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2023-12-01, 03:19 PM
Laughing Wounds Style (shamelessly stolen from Exalted 2.5E) is a Sublime Way style developed by worshippers of Loviatar.
The Style's key skill is Intimidate, and the for weapons are whip, spiked chain, rapier, scythe and dagger.
Creatures immune to pain (undead, plants and constructs, mostly) are generally immune to most Strikes of the style.

LevelManoeuvre 1
Type: Boost
Casting Time: Immediate Action
Target: Self
Saving Throw:
Description: Damage invigorates the adept of the style. When taking damage, they can re-ready (or re-grant) a maneuver that was prepared, of a level equal or less than damage/10LevelManoeuvre 1
Type: Strike
Casting Time: Standard Action
Duration: See Text
Saving Throw: Fort Negates
Description: Pain leads to fear - that is the lesson of the laughing wounds.
The attack deals +2d4 damage, and requires a Will DC 11+Cha. If the DC is lost, the victim is shaken until the end of the round.
If the victim is a target of another fear effect in the meantime, or is already shaken, it becomes frightened instead.
If the victim is already frightened it does not become panicked, but the duration of the effect becomes 1 minute.LevelManeuver 2
Type: Strike
Casting Time: Standard Action
Comments: Su, Mind-Affecting
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Description: Punishment makes the weak remember their place. When making an attack, the attacker inflicts maximum pain and fear.
If attack is successful, the target must make a Will Saving throw equal to 13+Cha, or be affected as per Command spellLevelManeuver 2
Type: Strike
Casting Time: Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Description: As part of this manoeuvre, make a single melee attack. If this attack hits, you deal normal melee damage and the target must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 12 + Cha modifier) or take 2 points of Strentgh damage. A successful save negates the Constitution damage but not the normal melee damage.LevelManeuver 2
Type: Counter
Casting Time: Immediate Action
Saving Throw:
Description: Fear is the adepts best ally. When attacked by someone on whom they infliced damage in the past scene, the adept may use this counter and substiute their Intimidate roll for of AC. LevelManoeuvre 2
Type: Strike
Casting Time: Standard Action
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw:
Description: The attack deals +2d6 damage. In addition, until the end of your next turn, the spellcasters have to make a Concentration check to overcome the distraction of the agonizing pain, with DC = 10+damage dealtLevelManoeuvre 3
Type: Strike
Casting Time: Standard Action
Saving Throw:
Description: Deal extra 5d6 damageLevelManoeuvre 3
Type: Boost
Casting Time: Swift Action
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw:
Description: The adept turns his weapon on himself, ripping chunks of his own flesh in demonstration of their cruelty and instil terror into his opponents.
He makes an attack against himself (he may treat his own AC is he were stunned), and gains a +1 to attack and +2 to Intimidate checks per every 5 points of damage he receives, until the end of the next turn.LevelManoeuvre 3
Type: Counters
Casting Time: Immediate Action
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw:
Description: Adept knows pain. He revels in it, takes strength from his wounds, and even the most grievous damage cannot stop them.
After receiving damage, the adept receives temporary hit points equal to the amount of damage they received. The temporary hit points last for three roundsLevelManoeuvre 4
Type: Strike
Casting Time: Standard Action
Duration: see text
Saving Throw: Will negates
Description: ""The attack shows the victim it's place - on her knees at the adepts feet. The attack deals 4d6 more damage, and requires a Willl save against 15+Cha. Successful saving throw halves the extra damage and negates the extra effect
The failure on the save causes the victim to fall on their knees, becoming effectively prone and unable to move from her spot, until the adept leaves her sight.
If the combat around is still ongoing, or there is some other danger to the victim, they can make another saving throw, once per round. Making this saving throw does not undo the extra damage from the strikeLevelManoeuvre 4
Type: Strike
Casting Time: Standard Action
Duration: See text
Saving Throw:
Description: Adept makes an attack intended to inflict pain, not damage. The attack deals non-lethal damage.
