View Full Version : Sci-Fi Cyberpunk 2020 - Special skills - How and when to use some of them

2023-12-09, 01:32 PM
I am starting my hand at running Cyberpunk 2020, and most of the skills I have got down, all except some of the special skills. I have 2 media PC's in the game, and the one of them are asking how to use this, I am not a 100% sure.

Is it just added to some skills as a bonus to the roll, eg: Credibility
So if the player wanted to use persuasion to try and get an NPC to do something, would he just roll a credibility skill, so to be believable, or would it be - Persuade + Credibility + Int + 1d10?

Please can someone help, and it would also be the same as Streetdeal, Authority, Family & Resources. Would they be used in similar situations?


2023-12-10, 05:03 PM
Special abilities work like any other skill. The description tells you what they can be used for and gives examples of what the character might typically know or achieve at certain levels of skill, but to make it work you still have to roll 1D10+Special Ability+relevant stat. If you beat whatever Difficulty the Referee sets (or win an opposed roll), you achieve what you were trying to do.

Special abilities tend to be either highly specialized or have broad applications. For instance, you can't be a netrunner without Interface and its sole use is in netrunning. Authority, meanwhile, allows the cop to question suspects, arrest wrongdoers, and defend innocents. They can arrest, detain, confiscate and enter nearly anywhere, as long as they have the proper paperwork.

As a Referee, I would allow a player to use Authority instead of Interrogation or Intimidation when acting in his capactity as an officer of the law. Similarly, I would allow them to use it to arrest someone on the spot, confiscate stuff, or walk into a corp facility, as long as they identify themselves as a cop and they can back up their actions with proper paperwork (or what looks like it). The skill check will tell you how well they succeeded.