View Full Version : Heroes of Bastion OOC

2023-12-13, 02:16 PM
Feel free to post sheets here, or at least reserve a post; preferably everyone should have one post here before any actual discussion-ing happens.

Handy Links:
Houserules (https://trulyuniqueweb.com/games/mnmtemp)
Descriptor Rules (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Eq4_ZTfahhXJUroRVqu6y-eO3yeKrj9LnYZfA4GdCXo/edit#heading=h.62mfm3mhs7wy)

Superpowers have been around and publicly acknowledged for a bit over a century. Superheroes and supervillains, however, only really came to prominence a couple dozen years ago with Solarius and Overlord, an incredibly powerful superhero and supervillain respectively. Thanks to them, heroes and villains both kinda got organised. For the first ten years or so, despite Overlord's power, things were actually kinda chill - at least by the standards of superpower-boosted bank robberies and so on. Then, for some reason, Overlord started seriously trying to hurt/kill Solarius, which for the most part he attempted to achieve by putting innocent people in danger to give himself an advantage. In the end, when Overlord created a full fledged doomsday device on Mars that would've caused an extinction level event on Earth, the governments of the world and the heroes' guild - and even a few villains - banded together to make a device that could blast Solarius to Mars. Solarius (a strong proponent of the 'no killing' school of heroics) came back, Overlord didn't, and as far as anyone knows, Solarius has never told anyone the full story of what happened, not even his own daughter (herself a superhero). That was about 5 years ago.

You are in the city of Bastion, named after and built around the Mars cannon, which itself has now become the headquarters of the Heroes' Guild. Despite it being the headquarters of the Guild, Bastion doesn't actually have a greater heroic presence than any other city, predominantly because the Guild was around for years before the cannon was built, never mind it being converted into a useful building rather than just a really big cannon. The bureaucratic bigwigs of the Guild do work in the HQ, but for the most part it is no more important a Guild building than any of their other facilities - other than for the politics and showiness of it all, of course.

All this boils down to - barring occasional visits from random Heroes - the (insert number here) of you being the primary Heroes of the city and its nearby surroundings.

Miscellaneous Setting Notes:
It's a publicly accepted, if unproven, fact of life that weird and often superpower-related events happen more to certain people (who are, more often than not, superheroes and supervillains themselves). Often referred to as the 'S-Factor,' which refers to either 'Super' or 'Strange' depending on who you ask.
Aliens do exist (some live openly on Earth) and there's an interstellar community out there, but they're not making formal contact until humanity as a whole is capable of space travel, not just a few super-geniuses.
Not all heroes use secret identities. It used to be the case that there was a kind of unwritten code of conduct that villains wouldn't strike out against the friends and loved ones of heroes (and the reverse is also true), so a couple dozen years ago most heroes had their real identities publicly known and mostly just used the 'secret identity' thing for kinda showiness, but when Overlord declared his crusade against Solarius, he basically threw the rulebook out the window and a lot of villains followed suit. Overlord's defeat in turn convinced a fair number of them to play nice again, but it's still a major enough problem that some heroes do still use secret identities. Properly accredited members of the Heroes' Guild can register for a secret identity that has certain legal protections (although obviously the Guild still know who you are.)
Aside from combat-capable Heroes, there are also members of the Heroes' Guild who are non-combatants. Known as Specialists, they broadly fall into two camps: people who act similarly to combat Heroes for things other than capturing criminals (evacuating civilians, providing medical treatment, fixing damage, etc), and also people who make equipment for active Heroes. Specialists have the same legal protections for their secret identities that combat Heroes do, and there's a larger proportion of Specialists that use secret identities in comparison to Heroes, since they can be targeted by villains rather more easily than combat-capable Heroes can.

IC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?663321-Heroes-of-Bastion-IC)

Akhlys - 158/200, 20 Shield, +2 Res, -5 AoA
Corona - 132/160
Envoy - 98/150
Streamer - 130/160, Regen 5/10, 24 Boost
Wildfang - 130/150
R1 - Combat Uplink, 18 Shield
R2 - Combat Uplink, 20 Shield
R3 - Destroyed!
R4 - Combat Uplink, -30 Stamina
R5 - Combat Uplink, 4 Shield
R6 - Combat Uplink, -72 Stamina
R7 - Force Field, 20 Shield
R8 - Force Field, 40 Shield
R9 - Force Field (full), -30 Stamina
R10 - Destroyed!
R11 - Force Field, -40 Stamina
R12 - Force Field, 40 Shield, -40 Stamina

Map. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hVajWPPOWjWnhYua55IipVV_znkzZksEtzZfRQFlRWM/edit?usp=sharing)

2023-12-13, 02:51 PM
Kelly Albion AKA Streamer


Attack: +10. Effect: +10. Defense: +15. Resistance: +5. Initiative: +15. Stamina: 160.


Deception: +0. Expertise: +15. Insight: +0. Intimidation: +0. Investigation: +10.
Mobility: +15. Perception: +0. Persuasion: +15/+20*. Stealth: +0. Technology: +0.
*Last five ranks Limited to characters subject to her Attractive advantage.

Fields of Expertise: Architecture and Engineering +10, Art +10, Culinary, Current Events, Dance, Journalism, Gaming +10, Geography, Law Enforcement +10, Literature +10, Music, Politics, Popular Culture, Sports, Streetwise +10, Supers, World Culture.


Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, All-out Attack, Attractive 2 (Quirk [Doesn't apply to Deception or attempts to deceive]), Connected, Defensive Attack, Equipment 1 (Modern Smartphone), Evasion 2, Fascinate (Persuasion), Improved Aim, Improved Disrupt, Improved Dissuade, Improved Feint, Inspire Confidence, Interpose, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Skill Mastery 2 (Mobility, Persuasion), Takedown 2, Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge, Well-informed.


Unstoppable: Immunity 40 (Partial Energy, Material, and Physical Delivery), Weakness 40 (Partial Tactical Delivery, Mundane Mystical and Transformative Delivery) {0}.

Streaming: 50-point, 6-slot Dynamic Array {50+15}.

WHOOSH!: Multiple Effects.

Super Speed: Speed 10 (Feature/Quirk [Leaves a rainbow trail behind her that gradually fades away, and may be detectable to super-senses for longer than that; this makes it easy to retrace her path but also easy to track her movements]) [10].

Hasted Action: Quickness 10 [10].

Hyper Speed: Enhanced Speed 5, Enhanced Quickness 5 [10].

Hasted Recovery: Regeneration 10 [10].

Hit and Run: Damage gains Mobile [10].

Speed Attacks: Multiple Effects.

Hasted Strike [Physical] [Bludgeoning or By Weapon]: Damage 10 [10].

Flurry: Damage gains Multiattack [10].

Barrage: Damage gains Brutal [10].

Whirlwind: Damage gains Charged (Shapeable Area) [10].

Rhythm: Damage gains Charged (Repeating) [10].

Speed Stunts: Multiple Effects.

Disorienting Rush [Tactical] [Maneuver]: Affliction 10 (Dazing) [10].

Hummingbird Touch [Material/Energy] [Thunder] [Vibration]: Affliction 10 (Injury) [10].

Fake-Out [Tactical] [Trickery]: Affliction 10 (Vulnerability) [10].

Buildup: Affliction gains Cumulative [10].

Combo: Affliction gains Multiattack [10].

Shape the Rainbow: Multiple Effects.

Rainbow Trail: Movement 6 (Flight, Whisking; Fast, Platform) [6].

Rainbow Weaponry [Physical] [Varies] or [Energy] [Varies]: Elongation 4 (120'; Feature [Whips are made of dismissible energy and not part of her body], Quirk [Whips Only]) [4].

Rainbow Binding [Material] [Ether]: Strength 10 (Precise, Quirk [This doesn't enhance Kelly's own strength, it only applies for purposes of her rainbow energy - so things like her whips or her platform can be this strong, but not her physical body]) [10].

Rainbow Fireworks [Energy] [Light]: Range 6 (500') [6].

Rainbow Parry: Enhanced Traits 8 (+5 RB, +3 Speed; Limited [Only While Interposing]) [4].

Rainbow Constructs: Create 10 [10].

Can't Touch This: Multiple Effects.

Hasted Dodge: Deflect 10 [10].

Run Interference: Deflect gains Charged (Shapeable Area) [10].

Time to React: Deflect gains Charged (Reliable) [10].

Roll With It: Protection 10 (Resilient, Limited [Extras Only]) [10].

Dodge Anything: Protection 10 (Untouchable, Limited [Extras Only]) [10].

Boundless Energy: Multiple Effects.

Super Fun And Excited: Boost 10 (Powerful, Sense-Dependent [Hearing]) [10].

Running Her Mouth: Damage gains Manipulative [10].

Endless Encouragement: Damage gains Supportive [10].

Notorious Quipper [Sensory/Mental] [Negativity]: Affliction 10 (Impairment+Hampering; Extra Condition, Feature [If the quip is especially relevant or unrelated to the target, this power may receive circumstance modifiers], Feature/Quirk [This power is considered in-character as a social action on par with Demoralize rather than an attack, but its effects end upon entering or leaving combat, so it can't be used to rack up penalties when the opponent isn't fighting back in preparation for entering combat, or to use combat time to set up penalties for later social or non-combat actions], Quirk [Language-Dependent], Sense-Dependent [Hearing]) [10].

Hyperactivity: Augmentation 10 [10].


Combat 40 + Skills 20 + Advantages 25 + Powers 65 = 150 PP (PL 10).

A Family Business [Motivation - Doing Good/Responsibility]: Kelly comes from an entire family of established superheroes. The ethics of using one's powers to protect the weak, save the innocent, and improve the world were instilled into her from an early age. She both sincerely believes in the job her family has dedicated their lives to, and feels it is her duty to be part of it as well.

Super Heroes Are Super Fun! [Motivation - Thrills]: ...But beyond that, holy cats are superheroes awesome! They, like, run or fly or teleport or whatever around fighting bad guys and saving cities and wearing cool costumes and the cheering crowds and!!!! Even if her family was totally normal, Kelly would absolutely be down for that!

Speedster's Appetite [Addiction]: Growing up Kelly was careful about what she ate. But as a speedster, she has a metabolism that just won't quit, and is all too happy to take advantage of it. Kelly loves food, which is good, because she needs something like 10,000 calories a day just to stay healthy and keep her energy up. If she goes a while without eating, she can get jittery and dizzy, not to mention snippy. Thing is, she's developed quite the sweet tooth and is something of a caffeine junky. When she overdoes the sugar and coffee and doesn't get a more balanced meal in, she can set herself up for a sharp and sudden crash.

The Isolated Daughter [Enemy]: Okay, realistically, it's not super-likely that any of Kelly's enemies will go after her family to get at her. I mean, there's six of them and they're each around as powerful as she is. It's just strategically inefficient. The reverse, however, is an option. Both the Arms Dealer, a supergenius inventor who specializes in high-tech superweapons, and the Black Mask, a brutally powerful telekinetic, are laying low, licking their wounds. All recent attempts to start up plots on the U.S. West Coast in general have been quickly shot down by the Albions. But when they hear that their youngest daughter is out on her own, they might target her as a means to gain leverage over her family. Or simply for revenge.

Olympic Gold Medalist [Fame]: Before her powers developed, Kelly competed in the Olympics, winning four gold and two silver medals in gymnastics. It's only been a few years since then, and the fame still follows her. There are also some unscrupulous journalists and paparaazi who sometimes take pot shots at her reputation by suggesting her Olympic achievements might have been supernaturally enhanced.

A Family of Superheroes [Fame/Responsibility]: The Albions are an established family of superheroes who have more-or-less cleared the supercrime out of their home city (and taken a big ol' chunk out of regular crime to boot). Although Kelly is the youngest and has only had limited experience at personal heroics, she's pretty well-known through them, though somewhat less so outside of the U.S. Still, they're well-known enough that she has some big shoes to fill.

Can't Move, Can't Breathe [Phobia]: Kelly's all about freedom of movement. She's extremely claustrophobic and likely to panic in tight spaces or confined areas.

Speed of Light [Power Loss]: Kelly's super-speed is tied to the rainbow-colored light it often generates. Certain darkness-based powers and effects might be able to weaken, counter, or suppress her speed powers.

Attention Deficit...Ooh! Shiny! [Quirk]: Kelly is not what you would call a paragon of keen observation and razor-sharp intuition. She's way too busy being super-excited about everything all the time to worry about details. This tendency to act first, think later, and carefully consider what is going on around her a distant third can often lead her to getting into awkward, embarrassing, or dangerous situations.

Hey! Fun! [Quirk]: Kelly is an enthusiastically fun-loving individual. She'll try new things just because she's never done them before, and can sometimes get distracted from tasks by an enjoyable alternative. Used to accomplishing tasks at super-speed, she tends to get bored easily if forced to wait or perform some repetitive task at normal speed, at which point she may forego it to find something more fun to do.

A Little Too Quick To Help [Quirk]: Kelly is...a bit too eager to help others. When she sees a person in need, or someone requests her assistance, or the like, her first instinct is to help. She can jump into a situation without much preparation or without knowing all the details of what's going on, if somebody looks like they need a hero's aid. Basically, when people ask for help, she tends to just go by her first impression of things and jump right in, rather than showing caution or suspicion, although she won't escalate to actual violence without a good reason. And as a speedster, she definitely has a tendency to just whoosh solve the problem as fast as she can without considering possible consequences.

Insatiable Curiosity [Quirk]: Kelly is extremely curious, especially about new people and places. She will absolutely not hesitate to investigate new and interesting things, ask way more questions than some people may be comfortable answering, or ask about or comment on anything cool or weird that she comes across and hasn't seen before or doesn't understand. She is not always super-tactful when doing so, and her mouth can easily move faster than her brain.

The Albion Family [Relationship/Phobia]: Kelly is the youngest of five children, and both of her parents and all of her siblings are superheroes. See the Relationships spoiler for details.

While the Albion family are all roughly equal in personal power, none of the others have anything close to approaching Kelly's personal mobility options (I'd figure them at PL 10, but capping out at like rank 5-6 movement modes), so they're pretty much locked in as city-scale heroes, unable to operate effectively on a national or global scale. They live somewhere on the order of a couple thousand miles away from Bastion, so even at Kelly-level speeds she couldn't go pick them up and get back in time for them to offer help with anything urgent (even if she wanted to, which she wouldn't, because see below).

Kelly aside, the Albion family aren't official members of the Hero's Guild; they have a generally positive relationship with them and share mutual respect, but have largely preferred to remain independent from the Guild.

Not The Baby Anymore [Rivalry]: While Kelly loves her family dearly and enjoys spending time with them, between both being the youngest and having developed her powers late - after most of the major villains of their city had been neutralized - Kelly's always been something of the baby to be protected. A large part of the reason she decided to move to Bastion was to kinda get out of the shadow of her family. She is determined to prove herself as just as good as any of them. She pushes herself hard to meet their high standards, and naturally, she'll do whatever it takes to avoid ever even appearing like she might need their help in an actual heroic capacity.

To some extent, Kelly's Connected advantage is meant to allow for the possibility of occasionally calling one or another member of her family in for non-urgent matters. This Complication can absolutely justify an increase to the DC when she does so - effectively making the required Persuasion check less about securing their help, and more about Kelly having to convince herself that it's okay to ask for it!

What Kind Of Monster Would Hurt Something So Cute!? [Temper]: Kelly is a staunch protector of the cute and the cuddly throughout the universe! If she catches someone hurting or showing cruelty to a creature that can in any way be deemed to come across as cute, she is extremely likely to leap to a furious defense! This can mean cute animals, children of most species, and even strange but endearing alien lifeforms.

Kelly's super-speed is an inherent personal superpower; her powers have the [Native] origin and [Superhuman] source (or whatever version of those is appropriate to the setting).

