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2023-12-15, 01:56 PM
The flames that scar and do not warm.
The streams that dissolve and do not quench.
The winds that freeze and do not refresh.
The lights that burn and do not reveal.
The blooms that sting and do not restore.
The shadows that cut and do not hide.
The grips that crush and do not build.
The dead that hunt and do not rest.

Proud as we are, who can deny that we are less than we once were? Our own mother scoured us from the earth, and we live in exile on these changeable isles. The world that was once ours swarms with hairy bipeds -- solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. His Viridian Majesty has forbidden us to think of it, and the Storm-Veil'd Queen must not be mentioned. But how can we forget when our dead litter their shores? Our dead... we must always remember our dead.

https://i.ibb.co/mFm4Vrp/Capture.png (https://ibb.co/sJhqdp7)

[OOC] (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?662948-Privateers-of-Lssthp-II-OOC&p=25927234#post25927234)

Lssthp, home of the Chromatic Empire, is one vast city-state, threaded with mountains and forests and wastes that separate districts but all one island, one continent, one land. To the north of this island lies Grand Hoard, the district of the Royal House and the great ports of the Navy and Merchant fleets. A bay like a vast bite taken out of the shore is fenced off, the Quay of Beasts where serpentships are constructed and sea serpents are bred and trained, adjacent to the miles and miles of docks and the mansions of the Black dragonborn, built out over the water to accomodate their slumbering amphibious masters.

From along this coast, you can look up along the bulk of the island and see Grand Hoard loom over you. Let lesser dragons hoard gems or gold; the wealth of his Viridian Majesty is in ships and warehouse and banks and temples. The Imperial Residence is that overgrown jungle of gardens there to the east; there to the west lies the Court of the Magistrate Lapis, the highest authority of the law, its marble towers licked by lightning and veiled in thunder. The high peaks in the distance are capped with snow, venting flame; in the magmalight you can sometimes make out the Great Library, where monks guard the gates to the Plane of Law.

With no sun or moon, life in the Empire is governed by the bells, and they're ringing now. It's Rising, and all over Lssthp laborers and servants are rising, shaping the world for the more leisurely awakening of the upper castes. Along the dock and quay and in the wyvern aeries, the druids come with their goodberries, feeding the waiting beasts. The intricate machinery of the Empire ticks over into a new day.

At one end of the dock, the warships that patrol the Calm around Lssthp; dreadnoughts constructed over the shells of dragon-turtles and trireme patrol boats rowed by conscripts. At the other, the merchant vessels float, huge and vulnerable, hauled through the Calm until they can raise their sails. In between lie the privateers, empowered by their letters of marque to build serpenthulls and hunt pirates and vikings. Some accompany merchants, frisking around the wind-bound, wallowing galleons; some hunt in packs or alone among the islands of the Hic Sunt.

This ship is the White Cliff, a decommissioned military ship in service as a privateer these thirty years and serving the navy gods know how long before that. The tall ship mounted on the beast's back has the patchwork hide of an experienced vessel, held together by spit and kobold ingenuity. It's drawn by a thirty-meter plesiosaur, waiting for its breakfast. The crew of thirty was stirring already before Rising bell; everyone knows today they'll be leaving port, back to the hunt, and there's much to do before the Captain returns from her business on shore. Most of the officers are back already from their shore leave, but not all -- so long as they beat the Captain, all will be well.

First Mate Achelous, by all means already aboard, supervises the crew as they load supplies and swarm over the rigging, and even his sharp tongue finds little to criticize. There are hungover stumblers among them, but no layabouts. Most at least pretend to busy industry.

Beyond the docks, the sea spreads out in the perfect glass placidity of the Calm, a mirror of the dancing stars. Larger than the stars of the humanoid lands and burning in different colors, some move in stately gavotte and others swirl and leap unpredictably. One white star burns, far to the north, fixed and unmoving and piercing the stormclouds of the Hic Sunt that crowd the horizon. The Lighthouse is shining full on Lssthp; a good day to set out.

