View Full Version : Pokémon: I want to be the very best group 2

2023-11-14, 12:39 PM
Three challengers to the Pokémon league wake up on the the day they start their adventure, in Pallet Town. How long have you been in pallet town? How early did you wake up before? You are on set to get your Pokédex l today, and, if you are lucky, start your journey on the right foot.

2023-11-14, 01:20 PM
The tour a few days ago was fun, informative, and even ended up with a chance to sign up for a traditional league challenge. But as it turned out, the trip did also not include a train ticket back to Johto... Or even back to Saffron City. So the last few days, they where stuck in a room up in the Poké-Center usually reserved for trainers already on a journey. Scotts plan was for the next few... weeks, probably, was to travel and camp themself slowly towards Vermilion City to get a ticket for a ferry and return home. Even already got themself a tent for it.

This morning before they would have started that travel, however, a call came in on their old Pokégear. Someone had to drop out of the league challenge starting today, and their name was next on the list. So instead, they got a hour to get ready and head over to recive a dex. Having quickly scratched together their stuff they hurried down from their room, just to quickly go back up to get Daves premium ball and put it in the pocket on the inside of the jacket. As much as the Igglybuff prefered to be outside of the ball (He currently was walking around the lower level of the center after having picked a fight with a potted plant that turned out to be a Oddish last night), not bringing it would have been a mistake.

Kuro Dmon
2023-11-14, 07:54 PM
Kat was extremely tired.

Not physically tired, no. Tired of all the extended traveling. Tired of the bus to the port. Tired of the boat ride to Hau’oli. Tired of the plane ride from there to Kanto. Tired of the complimentary service from the Sevii Islands to the mainland, which dropped them off in Pewter City as the closest her family could afford for her.

So by the time it was time to await transportation to the famous Professor Oak’s lab, Kat was more than ready to toss it all in the bin. After consulting a map, she was more than happy to tell her father that she missed the last step, and legged it. Running through Route 2, dashing through Viridian Forest and dodging every bug that might have fallen on her head, ignoring every sentient voice she passed, and tumbling over the foothills of Route 1.

Kat didn’t stop sprinting, excitement battling exhaustion in her heart, until she slid in front of the Pallet Town Pokemon Center, a dust cloud trailing behind her, and every inch of her covered in dust and sweat. As the doors slid open, she bent down from fatigue, clutching her knees and grinning ear to ear in spite of herself. “Can I please use the water fountain, Ms. Joy?” she sheepishly asks of the Nurse at the front desk.

Notch, her Axew, normally enjoys hanging out outside his Pokeball. But to survive his relentless trainer’s approach, he sank his teeth into a chunk of her hair and refused to let go for dear life. Sensing that Kat had finally paused for the moment, Notch let the mass of silver out of his mouth and fell to the ground. Looking over at a random ball shaped creature also down here, Notch weakly growled to it, as if to complain about his master.

2023-11-14, 09:00 PM
The pink orb looks at the small, hair eating pokémon... That is actually nearly twice the size of himself. But it is not like size would have been a problem for the Igglybuff, if he wanted to he could make himself a little bigger then them. "Luff-" Probably a slight agreement, it was hard to tell? But behind the red eyes of the orb a small recognition flared. That hair-biter is not just any kind of Pokémon. That was a miniature dragon. Therefore, it was only going to be a question of time until the inevitable had to happen. The Fairy needs to proof himself, to himself, to be superior to that beast... Once the trainer has come and they left the building. The last time he started a fight in a Poké-Center he was forbidden his bedtime snack... And that was yesterday. Curses upon that potted plant!

On that note, while Dave is huffing up what is probably a official challenge to the Axew to have a 'proper fight' later, Scotty comes down the stairs for the second time of the day. After giving Dave a small pet to calm him down and then putting the keys for the room on the counter, they are standing next to the tired looking arrival. "Thanks Ms. Joy. What way was the Laboratory again? Oh, and Good Morning!" Despite having already visited it a few days before, they already forgot their directions.

Paddywagon Man
2023-11-15, 03:30 AM
"The laboratory? Off for an adventure are we? Well, let me show you the way! It's been a few years, but a star never forgets his first break!

...and also Oak paid for my ticket. And hopefully has a washing machine I can use."

A dashing young cowboy and his Squirtle pose back to back at the pokecenter's entrance.

2023-11-15, 06:20 PM
A new girl walks in and sits down in a chair. If anyone comes up to her, she says, Hey, I’m Lyra! I’m also coming for my Pokédex. I already have cauht a few Pokémon, where I’m from, but me and my family just moved here, so I am getting my trainers license. Why are you attempting the league?

