View Full Version : Computer Found Might and Magic 7: For Blood and Honor on GOG

2023-11-08, 12:13 AM
It was about 2 dollars, so I got it. Registered an account and giving it a run.

I went with the Elven party. Archer, Thief, Druid and Sorcerer.

Now around Level 10.

What party composition did you prefer and why?


2023-11-08, 06:37 AM
I love this game so much, still replay it at regular intervals.

Lately I've been trying out some more unusual party compositions to challenge myself. Most recently I did a low-magic challenge run (Knight, Thief, Monk, Ranger) where I managed to get pretty far, although you really start to miss the convenience of the high level Air and Water spells.

I believe the optimal party depends on whether you plan to go Light or Dark side. For Light you want a mostly martial party with at least one Light-caster (ie. Cleric and/or Sorceror) to make the most out of your sweet partywide buffs. For Dark you want as many full Dark casters as possible to make the most of their absurdly strong offensive spells (esp. Shrapmetal).

Regardless of alligiance, the optimal party includes at least one Sorceror because high level Air and Water spells are such a gamechanger for getting around in the game world. I think many also swear to at least one Cleric because GM Protection from Magic is the only reliable protection against the death effects that become common in late game, although I personally don't find them as important as Sorcerors.

Next time I pick it up I think I'll go for two themed runs. The Holy Alliance with Paladin, Monk, Druid and Cleric (going Light). And the Dark Infiltrators with Thief, Monk, Archer, Ranger (going Dark).

2023-11-08, 09:05 AM
I have that giant merge mod that combines might and magic 6, 7 and 8 into one game. Its good because starting from 8 they started not doing the big plot twist every other might and magic game had and it just does not feel the same. I just wish said mod did not disable gamma settings (Some places are just way too dark now) and it hides the txt files (like the monsters.txt) one, and I have not found a way to make them visible again. Which means you can't do any custom edition of monsters or variables any more. I love editing those to completely get rid of enemy attack preferences so titans in 8 will also attack other party members other than the female ones. (Because some of those enemies with attack preferences rendered the game nearly unplayable for me) although the way this merge mod works, you can probably get enough levels in order to mitigate stuff like that some.

Few problems aside it is a nice mod to try out and play through at least one or twice. And MM6: Mandate of heaven is even better with some of the spells and abilities from the later 2 games. (Like harden and some of the status resisting spells)

2023-11-08, 11:04 AM
I've played it a few times over the years. In terms of party composition it sort of depends a bit on whether you're going for the light or dark path (and whether you're expecting to play more towards melee or ranged). You can make most classes work, although it's strongly advised to have at least one class who can grandmaster light or dark magic. I tend to like having access to disarm traps as a skill just for convenience, as the magical options usually require master-level magic (telekinesis; mass preservation) to be consistantly usable, which typically means Thief or Monk (if playing dark path).

The other I'd consider a defualt include is a scholar hireling, as it's free unlimited item identification (so no need to build the ID Item skill) and an EXP bonus in one slot. The second hireling tends to vary a bit. Early game, healers or someone who can cast a good spell (Fly, Town Portal, etc.) can come in clutch, while relevant skill boosters are pretty much always going to be a solid inclusion.

I'd also recommend installing the GreyFace fan patch, if you haven't already done so. It fixes some bugs and adds a few QoL features, and is fully save compatible with the base.

Regardless of alligiance, the optimal party includes at least one Sorceror because high level Air and Water spells are such a gamechanger for getting around in the game world. I think many also swear to at least one Cleric because GM Protection from Magic is the only reliable protection against the death effects that become common in late game, although I personally don't find them as important as Sorcerors.

Having done split light dark 'no duplicate classes' runs, I'd actually put Cleric over Sorcerer for MM7, just down to Protection from Magic. Sorceror is still very, very good, obviously, but what I kept coming back to is that the only real unique access it has with the traversal spells over the Archer or Druid is Lloyd's Beacon (and being able to town portal out of combat, although since Beacon can also do that this is less a 'sorcercer bonus' more a 'druid/archer' weakness). Grandmastery in elemental magic does also get some additional utility in light path runs (since light magic doesn't out-damage them in the same way dark magic can) but the non-water GM spells aren't that big a deal for the most part imo.

Again, Sorcerer is still very good, it's just that if I had to choose between their travel convenience or the cleric's 'not having to reload because you took some unlucky hits' convenience I'd go with the latter.

Although mind you I'm also someone who considered the Knight to be of very limited use in MM6 — which was really not a popular opinion back in the day — so take this with a grain of salt:smalltongue:

2023-11-08, 11:52 AM
I would definitely agree that the optimal party includes both a cleric and a sorcerer, I just find sorcerer the hardest to live without. The Beacon/Town Portal combo is just absurdly strong, because you can just port to and from the temple in Harmondale and cure any condition +recharge hp and mana for cheap.

Arguably the default party of Knight, Thief, Cleric, Sorcerer is a solid candidate for best Light Side party. I know some swear to pure casters for Dark side (that one time I ran 4 x Lich was pretty fun) , but I also like throwing in a Thief or Monk for disarm trap convenience and a bit of martial power.