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2023-11-10, 03:17 AM

Trouble in Paradise!

The Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path begins with the adventurers standing on the deck of a ship ready to make landfall at their new home.
However, dread settles in as they notice that the colony is empty and abandoned.
Tasked with uncovering the whereabouts of the prior group of colonists, the adventurers go ashore and explore the deserted settlement. Uncovering strange evidence leads the adventurers across the island, where they encounter two survivors who can give them clues as to the fate of the rest of the first wave of settlers.
Can the adventurers survive long enough to discover what truly befell the fledgling colony?



Speech Color

Race [Ethnicity]
(Gender ID)

Side #1

Side #2

Campaign Trait



Human (m)
Cleric 2
[Sacred Attendant]
Set Mind

Eirina Silverleaf


Half-Elf (f)
[Elf-Raised, Chelaxian]
Hunter 2
Rogue 2
[Eldritch Scion]
Seasoned Hunter

Kaen Silverleaf


Elven Pantheon
Elf (m)
Aegis 2
Vizier 2
Azlanti Scholar

Mr. Luren Arvodair


Wut. (m)

Roran Westlin

Dark Orange

Desna + Nethys
Human (m)
Daevic 2
Investigator 2
Expert Explorer

Thikha'Nes Meswad


(& Osirian pantheon)
Sobek (m)
Bard 2
[Arcane Duelist]
Zealot 2

Zeferin Voss

Golden Rod

Human (m)
Fighter 2
[Dragonheir Scion]
Rogue 2
[Bruiser + Rake]

2023-11-10, 03:43 AM
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/721105384034664509/1172454996831371284/image.png?ex=656060ce&is=654debce&hm=737ebb0eb81db8bd349e2eba6ff10a102a2f190c8fb31cc 09b0f499dda93f16d&=&width=761&height=145

The colony of Talmandor’s Bounty is first and foremost a financial venture. The desire to spread freedom and democracy across Golarion is definitely part of the settlement’s mandate; nevertheless, the resources necessary to settle an island far from the mainland are not inconsiderable. Talmandor’s Bounty has two primary sponsors: the Andoren government, and a newly formed finance company named the Bountiful Venture Company. The Bountiful Venture Company is co-owned by House Naran and House Vaylen, two of the three merchant houses running Andoran’s major banks. Managing the colony through a company in this way protects the assets of both houses’ banks should the endeavor prove unprofitable and the Bountiful Venture Company go bankrupt. If the company were to go bankrupt, the colony’s business assets revert to the Republic of Andoran, subject to the People’s Council.

The Venture Company also provides both merchant houses a relative degree of anonymity. The Bountiful Venture Company wishes to export natural resources, such as agricultural staples, lumber, mined ore (especially lucrative skymetals), and recovered artifacts, relics, and other antiquities.House Naran, however, also provides banking services for the Andoran-based Lumber Consortium, and its investment in a colonial lumber operation could be a significant conflict of interest—hence the need for anonymity. Were the Lumber Consortium to become aware of the relationship between House Naran and the Bountiful Venture Company, that conflict of interest would be exposed.
The individual colonists each have their own motivations for joining the colony, but certain incentives and potential rewards appeal to just about anyone. If the Bountiful Venture Company successfully exports goods from Ancorato, each settler in the first few groups of colonists is entitled to a small share of the profits. This occurs only after the initial costs of the settlement are recouped, which may take years. Additionally, these early settlers receive a land grant once the colony becomes self-sufficient. These benefits serve to make early settlers feel invested in the venture while motivating them to work hard to quickly build an infrastructure for future settlers and industry. Colony leaders Rayland Arkley (from the first group to arrive on the Liberty’s Herald) and Ramona Avandth (on the Peregrine) are promised marginally larger shares.

Ramona Avandth is the acting leader of the colony. Ramona’s role is to facilitate the adventure and not impinge on their character’s agency during the course of events in the upcoming adventures.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/721105384034664509/1172456663048011849/image.png?ex=6560625b&is=654ded5b&hm=1b014fe0488dd62933e06cce67a1967104ac57960dc1856 2ed23df66e27217a3&=&width=865&height=78

The Peregrine is a three-masted sailing ship with a spritsail on the bow. The vessel is 100 feet long and 25 feet across at its widest point. There are three decks and the ship can accommodate a cargo volume of 180 tons. Two ship’s boats, used to ferry passengers and cargo ashore, are stacked on top of each other on the top deck. Each ship’s boat is 10 feet by 20 feet, and is capable of transporting eight Medium creatures without squeezing.

The Peregrine’s cargo manifest is not listed in detail and will be handled in an abstract manner, particularly if the items are mundane and common in nature. The Liberty’s Herald brought numerous tools, such as wood axes, shovels, saws, barrels of nails, and an anvil—everything necessary for multiple work crews to perform carpentry, farming, masonry, and smithing work. Foodstuffs, including grains, hardy vegetables, preserves, and salted meats, were also transported to help the colonists in their first few months while they planted crops, assessed the lay of the land, and located reliable game. The Liberty’s Herald also left one of its ship’s boats at the colony so the first group of colonists could move around the island by water. The Peregrine also carries supplies and materials, but as it was anticipated that the tools from the first ship are still available, its cargo contains much more food and a small herd of goats.

If the PCs require basic tools like hammers, rope, and iron spikes, they should be available within reason. Though the supply of materials is not inexhaustible, as long as the PCs don’t take advantage of their fellow settlers, these items are loaned out to them for the purpose of helping the entire colony. Specialized equipment like alchemical weapons, rarer adventuring equipment, and magic items are typically not available except where specifically described, although individual PCs can certainly bring those items along with them as part of their starting equipment (and most of you have).

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/721105384034664509/1172457827990769714/image.png?ex=65606371&is=654dee71&hm=774a3effde2570d88b4aa5f1d342e79732aba45fcfe42e6 d0eaebf041d3d1b8d&=&width=317&height=80

There is no societal infrastructure to support the PCs in their endeavors on the island beyond their fellow settlers. There are no taverns, inns, or merchants, nor anyone to buy their treasure and sell them equipment upgrades. After 6 weeks, the Peregrine is scheduled to return to the colony (or another vessel if the crew of the Peregrine has cause to decline). Captain Jacob Markosi will anything the PCs wish to sell, and will purchase any equipment and magic items they want from Almas to be delivered on the next return trip. This can even include new formulae or spells transcribed into spellbooks from city-based arcane casters and alchemists.

2023-11-10, 04:11 AM
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/721105384034664509/1172459698704879726/Plate_4_and_Part_1.png?ex=6560652f&is=654df02f&hm=a8cc69c216ce7a2ca3097d983e0317152090abbf9f1d8a3 57f6c098340192d72&=&width=1572&height=993

After six long weeks, this morning the crew of the Peregrine sighted land to the west. A few hours later, the Peregrine sails into a natural bay with a sandy beach within rowing distance for the ship’s boats. As the crew begins to untie one of the smaller boats to lower it into the water, the sailors pass a spyglass among themselves and finally hand it back to the captain. Captain Jacob Markosi peers at the island for a moment before grunting and handing the spyglass to expedition leader Ramona Avandth. “You should see this,” he says quietly. "Take the coxswain."

Ramona accepts the spyglass and peers toward the shore. When she lowers the scope, she is clearly distressed but trying to hide her worry. She approaches and motions toward the far side of the deck, away from where most of the other colonists have congregated. “Can I have a word with you?” she asks individually of six of the colonists - the PCs, in fact - pointing to a mustering spot.

She then gestures for the PCs to follow her, and for the coxswain to follow as well from the rear.

“We have a problem,” Ramona says bluntly, once she and PCs have some relative privacy. She offers the spyglass to the party and explains, “Something is wrong. Nobody’s in sight. There’s no smoke from cook fires or the smithy. Some of the buildings look burned out.”

Assuming some or all of the PCs look through the spyglass, they can confirm these observations for themselves.

Ramona continues, her voice low. “Sailors can’t keep their mouths shut. No offense, Mr. Arvodair."

"None taken, where there is truth," comes the deep grumbling of the coxswain.

"Soon all the other colonists are going to hear about this—if they can’t see for themselves already—and things could become… tense.” She takes a breath. "I would like to know if the six-" and she sees Ambyr looking off bored "-er, seven of you would be willing to go ashore and check out the settlement. I'm going to ask Captain Markosi to sail north along the island's coast to a secondary landing site determined by the expedition's surveyors as an alternative spot to found a colony. The site was later designated as an emergency extraction point should any danger befall the first wave of colonists. After you've had a chance to check out Talmandor's Bounty, the ship will rendezvous with you at this secondary location, whereupon I will make a final determination on where the rest of the colonists should embark.

"If you agree, Mr. Arvodair will take you in one of the ship's boats to transport you to the shore, where we've seen a deserted dock."

Do you each agree?

2023-11-10, 04:44 AM
"Wadjet would forsake me should I back down now. I marked myself for such tasks for good reason. We might not find much unless they... Departed recently."

Thickness takes a while to think, then pipes up again looking at Ramona.

"I dont think we do, or at least I was told no when asking earlier, but we dont have a copy of the island surveys do we? I dont recall there being any particularly aggressive animals or tribefolk meant to be here, but if we have some records we can check it gives more of a guess as to what we might be getting, beyond maybe the ruin seekers hitting something bad."

2023-11-10, 05:29 AM
Ramona shakes her head, "We don't have anything like that because what has been done in that regard has been done between the Liberty Herald's drop and this ship's arrival."

2023-11-10, 09:43 AM
Arsenne looks quickly at his companions, nods at Thickha'Ness and says: "Of course I agree! And thank you for choosing to place your trust in us. When we have more time, I would love to know on what basis we six, er.... seven, earned your confidence in this way. But right now, I think we should hasten to pack our belongings and be ready to row. I trust that the Quarter Master will release my glaive from his stock rooms now ...."

He mutters to himself: "No matter how emphatically I apologized for practicing with it on the deck, he still would not listen to reason! Some people are just so rigid!"

2023-11-10, 10:27 AM
Kaen pursed his lip as he overlooked the situation. "Clearly something has gone wrong here. Even if it turns out that the sane course of action is to head back, we need to figure out what happened to the previous colonists." He shook his head slightly in distaste "To prevent the company from sending more people in after us, if nothing else."

2023-11-10, 10:57 AM
Eirina listens to Ramona, Thikha'Nes and Arsenne as well as her Uncle's opinions before looking out over the water again.

"Ambyr and I are excellent trackers and I trust his nose to help us find out what happened." Eirina States confidently "Don't worry ma'am you can count on us."

2023-11-10, 12:05 PM
Roran is surprised to be selected by the expedition leader, looking to his left and right at her initial summons. Surely she must have been gesturing to someone beside him. "Oh, y-yes, certainly."

After taking a look for himself through the spyglass, he is slow to hand it off to the next person, clearly troubled but what he's seen. Or rather, what he hasn't. "Oh dear. How many were delivered ashore by the Herald?"

2023-11-10, 12:23 PM
Zeferin pops his head around to look at the group, then to Ramona. "Don't worry Miss Ramona, you can count on us to find the colonists! I'm sure of it!" Zef begins rummaging his pockets in a sort of last minute checks ordeal before nodding to himself. "And when we return, we can all celebrate the start of something new!"

2023-11-10, 10:46 PM
After taking a look for himself through the spyglass, he [Roran] is slow to hand it off to the next person, clearly troubled but what he's seen. Or rather, what he hasn't. "Oh dear. How many were delivered ashore by the Herald?"
"I think it was in the nature of some 50-100 souls," she says.

Arsenne's glave is retrieved.

Everyone else, do you wish to put anything into storage on the Peregrine, and or take anything out? Please specify that if you do or don't here, and give a line-by-line list, not a wall of text.

2023-11-10, 10:52 PM
Artisan's Tools: Craft (Armor)
Artisan's Tools: Craft (Weapon)
Artisan's Tools: Craft (Blacksmithing)

(Leaving these behind)

2023-11-10, 10:56 PM
Looking over what he has in storage, he doesn't grab his lesser used tools or long term items... He does however, grab his extra rope and pitons.

"Don't forsee much climbing. But best have it in case we have to walk a bit."

Add to Storage:

Remove From Storage:
50ft Woven Kelp Rope.
4 Pitons

2023-11-10, 11:02 PM
Elven Thornblade

(She will be taking these with her and leaving the rest in storage )

2023-11-10, 11:36 PM
Roran will store his crafting tools before heading ashore.

Deposit Tools, Artisans [Craft: Wainwright].

2023-11-11, 02:12 PM
I put nothing into storage.

I take my backpack and all my belongings.

I ask if I can also keep the bedroll that I have been using on the ship, since I came without one.

I ask if I can have couple of empty sacks, perhaps former containers for flower or onions that have been used up in the past six weeks. I explain that I want to use these to cover the blade on my glaive while we will be in tight quarters on the ship's boat. I don't want anyone cutting themselves accidently.

*Once Arsenne has his belongings together, and as the Island grows larger in the distance with the approach of the ship, Arsenne takes out his 'Fine Journal', ink and pen to do a quick sketch of the Island from this vantage point. He an outline of the island with emphasis on the relative dimensions and distances of various rises and landmarks. When someone looks over his shoulder to see what he is doing he causally explains:* **"I just need three more minutes to catch the important details. This sketch may become become the basis of an important painting some day!"**

2023-11-11, 07:28 PM
Kaen leaves the following in storage:

* Bedroll
* 10 Torches
* Iron Pot
* 50 ft of Hemp rope

That done, he will gather the remainder of his supplies and makes his way to the rest of the group.

2023-11-12, 05:20 AM
Arsenne is NOT permitted time to draw. Everything is moving at a rush, and all his time is spent requisitioning a bedroll and single sack from the quartermaster's office. (He slept in a hammock on the trip here, not a bedroll, as he would just be underfoot.)

There is no time for anyone to skylark or anything as there is so much activity on deck. Mr. Arvodair comes out in gleaming breastplate, arrayed with trident and shield. The boat is lowered to the water ... the passengers (you) are lowered into the boat ... and the boat leaves the Peregrine.

The bay’s waters are calm, with only a gentle rocking of the ship’s boat. The shore is approximately three hundred feet to the east, where a lonely dock is built off a sandy beach.

Does anyone do anything at this time or say anything? Arsenne, do you do your drawings now?

2023-11-12, 05:55 AM
While the group descends Thickness speaks up.
"If theres no objections I'll swim ahead for a slightly earlier look. I can use the water be be inobvious, and one of my whistles as a danger warning on the chance someones setting something up."

2023-11-12, 06:00 AM
"Who're you taking with you?" asks the boatman. "If you don't have a buddy that can go with you, I'm responsible for your safety until I put you ashore. So, unless someone is going in with you, that's a no, shipmate."

2023-11-12, 11:48 AM
Arsenne aborts his motion to pick up one of the oars, and backs up to the middle of the boat.
Once the ship's boat is under way and Mr. Arvodair has a steady rhythm going...

... Arsenne takes out his 'Fine Journal', ink and pen to do a quick sketch of the Island from this vantage point. He draws an outline of the island with emphasis on the relative dimensions and distances of various rises and landmarks. When someone looks over his shoulder to see what he is doing he causally explains:* "I just need three more minutes to catch the important details. This sketch may become become the basis of an important painting some day!"
[I am taking it for granted that the boat is small enough and that there is manifestly enough time for all this. Otherwise, he keeps his journal safe as he can inside the backpack]

2023-11-12, 07:07 PM
"I would have none. Very well, ashore together."

Thickness settles into his seat on the boat, eyes roaming in the direction of the settlement.

2023-11-12, 07:56 PM
Eirina looks over to Kaen with worry. "Are you going to be alright? You didn't exactly handle motion sickness well while on a big boat and now we're in an even smaller one and this is going to be an even rougher ride I fear."

2023-11-12, 11:34 PM
Kaen sighs as he is squished between Messrs. Thikha'Nes and Arsenne. "I will be fine. This isn't going nearly fast enough to cause discomfort. Though the sooner we're ashore, the better."