2023-12-15, 06:02 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)

Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 12 / 15 (Mage Armor) HP: 22/22
PPer: 10 PInv: 16 PIst: 10
Conditions: --

Servius slithers back and forth on the poop deck [top rear / steering / command deck]. This will be his first time in command of others, possibly for battle. Hed did not sleep well, and has been awake for a couple of hours already. Servius is careful, however, to keep his long tail out of the way of the working sailors. It is tough and muscled, but someone stepping on his tail is still an unpleasant experience.

Soon, they will find out where they are going.

The Commander
2023-12-16, 03:02 AM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg grumbled and stumbled up the gangplank. He had taken the time to splash water on his face and eat something hearty before leaving the tavern, but there was still a certain sway about him. He hauled with him the medical supplies and reagents he might need for the trip and made straight for the ship's small surgery.

On his way into the bowels of the ship, he briefly threw a salute towards Achelous.

After squaring away the medical supplies, Ttharg decided to find Tegu and see what kind of state she was in. Maybe she had some hair of the dog too.

2023-12-16, 11:12 AM
The ship's purser, quartermaster and cook-by-default is currently on deck, scattering a mixture of grain and bone meal into the cockatrice coop and eyeing the beasts beadily.
They're handy for eggs and meat on a voyage, but their bites can be nasty.

She's a vast, sturdy lizardfolk woman, with a face like raw ground meat and two or three teeth missing. (They'll grow back.) She does, by chance, have a flask on her person of the liquor she distills in the noisome galley. Handing it over, she jerks her chin towards the poop deck staggered above and the pacing serpentfolk. "Yon's the new gunnery master," she grunts. "Man of the book, so I hear."

Most of the gunnery crew are warlocks and sorcerers; unusual to see a wizard in the job.

2023-12-16, 12:06 PM
An ancient copper kobold is busy below deck reapplying a layer of sealant to the hull. His body gnarled and wiry. Eyes clouded over to a degree that you'd expect him blind. His body missing scales here and there as if he were balding but all over his body. He grabs tools from triceratool a mechanical triceratops of his own design. It's horns articulate and versatile enough to facilitate assistance brings him material while Mini cliff, a replica of the ship and fetcher, a tiny multi-tool resembling a pterodactyl, bring him tools and help with any delicate work.

He's been up for a while already making last minute repairs Dam layabouts. Thats the problem with todays youth. Dont know a real days work he thinks as triceratool brings him another bucket of sealant. It doesn't matter where they are going or what they are doing as long as the ship is in good shape.

The Commander
2023-12-16, 06:59 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

"Ahoy, Tegu. How was ye shore leave?" Ttharg greeted her.

She does, by chance, have a flask on her person of the liquor she distills in the noisome galley. Handing it over, she jerks her chin towards the poop deck staggered above and the pacing serpentfolk. "Yon's the new gunnery master," she grunts. "Man of the book, so I hear."

Most of the gunnery crew are warlocks and sorcerers; unusual to see a wizard in the job.

"Thank ye." Said Ttharg as he took a swig from the flask and handed it back to the purser. He looked up to the poopdeck and the new officer. "Of the book, eh? Wonder what misdeeds he did to get lumped with us mangy lot. Landlubber, or did he serve with the Navy before?"

2023-12-17, 05:49 AM
Fork made the final preparations as he shifted some items over from the mahogany desk to the side table in the captains office. The captain liked coming in and sometimes slam books, parchment and maps on the desk, and more than once Fork had to scramble to replace whatever glass or ink jar got caught in the maelstrom of paperwork and fell to the floor.

Fork was meticulous, he liked being thorough. He stepped back and surveyed the scene. He stepped over to tuck in the curtains a little better and the light hit the office just right as he exited.

He made his way up the command deck with his back straight and his uniform buttoned up. He breathed in the fresh air and it hit some primal part of his brain just right. As organised as he was, known for strictly following protocol and duty, there was another part of him that enjoyed the unbridled freedom of the sea. It was like hunting, speed and instinct instead of rules and regulations. Perhaps this was the reason he was so comfortable being bound by etiquette and procedure. He needed the balance in order to fully excel during a hunt. To reach his own personal best and transcend he needed to strive after a higher discipline. It was the only way he knew. His way of life, the way of his clan.

