View Full Version : Deadguy E6

2023-10-26, 11:09 PM
During the course of a typical day, a strange feeling washes over you. You hear strange noises and your senses seem to blink to some strange place momentarily and then back. A strange event, but otherwise you don't feel any worse for wear. Yet it again, and again, with the frequency increasing until a blinding flash of light engulfs you. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust as you realize you're standing in a strange stone room surrounded by chanting hooded figures.

Stained glass windows line the wall in front of you and candles and incense burn in various places around the strange room creating a off-color mist which swirls in intricate patterns up towards the high vaulted ceiling. The floor displays some kind of complex ritualistic circle.


As you appear the chanting suddenly stops and one of the hooded figures begins to speak, it takes a second to adjust but you're able to understand the language, despite it being a far cry from any you recognize.

"The ritual worked! We've summoned a hero!" there seems to be clear elation among the hooded figures as they begin lowering their hoods. There are five figures of varying heights and builds, though they all wear similar ceremonial robes with ornate decorations, though the short individual directly in front of you have the most decoration on his robe.

"I am Valis, the high court mage of the Regnum kingdom. What is your name, Hero?" the gnome asks, his salt and pepper hair and the laugh lines around his eyes showing his advanced age.

Of the others there appear to be a Elf with a very feminine appearance. A Dwarf with a large bushy beard. A Kobold with silver scales. Lastly a scraggly rat person.

2023-10-27, 03:13 AM
There was a pause, almost uncomfortably long in length, as he looked down at himself. His hands held a golden hue to the skin tone, perfectly kissed by the Sun. It was a far cry from the pale and pasty complexion of his normal life. His hand ran down the much longer hair, which he pulled slightly into his eyes. Blonde. And pain. Different and not a dream.

Finally, the name of the being before him registered and he repeated it. "Valis." A deep and heroic voice resonated in his chest as he spoke. It was all him, yet not him. To respond with the name given at his birth seemed unfitting. Perhaps, this was considered a second birth, and so he should have a new name. More moments passed as he thought of something suitable. Suddenly the golden orbs of his eyes widened as he inherently accessed an unfamiliar tongue. One of choirs and light, symphonies and angels. It nearly brought tears to his eyes when he experienced the closeness with divinity. Even after being baptized he had not felt this connection.

"I am Ramael."

2023-10-27, 02:08 PM
"Ramael." Valis repeats. "Quickly, Minerva, Doldrum, fetch the mirror. Let's see how powerful Regnum's hero is."

The elf and dwarf nod and go to a large object covered in a tarp. The dwarf grips the tarp and tugs, it falls away revealing a mirror, likely 8 feet in height and half as wide. An intricate frame with strange iconography is etched into it surrounds the mirror, although the reflection is surprisingly cloudy. The two of them slide the mirror into position and the elf says "Please, stand in front of the mirror and stare into it."

As you do so, the cloudiness dissipates and you can see yourself clearly. It seems to show some information. Despite never having seen this language previously, you read it without issue.
It simply states: "Ramael, Hero level 3, Special Ability: @$^@!" The special ability text seems distorted and illegible.

The expressions of jubilation seem to turn on the faces of the five robed individuals. "Not a level 8 hero as we had hoped." the dwarf states in a bit a surly tone.

"I'm confident our research and ritual were performed perfectly. Perhaps fate intervened, or the mirror is unable to ascertain Ramael's true power. Anyway, I'm sure you want to know why you've been summed, but first, we have prepared a feast in your honor. Once you have had your fill we can talk business. Come, come. The gnome, brushing aside the visages of concern from his compatriots motions for you to follow as he approaches the the large door to the chamber, throwing it open and revealing a stone spiral stairwell.

Valis leads the way while the others trail behind. From the small windows you can see the kingdom of Regnum spread out across the landscape.


You are led to a banquet hall where tables have been loaded with meats of strange animals, strange fruits, pitchers of drinks of various colors. Massive portraits of past rulers of Regnum hang on the walls. You notice servants standing quite still waiting to be called to attend. A at the far end of the hall sits on an ornate throne, a golden crown resting on his dark hair. He must be the King.


He stands and gracefully slides across the floor towards you. "You must be our hero. I am the King of Regnum, Iustitus Rex of the Rex dynasty. I humbly welcome you, hero..."

Valis pipes in helpfully "Ramael."

"...Ramael. Once you have eaten and any other of your needs have been provided for, I hope we can have a productive discussion regarding your future and the future of this kingdom."

2023-10-27, 02:58 PM
"Level 3... not level 8..." Ramael studied himself in the mirror for another moment to truly understand the fullness of the changes he had gone through. He felt powerful, looking at his character sheet. It didn't feel as if it were lacking, so he scowled slightly at the other summoners' looks.

His clothing did not announce him as a hero, but he recognized the abilities that the items he had on his person possessed. He conjured up a white tabard complete with a golden sword and sunburst emblazoned on the chest, additionally a crimson fur-trimmed cloak covered the back of his armor.


Upon the King's approach, he bent a knee and bowed his head. "Of course, m'lord. I am indeed interested in what needs the kingdom has that would call me." He rose again after the exchange and motioned for Valis as to which chair he might sit at.

2023-10-27, 04:00 PM
Valis quickly catching the meaning of Ramael's glance snaps his fingers and points to one of the large chairs. A servant silently stalks across the floor and draws the padded seat back for you.

Iustitus returns to his throne after a simple "Be at ease." and between sipping some kind of reddish liquid from a gem studded silver goblet monologues to you a bit.

"Our kingdom has recently come into possession of a gold mine. However, our diviner" to which the king indicates Minerva, the feminine appearing elf who is now kneeling awkwardly in the back with the other robed figures "has determined that great dangers lurk within, not just any danger, but specifically related to a Demon King. There has also been tension with nation of Echthros and rumors have been circulating that they have summoned a hero and are gathering an army for war."

The king stares into his goblet for a few seconds before continuing. "These bad omens and rumors have prompted us to call upon you in hopes of securing the gold mine so we can fortify ourselves against any potential attack. Of course I will provide funding, servants, or whatever else you may need to accomplish this. I hope you will accept this charge and agree to serve as the kingdom's icon. What do you say?"

2023-10-27, 04:45 PM
Ramael moved to the chair offered by Valis and sits. He picked up the goblet and held it out to be filled as the King laid out the troubles of the land.

"So, I am to enter the mines and secure them from threats from below..."

He turned toward the elf that had been kneeling a moment ago. "Minerva, was it? What can you tell me of this Demon King? Is he awake now and leading these threats, or do they seek to awake him?"

"I apologize for the numerous questions, I just need to know how to best approach the situation. With the threat of conflict with another nation's hero present, it is imperative that I increase my abilities to the utmost. Are there enough threats within the mines that will allow me combat experience to increase my abilities, or are there other places where creatures to provide challenges might be found?"

2023-10-27, 04:59 PM
Minerva stands and states "My divinations have indicated that the Demon King's minions plague the mine."

The king interjects "Some of my subjects have reported encountering such creatures as well. Enough that we haven't yet been able to secure any of the gold veins within."

"I'm unable to ascertain how much the Demon King knows, but I doubt he would bother himself with trivial occurrences as close to the surface as we have ventured so far."

Valis seems to be conducting the servants almost like an orchestra. They scamper to and fro, offering you various colored liquids for your goblet, cooked meats, fruits and other delicacies. Even bringing a document which seems to be a report from the Mine Foreman regarding what they encountered. It details the mining team managing to dig into a large cavern, caverns full of man-sized spiders, worms with dozens of rows of teeth that burrow through the earth and other such monstrous creatures.