Unstoppable: Kelly's super-speed allows her to dodge all but the fastest of tangible attacks with effortless ease. This doesn't really help against things like gasses, diseases, and effects delivered through sensory mediums, but her enhanced speed does help with things like reacting fast enough to hold her breath, close her eyes, or come down it being faster than the speed of sound, so she's not at a particular disadvantage against them either. Effects delivered through entirely non-tangible means, such as instantaneous transmutations and weird mystical effects, are hard enough to dodge that she's at some disadvantage defending against them...but not as big a one as you might think, because "dodging" to a location a few dozen yards away from where the attacker is trying to target actually does work, if you can react quickly enough. Mental attacks would normally also fit in here, but Kelly has been practicing telepathic defense with her sister ever since Dove learned her powers, and her psychic shields are sufficiently strong that they counter out the disadvantage (she's still better at defending against mental attacks than resisting them, though; her exuberant self-confidence gives her an extremely potent active mental defense, but her impulsive flightiness means she doesn't have the reserve of willpower necessary to put up an especially strong resistance once a psychic manages to get their hooks in).

But moving faster can make it that much easier to blunder into a trap, and while Kelly is many things, subtle and observant are nowhere even approaching the list. Attacks designed to allow an enemy to defeat itself, either by blundering into them or by collecting information about them, are especially troublesome for Kelly to avoid.

Streaming: Kelly's a speedster, but her super-speed comes with the additional wrinkle of producing rainbow-colored light. When she runs, the light trails out behind her in a sort of rainbow stream. She has affectionally nicknamed her power "Streaming".

WHOOSH!: Kelly runs fast.

Super Speed: Very fast.

Hasted Action: She does other things very fast too.

Hyper Speed: ...Very very fast.

Hasted Recovery: She can also heal fast.

Hit and Run: Like, she's fast enough to move several miles with basically no effort.

Speed Attacks: Okay so Kelly's very fast, we're clear on that. But she can use that speed for more than just running around. Her hasted attacks can wreak serious harm.

Hasted Strike [Physical] [Bludgeoning or By Weapon]: E=1/2mv^2, and while Kelly's m may not be anything to write home about, her v is a heck of a thing.

Flurry: Of course, at her speeds, hitting an enemy only once is just silly. In any sort of serious fight, Kelly's fists fly faster than bullets from a railgun.

Barrage: Kelly can also use her speed on the wind up, throwing powerful punches with her full weight behind them in a flickering instant, inflicting devastating damage if the hit lands solidly.

Whirlwind: Rather than actually moving somewhere, Kelly can pour on the speed to just run around in her immediate vicinity hitting every enemy nearby. The more effort she puts into it, the larger an area she can cover.

Rhythm: Kelly can use her speed to establish a combat rhythm; once she gets ahead of her enemy's defenses, she can keep going back to hit them again and again even as she fights other foes. If she really pours on the speed, she can land blow after blow after blow in an instant, until the target either breaks her momentum or drops.

Speed Stunts: In addition to using her speed to directly enhance her attacks, Kelly can use it to distract and hamper her foes with a variety of stunts and tricks.

Disorienting Rush [Tactical] [Maneuver]: Kelly rushes or strikes at her opponent from several different angles at high speeds, making it hard to keep up with her and difficult to tell where the actual threat is coming from. This strategy can potentially disorient the target, hampering their actions.

Hummingbird Touch [Material/Energy] [Thunder] [Vibration]: Kelly can move her body small amounts at such high speeds that she effectively starts vibrating at harmful velocities. She can touch an opponent while doing so to impart damaging vibrations that weaken their resilience. She can achieve similar effects with things like poking an enemy over and over and over at hyperspeed and such.

Fake-Out [Tactical] [Trickery]: Kelly uses her speed to misdirect her opponent's attention, starting attacks in one place and zipping to complete them elsewhere, using her rainbow light to create fleeting after-images, and so on, leaving her target unable to predict where the next attack might be coming from and thus less able to defend.

Buildup: The sheer speed at which Kelly executes the approaches to her various speed stunts means they can get even more disruptive as they build upon each other, escalating their effects with repeat use.

Combo: And of course Kelly can perform them in rapid succession to affect multiple targets or escalate the effects on a single target.

Shape the Rainbow: Like everyone in her family, Kelly has a magic weapon created for her by her mother; in her case, a pair of wands (technically, Metamagic Rods of Sculpting) that allow her to manipulate the rainbow light produced by her powers. She can "bend" the light at her will and focus her will to sort of "harden" it, as well as channel it through the wands directly. Kelly can summon the wands at will, and their enchantments are tied specifically to her powers, which serves as a foundation for binding them to her, so others can't use them and they'll bypass most effects that would block projections or teleportation - they don't count mechanically as a Device. However, they do have the [Magic] source, so effects that affect magic can impact powers in this array slot (and since the wands are tied directly to her powers, effects that impact her [Superhuman] powers also apply to these).

Rainbow Trail: Kelly twists the light to extend beneath and in front of (or around) her rather than behind her, and solidifies it into a solid platform, allowing her to run through the air and even cart other people along with her.

Rainbow Weaponry [Physical] [Varies] or [Energy] [Varies]: Kelly channels the light through the wands, creating weapons of colored light. She can shape the light into all sorts of weapons, but her default is a pair of whips that can extend up to 120' long, greatly expanding her reach. Kelly can influence the type of damage she deals by controlling the color of the light used to produce the weapons. Using her normal rainbow light, solidified by her will, the weapons deal [Physical] damage with a descriptor appropriate to the actual weapon shape. She can blend all the colors of her light to producing weapons of brilliant white light at laser intensity, dealing [Energy] [Light] damage. Or she can use the wands to select a specific color, dealing energy damage based on the color chosen: Fire, Flux, Electricity, Acid, Cold, Void, Aether.

Rainbow Binding [Material] [Ether]: When Kelly uses her wands to solidify her light with her will, it gains strength as well as solidity. Kelly primarily uses this to either enhance the strength of her Rainbow Trail, allowing her to carry people on it, or in conjunction with the whip form of her Rainbow Weaponry, allowing her to use the flexible whips to perform a variety of combat maneuvers.

Rainbow Fireworks [Energy] [Light]: Kelly can fire blasts of colored light from her wands to attack at range. The blasts also explode into pretty fireworks!

Rainbow Parry: Kelly can use her rainbow weapons to parry attacks. This doesn't really change things much for her personally, blocking and dodging it's pretty much all the same to her, but it allows her to interfere with attacks against other people more effectively.

Rainbow Constructs: Kelly can use the wands to shape her rainbow light into solid objects and barriers.

Can't Touch This: Kelly moves very fast. Ergo she is very hard to hit.

Hasted Dodge: This becomes even more true if she's actually trying.

Run Interference: Kelly can also zip around to interfere with attacks against nearby allies.

Time to React: Super-speed can impact the speedster's perceptions, leaving them seemingly moving in a moment of nearly-frozen time. If Kelly actually takes a moment to use this capability to see how attacks are moving and such, her ability to defend herself and her allies becomes ever more reliable.

Roll With It: Even if Kelly can't entirely avoid an attack, she can shift from trying to dodge to simply rolling with it, moving away from the direction of the attack to minimize the harm caused.

Dodge Anything: Dodging becomes an entirely new form of defense when you can literally "dodge" to like a mile away, or to the opposite side of your opponent, or things like that. At that point, it doesn't really matter if the attack is "undodgeable", you can dodge it just by not being anywhere near the spot your opponent is trying to target. And when you can pull off shenanigans like that, avoiding the attacks of lesser foes becomes practically guaranteed.

Boundless Energy: Kelly's power gives her boundless energy, which when coupled with her naturally upbeat, confident, high-energy personality makes her cheery irreverence into a literally superpower.

Super Fun And Excited: Kelly's powers fuel her own extroverted nature, and her cheerful, exuberant confidence can already be kinda contagious just baseline. Taken together, Kelly can literally hype herself and her friends up.

Running Her Mouth: With all that speed, chattering up a storm in battle is hardly any distraction at all to Kelly, and boy-howdie does she like to take advantage of that fact, typically to taunt, shame, or just confound her foes.

Endless Encouragement: ...Or to cheer on her allies, encouraging them to fight their hardest and do their best.

Notorious Quipper [Sensory/Mental] [Negativity]: Kelly's rapid-fire quips and casual lack of concern in the face of basically any foe can be...hampering. Primarily through sheer annoyance, but sure, it's not impossible for her taunts and quips to shame, enrage, upset, or terrify her enemies (I more-or-less consider the actual emotion involved the target's choice, with "annoyance" probably being the default).

Hyperactivity: The boundless energy offered by her powers only fuels Kelly's hyperactive nature, allowing her to maintain and, with additional effort, gradually escalate her powers.

Kelly is a touch over five feet tall, with the slim, toned build of a dancer. Her hair hangs to her shoulders, with prominent bangs, and is...naturally a pale blond, but she has a habit of dying it all manner of bright colors. As a rule of thumb it's generally her normal color about a quarter of the time, rainbow colors another quarter, and some random color or combination of colors the rest of the time. She has big brown eyes, a button nose, and noticeable dimples. She is twenty-one years old. The two defining aspects of her wardrobe are "bright colors" and "easy to move in" - she pretty much never wears dark or bland outfits, and absolutely detests constrictive formalwear. If you see her in high heels, check for mind control. Her costume is a white strapless leotard that goes from her upper chest to her mid-thigh, emblazoned on the front with a symbol of seven differently-colored rings interlocking in a circle (the pink one in the center surrounded by the other six), as well as a light pink skirt. She doesn't wear a mask or otherwise conceal her features; secret identities aren't really a thing for her family.

Kelly defaults to good cheer and honest joy. She's friendly, outgoing, and doesn't generally take herself too seriously. She is proud though, with a strong sense of self-confidence and a burning desire to prove herself. While not immune to pain and despair, she usually bounces back quickly from them, and will usually try to hide them from others, presenting a show of strength even in troubled times. She likes to be doing things, detests sitting around idle or working on repetitive tasks, although she's fine sitting still if she has something to entertain her. And one area where her dislike of repetition doesn't tend to apply is in training, which she approaches with both discipline and passion.

She can be very excitable and enthusiastic about things. It's worth noting that in particular, she finds superpowers amazing and loves meeting new supers and seeing what they can do. Growing up among a superpowered family in no way diminished her sense of wonder regarding the supernatural. If anything, it only enhanced it, giving her a taste of what was possible and leaving her eager to see more. This is not, however, to say that she doesn't appreciate mundane and natural things as well. Her powers only developed recently, and she knows how much work goes into being able to accomplish great things without any powers on call. She has a deep respect for individuals who can perform amazing feats without any superhuman abilities. One of the things she most enjoys about her new powers is the ability to go anywhere in the world on a whim. She loves visiting other places and seeing new things.

She can be short-sighted, impatient, and naive at times. She isn't extremely trusting, quite, but doesn't tend to be on guard against deception and manipulation. She does sometimes have something of a childlike demeanor that makes it difficult to get others to take her seriously. She likes having fun and being comfortable, and can sometimes have trouble really taking things seriously. In combat, she's a notorious quipper.

2023-12-13, 02:52 PM
Thirty-one years ago, the city of Simi Valley, California became the home of a supervillain known as the Arms Dealer. A supergenius inventor with a mercenary bent, he constructed powerful supertech weapons, selling them to all manner of nefarious individuals and organizations. Perhaps one of the most dangerous things about his operation was that he regularly worked on a commission basis, providing criminals with the firepower to conduct huge heists and crimes in exchange for a cut of the profits. But for a long time, the Arms Dealer was only a rumor - no one had been able to track him down, all anyone knew was that Simi Valley and nearby Los Angeles (which is where a good many of the Arms Dealer's clients took their weapons and did their work) was suffering from a growing rash of crime committed with weapons that local police and even SWAT couldn't hope to match.

Now, the majority of the Arms Dealer's clients staged their crimes in LA, but the city had its own heroes to stem the tide. Some, though, stayed in Simi, which back then was not so well-equipped. Enter Deacon Albion and Emma Rothschild, two Simi Valley supers. Deacon was a former military man with the classic flying brick powerset. Emma was an artificer, capable of binding magical energies into objects to create powerful magical devices. As the crime wave in Simi grew worse and worse, the two supers stepped up to fight it. At first, they operated independently, not even knowing much about each other aside from occasional snatches in the news. And it didn't go super-great. Deacon wasn't an extremely powerful paragon, and while his powers let him contribute on a superpowered field and his military experience gave him an edge over mere thugs, he struggled some to keep up with the raw power that people armed with such advanced weapons could bring to bear, especially if there was more than one on scene. Emma's magical weapons were powerful enough to match even the Arms Dealer's technology, but she had no real combat experience and often ended up getting in over her head. They were powerful enough to defeat some of the geared-up criminals, though, which did cause some damage to the Arms Dealer's reputation, and cut into his bottom line.

So he sent his own forces after them, overwhelming and capturing the two heroes. He offered them the chance to work with him - he saw the potential of adding Emma's enchantments to his technology, and having someone with the raw power and military experience of Deacon, with proper armaments, as an enforcer that even Los Angeles' heroes might not be able to match. Of course, the two superheroes refused him outright, and working together, were able to escape his clutches before they could be executed (or worse; mind control helmets were probably a thing he could do).

Now knowing their true enemy, the two heroes joined forces. They spent four years working together stemming the tide of supertech-equipped criminals and fighting off attacks from the Arms Dealer's personal forces. And as they worked together, they worked to cover each other's weaknesses. Emma provided Deacon with magical gear to supplement his physical power, while Deacon trained her in combat and tactics. Gradually, the duo (now going by the codenames "Hammer" and "Anvil") went from being two supers in over their heads trying to protect their city to formidable superheroes. In the end, they were able to track down the Arms Dealer, fight their way through his guardians and defenses, and defeat him (in his most advanced suit of powered armor) personally, finally ending the threat he and his weapons presented.

And over four years of working together, a relationship bloomed between them. They married shortly after the Arms Dealer was defeated, and their first child was born about a year later. They didn't retire from heroics, quite - they contributed as regular crime fighters, and occasionally had to deal with more serious threats, such as criminals who had acquired Arms Dealer weapons before his takedown or who stumbled onto a cache or prototype that had been secreted away - but it was nowhere near as regular a part of their lives as it had been before. This was during the initial time of Solarius and Overlord, and while heroes and villains were organizing during this time, the family was more on the fringes of that - it naturally had a proportionately lesser impact on small cities like Simi Valley than places like LA or New York. Over the course of seven years they had five children.

Kelly Albion is the youngest of those five. She grew up in a household where superpowers were common - she was only four years old when her oldest brother manifested his power, not the full "flying brick" package his father had, but a level of sheer super-strength and invulnerability that dwarfed even his dad. Her other siblings followed, each manifesting their powers around puberty. All of them were taught the ethics of their powers, their responsibility to use them for good. As the children of established superheroes, they were also trained extensively in self defense, even before their powers began to develop. Kelly wryly notes she can't actually remember whether she started martial arts lessons before or after preschool.

All throughout childhood, Kelly took her training seriously. It was something of a game to her. She would challenge herself with complex acrobatic stunts, often failing them on her first attempt, and then practicing and pushing herself until she could pull them off reliably, only to move onto the next thereafter. She came home with her share of bumps and bruises (and worse, although fortunately, her oldest sister possessed a potent healing power), but the danger was all part of the fun.

While their parents weren't opposed to the idea of their children following in their footsteps, and even encouraged it to a degree, they absolutely refused to allow them to do something as dangerous as crime fighting while they were still in their teens. Which wasn't a huge problem, until about twelve years ago when a powerful telekinetic supervillain known as the Black Mask staged an assault on the local prison, releasing a horde of inmates - including the Arms Dealer. As a super-inventor, the Arms Dealer was basically a normal human without his tech, and even he couldn't cobble together high-intensity laser cannons and suits of powered armor without a full laboratory and significant resources. (I mean, let's be clear, guy had the deadliest shiv on the cell block with like a solid 3 PP/rank in Extras, but still). So he hadn't been held in a specialized super-prison. The Black Mask had a plan, and he needed an inventor and some minions to do it. The breakout provided him with exactly those resources.

(This was during the time of Overlord's escalation against Solarius, and there is some speculation that the Black Mask had been something of a lieutenant or ally of Overlord and working in support of his plan, and even that the Arms Dealer might have helped design some of the components of his doomsday device, but these are unconfirmed and it's also possible that Black Mask simply took advantage of the chaos of that time to implement his own villainous plots.)

By this point, Kelly was nine years old, and her oldest three siblings all had powers. They tried to convince their parents to let them help, to staunch refusal. Hammer and Anvil once again took to the streets, fighting off a new wave of supertech-enhanced criminals and trying to discover and thwart the Black Mask's plan. Fun trivia fact: evil supergeniuses actually only get more dangerous after you give them over a decade and a half with nothing to do but come up with ideas for creatively lethal new devices.

