View Full Version : [Let's Read] Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything & Dragonlance Companion

2023-11-12, 08:19 PM
This month I reviewed two popular player's guide-themed sourcebooks for the Dragonlance campaign setting on the Dungeon Master's Guild. You can read them either on RPGnet or EN World. Both of them were created as a multi-author project providing new and existing material for Dragonlance in 5th Edition, expanding on what we got in Shadow of the Dragon Queen.

Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything. (https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/lets-read-tasslehoffs-pouches-of-everything-revised.914991/)

Dragonlance Companion. (https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/lets-read-dragonlance-companion.914871/)

While I prefer Tasslehoff's, both books have quite a bit of material that let them stand on their own merits.

2023-11-13, 03:29 AM
Oh, I have TPoE (both the original and the revised), but I need to get to bed right now. I'll read it tomorrow after work.

2023-11-13, 11:53 PM
I will note that I haven't reviewed the Champions of Krynn adventure in Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything. That adventure is meant to be a three-part series (two of which have been released), so I feel it works best as an independent review sometime in the future.

2023-11-14, 09:43 PM
Good review.

Yes, I have the first two chapters of Champions of Krynn and have run them, and am still waiting on part 3. And part 4. Actually, I think I remember them mentioning on their Patreon there might be up to 8 parts total, and then they wanted to do Death Knights of Krynn. Not sure if that's still the plan or not, though, considering how long it's taking them to release them.

They're also working on a 5E conversion of Dragons of Autumn Twilight and a Minotaur supplement/adventure written partly by Richard A. Knaack (who wrote a number of Minotaur-heavy novels for the Dragonlance series). Oh, they also recently released a sequel module for Shadows of the Dragon Queen called 'Shadow of the Black Rose.' I can't speak for that one, as I've never read it (I don't have SotDQ, so not really interested in a sequel for it).

2023-11-19, 03:45 AM
Wow, I didn't know there would be that many Champions of Krynn adventures!

I'm most interested in seeing how they handle Dragons of Autumn. While there's already quite a bit of conversions for the Chronicles to 5e, a lot of that stuff is rather bare-bones in content, being mostly conversion manuals. I am aware that the Aesthetic's Guide to Ansalon is a more full-fledged conversion, but it would be neat to see the largest Dragonlance fan community tackling the adventures that started it all.

2023-11-19, 03:01 PM
Yeah, I'm curious to see how they tackle it, as well. Allegedly, it's supposed to come out this month. But they've missed a lot of deadlines so far, so we'll see.