The robed Dwarf stands and says "Aye, it's likely ta be a very dangerous endeavor as tah place is teeming wit' creepy crawlies. As you secure it, we can use tah gold an' any other resources ya find to improve yer gear. The mine runs very very deep ta the great depths. If'n a Demon King is in there, he'd be near tah lowest point."

The scraggly rat folk squeaks out "If you wish to test your mettle before traveling to the mine. I can help you find worthy sparring partners."

The silver scaled kobold remains silent, still kneeling.

2023-10-27, 05:18 PM
Ramael sipped from the selection of wine and only picked occasionally at the food. It wouldn't do to have just gained a physique such as this to ruin it with gluttony.

"I think I understand more fully now." He nodded to each in turn, pausing at the ratfolk. "I would very much like to take you up on that offer..."

2023-10-27, 06:36 PM
The ratfolk says "I shall make the preparations. Come to the field when you're ready and I will have a selection of our best soldiers for you to spar with." and scampers away.

The king eyes you, his face stoic and expressionless. "Will you agree to the task and terms laid before you?" You detect a hint of concern in the question, as if the king is worrying you're considering refusing working for his kingdom.

2023-10-28, 03:57 PM
"I will do as you command, m'lord. Yours have called me here and I have no reason to deny your request."

Ramael finished his drink and took one more bite before turning to Valis again.

"Where is this field he spoke of?"

2023-10-28, 07:25 PM
You accepted a quest, gain 1,000 XP.

Valis snap at one of the servants. "Lead our hero to the field when he has had his fill of of the feast."

The King, satisfied that you have agreed stands and excuses himself to attend to other matters.

The servant leads you through the castle to the field, the ratfolk has assembled a number of armored figures. Most of them wear blue cloaks, but a few wear red and two wear gold.

"The blue cloaks are our castle guards, the red cloaks are captains and the gold cloaks are two of the Kingsguard. The Kingsguard are the most skilled warriors here, and these two in particular are especially battle savvy. I'm prepared to heal any injuries you sustain during your bout as well, so there is no need to hold back."

The field is a wide open courtyard, racks of practice weapons and archery targets are cluttered against the stone wall and a large metal portcullis blocks an entrance to the castle. Deep wagon ruts going in all directions from the portcullis show this area sees heavy use.

The figures are mostly of similar heights and builds and are all equipped similarly with the exceptions of the gold-cloaks, breastplates with full helms, a longsword, a shortsword, and a small crossbow.
One of the gold cloaks is exceptionally big, standing easily eight feet tall with muscles bulging underneath chain-link armor. A gigantic axe slung over his back and a sling with a heavy bag hanging from his belt.
The other is exceptionally slim, two curved swords attached to the back of her belt and dozens of small knives attached to belts around her arms and legs.

All of them, even the gold cloaks, wear full helms, obscuring their faces.

The ratfolk says "You may choose any opponent you see fit. They're here because they are eager to see your ability and potentially gain the honor of having bested a hero in combat."

2023-10-29, 04:28 AM
"It’s only fair that I allow each man a chance at glory. I’d not take them away from their duties without that chance.."

Ramael drew his sword and set his shield on the other arm before motioning to the first blue-cloaked guardsman to ready himself.

2023-10-29, 08:47 AM
The first blue cloak draws his longsword and steps forward.

[roll0] Ramael
[roll1] Blue Cloak

2023-10-29, 08:49 AM
A bell sounds without warning and the Blue Cloak is barreling towards you, sword raised. He brings it down in an arcing slash at the end of his charge.

[roll0] to hit
On a 24+ [roll1] to confirm

On a hit it deals [roll2] damage
On a critical it deals [roll3] more.

The charge seems slow and a bit clumsy. The blue cloak is proficient but not excellent and you easily deflect the attack, knocking it harmlessly away with your shield.

2023-10-29, 08:56 PM
As the guard charged, Ramael's sword broke into sections and whipped out at the man. The blade recovered quickly as he struck out two more times.

His veils energize as he strikes out, the Memory made it so the guard had to move or suffer further damage. Meanwhile the Skirmisher allowed Ramael to fall back from the melee 10 feet and reposition.

AOO: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]
Standard: Staunching Strike [roll2]
- Damage: [roll3]
-- Heal 12 hp (temp)
Swift: Minute Hand [roll4]
- Damage: [roll5]

Radiant Dawn Style: +6 temp hp
Sunset: +4 temp hp

Total Temp HP: 22 hp

2023-10-29, 10:18 PM
Your counter attack immediately brings the Blue Cloak to his knees. "I yield." he huffs. The ratfolk and another Blue Cloak hustle over to collect him.

Gain 600 XP

A Red Cloak steps forward. Once more a bell sounds.

Ramael [roll0]
Red Cloak [roll1]

More prepared for the suddenness of combat, Ramael acts first.

2023-10-30, 10:48 AM
Ramael stays stationary, leveling his sword at the red cloaked man. A beam of searing energy erupts from the blade, aimed at engulfing the man.

Standard: Batal Mandate rta - [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]
Temp hp = damage

Total Temp HP: 34 hp

2023-10-30, 11:27 AM
You defeated the Red Cloak, gain 1,200 XP

The Red Cloak stumbles back, placing his sword into the ground for support. "Tsk. I yield. That's a hero for you."

The ratfolk and another red cloak start to come forward, but the Red Cloak manages to get on his feet and walk, albeit a bit awkwardly, off the field without assistance.

The two Gold Cloaks step forward. "You've proven your prowess, hero." the lithe one says.
"I would like to see how you do against us both." the big one rumbles.

At this point the soldiers are shocked, the remaining Blue and Red Cloaks have clearly given up hope of winning. Though you also notice some nobles and the King have entered onto a covered passageway nearby and are observing.

Do you accept their challenge?

2023-10-30, 01:17 PM
Ramallah gives a look between the two challengers with a narrowed eye. After a brief moment, he smirks and nods his head. Shield held ready and sword low, he waits for the paired attack.

2023-10-30, 02:25 PM
Ramael [roll0]
Big guy [roll1]
Lithe [roll2]

The bell sounds and once again, you have won initiative.

2023-10-30, 05:49 PM
Ramael opens the bout with a fiery blast from his eyes at the lithe combatant, hoping to catch him off guard.

An eruption of energy connects both of the golden warriors, attempting to sap their momentum before they could even establish an attack.

Staunching Strike via Sun’s Gleam RTA - [roll0]; Temp HP: +11
- Damage [roll1]
Sword of the Sun King - line reflex dc 18 vs [roll2] / Memory veil (if no movement take 3d6 at end of turn + slow as spell)

Temp HP: 50

2023-10-31, 12:55 PM
Lithe [roll0]
Big [roll1]

The Sun's gleam strikes its target. An Akashic energy echo erupts, though the lithe enemy nimbly steps aside, the big guy is hit directly by the full effect.

2023-10-31, 01:06 PM
The Lithe enemy dashes making a circle around you and creating distance between herself and her large ally, as she moves, she flicks two of the small knives from the belts around her arms and legs towards you.

[roll0] to hit with knife 1
[roll1] to hit with knife 2

On hit they deal:

On a 25+, critical confirmations

Upon critical, they deal an extra:

The big guy roars. Feeling the effects of the slow, and realizing he can't close the gap between you with his axe, he elects to use his sling and launches a rock at you.

On hit it deals [roll9] damage

On a 23
[roll10] to confirm for [roll11] more damage.

