes are sharper than my sword, but anyone with soft steps can sneak on me with ease. Let's move as a group, and when we see the fortress, circle if from a distance. I have the means to see from above while the more skillful scout the perimeter. We should stay close, in any case. Tanna Mae could be the intermediate link. Jorr, can we trust your dogs to be silent?

Having said that. He rose and called on his shadow armor. The voices were quiet this morning. That was ominous.

2024-04-30, 12:16 PM
Weather: Cloudy
Time: Late Morning

As dawn breaks, the air is cool and misty, with tendrils of fog still clinging to the lower branches of the dense forest trees. The weather remains overcast, casting a somber gray hue over the landscape, which seems to mirror Jorr's increasingly grim mood.

"You lot ready then?" Jorr grumbles as he checks his gear one final time. His tone suggests impatience, perhaps sensing the looming troubles ahead. With a curt nod, he gestures for you all to follow and leads the way out of the ranger's hut and back onto the forested path that will take you towards Vraath Keep.

As you trudge through the underbrush, the path becomes muddier and more obscured. Jorr sets a brisk pace, clearly eager to cover ground but also visibly on edge. "Keep your eyes peeled and your weapons ready," he warns without looking back. "This ain't no stroll through the park. We're heading into the belly of the beast, and those hobgoblin bastards are not known for their hospitality."

The atmosphere is tense, and the dense woods around you seem to close in, the silence punctuated only by the distant call of a raven or the rustle of leaves. After several hours of marching, Jorr's irritation begins to show more openly.

"Dammit, keep up! And keep it down," he snaps when a branch snaps loudly under someone's foot. "You want to announce our arrival to every cursed scout in these woods? Because that's how you do it."

Approaching a small forest ford—Jorr's mood darkens further. He scans the area, his eyes narrowing. "This is a known patrol area. We could have hobgoblin scouts around any bend. Stay sharp."

Crossing the ford proves challenging; the water is colder than expected, and the crossing is slippery. Once on the other side, Jorr doesn't pause for long. "No time to dry off. We need to keep moving." He pauses for just a moment, muttering under his breath, touching each one of you as you leave.

The path to Vraath Keep grows increasingly perilous, and Jorr's curses become more frequent and colorful. "If you lot don't start moving with some purpose, I swear to the gods—"

Suddenly, he stops, holds up a hand for silence, and crouches low. "Patrol ahead," he whispers harshly. "Get down, and for the love of—stay quiet!"

Peering through the brush, you can see a pair of hobgoblin scouts mounted on worgs moving parallel to your path, about a hundred yards away. Their presence confirms Jorr's warnings: you are now in enemy territory, and every step forward is fraught with danger.

"Let 'em pass," Jorr instructs, his voice barely audible. "If we're lucky, they won't circle back this way for a while."

As the hobgoblin patrol moves out of sight, Jorr leads you forward, his irritation now mixed with a grudging respect for the seriousness of your mission. "Alright, we're close now. Vraath Keep is just beyond that ridge. Get ready for anything. And I mean anything."

The final approach to Vraath Keep is cloaked in tension, the group moving silently under Jorr's terse guidance, every sense alert for the next challenge.

2024-04-30, 01:38 PM
Ringel keeps nodding vigorously at Jorr's back as they are drilled even more vigorously by the old man along the road. Apologetically, too. She's supposed to be faster, as in much faster than him; but sneaking speed hardly lets that shine through much. When, naturally, that stupid bough still ends up snapping loud as a hit from a catapult (which is to say, loud as she imagines a hit from a catapult would be; Ringel has about as clear a notion what that sounds as anyone from the Gap: not really), she even mouths a Sorry. at their irate guide, her offending foot hanging high in the air. She really needs to stop barging about like she owned the place, even if she does kinda own the place. Maybe. Or a nearby place anyhow.

Jorr's little spellwork comes as a much needed reprieve accordingly. She could have done that herself, actually. She's an Eneko! She should have done that, really. It's too bad she's very not made for sneaking. TANNA! she tries to think at Tanna-Mai hard. CAN - YOU - HEAR - ME -THINK? IF WE'LL HAVE TO KEEP DOING THIS IN SO MUCH SILENCE, MY HEAD WILL EXPLODE! she complains, quite possibly to her own addled mind. But one can hope, right?

2024-04-30, 04:28 PM
Ringel...looked weird. Like she was constipated and Nothing Was Coming Out. Actually, worse than that. Like that one turd that just balanced itself perfectly out of your butthole and wouldn't go any further no matter how hard you bounced around in the privvy.

"Are you all right?" Tanna-Mai whispered to Ringel in concern (and blissfully ignorant of the fact that she forgot to mention that she was the one who had to initiate the telepathy).

