View Full Version : Day of the Octopus Rolls

Thane of Fife
2023-11-05, 12:07 PM
OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?661642-Day-of-the-Octopus-OOC)
IC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?661671-Day-of-the-Octopus)

Here is a place for you to make your die rolls. At least to start with, let's try using a format of listing where each die (or group of dice) is from. For example (no idea if this will work or not):

Solo: [roll0]
I'm The Best There Is At What I Do: [roll1]
Enhanced Strength: [roll2]
Borrowed from Doom Pool per Berserk: [roll3]
Adamantium Claws: [roll4]
Combat Master: [roll5]

We can change it if this proves too onerous, but I'm hoping this will speed up rolling a bit while allowing me to protest if, say, I don't think Wolverine's Enhanced Strength should help him get the plastic off a slice of cheese.

2023-11-08, 05:57 PM
Create Asset: Lying in Wait

Distinction: Mark of Kaine [roll0] (+1 PP)
Affiliation: Solo [roll1]
Defective Spider-Clone: Wallcrawling[roll2]
Specialty: Covert [roll3]

Thane of Fife
2023-11-08, 06:48 PM
Rolling the doom pool to resist Kaine: 2D6

Fingers crossed, these two dice will go towards being the total:

2023-11-09, 04:24 AM
Trying to have Hercules impose an 'afraid' condition on Shocker. I think the roll will be
affiliation buddy d10 [roll0]
1d8 maybe glory and honor [roll1]
1d12 Godlike Strength [roll2]
1d8 menace expert [roll3]

2023-11-10, 04:44 AM
Trying to have Hercules impose mental stress on Shocker by making him angry and feeling inadaquate. I think the roll will be
affiliation buddy d10 [roll0]
1d8 glory and honor [roll1]

2023-11-11, 04:11 PM
Kaine trying to knock 2d8 off the Mob.

Distinction: My Brother's Keeper 1d8[/b]
Affiliation: Solo [roll1d10
Defective Spider-Clone: Superhuman Strength [roll]1d10[/i]
Defective Spider-Clone: (1PP) Swingline [roll]1d8[/i]
Specialty: Combat [roll0]

2023-11-11, 04:14 PM
Rerolling failed dice.

My Brother's Keeper [roll0]
Solo [roll1]
Strength [roll2]
Swingline [roll3]

2023-11-11, 05:17 PM
Original Doom dice rolled in the OoC: 7

Doom Dice roll for the 1 if that becomes an Opportunity:

I think the 2 on Kaine's roll is on the wrong powerset to count as an Opportunity also, but if I'm mistaken let me know!

2023-11-11, 05:22 PM
I think the 2 on Kaine's roll is on the wrong powerset to count as an Opportunity also, but if I'm mistaken let me know!

Growing Dread applies to any die in the roll, but it only applies when I'm using a power from the Fractured Spider-Totem power set.

2023-11-13, 12:46 AM
Trying to inflict mental stress on Electro.

Solo Affiliation: [roll0]
Godling Of Mischief Distinction: [roll1]
Psych Expert: [roll2]

2023-11-13, 12:48 AM
Dangit. Well, now I know to roll separately. I'll reroll that 2d6


2023-11-13, 12:48 AM
Looks like a total of 12 and an effect die of d6.

Thane of Fife
2023-11-13, 09:41 PM
First of all (and I will note this in the OOC thread, too), there's a 1 in Hercules's roll. I will give Hercules a plot point for +1D6 doom (Doom=3D6)

Reaction Rolls:

Electro resisting Hercules:
Team Affiliation: [roll0]
Don't Get No Respect distinction: [roll1]
(+1D6 Doom; Doom=4D6)

Electro resisting Loki:
Team Affiliation: [roll2]
Don't Get No Respect distinction: [roll3]
(+1D6 Doom; Doom=5D6)

Mob resisting Kaine:
Team Affiliation: [roll4]
Undisciplined distinction: [roll5]
(I'm using this on the notion that some of them wander off on their lonesome to get picked off)
(Step up one doom die; Doom=4D6, 1D8)

2023-11-13, 11:03 PM
I don't think you're supposed to add to the Doom Pool for rolling 1s on Watcher characters. That's supposed to be a chance for players to spend Plot Points to activate?

Thane of Fife
2023-11-13, 11:22 PM
I don't think you're supposed to add to the Doom Pool for rolling 1s on Watcher characters. That's supposed to be a chance for players to spend Plot Points to activate?

I think you're referring to Electro's second reaction? I'm adding to the doom pool for using a distinction at D4.

For bad guy actions:

Electro is trying to blast Hercules to inflict physical stress:
Team affiliation: [roll0]
More Power!: [roll1]
(I think I forgot to mention it in the IC post, but I am using this on the presumption that he is drawing power from the battery)
Electric Blast: [roll2]
Note that Electro has 1D8 Emotional Stress on him from Hercules and Loki's attacks, and you can add that to your reaction pool.