While the non-lethal damage is in place, the character receives -2 penalty on attacks, saving throws, skill checks. They however receive +2 Strength scoreLevelManeuver 5
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 full round
Duration: 1 day/level or until removed, see text
Comments: Su, Mind Affecting
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Description: The memory of bitter defeat and terrifying pain stays with the victim.
This strike deals damage as usual. If the attack reduces the victim to negative hit -points, the attack makes a magic brand on victim's body.
The brand serves forces the victim to obey the adept. Whenever the victim would try to disobey a direct order of the adept or try to attack them, they have to make a will save of 14+Cha, If they fail, they are unable to attack the adept for the next hour, and have to follow the order as given.
The brand cannot make them do something they would not normally do under any circumstances, such as harm themselves, betray their closest friends.
A successful attack performed by the victim on the adept ends the effect, otherwise it lasts 1day/level. It may be removed as geas/quest spell would be"" LevelManoeuvre 5
Type: Strike
Casting Time:
Duration: see text
Saving Throw:
Description: The adept makes a deep, penetrating strike that seems to do nothing -- until suddenly the victim keels over, dead. Or very hurt, at least.
The adept makes an attack as usual, but on successful hit he deals no damage. Any time within next 3 rounds, he may, as a free action, trigger the damage, dealing his normal attack damage +2d6 +2d6 per round of delayLevelManoeuvre 6
Type: Boost
Casting Time: Standard Action
Saving Throw:
Description: Warning of dire consequences of disobedience and cowardice, the adept prevents desertion and rebellion. He makes an Intimidate check, which is compared to saving throws of any [Mind Affecting] or [Fear] effects that affect his allies. If he wins, the effects are terminated, the same way they would if the original saving throw was successfulLevelManeuver 6
Type: Strike
Casting Time: Standard Action
Target: Living Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw:
Description: The attack deals 3d6 extra damage. The adept gains that much in temp hp.LevelManoeuvre 7
Type: Strike
Casting Time: Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Half
Description: A devastating attack that entraps the victim. The only way to evade it is to meet it head on. If the enemy fails to make the Will save of 17+CHA, they flinch and their cowardice results in 12d6 extra damage. Successful save allows them to stay their ground, halving the extra damageLevelManoeuvre 8
Type: Strike
Casting Time: standard Action
Saving Throw: Fort Negates
Description: ""The attack strikes at the nerve centres, raking the flesh and delivering intolerable agonizing pain.
The victim must make a Fort DC 18+CHA saving throw or die. The victim who survives receives extra 6d6 damage, and is dazed for 1d4 rounds LevelManoeuvre 9
Type: strike
Casting Time: Full round action
Duration: see text
Saving Throw: Will or Fortitude, See text
Description: Shaping her lips into a kiss, the martial artist leans forward and strokes her foe’s chest. Then, with a grinning snarl, she plunges her hand through his ribs and rips out his heart.
If the attack hits, it deals damage as normal, and in addition the adept has the following choices:
1. Do nothing. Then the terrible wound closes as the adept withdraws their hand, leaving only a scar in a shape of adepts personal sigil. The feeling of the adept holding their heart remains with the victim, though, giving them a permanent -3 profane malus on any social interactions or will saves against the adept.
2. Crush the heart. The target must make a Fortitude saving throw with DC 19+Cha, or instantly die. If they do not die, they receive 16d6 damage.
3. Rip the heart out of the target's chest. As long as the adept holds the heart, which requires the full use of their hand, it continues to beat, and the victim continues to live, but it is now under full control of the caster. The caster may give her any command as a mental swift action, and the victim cannot disobey.
If the command given is completely against the victim's nature, it is entitled to a single Will save (19+cha). If it wins, it may choose to die, rather than obey.
At any time while still holding the hand the adept may either put the heart back (as in option 1) or crush/discard it (as in option 2)""