One of the knives strikes true, creating a small gash for 5 damage.

Lithe has taken 9 damage
Big has taken 8 damage is Slowed this round

Ramael may act.

2023-10-31, 02:59 PM
Ramael backed away from the large man while focusing the energy from his eyes on him.

Another eruption of energy connects both of his enemies, attempting to sap their speed and limit their effectiveness in combat.

Curate's Strike via Sun’s Gleam RTA - [roll0]; Temp HP: +27
- Damage [roll1]
Sword of the Sun King - line reflex dc 18 vs [roll2] / Memory veil (if no movement take [roll3] at end of turn + slow as spell)

Temp HP: 33

2023-10-31, 03:43 PM
Lithe [roll0]
Big [roll1]

Your beam strikes the big guy directly and the akashic energy erupts, barely catching the Lithe foe who wasn't quite able to escape the full extent of its reach with a singular movement.

2023-10-31, 03:47 PM
Lithe moves even further away, placing her too far for the Sword of the Sun King to reach both foes and flicks two more knives at you.

To hit:


On a 27+, crit confirmation:


Still slowed, the Big Gold Cloak trudges towards you into melee, drawing his axe and moving like molasses, making an easy target, provoking an attack of opportunity.

Lithe has taken 9 damage
Big has taken 20 damage is Slowed this round

Ramael may act.

2023-11-01, 11:31 AM
The whip-like sword snapped out to cut at the large man as he provokes an attack of opportunity. Ramael then went on the offensive with a rapid swing of his sword, followed by a blast similar to the one that sent the Red Cloak off the field.

AOO: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]

Minute Hand: [roll2]
- Damage: [roll3]

Batal’s Mandate: RTA [roll4]
- Damage: [roll5]
Temp HP = Damage

Total Temp HP: 49

2023-11-01, 12:01 PM
The Big Gold Cloak takes the brunt of Ramael's attacks, unable to avoid any of them due to the Slow. He collapses in a heap at your feet his breathing ragged, he seems quite upset, but clearly defeated.

Lithe changes tactics and dashes into melee and drawing the curved blades off the back of her belt, clearly hoping to take advantage of the Big Gold Cloak's distracting approach. She slashes with one of her swords, twisting it in an unusual way.

She is employing a Steel Serpent strike: Sting of the Asp.

[roll0] to hit
If it hits, it deals [roll1] damage, and deals 2 strength damage. A Fort save DC 14 halves the strength damage.

On a 27+ [roll2] to confirm
On a critical hit, it deals [roll3] and 2 additional strength damage (still halved on a successful save).

She's unable to get her weapon past Ramael's defenses.

Lithe has taken 9 damage
Big has taken 53 damage is very much defeated.

You notice the Ratfolk and the Blue and Red Cloaks seem hesitant to try to retrieve the Big Guy from the battlefield as the fight continues.

Ramael may act.

2023-11-01, 12:31 PM
Ramael lashes out with the whip sword in a rapid furry. He then retreats backward, forcing the lithe guard to risk an attack on the approach into melee once again.

Standard - Staunching Strike: [roll0]
- Damage [roll1]

Swift - Minute Hand: [roll2]
- Damage [roll3]

Move - 30 ft backward

Total Temp HP: 60

2023-11-01, 12:56 PM
The Staunching strike hits the Lithe Gold Cloak, though she's able to avoid the Minute Hand. When you retreat, she takes the opportunity to strike again.

Instead of approaching, having seen how you handled the Big Gold Cloak, she continues moving in a circular pattern around you, flicking two more knives.

[roll0] to hit
On hit it deals [roll1]

On a 27+ [roll2] to confirm
On a crit, it deals [roll3] more.

Throwing Knives:
To hit:

On hit:

On a 27+, to confirm critical:

On crit:

Once more unable to get past Ramael's defenses and worn down from the damage she has sustained, Lithe stops after throwing the knives and holds up her hands. "There's no way I win this. I yield. You're strong."

The Ratfolk rushes over the Big Gold Cloak and begins casting healing magic. The King and nobles seem very impressed with your performance.

Your victory over the gold cloaks comes with a sudden rush of power. You gain 3,600 XP.

2023-11-01, 05:17 PM
Ramael inclined his head to the compliment. "I would feel at ease to have either of you, let alone both, as a personal guard." He gave the compliment to both of them, even as the larger guard was being healed.

Turning toward the King, he bowed slightly. "I hope the demonstration alleviates any concerns you might have had, your majesty. How far away is the mine? I intend on traveling at the earliest opportunity." The question was directed toward Valis, assuming the King was above answering such things.

2023-11-01, 07:13 PM
Valis, the gnomish court mage, hustles down from the covered passageway as the King simply nods and continues with his business. "The Mine is a week's travel on horseback, though we're prepared to provide you one of the kingdom's swiftest horses, Breeze, who can carry you there within 5 days. Four if you push her. There is also a supply caravan that will be departing at dawn, though with the goods weighing them down, I expect it will take them roughly ten days."

Valis also reaches into a small bag and brings out a scroll case that seems a bit longer than the bag itself. It's curious that it fit in there. "This map should keep you from getting lost." He offers you the scroll case. "If you need any other supplies, I will help you secure them."

The Big Gold Cloak grunts as the healing allows him to return to his feet. He seems a bit disappointed in his own performance.

2023-11-01, 08:52 PM
Ramael nods and accepts the map from the gnome. "I don't believe I require any other supplies. As soon as the horse is provided, I'll take my leave and begin the trek."

He sheathed his sword at his hip and slung the shield back over his shoulder, rolling his neck lightly to relieve the tension of the combat.

2023-11-02, 12:42 AM
Valis snaps his fingers and it's almost as though two servants simply materialize. They were surprisingly well hidden. Valis relays instructions and the servants guide you to the castle stables, where a number of thoroughbred horses are maintained with great care.

The Stablemaster, a half-elven woman has saddled up Breeze, the mare has a sleek brown coat and singular white patch that resembles a third eye on her forehead. It seems she has a set of saddlebags filled with some supplies for the journey.

4x Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Letter of Introduction addressed to Geren Praefectus, Lord of the Aurum Fort and Foreman Khurstock Ironbringer, Mine Foreman.
3,000 gold coins

Breeze is equipped with a masterwork military saddle which provides a +2 ride checks, she has an endless feed and water kit. She is a Light Horse (as per the SRD), who has a base land speed of 60ft, and magic horseshoes that give her +20 enhancement bonus to her speed for a total speed of 80ft.

The Stablemaster says "Valis said the stuff in the saddlebags was for you, hotshot. I heard about your victory over Sollertia and Ingentus. Safe travels."

The weather is fair and the climate very temperate, you make good time on Breeze. She's swift, sure and seems to know the way already. There are some monsters here and there. A cave with a resident dog-sized scorpion and other minor threats, but nothing significant enough to slow you down.

On the fourth day as you enter the foothills of the Aurum Mountain range you catch up to a small caravan of two covered wagons. As you approach you can see crates and barrels within the wagons and as you approach you notice something is off, as the wagons aren't moving and catch the sound of a panflute drifting over you. The drivers of the wagons seem to be paying attention to something to the left of the road, as well as the four guards, two wielding spears and two wielding longbows. A red-furred goat man with long horns is dancing and playing a pan flute.


They seem abnormally enthralled by the performance as you see six hideous creatures approaching from the opposite side of the road. They're so pungent you can smell and hear them from here.


You're 150ft away. The monsters haven't noticed you.