2023-11-13, 08:25 PM
Eirina finds out that she was dead wrong about what the roll would be. There are gentle rolls, true .... but it is a calm day. Also, Mr. Arvodair - though a fine boatman to give him some credit - doesn't move a rowboat as fast as a ship under full sail, which significantly cuts down on motion sickness. The ship is some 250' behind you now, and the pier around 50-60' away.

Surprise Round ...

S19/5: At the same time, there is water splashing upwards and everywhere as a figure shows from each side of the rowboat. One appears right by Arsenne, and the water complete waterlogs and destroys Arsenne's initial notes and sketches, colored ink running everywhere. A small spear catches Roran along the side of the ear and temple for 4, while Arsenne gets speared in the right hand for 6.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

R1T19: Roran's attacker strikes again, but the creature's own movements pitches the boat side-to-side and it misses.

R1T20: Eirina, you are seated at the port-bow of the rowboat, with Ambyr sort of cramped at the very bow section. You look into the water and see a small-sized creature with an unusually large head with numerous teeth on a too-wide mouth, something along the lines of an aquatic goblin. What do you do?

2023-11-13, 08:49 PM
Eirina spots the creature and the words to one of the spells she has prepared comes to mind. She casts Web Bolt at the creature whom attacked Roran defensively.

"I'll trap it! Someone attack this thing!" She shouts to the others.


2023-11-13, 11:52 PM
R1T20: Eirina spots the creature and the words to one of the spells she has prepared comes to mind. She defensively casts web bolt at the creature whom attacked Roran. "I'll trap it! Someone attack this thing!" she shouts to the others as the sticky glob is sent forth but the monster ducks its head quickly underwater, and the glob dissolves almost instantly in contact with the seawater.

R1T17: Instead of rowing faster, Luren locks the oars and then rubs the lamp at his side as if a truly treasured item. He begins speaking in a strange language as if to someone in another room, but looking down at the lamp ... not at the other PCs or even the enemy. The language seems to use a lot of vowels that flow into each other, some voiced fricatives, but then including glottal stops and gutterul consonants and even the occasional creak, squeak, or pop. <*"Aissah, rakas, herää! Taistelu on määrätty!"*>Aquan: "Aissah, beloved, awaken! Battle is enjoined!"
R1T13: Kaen, you are seated. What do you do?

2023-11-14, 12:40 AM
Kaen 'unsheathes' his curveblade as he unsuppressed the veil, as well as summoned his armor in its astral skin form. Bringing the sword down on the closest foe, he shouted to the coxwain "I don't care what that chant is, get us out of here!"

MA: Unsuppress slashing volley.
SwA: Summon astral skin.
SA: Attack blue. [roll0] [roll1]. Note that this should be getting a +1 to attack, as I am currently getting a +2 enhancement bonus to my Dex via the astral skin. And it should boost my AC by 1 as well.

2023-11-14, 12:41 AM
Extra text!

2023-11-14, 01:44 AM
R1T13: Kaen 'unsheathes' his curveblade as he unsuppresses the veil, as well as summoning his armor in its astral skin form, covering from head-to-toe in a lambent green glow. Bringing the sword across the closest foe's throat for 11 + (1d4 bleed), he shouts to the coxswain, "I don't care what that chant is, get us out of here!"

Meanwhile, the enemy gurgles noiselessly and slumps below the water, filling up the area with blood.

R1T10: Zeferin, what do you do? You are seated on the rowboat bench. Nothing is in hand.

2023-11-14, 01:55 AM
Zef pulls his mighty Warhammer off of his back. He charges it with the power in his blood before unleashing a strike on the closest enemy. "Get away from our boat, you slimy creature!"

Move Action: Draw Weapon: Warhammer
Swift Action: Activate Arcane Strike
Standard Action: Attack Once with Warhammer against Red Enemy. [roll0] to hit, dealing [roll1] Magical bludgeoning damage if it connects.

2023-11-14, 02:02 AM
R1T10: Zef pulls his mighty warhammer off of his back. He charges it with the power in his blood before unleashing a strike on the closest enemy's shoulder(?) for 7. "Get away from our boat, you slimy creature!"

R1T8: Arsenne, your ruined journal is in your lap and you look over the side next to you ... not even having had a chance to really see an enemy, but just a growing pool of blood. What do you do?

2023-11-14, 11:28 AM
Arsenne shouts in pain, anger and surprise: "Arghhh! You vicious little Beast!" and slams his journal shut to protect the pages from further damage.
When he sees his attacker sinking back into the water, He says: "Oh no you do don't!" and he braces his right elbow, forearm and injured hand against the gunwale of the boat and plunges his other hand into the water to grab the creature and pull it aboard.

2023-11-14, 03:06 PM
R1T8: Arsenne shouts in pain, anger and surprise: "Arghhh! You vicious little Beast!" and slams his journal shut to protect the pages from further damage. When he sees his attacker sinking back into the water, He says: "Oh no you do don't!" and he braces his right elbow, forearm and injured hand against the gunwale of the boat and plunges his other hand into the water to grab the creature. His hand slaps against it - on the front and back of his hand - but it is very slippery and he fails to grab it.

R1T6: Thickness, you are seated on the bench. What do you do?

2023-11-14, 03:45 PM
"Strike to Subdue or Keep Rowing! I got them!"Thickness lets his shield clatter against the bottom of the boat, pushing through to the other side and diving into the water to give chase. While he lashes out, it's no to kill but to disorient, head snapping forward but jaws not biting, while he grips his lance loosely underwater.

Move: Jump into the water on the side of the boat with the creature. No penalty for moving through allied spaces, but I almost certainly provoke a AOO.
Swift: Arcane Strike, because I have nothing better to do.
Standard: Non-lethal bite attack.

Hit: [roll0] -4 for Non-Lethal.
Damage: [roll1], +1 for Arcane Strike, Nonlethal.

If Attacked I'll use Whirlpool Spin.
If the enemy attempts to leave in a manner that provokes AOO, I'll attempt a Hamstring Manuever from the Elephant in the Room Feat reduction, being a opposed combat manuever with attacks to entangle them/prevent them from leaving instead of doing damage.

2023-11-14, 04:07 PM
R1T6: "Strike to Subdue or Keep Rowing! I got them!"Thickness lets his shield clatter against the bottom of the boat, pushing through to the other side which includes trying to stand first - and he doesn't do well at that. He charges his weapon as he falls snout over tail into the water. While he lashes out, it's no to kill but to disorient, head snapping forward but jaws not biting, while he grips his lance loosely underwater. He misses wildly, but he is off-balance in the water now, submerged.Off-balance is the underwater version of being prone. You will maintain penalties and unable to move from spot until you spend a MA to right yourself (provokes AOOs).
R1T5: Blood in the water continues to flow from the spot of the fallen bogey.

R1T4: Ambyr yowls unhappily in the now pitching lifeboat, claws sunk into the wood and keeping as low a profile as possible. It then kitty vomits all over the front bench - on Eirina and Arsenne.

R1T3: Roran, what do you do? You are currently seated.

2023-11-14, 06:53 PM
"Ow!" Roran cries out, reflexively raising a hand to the bloody wound along the side of his head. "Not the welcome I'd hoped for!" Twisting in his seat to get a look at his attacker, he draws a machete from a sheath on his hip and chops downward at the blue skinned creature.

Free action: Assessment to try to identify the monster.

Move action: Draw machete.

Standard action: Attack Red with risky strike.
Damage: [roll1]

2023-11-14, 09:57 PM
R1T3: "Ow!" Roran cries out, reflexively raising a hand to the bloody wound along the side of his head. "Not the welcome I'd hoped for!" Twisting in his seat to get a look at his attacker, he draws a machete from a sheath on his hip and chops downward at the blue skinned creature. It ducks underwater before his stroke glunks underwater. He thinks he contacted something, but there is no blood that pools when he withdraws his arm from the water.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: A thick steaming mist comes out of the lamp and then there is a kersplash in the water on the opposite side of the little monster from Thickness. Nothing of whatever made that splash is above water right now, but the area where it came into the water is hissing with steam.

R2T19: Despite the newcomer, the little creature stabs at the off-balance croc-man, but his tail slaps away the attack.

R2T20: Eirina, the enemy is just under the water but visible; Thickness and whatever came out of Mr. Arvodair's lamp likewise is not above water. What do you do?

Mr. Arvodair on deck, Kaen in the hole ...

2023-11-14, 10:40 PM
"Ick! And here I was worried that Uncle Kaen would barf." Eirina states as she unsheathes her Elven Thornblade. "I Cannot fight like this, I'm going in!" After channeling an animal focus upon herself, she then jumps into the water after Thickness. She then goes to stab the squid goblin thing with her sword.

SwA: Animal Focus Frog on Eirina, granting +4 on Swim Checks and on Acrobatics Checks to jump.
Move Action: Jumping into Water
Acrobatic Check: [roll0]
StA: Attack Red
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Damage roll: [roll2]

2023-11-14, 10:58 PM
R2T20: "Ick! And here I was worried that Uncle Kaen would barf," Eirina states as she unsheathes her elven thornblade. "I Cannot fight like this, I'm going in!"

After channeling an animal focus upon herself, she stands up before losing her footing and falling overboard. She is now submerged and off-balance, though she did get a good gulp of air before going underwater. Now underwater, she rights herself, which includes putting her feet on the ground as it appears the boat is over a sandbar right now. Where she fell, though, she can't get to the enemy, and she now appears to be behind ... a woman made of steam or something?

R2T17: Mr. Arvodair tries to stand, but falls in the pitching boat, then manages to get to his feet.

R2T13: Kaen, what do you do?

Zeferin on deck, Arsenne in the hole ...

2023-11-15, 03:32 AM
Kaen shifts his weapon into its shortbow form, firing an arrow at the aquatic foe. He then shifted his astral armor shifts to its armored form.
SwA, move E so that I have 1 E in both Slashing Volley and Bangle of Barriers.
SA: Fire shortbow at red. [roll0] [roll1].
MA: Turn armor into armor mode. This changes the enhancement bonus to STR, so I did it after the shot. I seem to remember something about bonuses lasting a whole turn, so if the change from +2 DEX to +2 STR applies before the attack, that will be effective -1 to attack, but +1 damage (as the bow is composite)

2023-11-15, 04:21 AM
R2T13: Kaen shifts his weapon into its shortbow form, firing an arrow at the aquatic foe, but the angle from his side of the boat is too severe and he overshoots. He then concentrates, and the formless green "skin" shifts to a much more significant form, as if wearing very fine chainmail.

R2T10: Zeferin, what do you do? The head of the monster is below the surface of the water, but you do see it just under the surface.

Arsenne on deck, Thickness in the hole ...

2023-11-15, 10:12 AM
"Back to back everyone! Watch for where the nasty thing will pop out!" Zef shifts in his seat awaiting the sea beast to show its ugly fish mug again.

Move Action: Draw Shield
Swift Action: Activate Arcane Strike.
Standard Action: Ready Action - "If the sea monster currently peeking it's head out comes within striking distance, I will swing my Warhammer at it"[roll0] dealing [roll1] magical bludgeoning damage, adding +1 to that damage if Arcane Strike is still in effect.

2023-11-15, 07:33 PM
Arsenne shouts "Better yet, if you are not fighting, lower your bodies and try to stabilize the boat!" and with that he slides down off of his bench, twists around so he is facing the rest of the boat and the team, and with his knees against the bottom of the boat and his hips down as low as his flexibility will permit, he holds the bench that he was sitting on with his right hand spread wide toward the center and his left hand against the gunwhale.

Move Action: take position at the bottom of the boat.
Standard Action: preparing to shift and counterbalance when someone else upsets the boat's stability.
Rolling to assist with Acrobatics [roll0]

2023-11-16, 12:05 AM
R2T10: "Back to back everyone! Watch for where the nasty thing will pop out!" Zef shifts in his seat awaiting the sea beast to show its ugly fish mug again.

R2T8: Arsenne shouts, "Better yet, if you are not fighting, lower your bodies and try to stabilize the boat!"

With that he slides down off of his bench, twists around so he is facing the rest of the boat and the team, and with his knees against the bottom of the boat and his hips down as low as his flexibility will permit, he holds the bench that he was sitting on with his right hand spread wide toward the center and his left hand against the gunwale.

R2T6: Thickness, you are prone/ off-balance in water with lance in hand, next to one of these critters which is now also submerged. The depth here is only 5' as there is a sandbar at this point. What do you do?

Roran on deck, Unknown water-steamer in the hole ...

2023-11-16, 01:26 AM
Thickness takes a moment to right himself in the water and glance at the mass of steam before back to the attack, his legs and tail taking their proper place as he strikes again with his closed jaw, aiming to subdue instead of kill.

Swift: Enter Silver Crane Waltz Stance, improving AC and Reflex Saves by 2, Initiative by 4.
Move: 'Stand up'/End Off Blance
Standard: Non-lethal bite attack with Enduring Crane Strike.

Hit: [roll0] , needs to loose -4 for Non-Lethal. Heal Occurs on a hit.
Damage: [roll1] Nonlethal.
Heal -Targeting Myself if hit by AOO, or Arsenne or Roran determined randomly since they were speared, determined randomly to mimimize metagaming.
Heal Target (If not self) [roll2] 1 Arsenne, 2 Roran.
Heal Amount: [roll3]

If Attacked I'll use Whirlpool Spin.
If the enemy attempts to leave in a manner that provokes AOO, I'll attempt a Hamstring Manuever from the Elephant in the Room Feat reduction, being a opposed combat manuever with attacks to entangle them/prevent them from leaving instead of doing damage.

2023-11-16, 01:41 AM
R2T6: Thickness takes a moment to right himself in the water, but not before trying to get into a fighting stance. That is when he learns that he can't really get into a proper fighting stance while off-balance, so he doubles down on righting himself. As he is flailing around like that, the bogey stabs its spear into Thickness' lower left calf for 3. He tries to glance at the mass of steam on the other side of the bogey before he focuses on his offense, his legs and tail taking their proper place as he strikes again with his jaw, attempting to use more of the back molars on fatty parts of the enemy - seeking to incapacitate, not kill - but the enemy is very squirrely and the sobek fails to find any purchase.

R2T5: The pool of blood off the starboard side continues to get thicker.

R2T3: Roran, you are seated with your machete in hand. You could attack the enemy, but it is fully submerged at this time. What do you do?

Steamy Sue on deck, Enemy in the hole ...

2023-11-16, 04:19 PM
Roran frowns as he peers over the edge of the boat. "These look to be grindylows, aquatic aberrations not unlike goblins in temperament and appearance. Nasty little creatures. Not sure I see the wisdom in engaging them in their native environment." His blood begins to quicken as he waits with his machete raised, preparing himself to strike at the tentacled creature in the event that it emerges from the water.

Move action: Roran will unsuppress the Blood Rush veil.

Swift action: Invest 1 essence into the Blood Rush veil.

Standard action: Ready a Risky Strike attack vs. Red in the event that it emerges from the water within 5 feet of him.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2023-11-17, 08:01 AM
R2T3: Roran frowns as he peers over the edge of the boat. "These look to be grindylows, aquatic aberrations not unlike goblins in temperament and appearance. Nasty little creatures. Not sure I see the wisdom in engaging them in their native environment." His blood begins to quicken as he waits with his machete raised, preparing himself to strike at the tentacled creature in the event that it emerges from the water.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T22: The water-lady misses with a red-hot, steaming dagger.

R3T19: Red remains submerged, adjusting away from the rowboat. Its tentacles try to pull on Thickness to throw him off balance, but braced against the bottom that doesn't work. It attacks with its spear, but the sobek does something akin to a crocodile's death roll - but without an enemy in its mouth, and the confusion and thrashing and cavitating water throw off what looks like it would have been a successful strike. It finally snaps wildly at Thickness with its mouth of razor sharp teeth.

R3T20: Eirina, you are under the water, standing on your feet on the sandbar. You don't have anything in hand. What do you do?

Mr. Arvodair on deck, Kaen in the hole ...