But Hammer and Anvil weren't the same learning-as-they-go heroes they had used to be either, and time and again proved to be more than a match for even the worst of the Arms Dealer's devices. After one victory in particular that foiled a heist that was critical to the Black Mask's ultimate plan, the villain himself - following the new villainous practice of going after heroes in their civilian lives - staged an attack on the heroes' own home, planning to kidnap their children for use as leverage while some goons with lasers created a distraction. Unfortunately, he didn't account for their middle daughter being a telepath. At her psychic message, Hammer flew back immediately to defend his children, while Anvil dispatched the goons with overwhelming fury.

The Black Mask was more powerful than any villain the two had faced before, and Deacon was getting kinda beat up on his own. He might not have held if his elder daughter hadn't risked the telekinetic's wrath to dart out of cover with healing. Emma returned shortly thereafter, and the fight got quite a bit more even, but even then, even fighting in defense of their kids, it was all the two heroes could do just to hold out against the brutally powerful telekinetic's attacks.

Until their oldest son decided "screw it", grabbed his father's enchanted hammer (it had been ripped from his grasp telekinetically and hurled aside), and came down on the distracted supervillain with the full force of his massive super-strength and his father's mighty weapon. His blow darn near shattered the telekinetic forcefield that was protecting the villain, forcing him to beat a hasty retreat.

After that, the superpowered kids of the Albion family weren't taking no for an answer.

Of course, their parents weren't going to let them risk their lives unprepared. Emma crafted powerful weapons for them, and Deacon redoubled their training. They played it safe, never letting the kids go out without at least one of them, and always ensuring there was at least one protecting the nonpowered children. Soon becoming, the nonpowered child, as the younger of the two brothers hit puberty and manifested the power of conjuration. It took nearly four years, but with the entire family (...mostly) working together, eventually, the criminals were recaptured. The Black Mask and Arms Dealer eventually staged one last attack to try to take out the super-family once and for all, but though they gave them quite a fight, they were overwhelmed and forced to flee the city of Simi Valley and go into hiding, their reputations shattered.

In her pre-pubescent years, then, Kelly was eagerly awaiting the development of her powers so that she could join her parents and siblings in their heroics. She turned twelve...and then thirteen...and then fourteen without any powers developing (none of her siblings had gone more than three months from their thirteenth birthday before manifesting, and a couple hadn't even turned thirteen by the time they had). Which was disappointing, sure, but Kelly bore it with more-or-less good grace (she was impatient, sure, and felt a little left out, but overall she was cool). At one point, she asked her mom to create her some magic devices so she could help them anyway, citing her martial arts and acrobatics skills as sufficient to make up for her lack of powers if she had good tech. But honestly, by this point, the big fighting was over. The Albion family were the renowned superheroes of Simi Valley, and sure, occasionally they'd have some crime to fight, or one or a couple of them might go into LA to help the heroes there during a bad week. But the Arms Dealer and the Black Mask were in hiding, most of the Arms Dealer's weaponry was off the streets. And even on the wider scale, Overlord himself had been defeated. There wasn't any need for her to rush into the fight. Indeed, the general consensus was that even if she didn't develop powers, it might be a blessing in disguise. It would mean at least one of the kids would have a chance at a normal life. (Or semi-normal, anyway. Not too normal, or anything.)

Nonetheless, Kelly felt a bit like a black sheep. She was super popular in high school, which was fun and all, but it often felt like popularity by proxy. All her friends and classmates wanted to know about her family. Her parents were cognizant of her feelings, and always invited her to public events and photo shoots and such, but even though she often went, she tended to stay out of the way. It wasn't that she didn't like the spotlight (by any means), but it always kinda felt like she was just there. Someone who they allowed to be on stage with them, not one of them. A member of the family, certainly, but not of the team. That being said, she did start to get very good at talking about her family, and it wasn't long before the questions weren't just coming from high school students, but from reporters. She started becoming a sort of unofficial spokeswoman for the family (which her parents encouraged, hoping it would make her feel more like "part of the team").

But still, Kelly yearned for the chance to prove herself, to be noticed not just as the powerless baby sister of the Albion family, but for something she had accomplished. She took up cheer in her school, and competed in every gymnastic competition she could get into, winning trophy after trophy. Which was great, but still not enough for her, still not living up to the bar her family had set. But at sixteen, she was accepted into the Olympics, and came home with four gold and two silver medals in gymnastics. Finally, she felt that she had an accomplishment that was worthy of her name.

Two weeks later, her powers finally manifested. A sort of light-based super-speed power that caused her to shine with rainbow light as she ran. Finally, finally, she got her chance to step up as a superhero! Well...sort of.

Like, she did, and all. She got a costume, came up with a codename, and her mom enchanted her a weapon (a pair of wands that allowed her to manipulate and solidify the light her powers produced). She went out with her parents or siblings to fight crime. Had tons of fun doing it. But, well...

The big fighting was over. Supercrime in Simi Valley was pretty much non-existent (there weren't many supervillains crazy enough to tangle with an entire family of superheroes armed with magic weapons, although every so often the Arms Dealer or Black Mask dipped their toes in the water with some half-formed plot or another, always quickly shut down), and regular crime wasn't exactly anything that required the full power of the Albion Family. Heck, the older of her sisters and the younger of her brothers barely went out at all anymore, using their powers of healing and conjuration to do good in other ways. Even when something serious was going down in LA, the heroes there rarely requested the aid of more than one or two of the Albions; they weren't actually part of the Hero Guild, and while they had a generally positive relationship with them, the Guild tended to avoid calling in support from independents. Really, the only time the whole family went out was more for public appearances and such. And annoyingly, given how long it had taken for her powers to manifest, how flashy they were, and her own rather enthusiastic personality, often when Kelly did get press, it kinda presented her as a sort of overeager, attention-seeking tagalong kid, and some even questioned if her Olympic performance had been supernaturally enhanced. She just didn't have the clout that her parents and siblings had earned fighting the likes of the Arms Dealer and the Black Mask. That old feeling of needing to prove herself started coming back.

So she moved to Bastion and signed up for the Hero's Guild! She figured this would give her the opportunity to establish herself on her own, out of the shadow of her family, and also help people more where it was needed. After all, just because supercrime had died down where her family lived didn't mean it wasn't still a thing anywhere else!

Deacon Albion AKA Hammer [Father; Paragon]: Soldier-turned-superhero Deacon Albion has a straightforward paragon powerset - strength, flight, toughness, senses...basically just general physical enhancement. His powers aren't actually all that significant; he's only kinda a mid-level super by raw power alone. But he backs it up with military combat and tactical training, as well as his namesake hammer, a weapon enchanted by his wife with controllable inertia. This allows him to put the full force of his blows into his enemies (no "equal and opposite reaction" for him - all the energy goes one-way), hasten his swings, and perform feats like throwing the hammer and having it boomerang back around or ricochet at impossible angles. The most experienced fighter in the family, he's their tactical leader in the field.

At home, he's serious and straightforward, but not overbearingly so. When his kids were growing up, he was firm but not quite strict, and could get more parenting done with a single disappointed frown than many could with twenty minutes of yelling and a month of grounding. You gotta remember, the guy was a literal superhero, so to say his kids looked up to him is a pretty colossal understatement (and really, it's no less true now). These days, he doesn't hesitate to question and advise, but never fails to let his kids make their own choices, even when he disagrees with them (though he will be quite vocal in expressing such disagreement). He's a man of deep personal respectfulness and integrity, and his word is unbreakable.

6'1", ~180 lb, military-cut light brown hair, deep blue eyes, athletic build, light beard and mustache. Costume colors: Yellow primary, blue secondary, insignia a yellow hammer on a blue hand, palm out and fingers up.

Emma Albion AKA Anvil [Mother; Artificer]: An archeologist decades ago, Emma Albion's life changed forever when she discovered a stone tablet covered with strange runes at a dig site in Ireland. While she didn't recognize the lettering, she understood it when she read it in some ineffable way, and the writing vanished when she had finished, leaving behind just a piece of ordinary stone. Since then, she has been able to imbue magical properties into objects. Her magical devices are quite potent, and over time, she's developed quite the arsenal of enchanted weapons, tools, and protective devices that allow her to fight right alongside any of the innately-powered members of her family. While not the tactician that her husband is, she's a creative thinker with an eye for big-picture strategy. Even though the magic weapons she provides each member of her family are optimized to work with their powers and one of their defining aspects as a superhero team, she's still widely considered, pound-for-pound, the most powerful of them.

She's curious and creative, with a tendency for experimentation that has made "is Dad cooking tonight?" an important strategic question for her children growing up. She has a good-humored attitude and a seemingly endless supply of puns guaranteed to draw a cringe, eyeroll, or "Oh, Mom..." from any of her children that are in earshot. She has been known to wax philosophical, and has done a lot to pass onto her children a strong ethical foundation for using their powers. While not generally the type to worry, she does have a keen sense of when something is bothering her kids (sometimes seemingly without even being near them), and is always there to talk with them and help them with their troubles.

5'7", ~140 lb, shoulder-length blond hair typically tied back, dark brown eyes, average build, high cheekbones. Costume colors: Purple primary, white secondary, insignia a white lightbulb wreathed in purple flame.

Gerard Albion AKA Dreadnought [Brother (27); Powerhouse]: The eldest of the Albion children, Gerard has an extreme power of super-strength and durability that puts his father's physical enhancements to shame. While pound for pound his mother may be considered the most powerful in the family, there's little question that when it comes to which family member is best at outputting (or absorbing, for that matter) an obscene amount of raw physical punishment, the list begins and ends with Gerard. Gerard is equipped with a claymore with a simple enchantment - it provides just enough healing to his victims to prevent lethal or permanent damage, without any loss of stopping power, and is capable of undoing any damage it inflicts at will. Putting the sort of force Gerard is capable of inflicting behind a giant sword and then giving him the ability to really cut loose without risk of killing his opponent or causing collateral damage is...simply unkind, frankly. Gerard's the heavy hitter of the family for sure, but he's also proven extremely protective of his younger siblings, and will leap into harm's way to protect them without a second thought.

For all his brute strength, Gerard's actually a highly intelligent guy and, out of combat, pretty much as chill as can be. He does see himself as having a responsibility to serve as a role model to his younger siblings, which can wear on him at times, but overall has served to mold him into a hard-working and honorable young man. Outside of his job as a superhero, he works at NASA, primarily in a support capacity, but he hasn't ruled out going into space (especially since he can, in fact, survive without a spacesuit). Of all her siblings, Kelly looks up to him the most.

6'0", ~165 lb, shaved head, brown eyes, fit build, glasses. Costume colors: Red primary, silver secondary, insignia two silver wolf heads with red eyes, facing each other and angled up as if howling.

Bethany Albion AKA Salve [Sister (26); Healer]: The second of the Albion children and the oldest of the sisters, Bethany has a potent healing power. This includes self-healing, making her an extremely difficult target to put down. Which is something of a catch-22, since as long as she's up and healing, putting and keeping one of her allies down isn't really likely to happen. She carries a staff enchanted to absorb the positive energy of her healing powers and output it in focused blasts of light, allowing her a solid offense that her power wouldn't otherwise provide. Nonetheless, her primary role on the team is protecting and healing the rest of her family. Bethany isn't much for solo heroics - her staff gives her perfectly solid offensive capabilities, but not especially complex ones, mainly just basic blasting, so she can't match the offensive power of the rest of her family. Unless another member of her family needs her support, she prefers to use her powers to do good in other ways - namely, healing the sick and injured.

Bethany's something of a worry-wort, truth be told. As a healer, she kinda takes the health of everyone around her as her personal responsibility, especially her family. She's despaired a bit of Kelly's eating habits since developing her powers, super-metabolism or no, and has begun earning looks from her parents when she mentions that they're getting older now and need to start thinking about certain things. But as much as they try to wave her concerns off, deep down, they're all comforted by the knowledge that she's looking out for them. She's not a doctor or anything, though she did get some medical training to better make use of her powers. She does make a living with her powers, although on average her for-profit healings are outnumbered by charitable ones something like 20:1. Bethany's very caring and always there to lend an ear for the people she cares about, but she can be judgmental and while she's on their side, she won't hesitate to tell them when they're wrong. Of all her siblings, Kelly respects her the most.

5'3", ~120 lb, wavy dark blond hair to her upper back, usually tied into braids, slender build, butterfly tattoo on her right forearm. Costume colors: Orange primary, yellow secondary, insignia an orange cross with a yellow outline.

Dove Albion AKA Cerebral [Sister (25); Telepath]: The middle Albion daughter and child, Dove is a mid-grade telepath. Her powers are primarily tactical in nature - region scale mental communication, mind reading, scrying through the senses of anyone she's made eye contact with, universal translation, mental quickness, and psychic attacks that more emphasize distracting, disorienting, anticipating, and confounding opponents than direct psychic blasts or compulsions (she has proven able to compel an action, but it takes a lot of effort). She's a skilled fencer and fights with a rapier that induces a growing delirium in those it strikes, weakening the will and giving her an opportunity to strike their minds simultaneously, or focus her psychic power behind it to strike directly at her foes' minds rather than their bodies. In combat, she naturally gravitates towards hampering her foes and providing tactical overwatch, coordinating her family and giving them openings for finishing attacks, although she's perfectly capable of leaving a foe so delirious and disoriented that it's easy for her to finish off personally. She also provides a mission control sort of role where needed.

Despite her ability to mentally connect with others at will, Dove is something of a loner. She's quiet, a bit shy, and usually prefers staying in her room on her computer or reading a book to actually hanging out with people. She's an avid gamer though, both on- and off-line, and it's entirely possible to coax her into hanging out around a multiplayer game, and she has a number of friends across the world who she's connected to with online gaming. When not out fighting crime, she works as a librarian. Even without her powers on call she's extremely intuitive. That said, she's very careful about keeping the confidences of others, and tends to be fairly secretive herself. Despite (or perhaps to a certain degree because of) all this, of all her siblings, Kelly trusts her the most.

5'4", ~115 lb, short curly blond hair, slim build, rather pale. Costume colors: Light blue primary, dark blue secondary, she has no insignia but is the only member of the family who wears a mask (a blindfold, more precisely; she can navigate with her psychic senses).

Percy Albion AKA Quartermaster [Brother (23); Conjurer]: Second youngest of the Albion kids and the youngest brother, Percy is a conjurer, able to summon up objects from thin air. In combat, he uses this primarily as a tactical power, sectioning off the battlefield with barriers, creating traps to hamper, injure, or contain his foes, trapping enemies in suddenly-conjured cages, raising shields over his allies, and so on. He is also armed with an enchanted pistol that he can load using his powers - conjuring various objects into the pistol, which will compress them into bullet form until fired, at which point the enemy has, like, a rocket, or giant buzzsaw, or pile of moldy tacos, or whatever flying at them. Where Dove plays a tactical role leaning towards offense, he's more tactical/defensive, using his tricks, traps, and shields to isolate enemies and protect allies, though he's certainly capable of taking out an enemy solo where needed.

Percy is laid-back, creative, and artistic. He likes pretty much all forms of art, although he doesn't have much formal knowledge of artwork - he just enjoys experiencing and creating it. He's somewhat hedonistic, regularly going out to clubs and parties, and he's gotten his share of lectures from Bethany about overindulging. His casual friendliness means he can make friends in minutes with just about anybody, but he doesn't necessarily form deep relaationships all that easily. Nonetheless, he has something of a reputation as being perhaps the most approachable of the otherwise-honestly-kinda-intimidating Albion family. Like Bethany, while he's capable of doing solo hero work, he prefers not to, and while his powers aren't limitless, he still finds that pound for pound, using them to create things that people need - food, materials, resources, whatever - is generally a more efficient use of his time than beating up bank robbers. His favorite arts are the culinary ones, and he works as a chef, using his powers liberally to get all the best ingredients. Naturally, this makes him Kelly's favorite sibling ever. Okay, that's not true, she'd never say she cares about one of her siblings more or less than any of the others, but Percy is definitely the one who she has the most fun with and most enjoys the company of.

5'6", ~150 lb, short pale blond hair, average build, neatly-trimmed goatee. Costume colors: Green primary, white secondary, insignia is a pyramid of green boxes.