Ramael acts in the Surprise Round and may take a Standard or a Move action, as well as a swift and any free actions before round 1 begins.

Ramel [roll0]
Caravan guards [roll1]

Enemies [roll2]

2023-11-02, 04:38 PM
Ramael rides the steed forward without a word or a battle cry. He dismounts and continues forward on foot, as he isn't sure the mount is trained to fight such manner of beast.

Once he closes the gap with the four, he unleashes a blast of energy from his eyes. The akashic energy burns hot enough to cut through defenses of men and material alike.

An explosion of the same energy engulfs the monster's allies, all being close enough to be caught in a 15 ft cone.

Knowledge [Planes]: [roll0]
Surprise Round: Mount Move - 80 ft / Ramael Move - Dismount

Round 1: Ramael Move - 40 ft
Standard - curate's strike via Sun’s Gleam (ignores DR/ardness): RTA [roll1]
- Damage: [roll2]
Temp HP: 42 (+27 Curate Strike + 10 Radiant Dawn Style + 5 Sunset)

Sword of the Sun King: 15 ft Cone - reflex dc 18 vs [roll3] (ignores DR/hardness) for other 3

2023-11-02, 05:12 PM
The six little Dretch Demons, cowardly, weak, and foul souls from the Abyss manifest on this plane to simply to spread to chaos and violence. The blast of akashic energy engulfs them, and their skin blisters. They screech and turn tail and flee.

The Cambion Demon with the panflute, seeing its plan crumble as the Dretch's are pushed back, elects to flee.

If a Demon is killed, its essence returns to the Abyss and it is reborn as Dretches. As Dretches grow in power they merge with other demons to form more powerful Demon forms, like a Cambion, the goat man that specializes in manipulation.

The Demons turn and sprint away into the foothills.

The Dretchs move as a group. They use the Run action to travel 120ft away.

The Cambion flees in the opposite direction. It uses the Run action to travel 120ft in the opposite direction placing them 240 ft apart. It seems they may be trying to escape.

With the panflute music no longer entrancing them, the caravan members speak.

"Well that was the most fun I've had all day." says one of the caravan drivers. "Really? I felt terrified and helpless. And I think I could use a new pair of pants." a bow guard shifts awkwardly in place, not giving any sign of making an effort to protect the caravan against the demons.

Their behavior indicates the magic of the creature's panflute may still be affecting them are are likely to chitchat about the experience rather than pay attention to their surroundings. It should fade within a few seconds.

You could chase the monsters or let them flee.

2023-11-02, 05:24 PM
Seeing the leader split from its minions, Ramael grimaces. If he could, he'd send them all to the Abyss, but if he has to choose, better the brains go missing.

He moved back to the horse and saddled up in a smooth motion. He turned her to run in the direction the Cambion headed, full tilt with blade in hand.

Ramael move action return to horse. Second move action mount up. Will use horse run to close distance with Cambion.

2023-11-02, 06:08 PM
Breeze charges fearlessly into battle, allowing you to easily ride down the fleeing foe.

The Demon continued running, but Breeze overtakes it in one Run action.

You can get into melee or as close as you want and take your turn.

The caravan personnel's chitchat seems to be ending as they realize the situation. It seems the last of the magic is dissipating and you'll likely have the support of the guards soon if you can keep this demon from escaping.

The Cambion is unharmed.
The Dretches have retreated lower into the foothills and left eyesight.

2023-11-02, 07:13 PM
Ramael brings Breeze passed the demon, swinging the whip-like sword in rapid strikes, but keeping the horse a safe distance from it. "You can not win. Yield and return to your realm quietly."

Move: Within 10 ft

Standard: Staunching Strike [roll0]
- Damage [roll1]

Swift: Minute Hand [roll2]
- Damage [roll3]

2023-11-02, 08:21 PM
The bow guards have finally shaken off their stuper and loose arrows to support to effort.


On hit:

Between your attacks and an arrow lodging into the creature's neck, the Demon slumps onto the ground, dead. It's spirit banished back to the Abyss. It seems this Demon didn't have much in the way of possessions, the panflute being a crude creation.

The caravan driver says "Thanks, stranger. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't intervened." The pudgy human teamster sporting a large handlebar mustache lazily lifts a hand and thoughtlessly touches it. "Once we get these supplies to the Aurum mining town I'll buy you a drink. I figure that's your destination since it's the only place this road goes."

Defeated enemies: 1,800 XP
Caravan rescued: 3,000 XP

You could stay with the caravan, extending your journey by a day due to their slow pace, or continue alone on Breeze and arrive at the mining town tomorrow.

2023-11-03, 10:30 AM
"My name is Ramael. Well met. No need to thank me when demons are involved, it is the duty of every upright being to fight against them... You are right, I am headed that direction. I'll accompany you, if you like, to make sure your cargo is safely delivered." Ramael gave Breeze a good neck rub for handling herself so well, as he brought her alongside the wagon to continue to travel.

2023-11-03, 12:58 PM
"Plaus is the name. The monsters have gotten further out from the mine than previously. Hopefully Geren and Khurstock are aware and are plugging any extraneous passages for the creatures to escape the mine." the teamster says, his hands returning to the reins and gently encouraging the beast of burden to again begin pulling the wagon forward.

You continue with the caravan without incident to the mining town. Aurum Mining Town is in its infancy with only a few solid structures and several clusters of small tents packed into a fairly large clearly. The altitude is sufficient to make a noticeable difference, the air being thinner than it was in the capitol. You mostly see a contingent a humans and dwarves both at work to raise more permanent structures.

A rugged dwarf with short choppy beard and something of a mohawk approaches you.


"A supply shipment. Excellent, you can unload it over there. Yer pay will be distributed once we've confirmed all the items in the manifest are present. Though I was told there would be six of ya, so I don't have a share for yer seventh." the dwarf says with obvious authority.

"You probably wouldn't have a supply shipment if it weren't for that seventh, Khurstock. He rescued us from some demons that must've escaped the mines." Plaus replies.

"Blast, I thought we had sealed them in." Khurstock replies, more to himself than to anyone else. "Ya have my thanks, friend." the dwarf says to you.

2023-11-03, 02:56 PM
"Foreman Khurstock Ironbringer, this is for you… My name is Ramael. Well met." Ramael reached into his bag and produced a letter. He handed it to the dwarf.

2023-11-03, 04:12 PM
Khurstock's eyes widen as he sees the seal on the letter of introduction and takes it, reading over it for a long moment mumbling something about it not being written in Dwarven. "Ah. Ramael, hero of Ragnum. I'll let Gov'ner Geren know yer here 'lest you wanna introduce yerself. I've been waiting for ya, exciting to get to find out what all these nasties are keeping us from in the heart of the mountains. My artisans will help outfit ya as ya help us secure areas of the mine." He waves in a motion to follow as his short legs start moving him steadily towards a large constructed building. It seems to acting as a headquarters for this operation. "Act as ye please. This letter says we're working for you, boss."


"Ah, the hero is here. Welcome to Aurum Mining Town headquarters." Governor Geren greets you with a flourish and a bow. "I am Geren Praefectus. A pleasure. I expect you've already been briefed on our objectives in this area. My role is to coordinate to ensure we have all the supplies we need, given what little grows in this thin mountain soil, and expend the town. Foreman Ironbringer will oversee resource extraction from the mines. Your role is to ensure our success. Thus, anything you need is yours simply say the word."

Your gut tells you that the Governor would likely consider pinning responsibility on you should things fail, though he seems to expect success.