2023-11-18, 12:51 PM
Eirina surfaces before she casts Air Bubble on herself while assessing the situation, studying the Steam Lady to try and figure out whether she is friend or foe. She saw the woman throw a dagger but she isn't sure who the target was since she missed.

StA: Air Bubble: [roll0]

Move Action: Surfacing

Sense Motive Check: [roll1]

2023-11-20, 09:37 PM
R3T20: Eirina surfaces before she attempts to defensively cast a spell while assessing the situation, studying the Steam Lady to try and figure out whether she is friend or foe, but that distracts her casting and she loses her spell. She saw the woman throw a dagger but she isn't sure who the target was since she missed. Thinking about it, though, it seems that the woman is more focused on the grindylow than Eirina.

R3T17: As he picks up his trident, Mr. Arvodair shouts all manner of nautical imprecations best left out of print. Funny for a man of his height, he's actually not that scary as he does so, but something about the various things he says makes you not want to disappoint him for lagging in combat. He then bodily throws himself at the grindylow in the water with a mighty yell. He lands with an amazing splash next to Thickness, but the grindylow is sent hurtling 20' to the northeast, the water doing little to slow the beast down and rattling its cage. Though in the water next to the boat, Mr. Arvodair stands on the bottom with his head above water.

R3T13: Kaen, what do you do? You saw the Bernoulli hump (underwater wake) of the creature being rocketed, but at this distance you don't see the grindylow, as a function of both distance and reflection on the water.

Zeferin on deck, Arsenne in the hole ...

2023-11-20, 10:44 PM
Kaen smiled at Mr. Adovair as he went overboard at the beast. "His strength is as uncanny as his manner is uncouth, it seems", he said wryly. moving to the edge of the boat. Once in position, he lines up a shot, ready to fire once the grindylow was again in view.
MA: Move northeast 5 feet, making any balancing checks as needed.
If I fall, I will spend my next action to get up. If I maintain my footing, I will ready an action to shoot the grindylow when I have a clear shot.

2023-11-21, 08:37 PM
R3T13: Kaen smiled at Mr. Ardovair as he went overboard at the beast. "His strength is as uncanny as his manner is uncouth, it seems", he says wryly, moving to the edge of the boat. Once in position, he lines up a shot, ready to fire once the grindylow was again in view.

Mr. Ardovair rumbles, and that rumbling is heard underwater only a few feet around him, but still intelligibly, and Thickness thinks it might be to him as Mr. Ardovair looks down from above the waterline to him, "She's got this."

R3T10: Zeferin, your readied action didn't go off. What do you do?

Arsenne on deck, Thickness in the hole ...

2023-11-22, 12:01 AM
Zef draws the shield from his back and holds it forward. He yells out to the crew, "Hold your ground everyone, it could come back at any moment!".
Standard Action: Total Defense
Move Action: Draw Shield

2023-11-22, 01:01 PM
R3T10: Zeferin readies his shield and readies it to the north and advises, "Hold your ground, everyone. It could come back at any moment!"

Mr. Ardovair continues to rumble to Thickness, "Don't get in..."

R3T8: Arsenne, do you maintain your low position to help steady the boat as needed, or do you do something else?

Thickness on deck, Roran in the hole ...

2023-11-23, 09:59 PM
Arsenne continues to keep his center of gravity as low in the boat as possible and he continues to hold on to the the bench and the gunwale so as to actively counterbalance the boat if necessary. He calls out: "Uhh, folks.... There's a lot of blood in the water. Aren't sharks attracted to that? But please, don't all try to climb back on board from the same side at the same time. Capsizing would be bad!" And he looks over his right shoulder and nods to Ambyr.

2023-11-23, 11:19 PM
R3T8: Arsenne continues to keep his center of gravity as low in the boat as possible and he continues to hold on to the the bench and the gunwale so as to actively counterbalance the boat if necessary. He calls out: "Uhh, folks.... There's a lot of blood in the water. Aren't sharks attracted to that? But please, don't all try to climb back on board from the same side at the same time. Capsizing would be bad!" And he looks over his right shoulder and nods to Ambyr.

Ambyr responds, "Aohw."

Mr. Arvodair continues to Thickness, "... front of her."

R3T6: Thickness, what do you do? Do you heed Mr. Arvodair's warning at all?

Roran on deck, Babs Bubbles in the hole ...

2023-11-24, 04:47 AM
Thickness pauses at the words before his jaws open slightly with a small bubble of air, whatever he might have uttered in the syllable swallowed by the water before he sets, and his body lines with his spear for a charge at the remaining Beast, water guiding for a picture perfect strike, aimed to inflict pain instead of death.

Swift: Enter Silver Crane Waltz, +2 AC/Reflex, +4 Initiative.
Full: Charge using Sand Shark Rush replacing Attack with Swim.
Attack roll: [roll0] (+8 for Swim Speed. +2 for not actually wearing shield. -4 Nonlethal. Possibly modified by Charging and high ground (depending on if he was pushed downward.)
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2], Spear + Sand Shark Rush bonus damage, Non-Lethal.
Movement from Charge: Move 1 square East and 3 up.

2023-11-24, 02:49 PM
R3T6-5.5: Thickness pauses at the words before his jaws open slightly with a small bubble of air, whatever he might have uttered in the syllable swallowed by the water before he sets, and his body lines with his spear for a charge at the remaining Beast, water guiding for a picture perfect strike, aimed to inflict pain instead of death.

The unconscious grindylow floats to the surface. Kaen, seeing the grindylow, shoots at it but way overshoots the mark, nearly pinching his fingers in the akashic bowstring's path.

Combat Ends!

As combat ends, the woman underwater flashes completely to steam, and returns back inside the lantern at Mr. Arvodair's side.

2023-11-24, 03:08 PM
With the immediate threats dealt with, Thickness actively takes a moment to look around for anything else that might be swimming towards them.

2023-11-24, 03:25 PM
There are no shark fins circling around in the water. One thing that everyone in the boat and Thickness notes - as Eirina is helped aboard by Mr. Arvodair - is that the Peregrine noticed the attack, and there are many cheers and hup-hups being given in the distance.

What now?

2023-11-24, 03:31 PM
With the weird water creature stunned and no more immediate threats, Thickness rises to the surface, and starts hauling the creature and its spear back to the boat.

2023-11-24, 03:38 PM
Kaen dismisses both his weapon and armor as looks out to the water, seeing if anyone else needs help getting back into the boat. Once everyone in accounted for, he will address the party."While having grindylows this close to shore isn't a good sign, they alone wouldn't be enough to ruin a colony like it seems to have happened here. Everyone keep on your toes; I fear more dangerous things are afoot."

2023-11-24, 03:50 PM
Assuming Arsenne continues what he had originally attempted, the starboard-side grindylow is also brought up, very definitely dead.

Arsenne isn't used to grindylow anatomy, but he determines that the one that Thickness brought back died of untreated shock ... likely from having been wounded badly enough before Thickness struck him to shock his system ... and then while Thickness was doing a safety check and grabbing the creature's spear and bringing it back to the boat, it had succumbed to the shock.

Mr. Arvodair rows the group up to a solitary dock extending from the beach into the bay. The construction is solid and looks recent, suitable for tying off a small boat, although no watercraft are visible. The beach inclines to the east before giving way to grass and trees. Further on in that direction, buildings and a palisade wall stand on the rise.

2023-11-24, 06:04 PM
When the grindylow moves out of sight, Roran turns his attention to the unusual steam woman beside the boat.
Whatever it was Mr. Arvodair had intended her to do, Roran is plainly disappointed when she does not do it.

"Fascinating. Any idea what that lady was?" he asks after observing her return to the lamp.
Roran will then sheath his machete and offer a hand to any who need help climbing back into the boat.

Once they reach the dock, he will disembark, and heading Kaen's warning, draw his greatsword as he observes the nearby buildings and fortifications, checking for any damage or other signs of a battle.

2023-11-24, 06:48 PM
Once the threat is over, Arsenne tries to salvage what is left of his ink container, stoppers it, and put it, his pen, and the journal into his backpack.
Once his companions are back on board, he tell them: "Those of you who are injured, please apply some pressure and elevation to your cuts, as I'm doing with my hand, and I'll wash and dress your wounds once we arrive at the beach."

He then looks at himself and says: "What a mess! I hate getting dirty! One of the things I like about the Glaive is that it's a reach weapon. So if ever the day comes when I need to use it against a deserving enemy, they will be far enough away that they have less risk of splashing blood and guts on me. I did not anticipate that the real danger would be spilt ink and cat barf!"

Finally, upon arriving at the dock, he checks for obvious dangers in the water, then hops overboard to wash off the assorted mix fluids. He then climbs back onto the boat and helps to unload it. "Once we are sure the beach is safe, let me take a look at your injuries."

Heal check Roran(?), ear and head : [roll0]
Heal check Thikha'Ness (?), calf : [roll1]
Heal check self, right hand : [roll2]

2023-11-24, 08:27 PM
Kaen takes a deep breath. Now he is finally on dry land, he takes a moment to steady himself without the waves interfering. Once finished, he opens his eyes once more, activating his astral skin, its green hue washing over him before changing color to match his nearby environment. "I'm going to scout ahead. Anyone who trusts themselves to be inconspicuous can join me, but the rest of you should follow at a distance. We don't know who or what is going on, so proceed with caution, all of you."

Kaen is now in his astral skin, so between losing the -3 in ACP, gaining +2 DEX, and the +2 from Chameleon, if my math is right, I should be doing a +19 for Stealth. Assuming that enhancement bonuses still exist, I guess.

I am planning on scouting out ~50 ft ahead of the rest of the party.

2023-11-24, 09:36 PM
"I'll accompany you Uncle Kaen!" Eirina states after they reached the shore. She was disheartened about not being more helpful during the battle. Her Uncle had gotten a kill as had Thickness but she hadn't even gotten a hit in nor had she been able to cast a spell successfully. She felt the need to prove her usefulness. Scouting and looking for trouble was one thing she was sure she could do well. She then changes her focus, to be as stealthy as an Owl while keeping Ambyr with the perception of a falcon so he could alert the two of them to danger.

"Ambyr! Come! We're scouting ahead with Kaen." Eirina then calls to her cougar to follow after the two of them.

SwA: Changing Eirina's animal focus to Owl.

2023-11-24, 10:15 PM
After watching Kaen summon forth his armor, Roran looks down at his own scale mail. He tugs at the arm opening, adjusting its setting. "Uhm. I will stay with the others. But if you come across an area you cannot access, well..." He pauses a moment. "It would be easier if I showed you." At that, a long strip cloth, not unlike a scarf, appears draped around his neck. The fabric is a deep blue and stitched along its length are a series of golden runes. Roran gestures to his right, and as the runes begin to glow, there appears a man-sized opening in space. Dipping his head, he steps into the opening and emerges from a nearly identical opening behind Kaen. "It's gotten me out of a trouble on more than a few occasions. Into trouble too, but, well, you know." He laughs nervously.

Roran with unsuppress his Runecloth of Doorways veil and invest 1 essence into it. He will then create a pair of portals as a demonstration.

2023-11-25, 05:53 AM
Thickness, despite his gripe of "It lived when I started bringing it over."", was back to smiling on the last of his swim over. Though while the rest rowed to shore, he dragged the floating and bled out grindelow to the beach leaving a trail of bloodied water up to where he dragged it onto the beach, before rinsing himself back off with that water...

Thickness seemed distracted in thought, barely looking up then away when it came to those volunteering to scout ahead, but rejoining once the bodies were together in the sands. If none objected, he would mark their location with a spear buried point first to act as a marker

Returning his full attention to the group he speaks up.
"It could be useful if locks are intact. Or perhaps skipping the gates through the palisade if we
deem it best to enter like theives. Though i offer no great use, unless any who were in the water want help rinsing the salt off."

And with that, he chants a few words, cleaning himself off.

Thickness will accept Arsenne's offer of first aid, would like to consider aquatic race likely funeral practices (Religion perhaps?), and offers presdigitation to clean people. And he cleans himself off.

2023-11-25, 12:09 PM
Arsenne cleans out the various cuts to make sure there is no infection and ensures that the bleeding stops.
"O.K. these don't look too bad. I only have one healing kit and a limited limited amount of Shelyn's magic that I can use per day, so hopefully topical care will do for now and I'll be sure to treat them again overnight to speed up the healing. You two should be fine by tomorrow. My own hand might take a bit longer to fully heal."

He then emulates Thikha'Ness and rinses himself off with fresh water conjured by Shelyn's grace, offering to do the same for anyone else who requests it.

He then looks at the group preparing to scout. "I would love to come with you. I'm not much of a hunter. But I used to play hide-and-go seek often with my sisters when we were young. Surely, hiding hiding behind a column or avoiding the squeeky parts of a polished wooden floor are not much different from hiding behind a tree and avoiding broken....OH MY GOODNESS! By all the beauty of the Eternal Rose! Would you look at these seashells! They're GORGEOUS!!! And so many colours! And so big! We never find such pristine shells on the beach back in Almas! Hold on a minute please, let me just pick up a few before we go.... "

He puts down his Glaive out of range of the surf, and quickly picks up a collection of about half-a-dozen shells, popping them into his back pack before speaking in the direction of the sand: "Don't worry, I'll be back for the rest of you as soon as we're done tending to some important business." And he picks up his Glaive and smiles eagerly at the rest of the group.

Treat Deadly wounds without use of healing kit.

2023-11-25, 09:35 PM
Finally, upon arriving at the dock, he [Arsenne] checks for obvious dangers in the water, then hops overboard to wash off the assorted mix fluids. He then climbs back onto the boat and helps to unload it. "Once we are sure the beach is safe, let me take a look at your injuries."
Arsenne, when you were looking where to hop into the water, you spotted a canoe off the western edge of the dock, 10' below the waterline (on the bottom). While .... interesting? Arsenne is far more into the shiny objects of Thickness' cleaning magic, seashells, and healing people.

That is when Mr. Arvodair calls out, "Hey! The colony boat is underwater by the dock here. I'll pull that up while the rest of you look around."

2023-11-25, 10:39 PM
Arsenne does as Mr. Arvodair said. He 'looks around'. But his focus is literally on the beach itself. He then scoops up three more sea shells, tucks them into his sash and comes over to ask Mr. Arvodair : "Do you need any help with that? It looks a bit unwieldy".

2023-11-25, 11:07 PM
"Sabotage. Wonderful. If they've taken to such, than I daresay we're assure because of luck. Perhaps our two attackers were the only ones nearby."

Thickness takes a look around for a bit, but instead of offering his strength for the boat, adopts a odd stance, head low he takes to sniffing around the area.

Enter Running Hunters Stance gaining scent. Thickness then proceeds to take a sniff around for any tracks, while also looking out for anything of interest.

2023-11-25, 11:13 PM
While scouting ahead Eirina tells Ambyr to sniff around the area and be on the look out for danger, she then hears what Mr. Arvodair said and turns to Kaen. "Uncle do you think those creatures caused their boat to sink under the water? Or is there something more dangerous around here?"

2023-11-26, 11:18 AM
Mr. Arvodair keeps his shield in the longboat but takes his trident and jumps off the end of the dock into the water, then pops back up. "I need some rope. I'll tie it off to the bow ring, and then I need you strappers to haul it up onto the beach. I want to inspect the colony boat and see why it isn't floating."

2023-11-26, 11:49 AM
Roran sets down his greatsword on the dock to rummage through his backpack until he finds a length of rope. He hands the rope to Mr. Arvodair and then steps back. A moment later, he mumbles, "Oh," and then steps forward again. "I can help pull."

2023-11-26, 12:21 PM
Arsenne plants his glaive pommel deep into the sand, blade up like a flag pole, at a location equal to about one wave length from the highest point of freshly wet sand. He puts his backpack down beside it, and takes the three seashells out from the folds in his sash and adds them to the backpack. He quickly scoops up another three decent looking shells, brushes off the sand and adds them to pack as well.

He then goes down toward the surf to take a position behind Roran on the pulling train, and does a few limbering up exercises, rolling his neck, his shoulders, his hips, stretching out his upper and lower back, and says : "O.K., I'm ready."