Mysterio is trying to inflict a Mass Confusion complication on Hercules and Loki in the street:
Team affiliation: [roll3]
Smoke and Mirrors distinction: [roll4]
Your Eyes Deceive You power: [roll5]
SFX (add a D6) for inflicting complications relating to confusion: [roll6]
Area SFX (add a D6 for a second target and keep an extra effect die): [roll7]
Psych Master: [roll8]

The goons are trying to increase the doom pool:
I'm a little unclear what they're actually supposed to roll against here; unless one of you has a better idea, I think I'm just going to say that as their turn, they can increase doom by their power (D6 in this case), similar to how I'd create an asset with a Watcher character.

Thane of Fife
2023-11-13, 11:25 PM
That looks like a total of 12 from Electro, with a D8 effect die. And a total of 15 from Mysterio, with a D10 and D8 effect dice. Let's send the D10 toward Loki and the D8 toward Hercules (sorry, Loki, but I think Loki vs Mysterio should be interesting).

2023-11-14, 12:11 AM
You're right, I'm just blind. I also realized too late I should have sent that as a PM.

Thane of Fife
2023-11-14, 08:56 PM
I also realized too late I should have sent that as a PM.

Oh, I don't mind. Here's fine.

2023-11-17, 04:08 AM
Okay, let's see here. I'm thinking Loki will go Solo here since Hercules is keeping Electro busy. Godling Of Mischief makes sense for Loki detecting when someone is trying to fool him. For Powers, I'd like to use Sorcery Adept as Loki uses a spell to detect whether these hundreds of thugs are real or not. Lastly for Specialties, Psych Expert to deduce that this is a distraction?

Solo Affiliation: [roll0]
Godling Of Mischief Distinction: [roll1]
Sorcery Adept: [roll2]
Psych Expert: [roll3] [roll4]

2023-11-17, 04:09 AM
Assuming that's good, I'll spend a PP to add a third die to my total to get a 20

2023-11-18, 04:12 AM
Rolling for resisting Electro's battery booster electric attack
1d6 solo
1d8 from police help - Pulled some rubber tires from a car for protection.
1d12 godlike durability
1D8 emotional stress on electro
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

Rolling to resist Mysterio's confusion attack.
1d6 solo
1d8 from amelia lane and crew - Trying to stay focused by using them as an emotional proxy to his past.
[roll4] [roll5]

Hero Status/Resources]Stress: None
Assets: None
Plot Points: 2
XP: 1/10
Effect of reaction and later attack attempt will be posted later.

2023-11-19, 04:19 AM
The roll will be for an attack on Mysterio, Electro if not possible, with a 1D6 for being solo, 1D8 for police presence, 1D10 from combat master, and 1D12 Godlike Strength
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

Stress: 1 Mental Stress
Assets: None
Plot Points: 2
XP: 1/10

2023-11-22, 01:09 PM
Create Asset: Undivided Attention

Affiliation: Buddy [roll0]
Distinction: Mark of Kaine [roll1]
Specialty: Menace [roll2] [roll3]

2023-11-24, 05:29 PM
Affiliation - Buddy: [roll0]
Distinction - Crowd of Hostages: [roll1]
Power(s) - Klyntar Symbiote: Invisibility [roll2], Shapeshifting [roll3] (Multipower)
Specialty - Covert: [roll4]
Complication/Stress - None
Asset - Invisible Insider: [roll5]

2023-11-25, 03:01 AM
Loki's roll to create a 'Meddling Illusory Arachnid' complication on Mysterio

Affiliation: Solo d10 - [roll0]
Distinction: Godling Of Mischief d8 - [roll1]
Power: Sorcery Adept d8 - [roll2]
SFX: Weakened Magic - Step up physical stress +1 (to a d4) to step up or double the Sorcery Adept power - [roll3]
Specialties: Mystic Master d10 - [roll4]

2023-11-25, 03:02 AM
Total of 14 and an effect die of d10

2023-11-25, 05:06 PM
Doom Pool vs. saving Hostages:

Thane of Fife
2023-11-27, 04:26 PM
Alright, first of all, I will spend D6 from the doom pool to add a third die (4) to the total against Sleeper and win the roll; then, I will also spend a D8 to use as an effect die. Sleeper sets off a trap while rescuing the hostages and takes D8 physical stress (I don't think he can resist this beyond the action roll he has already made).

This reduces the doom pool to 5D8.

Next, Electro will resist Hercules's attack. I will read Hercules's roll as a total of 13 and an effect of D10 (but it would be helpful in the future if you could specify which dice are going toward the total and which the effect - for example, you could go for a total of 8 and a D12 effect die).

