View Full Version : DM Help How does myconid rapport work?

Jay R
2023-11-28, 08:24 PM
I asked this question on the RAW thread, but that allows no discussion, and I’m specifically asking for opinions. I need to make a DM judgment call, and would like some advice on the possibilities.

When myconids use their spores on the party (and the party fails their saving throws), can the members of the party communicate telepathically with each other, or only with the myconids?

The relevant passage is "Myconids do not speak, but these spores enable them to establish telepathic communication with each other and with outsiders. A successful Fortitude saving throw (DC varies; see individual descriptions) negates the effect, but it is harmless. Rapport lasts for 30 to 60 minutes with outsiders, but for 8 hours with other myconids." [Monster Manual II, pp. 154-155]

I can parse the English either way. According to the sentence structure, the myconids have rapport with outsiders, and the myconids have rapport with other myconids. But the meaning of "rapport" is a mutual understanding, which would imply that it's a single group ability, not separate ones.

Is there any FAQ, or example in a published module, that makes it clear?

And regardless of what we think RAW is, how would you rule it during a game?

The specific situation is this. The party will be escorted through the Myconid caverns as long as they agree to be blindfolded. But they have two dogs with them, one of whom is awakened, and so has human intelligence. They can't see, but they can learn a great deal about the realm because of the dogs, who sense far more with scent than with sight -- if they are in direct rapport with their dogs.

And I do not know yet whether the additional information will matter.

How would you rule it?

Thanks for any discussion you offer, even if you widen the discussion beyond this specific question. I learn more from far-ranging discussions.

2023-11-29, 03:19 PM
Considering it is kind of a reference to the root-ish networks of mushrooms, I'd run it as fully broadcasting to everybody connected to the 'net. Meaning all party members can chip in during the conversation with your sovereign, his decrees (such as blindfolding and safe passage, in your case) are immediately transmitted to all members of the colony, and the party can't use the network to have private comms. Though admittedly my players' interactions with the mükoniets was significantly simpler - they just picked up the quest, turned it in and moved on.

2023-11-29, 04:30 PM
In the specific case you're describing, even if the party can do that, it would probably be a very bad idea. The myconids clearly don't want you learning too much about their realm, and they'd be able to listen in on what the dog is saying, so you'd be advertising to them the fact that you're not really completely blinded. They're likely to take that harshly.

You'd be much better off with the dog just telling you what it smells (awakened animals can talk), either right in the moment in a language that (you hope) the myconids don't speak, or afterwards in private.