View Full Version : Logistic games with a twist?

2023-10-29, 12:11 PM
So i played last year a game that consumed many hours. "Plan B: Terraforming". It was simple ill admit. Very simple game of logistics and factorio-goody or Dyson-Sphere-Project, but simpler overall.

One of the thing i liked about the game is the colonies/cities you have to care for. The game is very generous as the cities never "shrinks" because your supply chain stopped functioning. You don't have dead people on your conscience for screwing up.

But the cities ***grow*** the more reliably you provide them resource and you take away their waste. The cities slowly spraw across the map, always seemingly taking space you could have used, but you can always build over them if they are in the way.

And i discovered how much i liked this gameplay loop of seeing things grow in way i hadnt anticipated because i fed them what they need to live. It gave purpose to building a logistic system beyond "achieving the next tech tier", it grounded my function.

Does anyone knows of other similar logistic games where you have to provide supplies to something that is effectively outside of your control, but still acts on the game world?

2023-10-29, 12:33 PM
A lot of transport network games are like that. Even back to the OG Railroad/Transport Tycoon.

So maybe something like Transport Fever?

2023-10-29, 12:54 PM
Ill take a look!

Edit: @GloatingSwine, after doing some research, i think i will try out Infraspace, thanks for your help. 😁