2024-05-01, 05:10 AM
Novalis let the others lead the way in the morning. Jorr and Telrayel were much better equipped to deal with whatever lied in the forests.

The brief distraction of Ringel and Tanna Mae hilarious interaction drew a smile, but the danger ahead was nothing to be ignored lightly.

After the hobgoblin patrol missed them and their scent, Novalis was grateful that Jorr's dogs were disciplined and the. Once they were close to the keep. Novalis stopped.

We need eyes ahead, let me see if I can find anything interesting.

When we are close to the keep, I'll use Bend Perspective to have a bird's view (a low flying bird) 40' up for 6 minutes, as we approach, switching between my perspective and the bird's Spot [roll0]

2024-05-01, 09:23 AM
"Are you all right?" Tanna-Mai whispered to Ringel in concern (and blissfully ignorant of the fact that she forgot to mention that she was the one who had to initiate the telepathy).

Ringel lets her shoulders droop and makes a very sad face; but nods and bodily, she looks a lot less bothered by… Whatever it was that bothered her.

Unlike Knight Novalis's weird… Ventriloquist mumblings(? Ringel was never quite sure how he's producing those little snippest of almost-sounds), all her internal wails of anguish remain woefully internal.

We need eyes ahead, let me see if I can find anything interesting.

At the prospect of getting a clearer idea of, well, mostly anything they are to face once their approach is all but complete, the Ogre's nods become more enthusiastic. Still, as Knight Novalis begins to just stare, the doubting doubt creeps in there. Unable to keep her mouth closed any longer, Ringel leans really close to Tanna-Mai's closest ear. Do we, um… Do we know what he's doing there?

2024-05-01, 09:46 AM
Weather: Cloudy
Time: Late Morning

As you channel the magic of Bend Perspective, your vision ascends away from your body, soaring upwards and transforming into the keen-eyed perception of a low-flying bird. The dense forest of the Witchwood opens beneath you, revealing the stoic, crumbling stones of Vraath Keep set against the backdrop of the rolling Wyrmsmoke Mountains. The late afternoon sun bathes the ancient fortress in a golden light, accentuating its quiet desolation.

From your new vantage point, 40 feet in the air, you gain a clear overview of the Keep's structure. The main gate is battered and the heavy doors are splintered, remains hanging on their hinges, clearly showing signs of past conflicts. The walls, while sturdy, bear scars of battles long finished. No signs of current habitation are visible, lazy smoke rises from a few chimneys, and an eerie silence envelops the area.

As you continue your silent, circular patrol above, a particularly chilling sight catches your eye: two giant skeletons sprawled near the broken remnants of the keep's northern wall. These massive bones, remnants of creatures long dead, lay tangled in the overgrowth, their origins and the tales of their demise lost to time.

Your bird's-eye view also reveals a hidden path, overgrown and shadowed, winding towards a less guarded side entrance of the keep. This path offers a stealthy approach, away from the main thoroughfares and out of direct sight.

Your vision gently returns to your own eyes as the magical perspective ends, leaving behind the vivid details of Vraath Keep's layout and the mysterious, unmoving skeletons.

2024-05-01, 02:56 PM
OH Time! the beautifier of the dead,
Adorner of the ruin, comforter

And only healer when the heart hath bled—

Even giants died, and their bones whitened under sun and shade.

The only sign of ocupation is the smoke from the chimneys, but the ruins of the walls are not manned and the barbican hosts only the massive bones of past battles.

He looks at Ringel.

My friend, it seems others of your kind once fought within these walls.

Then he indicates the way towards the hidden path.

Telrayel, I think it is your time, there's a hidden entrance, but my eyes from above are not as reliable as your elven senses and wit

2024-05-02, 03:14 AM
Telrayel was not a stranger to walking in the woods, but even the elf made some mistakes that Jorr called out, it was understandable, Telrayel was not the warden of these woods as Jorr clearly was and he probably knew every tree, every stone and every bone in this forest.

When the patrol passed them Telrayel stood there, unmoving like a rock, it was good that they could avoid a battle for once.

Ringel seemed to be in particular pain, probably because she couldn't or wasn't allowed to communicate, the elf squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, but couldn't do much more. And it was nice to have a bit of calm.

When Novalis did... Something and told about a secret passage the elf just nodded silently and followed the knights commands, trying to find the hidden path the somber knight was talking about.

Search: I guess I can take ten for 21 or [roll0] if not.
Spot: I guess I can take ten for 22 or [roll1] if not.
Move silently: If I can take ten 25 or [roll2] if not.
Also Survival: [roll3] for tracks, +2 if they are orcs.