2023-11-26, 01:12 PM
Begin Round One ...

R1T19: Mr. Arvodair comes up to the surface in a hurry and calls out, "Critter under the canoe! Tried to magic me. I pulled my back tryin' to stab it!"

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T21: Kaen, you heard Mr. Arvodair calling frantically, so you got a "tone" but you didn't understand quite what he said from this distance. What do you do?

2023-11-26, 01:47 PM
Kaen un-suppresed his bow, summoning it to his hand as he rushed towards the sound of the disturbance.
MA: Resume slashing volley in shortbow mode.
MA: Move towards the disturbance. Note that I have a 40 foot move due to my armor being in astral skin form.

2023-11-26, 02:22 PM
R2T21: Kaen unsuppreses his bow, summoning it to his hand as he rushes towards the sound of the disturbance.

R2T20: Eirina, you heard about every other word in Mr. Arvodair's shout, but it sounds like trouble, and your uncle just passed you. What do you do, and what do you direct Ambyr to do?

2023-11-26, 07:03 PM
Eirina hears the shout from Mr. Arvodair and watches as Kaen springs into action and she decides to follow suit. Longbow in hand she runs towards the action and calls to Ambyr. "Ambyr come! The battle is this way!"

MA: Moves 30 feet towards the disturbance
StA: Draws Longbow.

2023-11-27, 08:10 PM
R2T20: Eirina hears the shout from Mr. Arvodair and watches as Kaen springs into action and she decides to follow suit. Longbow back in hand, she runs towards the action and calls to Ambyr. "Ambyr, come! The battle is this way!"

R2T19: Mr. Arvodair hustles to move back onto the splashing surf, trident in hand. He looks around at the others. "You kept her from blowing off steam once. She won't bottle it up a second time. Just let her let off a good blast. Stand clear."

R2T14: Again, a gaseous cloud comes out of Mr. Arvodair's lantern and moves several feet to the west before taking on a more semi-solid appearance ... still seemingly made of packed steam, but not as wispy as before. She - for it seems to be female - floats an inch or two off of the water. She stands 5' 7" tall. If she were more solid and made of traditional muscle and not gas an steam, she would way well past 160 lbs. of broad muscle, but guessing her actual weight in this form is impossible. She wears a simple kimono with coral and pink and peach trim. Her hair starts as blue at the roots, quickly brightening out to yellow and then red at the tips. In her hands she wields a flaming jambiya.

She takes in a big breath, which seems to act like a bellows for an internal fire, for as she breathes in, within her semi-opaque form all manner of red-hot tracery forms as if a great fire were within, and she faces downwards at the water and end of pier. You don't know exactly what to expect, but something tells you that you don't want to be in the path of wherever she is about to breathe out.

R2T13: Thickness, what do you do?

2023-11-27, 09:45 PM
Unsure where exactly the threat is exactly, Thickness hurries to Arvodair's position, stopping to take stock of the situation and change his footing.

Move: 30 to Ardovairs side of the Peir. (Was in Running Hunter Stance using scent on the beach.)
Move: Active perception check including scent
Swift: Enter Silver Crane Waltz, +2 AC/Reflex, +4 Initiative.

2023-11-27, 11:20 PM
R2T13: Unsure where exactly the threat is exactly, Thickness hurries to Arvodair's position, stopping to take stock of the situation and change his footing.

R2T12: Arsenne, what do you do?

2023-11-29, 01:23 PM
Arsenne draws his siangham as he runs along the pier searching for a foe in the water along the dock. He stops once he reaches the conjured steamy-lady and continues scanning the depths. He calls out to Mr. Arvodair: "What was it? Was it another one of those Grin..., those Grindy..., those Squid-Goblins that attacked us on the boat?"

Perception = +8. Move = 30

2023-11-29, 05:03 PM
R2T12: Arsenne draws his siangham as he runs along the pier searching for a foe in the water along the dock. He stops once he reaches the conjured steamy-lady and continues scanning the depths. He sees ... something ... well below the water, though refraction makes depth perception difficult.

He calls out to Mr. Arvodair: "What was it? Was it another one of those Grin..., those Grindy..., those Squid-Goblins that attacked us on the boat?"

"Creepy lobster-man!" he answers.

R2T10: Zeferin, what do you do?

2023-11-29, 05:14 PM
Zef calls out towards the shore "Everything alright?" before holding his shield tight and moving towards the commotion.

Zef moves Left one square, Down two squares and draws his Shield and Warhammer.

2023-11-29, 05:27 PM
R2T10: Zef calls out towards the shore, "Everything alright?" before holding his shield tight and moving towards the commotion.

R2T7: The little something Arsenne saw zips to the west at a moderate clip for something that swims naturally, and is out of sight.

Initiative Ends!

While the rest congregates, Mr. Arvodair calls out for the strong boiz to continue pulling out the boat (he tosses them the bitter end of the rope that is tied to the canoe).

The steam lady has already moved back into his lantern. Meanwhile, it is clear after a minute or so that what he found is not a persistent aggressor.

Mr. Arvodair looks to Arsenne. "Doc. Pulled my back trying to stab the bugger. You got anything for that?"

2023-11-29, 05:50 PM
Arsenne responds to Mr. Alvodair: "Of course. Let me just help pull this boat out, then I'll take a look at your back. In general, if your back is our of alignment, it will just take me a minute get it back in place if I can crack it just right. If it's a pulled muscle, then we are looking at massage and a night or two of rest. Of course, a dab of Shelyn's healing magic can usually accelerate things a lot. And I still have everyone else's wounds to clean out. We have only just arrived on this island and four out of seven, sorry Ambyr, four out of eight have already gotten hurt! Let's hope that now that we are on land, all that is past us."

Healing +8

2023-11-29, 06:10 PM
The canoe is pulled up from beneath the dock.

Meanwhile, Arsenne takes a look at Mr. Arvodair, doing response tests and determines that it is muscular, but not that bad - painful, sure, and impinging some of his strength. But a night of rest should be what he needs.

The examination done, he comes over and looks at the canoe with everyone else. A hole in the bottom of the hull is evident. To Mr. Arvodair's trained eyes as both sailor and boatwright, it appears that the hole was created from inside the canoe, not outside, and was punctured by a tool or weapon. After looking it over he says, "I can fix it, but I don't have any of my tools from the ship. I didn't come with gear."

You look back out to the water, and the ship has already sailed farther away.

"Well, I guess that's going to have to wait. The captain told me that if it seems like we were running into trouble, I would be stuck with you and to secure the ship's launch at the pier. Without tools or anything, I have nothing better than to either skylark at the pier, or accompany you as you check out Talmandor's Bounty."

2023-11-29, 08:37 PM
Arsenne responds: "I am sure everyone would appreciate your help in verifying Talmandor's Bounty. But if something is going around punching holes into boats, what do you all think of hauling these boats out of the water and up past the beach, and tying them to a tree or something?"

He then glances over at the Grindylow corpses and adds: "And what exactly do we know about these Grindy.... these Squid Goblins? So far all I have got is that they are slimy-slippery and have multiple tentacles as well as arms, so, probably not a lot of fun to grapple. How amphibious are they? Can they walk around on land? Do we risk encountering them in the settlement?"

He glances at Kaen. "You, Good Sir Elf, seemed to know a bit about them.... . And did we manage to collect their spears?"

2023-11-30, 04:27 AM
Kaen shakes his head. "Only academically. I had never before laid eyes on one before today. As for the spears, they have probably fallen to the ocean floor. I suppose Mr. Thikha'Nes might be able to retrieve them, but I hardly see the point of it." He exhales purposefully. "Regardless, unless there's another pressing matter here, I will go back to my scouting." And with that, he turns back towards the village.

2023-11-30, 01:55 PM
Thickness can show Arsenne he had already taken the spears (which, by the way, would not do a good job of puncturing a boat of hardwood).

Assuming the rest of the party - now with Mr. Arvodair in the rear (having gotten his shield off the launch) - fall in some 50' behind Kaen (at his request), the group moves along a well-worn path in the grass that rises up a slope toward a cluster of buildings to the east. The buildings are arranged in a rough triangle, with each point ending in a wooden circular enclosure with rectangular notches cut intermittently, like battlements. These round enclosures are clearly meant to be three points of a wooden palisade fence, which would enclose this first group of buildings once completed. The palisade fence, however, is complete only along the southeastern side of the triangle and is obviously unfinished elsewhere. The grass around the settlement looks like it was cropped at one point, and many paths exist between locations in the settlement, but in less well-trafficked spots, the grass has started to regrow.

All the buildings are constructed of either rough timber or mud bricks set in a wooden frame, and have pitched thatch roofs. Many have open window frames, but only a few have actual shutters or even a canvas curtain for privacy. Doors are basic, wooden affairs, too simple for locks, and some buildings lack them entirely. The construction is new, quite rough and unfinished.

The entire settlement is dead quiet.

2023-11-30, 04:04 PM
Kaen moved silently towards the northernmost building, taking a brief stock of the inside before making his way to the building to its south.
Making my way to A3, doing a quick search of the house. If the window is open, I'll look in there, otherwise, he'll crack the door to take a look inside. I then intend to do the same for A4-6, stopping when either I find something or confirm that they're all empty

2023-11-30, 08:43 PM
Eirina heads towards the triangle cluster of buildings to the east and beckons Ambyr to follow her. "Ambyr, stay on guard okay?"

Eirina heads to A2 and cautiously looks around the buildings there, ordering Ambyr to stay alert and to yowl or make some sort of cougar noise if he smells danger.

2023-12-01, 03:10 AM
Kaen moved silently towards the northernmost building, taking a brief stock of the inside before making his way to the building to its south.
This rectangular building is constructed of mud brick walls. The building has a simple door facing east, but unlike all other buildings in the colony, it lacks any windows. A heady smell of dried plants, herbs, and dried meat lingers in the air.

Kaen, a search of the house is going in and searching it ... not peering in through a partial doorway. You can do just that, but you don't get information for "searching" the house. What do you do?Also, don't try and "push" things by going more than one site at a time.

Eirina heads towards the triangle cluster of buildings to the east and beckons Ambyr to follow her. "Ambyr, stay on guard okay?"
Seven canvas pavilion tents were set up here, all of which are large enough to shelter two to three people each. All but two tents have collapsed due to wind, rain, and lack of maintenance. The two that remain standing lean haphazardly and do not appear to have been entered for a long time. Grass has begun to grow around them.
Eirina, what do you do here at the pavilion tents?

In the meantime, everyone else is back on the main thoroughfare as the scouts went in opposite directions. What do the rest of you do?

2023-12-01, 04:19 AM
As the group enters the empty village, Thickness moves from his more relaxed stride to an odd stance. Head stooped low, he alternates between scenting the ground like one might expect a hunting dog, and speeding up to catch up with the group.
When the group starts to split Thickness calls out, "We should probably hold off on separating to much!", and while he shouts it, he waves his right arm in a sweeping wave towards the north where Kaen headed. "And what are we thinking, a quick patrol for obvious signs before doing more in depth searches?"

Thickness continues to maintaining Running Hunters Stance, using the Scent ability to try and pick out any tracks or notable scents.

When the group catches up to the northern building Kaen is looking into, Thickness will comment "The foods still here? Even if it's not water safe you'd think they'd bring it to shore as a cache, unless they're water bound. Maybe the Grindy's just made things worse."

2023-12-01, 06:16 AM
After stepping inside the building to investigate, he nods to himself before moving to the south to check the next one.
I suppose I was arguing that I was doing a quick Take 10 perception in the house, but if I must fully enter it to do so, then Kaen shall. I also wasn't trying to push per se, more trying to keep the scene moving. Having to call back to me to make the same "Yep, nothing in that building, moving to the next one" statement like 4 times just felt like it would slow things down.

2023-12-01, 11:00 AM
Kaen, the door lacks a means to bar it from within. Inside, the ground has been dug out to a depth of 3 feet so that the floor is lower than the ground outside. A short flight of steps set with flat stones leads into this darkened area, lit only by any ambient light coming through the door. The building lacks interior walls except for a few short partitions, and four stout posts support the roof. The temperature is cool and the smell of rotted vegetables and meat is strong. Strings of garlic hang suspended from ceiling crossbeams alongside chunks of salted meat and bone. Debris and refuse is strewn across the floor between stacks of crates, boxes, and barrels against the walls.

This building is where the first colonists stored those provisions brought over on the Liberty’s Herald, intended to supplement their diet until their crops matured. Much of it was salted meats, fish, and hardy root vegetables. Kaen's keen senses notice that some of the barrels and containers have remained sealed. One thing that Kaen's keen senses fail to detect in the gloom, however ...

Surprise Round!

S16: With the interruption of light into this dank place, there is a sudden thrumming, humming, and chittering as thousands of little particulates seem to come to life and surround and practically engulf Kaen. All the nibbling and chewing from the swarm of insects can't seem to get through the protection of his astral skin.

Begin Round One ...

R1T16: The angry swarm of whatever continues their chewing. This time, however, Kaen takes 4 mod past the protection of his astral skin.

R1T15: Kaen, roll a Fort save. Your veil is in bow form in hand right now. What do you do?

2023-12-01, 02:50 PM

Kaen immediately flees; he isn't currently equipped to handle this, as conventional attacks are suboptimal ways of dealing with them. He makes his way back to the party at best speed and calmly asks "Do any of you have any good destructive magicks? I seem to have riled up an insect swarm."
I move to the rest of the party at best speed (40 ft if I fail the save, 80 ft if I pass).

2023-12-01, 03:56 PM
Devolving into foreign swearing, Thickness dropped into a crouch on the spot, dropping spear and shield to start riffling through his pack for one of his torches.

Dropping lance should be free, doffing shield is move.
Then a move to either retrieve my torch or a move to manipulate my backpack so I can retrieve the torch next turn.

Ofc, reduce actions for surprise round if relevent.

2023-12-01, 04:39 PM
R1T15: Kaen completely freaks out and immediately flees, but only at half-speed as he is distracted by what seems to be a swarm of insects all over him. He isn't currently equipped to handle this, as conventional attacks are sub-optimal ways of dealing with them.

As he stumbles out, he sees that a few of the bugs give chase, but not enough to really be of any issue. As they get into the rays of the sun they angrily disperse and go back into the house, likely to find even darker corners since Kaen left the door open.

Initiative Ends!

He catches his breath and makes his way back to the party at best speed and calmly asks, "Do any of you have any good destructive magicks? I seem to have riled up an insect swarm."

"No," replies Thickness flatfly, devolving from thence into foreign swearing. Dropping into a crouch on the spo while divesting himself of spear and shield, he starts rifling through his pack for one of his torches, pulling one out.

2023-12-01, 08:34 PM
After a moment Thickness pulls out a second torch.

"So, at least one dangerous house... Clear it out now just in case or shall we check everywhere else? I've got a spare torch ready if no one else has one."

2023-12-01, 09:37 PM
Eirina studies the tents and decides it may be too dangerous and unhelpful to investigate the two remaining ones with just Amber since they look ready to collapse. And decides to rejoin the rest of the party. "I don't think we'll find anything here boy let's rejoin the others."

2023-12-01, 10:43 PM
Kaen frowns at the crocodile man "Don't bother. The swarm isn't what got the colonists, so ending them won't answer the pressing question. If we are going to set-up a base camp here, then we will have to deal with them, but until then, we should focus on finding out what happened here."

2023-12-02, 02:07 AM
Thickness nods, redons his pack, and sets himself up with shield and spear held I'm one arm awkwardly, able to do little more than Cary and drop them. He firmly holds the torch he got out in the other.

"Reasonable. I think ill keep a torch out though, just in case."

2023-12-02, 02:25 PM
Alright, you are all back together again. Now what?

2023-12-02, 06:35 PM
Kaen closes his eyes as his astral suit reforms in its armor form. "I think we can end the scouting plan. The desire to be stealthy is outweighed by the risk of getting attacked by something, I feel." He then addresses the rest of the group. "Unless anyone objects, I suggest we all go together and search the remaining structures,"

2023-12-02, 07:32 PM
Arsenne nods, "That sounds like a good plan. Together, but not too close, that way a warm cannot engulf more than one of us at a time. And, just so you know, I have no 'blasting' magics at the moment. I am a cleric of Shelyn. I came here to spread love, beauty and joyful healing within the colony. Given the reception we have received so far.... It looks like I may have to diversify my portfolio somewhat."