LevelStance 1
Type: Stance
Casting Time: Swift Action
Duration: Stance
Saving Throw:
Description: Pain and wounds cannot stop the adept of the Laughing wounds - he revels in the ruination of his body. He does not become staggered or dying at 0 and negative hit points, and does not die until he reaches -(10+Initiator level) hitpoints. He still needs to roll to stabilise, otherwise every round he loses 1hp.
While at negative hit points he gains +2 StrengthLevelStance 1
Type: Stance
Casting Time: Swift Action
Duration: Stance
Comments: a.k.a. ""choke me harder, daddy""
Saving Throw:
Description: Creatures caught in the LWS adept's net are caught in the anticipation of exquisite pain and fear of the inevitable punishment.
When in grapple, the adepts opponent receives a penalty = 4 + adepts Charisma (minimum 1) on all rolls to escape grapple or break a pin.
They may attack or do any other actions within the grapple as normalLevelStance 3
Type: Stance
Casting Time: Swift Action
Duration: Stance
Saving Throw:
Description: Pain is joyous, suffering - ecstatic. Even as the blood runs down his body, and his flesh is split apart, the adept of LWS only revels in the ruination of his flesh.
For every successful enemy attack that deals damage to the adept he gains +1 to attack rolls until the end of his next turn.
Any healing received resets the number back to 0LevelStance 5
Type: Stance
Casting Time: Swift Action
Duration: Stance
Saving Throw:
Description: The adept abandons all pretences of defence -- he seeks the opponent's weapons and embraces his attacks. He does not add his Dexterity bonus to the AC and is considered flat-footed for the purposes of Sneak Attacks and calculating AC. He still retains the ability to do AoOs.
However, abandoning defence allows him to concentrate on offence. Any attack against the adept provokes Attacks of OpportunityLevelStance 8
Type: Stance
Casting Time: Swift Action
Duration: Stance
Saving Throw:
Description: The adept considers base biology inconsequential. While in this stance he gains most of the traits of the undead -
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects.
Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
Not at risk of death from massive damage.
Gains DR = Initiator Level/Slashing