"Geren, just call me Khurstock." the dwarf says flatly. "The main mine entrance is less than an hour's trek from this headquarters. I'll have some my men escort you whenever you're ready."

2023-11-03, 05:35 PM
Ramael looked over the headquarters, as if inspecting it for faults, before being introduced to the Governor. He inclined his head in greeting in return to the introductions.

"Tell me, how many military training men do we have present that won't be busy mining? Also, if you could see to the stabling and care for my horse, I'd rather not bring her to the mines until we have a measure of security present... I'm ready to leave immediately. I'd like to get a firm grasp of the frontline situation before further supplies can be interrupted."

He asked the first question to neither in particular, attempting to see which might have a better grasp on the current military situation before prodding for further details.

2023-11-04, 02:33 PM
Geren responds "We have a dozen men-at-arms to protect the settlement. I'll see to the care of your horse." and Khurstock pipes in "All of my dwarves are hardy and full capable of combat, but they'll be spending most of their time in and around the mine. I'll take you to the mine entrance."

The mine entrance is about a half hour trek at the dwarf's slower pace, not far from the settlement at all. There are probably a couple dozen dwarves working to set up illumination and support not too far into the mine. You also notice among the pick axes and other excavation tools, hammers, spears, and axes. It seems the dwarves are prepared to meet to resistance.

Khurstock says "We haven't secured very far in, but we've scouted the surrounding area and collapsed the one other entrance we encountered. Our scouts say there is a chamber nearly fully covered in web. We've considered setting fire to the web, but when we heard a hero was being called we decided to wait for the support. The chamber isn't too far in, but we'll need to clear it to get any deeper."

2023-11-04, 06:08 PM
"Fire isn't a terrible idea, but maybe I can deal with the culprits without it. Fire may drive them deeper into the mine and make them harder to dislodge."

As he walked in, a halo formed around his head to illuminate his presence. He readied his sword and shield and moved toward the web-covered opening.

2023-11-04, 08:55 PM
It's maybe a few hundred feet or so before you come across the large cavern mentioned. The floor hasn't been worked so all of the terrain is uneven and difficult. Stalactites and stalagmites dominate the room serving as anchors for cones of webbing crisscrossing throughout the chamber. Your keen eyes pick up sixteen eyes gleaming in the darkness from the light of your halo. Spiders. Based on the spacing of the eyes, they seem quite large, but they're packed into small crevices in the wall, hiding their full size.

From your vantage point, you can see easily two. Carefully peering around you count two more in other corners. It seems they won't react from you simply being there, but you'd guess interacting with their web or moving further into the chamber would probably provoke their ire.

2023-11-04, 09:23 PM
Ramael paused in his approach. He was sure that walking in would be a quick way to become overwhelmed or ensnared in multiple webs. Instead, he called on the akashic energy coursing through his veins. He fired a blast from his eyes toward the closest of the spiders he could see better, preparing for it to come at him.

Lifeburst Strike via Sun’s Gleam: RTA [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]

Temp HP: 55 = 37 (maneuver) + 12 (Radiant Dawn Style) + 6 (Sunset)

2023-11-04, 09:46 PM
Poking one in the eye does seem to be an effective way to get their attention. The four spiders scurry out of their holes, revealing their bodies to be much larger than expected based on the size of their holes.

The four Huge Spiders bear their mandibles menacingly.

Ramael [roll0]

Spiders [roll1]

Ramael has initiative.

Spider 1 has taken 14 damage.
Spiders 2-4 are unharmed.

2023-11-04, 09:57 PM
Ramael continues the fiery assault at the already damaged spider, blasting it with more energy. Now that they are all out of their holes, he calls upon the Sword of the Sun King to blaze a line of energy through the others in the most efficient way.

curate's strike via sun's gleam: RTA [roll0]
- damage [roll1]

Temp HP: 86 = 55 (prior) + 27 (maneuver) + 12 (Radiant Dawn Style) + 6 (Sunset) [can't go above max hp]

2023-11-05, 01:30 PM
Through careful placement, your sword of the sun king cuts through three of the overgrown arachnids.


The spiders move forward, but still remaining in the entrance, you hopefully have a chokepoint... except they clamor on top of each other, squeezing their bodies against one another as they all swarm into melee.

They all attempt to bite you with their mandibles, venom dripping from the tips of the sharp fangs.
To hit:


If any of their bites damage you, Fort Save DC 18 vs. [roll11] strength damage and [roll12] dex damage each round for 6 rounds or until a successful save is made.

Spider 1 has taken 29 damage and is bloodied
Spider 2 has taken 8 damage.
Spider 3 avoided the Sword of the Sun King
Spider 4 wasn't hit as they came from different corners.

Ramael may act. The spiders proving to be quite ferocious.

2023-11-05, 01:44 PM
Only one spider's fangs break through Ramael's defenses. He continues to whittle away at the eight-legging monsters, now with his sword, as they are close enough for him to utilize it.

With the combat enduring, Ramael has built up enough energy to release a blast from his sword, targeting the worst damaged of the arachnids.

Fort Save: [roll0]

Standard: Staunching Strike: [roll1]
- Damage: [roll2]

Swift: Minute Hand: [roll3]
- Damage: [roll4]

Sword of Sun King (30 ft line) Reflex dc 18 vs [roll5]

Move: Batal’s Mandate: RTA [roll6]
- Damage: [roll7]

Temp HP: +15

2023-11-05, 01:53 PM
With all of them packed in front of you, aligning the Sword of the Sun King is child's play and it cuts through them all. The tough hide on the spider manages to avoid a full hit from your Staunching Strike, though.


The spiders once more bear their fangs against you. It seems something has driven them to defend their territory to death.


On hit it deals:

If any hit you, Fort DC 18 vs. [roll12] strength damage and [roll13] dexterity damage, repeating each round for 6 rounds or until a successful save is made.

Spider 1 has taken 43 damage and is on its last legs.
Spider 2 has taken 16 damage.
Spiders 3 and 4 are unharmed.

Ramael may act.

2023-11-05, 01:59 PM
Ramael stood his ground in the face of the monsters. None of their attacks could penetrate his defenses. He continued to swing the whip-like blade at the most damaged of the spiders while the explosions of energy slowly whittled away at the others.

Standard: Staunching Strike: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]

Swift: Minute Hand: [roll2]
- Damage: [roll3]

Sword of Sun King (30 ft line) Reflex dc 18 vs [roll4]

Temp HP: +15

2023-11-05, 02:18 PM
The sword whip finds its way deep into the injured spider's flesh, but the minute hand doesn't quite break their tough hide.


The most damaged of the spiders finally succumbs to its wounds, the writhing mass shunting its corpse back into the webbed cavern.


On hit

On damage, Fort DC 18 vs [roll10] str dmg and [roll11] dex dmg.

Spider 1 is dead.
Spider 2 has taken 25 damage and is bloodied.
Spiders 3 is unharmed.
Spider 4 has taken 9 damage.

Ramael may act.

2023-11-05, 04:22 PM
Ramael roars as the single spider attack makes it through his other defenses.

Whether successful or not, he presses on with the remaining threats at hand, again targeting the most damaged spider with his blade and an energy explosion from the blade. The others are treated to a line of energy for continuing to stack on each other mindlessly.

Immediate: Warning Roar [roll0]
Fortitude Save: [roll1]

Standard: lifeburst strike [roll2]
- Damage: [roll3]

Move: Batal’s Mandate RTA [roll4]
- Damage: [roll5]

Sword of the Sun King Ref dc 18 vs [roll6]

+13 Temp HP if missing

2023-11-05, 05:53 PM

Your attacks find purchase against the injured spider, slaying it. However, with more room to maneuver the spiders are able to avoid the Sword of the Sun King. The two still standing lash out at you.