Paddywagon Man
2023-11-16, 01:55 PM
It's my ticket to the big screen! Everybody watches league matches, but they've never seen me yet!

...our! OUR ticket to the big screen, I know, I... quit biting!"

The boy brushes the irate Squirtle off his leg.

"That's Kowalski, and I'm Barlen, Barley to most. Oak helped out a hungry stowaway a few years back, and now he's back! Still hungry though."

2023-11-16, 02:19 PM
As Nurse Joy took the key back to the board and turned to address Kats issue, Scotty turns to the two trainers that walked just in. "A mixture of good luck, bad luck, and expl- Nah, no explosions. Just circumstances and a bit more free time then I planed." They take a seat as well, something Dave justly mimics by claiming one of the few free chairs on the side-table all for themself as well. "So you two are also going the traditional run-around?"

2023-11-16, 03:17 PM
I came here because it has been my ever since I was a little girl to be the champion! And, Barley, you might want to try to train that Squirtle more. And what was that about explosions? Once you two answer, the door opens, and a assistant beckons you in. (Lyra is not very sensitive, so she might accidentally insult some of you without realizing it. This is because she is trying to be social, but has little experience, and makes mistakes.)

Kuro Dmon
2023-11-16, 06:34 PM
“It’s good to dream, but it’s also good to keep in mind just how hard that can be. Despite so many applicants, there can only be one King of the Monsters, after all.” Kat catches up with the group, slightly dripping water as she steps. She took the opportunity to empty the fresh water from the fountain onto herself before refilling it, in order to cool down from her run.

“The details were set up for me for my family, but I’m not aiming for the throne. At least not directly.” Kat adds, before shaking herself off from head to toe, like an incredibly tall and well built Arcanine, her ponytail whipping wildly through the air. “Nah, it’s the adventure along the way that I crave. I can’t wait to start earning that fight. To watch and battle among the big leagues…. That alone would be Legendary.” As she swoons with her hands held together, Notch audibly sighs, trailing exasperatedly yet loyally at his master’s side.

2023-11-16, 07:06 PM
"No explosions, it just is some silly song that got stuck in my head-- But looks like the lab has sent a assistant to collect us." They give a small wave to the door, getting ready to follow as soon as everyone else does. "And hey, its the league. Not the branch of it I planed on being part of but I won't complain about getting my resume more up-to-it. "

The 'buff, in the meanwhile, seems much more to vibe with the reasoning of Kat. 'Getting into fights.' 'Big glorious battles.' 'Be a Legendary'... Wait, thats not how that works, is it? He fundamentally missunderstands the context of the term.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself properly, you can call me Scotty. And that ball of pent up energy is Dave."

2023-11-16, 07:10 PM
That is a sentiment I can get behind. I also love the adventure, the thrill of it, and the Pokémon. You seem like someone who is passionate about the journey. She sends out a cyndaquil, and says, Treble, come out buddy! This is Treble, my cyndaquil! I started my journey because of him.

Paddywagon Man
2023-11-17, 08:58 PM
"You said you'd caught a few more, do we get to meet the whole cast and crew?

Heck, feel like a practice battle to warm up before the long lonesome road? Or should we be meandering Oak-wards now?"

2023-11-17, 10:51 PM
Sure you can meet the whole team! Ruki, Lily, go! She sends out an ice white Vulpix, and a Lotad. (OOC: this was totally meant to be the rival fight, and the reason she has 3 Pokémon is to fight the three of you. If you want to battle, the doors will not open until you finish. Hurra for plot convenience!)

2023-11-17, 11:59 PM
(OOC: this was totally meant to be the rival fight)
(Thats all Dave needs to know. Even if they do legally not know.)

Scotty But no, this one goes to Dave!
The Igglybuff stands atop their chair. First, a dragon, and now, something that dares to be cuter then a pink marshmallow. He points down at the snow-white vulpix. "Luff!" knowing that sound well enough, Scotty sighs. "I think Dave here wants to fight one of your Pokémon Lyra. But if we do that we should go outside first... I rather don't want to clean up the center again." Talk from yesterdays experience.

2023-11-18, 09:21 AM
I gladly accept! she says as she walks out side. Ruki come on.

Kuro Dmon
2023-11-18, 02:05 PM
Kat completely forgets to introduce herself, as the Pokemon start to appear. “Oh, that Vulpix is ADORABLE! Well, all Vulpix are adorable, but that’s the variety found on my islands! Are you an Alolan as well, Lyra?”