He does not get any drawbacks of being undead, though. He is still healed by the positive AND negative energy, he still has Constitution score and extra HP it provides, and he is not destroyed upon reaching 0 hp, and he does not get extra damage from spells like Searing Light. He cannot be turned or controlled, and his type is considered humanoid, not undead.
I have mostly eyeballed the levels and numbers, so welcome any balance/wording suggestions.

2023-12-01, 09:22 PM
The second is a half-style that builds up on the ideas of Tiger Claw, Iron Heart and Stone Dragon, making a sort of meta-style.
It's really poorly balanced, and I would really appreciate a look at balancing it.

Three Heads of the Chimera Style.
Key Skill: Martial Lore //though it doesn't really use it.
Form weapons: N/A
This is an advanced style made for (mostly Warblade) practitioners of the three "base" styles. It therefore does not have basic level 1-4 Manoeuvres.
It's not native to any class, and requires a feat to pick up Strikes and Stances of this Style (see below).

LevelManoeuvre 5
Type: Boost
Casting Time: immediate action
Saving Throw:
Description: An adept of the style always keeps his option open -- even as the heads attack, the tail is held back.
By using this maneuver he may make a single attack as an immediate action.LevelManeuver 5
Type: Boost
Casting Time: swift action
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw:
Description: The adept tailors his defence to the attack, choosing between the speed of Tiger Claw, endurance of Stone Dragon or the steely stoicism of Iron Heart. as his defence
Until the end of the turn, he may gain Mettle, Evasion or temporary hit points equal to his Initiator levelLevelManeuver 6
Type: Strike
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Description: Deep knowledge of the styles makes the student of the Three Heads of Chimera Style extremely adaptable.
This strike may imitate any known strike from the base schools of 3rd level or lowerLevelManeuver 6
Type: counter
Casting Time: immediate action
Saving Throw:
Description: When attacked, the adept uses three styles of defence - at the same time. When initiating this counter, he may roll Jump check in place of his AC. This check is modified as usuall by the lack of jumping start, and all other applicable modifiers. If the adept check is greater than the attack roll, the attack misses. If it is less than attack roll, the attack succeeds, but the adept gains DR 10/adamantine against it. And if the check is exactly equal to the attack roll, then the attack succeeds in full, but provokes an AoO from the adept LevelManeuver 7
Type: strike
Casting Time: 1 full round
Saving Throw:
Description: As a full attack, the adept releases two strikes, each at his highest attack bonus -2. For each attack he may apply the benefits of any 6th level or lower strike from the base schools with casting time of 1 standard action.
Those maneuvers need to be readied and are expended as normalLevelManeuver 8
Type: strike
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw:
Description: The adept jumps an impossibly long distance (as if he had a running start), and then makes a single attack that combines the virtues of his three base schools
If the Jump check is greater than the opponent AC, the swift jump leaves the opponent flat-footed. Regardless of the check, the concentrated power of the attack ignores the armor and shield bonus AC. If it hits, the attack deals additional 10d6 damage, and if the attack roll is greater than opponents flat-footed AC, and the opponent is wearing an armor, it receives the same amount of damage, potentially sundering itLevelManeuver 9
Type: strike
Casting Time: 1 full round
Saving Throw:
Description: As a full attack, the adept releases three strikes, each at his highest attack bonus -2. For each attack he may apply the benefits of any 7th level or lower strike from the base schools with casting time of 1 standard action.
Those maneuvers need to be readied and are expended as normalLevelStance 5
Type: Stance
Casting Time: Swift Action
Duration: Stance
Saving Throw:
Description: For an adept weapon is but a metaphor of a deeper truth. When he makes an unarmed attack, he may have it take statistics of any non-reach weapon of the base styles. His attacks are considered a +2 adamantine, Keen (Impact if it's bashing) version of the weapon. Changing the type of weapon his strikes emulate is a swift action, as he readjusts his stance and internal energiesLevelStance 8
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Description: In lieu of making a regular full attack, the adept may choose to attack thrice, each time with their full attack bonus
If, during the round he uses that option, he is also using a boost from a base school, he may add +4 to attack (if the boost is from Iron Heart), +2d6 to damage (if boost is from Tiger Claw) or bypass the DR and Hardness of the opponent (if the boost is from Stone Dragon)

And a feat:
Leashing Three Beasts [Esoteric][Tactical]
Prerequisites: Knowledge of a manoeuvre from Iron Heart, Stone Dragon and Tiger Claw schools,BAB +6
1. Waves stop the wind. The swordsman knows the his Manoeuvres, and he knows how to counter. When attacked by a Maneuver from a Tiger Claw, Iron Heart or Stone Dragon school, the swordsman may use the stillness of the Stone Heart to stop the savagery of Tiger Claw, the agility and instinct of Tiger Claw to evade the straightforward attacks of Iron Heart, and the perfect balance and speed of Iron Heart to avoid the power of Stone Heart.
Expending the manoeuvre as an immediate action, that can be taken after the attack is rolled, but before the defence is rolled, he dampens the effects of the opposing schools manoeuvre. All variable parts of the effects are set to 1 per die. (That is a manoeuvre that would deal 12d6 damage deals 12 damage instead).DCs of saving throws and non-variable parts of the effect are not affected.
2. Winds douses the Waves: The swordsman knows the core of the Sublime Way, from which the power of the Manoeuvres lies. When a foe within his threat range is regaining manoeuvres, if any of manoeuvres so regained belong of his schools, that provokes an AoO from the Adept of Three Beasts. If the attack is successful and deals damage, the opponent must make a Fort save with DC equal to 15+damage dealt. On failure, his attempt to regain manoeuvres is interrupted, and he does not get his manoeuvres ready
3. Waves and Wind Are One: The fighter achieved a deeper underlying principle of all the base schools. He applies the benefit of his [Fighter Bonus Feats] and Discipline Focus class features to all the form weapons of the Tiger Claw, Stone Dragon and Iron Heart schools, as long as other prerequisites are fulfilled (e.g. can't apply Finesse to Heavy Mace)
Finally this is an [Esoteric] feat of the Three Heads of the Chimera Style, You may, therefore take a Manoeuvres and stances of that school whenever you gain one from your class progressions.

