View Full Version : 5e-Psychokinetic Domain-PEACH

2023-10-27, 06:56 AM
Psychokinetic Domain

Disciples of the Psychokinetic Domain channel their psychic powers through the medium of worship of the divine mind. By focusing on the flow of energy these divine psions are able to absorb, redirect, and transform differing types of energy to suit their needs. As they hone their psychic potential, and the flow of energy around them, the faithful bring themselves closer to understanding the mind of their God.

Psychokinetic Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Chromatic Orb, Frost Fingers
3rd Dragon’s Breath, Scorching Ray
5th Protection From Energy, Lightning Bolt
7th Elemental Bane, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere
9th Wall of Force, Destructive Wave

-Kinetic Armor: When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the ability to armor yourself in telekinetic force. While you are wearing no armor, or carrying a shield, your AC equals 10+ your dexterity modifier + your wisdom modifier. If your offhand is free, you can project a small shield of force around your arm granting you and additional +2 to AC.

-Elemental Transmutation: Also at 1st level, you gain the Eldritch Blast Cantrip. When you cast this cantrip it deals Psychic damage instead of Force. If you so choose, you can modify this cantrip in one of the following ways:
-By reducing the damage to 1D8, and the range to 60ft, you can choose to instead deal fire, cold, or lightning damage. If you are high enough level to cast multiple beams, you can make each beam deal different damage types from each other.
-By reducing the range to 30ft you may deal necrotic or radiant damage. You cannot vary this damage from beam to beam.
Eldritch Blast counts as a Cleric cantrip for you, and does not count against the number of cantrips that you know.

-Channel Divinity: Absorption Shield: Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to block and redirect energy.
As a reaction, you can gain resistance to an incoming source of damage other than piercing, bludgeoning, or slashing. You store the amount of resisted damage in an aura around you and add it as bonus damage, of the type stored, to your next melee or spell attack. If you miss, the stored energy damage is lost. This energy can be stored for no more than 1 minute.

-Psychic Might: At 6th level, you gain the ability to convert any cantrip or spell damage into psychic damage. In addition, you gain resistance to psychic damage while your cantrips and spells overcome psychic resistance.

-Blessed Energy Strikes: When you reach 8th level, you are blessed with divine might in battle. When a creature takes damage from one of your cantrip or weapon attacks, you can also deal 1d8 fire, cold, or lightning damage (your choice) to that creature. Once you deal with this damage, you cannot use this feature again until the start of your next turn.

-Elemental Aegis: At 17th level, your Kinetic Armor wards off all but the most lethal of damage. While wearing no armor, or carrying a shield, you gain resistance to slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage.

2023-10-27, 02:53 PM
Domain Spells
Shield feels out of place. Which wouldn't be a big deal, except it's an insanely good spell on a Mage Armor 16 Dex Wizard.
On a Medium Armor or better Cleric... Yeah.
I also don't recognize all the spells used-what books are some of them from?

Kinetic Armor
12+Dex+Wis AC is really nice. That's 14 or 15+Wis, matching Full Plate with Shield by level 8 or 12, if you focus on AC. (And being only one point shy with smart stat allocation and not focusing on AC.)
I don't think it's overpowered, but it's probably better than Heavy Armor Proficiency. This is contingent on changing Shield.

Elemental Transmutation
Eldritch Blast is really good even without Invocations. But the versatility granted by this is... Well, kinda niche-Psychic is generically good in almost every situation.

CD: Absorption Shield
Clarify how it works. As written, I think I get it (you take a Fireball for 30 damage, resistance cuts it to 15 and so you add 15 damage to your next attack) but it could use some more detail.

Psychic Might

Blessed Energy Strikes
I'd let it work on AoOs. Change it to "Once per turn" I think.

Elemental Aegis
Feels fine, as a capstone Domain feature. Though resistance doesn't stack, so the ability to add resistance again to B/P/S damage is kinda redundant?

2023-10-28, 06:51 AM
-Spell list revised in original post

-Reworded Channel Divinity

-Blessed energy strikes is just a replacement feature for potent spell casting or divine strikes, it’s actually called Blessed Strikes and I believe it was in Tasha’s

-Absorption Shield edited