As Scotty and Dave start to square up with it, Lyra looks over at Barley. “Well Cowboy, I think it’s time for a Rodeo! You want the Plant, or the Rival Starter?” she asks him, puffing out her chest and putting her fists on her hips in a pose of bravado, grinning from cheek to cheek.

Notch, for his part, looking from Pokemon to Pokemon, can’t help but feel some of the enthusiasm of the scene, and even while eying up his potential new opponents, chirps happily.

Paddywagon Man
2023-11-18, 02:30 PM
"On this team we don't take no easy ways to the top! I'll take care of your plant, no guarantees of gentle handling!"

Kowalski drops into a dramatic pose and stares down the Lotad.

(OOC: Barley has 15 speed, Kowalski has 4)

2023-11-18, 05:26 PM
Lyra sends out her remaining 2 Pokémon. Go Treble, go lily! Yes, I am from Alola. I am ready to battle.
Ruki has 12 speed, Treble has 11, and Lily has 3.
(OOC, this is a 3 on 3 battle, which means all of the Pokémon are fighting at he same time. Also, trainers get a separate turn in all battles, for their features.)

Paddywagon Man
2023-11-18, 08:21 PM
"Beauty is tomorrow's game, show the world how tough you are!"

Kowalski grumbles and flexes, always ready for a punch-up thanks to Barley's Brutal Training.

2023-11-18, 10:40 PM
Treble, be ready for anything! Lyra uses inspired training as an order on Treble, raising his evasion.

Kuro Dmon
2023-11-19, 02:54 PM
"I guess we're paired up with Treble, then. Let's go, Notch!" Kat cries. But before she could give any proper orders, the little Axew has already rushed forward with an arm extended, swiping in the direction of the Cyndaquil.

2023-11-19, 06:21 PM
(OOC: It doesn’t hit.)
Treble, ember that Jigglypuff! Ruki, throw an icy wind at that Axew!
Ember: to hit 1d20 damage 2d6+18
Icy Wind: to hit 1d20 damage 2d8+17x2

2023-11-19, 06:25 PM
Am I doing something wrong with my roll? I have tried redoing 3 times.

Kuro Dmon
2023-11-19, 08:33 PM
"Wait what?! No!" Kat cries in horror as the vulpix turns in Notch's direction. Without thinking, Kat jumps and dives across Notch, cradling him in her embrace as the icy attack hits her bare back instead.

"I guess the pairings are out, then?" Kat asks, grinning through grit teeth as she throws a look at the opposing trainer, then focuses on the Cyndaquil anyway. "Guess I can't blame ya if you're having to think about taking on 3 at once, huh. We'll try to finish who we started, though." Kat adds, as Notch crawls out from under his master.

2023-11-19, 08:42 PM
Ouch, just watching it is painful. "Hope you can walk that off again, that looked like it hurt. Dave, you know what to do!"
And yes, Dave knew what to do. Focus on the fight. Make sure that nobody can intervene once his time comes. And especially, strike the one that tought they could get away with turning away from him!

Paddywagon Man
2023-11-19, 10:39 PM
"Criminy! You all right, doll? Your hide still intact?

Kowalski! Douse the hog, and don't get any ideas about me throwing my glutes in front of any fireballs for you! This suit's near-mint!"

Kowalski rolls his eyes and sprays a weak water jet at the Cyndaquil.

[roll0] Water-type Struggle]
[roll1] damage

2023-11-20, 11:31 AM
Lily! That Squirtle might pose a problem! Use absorb!

Paddywagon Man
2023-11-20, 01:38 PM
Kowalski flinches at the super-effective attack, but stays on his feet, and turns to give the Lotad a baleful death glare. As if to say, "that's the one free hit you get, punk."

Thanks to Barley's Tough Tumble feature, Kowalski uses Spite as a free reaction after getting hit - Lotad's Absorb attack is now disabled.

2023-11-20, 09:08 PM
I am sorry, but Dave. I can not let you do that.
Just after the Absorb was flung back, the time had come! He steps in the middle between the enemies mon, risking being hit by their next attack. But he knows, there will be no next attack, for he studied the battlefield beforehand. Now is the moment to SING! He starts his Lullaby, focusing on making the whole enemy team sleepy. But especially, the Alolan Vulpix, to which he holds eye-contact during the full song until their eyes fall shut.

2023-11-20, 09:39 PM
Ruki, you can do it! Wake up!