2023-12-03, 05:24 AM
Silver Orchid Style

A style concentrated on Alchemy, plants and poisons.
Key Skill: Craft(alchemy)
Weapons: Dagger, club, greatclub, quarterstaff, spear, sai, siangham

LevelManoeuvre 1
Type: Strike
Casting Time:
Comments: This strike requires adept to weild a wooden weapon, such as quarterstaff or club, coated with poison.
Saving Throw: See text
Description: The martial artist understands the movement of energies and internal fluids in the poison-producing plants, and forces the weapon he weilds to reproduce it.
He makes an attack as usual, and if he deals damage, the victim is subjected to whatever poison or ravage is coating his weapon. The DC save for the poison is increased by the users Wisdom modifier, and any Injury, Contact or Injestion poison may be used that way.LevelManoeuvre 1
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Comments: Is it a strike, a booster or a counter?
Saving Throw:
Description: The martial artist lures his opponent into his trap, much like carnivorous plants lures a fly. The martial artist's actions provoke an AoO from a chosen opponent. If the opponent attacks and misses, then the martial artist springs his real attack, making an attack as if the opponent was flat-footed.LevelManoeuvre 2
Type: Counter
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Saving Throw:
Description: When adept is poisoned he can purge his body of the invading substance. Instead of making a saving throw against the poison, he can use this Manoeuvre, to expell the poison. The process is obvious, and violent, as the poison escapes via vomiting or with blood streaming from the adept's pores, eyes and nosebleed, which leaves the adept dazed for 1 roundLevelManoeuvre 2
Type: Boost
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Saving Throw:
Description: When an opponent makes a five-foot step away from the adept, he may use this Manoeuvre to follow them with a five-foot step of their own. That movement does not provoke an attack of opportunitiesLevelManoeuvre 3
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 full round
Saving Throw:
Description: As part of the full attack action, the adept must strike the victim with two weapons, each coated with a different poison. The intermix makes both poisons stronger. The DCs for the poisons is increased by adepts Wis modifier, and should the victim lose either saving throw she is subject to both, for primary and for secondary damage. LevelManoeuvre 3
Type: Counter
Casting Time: Immediate action
Duration: 1 full round
Saving Throw:
Description: The fibers of the adept's muscles are strengthened and compacted through excercise, meditation, and alchemical substances imbibed during the traingin. When needed, he can use that to make them almost plant-like, hard and unyielding. This maneouvre can be activated after an attack against the adept has been rolled, but before the crit is confirmed (or just as any immediate action). The adept becomes immune to critical hits until the beginning of their next turnLevelManoeuvre 4
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw: Fort Save 14+Wis
Description: Attacking specific pressure-points, the adept causes the inner workings of the opponent's body to go haywire. The opponent becomes fatigued. If they already were fatigued, they become exhaustedLevelManoeuvre 4
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw:
Description: An attack makes the victim's blood run faster,which the spread of the poison all the quicker. When attacking the poisoned victim with poison still in her system, on successful hit an attack deals 2d6 extra damage and immediately provokes the secondary damage.LevelManoeuvre 5
Type: Boost
Casting Time: 1 minute
Saving Throw:
Description: The adept metabolizes a poison in her own body, before extracting it with a small measure of his blood. By making a Craft (alchemy) roll at the appropriate DC +5 he may create one dose of any organic poison of his choice. and then he makes a small 1hp cut on his body, releasing it with the blood in order to use it later. The process is not perfect -- for one, the poison only keeps it properties for 1 hour, and for another it is not possible to extract the poison perfectly, therefore the artists is also subjected to the effects of the poiosn himself.
LevelManoeuvre 5
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: see text
Saving Throw:
Description: The attack, combines letting out the poisoned blood and affecting speicific parts of victim's body forces the internal protective mechanisms into overdrive. The attack on victiim (or, sometimes used without an opposing throw on a willing patient), with potion in their system causes damage as usual, and immediately neutralises the potion. However, this leaves the victim nauseated for the next minute.LevelManoeuvre 6
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Target: 30 ft cone
Saving Throw: Fort Save 19+Wis
Description: The martial artist has mastered a technique of internal alchemy producing a poison wihtin his body that he can exhale in a cone of foul-smelling smoke. Everyone in an area is subject to a 2d4 Con/2d4 Con poison, with DC 16+WisLevelManoeuvre 6
Type: Boost
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Description: Next attack on an enemy with poison in their system (not yet rolling the save for the secondary damage) draws some of the poisonous essence out. While it does nothing to relieve the victim's suffering, it re-coats the weapon in the same venom, allowing it to be applied to whoever is stricken nextLevelManoeuvre 7
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw:
Description: Attack on a victim that is denied her dexterity bonus doubles sneak attack dice, doubles the effect of the poison (if any is applied) and increases the poison DC by Wis modifierLevelManoeuvre 8
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: See Text
Saving Throw:
Description: The martial artist subtly alters the poison such that it poisons both the mind and the body of the subject at the same time. The attack is made normally, with a poisoned weapon. If the attack is successful and the subject fails her saving throw, she experiences the effects of a Solipsism spell in addition to the poison's normal effect. The effects last while the poison is in her system -- that is until the secondary damage is dealt. In addition the subject considers things that happened in the ten-minute interval before the poisoning as a part of her dream, only recalling vague, and often metaphoric idea of what transpired in that time.LevelManoeuvre 9
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw: Fort Save 19+Wis
Description: The attack subjects the target to the Silver Orchid poioson, metabolized through character's internal alchemy. The attack must be made with a wooden melee weapon, with unarmed strike or natural weapon. The effects of Silver Orchid Extract is Death/Death, with DC = 19+Wis
Many opponents of this style have seemingly fended the Poison Orchid practicioner away, only to keel over not a minute later -- dead