Solo affiliation: [roll0]
Enhanced Speed: [roll1]
Mass Confusion complication: [roll2]
News Crew distinction (Electro will endanger them to distract Hercules): [roll3]

Now Mysterio will resist Kaine:

Solo affiliation: [roll4]
Envious distinction: [roll5]
(add D6 to the doom pool for using a D4)
(obviously, Mysterio is not going to let Kaine walk out of here with a hostage who might be worth a lot of money)
Psych Master: [roll6]

And now Mysterio will resist Loki:

Solo affiliation: [roll7]
Envious distinction: [roll8]
(add D6 to the doom poll for using a D4)
(Mysterio sure hates Spider-Man - this is a bit of a stretch, but it seems reasonable to me)
Doom: [roll9]

At the end of all this, the doom pool should be sitting at 2D6, 3D8.

Thane of Fife
2023-11-27, 04:31 PM
That's a total of 13 and an effect die of D8 from Electro, who takes D10 physical stress (I could also pick a total of 8 and an effect die of D12 - that would step the stress back one for a strong defense, but up one for beating the total by more than 5, so no difference).

Mysterio manages a total of 12 against Kaine and sees through his fast-talking (probably Sleeper setting off that trap caught his attention).

Mysterio gets a total of 11 against Loki and now has a D10 Meddling Illusory Arachnid complication.

Thane of Fife
2023-11-27, 05:04 PM
The thugs open fire on Hercules:

Team affiliation: [roll0]
Guns: [roll1]

Electro tries to fry Kaine:

Solo affiliation: [roll2]
Don't Get No Respect distinction: [roll3]
Electric Blast: [roll4]
Unleashed SFX (double Electric Blast for one action - if the action fails, step it back by -1): [roll5]

Mysterio uses his Smoke Generators power to create a Cloud of Smoke asset (D8).

Thane of Fife
2023-11-29, 06:08 PM
Here I asked you guys to list your totals and effect dice and then I forgot to do it.

The goons have a total of 7 and an effect die of D4 (the default).

Electro has a total of 14 and an effect die of D12. Yikes!

2023-11-30, 03:38 AM
Kaine's Reaction:

Affiliation: Solo [roll0] (Sue's working the rescue, I'm working the combat.)
Distinction: Mark of Kaine [roll1]
Defective Spider-Clone: Superhuman Strength [roll2]
Fractured Spider-Totem: Superhuman Senses [roll3]
Specialty: Acrobatic Master [roll4]
Stress: Electro's Physical [roll5]

2023-11-30, 03:41 AM
That's 20/d10. Does a Heroic Success on a Reaction allow me to step up the Effect Die, for Saw That Coming?

2023-11-30, 08:13 PM
Also, I meant Superhuman Reflexes up there, not Superhuman Strength.

Thane of Fife
2023-12-01, 10:03 PM
That's 20/d10. Does a Heroic Success on a Reaction allow me to step up the Effect Die, for Saw That Coming?

Sure, go ahead.

2023-12-01, 10:25 PM
Kaine is going to attempt to tackle Mysterio into the fountain, inflicting Physical Stress and Creating an Asset of Moistened Mysterio.

Affiliation: Solo [roll0]
Distinction: Mark of Kaine [roll1]
Defective Spider-Clone: Superhuman Strength [roll2] (really this time)
Specialty: Combat Expert [roll3]
Saw That Coming: [roll4]

2023-12-01, 10:28 PM
That's 11, d10 for Mysterio's P-Stress, d12 for Moistened Mysterio.

Spending 1 PP for the extra Effect Die. 1 hitch for the Watcher.

2023-12-02, 04:02 PM
Affiliation - Solo: [roll0]
Distinction - Crowd of Hostages: [roll1]
Power(s) - Klyntar Symbiote: Chemokinesis [roll2]
Specialty - Covert: [roll3]
Complication/Stress - None
Asset - Cloud of Smoke (yoinking from Mysterio): [roll4]

Doom Dice:
2D6, 3D8

2023-12-02, 04:12 PM
Those hostages just do not want to be saved it seems.

8/d10 vs. 14/d8 and 1 potential Opportunity for the Watcher.

2023-12-03, 02:47 AM
Hercules action 3
Trying to impose a 'terrified' complication on the henchmen.

1d10 buddy affiliation. Either with loki outside the building or with sleeper insider the lobby [roll0]
1d8 glory and honor [roll1]
1d8 Menace Expert [roll2]
1d6 push from using a plot point [roll3]

Kind of getting confused with story events on two different threads.

2023-12-03, 05:52 PM
I forgot to roll for resist the gunfire from the goons. Here goes.
Affiliation: 1D10 Buddy I think, how people are grouped up is kind ambiguous to me. But Loki should be in the line of fire with Hercules. [roll0]
Distinction: 1D4 News crew. Can't think of any ways Hercule's distinctions or scene distinctions would help here with such little reaction time. [roll1]
Power: Godlike Durability 1D12. [roll2]
Specialty: Combat Expert D10. If carnage can use to resist laser blasts I think it can be used to resist bullets. [roll3]

Thane of Fife
2023-12-03, 06:49 PM
Doom pool has increased to 5D6, 3D8 as a result of opportunities (plot points handed out in the OOC thread).