He breathed out and felt that duality of his nature on days like these, just before setting sail, and he felt energised.

He greeted Servius in a polite way, with an acknowledging nod like one would their peers. As Fork stood there with his back straight, waiting for the arrival of the captain he let out a sharp curt whistle.

Moments later, as Fork gazed over the deck of the ship to take stock of the crew, a small drake came soaring through the clouds and circled the ship twice before it landed gracefully next to Fork. It was only then that Fork looked sideways and when they made eye contact a smile between friends could be perceived. No words were exchanged. It was but a nod from Fork and the Drake took off again, this time circling the ship with a much wider diameter.

"A good day to sail." He said finally, to the Yuan-ti Mage.

Infernally Clay
2023-12-17, 02:06 PM
Kabett (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114113838)
Tortle Druid, Circle of Spores
AC: 19 | HP: 35/35 | Initiative: +0
Str: -1 | Dex: +0 | Con: +3 | Int: +4 | Wis: +5 | Cha: -1

Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 3/3
Wildshapes: 2/2
Active Effects: None
Conditions: None

Kabett minded his own business. He wasn't the aloof sort, he just didn't think anyone would be that interested in an old shell like him. Least of all because his shell was a large fungus. Kabett had met many a squeamish sort who worried they might catch something from him. So he spent his days tending to the animal that ferries the ship, as his father had done and his father before him. To the rest of the crew, the animal may not even have passed notice. They might not even know its name, but Kabett does.

When the bells ring, signifying the start of the day, Kabett has already been tending to his duties and was kneeled precariously atop the neck of the plesiosaur as he kept it clean of barnacles and debris. When he finally returns to the deck, he spots a Yuan-To proclaiming it is a good day to sail. Kabett merely smiles and nods, saying "We are blessed by nature's bounty."

2023-12-17, 02:44 PM
First Mate Achelous, looking down the quay, spots something and vanishes below deck.

The slim figure of Captain Magyar, her white-scaled face gleaming above her fresh, dark-green uniform, is approaching; by her side is a Yuan-Ti woman of gorgon heritage, with dark mauve scales and her writhing hair gathered behind her in a bun. She wears spectacles and blue robes with a copper pentagon on the belt, and carries her own bag.

These robes are identifiable to those in the know as the habit of a senior library monk of the Great Library.

Ttharg Krixkrux

"Ahoy, Tegu. How was ye shore leave?" Ttharg greeted her.

"Thank ye." Said Ttharg as he took a swig from the flask and handed it back to the purser. He looked up to the poopdeck and the new officer. "Of the book, eh? Wonder what misdeeds he did to get lumped with us mangy lot. Landlubber, or did he serve with the Navy before?"

"He's not said," grunts the purser. She gazes up on the deck as the familiar shapes of Fork and Kabett join the Yuan-Ti. "Close-mouthed bunch, the lot of you." She gestures with her flask to the loose grouping on the poop deck. "Hello lads, and a merry greeting to our new Gunnery Officer. What brings ye down among us?"

But he does not get a chance to reply. Her flask vanishes adroitly as Achelous herds any hands remaining below up onto the deck, just in time for the Captain's appearance.

Captain Bendeguz Magyar is slim for a dragonborn, although as she moves into early middle-age you might be more inclined to use the word spare. Her eyes are bright and attentive as they sweep over the assembled crew, and she tilts her head slightly to take the First Mate's report. "Right," she says once, and then more loudly, projecting to the poop deck.

"Right! Here we are again. I hope you've enjoyed your leave, because we won't see port again for a spell." She gestures to the snakefolk woman. "This is Siduri Atropae, abbess of the librarian-monks and a professor at Chalcedon University. She'll be our passenger on the voyage. She's a scholar, of course, but her business is on behalf of the Empire and urgent."

"We're bearing her to the Sunhome Isles, where she has an errand, and along the way and once we've got her there we'll give her every aid and comfort."