LevelStance 1
Type: Stance
Casting Time:
Target: Stance
Saving Throw:
Description: The martial artist understands the intricate balance of wooden fibres that determine the hardness and suppleness of a plant, and which direction a piece of wood may bend and which it would never break. He can use this knowledge with deadly result: Any piece of wood can be used as a masterwork heavy wooden shield, dagger, club, greatclub or spear, depending on the size.
Especially inappropriate pieces of wood (tiny branches or old and dry logs) may, at DMs discretion, break on a roll of Natural 1LevelStance 1
Type: Stance
Casting Time:
Target: Stance
Saving Throw:
Description: Whenever you successfully hit an opponent with a melee attack you decrease his natural armor bonus by 1 until the end of your next turnLevelStance 3
Type: Stance
Casting Time:
Target: Stance
Saving Throw:
Description: The martial artist can control the flow of internal energy and viscera such that they may temporarily suspend her own life. While in this 'meditative stance, the martial artist is dead for all intents and purposes, until she chooses to interrupt it. She is immune to critical damage, death effects, poisons (which are delayed as per delay person), staggered condition, and any spells that target living creature. She cannot be brought from this condition via spells that bring back the dead or raised as an undead, and she still suffers damage normally.
Once this stance is interrupted, the martial artist is fatiguedLevelStance 5
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Description: Any opponent striking the martial artist with a non-reach melee weapon or natural weapon, is subject to a 1d4 Con/1d4 Con poison, with DC of 15+Wis.
Regardless of the saving throw, no opponent can be subjected to the same poison more than once within the same dayLevelStance 8
Type: Stance
Casting Time:
Target: Stance
Duration: Stance and see text
Saving Throw:
Description: Everything is cure, and everything is poison - it is merely a question of the right attitude and technique. While in this stance the usual effect of any poisons on the adept is suppressed as if by Delay Poison effect. In addition, if he is poisoned, he takes the primary effect of the poison as an enhancement bonus, up to a maximum of +8, with each bonus lasting for 1 hour. That is a poison that deals 1d4 Str/1d4 Str damage would instead give a 1d4 bonus to Strength

Esoteric Feat
Touch of Silver Orchid [Esoteric]
Prerequisites: Poison Use, living creature
As a part of his martial arts training the character has studied and injected a variety of poisonous substances, including the rare poison of the Silver Orchid. His body is eprmanently more resistant to poisons, granting him +4 to saves against poison, and +2 to Craft(alchemy) and Knowledge(nature) checks to identify or make poisons.
In addition, whenever he learns a manoeuvre or stance, he may choose them from the Poison Orchid Style.