2024-05-02, 10:58 AM
Weather: Cloudy
Time: Morning

You move like a hunting cat through the underbrush, making your way swiftly to the spot, it was as Novalis had described, a small trail led to the southern wall of the keep, barely there. It was impressive he had even seen this trail, but from his perspective, it must have been more obvious, for this was unused, and had been for a long time.

Nestled beside the crumbling silhouette of a once-imposing tower at the southern end of Vraath Keep, a significant breach in the ancient stone walls presents a silent testament to the structure’s storied past. This gap, large enough for several people to pass through side by side, appears as though it could have been caused by some violent force, perhaps a siege engine or natural decay accelerated by the elements.

The breach itself is bordered by jagged edges of stone, with the remnants of the wall showing layers of erosion and mossy overgrowth that speaks to years of neglect. Bits of fallen masonry litter the ground near the opening, interspersed with creeping vines and weeds that have taken root in the moist, dark earth created by the shadow of the tower.

The tower itself, standing ominously near the breach, shows signs of structural failure; its upper sections are partially collapsed, creating a jagged profile against the sky. Despite its dilapidated state, the tower’s lower portions remain daunting, with dark, empty window sockets and an aura of desolate abandonment. The roof has a large hole, as if a boulder had smashed through it, evenstill, something seems to be moving, a flickering light shimmers inside, but in the sunlit morning it is hard to tell.

2024-05-03, 03:41 AM
The elf lurked towards the breach in the walls, wide enough to let the party through, he nods to himself, gives the tower a bit of a longer look and then leaves the ruinous breach behind for now.

Appearing at Novalis side Telrayel tells the others the following: I have found the breach and a good way towards it, I'm sure we can all get through. The elf thinks for a moment. The breach is besides a tower, I think someone has taken refuge in there. What about we all go towards the breach and... Telrayel eyes the group and his gaze lands on Tanna-Mai. Tanna-Mai and me go up there, try to find what's shuffling around and you others take care should an alarm be raised? I'm sure we can both get out if they is more in there than we can handle.

Telrayel wasn't experienced in warfare but he was a hunter, bringing down a leader before others could avoid further battles if necessary.

2024-05-03, 01:24 PM
Hearing her name, Tanna-Mai immediately perked up. Here was a chance to earn her spot in the party -- to prove she could be useful at her job.

"On it!" She piped up eagerly, then looked over at Ringel. Suddenly, in the ogre-kin's head, Ringel could hear Tanna-Mai's echo-y voice ~*I'll be back in no time -- promise!*~

Tanna-Mai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2840583)
F LN Human Beguiler5/Mindbender1//Warmage 3, Level 6//3, Init 2, HP 48/48, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, Fort 6, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2
Hand crossbow +1 (300) +5 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Silvered MW dagger +2 (1d4-1, 19-20/×2)
Short Sword +1 +2 (1d6, 19-20/×2)
Least Crystal of Adaptation Mithral Shirt +1 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition Endure Elements (from Least Crystal of Adaptation)

Reliable Courier (Message Delivery): Your character's reputation as a reliable messenger is well-known in Drellin's Ferry and beyond. You have advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with individuals who are aware of your courier services. This reputation opens doors to valuable information and opportunities in your adventures.

Treasure Seeker (Vault of Vraath Keep): Having stumbled upon the old map hinting at the hidden vault in Vraath Keep, your character has a keen eye for deciphering cryptic clues and an insatiable thirst for treasure. Once per day you can cast detect secret doors as a spell like ability.

Mindsight: A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless ( 50ft range intelligent mobs only) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense--the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means. The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being's type and Intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being's race and clothing would be to eyesight.

2024-05-03, 01:51 PM
The idea of the place being decoreated with dead Giants helps the whole ownership business make an ever so slightly more sense; what it doesn't help with is Ringel's general mood. The sudden onset of fully functional head-to-head communication, however, is quick to remedy that bit as well. Oh! I THOUGHT IT WASN'T WORKING BECAUSE I KEPT TRYING TO TALK INTO YOUR HEAD AND YOU NEVER ANSWERED AND I'M SO GLAD IT WAS JUST ME DOING IT WRONG; BUT YOU SHOULD DOUBLE-CHECK IF I'M WRONG BECAUSE THIS IS AWESOME AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY WE WEREN'T USING THIS EARLIER AND… she begins to flood the unsuspecting mage's mind with still rather overloud ramblings; even Ringel is fairly quick to realize, nevertheless, that telepathy might make no sound as such, but takes just about as much time as actually speaking. Be safe, you two. she meely pulls both members of the scouting team into a big hug just on this side of the crushing sort. We'll be right behind you. Or, I mean, at any rate, close by.

2024-05-13, 03:20 PM
Novalis nodded

Yes, Ringel, we'll cover the rearguard. We are not the subtle ones.