On hit,

On damage, Fort DC 18 vs [roll7] str and [roll8] dex damage.

Spider 1 is dead.
Spider 2 is dead.
Spider 3 is unharmed
Spider 4 has taken 9 damage

2023-11-05, 08:48 PM
The battle slogs on, but within mere seconds, all of the spiders lay dead in front of you.

You defeated four CR 5 spiders and gain 12,000 XP.

Among the webs there are a small handful of cocoons. Making your way to them and slashing them open you find the bodily remains of a couple of dretches and one particularly oddly shaped skeleton that seems to be clutching a piece of mirrored silver which seems to emanate magic. It seems like the same type of object as the mirror the mages used to determine your level when you first appeared here. As soon as you lay hand on it, knowledge is imparted to you - you are now a level 6 hero, and it seems the mirror shard has just enough power to allow you to change your blessings once.

Khurstock steps out from the path and whistles "You sure made short work of them critters. Give us dwarves a bit and we'll clear out this cavern for you, open up any paths further in while we're at it." he snaps his fingers and a half dozen dwarves loaded to the teeth with mining equipment and dragging a sled with containers and more tools arrive and being working at the stalagmites to clear the way.

"Maybe go check on the settlement while we work. I'd invite you to commit your hand to a pick, but I would prefer your skill be reserved for keeping my men alive when we undoubtedly uncover more trouble." Khurstock plods off, barking orders at his workmen.

2023-11-05, 09:36 PM
Ramael nodded at the suggestion. He left the mine and began walking back toward the settlement. Pausing, he held the mirror and activated it's power. Playing it safe had gotten him this far, but he knew things that this world didn't have. There were other sources of power to be harnessed, to make him stronger and more deadly.

The tropes about an impenetrable defense might be true, but if the last battle were any indication, it was far too slow. If those enemies would have had something more exotic than a frontal attack, he would not have been able to put enough pressure on them to be successful.

Taking inspiration for other genres outside of standard fantasy, he crafted his armor and weapons while honing his abilities to be effective in utilizing them efficiently.

XP took him to gestalt level 3! His rebuild is complete (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2850958).

2023-11-06, 11:20 AM
Upon your return to headquarters Governor Geren eyes you."Ramael?" he asks quizzically. "I see the mine had quite the effect on you." however, the greeting is cut short as your ears pick up a strange sound like the rythmic squawking of a bird followed by yells from the men-at-arms in the settlement.

Rushing outside you see a strange feathered being like a twisted cross between a crow and a man. A cloud of spores swirls around it as it chants and dances atop a large rock overseeing one side of the settlement.


Leaping down from the cliff comes what appears to be an unholy hybrid of horse and scorpion, except for the strangely humanoid faces peeking out from within its pincers.


Your keen eyes also spot another foe hiding in the rocks behind the dancing crow-man, its mottled grey skin gives it a degree of natural camouflage but its and bat-like wings and strange mouth full of rows of teeth stand out to your eye.


The three Demons seem intent to destroy the settlement.

The dozen guardsmen appear to already be quick at work to defend from the attack. Half have run forward with large crossbows and the other seem to be maneuvering a hwacha into position. The siege weapon will create a rain of arrows once it's properly aligned.

"Use the cold iron tipped ammunition against them! It hurts them!" the captain barks orders from beneath a helmet while helping align the hwacha.

Ramael [roll0]

Demons [roll1]
Guardsmen [roll2]

Ramael acts first.

2023-11-06, 06:49 PM
"No rest for the weary..." Ramael took a deep and steadying breath. The foes seemed daunting compared to what he'd faced already, especially considering his new abilities hadn't been tested.

Plasmathrower in hand, he hunched his shoulders slightly. The motions caused the shoulder pad to slide down, revealing the honeycomb of missiles stored beneath. The reactor on his back roared to life as it provided fuel for the ignition primers. Seven rockets launched with sharp whistles, twisting and turning through the air toward the vulture demon.

Seeker Missiles reflex dc 17 for 1/2 of [roll0] (bludgeon / fire)

2023-11-06, 07:45 PM
Reflex (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25902025&postcount=29)

The crow-man is barraged by the missiles, which leave him bloodied. He continues chanting and dancing as ichor and spores seem to pulsate from the scorched bruises left by the seeker missiles.

The scorpion-horse runs forward. After seeing your missile barrage it attempts to Baleful Polymorph (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/baleful-polymorph) you calling on its dark magic to turn you into a sheep.

CL check in case you have SR [roll0]

Fort DC 18 to resist:

Resurgence: Second fort save [roll2]

If the Fort fails, DC 18 Will save to retain your mind [roll3]

The one hiding behind the crow-man reveals itself, taking control of the very wind and creating a continuous funnel in hopes of preventing the cold iron arrows from reaching the crow-man.

The guardsmen in front fire their crossbows into the scorpion. It seems Geren's Guardsmen are quite adept.


The remaining guardsmen manage to get the hwacha in place and light the fuse. A series of pops as gunpowder packs ignite flings dozens of arrows at the Crow-man and wind demon. There's only so much the funnel of wind can do about the rain of cold iron bolts.

Vs. Crow-man
1. [roll16]
2. [roll17]
3. [roll18]
4. [roll19]
5. [roll20]
6. [roll21]
7. [roll22]
8. [roll23]

1. [roll24]
2. [roll25]
3. [roll26]
4. [roll27]
5. [roll28]
6. [roll29]
7. [roll30]
8. [roll31]

Vs. Wind Demon
1. [roll32]
2. [roll33]
3. [roll34]
4. [roll35]
5. [roll36]
6. [roll37]
7. [roll38]
8. [roll39]

1. [roll40]
2. [roll41]
3. [roll42]
4. [roll43]
5. [roll44]
6. [roll45]
7. [roll46]
8. [roll47]

The guard captain rushes to your side and casts Resurgence (https://dnd.arkalseif.info/spells/spell-compendium--86/resurgence--4102/index.html), allowing you to shake off the Baleful Polymorph


"We need you in this fight if we are to secure a victory."

Vrock/Crow-man has taken 87 damage and is severely injured.

The Kithangian/Scorpion Horse has taken 12 damage and seems unconcerned with these minor injuries.

The Hala/Wind-Demon has taken 33 damage and is severely injured.

Ramael may act.

2023-11-06, 08:13 PM
Ramael shakes his head to clear it from the dark magics. Looking to the guard captain, he nods. "You have my thanks!"

The missile pod closes for a brief second, there is the sound of clanking and metal screeching as the ammunition is reloaded. It drops back down to unleash a second torrent of rockets toward the Vulture. It seemed that the others were protecting that particular demon, so stopping its dance was imperative.

Seeker Missiles reflex dc 17 for 1/2 of [roll0] (bludgeon / fire)

2023-11-07, 01:19 AM
The seeker missiles find their mark, turning the crow-demon into a burnt and bloody corpse.

The Wind Demon, seeing the Crow-man die, begins to fly away.

The Scorpion-horse says something in Abyssal. "That idiot. Wipe out the entire settlement he said, what a fool. I didn't even get to spill their blood." and vanishes, using its ability to Greater Teleport.

The guardsmen, seeing their foes fleeing before them, reload their crossbows. The large crossbows take some time to reload, and are likely too slow to stop the Wind Demon's escape. Those who were attending to the Hwacha draw their already loaded crossbows and let loose at the wind demon, hoping to bring the creature down before it can escape.