2023-12-04, 08:43 PM
A small dojo of the Polite Conversation Society.
Form Weapons: Sai, dagger, fan, needle, improvised weapons
Key Skill is Bluff

LevelManoeuvre 1
Type: Counter
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Saving Throw:
Description: When activated in the surprise round, this allows the adept to draw their weapon as part of the manoeuvre. Moreover they gain +5 on their initiative checkLevelManoeuvre 1
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw:
Description: The adept knows when the attack is too conspicuous -- or too clumsy -- to succeed, and knows how to stop it before it fails. When executing this strike, the attack is rolled as normal. However, after rolling attack roll, the player may cancel the attack, in which case it is as if it never happened, leaving bystanders none the wiser. On success, he may apply his precision damage (such as sneak attack) if other conditions apply (e.g the target has been denied their Dexterity bonus) .LevelManoeuvre 2
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: Fort 12+Cha
Description: Interrupting someone would be very rude, so the adept helps her interlocutor to avoid this truly terrible habit, by delivering a sharp, precise attack to her throat.
If the attack is succeeded, the victim who fails the saving throw is rendered unable to speak for the durationLevelManoeuvre 2
Type: Boost
Casting Time: free action
Saving Throw:
Description: This manoeuvre is used as a part of a coup de grace attempt. Any damage (including precision damage) for the coup de grace is doubled.
Moreover the damage so dealt is inconspicuous -- the victim barely bleeds, and makes no sound, maintaining a peaceful, life-like posture even in death. Until physically disturbed, it takes a DC 15 Spot check to realise they are deadLevelManoeuvre 3
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 full round action
Saving Throw:
Description: When meeting an old friend or a new acquaintance, it's impolite to make them wait.
As part of this manoeuvre, you make a charge. The movement does not provoke the attack of opportunity, and on successful attack it deals extra 4d6 damage.LevelManoeuvre 3
Type: Counter`
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw:
Description: The adept is rife with helpful advice about his opponent's appearance, technique and manners.
If the attack against the adept fails, he may use this manoeuvre. The opponent is then flat-footed until the end of adept's next turnLevelManoeuvre 5
Type: Counter
Casting Time: 1 immediate attack
Target: One living creature capable of understanding the adept
Saving Throw:
Description: A true socialite never hogs all the attention -- she shares it generously.
When attacked, the adept may use her Bluff check instead of her AC. IF the attack fails, it may be redirected to any other target within the original attack's rangeLevelManoeuvre 4
Type: Boost
Casting Time: 1 free action
Saving Throw:
Description: Long and awkward goodbyes are uncouth. When an adept leaves, she does so without haste, and in style, yet without giving her host a reason to keep her back.
This maneuver is done as a part of a withdrawal action. During withdrawal, the adept is not provoking attack of opportunity for moving at all, not just for the starting squareLevelManoeuvre 5
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous, see text
Saving Throw: Fort 15+Cha
Description: The attack is rolled normally, and in addition to dealing normal damage it poisons a victim with a 1d10 Con/1d10 Con poison. The adept may delay poison by as much as (her Initiator level) days. The period is set when the strike is executed, and may not be changed later.
During that time, the victim (damage notwithstanding) feels fine, and only a very careful examination, using a Heal skill at the same DC as the saving throw would revel her as being poisonedLevelManoeuvre 4
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Target: One living creature
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: Fort 15+Cha
Description: Sometimes neither words, nor actions are needed. It is only the quiet closeness of two beings that truly brings them together.
The attack paralyses the victimLevelManoeuvre 6
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw: Will 16+Cha
Description: Sometimes even most adept socialite makes a mistake -- doesn't everyone? But a truly adept person knows how to fix a her misstep.
This attack is rolled as normal. If it hits it deals nonlethal damage +10d6 nonlethal damage. In addition, the opponent forgets all the details about the attacker that would allow them to identify who may have assaulted them, or the specific methods (weapons, magic, manoeuvres etc) she employed. Successful saving throw allows the victim to keep her memories and halves the extra damageLevelManoeuvre 6
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw:
Description: A polite conversationist knows how to ease even the most hostile of interlocutors, pacifying their aggression and lulling them into a sense of comfort
As Disarm, except the weapon is not treated as light, and adept adds her Initiator level to check. If successful, gain full attack, attacking at highest attack bonus against flat-footed opponentLevelManoeuvre 7
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 full round
Saving Throw: Will 17+Cha
Description: The adept is nowhere near her target when she attacked -- or so everyone would swear.
The adept moves through the field, delivering full attack to one or multiple opponents. Before each attack she may teleport up to 30 ft, but no more than 30 ft from her original location. At the end of the maneuver she teleports back where she started.
Those that fail the saving throw, however, barely see her move -- they would in fact swear that she was standing there all that time, and never even came close to the victim. Even those attacked themselves can be so confused if they fail their saving throws, which renders them flat-footed against the adept's attacksLevelManoeuvre 8
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous, see text
Saving Throw: Fort 18+Cha
Description: The attack is rolled normally, and in addition to dealing normal damage it poison, that activates the next time she goes to sleep. The poison's effects are paralysis (10 minutes)/death. In the period between paralysis setting in and the death, the victim is said to be in an unspeacable agony. Even if the second saving throw is made, the victim still suffers 10d6 damage.
During the time before the poison activates, the victim (damage notwithstanding) feels fine, and only a very careful examination, using a Heal skill at the same DC as the saving throw would revel her as being poisoned
If the victim would die as a result of this manoeuvre, it appears as if her heart simply stoppedLevelManoeuvre 9
Type: Strike
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw:
Description: Even when parted, the warm relationships remain.
The strike attacks and deals 10d6 extra damage. If it kills the victim, the victim is propped up by the adept's energy embedded into her body. She has 1 hp (and can be healed up to maxiumum of half her original hp), and is controlled by the adept as if using a Dominate Monster Spell, except without being able to resist. When the duration expires, she dies.