He unsheathed his rusty sword and followed the elf with his crooked strides, eyes observant, voices muttering and humming.

2024-05-14, 05:12 PM
Weather: Cloudy
Time: Morning

As you silently approach the southern portion of Vraath Keep, your keen eyes and honed senses guide you through the dense underbrush. You move with the fluidity and grace characteristic of your elven heritage, ensuring each step is placed with precision to avoid any noise.

The haunted tower looms ahead, partially in ruins with sections of stonework collapsed. Ivy clings to the remnants of the structure, and the air around it feels noticeably cooler. To the left of the tower, you spot the breach in the keep's wall—a gaping hole where the stone has been violently displaced, creating an entry point into the courtyard.

The breach is large, with jagged edges of stone that tell of some past destruction. Moss and vines have begun to reclaim the rubble, making the breach appear as if the forest itself is slowly pulling the keep back into its grasp. The ground leading up to the breach is uneven and cluttered with debris, forcing you to pick your way carefully.

As you reach the breach, you crouch low, blending seamlessly into the shadows. You peer through the gap, your eyes adjusting to the dimmer light inside the courtyard. The courtyard of Vraath Keep is a stark contrast to the overgrown wilderness outside. It is a large, open space with patches of grass and weeds sprouting through cracks in the cobblestones.

Directly ahead, you see the main structure of the keep, its stone walls towering above you. Several windows are visible, some dark and others faintly glowing with the light of torches or lanterns within. The courtyard itself is littered with remnants of old battles—broken weapons, shattered shields, and scorch marks on the stone.

To your left, near the base of the haunted tower, you notice a cluster of barrels and crates, likely supplies for those currently inhabiting the keep. The area around them is well-trodden, indicating frequent use. To your right, a weathered stone well stands, its surface covered in creeping moss.

The entire scene is eerily silent, save for the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind. There is no immediate sign of movement, but the signs of recent activity are unmistakable. The air feels charged with an unspoken tension, and you sense that you are not alone.

Carefully, you take in every detail, committing the layout and notable features of the courtyard to memory. This breach provides a clear, if precarious, entry point into Vraath Keep, and the information you gather here could prove invaluable for the group's next steps.


Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qmPh3oLyGGlrvyGwRHJDqZPP4_OAX-5KJLz0ovlE9OM/edit?usp=sharing)

2024-05-16, 07:23 PM
Praying that her thundering heartbeat could only be heard in the echoes of her own skull, Tanna-Mai gamely followed after Telrayel. But, when they got closer to their skulking towards the keep, she stiffened when she realized they weren't alone. Once more, she was able to pick up sentient minds nearby.

~*Tel, I'm sensing other folks near us -- one to our right, one in that tower to the left and about five more a bit further beyond the tower. Should I go warn the others?*~

I don't know how far the rest of the party is from us in terms of Tanna's telepathy -- I didn't want to assume.

2024-05-17, 06:44 AM
Telrayel skulked towards the breach and towards the tower, his goal. When he hears Tanna-Mai's voice in his mind he jerks up and then realizes that she's there with him. He nods and try's to think at her too.

Yes, you should. I think it would be best for both of us to claim the tower. We are both snipers after all. Get the one inside as fast as possible, tell the others to come and as soon as the other occupants realize they are there, attack them from inside the tower. More chaos makes for easier prey.

As jumpy as the elf may seem otherwise he seems coldly collected and focused now, his thougs being less words and more descriptions of what he images should happen.

The elf waits for Tanna-Mai to relay the message and then try's to sneak into the tower with her to get the jump on anyone inside.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]

2024-05-19, 07:25 PM
Nodding, Tanna-Mai skulks back just far enough to tip off the rest of their group.

~*Start approaching the keep towards us -- I'm sensing seven minds up ahead. One's towards the right, one's up in the tower to the left and five are a bit further beyond the tower*~ A bit nervously, she added ~*Telrayel and me are gonna, like, try to claim the tower as a vantage point. I hope...*~

2024-05-20, 04:11 AM
Novalis nodded to Ringel as the telepathic message came and moving swiftly he stuck to the walls as closely as possible, bent strides and his sword drawn low.

2024-05-20, 10:13 AM
With a rapid burst of nodding back at Novalis, Ringel attempts to shout an encouraging YOU'LL DO GREAT, WE'RE COMING! into Tanna-Mai's head and follows along with the man, easily keeping his pace (and making at least as much noise in the process), being content with keeping her ranseur at an angle which makes it unlikely she'll accidentally impale anyone, especially Novalis, should he grind to a halt all too suddenly. But not just him, really: some part of her still mildly hopes these Dragon sect people might be reasonable about this.