He pauses. "Shall we light a couple of torches in advance in case the next swarm is not so deterred by sunlight? I don't have any myself, but i can certainly carry one without needing to balance my glaive with a shield that I don't have..." He looks to Thickha'Ness.

2023-12-02, 10:45 PM
"Yeah I specialize in hunting vermin not insect swarms and I cannot communicate with those..."Eirina states as she looks at the houses."Ambyr would also not be very good in a situation like that and I'd rather he not get fleas."

2023-12-03, 09:20 PM
"Could pre-light them, but i can do it quickly. Better holding off for now I think so we dony waste them... I'll take lead, with luck my nose will help us avoid a surprise. Shall we sweep the outer ring than go in or just try to find the centre for any stockpile or..."

With that Thickness returns to that odd stance of his, and picks a direction. Unless others direct elsewhere, he'll go north again, intending to cycle in on the settlement. He does however skirt around the building with the swarm.

Running Hunters Stance for 30ft move speed and Scent.

2023-12-04, 01:50 PM
Arsenne responds:
"O.K.. If you say that you can light them quickly, then I'm all for conserving our resources.".
And he takes up position near the rear ranks, holding his Glaive in a ready position with his fore hand but keeping his back hand free so as to either deflect anything that may be thrown or shot at him, or to grab the haft of the Glaive and leap into Melee.

2023-12-04, 05:21 PM
The closest building to the group on the main path into the colony is the best place to begin (A5). This L-shaped building is constructed of mud bricks on a wooden frame. The western portion is of the structure is enclosed by four walls. This section has a single open window on the south side, with a canvas curtain hung across the opening. The single entrance is a wooden door, standing slightly ajar, on the southern end of the eastern face of the building. A ten-foot extension connects to the building on the east side. This extension has only a northern wall and is otherwise just a roof sheltering the space below, which is open to the outside. Underneath this cover is a forge with an exhaust flue directly above it, a worktable covered in metal scraps, a small tub of black water, and a partially sheltered anvil. This was the smithy.

Do you go in? If so, how and who and with what in hand?

2023-12-04, 06:39 PM
Having effectively nominated himself as the party's forward element, Kaen enters the building and takes a look around, his weapon in longblade form.

2023-12-04, 07:00 PM
Surprise Round ...

Once Kaen steps into the smithy, he is surprised!

S15-13: Kaen gets struck along the side of the head from something above and in front of him for 4 mod, and then again from something next to him stabs him in the crook of his left elbow for 2 mod. There is all manner of screeching now.

Surprise Round Over, Begin Round One ..

R1T22: Arsenne, you have your glaive in hand and do not know the layout of what's inside, but you hear all manner of inhuman whooping and screeching that surely isn't Kaen. What do you do?

2023-12-05, 12:37 PM
Arsenne moves to the entrance and peers inside, and if he sees anything that might be attempting to cause harm to Kaen, then he attacks it with his Glaive.

If he strikes, he calls out: "Hunting hornet, SLASH" while striking with his Glaive.

Perception +8
Risky strike (power attack) d20+5
Damage d10+9
Note: His feat, Combat Maneuvers may prove useful.

2023-12-05, 11:50 PM
R1T22: Arsenne moves to the entrance and peers inside. Seeing two creatures hanging from the rafters by their tails and wielding spears, he strikes out at the one farther from himself, calling out, "Hunting hornet, SLASH" while striking it (Red) in the left knee with his glaive for 14 + disabled!

R1T21: Ambyr yowls, smelling blood, but waiting for a command from Eirina.

R1T17: Eirina, longbow is in hand and Ambyr is already alert. However, you see the back of Arsenne's shins telling you that there might not be any room inside. What do you do? What do you command Ambyr to do?

Ambyr delaying ...

2023-12-06, 11:56 AM
Eirina readies her longbow to make a shot at the enemy. Whatever the enemy is, she moves into get a clear shot, but leaves enough space for Arsenne to get out and shouts to Arsenne. "Move out of the way Doc!"

once in position she calls out to Ambyr. "Attack when our Doc is out of the way go for the smell of blood."

MA: Moves 10 feet
FA: Prepares Longbow readying to fire when allies are out of the way.

2023-12-06, 11:57 PM
R1T17: Eirina readies her longbow to make a shot at the enemy. Whatever the enemy is, she moves up 10' to get a clear shot, but can't because of the difference of sunlight and dark interior, bodies in the way, and the party screen at the door. She shouts to Arsenne .... right in his ear: "Move out of the way, Doc!"

Without a clear target, she says to Ambyr ... more to keep Ambry focused than any command, as Ambyr can't understand any more than one word of what is said, "Attack when our Doc is out of the way; go for the smell of blood."

R1T16: Yet another one of these things were hiding behind the corner and jumps out to stab at Green, but Arsenne deflects the spear for his new elven friend. This one (Green) is on the ground right below Blue (who, like Red, is hanging from the rafters).

R1T15: Blue also stabs at Kaen, and again Arsenne is there with his polearm to block it.

R1T13: Red withdraws around the west, and Arsenne misses as it goes by. It jumps out the window to the south and tries to scramble along the side of the corner of the building, but Ambyr is there to bite at it for 4, dropping the creature on the ground where it doesn't move.

R1T11: Kaen, you finally have your wits about you, and though dimly lit inside (he sun is not angled to come in through the southern window, though there is ambient light there). You see the little things. What do you do?

2023-12-07, 12:41 AM
Kaen chides himself for not putting his armor in its heavier form, He shifts his veils slightly in order to get his weapon back in sword mode, swiping at the higher of the two foes before retreating out of harm's way for the moment.
SwA:I make what I am calling a "null shift" of my essence; spending the swift to move essence, but leaving 1E in Stalker's Tabi, Slashing Volley, and Bangle of Barriers (i.e., where they already were). This lets me reset my Slashing Volley to be in its curveblade form. https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Akashic_Rules#Using_Essence

"When investing your essence, you can divide your total pool of essence however you like amongst all of your essence receptacles, up to your essence capacity. You cannot invest more essence in a receptacle than your essence capacity. If you have a feature that allows you to change a selected effect each time it is invested with essence, you can do so every time you spend a swift action to invest your essence, even if you leave the same amount of essence in that receptacle." (emphasis mine)

SA: Attack the hanging foe (I think blue? It's hard to figure) [roll0] [roll1]
MA: I *assume* the 'withdraw' and 'charge' abilities of Slashing Volley are move actions, but it's actually kinda vague. Assuming the sane reading is correct, I will then take a move action to get out of the house (I want to get 1 square southeast of Thickness' current location) and swap weapon form back to crossbow. I will Acrobatics in order to avoid AoO's. If the 'withdraw' is instead part of the attack, I will spend the move action summoning my astral armor (which I was reasonably certain I had already done).

Call this a hedge if you must, but on the odd chance that I've misread something and the "not moving essence" trick doesn't work, I logically should know that it failed, in which case I will Withdraw to the 1 square southeast of Thickness

2023-12-07, 01:09 AM
R1T11: Kaen chides himself for not putting his armor in its heavier form. Considering this is the first day he's ever been in mortal combat, he has to take a quick second to verify that he does have his veil in sword mode, and swipes at the higher of the two foes. When the dim lighting throws off his aim, he retreats out of harm's way for the moment, but not before both bogeys stab at him, one of them skimming off his back while Arsenne protects him from yet another thrust.

R1T9: Thickness, what do you do?

2023-12-07, 03:34 AM
Dropping his torch Thickness readies his spear and shield, stepping back from the building.

"Bring the fight outside!"

Swift: Change to Silver Crane Waltz stance
Free: Drop Torch.
Move: Equip shield.
Move: Equip Lance.
Free: 5ft step east/to the right side of the map.

2023-12-08, 12:22 AM
R1T9: Dropping his torch Thickness readies his spear and shield, stepping back from the building and calls out, "Bring the fight outside!"

R1T8: Roran, what do you do?

2023-12-08, 01:10 AM
Drawing his greatsword, Roran hurries to the west, nearer to the creature that Ambyr struck down. "What is it?! What are we fighting now?!" He eyes the fallen creature before turning his attention to the doorway, readying himself should another emerge.

Move action: Move between Ambyr and Zeferin, drawing greatsword as part of the movement.

Free action: Assess Red's body.

Standard action: Ready a greatsword attack should an enemy move into a square he threatens.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2023-12-08, 01:40 AM
R1T8: Drawing his greatsword, Roran hurries to the west, nearer to the creature that Ambyr struck down. "What is it?! What are we fighting now?!" He eyes the fallen creature before turning his attention to the doorway, readying himself should another emerge.

R1T7: Mr. Arvodair equips his shield on the move to the west of the body, readying his trident should something similar to what's on the ground come out the window. He does so with an imposing air and the look of one who has been given formal combat instruction, not just a pick-up-as-one-goes like some sailors that just fall into combat and live. To see his big frame standing there, readied, instills the rest of you with confidence, as if nothing could take the lot of you down.

R1T5: Zeferin, shield and warhammer are readied. What do you do?

Arsenne on deck, Ambyr delaying, Eirina in the hole ...

2023-12-09, 01:30 PM
Arsenne shouts in response: "Goblin Monkeys. Good Climbers. Risk Escape. Trap'em here!"

Then, holding his thumb apart from his index and middle finger of his right hand in claw-like position, he launches a flurry of stunning blows at two creatures.
As he strikes, he shouts: "Soldier Ant, PINCH!".

After his attack, he shifts further into house to make room for others to enter.

Free Action: let go of Glaive with right hand only.
Full Attack: Flurry of blows strike #1 at one target, stunning fist DC 14, [roll0], damage [roll1];
Flurry of blows strike #2 at the other target, stunning fist DC 14, [roll2], damage [roll3];
Move 5': Option 1 - Diagonally South West if there is room for him. If space is too limited, then Option 2 - straight West to where Kaen was previously.
Free Action: Place right hand back on shaft of Glaive.

2023-12-11, 03:17 AM
R1T5: Zeferin moves west to be part of a welcoming committee for any other of these creatures. Arcane energy flickers around the head of his hammer, which he in turn drops on the little monster to put it out of its misery.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22:Arsenne shouts in response: "Goblin Monkeys. Good Climbers. Risk Escape. Trap'em here!"

Then, holding his thumb apart from his index and middle finger of his right hand in claw-like position, he launches a flurry of of blows with his hands in this position, crying as he attacks: "Soldier Ant, PINCH!". His first attack hits the hanging one in the chest for 5 + stunned and it falls to the east of the other, and dropping its spear. He then strikes the other in the left shoulder for 5 as well. After his attack, he shifts further into house to make room for others to enter.

R2T17: Eirina, what do you do? What do you order Ambyr to do?

Enemies on deck and in the hole ...

2023-12-11, 07:12 PM
Eirina whistles Ambyr to her side before casting Speak with Animals on herself so she can better communicate with her partner, she points to inside the house. "Move in Ambyr! Attack those monkeys! Closest one you can find and don't hurt the doc. Herd them outside if you can, I want a piece of the action too you know."

Eirina then moves south and waits near the door for the enemy if they come out.

MA: Moves 5 feet south
StA: Casts Speak with Animals.
Concentration check: [roll0]

2023-12-11, 09:59 PM
R2T17: Eirina moves south and whistles Ambyr to her side before casting speak with animals on herself so she can better communicate with her partner. But she is so nervous with this third mortal combat in under an hour that she is worried about enemies around every corner and casts defensively ... and fails. Recovering quickly she points inside the house, to the dead monkey goblin, and back to the house, cutting out all the fat. "Ambyr, attack!"

R2T16.5: Ambyr instantly zig-zags into the house and nips Green in the head for 2.

R2T16-15: Having just gotten nipped, Green turns its attention to the cat and stabs and just catches Ambyr along the lower side for 5. Meanwhile, Blue writhes in pain on the ground.

R2T11: Kaen, what do you do?

Thickness on deck, Roran in the hole ...

2023-12-12, 02:21 PM
Kaen takes aim before firing an arrow at Green. His weapon changes mode once more as he rushes in.
StA: Attack Green. Note that I'm getting the extra 2d6 precision damage because of last turn's movement via slashing volley. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
MA: I will attempt to move in (it's hard tell if there's room). If there is, I will attempt to move into flanking, switching into sword mode. If there's not, spend a swift to move into sword mode and get as close as I can.

2023-12-13, 12:52 AM
R2T11: Kaen takes aim before firing an arrow at Green, striking the monkey goblin in its left lower arm for 12 and dropping it. His weapon changes mode once more as he rushes in.

R2T9: Thickness, what do you do?

Roran on deck, Mr. Arvodair in the hole ...

2023-12-13, 02:28 AM
As space around the door is filled again, Thickness' jaw rattles with a growl and ge begins stalking north, circling the building looking for another entry... Or exit.

"If we're trapping them we should be surrounding them."

Thickness' voice is calm and level despite his earlier growl.

Swift: Running Hunters Stance
Move: Circle the building heading North, and then east, staying within 10ft of the walls (AOO range for spear). If Thickness spots a new enemy, he'll stop and shout: "More of them!" , if I spot nothing, I think I end up 4 squares north, 2 right.
Move: Thickness will assess the building, looking for more entrences/enemies. He will check the roof since they creatures seem to be climbers. Thickness currently has scent 30'.

2023-12-13, 03:17 AM
R2T9: Thickness' voice is calm and level despite his earlier shout, "If we're trapping them we should be surrounding them." As space around the door is filled again, Thickness' jaw rattles with a growl and he begins stalking north, circling the building looking for another entry... or exit.

R2T8: Roran, what do you do?

Mr. Arvodair on deck, Zef in the hole ...

2023-12-13, 02:19 PM
Roran circles around the building to the west, attempting to cut off other avenue of escape.

Move action: Move west and then north to the west side of the building, stopping if there is a window or doorway there (positioning himself 5 feet out from the building if possible). Continuing toward the north side if not.

Standard action: If there is no window or doorway on the west side, move the north side of the building, stopping if there is a window or doorway there (positioning himself 5 feet out from the building if possible). If he stopped at the west side of the building, instead ready a greatsword attack against any enemy that enters a square he threatens.

2023-12-13, 10:23 PM
R2T8: Roran circles around the building to the west, attempting to cut off other avenue of escape. He makes it west and north and begins to tear eastwards when he stops suddenly, face-to-face with a hideous creature out of some primal nightmare. It is a scaled monstrosity, with beady eyes looking right at you, and a long snout full of teeth... oh, wait, it's just Thickness.

R2T7: Mr. Arvodair just resets his readiness.

R2T5: Zef falls back on his bum, looking in shock at his bloody hammer and the caved in skull of the monkey goblin he killed.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T22: Arsenne, what do you do? The monkey goblin you stunned shakes its head - no longer stunned - but prone and with its spear laying next to it.

Eirina on deck, Ambyr in the hole ...

2023-12-14, 01:49 PM
Arsenne announces: "I'm going to incapacitate it."

He then draws his right knee high up to his chest, and launches a flurry of short, shallow, non-lethal but powerful sidekicks downward at the prone Goblin-Monkey. As he strikes he shouts: "Dung Beetle SMASH"!

In order to make his kicks non-lethal, he strikes with the whole flat of the foot rather than focusing all his force into the heel.

If the Goblin Monkey is still conscious after that, Arsenne stands by with his right leg and knee chambered high in a pre-kicking position, ready to capitalize on any opening that the creature leaves him.

Flurry, non-lethal damage, risky strike #1 [roll0] , non-lethal damage [roll1]
Flurry, non-lethal damage, risky strike #2 [roll2] , non-lethal damage [roll3]

2023-12-15, 04:33 AM
R3T22: Arsenne announces: "I'm going to incapacitate it."