#3: When in doubt, just help out.

#5: It's not enough to keep people safe. You have to make them feel safe.

#6: Always foster a friendly, professional, and mutually cooperative relationship with local law enforcement.

#27: Disobeying authority figures isn't an intrinsic part of a Hero's job. But sometimes it's a necessary one.

2023-12-13, 03:09 PM
Elita Coste AKA Akhlys

Elita Coste (Akhlys): PL 10, 150 PP


Initiative: +10. Attack Bonus: +8. Effect Bonus: +12. Defense: +7. Resistance: +13. Stamina: 200.


Deception: +0. Expertise: +10. Insight: +11. Intimidation: +0. Investigation: +10. Mobility: +10. Perception: +11. Persuasion: +10. Stealth: +0. Technology: +20.

Fields of Expertise: Biology, Chemistry, Criminology, Greek Mythology, Horticulture, Local, Magic, Science.
Extra Languages: French, Chinese (Mandarin).


Accurate Attack
All-Out Attack
Move-By Action
Power Attack
Takedown 2
Uncanny Dodge


Toxic Girl: Immunity 25 (Physiological Effect Mode, Draining Tree). {25-10 = 15 PP}

Raised by a Trickster Mage: Immunity 20 (Partial Tactical Effect), Weakness 20 (Mundane Material Delivery, Mundane Mystical Effect). {0 PP}

Poisoned Muscles: Strength 5. {5-2 = 3 PP}

Protection of ‘Death’: Protection 10. {10-4 = 6 PP}

Weaponized Toxicity: 50-point 4-slot Dynamic Array (whole array Removable 1). {57-11 = 46 PP}

Breath Fuel: Various Effects.

‘Exhale’ Jets: Speed 10, Movement 5 (Flight, Fast). {20 PP}

Breath ‘Strength': Strength 10. {10 PP}

Walking on ‘Air’: Movement 5 (Burrowing, Sure Footed, Wall Crawling, Water Walking, Fast). {10 PP}

Deep Breaths: Invigoration 10 (Buff Resistance). {10 PP}

Stored Toxicity: Various Effects.

Breath: Affliction 10 (Immobilizing Tree). {10 PP}

Sweat: Affliction 10 (Slowing Tree). {10 PP}

Blood: Damage 10. {10 PP}

Tears: Affliction 10 (Injury Tree). {10 PP}

From Poison, Cure: Healing 10. {10 PP}

Mixology: Various Effects.

Lingering: Affliction gains Cumulative. {10 PP}

Potent: Affliction gains Repeating (Progressive). {20 PP}

Corrosive: Damage gains Piercing (Impervious/Untouchable). {10 PP}

Caustic: Damage gains Irresistible. {10 PP}

Delivery Methods: Various Effects.

Frag Grenade: Damage gains Burst Area 1. {10 PP}

‘Smoke’ Grenade: Affliction gains Burst Area 1. {10 PP}

Thrown: Ranged 10. {10 PP}

Liberally: Damage gains Multiattack. {10 PP}

Aerated: Affliction gains Repeating (Cloud). {10 PP}

Stats 40 + Skills 26 + Advantages 14 + Powers 70 = 150 PP (PL 10)

Someone Needs to, and I Can [Motivation: Doing Good]: Elita’s reasons for working as a superhero are simple: Heroes are needed, and she can do the work. Ideas about a “safer” or less stressful job are not good arguments to her, because the world will still need heroes.

Nearly Self-Made Orphan [Temper/Relationship]: Elita’s biological parents, Daniel and Jane Beulen, abandoned her at the hospital without naming her after her biology nearly killed her mother in childbirth. She was taken in by Cyril and Ivanna Coste, named by them, and raised by Cyril after Ivanna’s death without any contact from the Beulens. After she became an adult and began to do solo hero work, the Beulens tried to reach out. Elita is currently, vehemently uninterested.

The Name Stuck [Fame/Reputation/Quirk?]: Akhlys is one name for the Greek goddess of poisons and the mist that appears in a person’s eyes just before death. Elita’s foster father and mentor gave her that hero name when he started training her as a sidekick, and she gained enough fame from it that she can’t get away from it anymore. She is in a state of continued embarrassment over the name, and continued irritation that it fits her powers so well. Those who know where her name from, her connection to her foster father, or both often think that she’s going to be a dangerous and brooding antihero, which has caused problems integrating with other supers and helping civilians in the past… but the name is still stuck to her.

Techie Raised by Mages [Relationship/Enemy]: By day, Cyril Coste is a successful businessman and philanthropist, who lost his wife Ivanna tragically shortly after they had adopted their third child twenty-five years ago. By night (and sometimes day, depending on what’s needed), he is Thanatos, a brooding mystic trained in the dark arts, constantly striving against their seductive lure to do good for the city. At Thanatos’ side is Limos, a masterful mimic who magically drains their foes’ power to bolster their own and who must struggle with their mystical hunger daily, sometimes hourly. One of their greatest foes is Menhit, who can magically induce rage and gain strength from the rage of others, who once stood at their side as family but has since given in to her own fury and turned to darkness. And with them all is Akhlys… who has no magical ability, but who uses her own tech to contain and shape her toxic nature for use in battle.

Elita loves Cyril and Chesed (Limos), she truly does… but the brooding and the melodramatic monologues about holding back the darkness has started to wear on her a bit. As for Anne (Menhit)… look, accidentally transmogrifying your own head into a lioness’ head has to be tough, and even Cyril couldn’t figure out how to reverse it. Elita hopes that she’ll come around, but knows that she has to stop Menhit’s villainous rampages for her sake as much as anyone else’s when they happen.

Just 'Genius' [Temper/Rivalry]: Elita invented her own suit, and constantly adjusts it to make best use of its unique power source and serve her purposes. She's made several other gadgets and gizmos when the need has come up, and she enjoys tinkering. She is a technological genius. But she lives in a world of super-geniuses, many of whom also have super-speed or some sort of "super-inventing" power that lets them make tech marvels quickly and with limited tools. She gets irritated when her inventions are compared to those made by people who have super-enhanced brains, and she is quietly certain that if given the time and tools, her hard work could match or beat any shiny new super-invention tossed out after ten minutes of tinkering. She tries not to actually say this--people with super-intelligence often seem to be prideful and touchy--but she thinks it.

Inherited Rogues’ Gallery [Enemy/Responsibility]: Thanatos has picked up quite a number of recurring supervillains and ne-er-do-wells who break out of prison and are thrown back in by the brooding “anti-hero”, and even though Elita is working to make a name for herself on her own, some members of that gallery still occasionally try to get at Cyril through her. A special thorn in her side is the Qwiller (Quill-Killer, she thinks), a petty thug with the powers of a hedgehog that is surprisingly good at resisting poison and has therefore declared that Akhlys is his “nemesis”. Whenever a member of Cyril’s rogue’s gallery pops up nearby, Elita feels duty-bound to help deal with them, but she feels some pleasure in stopping the Qwiller’s inane schemes whenever he appears again.

Poison Person [Weakness/Accident]: Every bit of Akhlys’ body is toxic, acidic, or seemingly infectious to every other living organism she has come into contact with. While there are some benefits to this—Elita has never been sick, since her own body destroys any disease that comes near it long before it can do any damage—the drawbacks are higher. One specific drawback is the fact that conventional medicine and healing that focuses on medicinal effects is essentially poisonous to her. This can extend to magical healing as well, depending on the way the healing is being done; ironically, an unlearned healer that is just willing her body to heal will manage much better than an educated one trying to get her body back to what is the human “normal”.

The more obvious drawback to Elita’s power is that if her suit gets damaged, especially the part covering her face and nose, she will start uncontrollably leaking toxic chemicals into the air all around her. Toxicity doesn’t really have a concept of friend or foe, and some of her toxic effects can linger if they aren’t properly treated, causing all sorts of problems.

Other-Lives Support System [Weakness/Quirk]: Elita’s suit is not for her sake; she can breathe air and move through it perfectly fine without protection. Instead, it’s for everyone else, and it mixes and concentrates her toxicity in blends she developed for maximum effectiveness. One of these blends is a supremely efficient fuel source, which she uses to power her entire suit… a fuel source that is, in the words of Cyril after one of her early tests, “remarkably flammable”. She shields it as best she can because of this, but if a sufficiently clever or powerful fire-user can damage or slip through her shielding, the results will hurt.

The other complication with wearing what amounts to a miniature air filtration, gas storage, and chemical mixing apparatus around at all times is less explosive, but still relevant. Elita is never silent. Cyril tried to teach her stealth, but gave up when her first prototype suit made her sound like Darth Vader suffering from an asthma attack. Her more recent suits are much quieter, but they make constant, noticeable noise. She can try to quiet them, but that generally means she has to hold her breath the entire time it’s silent or start venting her toxic breath directly into the air around her, neither of which is a great option.

Sanitized or Sealed (Quirk/Phobia): Having every part of your body be a slightly different toxic substance to every other living creature can cause you to develop some... intense cleaning habits and rituals. Elita's living space is spotless, her suit is rigorously and regularly cleaned, and anywhere she tends to frequent begins to become steadily more hygienic over time. She hasn't quite gotten to the point where she will clean a person's plate as they're eating off of it, but it's a near thing; dirt and residue doesn't last long near her.

Because of this, powerful bladed weapons and cutting tools make Elita nervous, especially in the hands of the reckless or villains. She's fairly certain that she can survive several blows from them, but she might lose hair, skin cells, or worse in the process. If Elita's self-check after a battle reveals a tear in her suit or a lock of hair missing from her head, she will feel compelled to rigorously clean the entire battle site to remove the hazardous material before it can hurt someone.

Toxic Girl [Physiological]: As a living person whose material body is made up of several things that are blatantly harmful to all living things, Akhlys is simply too off for Physiological effects to hit her. Nothing about her body works the way it should. This has the added effect that powers which try to drain or inhibit her powers usually break down without effect, because they can’t find purchase on her.

Raised by a Trickster Mage [Mental]: Elita's upbringing has given her a fairly good grasp of tricks and tactics, allowing her to avoid falling into more obvious traps and gambits. However, being around as much magic as she has been without being magical herself has slightly eroded her own defenses against mystical power, and the fact that she could rarely be touched as a child means that she is slow to react when something tries to physically touch her, even with hostile intent.

Poisoned Muscles [Physiological]: Whatever it is that makes up Akhlys packs a lot of power into a relatively small frame; she doesn’t look like it, but she can comfortably lift over half a ton of weight without strain.

Protection of ‘Death’ [Mystical]: Thanatos protects his own with the “Kiss of Shadows”, a dark power that draws from the unquiet shades to protect the still-living with their very essence. (It’s a bog-standard protection spell, which Thanatos can refresh from afar. Definitely comes in handy, from time to time.)

Weaponized Toxicity: While Elita is dangerous to the average person just by existing, her various poisons and acids aren’t strong enough to harm most super-powered individuals… on their own. With her suit, her poisons are concentrated and enhanced with specially-selected chemicals to bring out super-level effects.

Breath Fuel [Technology]: When refined, Elita’s breath is a highly-combustible fuel source. She uses her breathing mostly to power her suit, with various effects.

’Exhale’ Jets: Igniting her refined breath and funneling it through prepared jets in her suit allows Elita to move quickly from place to place; the thrust is powerful enough to give her flight, as well.

Breath ‘Strength’: By redirecting the fuel to built in servos and motors in her suit, Elita can increase her natural strength by several orders of magnitude, allowing her to rival pure powerhouses with her lifting capacity.

Walking on ‘Air’: with a complicated treatment that makes her breath (mostly) inert (it actually causes the breath to decay quickly into harmless or much less harmful substances quickly upon exposure to air, but it’s a complicated process), Elita can vent her breath through her feet, allowing her to ‘walk’ across the surface of water, up walls, and even increase the venting to chew through dirt and rock (the same process that makes the breath decay quickly also has a deleterious effect to most solid states of matter—again, complicated process).

Deep Breaths: Finally, Elita can simply circulate the accumulated air through her suit, providing an additional layer of ablative armor and significantly increasing her resistance to most forms of attack. She thinks the feeling of security from the action helps to insulate her from mental attack as well, but that’s difficult to empirically prove.

Stored Toxicity: Every bit of Akhlys is dangerous, but she sticks to gas and liquid for her attacks; solids end up contaminating the surrounding area way too easily, and there’s something that’s just way too gross about using her fingernail clippings as a weapon.

Breath [Physiological (Poison) Effect]: When not transformed into fuel, Akhlys’ breath has a paralytic effect upon those who get it on their skin or breathe it in. Concentrated, it looks like a yellow-green gas; it isn’t chlorine, unfortunately, but something more complicated.

Sweat [Physiological (Disease) Effect]: Akhlys’ sweat causes minor rashes and dizziness in its untreated form; when concentrated, it creates debilitating fatigue and difficulty focusing. Luckily, it doesn’t seem to be contagious outside of direct contact with Akhlys herself.

Blood [Energy (Acid) Effect]: Bright green and highly corrosive, Akhlys’ blood is one thing she does not need to concentrate or treat in order for it to be weapons-grade. She doesn’t usually mention what her acid bombs are made out of, because people tend to become concerned or disturbed.

Tears [Physiological (Bleed) Effect]: For some reason, Akhlys’ tears are a rusty red color. When concentrated, they cause the target to begin to lose stamina rapidly upon contact. Elita tries to be extremely judicious about her use of her tears.

From Poison, Cure: After several years of work with her own substances and her growing understanding of chemistry, Elita has managed to turn her potent poisons and diseases into what seems to be an almost literal panacea. Everything living feels better after touching this combined cure…except her. Akhlys uses this power sparingly as well, since it’s a headache to explain.

Mixology: By experimenting with other chemical mixtures, Akhlys has gained several different ways to use her power in battle, both ramping up and subtly reshaping the effects of her poisons and acids.

Lingering: Removing a few choice chemicals keep her powers in the system of a foe instead of decaying with exposure to air, allowing her to layer on more effects with repeated application.

Potent: If Akhlys removes all of the limiting chemicals in her mixtures, her poison stays in the target until it reaches its full effect or they successfully fight it off.

Corrosive: By actually distilling and concentrating her blood, Akhlys makes a potent acid that is able to eat through surfaces that are normally much more acid-resistant.

Caustic: adding a thickening agent to her blood means that the acid sticks, eating more heavily into specific areas instead of spreading around, and causing more damage in that area.

Delivery Methods: When in close range, Akhlys can coat her fists with her chosen cocktail of poisons and simply punch them into the enemy (Physical Delivery). However, she has several other ways to bring her poisons to bear.

[B]Frag Grenade [Physical (Ballistic) Delivery]: A simple explosive charge; it’s the best way to spread her acid over a wide area in a few seconds.

’Smoke’ Grenade [Material (Wind) Delivery]: These grenades focus more on dispersing the fluids inside into the air, turning them into noxious fumes that hit a wide array of targets.

Thrown: Akhlys can drop the grenades too, but throwing them is usually better.

Liberally: Just add more acid! Always works.

Aerated: By turning the fluid inside the grenade into a gas before she throws it, Akhlys can make that gas linger, so that it will be able to hit more people within the cloud and affect them all.

Twenty-five years ago, a wealthy philanthropist named Cyril Coste, CEO of Coste Thaumaturgics, LLC, and his wife and CFO Ivanna Coste adopted their third child, naming her Elita. Elita had been born dangerously premature in a New York hospital and then abandoned by her parents after an emergency room visit revealed that her birth mother’s sudden, debilitating illness was due to Elita developing her powers in the womb. Shortly after the emergency birth, Elita had been placed in a hermetically-sealed ICU chamber and her parents had fled the hospital despite her mother’s poor health. They had refused to sign the birth certificate, and they did not give Elita her name.

But back to Cyril and Ivanna. Cyril was an amateur magician with a head for business who had inherited his father’s thriving magical devices corporation, and Ivanna was a far better wizard who was a genius at magically automating everyday tasks. They had already adopted two children—a young girl from Egypt whose parents had named her Anne before they both passed, and a baby boy from Israel they named Chesed—and were considering a third child when four-year-old Anne suffered a nasty fall, the result of which required an overnight hospital stay. Cyril and Ivanna had been with Anne in her hospital room when they heard the commotion around Elita’s birth. Cyril went to investigate, discovered the source of the issue, and called for his wife to help. It was Ivanna’s magic that allowed Elita to be held, in the first few hours of her life.