Thane of Fife
2023-12-05, 06:07 PM
Reaction Rolls:

Mysterio attempting to avoid Kaine's attack:
Team affiliation: [roll0]
Smoke and Mirrors distinction: [roll1]
Hiding in Plain Sight power: [roll2]
Smoke Cloud asset: [roll3]
(I'm okay with Sleeper using this on his roll, because I'm not entirely happy with how I set up Mysterio, but I don't think I'm good with him just "using up" Mysterio's asset. If you want to remove someone else's assets, complications, or stress, that's an action.)
Doom: [roll4]

Goons attempting to resist Hercules:
Team affiliation: [roll5]
Undisciplined distinction: [roll6]

Doom pool unchanged at 5D6, 3D8 as a result of using a D4 distinction, but also using a D6 in Mysterio's roll.

Thane of Fife
2023-12-05, 06:29 PM
Enemy Actions:

Electro will throw another lightning bolt at Kaine (and the hostage):
Buddy affiliation: [roll0]
Electric Blast power: [roll1]
(still stepped down from Unleashed)
Doom: [roll2]

Mysterio is going to create the illusion that Kaine is attacking the hostage. This will be a complication on Sleeper if he tries to do anything other than save the hostage from Kaine.
Buddy affiliation: [roll3]
Smoke and Mirrors distinction: [roll4]
Your Eyes Deceive You: [roll5]
Special Effects Wiz SFX: [roll6]
Psych Master specialty: [roll7]

Following this, doom will be at 4D6, 2D8.

Thane of Fife
2023-12-05, 06:34 PM
Forgot to add the hostage complication to Electro's roll:
Soaking Wet Hostage complication: [roll0]
The total will be whatever the two highest dice are and the effect die the highest die type left over.

Mysterio vs Sleeper:
Total is 11 with a D8 effect die.

2023-12-08, 03:53 AM
With permission decide to decide Loki's action I will try to have Loki make an asset that will be boosted with a plot point to stick around for more than a turn. The illusion will be spiderman who can either distract enemies or calm down some hostages so they can be helped.

Affiliation 1d8 Team - [roll0]
Distinction 1d8 godling of mischief - [roll1]
Power 1d8 sorcery adept - [roll2]
Specialty 1d8 psych expert - [roll3]
Asset: None
Enemy Complication: NA

2023-12-09, 12:08 AM
Kaine's Attempt to Dodge (Reaction) Electro's Lightning Attack

Distinction: My Brother's Keeper [roll0] (+1 PP)
Affiliation: Solo [roll1]
Defective Spider-Clone: Superhuman Reflexes [roll2]
Specialty: Acrobatics Master [roll3]

2023-12-09, 12:13 AM
That's 19/d10, with the effect die stepped up to d12.

Kaine Removing the Hostage from the Line of Fire (Reduce Doom Pool)

Distinction: My Brother's Keeper [roll0]
Affiliation: Solo [roll1]
Defective Spider-Clone: Swingline [roll2]
Specialty: Combat Expert [roll3]
Saw That Coming: [roll4]

On the way up from jumping over the lightning, Kaine webs the soggy hostage thoroughly to the ceiling, well away from the lightning-throwing maniac or the spreading pool of water on the floor.

2023-12-09, 12:15 AM
That's 19/d10 for removing a die from the Doom Pool.

2023-12-11, 06:58 PM
Rolling to resist Mysterio's illusion of Kaine assaulting a hostage:

Affiliation – Buddy: [roll0]
Distinction – Spawn of Venom: [roll1]
Power(s): None
Specialty - Covert: [roll2]
Complication/Stress – Meddling Illusory Arachnid: [roll3]
Asset – None.

And just to check, the first illusion was a Complication and the second illusion is an Asset, or do I have them switched around?

Thane of Fife
2023-12-12, 06:26 PM
Opposition to Loki:

Opposition to Kaine:

2023-12-14, 02:05 AM
Attempting to save some hostages.
d8 affiliation: [roll0] team - Given that almost everyone is in the room.
d8 distinction: [roll1] glory and honor. - A heroic reputation would help gain peoples' trust
d12 power: [roll2] god like strength - Good for carrying multiple people.
d8 asset: [roll3] undivided attention from kaine

Stress: 1 Mental Stress
Complication: D12 Mass Confusion
Assets: None
Plot Points: 3
XP: 1/10

2023-12-29, 05:28 PM
Attacking Mysterio, spending a Plot Point to include Electro as well:

Affiliation – Solo: [roll0]
Distinction – Spawn of Venom: [roll1] – same justification as before, I’m assuming some inherited knowledge of Mysterio’s blind spots, how well he can take a hit, how far he’ll fly if thrown with force…
Power(s) – Klyntar Symbiote: Superhuman Strength [roll2]
Specialty – Combat: [roll3]
Complication/Stress – None
Asset – None

Thane of Fife
2024-01-07, 05:38 PM
Doom pool resisting Hercules to save the hostages:
(I've removed 1d8 because I think that's the effect of Kaine's reducing the doom pool - his d10 being larger than a d8 and his total beating mine - but I'm having trouble finding that page in the rulebook at the moment.)