2024-05-23, 03:10 AM
Telrayel sulked walked around the perimeter of the tower on the outside first to see if there was a secret entrance but his elven senses didn't detect anything. When he got inside a door was visible, he quickly though towards Tanna-Mai.

Tanna-Mai opens the door with magic, unsure thought.

When she reacted he could get in there more easier, if not, both would need to get towards the door, open it by hand and then slink in, quietly closing the door too. Battle-ready to quickly dispatch anything that would lurk in the tower.

2024-05-24, 04:05 AM
High is misery: [roll0]

2024-05-28, 10:07 AM
Weather: Cloudy
Time: Morning

Telrayel moves with silent grace through the courtyard of Vraath Keep, his elven senses keenly attuned to his surroundings. His footsteps make little sound against the cobblestones as she scans the area for any signs of danger or opportunity.

As he approaches a sturdy wooden door set into the side of the keep, he slows her pace, his ears pricked for any sounds emanating from within. Pressing his ear against the rough-hewn wood, he listens intently, his breath held in anticipation.

From beyond the door, he hears the low murmur of voices—a pair of hobgoblins engaged in conversation. Their voices are rough and guttural, punctuated by bursts of harsh laughter. Despite the language barrier, Telrayel can discern the crude nature of their banter, filled with jests and insults directed at one another.

One voice is gruffer, with a tone that suggests authority, while the other is higher-pitched and carries a hint of nervousness. They speak in their own tongue, but the tone and cadence of their speech convey a sense of camaraderie mixed with boredom.

As he listens, Telrayel can’t help but feel a pang of unease. These hobgoblins may be awake and alert, but they seem more focused on passing the time than maintaining a vigilant watch.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qmPh3oLyGGlrvyGwRHJDqZPP4_OAX-5KJLz0ovlE9OM/edit?usp=sharing)

2024-05-30, 11:12 AM
Tanna-Mai shot a wary look towards the giant skeletons littering across the ruined courtyard. Skeletons were mindless, so if these were undead, she'd have no warning if they suddenly started moving...

...okay, skeletons usually weren't stealthy (and they were giant), so maybe there'd be a little warning. Regardless, Tanna-Mai remained wary as she crept after Telrayel. *~I'm here...~* Tanna-Mai mentally told the elf. She checked for any new sentient minds nearby now that she was closer. *~What's the threat level? Do you need me to check for traps or locks on the door?*~

2024-05-31, 02:38 AM
Novalis signaled his Eneko friend to follow him. Telrayel and Tanna were taking too long and the Knight was starting to worry. He wasn't the most silent of warriors, but he was fast enough to reach cover in the middle of the patio.

Move to T 18 behind cover, and then readying an action to cast Hound of Doom in case we need some extra muscle.

2024-05-31, 02:24 PM
With only the amount of superfluous nodding sprinkled in that she feels warranted, Ringel follows suit, no less clumsy, but still no less swift than the knight is. As she traverses the courtyard, nevertheless, she catches a glimpse, suddenly, from a corner of an eye, and then she can't not see it, or not remeber Novalis's words from earlier. For there it is, within arm's reach. She almost ran past. She winces.

A hand is raised, slowly, with an odd grace unlike her and wraps gently around a bone. That really was one, almost of her own. A Giant. Could… Could that be why? Is this why that stupid letter… Maybe? She shakes her head, slowly again, her sweat going cold.

Ringel moves to T20 and is distracted by a dead Giant.

2024-06-03, 08:04 AM
Telrayel get's used pretty fast to Tanna-Mai speaking in his mind. He points towards the entrance of the tower and raises two fingers. It may have been possible that Tanna-Mai either miscounted or her ability to detect minds could be thwarted somehow, it didn't matter, he could trust his ears. He then puts a finger to his lips.


Telrayel readies himself to open the door, storming inside the tower, waiting a moment if Tanna-Mai wants to cast any spells or otherwise trying to reassure that they're assault can go smoother.

2024-06-03, 07:38 PM
Two on the current floor. That might mean then the other minds could be on upper levels then.

Tel didn't seem to need her to check for any traps though. Still...

~*Gonna cast a Silence spell on ya then...that way, if you get into range of about twenty feet of both guys, you can prevent them from crying out. Just be careful around me afterwards!*~ Tanna-Mai mentally said. Then she murmured the words and gestured towards Tel.

And immediately tried to remember which spells she could then cast without verbal components. Though she could (in a pinch) augment a spell to be cast silently, it was more difficult...

Casting Silence (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/silence.htm) on Telrayel. 6 minute duration

2024-06-05, 04:49 AM
Telrayel made himself ready for the spell that Tanna-Mai lay'd unto him, it was suffocating at first. He didn't heard anything! Not his own breath, not the movement that his clothes made, not the talk of the Fial'gra inside the tower... He expected a dampening of sound not the total obliteration of it!