LevelStance 1
Type: Stance
Casting Time: Stance
Duration: Stance
Saving Throw:
Description: The gentlest of touches can kill.
In this stance, the adept can make a touch attack instead of a normal attack action, full attack, maneuver etc.
If he so does, he foregoes the damage from the weapon, any precision damage (sneak attack/sudden strike), power attack (and equivalent) damage and bonus damage from strength. However it is counted as an attack for the purpose of any effects that require an attack roll.
If the victim is flat-footed, then nobody is even aware that the attack took place unless they have been observing the adept, and win an opposed Spot vs Bluff rollLevelStance 1
Type: Stance
Casting Time: Stance
Duration: Stance
Saving Throw:
Description: Appearances matter, and even combat is no reason to be untidy. Even as she weaves through the combat, the adept ensures that her hair is un-mussed, her attire perfectly clean and undamaged and her manicure remains as perfect as it was before the combat.
She adds +4 to any opposing rolls or saving throws on effects that target her equipment or clothing (such as Sunder, Shatter, etc). Moreover, as long as the adept has not received any damage while not in this stance, it is impossible to identify him as having been in combat at all -- no cursory examination reveals any signs of fighting, and any Spot or Sense Motive roll that would establish her as having been in a fight is done at -5 circumstance penaltyLevelStance 3
Type: Stance
Casting Time: Stance
Duration: Stance
Saving Throw:
Description: Even in the heat of the battle the adept is unperturbed, moving with calm, friendly demeanour and maintaining a civil conversation. This is vastly disconcerting to his oppnents, who are usually confused by the juxtaposition.
While in this stance the adept may Feint using a swift action. In addition, if he has 5 or more ranks in Diplomacy, she adds +2 dodge bonus to her AC against any one opponent with whom she engages in the conversation (the opponent must be able to hear and understand the adept).LevelStance 5
Type: Stance
Casting Time: Stance
Duration: Stance
Saving Throw:
Description: The conversation and the exchange of blows performed by an adepts is akin to art, it entraps and captivates.
When an attack hits an opponent they are flat-footed until the end of adept's turnLevelStance 8
Type: Stance
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Description: When adept engages in conversations, all would watch and listen, and none would interrupt.
The adept fascinates all those who can see her. It's a Su [Mind-Affecting] Effect, that lasts up to 1 minute after the adept has left their sight.The effect is not interrupted by anything the adept does, no matter how threatening, unless and until she deals damage to the target -- and even then, others will continue to act as if they're observing a normal, albeit scintillating conversation.