Mysterio defending against Sleeper:
(I'm not rolling for Electro because the roll of 1 means that Sleeper only ends up with three dice, so I don't think he is actually able to attack Electro)
Buddy: [roll2]
Smoke and Mirrors distinction: [roll3]
Hiding in Plain Sight power: [roll4]
Doom pool: [roll5]

Thane of Fife
2024-01-09, 09:32 PM
Electro is going to blast Hercules with a lightning bolt:
Buddy affiliation: [roll0]
Don't Get No Respect distinction: [roll1]
(Add 1D6 to the doom pool for using a D4 distinction -> 4D6, 1D8)
Electrical Blast power: [roll2]

Mysterio creates an illusion of the ceiling collapsing on the hostages. This targets all three of you:
Buddy affiliation: [roll3]
Smoke and Mirrors distinction: [roll4]
Your Eyes Deceive You power: [roll5]
SFX: [roll6]
(This is 1D6 for Special Effects Wiz and 3D6 for his hallucinogenic smoke)

Thane of Fife
2024-01-09, 09:35 PM
I think that's a total of 10 with an effect die of D4 against Hercules, and a total of 13 with effect dice of D6 against Kaine and Sleeper (I guess the smoke cloud isn't big enough to reach Hercules).

2024-01-10, 03:32 AM
To resist Electro's shock
Affiliation – 1d8 team [roll0]
Distinction – 1d4 glory and honor [roll1]
Power(s) - Godlike Durability D12 [roll2]
Specialty - Combat Expert D10 [roll3]
Complication/Stress – None
Asset – None

To resist Mysterio's illusion
Affiliation – 1d8 team [roll4]
Distinction – 1d4 hero of classical myth [roll5]
Power(s) - None
Specialty - Don't think mystic expert would apply. psych would though
Complication/Stress – None
Asset – None
Stunt - 1d8 [roll6] use godlike strength to make a thunderclap to scatter the falling debris. Maybe it won't act according to physics.

Hecrules status: - After rolling for resistance and before registering success or failure.
Stress: 1 Mental Stress
Complication: D12 Mass Confusion
Assets: None
Plot Points: 2
XP: 1/10

2024-01-15, 06:04 PM
To make a 'clear line of sight' by clearing some of Mysterio's smoke
Affiliation – 1d8 team [roll0]
Distinction – 1d8 glory and honor [roll1]
Power(s) - Godlike Strength 1D12->SFX: Versatile 2D10 [roll2]
Specialty - None
Complication/Stress – None
Asset – None
Push -1d6 using the plot point intended to be used to resist Mysterio's illusions. Already using a power to make an asset so I don't think I can 'use a power creatively'. [roll3]

2024-01-19, 01:39 PM
Resisting Mysterio’s Imperiled Hostage Illusion:

Affiliation – Team: [roll0]
Distinction – Hostages: [roll1]
Power(s): Klyntar Symbiote: Superhuman Reflexes [roll2]
Specialty – Covert: [roll3]
Complication/Stress – [roll4] Physical Stress on Mysterio
Asset – None

2024-01-29, 07:10 PM
Trying to wallop Mysterio:

Affiliation – Team: [roll0]
Distinction – Youthful Arrogance: [roll1]
Power(s): Klyntar Symbiote – Superhuman Strength: [roll2]
Specialty – Combat: [roll3]
Complication/Stress – [roll4] Physical Stress on Mysterio
Asset – None

Thane of Fife
2024-01-31, 09:00 PM
Mysterio trying not to get clobbered by Sleeper:
Buddy affiliation: [roll0]
Smoke and Mirrors distinction: [roll1]
Your Eyes Deceive You power: [roll2]

Electro trying not to get clobbered by Sleeper:
Buddy affiliation: [roll3]
Enhanced Speed power: [roll4]

Doom pool resisting Hercules creating an asset (?):

2024-02-22, 12:01 AM
Attempting to E stress Johnny.

Distinction: My Brother's Keeper [roll0]
Affiliation: Buddy [roll1] (Ouch.)
Specialty: Menace Master [roll2]

2024-02-22, 12:01 AM
That's 9/d8 E Stress on Storm.

2024-03-18, 01:13 AM
Tracking the Rhino:

Distinction: The Mark of Kaine [roll0]
Affiliation: Team [roll1]
Power: Superhuman Senses [roll2]
Specialty: Covert Master [roll3] [roll4]

2024-03-18, 01:22 AM
14/d10 against the Doom Pool to track the Rhino.

