View Full Version : Party background issues

2023-11-18, 03:20 AM
So, normally backgrounds aren't an issue, but this campaign I'm running does create a sort of interesting case with it.
So I'm currently running a sky pirates campaign where the players are making multiple characters to make up the crew. The crew is currently at 9, but we're adding 3 more.

I asked the players to make at least some sort of background for the characters so I can try to implement them into the campaign in a way that fits the character.

Well so far, most of the characters backgrounds and explained personalities, from said backgrounds, have been easy and different than other characters in the crew. That was until one of the players handed me the backstory for their next character to add.

So, surprisingly the crew currently only has 1 archer, there are plenty of characters with or capable of ranged fighting, but only 1 actual archer. His backstory is pretty elaborate, but boils down to a combination of Robin from Batman, and Robin Hood. This character is already part of the crew, his name is Motan, but goes by Gryphon when he dresses up.

The character the other player handed me the backstory for, who is joining the group when I figure out how to fit them in, lost their father at a young age, no explanation given. His overprotective mother decided to train him in archery. And he just sorta develops a Robin Hood mentality after leaving the house. This character is named Rikkit

Thing is I also know that Rikkit is supposed to be a like duo character with another, but that other character isn't even mentioned in the backstory.

Both players are aware, the player for Motan isn't particularly happy with it. The other one doesn't really understand what the deal is, and also said he's supposed to just be an archer type character built for the duo. Oh yeah the other player for the duo is actually the player for Motan. He hasn't handed me anything for a backstory yet about that character.

Idk.. like I knew that similar backstory or character personalities were going to probably happen, just didn't expect the only 2 archers in the crew to both be Robin Hood types. Like to the point both of them actually mentioned Robin Hood in their backgrounds when describing their personalities.