He then draws his right knee high up to his chest, and launches a flurry of short, shallow, non-lethal but powerful sidekicks downward at the prone goblin-monkey. In order to make his kicks non-lethal, he strikes with the whole flat of the foot rather than focusing all his force into the heel. As he strikes he shouts: "Dung Beetle SMASH"!

Because he completely telegraphed his attack, the monkey goblin rolls out of the way of the first, but was surprised that this human could kick so fast as the second as the follow-up catches it in the head for 8 NL. Arsenne stands by with his right leg and knee chambered high in a pre-kicking position, ready to capitalize on any opening that the creature leaves him.

R3T17: Eirina, what do you do?

Ambyr on deck, Blue in the hole ...

2023-12-16, 12:09 PM
"You can do it Ambyr! Show that Monkey where it stands on the food chain! Attack!"Eirina encourages her partner to try and bolster his confidence hoping his strength would also increase because of this.

StA: Eirina will be using Aid Another on Ambyr to help his attack roll [roll0]

2023-12-17, 06:16 AM
R3T17: "You can do it, Ambyr! Show that monkey where it stands on the food chain! Attack!"Eirina encourages her partner to try and bolster his confidence hoping his strength would also increase because of this.

R3T16.5: Eirina's exhortations to Ambyr key a greater viciousness in Ambyr, who attacks the beleaguered monkey goblin with more savage attacks. Ambyr crits with a bite on Blue for 9, which allows him to then bite Green as well for 9. Ambyr then mauls Blue with his claws. The entire gruesome display is enough to kill both monkey goblins.

Combat Ends!

2023-12-17, 03:36 PM
Kaen takes a breath to calm himself now that he was no longer in immediate danger, his armor and weapon dissipating as he relaxed and ended each effect. "Doubt we'd've gotten much from them anyway." he said to himself before turning to Arsenne. "Mr. Arsenne, I have been wounded twice now, and I'd rather avoid having them compound any further. You spoke about being a healer, so if you could aid me, it would be much appreciated."

2023-12-17, 05:52 PM
Arsenne responds to Kaen: "Yes of course!"

He looks down at the inert Monkey Goblin bodies by his feet: "I don't think there is much I can do for these at this point. Poor Ambyr. Such a good Kitty. I guess you don't know the meaning of 'incapacitate' yet, do you?"

He squats down to take closer look at the Goblin Monkeys, but then stands up and sways unsteadily, leaning on his upright Glaive for balance:
"Oh sorry! It seems that with the excitement draining out from me, I am left slightly wobbly kneed. Let me just catch my breath."
He continues to sway and he swallows a few times.

"This is the first time that I'm in a real fight. Well ..... aside from back on the boat where I proved my worth as a pin-cushion and as ballast. Actively fighting is far more intense."
He forces himself to take deep breaths, swallowing more frequently and still swaying slightly as he looks at the Goblin Monkeys. Eventually his eyes land on the first one to go down, the one that he himself had carved up with his Glaive. Suddenly his stomach heaves, and he brings his left hand up rapidly to clamp over his mouth, letting the Glaive clatter to the ground. He barrels past Ambyr, out the door, and past his friends, stopping ten feet way to drop to his hands and retching his last meal up and onto the ground.

2023-12-17, 07:43 PM
Thickness rumbles as he finishes his circling of the building, eventually reclaiming his torch and intending to speak with Kean before redirecting to where Arsene is vommiting.

"First time? I've hunted beasts but the first shook me. Let it out and take your time to steady your breathing... though I am surprised given your profession."

With muttered words and a wave the vomit disapears, Thickness cleaning the ground to reduce the smell before he calls out to Kean, turning his head.

"All's well ends well. But perhaps the nose than can pick out people should have gone in first instead. Could have prevented a ambush. I can offer healing too should it be needed."

Cleaning Accomplished by Presdigitation.

2023-12-17, 07:55 PM
Eirina crouches and hugs Ambyr, giving him very affectionate ear scratches and pets. "Good boy Ambyr!! Such a good boy!! You showed them who's boss, yes you did!!"
Eirina then lets Ambyr and Kaen come out of the house as the group gathers together and watches Arsenne vomit and grimaces. "Not use to seeing blood and guts yet are you doc? Heh sorry about that, Ambyr can be a rather messy hunter."

2023-12-17, 10:18 PM
Arsenne stands up, nods to Thikha'Ness ands says: "Thanks".
He then says a quick prayer and conjures up some water into his cupped hands and he splashes it onto his face.
He conjures some more, but his times sips the water from his cupped hands, gargles and spits it out, in a direction away from the group.

He then looks again at Thikha'Ness says: "Oh, I have fought plenty of times. Thousands if not tens of thousands of sparring matches, and I must have competed in at least half-a-hundred Irorian tournaments as a child. But, I have never squared off against something in a kill-or-be-killed match before. And I have certainly never killed anything before. Well, nothing bigger than a mosquito anyway."

He looks at the rest of the group and adds:
"As for blood & guts, I have learned to deal with that as a part of being a doctor. I am just more used to being the cure rather than the cause. It was all just a lot to take in at once, and very suddenly. When I saw Kaen being attacked, I immediately wanted to protect him at all costs, even without hesitation being ready to kill his attackers. I'm rather shocked at how automatically my body ..... Sorry. I'm blabbing. I'll be fine. Now let's take a look at your wounds, Kaen."

He takes a quick look.
"Hmmm. Indeed. I could certainly treat this through traditional means, and accelerate the healing overnight. But with more buildings to explore, it might be more prudent so call forth some of Shelyn's magic to cure what we can more quickly."
He nods to Thikha'Ness, and says "If your will allow me...."

And he casts a spell, gently touching Kaen on an uninjured part of his body, to let the magic flow through to where it is needed.

Spontaneous casting cure light wounds in lieu of divine favour [roll0]

2023-12-18, 07:49 PM
With everyone having taken their moments of rest and healing, Thickness speaks up.

"So, next house? I have a feeling we'll be just finding more... mindlessly aggressive folks. Best to clear them before searching buildings I think."

If no one objects, Thickness will lead the group to the next house.

Thickness intends to circle from the outside of the settlement in, continueing north until no more, then going clockwise and spiraling in.

Thickness will use Running Hunter's Stance to pick up scents, particularly before entering any building. Given frequent ambushes, he'll however switch to the Silver Crane stance for AC, putting his spear down and wearing his shield properly, relying on his bite to have a weapon.

2023-12-18, 09:17 PM
"Well I am certainly up for it! Bring on the next enemy, Ambyr and I can handle anything now." Eirina states now full of confidence, keeping her bow in hand she follows Thickness to the next house.

2023-12-18, 09:33 PM
Arsenne looks a bit confused as he stares at Kaen's remaining wounds. "Hmmm. That spell usually has a bigger effect. Might you have some sort of magic resistance that diminished the healing? Anyway, I can cast this two more times today, hopefully with greater impact. If everyone gets injured, Shelyn grants me the privilege of channeling some of her positive vibes for the entire group. I can do that twice per day."

He looks at Kaen: "We'll need to communicate honestly so that we can best manage our resources. You know better than anyone how injured you are. But please keep in mind how much more of this colony we must explore today. If you feel like you need me to cast this again, you let me know, O.K.?"

He goes back inside to get his Glaive, and he then peeks his head out and says: "Shouldn't we look around a bit inside for clues as to what might have happened before we move on?

2023-12-20, 01:27 AM
Roran sighs as he rests his greatsword on his shoulder. "These monsters... do you think they meant to ambush us? Or were they simply enjoying the absence of the other colonists?"

To Arsenne's question, he replies, "Yes, I'd like to take a look inside, if that's all right."

Roran will look around the inside of the smithy, trying to get a sense of whether it was abandoned suddenly or if tools and/or supplies might have been packed up and removed.

2023-12-20, 01:51 AM
The party begins an extensive search of the smithy, dragging the bloody corpses of the monkey-goblins outside.

This building serves as the smithy for Talmandor’s Bounty and is a critical location for the newly arrived colonists. The actual anvil and forge are outside the smithy under the shade of a roof extension. The outdoor worktable is covered with a few blacksmithing tools and pieces of metalwork, such as weapons, tools, or farming implements abandoned halfway through being forged or repaired. If necessary, these metal objects can serve as improvised weapons for Medium and Small creatures. The water in the tub is filthy with soot, ash, and charcoal residue.

With Eirina's help, when Kaen checks the forge he is able to determine that the forge was last lit about a week ago. This is noteworthy because the rest of the colony appears to have been abandoned for a month from what the two of them can determine.

The southern window has no shutters and is large enough for a Small creature to move through easily without having to squeeze. Inside the smithy building, the space is divided between personal living quarters and an indoor tool storage and work area. A pungent animal smell lingers in the air and a tussled pile of blankets on the wooden cot is soiled. The room is in a state of disarray, with tools such as tin snips, pliers, and files carelessly strewn all over. A few Medium weapons and pieces of armor are strewn among the debris.

A few pieces of equipment of exceptional craftsmanship can be found among the mess the monkey goblins have created. Among them are two masterwork machetes, a masterwork chain shirt, and a darkwood buckler, which appears to have had a new arm strap affixed recently.

The PCs can also salvage 40 metal arrowheads from the debris. While these are not useful in their current state, a fletcher could make complete arrows from these at no additional material cost (as the other materials are easy to obtain on Ancorato).

From the monkey-goblins, the equipment they had on them, each, were: buckler, 3 daggers, a shortspear ... all of poor, unsalvageable condition and all Small-sized.

2023-12-20, 03:08 AM
As things begin to quiet down from the search Thickness calls out from where he's cycling the building and keeping watch.

"Anything interesting?!"

2023-12-20, 03:45 AM
The party (collectively) lets Thickness know what was found.

2023-12-20, 04:13 AM
"A concerning old and disturbed. I doubt we can keep the stock but it might be worth borrowing parts. I could use the mail shirt should no one else want to burrow it."

Thickness returns to his circling of the building, keeping a ear out for any discussion by the others.

2023-12-20, 01:36 PM
Arsenne says: "I have no objection on a personal level to you wearing the chain shirt, Thikha'Ness, nor to anyone else making good use of anything else we might find. However, let's bear in mind that these items surely belonged to somebody, and hopefully still do belong to that person if said person is still alive."

He pauses.
"I think we have some complex legal and moral issues to agree upon before continuing. These items, these buildings, they were all supposed to belong to the colony as a common area, or to individual colonists as personal effects. Our "intended fellow colonists," to be more precise. It makes me a bit uncomfortable to just take and use what we please, unless we can agree to a few guidelines."

He takes a deep breath.
"As I see it, our primary mission at this time consists of finding the other colonists, aiding them if necessary, and finding out what happened. In pursuit of that mission, I think it is perfectly legitimate for us to use various items that we may find, and to take shelter in the appropriate buildings. The original colonists and owners will surely pardon us the presumption, if and when we do find them. What is important is that we treat what we find with respect, and that we keep track of anything we take and where we took it from, so that it can eventually be returned to the proper owners should they be found."

He looks around.
"Can we all agree upon these basic guidelines?"

"In the meantime, If you will just allow me two more minutes, there is something I want to do."
He takes his beautiful journal out of his backpack, and lays it on a flat area inside the enclosed portion of the Smithy. He takes all the shells out of his sash, and a few out of his back pack. He then very carefully opens the journal and slowly separates the pages that have spilled ink and water on them. He then takes as many sea shells as necessary and places them between the pages so as to hold the vellum apart and allow air to circulate between the pages."

He explains: "I don't want the ink to dry and fuse the pages together. If they dry this way, I will have some free-form splotches on a few pages, and these can eventually form the base for impressionist or adaptive art. I already have several ideas that I look forward to exploring. With Shelyn's blessing, after we have thoroughly for the missing colonists, of course!"

2023-12-20, 08:27 PM
"You the heroes," says Mr. Arvodair, "and this is your scene now. I'm just along for the ride. But that makes me the outsider, and I agree with Arsenne. If you ever find the colonists, it sets up a bad example to say you're going to shake them down with the excuse of, 'Well, we saved you, so your property is our fee.' That, and technically this is a colony of Andoran, and that don't meet with Andoren law.

"That said, I think if we borrow in good faith because it helps us in finding them, then they shouldn't mind."

2023-12-20, 09:34 PM
"To be blunt and fair, the machetes won't do any good just lying around. I mean personally I prefer a bow and Sword for my weapons but if someone can make use of them until we find out what happened to their original owners I say we make use of them." Eirina states as she looks over the loot. "And I am hoping we do find someone alive at least, the forge was last lit a week ago from what Uncle Kaen and I can determine. It's possible they could still be alive."

2023-12-20, 10:04 PM
Thickness' eyes roll.

"I did say burrow did I not? I'd pretend to fumble language but we'respeaking in my birth tongue. I'm sure those aware of hiw the colony is to be administrated will know who is to take hold once this has passed. But in the interest of timelyness we might as well check the remaining buildings for any survivors first."

Thickness makes no move to actually change into to mail unless prompted, but once others are ready will continue his clock wise lead towards the next building on the perimeter. When coming close, he also takes his odd stance before approaching the door

When within 20ft of the next building, assuming Running Hunters stance for Scent.

2023-12-20, 10:34 PM
Arsenne says: "So Thikha'Ness, If you are going to be borrowing that chain shirt, and you think it will confer an advantage, and we all expect more combative surprises to come, then shouldn't you be putting it on?"

He then adds, while looking at the ground in the general area where he had thrown up earlier: "And by the way, I really like that clean-up spell of yours. You disposed of the evidence of my ill-ease without a trace.!"

Suddenly he stops walking, while continuing to stare at the ground, and mumbles under his breath: "Trace... traces... tracks...." And then louder, to the rest of the group: "Say, could our hunter-types be checking for tracks? I mean, not just to try and figure out what might have been wondering about this little outpost and what might have happened, but also to maybe have an idea of what lurks in the next building before we enter?"

And he stands ready to accompany the group to the next building.

2023-12-20, 11:47 PM
Kaen nodded along with the discussion of borrowing any property they found. "Indeed. Even if it was legal, it'd set a bad precedent for the colony." He then turned to Arsenne. "We can try, but I have serious doubts that any tracks would be visible this long after they've been made." He then re-summoned his armor and blade in anticipation of more problems.
Summon armor in Juggernaut form, and slashing volley in curveblade form

2023-12-21, 08:37 PM
Arsenne says: "I have faith in you. Let's do this!"

And he holds his glaive in a relaxed combat position, ready to follow to the next destination.

2023-12-21, 10:16 PM
"Ambyr! Track! Sniff out the enemy boy. We should have Ambyr and Thickness lead if that's the case their noses are better than ours. As for prints....as Uncle Kaen said finding tracks after this long will be nearly impossible. But I shall look anyways." ​Eirina begins searching for tracks while ordering Ambyr to keep his nose alert for danger.

2023-12-22, 08:24 PM
With the others changing their stances Thickness does indeed go about changing his hide shirt for the one of quality chain.

Don and Dof for light armor takes 1 minute each, giving 2 minutes for more searches and such.

2023-12-23, 10:40 AM
As we start walking and the leaders are generally looking downwards for tracks, Arsenne starts looking upwards in every direction, with a very anxious expression on his face.

When asked, he responds:
"I'm just thinking: On the water, we were attacked by squid-goblins. Once on land, we got attacked by goblin-monkeys. If the universe follows a theme, which I personally think it does, we should be attacked by goblin-eagles any minute now."

2023-12-23, 06:03 PM
Kaen shook his head. "I'm reasonably certain that's not a thing." He then continued aiding his niece in searching for tracks.

2023-12-24, 08:25 AM
The party is not finding any tracks for the monkey-goblins.

They aren't going breakneck speed as they wait for Thickness do don the better armor for now. Though with carrying his old hide shirt in his pack he is now hefting a medium load.

Meanwhile, Mr. Arvodair looks to the party and in a low voice says, "You may want to check on your man there. He hasn't moved from the body of the monkey-goblin he brained."

As you look back, you notice that a tear-streaked Zeferin Voss is still sitting next to the goblin back by the forge.

2023-12-24, 09:12 AM
Arsenne says: "Do we give him some space or does someone try to speak with him? I'm not the most adroit at this sort of thing."

