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View Full Version : Alpha Centauri + D&D 3.5?

2007-12-11, 07:58 PM
I'm a total newbie to both games, but do any of you think it'll be possible to merge 3.5 and Alpha Centauri into one fun RPG? I think I've seen another rpg version of AC somewhere else, but it's a completely new system that I don't really feel like learning...

So...yeah. Any thoughts?

2007-12-11, 08:05 PM
I could see maybe converting DnD 3.5 enough to run a campaign set in the Alpha Centauri universe, but using it for an RPG version of the actual 4X video game would be damn well near impossible at best.

Azerian Kelimon
2007-12-11, 08:06 PM
Not really. AC is a wargame, at it's core. That said, using an RP system to play a narrative immersive version of it would be damn cool. Power to Sparta!

2007-12-11, 08:20 PM
Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of, "adventurers in the AC universe", basically a campaign setting in AC.

2007-12-11, 08:40 PM
Probably. You'd be better off using the generalized d20 rules and the d20 Modern and d20 Future settings to provide background. D&D contains a lot of stuff that simply doesn't belong on Chiron (like wizards casting spells), and it doesn't do a good job of treating a lot of stuff that does belong on Chiron (like guns and airplanes).

The d20 rule system (what you might think of as the basic rule 'engine' at the heart of D&D) can be adapted to other settings, and books have been published describing these adapted rule sets.

2007-12-11, 09:04 PM
Probably. You'd be better off using the generalized d20 rules and the d20 Modern and d20 Future settings to provide background. D&D contains a lot of stuff that simply doesn't belong on Chiron (like wizards casting spells), and it doesn't do a good job of treating a lot of stuff that does belong on Chiron (like guns and airplanes).

The d20 rule system (what you might think of as the basic rule 'engine' at the heart of D&D) can be adapted to other settings, and books have been published describing these adapted rule sets.

But I don't wanna learn d20 rules! :smallfrown:

2007-12-11, 09:09 PM
I'm pretty sure somewhere I've seen a book for just that thing, though it used GURPS, instead of d20. Ah, here (http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/books/alphacentauri/) it is. Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but could be useful.

2007-12-11, 09:09 PM
But I don't wanna learn d20 rules! :smallfrown: Well, it's basically the exact same thing as D&D with marginally different classes, feats, equipment and the like.

There's even an SRD (http://ca.geocities.com/spike_fightwicky/d20modernsrd/srdhome.html) (Future rules included, surprisingly enough.) There's a slightly better hyperlinked SRD out there too, but it doesn't have the Future stuff.

2007-12-12, 09:39 AM
I'm a total newbie to both games, but do any of you think it'll be possible to merge 3.5 and Alpha Centauri into one fun RPG? I think I've seen another rpg version of AC somewhere else, but it's a completely new system that I don't really feel like learning...

So...yeah. Any thoughts?
I have the GURPS book Alpha Centauri, which is clearly a sci-fi setting (without a single map!). I don't see it merging that well with D&D which is its own fantasy genre. If you are a newbie to 3.5 what makes you want play in the A.C. universe with 3.5? I would rather choose another game system, probably True20 or Savage World that should prove much easier to learn and can be used for most genres, from fantasy to sci-fi. Especially Savage World which is most easy to learn, and cost only 10$ the rulebook. For True20, depending on the supplements you would buy or not, it will cst you a deal more. Now if it has to be definitely 3.5, I recommend to also get Bulldogs! (http://www.galileogames.com/bulldogs/index.html) as a sci-fi supplement 100% compatible with 3.5. I would also use psionics rather than magic in this setting.