The adoption of Elita could have been a very complicated thing, but Ivanna and Cyril were both extensively wealthy—which in this case was a good and useful thing. Within a month, the new baby girl was officially Elita Coste, Cyril and Ivanna’s third child. It took another two months for Elita to be healthy enough to go home with the Costes, and it was a near thing at times, but soon enough, shrouded by magic to protect others from her power, Elita went home.

Unfortunately, tragedy seemed to follow the baby girl wherever she went. Less than three weeks after Elita came to the Coste household, Ivanna was caught in the crossfire of a superpowered duel and killed by a thug calling himself Johnny Longshot. Cyril Coste, mad with grief, dove into forbidden texts and made dark bargains with powers he shouldn’t, becoming the grim magical anti-hero Thanatos, scourge of the night and bringer of his namesake to criminals… or at least, that’s what the official story says.

In truth, Cyril did go somewhat crazy with grief at the loss of his wife, and he did start looking in forbidden tomes for ways to get revenge… but the needs of four-year-old Anne, two-year-old Chesed, and newborn Elita pulled him away from his grief before it could draw him into any dark bargains. He knew, as he grieved and cared for his family, that he couldn’t just do nothing… but he couldn’t abandon his children, either. He realized that he had the perfect setup for a dark, grim anti-hero, and that the villains would believe he had made dark bargains if he just put on a good show and brooded. And so, instead of seeking out evil forces and making disreputable deals, he worked on solidifying the basics of his magical skills and putting together a solid act of darkness and terror.

Johnny Longshot was a two-bit thug with a barely-useful power; his murder of Ivanna had been a terrible bit of luck, nothing more. ‘Thanatos’ made sure that he was properly terrified, and Johnny was just fast enough to make it to the police before Thanatos got to him to finish him. A few words in the right ears, and Johnny was happy to receive a sentence of life without parole for the death of Ivanna Coste. A few more words, and it was clear that Thanatos, having lost his chance at his target of vengeance, would now take out his wrath on any villain foolish enough to cross him. Cyril found that he liked being a grim, brooding superhero, dispensing justice in the night, and so Thanatos was born; by no means New York’s most powerful or most well-known hero, but feared and respected in his own right.

Meanwhile, Elita grew up in a home that was mostly happy. She had to wear special sigils and garments to keep her powers in check and was tutored privately with her brother and sister, but she did still leave the house and go on vacations like a normal child. Anne and Chesed both developed magical ability: Anne showed aptitude at emotional magic and transformation, and Chesed turned out to be a magivore (someone who ‘eats’ magic) and mimic. Although she tried, Elita never mustered up the strength or aptitude to cast a single spell. Chesed teased her that she was adopted to be the experiment for the rest of them… at least, he did until Cyril found out about the teasing.

Instead of magic, Elita turned to science. As soon as she learned about her different nature, she was determined to control it herself, and so she began to experiment with chemicals, suits, and mechanisms, watched over by an indulgent but often distracted father. By age twelve, she had built a functional environmental suppression suit, though it was so bulky that she could hardly move in it.

On top of the normal subjects and magic, Cyril tutored his children in hand-to-hand combat, criminology, and showmanship. When each child turned sixteen, Cyril offered them the chance to become his sidekick if they wished; Anne refused, wanting to use her abilities as a psychologist instead of a hero, while Chesed accepted and was given the name Limos to match with Thanatos. When it came to be her turn, Cyril initially didn’t ask; Only when Elita demanded it did he reluctantly name her Akhlys and take her on as a sidekick. For a time, the three of them worked together, Elita often working as tech support while the other two dealt with magical problems.

When Elita was twenty, disaster struck again. Anne, who had moved out after college and was working on her Masters in Clinical Psychology, appeared near their home with a lion’s head instead of her own, raving about Menhit and destruction and driving those around her into magical rage. Thanatos, Limos, and Akhlys were able to stop her, but not to calm her down; they eventually discovered that the lion’s head was from her own magic, apparently due to an accident that no one witnessed. The overarching spell on her was too complicated to remove, and so Cyril regretfully placed his first daughter in an asylum and did all he could to help her. She regularly escaped, and Thanatos regularly caught her again.

Chesed continued working as his father’s sidekick, but Elita was growing tired of the constant forced gloominess and tragic backstories—both real and fabricated. After she graduated from her own Master’s program—Chemical Engineering—she announced to her brother and father that she was moving to Bastion and officially joining the Hero’s Guild. Cyril and Chesed were surprised, but they accepted her decision, wishing her well and reminding her to keep up the “air of menace” that worked so well against villains. Elita did not promise to do so.

Unbeknownst to Elita, Daniel and Jane Beulen had moved to Texas shortly after she was born and still lived in the area. Once she was settled in the Hero’s Guild and began work as an independent. Daniel showed up at her door. Elita closed the door on him after he introduced himself, and didn’t open it until after he left. She has seen both Daniel and Jane in the area from time to time, but does not acknowledge them, and she doesn’t even open her door when they knock any longer. She assumes they’ll stop eventually.

Elita is still finding her way as an independent; her powers are potent, but they can be somewhat niche, and she’s used to working with support. Still, she’s starting to make a name for herself—now if she could only think of a name other than Akhlys…

Elita Coste is always in her suit. With her suit on, she stands a little over five and a half feet tall, with slender limbs and long fingers hidden under dark green gloves with raised black metal plates on the backs of her fingers and hand. The most striking feature of her suit is a jumble of grey-green metal tubing radiating from a bright green gas mask, which obscures her mouth and nose entirely. The tubes lead into a black metal ring around her neck and over her shoulders; despite their look, she can turn her head and look up and down easily. Her body is covered by a robe-like cloak of green so dark it is almost black, which goes down to her knees in the front and flares down to mid-calf in the back; under the cloak is a silvery grey bodysuit containing several smaller tubes in a pattern that oddly evokes rolling mist. Around her waist, under the cloak, is a ring of small metal cylinders, all with slightly different shapes and colors. What looks like black combat boots cover her feet, the tops fitting seamlessly into the grey jumpsuit above. A flared hood covers the top of her head and her hair; the hood has a sewn-in pair of black goggles, opaque on the outward-facing side, which latch in place on the top of the gas-mask and obscure her face completely.

When she’s out of battle and in a place that she isn’t worried about contaminating, Elita lowers the hood, revealing corpse-pale skin with a slight greenish cast, chin-length black hair with deep green highlights, and eyes that are a rusty orange-red without visible sclera or pupils.

If you don’t know her family, Elita comes off as reserved; not shy, but somewhat cold, with a focus on the mission and the work of the moment and an obsession with cleanliness and order. She is constantly running self-checks on her suit and the area around her—not frantically, but with a kind of detached concern, like this is just the routine of her life. In combat, Elita rarely makes quips, concerned instead with ending the fight and keeping the area as safe as she can.

If you do know Elita’s family (or hang out with her for long enough), Elita instead appears practically outgoing. She enjoys company and conversation—listening more than participating. She adores puzzles and mental games, finding them a wonderful way to step out of her own body and mind for a time, and has a slight infatuation with sleek, simplistic, minimalist designs. And she absolutely detests melodrama, grimdark settings, and angst. Overexposure will do that to you.

Cyril Coste AKA Thanatos [Adopted Father (57), Sorcerer]: Despite his tales of dark magic and forbidden spells, Thanatos’ magic is primarily defensive or illusory; to put it in D&D terms, he is an Abjuration wizard with a secondary focus on Illusion. His primary method of fighting is distraction, evasion, and trickery, terrifying the enemy and forcing them to waste attacks on false foes while he shrugs off any actual strikes with his powerful barriers and defenses. He shines most in settings where a large group of weaker enemies are seeking him out, but he can go toe-to-toe with powerful foes if pressed.

As a father, Cyril is indulgent, but not quite to the point of being overly permissive; he is quick with gifts and praise and slow with criticism and punishment, but he will withhold the one and bring forth the other if the situation calls for it. He truly does still miss his wife, but as far as Elita knows he has never had any plans to remarry. Cyril jokes that his business runs itself, but he is shrewd enough to keep an eye on it and make intelligent decisions when called for as CEO.

6’3, roughly 220 lbs, Dark brown hair styled to his shoulders, brown eyes, runner’s build, clean-shaven. Costume Colors: Black and “Dark Grey” (Elita’s pretty sure it’s just more black), insignia black flames styled to look like wings, outlined on his chest-plate.

Chesed Coste AKA Limos [Adopted Brother (27), Magivore]: Limos has the ability to consume energy, especially magic, and duplicate it; in another family or another timeline, he would’ve been compared to Kirby rather than the Greek god of famine. He supplements this ability with minor prophetic magic, essentially a minor cantrip that lets him ‘sense’ an opponent’s next move before it occurs as well as another spell that gives him a deep knowledge of what magic he consumes. This makes him a nearly unparalleled one-on-one combatant, since the stronger the enemy is, the better he is against them. He can handle himself adequately against groups, but single combat is where he shines brightest.

As a brother, Chesed is rarely serious, never morose, and always irritating in the endearing way only older brothers can be. An inveterate prankster, Elita thinks that Chesed indulges in the melodrama of “Thanatos and Limos” primarily because he thinks it’s hilarious. Despite his namesake, he’s a notoriously picky eater, and survives mainly on soda and snacks—something that’s starting to catch up to him, though he hasn’t admitted it yet.

5’9, roughly 150 lbs, Dark curly brown hair left wild, brown eyes, thin build, scruffy chin. Costume Colors: Pale tan primary, brownish red secondary, insignia an open mouth with crooked teeth in brownish red.

Anne Coste AKA Menhit [Adopted Sister (29), Sorcerer/Magic Beast]: Ever since Menhit appeared with her lion’s head, she seems to have little to no active control of her powers. Using D&D terms once more, Anne was an Enchanter with Transmutation secondary powers, and these translate over to Menhit’s skills in a unique way: she magically induces a blind rage in those near her, then somehow feeds off of strong emotions (including rage) to enhance her own strength, speed, and healing abilities. She is a difficult foe to fight, since her rage is constantly pounding at you and she gets stronger if you give in. Luckily (or unluckily), she doesn’t seem to have much motivation, simply rampaging due to a botched experiment of some kind.

As a sister, Anne was strict and no-nonsense, the responsible one of the family. She and Elita shared a disinterest in Cyril and Chesed’s dramatics, which helped them to be close before the accident. Anne had an extreme and extensive fondness for animals, and a keen interest in how the mind worked; she was usually playing with an animal, wrapped up in schoolwork, or reading dense informational books in her free time. Magic was always a system for her, a code to crack to get it to do what she wanted, though she was ethical enough not to experiment on others.

6’0, roughly 180 lbs, Tan fur (was black wavy hair), amber eyes (was dark brown), muscular build. Costume Colors: none specific, no specific insignia (unless you count a lion’s head).


Daniel Beulen [Biological Father (43), Reverser (Unknown)]: Daniel Beulen is a math teacher in a suburb of Bastion, where he has taught for the last eighteen years. He is intensely interested in mechanics and systems, and is an amateur inventor in his free time, mostly creating little tools to help him around the house. Unbeknownst to him, Daniel has the power to make healthy food he eats unhealthy and unhealthy food healthy, something that has caused a strange diet and almost nothing else in his life.

5’10, roughly 230 lbs, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, “scholarly” build, neat beard. Not a superhero.

Jane Beulen [Biological Mother (43), Human]: Jane Beulen works as a paralegal in a small firm in Bastion, which mostly deals with wills and inheritance law. She is quiet and efficient, but enjoys the company of friends and occasional trips to see shows or watch movies. Unbeknownst to her, Jane has a preternaturally strong resistance to poisons; not full immunity, but stronger than the average person by an order of magnitude. Since she has only been ‘poisoned’ once in her life, this has never been noticed by her.

5’5, roughly 180 lbs, light brown hair, grey eyes, average build. Not a superhero.

2023-12-13, 04:27 PM
Charlie Arkto AKA Man-Eater WILDFANG

Initiative: +10. Attack Bonus: +6 . Effect Bonus: +14 . Defense: +6 . Resistance: +14. Stamina:150 .

Deception: +0. Expertise: +8. Insight: +10. Intimidation: +20. Investigation: +0. Mobility: +10. Perception: +10. Persuasion: +0. Stealth: +0. Technology: +0.

Fields of Expertise: Cars, Cooking, Criminal, Popular Culture, Sports, Streetwise, Superhumans

All-Out Attack, Animal Empathy, Assessment,Benefit (May substitute Perception for Insight to Evaluate people who she can smell), Fearless, Improved Crit 2, Interpose, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Takedown, Uncanny Dodge


Ursine Physiology [9]
Enhanced Perception 10 (Limited to Scent) [5]
Senses 4 (Acute & Extended Scent, Low-Light Vision, Scent-Tracking) [4]

Super Strong (20-8)[12]
Movement 2 (Leaping) [2]
Speed 4 [4]
Strength 14 [14]

Super Tough (22-10) [12]
Immunity 2 (Critical Hits) [2]
Protection 10 (Impervious)(Limited:Extras Only) [10]
Regeneration 10 (Restorative)(Limited:Not When Worn Down) [10]

Indiscriminate Brawling:Array [50+3](53-10)[43]
“Mighty Roar” Damage 10 (Area:Cone, Impeding 2 (Dazing&Vulnerability), Unavoidable) [50]
[AE]”Haymaker” Damage 10 (Penetrating) Linked Affliction 10 (Dazing&Impairment)(Cumulative, Extra Condition, Penetrating)(Limited Degree) [50]
[AE]”Bearhug” Damage 10 (Penetrating)(Grab-Based) Linked Weaken Resistance 10 (Penetrating, Repeating 2 [Limited to While Grabbed)(Grab-Based)
[AE]”Beatdown” Damage 10 (Battering 2, Extra Condition, Penetrating)

Stats 40 + Skills 22 + Advantages 12 + Powers 76 = 150 PP (PL 10)
♫There is a house in New Orleans...♫[Motivation]
Charlie does not want to go back to prison, simple as that, so now she's a hero. It's been a learning curve.

Terror Master [Enemy]
The brain to Charlie's brawn, the Clyde to her Bonnie. Last time she saw Sam Hayne he was using his powers of fear manipulation to super charge her fight or flight response and use the resulting berserker freakout as cover to make his escape while she went to jail. To say she's holding a grudge is a little bit of an understatement.

Chimera [Relationship]
Most people know Chimera as a villainous and beastial shapeshifter, Charlie calls her mom. While she left Charlie's father to raise her, she still made sporadic appearances and imparted on her daughter her 'Might Makes Right' philosophy. She hasn't reemerged since Charlie went on the straight and narrow but it's only a matter of time.

On a Leash [Responsibility]
Charlie's new freedom comes with caveats, all of her behaviour and actions are scrutinized and monitored by Hero Guild and she's even been assigned a relentlessly cheery parole officer. However tempting it might be she can't afford to slip back in to her old ways at any cost.

Man-Eater [Reputation]
Before she got her new break, Man-Eater and the Terror Master carved a path of mayhem across the country, taking whatever they wanted and doing whatever they pleased, some people are going to remember that and conversely the people she befriended on the other side of the law aren't going to look kindly on her selling out.
The result of a drunken one night stand between her father and a woman he couldn't remember, Charlie was raised alone by her father the day he found her bundled in cloth and crying on the steps outside his gym. He didn't know much about being raising a kid but the threatening note that came with the baby meant that you can bet he was going to try his best and as she grew he tried to instill the values of hard work, duty and loyalty in her but unfortunately it would end up being the irregular appearances of her mother that left the biggest impact on the girl.

Whether it was for birthdays, holidays or needing somewhere to lay low while her powers patched up some horrendous injury, Charlie's mother would make an appearance whenever she felt like it and rather than being horrified by the revelation that she was the monstrous shapeshifting supervillain Chimera, it only made her like her more, casting her as badass outlaw who took what she wanted, lived by her own rules and didn't take **** from nobody. By the time Charlie's powers made themselves known, sharpening her senses and magnifying her already impressive physical prowess to superhuman levels, her darwinian might makes right philosophy had already taken hold. If she wanted something and nobody could stop her from taking it

This all came to a head when a school friend revealed to her that he had developed powers of his own, the ability to project and control in fear in others, Charlie had never been very academic in the first place so it wasn't exactly a hard sell to convince her to drop out and hit the road. From there, taking Man-Eater & Terror Master as their nom du crimes, the pair began their wild crime filled roadtrip, crashing parties, robbing stores and on one memorable occasion they managed to knock over a bank. The partnership would come to an abrupt end though when an encounter with some local heroes went south and rather than go down swinging, Sam used his powers to whip her into a frenzy and cover his own escape.

