View Full Version : Trial of Divinity - The Beastmass Gauntlet

2023-10-25, 11:59 PM
You awake to find yourself in a space of pure white, an endless expanse seemingly void of all things material and not. No color, no sound, no sense of direction. You orient yourself, unsure if what you stand on is the ground, the ceiling, or anything at all. As you ponder where this place is and where you should go, a voice like unto many echoes around you.

"Warrior.....You who are the Epitome of Strength, Swiftess of Foot, the Sturdiest of Pillars, the Master of Knowledge, the Surest of Skill, the Image of Perfection, the Righteous and the Heinous. You May Claim The Right To Join Us!"

Seven orbs of light suddenly surround you, the sheer force of their presence alone enough to nearly bring you to your knees. While you have met and have even served divinity before, they could simply not compare to what is now before you.

"You have climbed the Mountain of Despair, desperately seeking strength so that none may rule over you." "You have crossed the Vast Lands of your World, searching every inch for anything that would let you reach your goals." "You have withstood Pain and Suffering unimaginable, lasting far longer than any mortal is expected." "You have learned Hidden Knowledge and Secrets that has let you outsmart all obstacles." "You have gained Skills and Wisdom that far outweighs your age." "You have obtained Fame and Fortune that even the kings of your World cannot match." "You have slain many Evils and vanquished many Goods on your quest to Perfection." "And now you stand at the precipace of your Goal. Will you accept Our Trial, and prove you are the best? Or will you crack under the pressure, and be condemned to failure?"

Above each orb of light, an image of a creature appears. You easily recognize them as foes you have once fought and killed. They proved a challenge for you at the time, but you are certain you could easily defeat them now.

"You will face these seven Guardians, the strongest creatures that can be found within your World. Be warned! For you shall gain little rest between each opponent you fight. This Gauntlet must be faced if you wish to prove your Power. If you wish to accept, Say your True Name and walk through the Portal of your choice!"

1. Ancient Gold Dragon (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/dragons/dragon/metallic-gold/ancient-gold-dragon/)
2. Balor (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/demon/balor/)
3. Pit Fiend (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/devil/pit-fiend/)
4. Shoggoth (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/oozes/shoggoth/)
5. Solar Angel (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/angel/solar)
6.Tarn Linnorm (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/dragons/linnorm/linnorm-tarn/)
7.Tarrasque (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/spawn-of-destruction/tarrasque/)

In your first post, include your canon sheet and your choice of monster.

2023-10-27, 12:23 PM
The warrior struggles against the invisible force, fighting to return to a standing position. Despite the immense pressure on his mind and body, he hones his mind on his goal and allows the hidden depths of latent energy within him to reinforce his body. With tremendous effort, he manages to stand, shaking off the force that once restrained him.

"I yield for nothing and I kneel to nobody. That is the purpose of the strength I sought. That solemn strength... to never experience such a hell again."

The thought brings him back to the time of his youth, where he was weak. A time where he once knelt to a demon... as his village burned in the background, as his parents lay eviscerated on the floor. He was powerless then. But he isn't now.

Looking up at one of the glowing orbs, he sees it. A Balor demon guardian. How serendipitous.

The choice was made. Without a second thought, he makes his way through to the door marked by the Balor. As he does, the sheer hatred for his opponent eats away at him, burning him up inside until he literally becomes flame itself.

"I promise you... things are going to go... a little differently than they did last time." He says, as he steps through the door.

2023-10-27, 03:29 PM
"We Wish You Luck Warrior." The lights collectively says as you step through a portal. As you step through, you're thrown off by the sudden dimness. The bright whiteness of the plane before casts the room you find yourself in deeper darkness as your eyes adjust. "Well, look what has appeared before me. Another corpse for my collection." Though expected, an attack from a whip lashes out at you, flames an angry and cruel red flicker across the unholy leather.

With your eyes adjusted, you can now clearly see what you could not before. Your hated foe, a Balor, stands across the candlelit room before you. One clawed hand is wrapped around a sword bathed in black energy, the other grasps the whip wreathed in flame. A cruel sneer stretches the demon's face as it looks at you. "I hope you're prepared Henry, for your death is inevitable!"