Thane of Fife
2024-03-18, 08:55 PM
Rolling the doom pool:

2024-03-26, 01:42 PM
Distinction: Mark of Kaine [roll0]
Affiliation: Team [roll1]
Power: Swingline[/ri] [roll2]
Specialty: [i]Menace Master [roll3] [roll4]
FX: Grapple [roll5]

2024-03-26, 01:43 PM
Two Hitches. That's Effort 14, spending 1 PP to keep two Effect Dice: Snared Complication d10 and Emotional Stress d8.

2024-03-26, 01:44 PM
Asset: Got the Drop [roll0]

2024-03-26, 01:45 PM
Revise that to Snared Complication d12.

2024-04-02, 02:05 PM
Sleeper is going to sneak over to Electro and try to inflict Physical Stress via putting him to sleep.

Affiliation - Team: [roll0]
Distinction - Youthful Arrogance: [roll1]
Power(s) - Klyntar Symbiote (Chemokinesis): [roll2]
Specialty - Covert: [roll3]
Stress/Complication - Physical: [roll4]
Asset - Got the Drop: [roll5]

Thane of Fife
2024-04-02, 08:49 PM
Defense rolls for the Sinister Six:

Doc Ock vs Kaine:

Affiliation: Team D8: [roll0]
Distinction: Autonomous Arms D8: [roll1]
Powers: Superhuman Reflexes D10. Split this into 2D8 using Versatile SFX, then double one of those D8 using So Many Arms! SFX. So, 3D8, but then remove the highest rolling die and add three dice for the total. [roll2]
Specialty: Combat D8: [roll3]

Electro vs Sleeper:

Affiliation: Team D10: [roll4]
Power: Electrical Mastery D10: [roll5]
Specialty: Science D8: [roll6]
(This is Electro pulling the old Magneto trick of saying "Electricity" really loudly in order to justify that you can't disrupt his nervous system because he's the master of electricity.)

Thane of Fife
2024-04-02, 09:32 PM
Actions for the Sinister Six:

Doctor Octopus is attacking Kaine:

Affiliation: Team D8: [roll0]
Distinction: Autonomous Arms D8: [roll1]
Power: Superhuman Strength D10, doubling to 2D10 for So Many Arms (+ discard the highest and add three dice for the total): [roll2]
Specialty: Combat D8: [roll3]

Shocker is attacking Kaine:

Affiliation: Team D6: [roll4]
Distinction: Unstable Construction D8: [roll5]
Power: Vibro-Shock Blast D10: [roll6]
Specialty: Combat D8: [roll7]

Mysterio is trying to inflict emotional stress on Sleeper (it's not real fire):

Affiliation: Team D6: [roll8]
Distinction: Smoke and Mirrors D8: [roll9]
Power: Your Eyes Deceive You D10: [roll10]
Specialty: Menace D10 split to 2D8: [roll11]

Electro is throwing lightning bolts around. I'm going to say this is targeting Sleeper, but I'll probably use any effect dice to create a scene complication or add to the doom pool rather than inflicting stress.

Affiliation: Team D10: [roll12]
Distinction: Unstable Construction D8: [roll13]
Power: Electric Blast D12 doubled to 2D12 for Unleashed SFX: [roll14]

2024-04-03, 01:38 AM
Kaine's reaction to Doc Ock:

Distinction: My Brother's Keeper [roll0]
Affiliation: Team [roll1]
Defective Spider-Clone: Superhuman Reflexes [roll2]
Specialty: Combat Expert [roll3]
Complication: Snared [roll4]

Kaine's reaction to Shocker:

Distinction: Mark of Kaine [roll5] +1 PP
Affiliation: Buddy [roll6]
Defective Spider-Clone: Superhuman Reflexes [roll7]
Specialty: Combat Expert [roll8]

2024-04-03, 05:53 AM
Sleeper resisting Mysterio:
Affiliation - Buddy: [roll0] - since Herc hasn’t showed up yet
Distinction - Unstable Construction: [roll1]
Power(s) - Klyntar Symbiote (Superhuman Reflexes): [roll2]
Specialty - Acrobatic (split): [roll3] [roll4]
Stress/Complication - Physical (Trauma): [roll5]
Asset: None

Sleeper resisting Electro:
Affiliation - Buddy: [roll6] - see above
Distinction - Unstable Construction: [roll7]
Power(s) - Klyntar Symbiote (Multipower - Superhuman Reflexes, Invisibility): [roll8] [roll9]
Specialty - Acrobatic (split): [roll10] [roll11]
Stress/Complication - Physical (Stress): [roll12]
Asset: None

2024-04-06, 01:58 PM
I will have Hercules attack a Rhino, Shocker, and Mysterio with an area attack by having Hercules enter a concrete pipe and leaping towards the villains from a long distance and rolling through them.