It was while she was waiting in jail for an prison break that never came Charlie helped to quell a prison riot and what started as an excuse to punch someone and get away with it led to being put on a program to be paroled and released into the custody of the hero guild where she could put her powers to use making up for the things that she'd done and maybe even become a real hero.

2023-12-17, 02:26 PM
Lin Bane AKA Envoy

AB 10, EB 10, DB 10, RB 10, ST 150, Ini +10

SKILLS [30pp]
Deception 15, Expertise 20, Insight 10, Mobility 10, Perception 10, Persuasion 10, Stealth 13

Fields of Expertise (+1 PP): Administration, Bastion Local, Corporate, Construction, Criminal, Current Events, Gaming, History, Law, Law Enforcement, Magic (+25), Mars Cannon, Medicine, Military, Military Hardware, Politics, Pop Culture, Science, Sociology, Streetwise, Superheroes, Superheroes' Guild, Supervillains, Survival, Vehicles

Artificer, Attractive 2, Benefit (Ballistic Knock: use Magic Expertise instead of Technology for Security), Benefit 2 (Bastion Elemental: Security Clearance for Bastion and Heroes' Guild), Benefit 2 (Full Metal Warlock: +5 to Magic Expertise), Benefit (Mental Point Defense: use Deception instead of Insight to resist influence), Fast Manipulate 2, Group Manipulate, Interpose, Leadership, Move-by Action, Ritualist, Skill Mastery (Expertise: Magic), Taunt, Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge

POWERS [60pp]
Reload!: Quickness 10 {10-4 = 6}

Danger!: Deflect 10 (Personal only, Resilient) {10-4 = 6}

Cannon Elemental: 41pt dynamic array {41+7 = 48}

Cannon Digits [Energy/Aether]: Damage 10 (Cone Area, Selective, Subtle) {31pp}, Range 10 {10pp}

Cannon Legs: Speed 10 (Subtle) {11pp}, Movement 5 (Leaping, Sure-Footed, Water Walking, Whisking; Fast) {10pp}, Weaken 10 [Physical/Bludgeoning] (RB) {10pp}, Damage gains Penetrating {10pp}

Cannon Arms [Material/Force]: Strength 10 (Cone Area, Selective, Subtle) {31pp}, 10pp unspent

Cannon Head: Communication 3 (Mental; Area, Rapid 2, Selective, Subtle 2) {22pp}, Comprehend 6 (Read/Understand/Speak all languages, be understood; Objects [Limited to guns]) {10pp}, Senses 8 (Mental: Accurate, Acute, Analytical, Danger Sense, Ranged, Radius, Tracking) {8pp}, Feature (switch to and from Envoy identity and appearance) {1pp}
Envoy of the Mars Cannon [Motivation - Justice/Responsibility]
The Mars Cannon has both gained a consciousness and became self-aware, seemingly acting like the spirit of Bastion itself. And it has chosen Lin to act as its envoy, both to better connect with the people of Bastion, as well as to see justice be done. The Mars Cannon's powers and motivations are still largely a mystery, but it has granted Lin wide-reaching permissions and authority to do what must be done. And it has changed Lin, granting her supernatural powers, but also bonding with her for life. It is a tall order, towering even, but Lin wants to see it done.

The Mars Cannon Is Alive?! [Responsibility]
The Mars Cannon announcing its presence and will, along with naming Lin her envoy, caused quite a stir. Now the superhero and scientific communities are trying to learn more about this phenomenon, which naturally has to go through Lin, as the Mars Cannon at the moment rarely ever communicates through anyone else (though it seemingly can do so on its own). Since mishandling this could cause a rift between the city, the heroes, and the Mars Cannon, this is Rather Important. At the same time, the Mars Cannon keeps things on a need to know basis. And Lin is an important part in the Mars Cannon's development, for better or worse.

On Whose Authority? [Prejudice]
Suddenly, there is an entity that seemingly has access to the city's systems and infrastructure and maybe even more mystical roots, with somewhat unclear motivations. And Lin acting on its behalf. Though having declared to aid Bastion, and Lin has very much done a lot to help, there are people who feel uneasy about this. Superheroes and authorities feeling like they are being left out, the Mars Cannon overstepping boundaries, possibly undermining the system. It does not help that the Mars Cannon does not yet seem fully "human" in behavior and thought processes. Thus, Lin in her capacity as Envoy can seem like a possibly destabilizing rogue agent. It also does not help that a giant gun made someone its agent, and gave her almost exclusively gun powers. Also this whole thing is just weird!

Beck and Call [Accident/Quirk]
Being Envoy is not a job, it's Lin's life now. If the Mars Cannon has need of her, it will open a burst transmission channel into her mind at any time of day, visit her as a mental apparition, or outright teleports Lin into the seemingly extradimensional chamber within the Mars Cannon itself to meet with its avatar. Said avatar takes the form of an extremely sophisticated android, looking like a humanoid war machine, but also having taken on regal and feminine features since having made Lin its envoy. Its form appears to be refined over time, seemingly based on outside developments and its interactions with Lin. Sometimes, the Mars Cannon teleports Lin straight to a place where she is needed, at times with little to no warning. Needless to say, this has caused all sorts of shenanigans, frantic or embarassing moments, on top of a very tired Envoy having to spring into action.

Intrinsically Connected [Power Loss/Weakness]
Given her connection to the Mars Cannon, should anything happen to it, it will also affect Lin, in addition to having to prioritize protecting the cannon in general. In extreme cases, if the Mars Cannon was somehow shutdown, this would likely rob Lin of her powers and cause her a lot of physical and mental distress, since she is no longer fully human. Worse, if someone or something should somehow gain control over the Mars Cannon, this could likely lead to being able to influence its Envoy, though not entirely control her, since the Envoy is supposed to also work as a protective measure.

Shot To The Heart [Relationship/Secret]
The moment she became Envoy, Lin always felt the Mars Cannon's presence in the depths of her mind and heart. It was a very overwhelming sensation at first, and honestly Lin is not sure if this is some sort of measure to ensure her loyalty by the Cannon. But she can still think about the matter. Part of her is wondering if this is what it feels like to feel some sort of deity in her heart. And to be honest, Lin actually likes the feeling and connection, further fueled by the Mars Cannon seeming invested in her well-being and open to her opinions and thoughts. All of Lin is laid bare before the Mars Cannon. But because the human mind is all sorts of not prepared for things like this, Lin now has to deal with love for a large piece of artillery and its avatar and what they stand for, and she is not sure what kind of love that is and how far-reaching it is. So this is all a great source of embarassment, keeping all this close to her chest. The Cannon, meanwhile, is also aware of this, and seems curious about it. And given its nature, it is often quite direct about this.

I Worked Retail [Quirk]
Due to having worked in the service industry, on the very frontlines, Lin has lived through all sorts of corporate hell and dealt with a lot of people's BS. That she still wishes for the general population's well-being borders on a small miracle. However, when dealing with crappy people and all sorts of administrative and corporate nonsense, Lin has no real qualms about using her extensive experience in feeding people like this BS for them to get their comeuppance.

Bloodworks (aka "HR") [Enemy]
Lin was stuck in retail and later corporate offices due to a long run of bad luck and circumstances. She only later learned she was actually part of a greater plan, or rather machinery of a kind, when she, her friend Manu, and the group of people they frequently met with off-work started to notice weird patterns in how they came to Bastion, how they met, and their circumstances. It also didn't help that the one responsible was growing increasingly obsessed with Lin. She only knew this being as "HR" (filling that same position to boot) at her jobs at first, eventually getting blackmailed and transferred to Bastion by it. By now, Lin is fairly certain "HR" is (or was?) some sort of demon, creating weird arcane matrices for whatever ends it was pursuing, and part of said matrices was putting the right people into the right places at the right times. The group came to also call it Bloodworks, since the demon was basically using them as fuel for its work (and so things would not get confusing when they were talking about normal Human Resources departments/people). When Bloodworks learned the group found out, it did all it could to shut down their ability to contact heroes while beginning an "emergency completion" of the matrix, consuming several people. However, it seemed hesitant to harvest Lin, seeing greater potential in her to achieve its "ascension", which she successfully exploited to have HR have a lapse in concentration and judgment while Manu quickly leaked evidence of what was going on to the Hero Guild HQ. However, Bloodworks was acting too quickly and seeing how Manu was about to be consumed, normal human Lin just straight up tried attacking the demon to somehow stop it. The demon had little trouble rooting her in place, out of reach. Which is when Lin, unwilling to give up and let Bloodworks kill her friends and wreak further havoc in the city as it pleased, felt the shot to the heart, and gained her powers, subsequently demolishing the matrix with her new powers and defeating Bloodworks. When the heroes arrived, they were met by Envoy, and the Mars Cannon's avatar made its announcement. To this day, it is unclear whether Bloodworks is actually destroyed. Lin does not really think so, to be honest. And whether it may still be obsessed with Lin. Food for thought: what would happen if it returned and became the Supervillain Guild's "HR"?

Manu and the Circuit Breakers [Relationship]
Emanuela "Manu" Lanza (26, graphics designer, unapologetic ARG enthusiast) is Lin's best friend, and part of a survivor group of Bloodworks' matrices consisting of Gary Mayfield (53, programmer, the group's wise old man and old school hacker), Linda Vargas (39, secretary, the group mom and lorehound), and Darren West (34, journalist and aspiring author). The group drunkenly dubbed themselves Circuit Breakers after the Bloodworks events, the name stuck because of cheese factor, and they still meet regularly ever since to hang out, see movies, play games and whatnot. As a group, the Circuit Breakers do habitually keep an eye out for any strange patterns emerging, and have become fairly decent at researching various urban legends and conspiracy theories (and often debunking them rather handily), and have thus come into contact with all sorts of people from all walks of life (partially due to their occupations). Manu was the one who unknowingly brought Lin into this former matrix by inviting her to a game night when Lin was getting off work in the evening. They had chatted at the checkout a few times beforehand, Lin found it rather obvious that Manu in all her brazen and somewhat nerdy enthusiasm was hitting on her, and she was so mentally drained by her Bloodworks-inflicted job that she gladly took the opportunity for a change of pace. Getting through the whole Bloodworks debacle led to an ironclad bond, and Manu has since become able to relax more around Lin due to not having anything to prove anymore (and, frankly, having acclimatized to her appearance). Manu knows about Lin being Envoy, and initially was suspicious of the Mars Cannon and its connection to Lin due to past events, but so far, it has allowed Lin to achieve a lot of great things. And should Bloodworks actually come back (crossing fingers it doesn't!), she might be able to fight it on equal footing (hopefully).

Phobos and Deimos [Enemy]
So Bastion was built around a cannon designed to shoot someone straight to Mars. After someone built a base on Mars. This shall not stand! Phobos and Deimos hate everything about Mars getting shot at or just randomly colonized! Thus, the brothers (looking much like depictions of their namesakes from Greek myth, suspiciously so) came to Earth to destroy the Mars Cannon (since apparently the Big Bad on Mars was already taken care of) and also establish once and for all establish that Glorious Melee Combat is always superior to Cowardly And Lame Ranged "Combat", just as Ares surely intended! Also to finally get Earthlings to stop calling the planet Mars, that is absolute slander! However, it turned out that their means to travel back to their home moons kind of ceased to work outside of their domains. So they attract local humans to be their Battle Brother troops. It also turned out they were rather underestimating what the Earthlings and especially Envoy could do, or that their ire would also irk the Supervillains Guild (what with their former leader having unjustly colonized glorious Ares!), and their first direct assault did not bear fruit. Since then, Envoy has become their double mortal enemy, not only serving the blasted cannon, but also only using guns (seemingly)! The nerve! Shameful behavior! As soon as they manage to find a way to phone home to their moons, they will have proper troops to take all these Earthlings down (and also have them bring suitable means to their standards to travel back; Earthling spacecraft is just so beneath them).

Lin's past life before coming to Bastion is a bit of a blur at this point in time between the side effects inflicted on her by the matrices Bloodworks used her in, and the Mars Cannon having salvaged what was still there. Research done by it at least indicate what roughly happened in the gaps.

From the looks of it, Lin was born in Alaska, 27 years ago. Parents separated early, leaving Lin with her dad while her mom seemingly went back to Russia. The household was financially struggling a lot of the time, with not the best relationship between parent and child, leading to Lin working jobs and learning to take care of herself early. She was also involved in hunting game every now and then. Her dad left when Lin could sustain herself, which was also the last time they talked. From what has been gathered, Lin grew up remarkably stable despite all the circumstances. The drive to not turn out like her parents kept her from getting involved with the wrong crowd, and going so far as to watch out for others in the community. It is also the time she unknowingly entered Bloodworks' network, working retail, the place setup mostly to survey for more promising "components" for the demon's arcane matrices, and otherwise just slowly draining the employees for "passive income" of life force until the employees quit or burn out. What put Lin on the radar was that after working there for months, she not only reacted immediately to the store getting robbed, but also straight-up punched out one of the robbers and held the other at gunpoint when they started threatening people there.

This got her involved with "HR", the effectively faceless guise of the demon Bloodworks. Strong-willed as Lin may have been, she had been in the local matrix for months, in addition to being overworked, and was just a normal human, so there was little she could do to notice or resist the hooks the demon had in her mind. Lin was transfered to another workplace in the state of Washington, USA to initiate another matrix. The one in Alaska was harvested. This led to years in the system, having Lin travel further and further south, being used to complete various matrices, leading to a lot of people getting harvested for their life force and the resulting arcane energies. To Lin, it simply felt like trying to stay afloat and stay sane, while coming into contact with a wide variety of people. Having to deal with people, adapt to a variety of tasks, navigate hellish corporate politics, and still trying to keep a few people out of the line of fire. It took years to start realizing something wasn't right, finding it hard to even think about quitting or question why she had to work the jobs she did, and go where "HR" told her to. She never heard from the people she used to work or meet with in previous cities and towns.

When Lin arrived in Bastion relatively recently, she had quietly built up a certain "resistance" to what "HR" was doing, and having gathered indications of something plain unsettling going on. Patterns in her assignments, the people she worked with and met, innocuous inquiries she made making her wonder if other people were likewise being influenced. The office Lin worked in as part of public relations had a new hire, Emanuela "Manu" Lanza, a graphics designer, thus working with Lin. Manu wasted little time to start flirting with Lin, which at that point was an almost regular occurence for the latter across her life. So she did the usual thing of gracefully deflecting said advances. She had been through several romances and more casual involvements, all of whom had ghosted her when it was time for her to move to the next city, so she was frankly not keen on another. But Manu was friendly enough, and frankly easy to work with. "HR" seemed to be preparing for something, and called Lin to it more and more frequently for meetings, mentioning a "promotion" that would arrive soon, being very pleased with her work. Which, naturally, worried Lin.

Weeks after Manu started, the hispanic woman half-jokingly invited Lin to tag along to a game night, and was surprised she actually agreed. Lin had heard her mention her unease like there were strange vibes in the office and she was feeling weirdly tired recently. The group of people Lin was brought to all seemed in a similar boat, Lin learning they work in different places in Bastion, all feel like something is off, and all having a hard time really describing much of "HR". Lin managed to convince them to dig deeper into this, discreetly, the group spotting a pattern in their workplaces' locations around the Mars Cannon, and one leading from Alaska to Bastion. Additionally, the places and people Lin had worked for or with in the previous cities and towns all seem to have vanished, their disappearances explained away in different ways, but there being nothing when following up. "HR" seemed to be distracted as of late with some project, so Lin managed to glimpse some of its files. Diagrams of matrices, in a language that only slowly seemed to make sense to her, "harvests", surveillance of "components", Lin being a focal point for an "ascension". And wanting to hurry matters along to completion very soon.