Two cold iron bolts find the wind Demon's flesh and the creature drops from the sky, dead.

The demons are routed, gain 18,000 XP
No friendly casualties, gain 2,000 XP

The guard captain says "Teleportation. That's probably how they're escaping the mine. I'll prepare countermeasures for it should they dare show themselves again." She then turns to you. "Thank you, hero. I suspect if the Vrock had completed its Dance of Ruin, our settlement may have been finished. We owe you our lives."

The guards rally around you chanting "Hero! Hero! Hero!" One of the guards brings out a small casket of booze from the capitol with the intention of celebrating. Though the captain orders two of the guards are ordered not to partake in liquor, to fetch any goods the monsters carried and then to stand watch. She then returns to the headquarters to discuss the situation with Governor Geren allowing the remainder to partake in their revelry.

Taking the goods from the Demons is a quick affair and the bodies are disposed of unceremoniously. The haul is pretty significant, the two sober guards silently place it before you almost like an offering and move to their posts. You get the feeling they believe you should have first right to any loot from the monsters.

It seems you have a brief respite to with as you please.

Mithral Shirt (1100 gp)
Oil of Purify Food and Drink (25 gp)
Potion of Invisibility (300 gp)
Potion of Magic Fang (50 gp)
Potion of Reduce Animal (300 gp)
2 x Potion of Stabilize (25 gp)
Scroll of Alarm (25 gp)
Scroll of Bear's Endurance (150 gp)
Scroll of Cause Fear (25 gp)
Scroll of Entropic Shield (25 gp)
Scroll of Mage Armor (25 gp)
Wand of Mage Hand (375 gp)
Wand of Magic Fang (750 gp)

3,500 GP

2023-11-07, 06:06 AM
Ramael set the heavy two-handed weapon on the ground carefully, the thick cable attached to the reactor on his back stopped him from just walking away. He reached up and removed the helmet, the vacuum seals hissed as the airlock was broken. Holding the helmet in one hand, he ran the other through his sweat-dampened hair.

Speaking with the captain before she left, he asked, "Do we have a blacksmith or mage in this facility that can enchant weapons and armor?"

When the men brought the goods to him, he added the coins to his backpack but waved a hand at the rest. "Make sure these items go to the coffers. They can either be sent back to the capital for more funding or distributed amongst the soldiers as the Captain sees fit."

Picking up his weapon once more, he returned to the headquarters without partaking in the celebration. While the suit and weapon preformed well, there were adjustments that had to be made... and he had no real recourse against the dark magics that had almost taken him out of the fight completely. It troubled Ramael.

2023-11-07, 08:14 AM
"I can perform basic enchantments. Once we've secured a gold vein in the mine, I suspect we'll have the funding to hire on a dedicated specialist. Khurstock will almost certainly bring in one of his smiths once there is ore to be worked." the captain replies. "I seem to have forgotten my manners. I'm Pulchra. as you enter the headquarters.

"I've also brought a supply of Cold Iron, as Demons are oft weak to such a material. I can reforge your weapons with Cold Iron if desired."

Pulchra can raise weapons to +1 and make them Cold Iron for normal market prices.

2023-11-07, 12:46 PM
"Well met Pulchra, and thank you again for the assistance against the dark magic that demon used."

Ramael reached into his purse and provided her with 4000 gold.

"How long does enchantment take? I'd give you both the weapon and the shoulder launcher if you can do both, but I don't want to be caught without any weapons should the demons teleport back to attack. Also, can you enchant armor as you can weapons?"

2023-11-07, 01:03 PM
"I require four days to complete the work on both of your weapons, two days each. I shall do the work one at a time so that you aren't without armaments during that time." she informs you.

Whichever weapon you choose to have enhanced first she accepts graciously and goes into the headquarters with the weapon and into a secluded room.

2023-11-07, 01:26 PM
Ramael detaches the plasmathrower from it's power cord and gives it to Pulchra to start with.

2023-11-07, 02:22 PM
The four days pass rather uneventfully given the pace of the action from your arrival. Pulchra completes her work on your weapons and Khurstock has cleared the first cavern and his dwarves and beginning to venture deeper. It seems the mine is rich in gold as some of what was hauled out contained small nuggets of the precious metal.

Geren is working to have the infrastructure built out and sending letters to bring new talent to the Aurum Mining Town.

The artisans on hand have completed an expansion of the headquarters which will serve as your private chambers. It's furnished with a simple bed covered in sheep wool and a sturdy wooden trunk with a good sturdy lock, but otherwise the room is quite threadbare.

2023-11-07, 08:02 PM
Ramael took the time to rest and reconfigure his weapons to a more damaging set of elements, as well as range enhancements. He was still unsure about how to combat the use of magic, but hopefully he could eliminate threats before they closed the distance to utilize such tactics.

He did nothing to improve the sparseness of the room, preferring the sparse living conditions. Once his weapons were done, he returned to the mine with Khurstock to see about continuing the expansion deeper.

2023-11-07, 08:41 PM
Over the course of the days, the townsfolk are hard at work building additional structures. More people are steadily arriving hoping to profit from the new gold mine, which puts additional strain on the townsfolk as more people requires more infrastructure.

Khurstock greets you the morning of the fifth day. "Well met, Ramael. Ye can't have come at a better time. My miners have excavated the first cave and found a couple paths onward. We're working to clear one, but something you may wanna take a look at was found in the other. Some kind of demon shrine. Dunno what it's for and none of my men are chomping at the bit to go near the thing. I was hoping you could take a look."

The first cavern has been repurposed, the floor is smooth now and cart rails allow the dwarves to quickly move excavated material to this holding location where large crates are stacked three-dwarf heights tall, or they can simply be discarded. Everburning lights strung up along the stalactites produce plenty of illumination. Khurstock leads you further and down a path not quite as well carved which includes some crude stairs down to what appears to be a shrine.


There is some text in Abyssal that says "Make an offering of blood. If your mettle is true, you will be granted power."

"I dunno know what it says, but I wouldn't trust it if I were ye."

2023-11-07, 08:55 PM
"It says an offering of blood will be rewarded with power if your mettle is true."

Ramael placed his helmet on and snapped it into place. The hissing of pressure and a locking mechanism let him know the suit was completely sealed.

"It sounds like a challenge to me... perhaps a summoning of some kind. I'm inclined to level it to rubble... but at the same time, do we pass up the chance for more power against them?"

He hefted the plasmathrower in both hands, attaching it to the reactor cabling. The energy coils began to hum as they heated the volatile liquid fuel.

"I think I'll try a smear of my own blood against it to see if anything happens. I'd keep your men back, just in case."

Cut own hand and drip it onto the statue.

2023-11-08, 12:31 PM
With your intentions clear Khurstock says "I'm not staying around for whatever this is." and heads back.

As your blood runs over the shrine, it begins to glow with a magical radiation which washes over you. It then starts to burn. You hear a voice in Abyssal directly in your head.

"You are the hero sent to end my reign on this plane? Join me, and I will give you power beyond what any kingdom of mortals can offer you."

Do you accept the offer to switch sides and join the Demon King?

2023-11-08, 05:43 PM
Ramael attempts to have a conversation with the voice in his head.

You misunderstand my purpose. I was summoned to secure a gold mine so the nation might fund its defense. While they mentioned you, there was no agreement to depose you. If you keep your minions from attempts at destroying the town above and the mine below, there will be no reason at all for hostilities.