Action: Physically attacking Rhino, Shocker, and Mysterio with an area attack.
Affiliation - team: 1d8 - The gang is all here [roll0]
Distinction - Glory and Honor: 1d4 [roll1]
Power(s) - Enhanced Leaping 1d8 [roll2]
Specialty - Combat Expert 1d10 [roll3]
Stress/Complication - None
Asset: None
SFX: Area Attack (x2) 2d6 [roll4]- I think only shocker, rhino, and mysterio and within reach of a rolling hercules due to them not being aireborne
Stunt: 1d8 [roll5] - Creative twist: Hercules will lift a pipe above his head by its based and leap towards the group of villians. Midflight he will completely enter the pipe. Upon landing he will roll towards the villains, colliding with any who are on the ground. I think Kaine and Sleeper are on elevated scaffolding.

Stress: None
Complication: None
Assets: None
Plot Points: 2
XP: 1/10

2024-04-06, 02:34 PM
I messed up the area attack dice rolls and since the result was not a 2, 12, 3, or 11 we can't know what the individual rolls were. Here are separate die rolls.
2d6 - [roll0]

2024-04-07, 07:18 AM
Sleeper trying to inflict the Complication ‘False Flag Friendly Fire’ on Shocker:
Affiliation - Buddy: [roll0]
Distinction - Unstable Construction: [roll1]
Power(s) - Klyntar Symbiote (Chemokinesis): [roll2]
Specialty - Acrobatic (split): [roll3] [roll4]
Stress/Complication - None
Asset: None
Chemicals SFX: [roll5]

Step up the effect die from ‘Chemicals’ SFX.

Thane of Fife
2024-04-26, 08:57 PM
Shocker resisting Sleeper's 12/D10:
Affiliation: Team D6: [roll0]
Distinction: Career Criminal D8: [roll1]
Doom: 2D6: 2d6

Rhino resisting Hercules' 14/D6:
Affiliation: Team D8: [roll2]
Distinction: Rampaging Behemoth D8: [roll3]
Power: Godlike Durability D12: [roll4]
Specialty: Combat Expert D8: [roll5]

Shocker resisting Hercules' 14/D8:
Affiliation: Team D6: [roll6]
Distinction: Career Criminal D8: [roll7]
Power: Enhanced Durability D8: [roll8]
Specialty: Combat D8: [roll9]

Mysterio resisting Hercules' 14/D8:
Affiliation: Team D6: [roll10]
Doom: 2D6: 2d6

Give a plot point to Hercules and add a D8 to the doom pool.

Thane of Fife
2024-04-26, 08:58 PM
Uggh, it's rollv not vroll. Let's try that again.



Thane of Fife
2024-04-26, 09:42 PM
Rhino charges Hercules with help from Mysterio:

Affiliation: Buddy D4: [roll0]
Distinction: Rampaging Behemoth D8: [roll1]
Power: Rhino Charge D12: [roll2]
Help from Mysterio: Your Eyes Deceive You D10: [roll3]
Combat Expert D8: [roll4]

Electro targeting Sleeper:

Affiliation: Buddy D4: [roll5]
Distinction: More Power! D8: [roll6]
Power: Electric Blast D12: [roll7]
Science Expert D8: [roll8]

Shocker targeting Sleeper:

Affiliation: Buddy D4: [roll9]
Distinction: Unstable Construction D8: [roll10]
Power: Vibro-Shock Blast D10: [roll11]
Tech Expert D8: [roll12]

2024-04-27, 12:50 PM
Dodging fallen bits of building and hop-scotching over the bits of cement Hercules brought to keep off the electrocuted girders.

Resisting Electro:
Affiliation - Buddy: [roll0]
Distinction - Unstable Construction: [roll1]
Power(s) - Klyntar Symbiote (Superhuman Reflexes): [roll2]
Specialty - Acrobatic: [roll3]
Stress/Complication - Physical Stress: [roll4]
Asset: None

Resisting Shocker:
Affiliation - Buddy: [roll5]
Distinction - Unstable Construction: [roll6]
Power(s) - Klyntar Symbiote (Superhuman Reflexes): [roll7]
Specialty - Acrobatic: [roll8]
Stress/Complication - Physical Stress: [roll9]
Asset: None

2024-04-29, 02:10 AM
Hercules Resisting Rhino's charge
Affiliation - Buddy: (1d10) [roll0]
Distinction - Hero of Classical Myth: (1d10) [roll1]
Power(s) - Godlike Durability: (1d12) [roll2]
Specialty - Combat Expert: (1d10) [roll3]
Stress/Complication - None
Asset: None

I think Hero of classical would be beneficial in helping stop Rhino's charge since grappling a big monstrous opponent would be something Hercules would frequently have done in antiquity. I think the distinction is a bit vague and could have its scope reduced to something narrower than "good at antiquity and not good at modernity".