Lin shared with the group what she found, using burner phones while leaving company phones behind in hopes of avoiding detection. Unfortunately, "HR", or rather the demon they dubbed Bloodworks, got wind of them having found out about what was going on. And began an emergency harvest, the group seeing one of them grow entirely apathetic and slowly dissolve. In a desperate attempt, Lin handed Manu the files to leak to the Heroes' Guild with an urgent request for help while she headed to Bloodworks, claiming she was committed to see the ascension through. The demon seemed obsessed enough with her to spare her. But it was not distracted enough to stop its harvest, and the Heroes' Guild was taking too long. Another member of the group was consumed, as seen through a scrying spell, and Lin just... punched Bloodworks, with only the tiniest chances of accomplishing anything. It trapped Lin easily, telling her this moment of confusion would soon pass, as Manu was growing apathetic. Unwilling to give up and let the demon kill and wreak havoc on the city, in that moment, Lin felt the shot to the heart.

Envoy emerged, shattering the focus of the harvesting matrix. The fight against Bloodworks was short and intense, ending in the demon's seeming destruction, torn apart by the Mars Cannon's power channeled through Envoy's guns. Superheroes arrived, finding the dissolving demon, as well as Envoy. In that moment, the Mars Cannon made a city-wide transmission, announcing its presence as the city's soul, that it would protect and enhance Bastion, and that it would send its Envoy to accomplish this and work with humanity soon (introducing Lin's heroic identity publically). Envoy was then teleported away, into a secret sanctum within the Mars Cannon seemingly outside of regular space. Lin met the Mars Cannon's avatar, feeling her connection with it and finding its presence nearly overwhelming. The Mars Cannon chose Lin for her character and having worked to protect it and the city's people by opposing Bloodworks against all odds. The Mars Cannon's presence in her heart felt... good, right. But she voiced her worry about having traded one master for another. The avatar seemed confused. It was granting her powers, and would call on her to understand humanity and fight evil. But the Mars Cannon is the home of heroes. Lin was chosen because she belonged there, because she was the one compatible. It was absolutely certain in its choice. And its dedication to Lin. And Lin felt it told her the truth.

Since then, Lin grew into her role as Envoy. She found this new calling demanding, but honestly very rewarding. The Heroes' Guild (and everyone else) was quite surprised by the events that transpired, the avatar, and Envoy, but seemed to welcome this new hero, seeking to establish diplomatic ties and learn more about what was happening. The guild investigated Bloodworks, finding evidence of its matrix network. Places and people it had harvested were more or less scrubbed from existence, difficult to notice if you were not specifically looking for it. The places Lin had worked at did not even truly have names, more like disguised machines. The guild was unsure whether the demon was entirely destroyed or merely banished for a time. Manu had glimpsed Lin's transformation into Envoy and thus was in the know, promising to keep it a secret to not have her swamped. Manu also found it even more difficult to keep her composure around Lin for a time, the Mars Cannon's shot to the heart also having had "reconstructed" Lin to remove Bloodworks' influence, restore as much as was taken from her, and grant her her powers, which also coincided with making her the most ideal version of herself.

So, here we are now, at the beginning of the adventure. Lin has found her place, even if how she got here was harrowing. She found friends and purpose in Bastion. There were still questions regarding the Mars Cannon, its intentions and development, as well as its connection to Lin, the city, and its people. But progress is being made. The Mars Cannon has been unwavering in her support of Lin and dedication to her well-being, whether or not she has to fight supervillains. And as strange as the arrangement may seem on the outside, Lin has gladly accepted her patron, feeling this one would not use and abandon her.
Lin is a stunning 27 years old, statuesque woman, standing 1.85m tall, with blonde hair, fair skin, and bright blue eyes. Since her reconstruction by the Mars Cannon, removing the harm done by Bloodworks and "optimizing" her, Lin is in basically ideal shape, in terms of performance as well as aesthetics. While dressing sharply for occasions, Lin loves herself her some good casual wear, particularly at home, and has a preference for boots when out and about. In many situations, Lin carries herself with an effortless ease, comfortable with who she is and her place in the world. Given her new occupation as Envoy, she can at times be rather tired, and with her history in demon-fueled retail work, she does have a tendency to deadpan at particularly annoying people, or bending the truth to deal with troublesome situations.

In her form as Envoy, Lin wears what looks like ceremonial, perfectly tailored and form-accentuating garments/armor, predominantly in black with yellow access, with a noble quality to them. Stylized designs reminiscent of the Mars Cannon cover her outfit, which are also reflected by the Mars Cannon's avatar (though the avatar is, at the moment, more obviously armored and regal). Her features and voice take on a clearly supernatural angelic quality, the change into her hero form seemingly also disconnecting Envoy from being associated with Lin by those not truly in the know. As a personal choice, Lin's hair is partially bound back, appearing somewhere between a mane and a halo. As part of her powerset, Envoy can manifest various types of guns and firearm-adjacent weaponry, with even her melee attacks usually possessing some degree of energy/projectile discharge or being additionally propelled by an engine. Her motions are often (but not always) also accentuated by various engines. Anything from simple pistols to huge artillery is fair game. However, she can also manifest her powers with her bare hands, and the occasional villain were caught off-guard by her being able to just shoot them with her fingers or punch them out.

2023-12-21, 11:31 PM
Corona: Descendant of the Sun
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1184207273724219432/1184348789859950592/5f522579875a7235d5f5e62c59c39b3f.jpg?ex=6594e043&is=65826b43&hm=116f0a4e55557c9ec5d6df88993f4cdff4de7a0e2c762f3 5fe70bc405f25a8ba&

Attack: +10. Effect: +10. Defense: +10. Resistance: +2/+10. Initiative: +10. Stamina: 160.


Deception: +15. Expertise: +10. Insight: +0. Intimidation: +0. Investigation: +5.
Mobility: +10. Perception: +10. Persuasion: +15. Stealth: +0. Technology: +5.

Fields of Expertise: Accounting, Business, Current Events, Law, Law Enforcement, Local, Military, Philosophy, Popular Culture, Theology.


Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Attractive 2, Benefit 1 (Natural Rapport [Substitute lower of Deception or Persuasion for Insight to Evaluate]), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Equipment 1 (Modern Smartphone), Favored Environment (Glaring Illumination*), Improved Aim, Interpose, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Takedown 2, Teamwork.

*Generally meaning an environment bright enough to cause discomfort or penalties to most people. Full daylight isn't quite sufficient, but full daylight on say the open sea or after snowfall where the light is glaring off the water or snow could qualify, etc.


Embodiment of Light: Immunity 5 (Light), Senses 2 (Vision Counters Concealment [Light]) {7-2}.
Corona's body is infused with the forces of light; light-based effects can't hinder her at all.

Armored Costume: Enhanced Resistance 8 (Permanent), Immunity 2 (Critical Hits), Feature 2 (Quick Change); Removable {12-2-2}.
Corona wears divine armor that offers protection from all forms of harm. While the armor itself stands up superhumanly well against more tangible attacks, its divine nature means it also protects against more esoteric means of attack.

Forcefield: Quirk 0 (Five points of Corona's Defense stat with regards to Energy, Material, and Physical attacks comes from her forcefield; effects that weaken or negate her powers can penalize her Defense against these Delivery Modes as a Complication) {0}.

Light Control: 50-point 7-slot Dynamic Array {50+19}.

Divine Light: Multiple Effects.

Lucent Stride: Speed 10 [10].
Corona can propel herself at superhuman speeds.

Lucent Flight: Movement 5 (Flight; Fast) [10].
She does not particularly need to be on the ground to do this.

Lucent Step: Movement 5 (Teleport, Permeate 3, Whisking) [10].
Corona can briefly discorporate her body into pure light, and move at light speed. She can only maintain this discorporate state for an instant, but at light speeds that's still long enough to move several miles.

Anointed Eyes: Senses 10 (Vision improves to Counters All Concealment, Vision Penetrates Concealment, Vision Counters Illusion, Extended Vision 1) [10].
Corona does not need to rely on ambient light to see; her eyes can produce their own light just fine, thanks, and the light produced by her eyes is under her absolute control; neither material object, physical law, nor superpowered concealment will prevent it from accurately revealing her surroundings and returning to her eyes, at ten times the range a human could see.

Revealing Light: Enhanced Perception 10 (Limited [Vision Only]) [10].
Thanks to her control over light, Corona can sharpen her visual sense to an extreme degree.

Invoke Light: Multiple Effects.

Bolt of Light [Energy] [Light]: Damage 10 [10].
The energy controller's standard, Corona can fire bolts of light at people at damaging intensities, or shape light into various weapon-like forms for melee combat.

Blast of Light: Damage gains Charged (Shapeable Area) [10].
By taking a moment to gather additional energy, Corona can unleash destructive blasts of light shaped at her will. The more power she puts into these blasts, the bigger she can make them.

Rain of Light: Damage gains Multiattack [10].
Corona can unleash multiple bolts of light rapid-fire.

Spear of Light: Damage gains Penetrating [10].
Corona can focus her light blasts for greater intensity, to penetrate tough defenses.

Beam of Light: Damage gains Brutal [10].
Corona can fire potent beams of light that deal additional damage, especially when they hit solidly.

Command Light: Multiple Effects.

Intensify [Energy] [Light]: Weaken 10 (Resistance) [10].
Corona can intensify her light attacks to the point that they burn away enemy defenses.

Shorten [Energy] [Flux]: Weaken 10 (Effect Bonus) [10].
Corona can shorten the wavelength of her light beams, producing ultraviolet attacks that weaken the target with radiation.

Lengthen [Energy/Physiological] [Fatigue] [Fire]: Affliction 10 (Slowing) [10].
Alternately, she can lengthen the wavelength of the beams, producing infrared attacks that fatigue her foes with extreme heat.

Brighten [Sensory] [Overload]: Affliction 10 (Dazzling; Cumulative, Limited [Vision Only]) [10].
Corona can brighten her light attacks to the point that they dazzle or blind her foes.

Solidify [Material] [Ether]: Affliction 10 (Immobilized+Vulnerable/Stopped+Defenseless; Extra Condition, Limited Degree) [10].
Corona can solidify her light attacks into ethereal bindings or targeted forcefields, to hamper her foes. While the ethereal bonds restrain physical movement, the lucent energy also impedes more esoteric forms of evasion and mobility.

Control Light: Multiple Effects.

Projection: Range 10 [10].
Corona can of course project her light powers at a distance.

Magnification: Affliction and Weaken gain Charged (Shapeable Area) [20].
Corona can magnify all forms of her light attacks to affect an area, not just damaging blasts.

Concentration: Damage gains Charged (Irresistible) [10].
When spending the effort to gather additional energy, Corona can concentrate her light blasts so intensely that they'll pierce through even the toughest conventional resistance, although this does concentrate them enough that precision is required to maximize the effects.

Illumination: Damage gains Charged (Unavoidable) [10].
Normally, Corona's energy attacks can largely be viewed as masses of photons gathered together, bound by her will, and directed where they need to go. They move fast but not actually at true light speed. With a bit of additional focus, though, Corona can direct this energy without needing to bind it, allowing her attacks to move at light speed, becoming completely unavoidable by any conventional defense. This does come at some cost in cohesion, though, so it's not impossible that the photons might scatter some by the time they reach their target, limiting the damage done.

Armor of Light: Multiple Effects.

Ablative Forcefield: Protection 10 [10].
Corona can dedicate a constant flow of energy to her forcefield, directly countering and negating some damage received, although only so much at a time.

Protective Forcefield: Protection 10 (Enduring; Limited [Extras Only]) [10].
Corona can devote power to strengthening her forcefield, reducing any damage that manages to get through.

Hardened Forcefield: Protection 10 (Impervious; Limited [Extras Only]) [10].
Corona can devote extra energy to hardening her forcefield even further against attacks; weak attacks will prove unable to penetrate it at all, and at this stage it provides a reliable enough defense that Corona really doesn't have to care about dodging or other forms of active defense at all.

Tactical Forcefield: Protection 10 (Resilient; Limited [Extras Only]) [10].
Corona can tactically combine the strengths of her forcefield with hasted dodges and other forms of active defense, allowing the forcefield to dramatically mitigate the effect of glancing blows.

Extended Forcefield: Protection gains Aura [10].
Corona can extend her forcefield out over a 15' radius, to protect allies and innocents.

Shields of Light: Multiple Effects.

Lucent Shield: Deflect 10 (Charged [Shapeable Area]) [20].
Corona can conjure deflective shields similar to her personal forcefield over allies and noncombatants, to protect them from attack. With a bit of additional focus, she can conjure shields over several targets in an area of her design. She can use this power to shield the barriers she creates, substantially reinforcing them against direct attack.

Lucent Barrier: Create 15 (Selective) [30].
Corona can conjure powerful barriers and fortifications of solid light, to section off the battlefield, entrap foes, or shield allies.

Blessings of Light: Multiple Effects.

Shine: Buff 10 [10].
Corona can channel light energy into herself or her allies to augment their stats.

Blaze: Buff gains Charged (Shapeable Area) [10].
With some additional effort to gather energy, Corona can augment multiple allies at once in a chosen area.

Bless: Buff gains Blessed [10].
Corona's enhancements can carry the touch of the divine, blessing her allies with their light.

Radiance: Buff gains Charged (Powerful) [10].
With a bit of effort, Corona can pour more power into her buffs, enhancing their effects.

Absorption: Invigoration 10 (Persistent; Limited [Only In Direct Sunlight]) [10].
Corona can absorb ambient sunlight to augment her own capabilities or help maintain her personal buffs.


Combat 32 + Skills 20 + Advantages 16 + Powers 82 = 150 PP (PL 10).
Solar-Powered [Power Loss/Weakness]
Corona might reference Apollo most directly when it comes to her deific connections but she is specifically a vessel for the god of the sun. If you keep a god disconnected from their divinity for too long, they will weaken; this is even more true for their vessels. Generally, Corona needs to get sunshine every couple of days to avoid weakening; every day is preferable, as she starts to feel lethargic without it. If she is kept from sunlight for extended periods, she will start to lose her powers bit by bit until she can soak in those precious rays again.

Unending Debts [Accident/Responsibility]
Corona's... "heroification" was dramatic and in a crowded, expensive place (the accounting area of a major law firm). Suddenly causing burns to people/important documents by essentially blowing up a room in a solar flare was pretty bad; doing it in a place filled with lawyers, that's even worse. As such, Corona needs to pay a massive settlement to the firm, its employees and clients as well as any bystander within eyesight (shouldn't stare at the sun, kids!). Sufficed to say, this results in reducing the positive press she receives when doing good and saving folks as well as remove the greater share of payments for acts of justice.

Power for the Worthy, not the Craven [Responsibility]
Cassandra never wanted to be a superhero. Sure she thought about how neat it would be to fly around or how convenient super strength would be, but dreaming about and actually having are two different things. There are thousands of people that would crave the power of the Sun God and she was never one of them. This was a major factor in her selection, as she was likely never to abuse the power and become a tyrant (re: villain). As such, she is both expected to remain humble and use her power justly. Fortunately for the Sun God, this is a very easy task for her, for she is a chronic downer and tends to be overly humble...

Jealousy is a Terrible Monster [Enemy]
When it comes to matters of the divine - especially when anything from the Greek Pantheon is involved - there are going to be times when haters and rivals rise to bring about your fall. From rival gods wearing their own divine vessels to solar candidates that were overlooked, to skeptics who want to smite religion to prove the superiority of science, Corona has no small number of enemies waiting in the wings. Nyx and Itzpapalotl tend to be her most direct threats, but sometimes bored deities can join the mis, if only to bully the very-teasable Cassandra.

Paper-Pusher [Quirk]
Cassandra in her pre-Corona days was a legal researcher, adept at pulling up case files and searching for legal precedents for the much higher-rung lawyers that would do cases. It's a little known fact that for every successful lawyer there are a dozen clerks running their research and pulling documents to help make their case. As such, Cassandra is very, very good at paperwork and the letter of the law and will absolutely whip out that skillset when needed; occasionally to her detriment.