The panic in Telrayel's face slowly get's geplaced by a look of stalwart determination, not unlike a predator that realized his prey may have been an easier take than it expected.

Telrayel draws his dagger, he wasn't good in melee, but the situation seemed to warrant it.

With a nod of determination towards Tanna-Mai Telrayel riped open the door (still unnerved by it's total silence) and runs towards the nearest enemy, dagger first.

Open the door and charge towards the first enemy.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Skirmish damage. [roll2]
AC = 23 (21 -2 (Charge), +2 Skirmish, +2 Improved Skirmish)

2024-06-11, 10:27 AM
Weather: Cloudy
Time: Morning

Surprise Round

Telrayel opens the door suddenly as Tanna casts the silence spell, delving everyone in a blanket of utter silence, the world suddenly becomes mute, the two Hobgoblins inside turn to you with a look of surprise and confusion, one had their mouth open in a stupid rictus while the other was looking at Telrayel while chewing on some hard-tac.

Behind both of them, is the large form of a powerfully built humanoid sitting up slowly, two large horns heralds it's dominating presence as Telrayel charges in, slashing at the first hobgoblin. Unfortunately, in your haste, your attack goes wide.


Everyone roll initiative please

There was some miscommunication on the 'minds', lets chalk that up to stress of battle.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qmPh3oLyGGlrvyGwRHJDqZPP4_OAX-5KJLz0ovlE9OM/edit?usp=sharing)

2024-06-11, 11:35 AM
Novalis sees Telyarel going in, silent and deadly and he calls reinforcements by summoning a Hound of Doom, a materialization of one of the voices that haunt him. A menacing dire wolf materializes next to him.

Follow me!

And then he moves next to the tower's entrance.

2024-06-11, 11:56 AM
Over Tanna-Mai's telepathy, a series of panicked swears could be randomly pinged over to Novalis and Ringel's thoughts. The mage attempted to rein in her thoughts to the most pertinent ones.

~* MINOTAUR!!! And four goblins! Careful near Tel -- he's got Silence on him! *~

And the squishy caster immediately tried to get some cover by one of the boulders.

Move to R18 and going for Total Defense
[roll0] Initiative

Tanna-Mai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2840583)
F LN Human Beguiler5/Mindbender1//Warmage 3, Level 6//3, Init 2, HP 48/48, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, Fort 6, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2
Hand crossbow +1 (300) +5 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Silvered MW dagger +2 (1d4-1, 19-20/×2)
Short Sword +1 +2 (1d6, 19-20/×2)
Least Crystal of Adaptation Mithral Shirt +1 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition Endure Elements (from Least Crystal of Adaptation)

Reliable Courier (Message Delivery): Your character's reputation as a reliable messenger is well-known in Drellin's Ferry and beyond. You have advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with individuals who are aware of your courier services. This reputation opens doors to valuable information and opportunities in your adventures.

Treasure Seeker (Vault of Vraath Keep): Having stumbled upon the old map hinting at the hidden vault in Vraath Keep, your character has a keen eye for deciphering cryptic clues and an insatiable thirst for treasure. Once per day you can cast detect secret doors as a spell like ability.

Mindsight: A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless ( 50ft range intelligent mobs only) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense--the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means. The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being's type and Intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being's race and clothing would be to eyesight.

2024-06-11, 01:37 PM
Ringel snaps out of her musings with a start. Telrayel is alone in trouble and Tanna is already running away in what may or may not be a panic! That definitely calls for a lot of counteracting. Spinning around with litttle care she begins zooming through the yard in an odd zig-zag to dodge boulders and the weird dog (where did the weird dog even come from?) brushing past Knight Novalis and bursting through the door intent on leaping over the fireplace, mentally screaming I'm COMING! I'M COMING into what she still doesn't know isn't Tanna's head all the way.

Initiative: [roll0]

Move to N23, Jumping over the fire pit if neccessary: [roll1] (does she get a running start for running in a weird arc before that?);
and standard action readying a Disarm against the first opponent who draws a weapon: [roll2] (subtract 4 if it's the Minotaur person);

Ringel has Combat Reflexes, granting her 2 AoOs which she'll use for Disarm attempts if they come up and you wanna just roll to sepped things up.

2024-06-13, 03:14 AM
They're were way more enemies in the tower than Telrayel had anticipated and that he missed the cursed Hobgoblin didn't exactly raised his mood. He let his dagger fall and flowed to one corner of the tower, bow and arrow basically appearing in his swift hands. The elf was thankful for Novalis presence, that definitely helped him out.