Stress: None
Complication: None
Assets: None
Plot Points: 2. Spent a point for a stunt involving a concrete pipe and got a plot point after the roll from rolling a 1.
XP: 1/10

2024-05-01, 01:14 AM
Rolling to subdue Shocker

Affiliation - Buddy: (1d10) [roll0]
Distinction - Hero of Classical Myth (1d4). Trying to subdue a unpowered human in high gear is not exactly as common as stopping a charging mythical beast [roll1]
Power(s) - Godlike Strength (1d12) [roll2]
Specialty - Combat Expert (1d10) [roll3]
Stress/Complication - (1d8) physical stress. [roll4]
Asset: None

Stress: None
Complication: None
Assets: None
Plot Points: 2.
XP: 1/10

2024-05-01, 06:13 AM
Whacking Electro with a piece of broken building:

Affiliation - Buddy: [roll0]
Distinction - Unstable Construction: [roll1]
Power(s) - Klyntar Symbiote (Superhuman Strength): [roll2]
Specialty - Combat: [roll3]
Stress/Complication - Physical Stress: [roll4]
Asset: None

Thane of Fife
2024-05-20, 09:29 PM
Shocker is attempting to resist Hercules at 14/D12:

Affiliation: Buddy D4: [roll0]
Distinction: Career Criminal D8: [roll1]
Power: Enhanced Durability D8: [roll2]
Specialty: Combat Expert D8: [roll3]

Electro is attempting to resist Sleeper at 12/D10:

Affiliation: Buddy D4: [roll4]
Distinction: More Power! D8: [roll5]
(Assuming that the big electric field thing will protect Electro to some extent)
Power: Enhanced Speed D8: [roll6]
Stress/Complication: Emotional Stress D8: [roll7]
Doom: 1D8: [roll8]

This will reduce the doom pool to 2D8, 1D10, but I will give you each a plot point for your ones to bring it up to 3D10.

Thane of Fife
2024-05-20, 09:57 PM
Electro hurls a lightning bolt at Sleeper:

Affiliation: Solo D6: [roll0]
Distinction: Don't Get No Respect D8: [roll1]
Power: Electric Blast D12: [roll2]
Stress/Complication: Emotional Stress D8: [roll3]

Rhino throws a bulldozer at Hercules:

Affiliation: Buddy D4: [roll4]
Distinction: Rampaging Behemoth D8: [roll5]
Power: Godlike Strength D12: [roll6]
Specialty: Combat Expert D8: [roll7]

Shocker shoots a vibro-blast at Hercules from behind:

Affiliation: Buddy D4: [roll8]
Distinction: Career Criminal D8: [roll9]
Power: Vibro-Shock Blast 1D10: [roll10]
Specialty: Combat Expert D8: [roll11]

2024-05-21, 09:05 AM
Resisting Electro:
Affiliation - Buddy: [roll0]
Distinction - Unstable Construction: [roll1]
Power(s) - Klyntar Symbiote (Superhuman Reflexes): [roll2]
Specialty - Acrobatic: [roll3]
Stress/Complication - Physical Stress: [roll4]
Asset: None

2024-05-25, 02:31 AM
Resisting rhino's attack
Affiliation - Buddy:1D10 [roll0]
Distinction - Hero of Classical Myth: 1D8 [roll1]
Power(s) - Godlike Durability: 1D12 [roll2]
Specialty - Combat Expert: 1D10 [roll3]
Stress/Complication - None
Asset: None

Resisting electro's attack
Affiliation - Buddy:1D10 [roll4]
Distinction - Hero of Classical Myth: 1D8 [roll5]
Power(s) - Godlike Durability: 1D12 [roll6]
Specialty - Combat Expert: 1D10 [roll7]
Stress/Complication - None
Asset: None

2024-06-01, 09:46 AM
Sleeper is going to rip the scoop off the bulldozer Hercules just threw (RIP bulldozer), throw it at Shocker, then leap after it while pumping out sleep gas.
Affiliation - Buddy: [roll0]
Distinction - Unstable Construction: [roll1]
Power(s) - Klyntar Symbiote (Multipower - Superhuman Strength, Chemokinesis): [roll2] [roll3]
Specialty - Acrobatic: [roll4]
Stress/Complication - Physical Stress: [roll5]
Asset: None

2024-06-05, 02:34 AM
Rolling for Hercules to support the collapsing builing - Reduce the doom pool

Affiliation - Buddy:1D10 [roll0]
Distinction - Hero of Classical Myth: 1D8 [roll1]
- I think d8 applies due to the action being a high adrenaline activity with obvious consequences for failure that will be immediate.
Power(s) - Godlike Strength: 1D12 [roll2]
Specialty - Combat Expert: None
Stress/Complication - None
Asset: None

Thane of Fife
2024-06-17, 06:54 PM
Doom pool resisting Hercules:

Shocker resisting Sleeper:
Affiliation: Buddy D4: [roll1]
Distinction: Unstable Construction D8: [roll2]
Power: Vibro-Shock Blast D10: [roll3]
Specialty: Combat Expert D8: [roll4]
Stress: Sleeper's Physical D8: [roll5]

Electro resisting Sleeper:
Affiliation: Buddy D4: [roll6]
Distinction: Unstable Construction D8: [roll7]
Power: Enhanced Speed D8: [roll8]
Stress: Sleeper's Physical D8: [roll9]