Conflict of (Dis)interest [Quirk]
Corona's body technically holds the divine spark of the Sun God, whatever variant that may be, but they aren't roommates sharing a flat. Cassandra became Corona when the divine spark entered her body and merged with her soul; for better or worse, she is the Sun God now. However, given the sudden shock of having such an ancient intelligence merge with her own, she manifests a sort of split personality as a coping mechanism to help with the sudden change in her life. As such, Cassandra (OG personality) finds herself at odds on the regular with Solar (the name she gives the Sun God essence) and tends to run inner monologues and self-checks on her actions.
Cassandra was the sort to enjoy curling up with a good book or binging WebFlix shows for hours at a time, but Solar is outgoing and energetic, preferring sports, biking, hiking and hitting up boutiques. This results in somewhat erratic decision-making at times where her personalities battle over which life to lead; something that causes no end of frustration for Corona as a whole.

Divine Raiment [Quirk]
Corona's super-suit (for a lack of a better term) is directly linked to the divine spark what inhibits her; skimpy as it is, the Sun God must be seen in all their beauty and glory. Cassandra inwardly feels self-conscious about it at all times but is forced to wear it as a deal-breaker with the deific aspect now-merged with her. While it has its benefits, Cassandra often wishes she could wear more than sparkly tinfoil when doing her Corona duties. Sufficed to say, the press loves this attire and for good or for ill, will make absolute use of its ups and downs in every article. Many are the tabloid with rumoured wardrobe malfunctions or scandalous secrets about the attire, and no fewer are the fan works that obsess over it and the figure beneath. We won't even get started on the R34...
The exact nature of the divine is speculated less and less as time goes on. As science gains a greater foothold, as magic finds its mysteries solved in formulae and ritual, as mankind gains a greater independence and knowledge of the universe in which they exist, their reliance on the divine lessens more and more. However, there is a mistaken belief that as this worship fades away that so to do those fueled by it. Mankind does not yet rule the universe. There are mysteries yet unknown, yet unsolved, and among them are the gods themselves.

Cassandra hadn't really considered the gods, as it were. She'd been raised Catholic by a family that stopped going to church when she was three. She went through public school and attended the University of Chicago for Accounting and Business Management. While this would normally be where the story of a strong, independent young woman would emerge as an up-and-coming business prodigy, that was mostly left to her fellow students.

Cassandra was ever a shy and introverted sort. She eschewed sports due to teasing and bullying, preferring to sit in the library and nerd it up among the books and computers. When careers came around, she followed her family's expectations and took up Business and Accounting with the expectation of taking over the bookkeeping side of her Dad's auto-shop. However, during a battle between The Wheelman and Doctor Automatic, her family's shop was one of the many locations destroyed in the fighting, leaving the nerdy bookworm in need of a new career. So entered Preston, Johnson & Loche, one of the top three law firms in Bastion.

PJ&L was famed for hero-based insurance claims and directly handled the settlement for the Troja family business. As was her mother's way, she pestered the attorney about business and such and toted her daughter's education and qualifications, eventually securing an "in" to the workplace. Cassandra was hired and joined the legion of clerks that kept the law firm running. While it was busy, difficult work, she was content enough with the pay-cheque and had few significant complaints.

And then came the Sun-Rise

It had been a day as any other, Cassandra was sitting at her shared desk, pouring over documents, listening to her co-worker ramble on about the guy from accounting she had gone to the bar with over the weekend. She squinted from the glare of the sunshine - which was odd since there were no windows in the room - and she felt a wave of heat wash over her and then the room was destroyed. The exterior cameras were the only ones able to catch any footage, given the overwhelming light involved, but there seemed to be a thin ray that struck the building before the windows erupted outwards. Bits of cubicles and filing cabinets rained down to the street below and the cries of shock and confusion followed shortly thereafter. The injuries were far less severe than would have been caused by a traditional explosion. The lack of genuine shockwave meant that noone suffered serious internal damage, but there were a great deal of surface burns and a number who were temporarily blinded by the eruption of energy.

Corona - as she now called herself - was charged with a number of crimes, almost all in the second degree. Jail sentence was avoided due to the bizarre conditions of the awakening and the lack of precedent to call upon. She was placed in the "custody" of the Heroes Guild to perform super-powered acts of community service to pay off her debt to society while a significant percentage of her earnings were to be subsidized to pay off her debts to the injured parties.

Corona now works endlessly to support the city and its peoples, battling evil and doing good both for the betterment of society and to earn her eventual freedom from the results of her "blessed good fortune".
Cassandra Troja was a 24 year old woman with a svelte figure, with well-moisturized light olive-skin, deep green eyes and raven-black hair. She was famed for wearing blue-light dampening glasses and putting her hair back into ponytails, giving a sort of nerdy look that complimented her paper-pusher lifestyle. She stood 5'8" in heels, wore suits on the regular (sweaters at home) and had she a more outward personality, could have made a run at business powerhouse. However, her shyness manifested in a habitual bowing of her head and shrinking of posture, and more often than not she would be found buried in piles of paperwork at her modest shared desk rather than front and center like the other beauties of the law firm.

Following the Sun-Rise incident, Cassandra went through a number of changes.

Corona - as she would now be known - sports platinum-blonde hair that refuses to be bound by elastic or scrunchie, always giving off a light glow befitting the light level of the room at the time. Her skin has paled to a light cream tone, lacking any pock, dimple or scar and her eyes have been dyed gold with a limbal ring glow that can be seen should her face be shaded at any time. Her business suit has been lost to the golden leaves of armour now intimately connected to her skin and at times, a wreath of light can be seen about her shoulders, wrists, hips and ankles should any of her powers be made manifest. The shyness has seemingly faded as her posture cries confidence and power, and any vestige of the shy bookworm has faded behind the glow of her new form.


While the physical form of Corona is now her permanent setting, the personal habits and personality of Cassandra return in private moments. When she's out of the public eye, in places of comfort, she will return to that introvert who favoured loungewear and comfy sweaters, speaking softly and sweetly and finds friendship in a good book. Close friends and confidants can see the rare beast in her natural environment, but more than a few rumours drift about the Guild about the blonde bombshell in the fuzzy sweater and slippers making the odd hot coco run to the staff lounge.

2023-12-28, 04:25 PM
*innocent whistling*

[roll0] vs DC15
[roll1] vs DC20

2023-12-28, 06:41 PM
Until she had the misfortune to be working late the day Bacchan attacked the facility, Aboiye was altogether unremarkable. She isn't a scientist, but rather an intern - it's generally believed that that's why she survived when the others didn't, because Bacchan didn't view her as being as important as the researchers. From the impression everyone got of her from the trial, she's a kind, helpful woman.

One thing you do know is that she was actually the one who raised the alarm when the lab was attacked, and her quick thinking in being able to do so despite Bacchan's attack is something that the Heroes who captured him have publicly attributed as the main reason they were able to capture him having failed before. That said, you also know that they were already closing in on him beforehand, so whether she actually made a difference is...questionable.

2024-01-06, 04:50 PM
Dice roll for Charlie because I goofed it in the IC


2024-01-14, 07:37 AM
You can't actually pinpoint the origin of the petrol scent - which, in and of itself, is quite telling. If it was in a tank (or, indeed, a petrol-based bomb) there would be a specific place it's coming from. Here it's more like the entire vans are the source, like someone sluiced them with petrol.

...and now you're closer you have a suspicion that the petrol smell might have been a deliberate effort to counteract you. Because beneath the petrol smell, originating from inside the bonnet of both vans, you can smell another scent - a slightly offal-y, meat-y scent; the kind of scent that you might get in a butcher's shop or a slaughterhouse. And while it's questionable whether Bacchan would be able to reanimate petrol...whatever the source of that scent is, he could almost certainly animate it if the van left the antimagic field with him aboard.

You don't notice anything particularly unusual about the vans from your cursory inspection - well, except for the petrol smell, which once you're close enough, you can smell as well. Strangely, it actually kinda seems to be coming from the surface of the vans, rather than any kind of tank or bomb that anyone had concealed inside the vans, like it was mixed with the paint or something...and, actually, the paintjob does seem pretty new.

As for the sewers, the whole 'monsters from the sewers' thing has happened often enough around the world over the years that modern-day sewers are actually pretty well maintained and patrolled, so you don't notice much of interest.

2024-01-16, 05:33 PM
You know what, let's roll some kinda belated Well Informed on Bacchan, although in particular I'm aiming to figure out if he's got any sort of known associates of either a hackery or teleportery sort of disposition (not sure if Well Informed can get me that far but whatever let's give it a go): [roll0].

2024-01-22, 07:44 AM
Round 1 is up

Akhlys, make a DC18 Insight/Intimidation/Defence/Resistance check vs Improved Demoralise, then a DC18 save vs [Transformative] Damage and a DC18 save vs [Material] Trip.

Corona, make a DC11 Insight/Intimidation/Defence/Resistance check vs Improved Demoralise, then a DC20 save vs [Transformative] Damage and a DC18 save vs [Material] Trip.

Envoy, make a DC13 Insight/Intimidation/Defence/Resistance check vs Improved Demoralise.

Streamer, make a DC23 Insight/Intimidation/Defence/Resistance check vs Improved Demoralise, then a DC18 save vs [Transformative] Damage and a DC18 save vs [Material] Trip.

Wildfang, make a DC20 save vs [Transformative] Damage and a DC18 save vs [Material] Trip.

2024-01-22, 07:53 AM
Forgot the Shields.

R1: [roll0] 8 Shield
R2: [roll1] 20 Shield
R3: [roll2] 4 Shield
R4: [roll3] Holy (80 Shield)
R5: [roll4] 20 Shield
R6: [roll5] 8 Shield
R7: [roll6] 16 Shield
R8: [roll7] Crits (80 Shield)
R9: [roll8] 8 Shield
R10: [roll9] 20 Shield
R11: [roll10] 18 Shield
R12: [roll11] Batman (80 Shield)

2024-01-22, 12:26 PM
DC13 Insight/Intimidation/Defence/Resistance check vs Improved Demoralise

2024-01-22, 02:33 PM
Resistance vs. Demoralize (DC 23): [roll0]. Disabled until start of robots' next turn.
Deflect (DC 30): [roll1]. Nope
Resistance vs. Damage (DC 18): [roll2]. -5 from Disabled, 30 damage
Resistance vs. Trip (DC 18): [roll3]. Prone

2024-01-22, 02:40 PM
Resistance vs. Demoralize (DC 18): [roll0] Not Demoralized (maybe it helped that she sort of saw this coming)

Resistance vs. Damage (DC 18): [roll1] 30 Damage

Resistance vs. Trip (DC 18): [roll2] Not Tripped

2024-01-22, 03:02 PM
Routine Mobility (thanks to Skill Mastery) to Instant Stand to see if I have a move action (DC 20, -5 for Disabled, +5 on 10 or less): [roll0]. +5 becomes 24, succeeds.

2024-01-22, 03:32 PM
Resistance vs Damage (DC20) [roll0] 30 Damage
Resistance vs Trip (DC18) [roll1] Resist

2024-01-22, 10:02 PM
Before this utterly slips my mind again, Assessment on the bots: [roll0]

2024-01-23, 02:21 AM
PL8, no attack shift, two-point Resistance shift.

2024-01-23, 02:34 PM
R10 Resistance vs Grab (DC29 after crit, withstanding): [roll0] -20 Shield, -40 Stamina. Wildfang takes 10 Damage from Backlash.

2024-01-23, 07:12 PM
Resistance 10 vs Red Disintegrator Beamu: [roll0]

2024-01-23, 07:28 PM
Acrobatics to Stick the Landing: [roll0]

2024-01-24, 04:42 AM
R3 Resistance vs Damage (DC22): [roll0] -4 Shield, -36 ST. Envoy takes 2 Damage from Backlash.
R3 Resistance vs Grab (DC22): [roll1] Resist
R3 Resistance vs Weaken(DC22): [roll2] -4 Resistance

Remember that you cannot All-out Attack with an Area attack in these rules.
R12 Resistance vs Damage (DC22): [roll3] -80 Shield, -40 Stamina. Akhlys takes 40 Damage from Backlash.
Robots have Construct Immunity vs Physiological.
Van 1 Resistance vs Damage (DC22): [roll4] Resist/Miss as an Area attack
Van 2 Resistance vs Damage (DC22): [roll5] Resist/Miss as an Area attack
Vans have Construct Immunity vs Physiological.

2024-01-26, 05:51 AM
[roll0] vs [roll1]
[roll2] vs DC16
[roll3] vs DC20-ish.

2024-01-26, 12:59 PM
Oh, I forgot a bunch of rolls again. For simplicity...

DC10: [roll0]
DC15: [roll1]

Well that was an astonishing number of high rolls on the first round that actually doesn't help them in any way because they needed to pass both.

2024-01-26, 01:58 PM
Round 2 is up

Akhlys, make a DC...9...Insight/Expertise/Defence/Resistance check vs Understand. When you have +16 on this I feel like the robot should suffer some penalty...

Corona, make a DC17 Insight/Expertise/Defence/Resistance check vs Understand and a DC34 Insight/Intimidation/Defence/Resistance check vs Improved Demoralise.

Envoy, make a DC23 Insight/Expertise/Defence/Resistance check vs Understand, then make a DC23 save vs [Material] Restraining Affliction, a DC23 save vs [Physical] Progressive Damage and a DC23 save vs Grab.

Streamer, make a DC24 Insight/Expertise/Defence/Resistance check vs Understand and a DC15 Insight/Intimidation/Defence/Resistance check vs Improved Demoralise.

Wildfang, make a DC13 Insight/Expertise/Defence/Resistance check vs Understand, then make a DC23 save vs [Material] Restraining Affliction, a DC23 save vs [Physical] Progressive Damage and a DC23 save vs Grab.

2024-01-26, 02:39 PM
Resistance (DC 9): [roll0]

Perception (DC 20): [roll1]

Insight (DC 22): [roll2]

2024-01-26, 02:49 PM
DC23 Expertise check vs Understand [roll0] Resist

DC23 Resistance check vs [Material] Restraining Affliction [roll1] Resist

DC23 Resistance check vs [Physical] Progressive Damage [roll2] 40 ST?

DC23 Resistance check vs Grab [roll3] Resist

2024-01-26, 03:06 PM
And I missed the IC checks

Perception DC 20 [roll0]

Insight DC 22 [roll1]

2024-01-26, 03:11 PM
Okay let's see my -5 should be gone since move action Manipulates are until start of user's turn, so:
Expertise vs. Understand (DC 24): [roll0]. Drained vs. Robot 5 this turn
Resistance vs. Improved Demoralize (DC 15): [roll1]. Resists

Perception (DC 20): [roll2]. Valiant effort but nope
Insight (DC 22): [roll3]. Honestly you're trying too hard here

2024-01-26, 03:32 PM
R11 Resistance vs Damage (DC33 after crit and Multiattack, DC42 (lol) to avoid Irresistible): [roll0] -40 Shield, -40 Stamina. Akhlys takes 20 damage from Backlash
R11 Resistance vs Launch (DC33 after crit and Multiattack): [roll1] Yeeted.
Launch misses.

2024-01-26, 03:48 PM
I forgot to roll Akhlys' self-healing check. if it's all right, I'll do that here: [roll0] Not a great roll. 8 Stamina recovered.

2024-01-26, 04:41 PM
R5 Resistance (DC20): [roll0] Resist/Miss
R6 Resistance (DC20): [roll1] -8 Shield, -74 Stamina. Envoy takes 4 damage from Backlash
R9 Resistance (DC20): [roll2] Resilient reduces to 1-degree failure. -10 Shield, -30 Stamina. Envoy takes 5 damage from Backlash.

R9 Resistance (DC25 after Multiattack, Brutal 30): [roll3] R4 will Interpose. -40 Shield, -30 Stamina. Streamer takes 20 damage from Backlash.

2024-01-29, 06:30 AM
Resistance vs Understand (DC14) [roll0] Resist
Resistance vs Restraining Affliction (DC23) [roll1] Resist
Resistance vs Progressive Damage (DC23) [roll2] 0 Damage
Resistance vs Grab (DC23) [roll3] Resist

2024-01-29, 02:31 PM
R10 Resistance vs Damage (DC34 after crit and Penetrating): [roll0] Just. -40 Shield, -200 Stamina! Very, very, very DESTROYED! Wildfang does take 20 damage from Backlash though.
R10 Resistance vs Launch (DC29 after crit, Withstanding): [roll1] Wow. And another -30 Stamina just to put the icing on the cake of absolute destruction.

2024-01-29, 04:08 PM
Perception (DC20) [roll0]
Insight (DC22) [roll1]