Her eyes flick over Achelous. "Along the way we shall do what hunting we find the chance for. If you've read the papers you know the squids and their orc janissaries have been spotted in the Hic Sunt in unusual numbers. If you don't read the papers, and Erathis knows most of you just flip to the pictures on Page 3, hear this -- we don't want squids around here. We don't want their drugs and we don't want their magical trash. Not at Home and not among the Isles. It may please the metallics to trade with them, but as far as we're concerned there are no legitimate flags of trade among the illithid and we will root them and their operations out of this side of the world."

"We will keep our wits about us and keep a weather eye for any other legitimate targets -- won't we just, Mr. Frkkk? -- but those are our primary and secondary missions. Take the librarian to the Sunhomes and sink any orcs we meet along the way." She ranges her eyes along her officers and adds, "Professor Atropae will join us at Officers' Mess tonight and those of you in responsible positions will have the chance for further briefing. For now, let's get under way. Cauda, a quick word with you about our heading, yes?"

As the crew unfreezes and returns to their work, a pale and somewhat ethereal Yuan-Ti of the naga race joins her to discuss navigation out of the Calm, and the First Mate takes Professor Atropae below. The remaining officers -- Tegu, Frrkkk, Servius, Ttharg, Kabett, and Nibum -- find themselves assembled in the general area of the poop deck. The flask makes a re-appearance. Chains begin to rattle as the anchor is lifted.

And we're under way! Feel free to talk briefly among yourselves or otherwise mark a little time before we pick up at exposition o'clock for dinner. Let me know here or on Discord about any checks you'd like to make.

2023-12-17, 03:47 PM
One of the benefits of being an officer is nibum could tell someone to do something and in general they have to do so. He barks one of you layabouts give me your paper. Quick now i aint got time to waste. When one of them pulls out a paper he sends fetcher to grab it and bring it back taking a close look at it. He barely keeps up with anything normally but this time it might have something to do with this ship and he's not about to ignore it this time. While he takes a look he sends triceratool and the other two to search the ship for potential stowaways

2023-12-17, 04:48 PM
There is an article about the increased bounties on the ships of the Kings Over The Sea, the name used by the illithid in their dealings with this world. The KOS trade with the native species of the world via their merchant-marine of orc slaves, selling magical goods and the illlithid drug known as ink. Decades ago, the KOS seized the human city of Spice Harbor as permanent foothold in this world.

The article recaps a story that has been unfolding over the last few months: some time ago, the black dragon Tenebrous attempted to liberate the city and establish a draconic colony in human lands, despite the law of the Empire. If he had been successful, it might have been forgiven. As it turned out, he fell into the hands of the mind-flayers. The liberation of Spice Harbor has been achieved, but it is back in human hands. The mindflayers have lost their favored port in this world, and seem to be trying to escape back over the ocean.

The gist of this article is that their only possible route takes them through the Hic Sunt, and thus the new and hefty bounties.

A related and minor story discusses the forfeit of Tenebrous's lands and wealth to the Empire for his failure, including the estates and titles of the Achelous, Delethe, and Stygian families.

Some of the land has been presented to the University of Chalcedon by the Emperor, and the article discusses the necessary relocation of an indigenous bullywug village as the climate dries up from swamp to desert--an inevitable result when land passes from black dragon control to blue.

Nibum, you know that the old Negniter estates devolved onto Tenebrous when the family was wiped out and would be a part of that parcel of land.

2023-12-17, 06:04 PM
After Nibum is done with the paper, Servius takes it. He's read and helped print plenty of newspapers in his time...

"It appears that the illithid will be passing through the Hic Sunt in larger numbers than usual. We should have good hunting."

The Commander
2023-12-17, 10:10 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

As the Captain had boarded the deck and made her announcement, Ttharg had stood at attention dutifully. Once she had finished her announcement, Ttharg whispered to Tegu: "A pair o' wizards joining us at the same time? Ain't that bad luck or somethin'?" He shakes his head. "Aye, but it doesn't matter now; we have our orders and we sail at our Captain's pleasure. I'll see ye at six bells tonight."