(OOC: Inspired training to Ruki)

Kuro Dmon
2023-11-20, 10:43 PM
Kat smiles with an arched eyebrow at Barley's nickname for her, but shakes off the pain. "I'll be fine. I might not be as heavily clothed as you, but I'm a big girl." she replies, getting back to her feet.

Notch, while still heavily wary of Ruki, nevertheless takes another wild swing in Treble's direction.

2023-11-24, 09:07 AM
Hey guys, sorry for not posting. You know, thanksgiving and stuff.
Treble activates his ability, flame body, so you are now burned. You lose one tick of HP each round, and have -2 defense CS.
Treble, you take that! Ember that igglybuff!

2023-11-24, 09:08 AM
To fill out

Kuro Dmon
2023-11-24, 08:21 PM
"You certainly are an experienced trainer, Lyra." Kat comments in a commiserate fashion, staring at Notch's blackened arm and shifting her own shoulders to better feel where the ice hit. "I shouldn't have hoped we'd make it out of our first battle without a scratch ourselves. C'mon, Notch! Hang in there!" she cheers up the little lizard, trying to keep it from being discouraged.

Standard Action to use Focused Training as an action on Notch, whom I've marked the stat changes from Flame Body already.
At this point, with 1 turn passed and a tagged target hit once, we've got 2 out of 6 Momentum. We can Expend it next turn to get a more consistent roll, but a +2 to Accuracy and Evasion against our enemy will suffice.. for now.

Paddywagon Man
2023-11-25, 03:17 AM
"HIT something this time Kowalski, we look like rodeo clowns!"

[roll0] AC 3 Tackle on Ruki, with AP expended for Accuracy
[roll1] damage (+5 damage on Tough attacks from Tough Expert rework not reflected on character sheet)

2023-11-25, 08:29 AM
Ruki activates her ability, cute charm, so you are now infatuated.
Lily’s sleep check: [roll0]

2023-11-25, 09:29 AM
It dares to try and look extra cute? Oh no, its over! Dave tries to punt the Alolan Vulpix, which is nearly twice his size, to the other end of the battlefield, who knows, maybe directly into Lyras arms?

2023-11-27, 09:06 AM
Lyra catches Ruki, and yells, Lily, dodge!

Kuro Dmon
2023-11-27, 08:56 PM
"Awesome job, guys!" Kat cheers for her new allies, bouncing in place. "Come on, Notch! I know it hurts, but you can do it! Tough it out!" she adds, as the Axew spins and swings again at Treble.

Momentum: 2 turns have passed, with 1 hit, has us at 3. And since a Pokemon with Focused Training gets half rounded up as a bonus, and with Kat using Focused Training for her Standard Action...

Scratch Attack: [roll0] vs AC 2 + Treble's Evasion
Scratch Damage: [roll1]

And another tick of damage for the burned dino either way...

2023-12-02, 12:27 PM
Treble runs at Dave, curls up in a ball, annd fires fire downwards, all while yelling Cyndaquil!
And proceeds to jump over him!

Kuro Dmon
2023-12-02, 02:51 PM
As Kat watches the Fire Mouse in mid air, a blaze almost appears to alight within her own eyes. "Alright, that is it. You've been ignoring Notch to your detriment for the last time. Don't worry about Treble; this time they're ours." she declares, dramatically pumping her fist while glaring at it. While still searing from his burn, Notch looks from his master to their target and nods, daggers in his own stare.

+1 Momentum from the (assumed) landed hit, and another one by the next time our turn comes up will leave us at 5, if the battle isn't ended by then.

So Kat spends 2 of that Momentum to activate Expend Momentum: on Notch's next attack roll, we'll skip the dice and take a straight 11. I doubt Treble's AC is high enough now for him to dodge that swing.

Paddywagon Man
2023-12-03, 06:33 AM
Kowalski and Barley are showmen, they both respect a good dramatic face-off. Kowalski turns his attention to Lily to give Notch space to shine.

[roll0] AC 3 Tackle

2023-12-05, 08:20 AM
That hits, giving Lily a good spin, before coming back around and firing a bubble that floats up a pops on Dave.


2023-12-05, 09:29 AM
So you have Choosen Dave (https://youtu.be/U-X7ipu0Bqo)
Scotty gives a short sigh as Dave glances over to the Trainer. "Yes, you can..."
And with the sure movement of someone who has done this before, the pink orb swirls around, locking his large red eyes with the small black dots of Lily. And slapping it with a force not as immense as he did the Vulpix, but strength beyond what one would assume of his kind non-the-less.