2023-12-24, 09:39 PM
Eirina looks at Zeferin. "Uh are you okay? Um look your first kill can be difficult but please try to um get ahold of yourself okay?"

Eirina then looks at the others in her group. "Anyone else want to try talking to him?"

2023-12-25, 07:23 AM
"He was ... already down," says Zeferin. "Why did I kill him? Was he even evil? Did they just protect a home they thought they had once this place was abandoned, and now it's we who came in and were the villains?"

2023-12-26, 08:19 PM
Arsenne says quietly to Eirina and the others : "O.K. I'm really not good at this, but I'll give it a shot."

He approaches Zefferin and says: "Look, I'm ready.... we're all ready to just be here and support you. Or return here to support you after we have finished exploring this place. We can't neglect our immediate mission. People's lives may be at risk, and we don't even know it. And we would like your help."

He looks at Zeferin. He looks back at the others for reassurance. And he continues: "Look, ummm, the questions that you are asking are good questions. They are hard questions. The fact that you are asking them means you are a good person. And lot's of good people have asked the same questions when they have found themselves in similar situations. There are tons of books that have been written on the ethics of killing."

He pauses, tries to gauge some sort of reaction, and continues: "I don't remember the names of most of these books, or the substance of the arguments, but I remember this one particular book ... a beautifully embossed cover made of fine deer leather dyed a deep blue and lined with silver thread. And just inside the cover, introducing the first chapter, there was this amazing painting of a confused-looking Paladin or knight who had a small angel on each shoulder, and each was giving him advice, and you could tell they were giving him conflicting advice and he did not know what to do."

He eyes look off into the distance : "I don't remember all the boring text, but the image painted a thousand words for me and I remember it well. If it had been a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other, then it's clear which advice he should take. The angel's, of course. He can decide with confidence and move on. But in this case they were both angels, so that made it much harder to decide, and that indecision made him confused and slowed him down and distracted him. In the next chapter, we see an image of the same fellow lying on the ground with a lance through his chest, and the two little cherub angels are still arguing in the foreground. Again, I don't remember the text, but the image is clearly embedded in my memory, as is the message: When facing lethal combat, you cannot let yourself be distracted by ethics. Those discussions can go on forever. You need to finish your fight, by whatever means available, protect yourself and your allies, hope that your actions are virtuous and that you will do more good than harm, and then move on."

He looks back at Zeferin: "You did good. Those goblin-monkeys had ambushed us and attacked us without even giving us a chance to talk or come to an arrangement. Could we have acted differently? Of course! Could things have turned out differently? Of course! But that's not the portrait that Shelyn painted for us. You moved quickly & decisively to protect us. Had it escaped, it may have come back at night with a dozen friends and tried to kill us in our sleep. We just don't know. But from the little I remember of the actual 'text' part of most of those books that my tutors forced me to read, it is the well-earned right and privilege of every combatant feel relief at having survived combat and having protected his friends. You have that right, as do we all."

He glances back at the group, then asks Zeferin: "Now, will you pull yourself together and join us? We have several more buildings to explore, and could very likely use your help."

He stands up and offers a hand to Zeferin to pull him up as well.

2023-12-27, 12:12 PM
Zeferin stands and says, "I will return to the beach and guard the boats."

2023-12-27, 05:58 PM
Arsenne, glances nervously back at the group, and then in a forced jovial tone says: "O.K., that's an awesome idea! Thanks for thinking of it! That could prove very useful! Just, ummm, shout if you need anything, O.K.?"

He takes a few steps towards the group, then stops, turns around and adds: "Actually, while you are there, would you mind throwing those dead Grinder-woles.... Grinky-voos.... those Squid-Goblins back into the sea? I think we'll all be happier if they get eaten up by the fishies rather than sit rotting in the sun for a few days. Thanks."

He rejoins the group and says without any confidence: "O.K., I think that went pretty smoothly. He's decided to to pull himself together and try to do something productive, right? So.... shall we continue with our exploration?"

2023-12-27, 09:10 PM
At the center of the colony, in front of the Government House, is a public well.

Just southwest of the well is a wooden scaffold with a set of steps. It looks suitable for use as a platform to address a large crowd, though it would take minimal effort to convert it into a gallows. North of the scaffold is the remnant of a well-used community fire pit surrounded by stones, large enough for a reasonably sized bonfire. Most of the ashes in the central fire pit have been rained on repeatedly and are now mixed in with the soil. It is clear that no fire has been lit here for weeks.

2023-12-27, 10:58 PM
"This is very strange.... The forge was last lit a week ago but this bonfire hasn't been lit in weeks. What the heck could have happened here?" Eirina ponders as she looks around. "Perhaps we should investigate the Well...and see if they at least have clean drinking water here. I'm certain we could all use a drink of water after the battles and the heat."

2023-12-28, 01:06 AM
Kaen had said nothing about Zeferin's emotional moment; such things were deeply personal and he had neither the qualifications to help him nor the right to view him in such a difficult time. "It is most confusing. It's not like there's a lack of wood to burn that would make them use the smaller fire." He will then follow Eirina towards the well; half expecting something else to leap from it to attack him the second he drew near.

2023-12-28, 07:45 AM
The party congregates around the well, finding nothing which adds to or conflicts with what they've already learned.

2023-12-28, 01:04 PM
Arsenne remains close and alert, ready with his Glaive in case of any surprises.
He does keep glancing with a worried look at the sky for threats, but he only does so when he is sure that he is standing outside of Kaen's field of vision.

2023-12-28, 08:58 PM
Eirina inspects the Well to see if it has any water and if said water is safe to drink.

StA: If the Water is unsafe to drink she will then cast Purify Food & Drink on the water as people fill their waterskins or canteens.

2023-12-29, 03:51 PM
The water appears clean, but there is no way to actually determine if it is safe or not.

2023-12-29, 09:51 PM
With the group having circled the well and having had a look Thickness pipes up.
"Unless someone wants to take a dip or drink it might be best to keep sweeping the buildings. Though not seeing the communal fire place lit, perhaps someone tried to cook in the forge?"

With that Thickness will head towards the long buildings to the north, going first to the one closest to the well.

Head towards A11's south most building, dropping into Running Hunter's stance near the entry ro use Scent to try and pick up on anything before heading in.

2023-12-29, 09:54 PM
"Okay whoever needs to fill up their water skins line up, however Ambyr gets first dibs on water cause he has fur and probably needs it the most." Eirina then gives what's left in her waterskin to Ambyr to drink before filling hers up and casting Purify Food and Water on the water for herself and Ambyr. She will then purify the water of those who need to fill up.

2023-12-30, 10:01 AM
Thickness heads off while everyone grabs water. Loping along the ground as he is, he gets to the southern end of the two long, facing buildings. These two long, rectangular buildings are constructed entirely from planks on a wooden frame, with a pitched thatched roof. Each building has two doorframes on the side of the buildings opposite the palisade, but lacks doors. Four window frames open into either side of the long walls, a few of which have no cover and others only a canvas draped across the inside.

2023-12-30, 10:21 AM
Arsenne follows Eirina's instrcutions, leans his Glaive against the well, fills up his waterskin, and allows her to purify the water, all the while watching her intently with a slightly bemused smile.

Once done, he takes a sip, nods at Eirina and, still smiling for some unknown reason, says : "Thank you."

He thing picks up his Glaive and follows Thikha'Ness.

2023-12-30, 11:52 AM
After giving his niece a polite shake of the head, Kaen ignores the water for the moment and turns to follow Thickness.

2023-12-30, 06:58 PM
"No scents so far. Maybe we were unlucky with the other buildings."
Thickness takes his care near the window frames, being basically holes in the building, taking a quick look inside for signs of occupancy or other things of concern.

If he spots nothing of note, he will continue to stand near the door, placing his lance down to lean against the wall while equipping his shield properly.

"Lets wait for the rest to catch up. Surprised they left the ship with empty skins."

Continuing Running Hunters stance for Scent
Basically moving slowly to the door making perception checks focusing on scent, with one made near the window, before putting down the spear and wearing my shield properly, still holding a torch in case of swarms.

2023-12-30, 09:34 PM
Upon both rehydrating herself and Ambyr, Eirina follows Arsenne as they rejoin the others.

2023-12-31, 10:01 PM
Arsenne catches up to Thikha'Ness, and stands ready with his Glaive.
He looks at the others and says: "If Thikha'Ness is ready to go in first, I would like to offer to go in second. I can try and support him from close with my Glaive, even possibly deflecting some attacks, and perhaps summoning some of Shelyn's own luck for him if the opportunity presents itself. Is that O.K. with everyone, or do you suggest something different?".

2024-01-01, 11:58 AM
Thickness looks/ sniffs. inside the front entrance of both barracks. Four window frames open into either side of the long walls, a few of which have no cover and others only a canvas draped across the inside. A partial view of the interior is possible from the doorways. Inside, the floors are hard-packed earth, and along the walls are wooden bunk beds. Many of the pallet beds are covered with blankets that now gather dust. Those beds have sacks or tied bundles of clothes sitting at their feet.

The only olfactory oddity is that there is more of a scent of fresh-turned earth than expected, and a background hint of something that is pungent and unfamiliar.

2024-01-01, 01:21 PM
"Didn't take there stuff... some of the dirt smells turned but I cant see where. Something else new too... if they fled I'd expect them to have taken their stuff. Taken perhaps?"

Thickness shakes his head as he braces by the door.

"I should save it for after we've searched. Going in."

Activate Silver Crane Waltz and keep it active while Thickness relays his thoughts. Then enter the building. If nothing jumps out he'll head in the direction he smelled the unusual scent until he's sure its not a creature/Ambush and then join investigating the barracks.

2024-01-01, 09:27 PM
Arsenne says: "Right behind you. I'll be watching the rafters too."
He follows thikha'Ness in, glancing in all directions in addition to the rafters, of course.

2024-01-01, 09:59 PM
"I'm coming too!" Eirina states in a determined tone as she switches her longbow to her Elven Thornblade. If there was fight to be had she didn't want to miss out again. Eirina then follows after Thickness and Arsenne. "Let's go Ambyr!"

FrA: Switching Longbow for Elven Thornblade
MA: Moving north towards A11.

2024-01-02, 08:54 AM
The group begins their search of both barracks.

Just then, an insect looking something like a modified grasshopper scuttles forth angrily into view. It is about the size of a working dog (Small).

Begin Round One ...

R1T25: Kaen, you are currently juggernaut-ing with sword. What do you do?

2024-01-02, 12:22 PM
Kaen rushes forward, bringing the curveblade down on the insect's head. "Ankheg larva, its progenitors are probably nearby", he said matter-of-factly, showing a surprising degree of calm despite the danger.
FRA: Charge the insect! Or if I'm not far away enough for that, MA: Approach insect!, SA: Attack the insect! Leaving the charge bonus up to you to determine.
[roll0] [roll1]

2024-01-03, 12:09 PM
R1T25: Kaen rushes forward, bringing the curveblade down on the insect's head. "Ankheg larva, its progenitors are probably nearby", he said matter-of-factly, showing a surprising degree of calm despite the danger and missing his target.

R1T21: Thickness, you have lance and shield readied. What do you do?

2024-01-03, 09:42 PM
Thickness charges the insect, jaws snapping out from above his shield.

I put my lance down in 184, actually holding my torch.
Already in Silver Crane Waltz, so

Swift: Arcane Strike, +1 Damage.
-Movement Portion: Ending the square east of the lavae.
-Attack Portion: [roll0]. Needs another 2 for charging.
-Damage Roll: [roll]1d6+5[/roll[. Needs +1 for Arcane Strike.

2024-01-05, 12:08 PM
R1T21: Thickness, unable to charge because Kaen is partially in the way, instead carefully approaches the insect while returning to his fighting stance, jaws snapping out from above his shield, but missing. At least by not having charged his defense is more measured.

R1T17: Arsenne, what do you do?

2024-01-05, 02:48 PM
Arsenne shifts 5' North, so that he is with arm's length of Kaen and Thikha'Ness.
He then uses his Glaive to strike at the aphid with a powerful short, downward, circular slash and says firmly: "Aphid rainbow Drop!"

If he cannot strike between his two teammates and he realizes it on time, he will then instead let go of Glaive with his lead hand (the left), and touch Kaen on his right shoulder while saying "May Shelyn's own luck bless you on your next try."

Attack, risky strike [roll0] damage [d10+9]
Bit of Luck (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result

2024-01-07, 02:41 PM
R1T17: Arsenne shifts 5' North, so that he is with arm's length of Kaen and Thikha'Ness. He then uses his Glaive to strike at the aphid with a powerful short, downward, circular slash and says firmly: "Aphid rainbow Drop!"

Arsenne hits the insect firmly for 17.

R1T17: Eirina, what do you do?

2024-01-07, 09:09 PM
Eirina assesses the battlefield and remembers her Uncle's words about progenitors. Upon reflection she decides to leave the battle of the lone insect to her uncle and the others and while trying to discern where the other bugs might be."Ambyr! Stay on alert."

Perception Check:[roll0]
OOC:She is currently trying detect if there are more enemies hidden somewhere.

2024-01-08, 02:03 PM
R1T17: Eirina assesses the battlefield and remembers her Uncle's words about progenitors. Upon reflection she decides to leave the battle of the lone insect to her uncle and the others and while trying to discern where the other bugs might be, though she doesn't see any others.."Ambyr! Stay on alert."

R1T15: Mr. Arvodair settles into a fighting stance as he moves forward, taking out trident and readying his shield. He does a quick jab as some type of special maneuver at the ankheg-baby, but fails to connect. Meanwhile he calls out various exhortations that help the party feel tougher.

R1T13: The ankheg nymph spits a line of acid at Kaen and Arsenne, and neither of them were expecting that as they both are squarely struck - Kaen takes 4 acid, and Arsenne takes 6 acid. It then readjusts its position.

R1T11: Roran, what do you do?

Ambyr on deck, Kaen in the hole ...

2024-01-09, 11:41 PM
Roran draws his greatsword. "If there are more, we will be ready." He glances to Eirina and her predatory companion. "...I think."

Free action: Assessment of the bug monster.

Move action: Draw greatsword, if not already drawn.

Standard action: Ready a greatsword attack against any bug monster that enters a square he threatens.

2024-01-10, 04:23 PM
R1T11: Roran draws his greatsword. "If there are more, we will be ready." He glances to Eirina and her predatory companion. "...I think."

R1T9: Ambyr looks and sniffs, wary of any other danger.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: Kaen, you recover your balance from your charge. What do you do?

Thickness on deck, Arsenne in the hole ...

2024-01-10, 06:09 PM
A hiss escapes Kaen's lips, but he does little else to acknowledge the pain. Changing tactics, he steps back as best he could (the cramped conditions hinder him more than he'd like), his weapon once again in shortbow mode as he loses an arrow at the beast before shifting back to sword and back into the fray
SwA: "Null adjust" my essence into the same veils, shifting slashing volley to shortbow mode
5 ft step SE
SA: Attack the beast. Because my last attack was with the veil in sword mode, I get +2d6 precision damage (base 1d6 and and additional 1d6 for the 1 E invested into it)
[roll0] [roll1] + [roll2] (precision damage)
FrA: Move 10 feet NW and shift into sword mode.

Note to self: find a veil/ability that I can activate as a move action.

2024-01-11, 03:45 AM
R2T25: A hiss escapes Kaen's lips, but he does little else to acknowledge the pain. Changing tactics, he steps back as best he could (the cramped conditions hinder him more than he'd like), his weapon once again in shortbow mode as he loses an arrow at the beast (that misses) before shifting back to sword and back into the fray.

R2T21: Thickness, what do you do?

Arsenne on deck, Eirina in the hole ...

2024-01-12, 05:36 AM
Taking a moment of focus, Thickness strikes out again with his jaws, silver light gathering and heading for Arsene -

Swift: Arcane Strike.
Standard: Enduring crane strike with bite, on hit heal 1d6+cha to Arsene.
-Attack: [roll0]
-Damage: [roll1]+1 for arcane strike.
-Healing: [roll2]

2024-01-12, 03:45 PM
R2T21: Taking a moment of focus, Thickness strikes out again with his jaws, a silver light limning his teeth. But when he bites nothing but chitin and no deeper, the silver light fades.