With a precise motion he let two arrows fly towards the greatest threat, the minotaur. And another one against the hobgoblin he missed, out of spite.

Initiative: [roll0] If I'm not wrong and I have won initiative the enemy's should still be flat-flooted and would not be able to make use of any AoO's.
Free action to drop my dagger, moving to L20. Drawing my bow while I move. AC is 25.
Two attacks against the minotaur, one normal attack, another one activating my skirmisher boots. And Rapid shot.

Attack 1: [roll1] Against Minotaur
Damage 1: [roll2] Skirmish damage: [roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4] Against Minotaur
Damage 2: [roll5] Skirmish damage: [roll6]

Attack 3: [roll7] Against H2
Damage 3: [roll8] Skirmish damage: [roll9][ROLL]

2024-06-14, 11:00 AM
Weather: Cloudy
Time: Morning

Round 1

Novalis runs inside while Telrayel dances around the slow moving guards with the grace of a huntingcat, dropping a dagger, and pulling a bow in one smooth action, he aims at the Minotaur with two shots. One sticks right into the beasts chest, piercing between joints in his armor, the other clangs off the armor, clattering into the stonewall somewhere else.

Ringel snaps to, zigzagging, she manages to get into the room, leaps over the fire pit and readies her Ranseur to disarm anyone who reaches for their weapons!

Meanwhile, Tanna remains outside and adopts a defensive stance.

The Minotaur snarls as he takes an arrow to the shoulder, and then as Ringel leaps through the flames to stare him down, unsurprised, he had already grabbed his weapon when the door opened, he yelled out before swinging at Ringel with his axe. "WAKE UP YA YELLA BELLIED SLUGS!" his voice was deep, and boomed off the walls, though, none of you hear it except Tanna-Mai.

The two already awake go to draw their weapons, Ringel swiftly zips her Ranseur up and then back down, flipping the longsword right out of the Hobgoblins grip. The other one draws it's weapon and is subsequently disarmed in a like manner. The sleeping hobgoblin near Novalis sits up alert and wide eyed at the call to arms, and stands drawing it's weapon.

Outside, Tanna-Mai can hear a large creature move, and then suddenly, a giant beast crests the roof of the eastern rooms you passed by, a Giant Lions head peers down at you with inquisitive eyes, wings fold down as it steps onto the roof, and then a large tail bristling with spikes appears over it's shoulder like a serpent with it's own mind, the beast clucks and then flies up even further, seemingly ignoring you completely, it spreads it's wings and keeps going up and up.

Tel got one hit, but the second missed. the 3rd was illegal as Rapid shot requires a full round action. (which bumps your attack +2, but you still miss the 2nd attack)

Mino's have abilities which explains some of this.....

With such a low init from the bad guys, we're already in group initiative.

With the silence moving with Tel, there are a few bad guys who are no longer in it. (mino and h3)

Man, that disarm was close! (they rolled a 19, needed a nat 20)

Mino Attacks vs Ringel
[roll1] (slashing)

[roll3] (slashing)

[roll5] (piercing)

Manticore flies 100ft upwards.

Knowledge Arcana DC 15 to identify the Manticore
DC 20 you can look at the MM entry
(be warned however, it may not fit that 100%)

Knowledge Nature DC 14 to identify the Minotaur (Tanna's telepathic yell about it is fine, it was a good guess)
DC 19 you can look at the MM entry
(be warned however, it may not fit that 100%)

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qmPh3oLyGGlrvyGwRHJDqZPP4_OAX-5KJLz0ovlE9OM/edit?usp=sharing)

Round 2!

2024-06-14, 01:41 PM
Ringel is pushed back somewhat as the big cow person slashes her, but that grants just enough space for her to avoid, narrowly and by accident, the two attacks that follow up. And it doesn't stop her either; the routine kicks in and swords hit the floor. Just… don't pick those up, alright? she tries to tell the Hobgoblins, but she can't quite hear herself. Which is bad. TANNA, THIS SPELL IS ANNOYING! she complains, still only to herself; but she sees to work regardless. The ranseur flies out in an arc, spinning fast, aimed at a Hobgoblin, then at another, then the greataxe, the Eneko pushing her shoulder under the shaft to pull it up with her full weight; and then, the spear is dropped… But with the same movement, the flail is pulled loose and it lashes out at the remaining two Hobgoblins, to be pulled back, at the ready. TANNA, I WANT TO TALK TO THEM! Ringel pleads with… Nothing, in the meantime, for good measure.