Surprise Round!
The Balor uses a standard to attack with his whip. [Roll]1d20+30[roll] damage if hits [roll0] + [roll1] fire; if hit, free grapple attempt [roll2]
End of Surprise Round
Roll Initiative [roll3]

2023-10-27, 09:19 PM
Henry takes the hit, barely flinching as his head turns with the flaming whip, eyes closed. Once the attack is done, he slowly turns his head back to his opponent, with a fearsome glare in his eyes.

"Is this all?" he asks, almost disappointed in a way. "Is this what I was afraid of, all those years ago?"

As he speaks, his voice grows with intensity. His muscles bulge and twist in unnatural ways, as red scales begin to cover his skin, as he increases in size.

"Is THIS what took everything away from me?" he says, almost screaming through gritted teeth. He raises his weapon behind his head, two hands on the massive Axe's handle, before he brings it down upon the Balor in a vicious flurry of destruction.

The blade cleaves through flesh and sinew, but still it is not enough. Wings that spurt from his back, a tail that sprouts behind his legs, even his own teeth are used as weapons to inflict upon his enemy but one iota of what he's suffered throughout his life.

Free Action: Shapechange --> Form of the Dragon III --> Red Dragon
Free Action: Greater Rage

Swift Action: Barroom Brawler (-5 Stamina) --> Gain Dedicated Adversary vs Evil Outsiders.

Full Round Action: Full Attack

+6 Butchering Axe
--> Attack 1: [roll0], Damage: [roll1]
--> Attack 2: [roll2], Damage: [roll3]
--> Attack 3: [roll4], Damage: [roll5]
--> Attack 4: [roll6], Damage: [roll7]

+0 Wings
--> Attack 1: [roll8], Damage: [roll9]
--> Attack 2: [roll10], Damage: [roll11]

+0 Tail
--> Attack 1: [roll12], Damage: [roll13]

+0 Bite
--> Attack 1: [roll14], Damage: [roll15]

Total Damage = 86 + 88 + 84 + 82 + (43-15)[28] + (30-15)[15] + (51-15)[36] + (47-15)[32] = 451 damage after DR 15/cold iron and good.

2023-10-27, 10:34 PM
Where once was a mighty and cruel Balot now lies a puddle of meat chunks and viscera, oozing black blood from every inflicted wound. So devastating was the brutal onslaught that the pathetic demon still hasn't realized its death. 7 portals now appear around the room, clearly leading to whatever next opponent you are expected to fight. But before you can even have the thought to decide, the corpse of the Balor smolders then explodes in a massive torrent of unholy fire.

Once the flames finally die down, you take a look a look at the portals. Above all but one, instead of the image of your next victim to be, the number 294 floats in clear font of light. It slowly counts down to 293...292...291, clearly indicating a time limit.

Balor's Death Throes ability activates[Ref DC 33 for half]. Roll for Nat 1, otherwise take 25 Unholy damage(you're immune to the Fire)
Well you'll probably breeze through these just as easily!
1.Tarn Linnorm
2. Pit Fiend
3. Shoggoth
4. Ancient Gold Dragon
5. Solar Angel
Next Opponent: [roll0]

2023-12-03, 06:28 PM
Henry ravages the Balor Demon relentlessly, his draconic claws rending flesh and sinew from bone in gruesome fashion. On and on he goes, even after the light leaves his enemies eyes and no sound escapes from his enemeis lips. Finally, lifting his enemy above his head, Henry rips his enemy apart.

Henry revels motionless in the blood and gore of his fallen foe, as it's blood rains onto the battlefield, staining it permanently in demonic ichor. It had been years. Years since he first started on this journey for strength, years since he was forced to abandon his home and family to the Demonic Invasion from the opening of the World Wound. Years... since he had seen that Balor Demon again. But finally, he had achieved his goal. Finally, he had gotten his vengance. Finally, he had become strong.

It was freeing. A serene calm washed over him. For the first time in a long time, he finally felt content. But as the moments past, he came to the sudden recollection: No.

No, this was not enough. This was NOT his limit. He could still go further. He could still prove his strength to the heavens above!

Snapping back to his senses, he finally takes note of the ticking timer. With precious few seconds left, he pops a mutagen and transforms into the very wind itself, rushing forward into the portal with all speed he could possibly muster.

A momentary laspe in his self control, caused by the attainment of a once-in-a-lifetime goal. Whatever happens next, he'll handle it. With poise, grace, and, of course, STRENGTH.