R2T17: Arsenne, what do you do?

Eirina on deck, Mr. Arvodair in the hole ...

2024-01-12, 07:47 PM
Arsenne cries out: "Arrghhh! That better not leave an ugly scar!"

He throws a curious glance at the briefly glowing Thikha'Ness, then shifts 5' to the North and attacks the little monster using the same vertical downward slashing technique again so as to be able strike without endangering his comrades. Shouting much louder and angrier this time: "Aphid rainbow, DROP!!!"

Risky strike [roll0] to hit, and damage of [roll1]

2024-01-14, 03:42 AM
R2T17: Arsenne cries out: "Arrghhh! That better not leave an ugly scar!"

He throws a curious glance at the briefly glowing Thikha'Ness, then shifts 5' to the North and attacks the little monster using the same vertical downward slashing technique again so as to be able strike without endangering his comrades. Shouting much louder and angrier this time: "Aphid rainbow, DROP!!!

He completely misses.

R2T17: Eirina, what do you do?

Mr. Arvodair on deck, Ankheg nymph in the hole ...

2024-01-14, 02:12 PM
Eirina grips her Elven Thornblade tighter and continues to search for any in-coming danger from the rear. Glancing at Ambyr to see if he senses anything before going back to surveying the field. "Smell anything boy?"

Readying an Action: Prepares to attack with her Elven Thornblade if a new enemy appears.

2024-01-14, 10:08 PM
R2T17: Eirina grips her Elven Thornblade tighter and continues to search for any in-coming danger from the rear. Glancing at Ambyr to see if he senses anything before going back to surveying the field. "Smell anything, boy?"

Ambyr doesn't appear to have caught an interesting scent.

R2T15: Mr. Arvodair fills the air with may imagination nautical imprecations, hitting the thing with both trident and shield and dropping it.

He puts it to the tine.

Combat Ends!

2024-01-15, 09:44 AM
Arsenne says: "Thanks Mr. Arvodair. I was getting angry at it and lost my focus."

He looks at the big bug: "Is that thing fully dead?"

He looks around: "And how's everyone doing? Is now a good time for me to channel some of Shelyn's beautific energy so as to heal the group, or should I save that a bit longer and attend to you each individually?"

2024-01-15, 12:42 PM
"Use it," says Mr. Arvodair. "A bunch o' youse got hurt by acid just now. Painful wounds. And a couple of youse still got scrapes and bruises from before."

2024-01-15, 08:26 PM
"We should search this place, I am surprise no more appeared." Eirina states. "And I am good for healing but thanks please focus on my Uncle and the others."

2024-01-16, 02:51 PM
Arsenne says: "O.K. then, gather round. I'm only going to talk you through this once, so you don't get surprised, because after this, I'm just going to go ahead and do it when appropriate, sometimes without warning. The range is limited to about a 30 foot radius. The goddess I worship, and who empowers me is Shelyn, and she works through beauty and love. So for this first try, I'm going to ask you all to close your eyes, and think about how much the Eternal Rose loves all of us, so much that she will share a tiny portion of her infinite beauty in order to heal us. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. So, is everybody ready..."

Arsenne pauses, looks at the body of the immature Ankheg and stops. "No wait. Are we sure that thing is really really dead? Shelyn is quite generous with her love and beauty, and I don't have the power to be selective in how I channel it into this world. I'll feel really stupid if that thing stands up and shoots acid at us all over again."

Arsenne makes sure that Ankheg's head was properly bashed in by Mr. Arvodair's shield. "O.K., it looks safe. Think of yourselves as small, half-filled ponds of water. Shelyn is an immense ocean of beautiful, clear, sweet water. I'm going to open for just a short second, a tiny channel between The Eternal Rose and us so as to refill those of us who need it."

He adds softly: "Now let's hope this work, because after such a big build up, if I flub this it's going to be horribly anti-climatic..."

He touches his rose-shaped symbol around his neck and looks upwards.

Channel positive energy, 30'r [roll0]

2024-01-18, 02:47 AM
A pink glow washes outwards, almost like a relaxing sunset, rolling over everyone. While not dramatic in effect, still it offers an easement from current pain of 3 healing.

Does the party wish to do a quick or deep search in both barracks?

2024-01-18, 04:12 AM
Thickness smiles.

"It is nice to see devotion rewarded. We should do a quick search for anything of import. Or perhaps the beast's parents if that is truly a youngling..."

2024-01-18, 07:03 PM
It takes a little over an hour, but the party completely searches both barracks.

Here is what you find, and this assumes Roran uses his eyeglasses of magic sight:

An amulet with a moderate aura of enchantment that Roar identifies as a lesser amulet of good fortune (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/r-z/talisman-lesser/).
Coins that represent loose change and the paltry savings of some two dozen people: 65 gold, 240 silver.
A wand with a faint aura of illusion that Roran IDs as a wand of color spray (12 charges) which was hidden in a small tear of a mattress, with the initials "U.H."

What do you do with these things? What's next?

2024-01-18, 07:49 PM
"Whoa! That's a lot of coin just to leave lying around..." Eirina states in shock, given her hometown being so small and being in the hunting and trapping business she's not used to see so much money just lying on the ground. "Why is there such a large amount sure it belonged to more than one person but even still this is weird right? Just what happened here?" Eirina then looks at Ambyr. "Can you pick up a scent boy?"

2024-01-18, 07:54 PM
Ambyr is unable to pick up on any scent.

2024-01-18, 07:58 PM
"This... Only makes sense if there was an emergency that required them to leave immediately. But there's no looting. The only thing that makes sense is some sort of mind sorcery. Sailors tales speak of odd things, including Sirens that draw sailors to them despite danger. Perhaps the local waters have something worse than water goblins."

Thickness has taken to looking around more frequently.

"If there's no trail, then I think it's time for the next building. I couldn't use the wand, but I imagine one of us could make use of borrowing the amulet."

2024-01-18, 09:53 PM
Kaen had been silent, lost in thought over this. "I think it's more likely that some nonsapient animals drove them out. Mental control on that scale would be have to be used by something incredibly powerful."

2024-01-19, 12:40 AM
As Roran studies the magical objects, sparks of excitement burn in his eyes before extinguishing themselves a moment later. "I had hoped to uncover some magical relics on this island. I did not think they would belong to the other colonists." He offers the items to whoever will take them, evidently having no desire to keep any of them himself.

2024-01-19, 02:02 AM
"If'n you take boater's input," says Mr. Arvodair, "I think that amulet would look dashing on our 'sirrani croc-man .. or gator-guy ... I never could get the difference. And then if any'ya are good at taking yer' magic knowledge and figuring out other types o' magic - maybe the girl or the guy who told us what the wand was - they might be your best bet of making use of dat sparkle-stick."

2024-01-19, 06:37 PM
Arsenne looks longingly at the Amulet of Good Fortune, and finally says: "Luck is one of the fine attributes of The Goddess Shelyn. I am sure that you would wear it well, Thikha'Ness, and may whatever favour it attracts to you benefit us as well. As for the wand, although I am enthusiastic about witnessing its use and seeing all of the pretty colours at once, it is unfortunately not the sort of magic I can use."

He pauses. "I say we assign these items and put them to the use for which they were intended. As with the shirt that Thikha'Ness is wearing, we can all agree that this is provisional until we find the original owners, healthy and hail."

"Shall we move on to the next building? And keep a very sharp eye out. I hit that bug really hard and it was still standing. If it really is a mere infant, then the parents must be somewhere on the island, and will pose quite a danger."

2024-01-20, 04:52 AM
"It sounds as we are in agreement. I wasn't going to suggest it since I was already wearing another's chain. I shall wear it, and let's move on."

Donning the amulet, Thickness will lead towards the building in A10.

Continuing the perimiter sweep. If we've only checked one of the two barrack's though, I'll instead lead towards the door of the other.

2024-01-20, 08:01 PM
"I'm able to use the wand if you do not want it." Eirina states as she takes the wand and puts it in her backpack for now. "And yeah let's move onto the next building and see if we can find anything else. I am hoping we don't find that bug's mama however."

MA: Eirina puts Wand of Colour Spray in Backpack.

2024-01-21, 12:00 PM
Both barracks having been searched, it is important to note that Thickness' torch is expended (and assumed dropped).

Now what? Where from here. If another building ... be specific, and don't make me interpret which one you mean.

2024-01-21, 09:54 PM
Having ensured both barracks are checked, Thickness begins leading the group towards the easternmost building making up the east corner of the settlement.

Heading to A10 on the map, making more clear.
Also raised in Discord, but what's used my torch?

2024-01-21, 11:08 PM
Arsenne says: "Hang on, before going for that corner building, how about if we take a look at this second long building between the one we just explored and the corner building? I mean, it's on our way right?"

"Also, I think we should discuss all that coinage we found. Unlike the wand, the amulet, or the chain shirt, loose coins are not specifically identifiable items. I don't think some colonist is going to come back and say, 'hey, that is my specific silver coin!'. And it's not like the coins were in an identifiable chest or specially adorned coffer. They were laying about in the building. I think we should keep it together and use it for communal benefits of us, the new colonists, and hopefully the original batch of colonists whom we hope to find."

"If you like, I can keep it in a bundle, and keep track of it for our purposes. Much as I hated those six infernal weeks I spent training in the Church of Abadar before discovering the beauty of The Eternal Rose, I did stay long enough to learn the rudimentary elements of accounting and can keep track of what coin comes in and what goes out, and what belongs to whom."

2024-01-22, 07:56 PM
"Keeping the coin all together until we agree how to split the coin amongst our group is a good idea." Eirina states. "And I agree that we should explore the building next to this one since it is on our way. What say you Uncle? Roran?"

2024-01-23, 02:07 AM
Having already searched the second barracks building, the PCs continue to southeast to the far eastern building (A10).

This wooden-framed, mud brick structure is currently the colony’s only two-story building, as well as one of the largest structures. It has the appearance of a rural courthouse or city hall rather than that of a residence. The front features a small porch supported by rough log pillars, with double wooden doors facing west. Numerous window frames with shutters, some of them open, wrap around the building on both floors. The roof is not thatched, but has wooden shakes instead. The construction suggests this building was intended to be a source of community pride, but it still has a rough, unfinished appearance due to lack of paint and coarse materials. A few small shrubs have been planted around it.

2024-01-23, 01:01 PM
Arsenne says, "Shall we circle it once to check for recent tracks or any other clues before going in?"

2024-01-25, 08:14 PM
"I doubt there are any left but yeah I can do a quick search." Eirina states as she searches around the building for tracks.

FRA: Eirina searches around A10 for tracks

2024-01-26, 03:01 AM
There are no tracks outside anywhere around the building, and Ambyr has no scent pools.

2024-01-28, 05:07 AM
"Well then. Once more through the door."

Putting his spear down and gripping his shield properly, Thickness takes his crane stance opens the door, walking through weary for ambush.

There's only the one relevent one, but Silver Crane Waltz for extra AC if his by surprise.

2024-01-28, 06:13 AM
This main chamber is intended for community meetings and future government and legal proceedings. The building has not been used recently, as evidenced by a light layer of dust throughout.

That is just what is obvious at a glance. Do you do a deep or quick search in here?

2024-01-28, 09:31 AM
Asrenne cast spell on the blade of his glaive, which start to glow like torch that casts a soft lavender light. He says: "If there are no obvious dangers, let's explore the rest of the building so that nothing ambushes us while we are searching."

He adds: "As you've surely gathered by now, I like to be in the second or third rank so that I can support with my Glaive should we encounter anything hostile, and, with all due respect and appreciation, it allows one of you brave folks with armour to absorb the initial attacks." He winks at Thikha'Ness.

Action: Cast orison "Light" on blade of his Glaive.

2024-01-28, 11:19 PM
"I'd be more than happy to join to join you there. But as I'm able then as we should."

Thickness relaxes as nothing jumps out.

"I agree on the search though, a quick search to make sure nothing's here, and moving on to the next building."

2024-01-29, 11:20 AM
The makeshift offices have simple wooden tables, chairs, and writing equipment including stationery, ink, and quills. The northern office also has a locked wooden coffer.

2024-01-29, 09:48 PM
"Hm...wonder that's in here? hang on I can get it open." Eirina approaches the Wooden Coffer lock and brings out her Thieves' Tools and starts playing with the lock on the coffer so as to open it incase there is a clue hiding in there.

MA:Eirina moves to the Wooden Coffer and begins picking the lock. Doing a Take 20 on the lock.

2024-01-29, 10:50 PM
Roran pauses abruptly amidst the search and looks up, glancing first to any nearby windows or doors. "Did uh... did anyone else just get the feeling that we're being watched?"

2024-01-31, 01:01 PM
It will take Eirina 10 minutes while taking her sweet time to open what turns out was actually only a meager challenge. It is assumed that once she gets that open the party takes the time to peruse what is within. Inside are multiple journals and logbooks. The logbooks record various types of events, such as the sea journey to Ancorato, daily work details for construction and farming, a master tool inventory, records of the daily weather, and so on. This information is mostly pedestrian in nature, but might serve as the basis of a future almanac. All of the books date back to approximately 1 month ago, whereupon the entries become sporadic and stop altogether a week later.

One logbook details daily events in the colony since landfall, and it’s the one book that contains something of particular interest. Those carefully carefully examining the colony logbook notices that it is missing three to four pages after the last entry, as evidenced by a razor-sharp incision along the binding where the pages were carefully cut out. Assuming that detect magic is also used, the logbook radiates a faint aura of universal magic. This aura originates from two invisible arcane marks inscribed on the inside of the back cover. The arcane marks are normal words and spell “plum tree.”

2024-01-31, 06:36 PM
Arsenne says: "O.K. That's weird. I wonder what that means? If they bothered recording it magically, and invisibly no less, and lock it up, it must have some important significance to someone."

He looks around, and continues.

"Shall we put it back for now and continue our exploration of the building?"

2024-01-31, 06:47 PM
"Curious," Roran notes as he leans down to get a look at the logbook. "Would it be too large a leap to think that perhaps the missing pages are hidden near to a plum tree somewhere on the colony grounds?"

If Roran is able to recall what a plum tree looks like, he will share a description with the others so they can keep an eye out while their search continues.

2024-01-31, 09:28 PM
Eirina nods as she puts her documents back for now. "These do have some value for when we start planning to colonize ourselves but what happened a week ago? That's what I am most curious about. Everything seemed fine up until then. And Does Plum Tree mean that's where the missing pages are or is it some kind of warning to stay away from the plum tree?"

2024-02-29, 02:59 AM
"My gut feeling says that's where the rest of the pages are, but it could be a trap. It might be best to clear out the rest of the settlement first though before we go looking. Once cleared we can look for any other clues. Hopefully one will say why they've left."

Thickness rolls his shoulders.

2024-03-05, 03:42 PM
Arsenne, looks around at everyone, nods, and says: "O.K., I think it's safe to say that I agree with every one of you. Shall we proceed to the next room?"

And he prepares his glaive.

2024-03-06, 11:46 PM
The rest of the government house is searched - upper and lower floors - and there is no other items of value nor any more clues of any kind.

What now?

2024-03-07, 10:26 AM
Arsenne has a quizzical expression on his face as he says: "Hmmm. I'm surprised. I was expecting to meet with more obstacles in this building. Well, I'm certainly not complaining. Shall we move on to that little building just to the South West of us? And, keep an eye out for plum trees as we go."

2024-03-07, 09:09 PM
Eirina reviews the buildings they have visited mentally. "I say we go to the building southeast of the last one we searched."

OOC:Eirina is refering to A9.

2024-03-08, 01:12 AM
At Eirina's suggestion that they search to the southeast, Roran fidgets in place for a moment, then looks to the others, then clears his throat. Seeming almost pained by the forthcoming words, he forces a smile as he asks of the half-elf, "Perhaps you mean to the southwest?"