Whirlwind Attack against everyone:

Against H1: ranseur, [roll0] for [roll1],
against H4: ranseur, [roll2] for [roll3],
against Minotaur Guy: ranseur, Disarm attempt: [roll4],
free action drop ransur,
free action draw heavy flail (Quick Draw),
against H3: heavy flail, [roll5] for [roll6],
against H2: heavy flail, [roll7] for [roll8];

if anyone within reach tries to pick up a dropped weapon, AoO (2 available) is to Disarm.

Ringel Vosglad (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2840765)
F NG Eneko! Barbarian 1/Fighter 5//Martial Rogue 2/LA +1, Level 6, Init 1, HP 47/68, Speed 50'
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, Fort 7, Ref 5, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
+1 ranseur +11/+6 (+21 to disarm Medium) (2d6+7, ×3)
Masterwork Heavy flail +11/+6 (+21 to disarm Medium) (2d8+6, 19–20/×2)
Composite longbow (+4 STR) (20×s.tongue arrow; 5×Ag arrow; 5×Fe arrow) +7/+2 (2d6+4, ×3)
Easy travel; masterwork +1 chain shirt (+5 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition –
–All saving throws are 2 lower against Enchantment and Illusion spells/effect;
–All saving throws are 2 higher against poison.

2024-06-14, 02:14 PM
For an instant, as Novalis steps into the silence his mind finds comfort; the voices turned off...

But then violence is again the language. He better get used to it.

He slashes at the nearest hobgoblin and then moves towards the one flanking the horned creature and lunges with a quick hit!

Standard: Red Zephyr's Strike against H2 [roll0] damage [roll1]
Move 10' with no AoO as part of Red Zephyr's Strike.
Swift: Minute Hand Strike (Attack as swift action at -2) [roll2] damage [roll3]

MOVE Look cool and whistle to Hunger to move inside and attack H1

Hunger: Move and attack[roll4] damage [roll5]

Novalis The Fateful (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2840513)
M N Tiefling Harbinger 6//Shadowcaster 2 Level 6, Init 4, HP 60/60, Speed 50
AC 23, Touch 17, Flat-footed 23, Fort 8, Ref 2, Will 12, Base Attack Bonus 4
Longsword (Any Longsword) +11 (1d8+7, 19-20x2)
Sword on Maneuvers from Scarlet Throne +13 (1d8+9, 19-20x2)
Longspear (Any Spear) +11 (1d8+5, x2)
Chainshirt (Force Armor Refluff)*** (+5 Armor, +1 Deflect, +1 Natural, +6 Misc)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 22, Wis 9, Cha 9
Condition Riven Hourglass Stance (+4 Dodge to AC, 20% miss chance vs targeted spells)

Hunger Dire Wolf, Large AC 13 HP 60
Bite +11 melee (1d8+10)
Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d8+10)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Trip
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +0, Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +7, Survival +2

2024-06-14, 05:36 PM
Meanwhile, outside...

Apparently Tel hadn't gotten the Sielnce in range in time of whoever bellowed for reinforcements because Tanna-Mai (un)fortunately heard it from the ravaged courtyard. She was about to warn the others that they might be getting possible company when the flying thing caught the corner of her eye. Something with spikes and big leathery wings...

So "possible company" was now PROBABLE company.

~*CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!! BIG FLYING ANGRY SPIKY THING IN THE AIR NOW, GUYS!!! Turning invisible in case it saw me!!!!*~ Tanna-Mai quickly murmured the spell to turn invisible. Then, once more, went for hiding behind another boulder.

No, Tann-Mai did NOT make her Know: Arcana roll.
Casting Invisibility (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/invisibility.htm) 6 minute duration unless/until she attacks an opponent.
Moving to Q20

Tanna-Mai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2840583)
F LN Human Beguiler5/Mindbender1//Warmage 3, Level 6//3, Init 2, HP 48/48, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, Fort 6, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2
Hand crossbow +1 (300) +5 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Silvered MW dagger +2 (1d4-1, 19-20/×2)
Short Sword +1 +2 (1d6, 19-20/×2)
Least Crystal of Adaptation Mithral Shirt +1 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition Endure Elements (from Least Crystal of Adaptation)

Reliable Courier (Message Delivery): Your character's reputation as a reliable messenger is well-known in Drellin's Ferry and beyond. You have advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with individuals who are aware of your courier services. This reputation opens doors to valuable information and opportunities in your adventures.

Treasure Seeker (Vault of Vraath Keep): Having stumbled upon the old map hinting at the hidden vault in Vraath Keep, your character has a keen eye for deciphering cryptic clues and an insatiable thirst for treasure. Once per day you can cast detect secret doors as a spell like ability.

Mindsight: A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless ( 50ft range intelligent mobs only) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense--the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means. The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being's type and Intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being's race and clothing would be to eyesight.

Invisibility: 6 minutes