2023-11-08, 06:11 PM
The voice doesn't respond back, though the pain from the radiation from the shrine increases significantly as a powerful wave of curses washes over you.

Curse of Repel Beneficence (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/curses/repel-beneficence), Will DC 18 [roll0]
Curse of Unluck (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/curses/unluck), Will DC 20 [roll1]
Curse of Lethargy (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/curses/lethargy), Will DC 15 [roll2]

The light from the shrine fades as you successfully resist the curses. Perhaps Khurstock was right and Demons shouldn't be trusted.

2023-11-08, 06:51 PM
Ramael gritted his teeth and backed away from the statue before launching a salvo of rockets at it. He wasn't sure if it had expended all of its energy or if the Demon King could harness it again, so he'd rather have it as rubble.

[roll0] - acid / bludgeon (Breaking Blast: full damage to items)

2023-11-08, 07:57 PM
The shrine is utterly annihilated, leaving only rubble. Khurstock's short legs bring him back down in short order. He looks around and says "I'm glad that evil thing is gone, but please don't do that again. I'd hate to have to deal with a mine collapse."

He takes a deep breath. "We'll start clearing further in this direction now that it's just rocks in our way. It may take a few more days."

2023-11-08, 09:44 PM
Ramael nods in understanding to the dwarf's warning. "Are there any areas that you need me to secure now before you expand?"

With the updated weapons and new abilities, he felt ready to make further exploration into the demon-infested darkness.

2023-11-09, 12:14 PM
A dwarf wearing a helmet containing an everburning bulls-eye lantern built in comes down to report to Khurstock and says "Foreman, we've identified three open spaces, but scouts say there are creatures lurking in all of them. We've identified one has a gold vein, one has a mithral vein, and one has an adamantine vein."

Khurstock looks shocked. "Seems we've hit the mother lode with this mine, and with the hero here, the monsters should be no issue." Khurstock turns to you. "I'll leave it to you the order in which you decide to secure the chambers."

2023-11-09, 07:07 PM
"Show me where this adamantine vein is. I think getting the guard better equipment should be the first priority."

2023-11-10, 05:36 PM
The scout leads you back through the main chamber and into one of the side paths. Dwarves are working hard at reinforcing, clearing, and illuminating the path. As your led deeper, the path grows less well kept and eventually you start finding strange bones littered about the path.

"We're not quite sure what's ahead. One scout went ahead but I just heard his screams and he never returned. But you see this?" the dwarf runs his hand over part of the wall where a reflective gray ore nearly sparkles in the light of the dwarf's illuminating helmet. "It's adamantine ore. It seems the vein is larger further ahead."

2023-11-10, 08:14 PM
"Understood, I'll do what I can to make it safe." With that, Ramael switched on his flashlight to illuminate the way ahead and set off deeper down the path.

2023-11-10, 08:59 PM
As you move ahead the passage gets much wider and taller opening into a natural cave dominated by three enormous pillars of rock which glitter with ore. The terrain is uneven and difficult. You hear something ahead, the crunching of something hard, and considering the state of the bones littered all over this area, you would guess it's something crunching on bones.

A sudden an ominous silence falls over you and a split second later an enormous corpulent beast with a boar head comes flying from around one of a few massive rock formations which support the large cave.


It lets out a guttural rumble in Abyssal: "Hero, I hope you taste better than dwarf."

Ramael [roll0]

Demon [roll1]

Ramael wins initiative.

2023-11-11, 06:22 AM
Ramael lifts the plasmathrower. The reactor roars to life as it fuels the weapon. The coils grow white-hot as he pulls the trigger. The acidic fire spews from the barrel in several waves, spreading across the entire cavern.

Plasma Attack Ranged Touch: [roll0]
- Plasma Damage (fire / acid): [roll1]

Plasma Attack Ranged Touch: [roll2]
- Plasma Damage (fire / acid): [roll3]

Plasma Attack Ranged Touch: [roll4]
- Plasma Damage (fire / acid): [roll5]

2023-11-11, 10:06 AM
A nimbus of unholy light begins to swirl around the Demon as it lifts a clawed, four-fingered hand in your direction. "Stupefy."

It then flies towards you, entering melee range, though with its enormous size, it is still 15 feet away.

[roll0] DC 20

It feels like spiders swarming directly onto your brain, but you're able to shake off whatever horrendous thing the Demon attempted to afflict on you.

Nalfeshnee has taken 79 damage.

Ramael's action.

2023-11-12, 06:48 AM
Ramael stood his ground, knowing his training wouldn't allow the demon to freely attack him while using the plasmathrower. He sent another burst of energy into the monster, hoping to cause it to flee or take a more defensive stance.

Plasma Attack Ranged Touch: [roll0]
- Plasma Damage (fire / acid): [roll1]

Plasma Attack Ranged Touch:[roll2]
- Plasma Damage (fire / acid): [roll3]

Plasma Attack Ranged Touch: [roll4]
- Plasma Damage (fire / acid): [roll5]

2023-11-12, 11:23 AM
The nimbus of unholy light explodes out from the corpulent Demon in an enormous burst.

Will save DC 22 vs [roll0] 1 round of Daze


If the unholy nimbus is successful, the Demon begins tearing into you.

On hit it deals [roll3]

Claw 1
On hit it deals [roll5]

Claw 2
On hit it deals [roll7]

Nalfeshnee has taken 157 damage and is bloodied.

Seeing how little damage its attacks dealt you and considering its own wounds, the Demon elects to Teleport away before the battle continues.

You ran off an extremely powerful Demon and gain 50,400 XP.

2023-11-12, 02:56 PM
After a moment, Ramael recovered from the effects of the dark magic. He scanned the rest of the cavern with the light of his flashlight, looking for further threats. If none were found, he returned to the dwarves to give them the news that the particular cavern was cleared.

Afterward, he went back to his room. There was reconfiguring that he needed to do to his weapon systems and abilities in order to better stave off threats like he just faced.

2023-11-12, 11:13 PM
Upon being informed that the cavern is clear, Khurstock can't help but show his teeth in an enormous smile. "Well done, hero. With an adamantine vein secured, Aurum Mining Town's future is looking bright." he calls several other dwarves and they begin the work of clearing the area's terrain and setting up supports and illumination.

As you return to the town to reach your quarters you see a strange individual has arrived and is talking to the guard captain. A mechanical man of some kind.


"Your request is to create a device to prevent the Demons from escaping via Teleportation? It is not something I have previously constructed, but will begin researching it immediately."

"Without such a contraption, I suspect we will be unable to truly disrupt the opposing force as they often escape before we can secure their extermination."

The mechanical man nods in understanding.

2023-11-13, 06:07 AM
Ramael raises a hand in greeting to the mechanical stranger. "Well met, newcomer. I am Ramael, the protector of this town and mine. Did I hear correctly that you may be able to negate the demons' ability to teleport?"

2023-11-13, 10:44 AM
"Greetings, Ramael. I am Maker. It is not something I have done before as it is a rare thing to block teleportation, however, I suspect it is within the vast realm of possibilities. I have been contracted to create something that will entrap the Demons and prevent their escape." The mechanical entity gives you a qualified affirmative.

The guard captain says "Hero, Geren has a cut of the most recent profits from the mine set aside for you in your quarters. Keep up the excellent work."

"I will work with the dwarves to set up my workshop. If you need magical baubles or your gear enhanced, those are my specialties as an Artificer."

You find a sack with a gold coinage equivalent to 10,000gp, the coinage appears to be freshly minted, likely from the chunks of gold hauled out of the mine by the dwarves.