Ttharg splits off from Tegu to approach Nibum and Servius. "Ahoy mates." He nods to Nibum in acknowledgement. "So ye be the new Gunnery Officer then?" He said to Servius. "I hear ye be a wizard? Couldn't get a job aboard a fancy vessel? Harhar! I be Ttharg Krixkrux, ship's sawbones; but as a fellow officer ye can call me Ttharg. What do ye think o' this fine sea vessel?"

2023-12-18, 12:11 AM
Servius frowns. It looks like he does that a lot. With a dragonborn nearby, he raises himself slightly higher on his tail, seeking a slight positional dominance. "This...employment... seemed a good way to see some different places, and put some distance between myself and some situations I would prefer not to be around. It seems like an old ship, but perhaps fast. Have you been aboard this ship long?"

The Commander
2023-12-18, 12:31 AM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg nods, almost sympathetically. "Well, ye picked a good place for it. This here's a fine ship, and a fine crew; but don't tell the scallywags that! It'll go to their scurvy heads! I've been aboard for many a year, but not as long as the Captain; or the Keeper." He pauses thoughtfully. "Ye might be seeing action on ye first voyage, mate. What was ye name?"

2023-12-18, 01:02 AM
Absentmindedly as he walks awayyou can have that he says then mumbling and grubling as he leaves.

Nibum goes and search for the 1st mate

2023-12-18, 08:48 AM
"Servius Calventius Pamphilus. I am new to sea travel and combat, but I believe I have conducted sufficient research to excel at my role. What's the most interesting thing you have seen or learned at sea?"

2023-12-18, 03:38 PM
Absentmindedly as he walks awayyou can have that he says then mumbling and grubling as he leaves.

Nibum goes and search for the 1st mate

Having shown the Professor to a cabin below decks, Cocytus Achelous is now by the wheel, grimly watching the Navigator, Cauda, lay in her course. She is making elaborate reference to her Star Chart and taking readings of the dancing stars with strange instruments. At times she dances herself.

Cauda is an excellent but idiosyncratic navigator, and her methods are clearly frustrating to the navally-trained Cocytus. It's the way she talks to her astrolabe, primarily.

2023-12-18, 04:01 PM
Focused on the matter at hand nibum pays no attention to the navigator as he speaks directly to the first mate I just got done with the paper... i dont understand. How can they do that? Can anythint be done? Does the scholar have anything to do with it? he hisses the last sentence

2023-12-18, 04:22 PM
Focused on the matter at hand nibum pays no attention to the navigator as he speaks directly to the first mate I just got done with the paper... i dont understand. How can they do that? Can anythint be done? Does the scholar have anything to do with it? he hisses the last sentence

Cocytus scowls, and pulls Nibum aside. "Tenebrous has offended the Emperor with his presumption. It has been forbidden to take land from the apes for centuries."

"They can do whatever they want to us now," he snarls.

The Commander
2023-12-18, 07:19 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

"Servius Calventius Pamphilus. I am new to sea travel and combat, but I believe I have conducted sufficient research to excel at my role. What's the most interesting thing you have seen or learned at sea?"

"Aye? Let me give you some advice lad: all the book-learnin' in the world ain't gunna prepare you for the maelstrom that is combat. The shouts, the screams, the splintering of wood, the blood on your boots... or tail...." Ttharg almost seems lost in thought for a moment before resuming. "It ain't something ye should be looking forward to; even with our orders. And then it becomes my job to patch everyone back together. So just ye remember that."

Ttharg began to move off before turning back to Servius. "Most interestin' thing I seen? How quickly sailors find and lose their faith out here." Servius sees Ttharg absent-mindedly run a claw over an amulet on his neck. "I'll see ye at six bells in the Mess. And if ye find yourself getting seasick, don't come to me to help ye; ye need to best that condition yeself."

Ttharg then takes to pacing the deck, trying to wear off the rest of his hangover.

2023-12-18, 09:10 PM
Cocytus scowls, and pulls Nibum aside. "Tenebrous has offended the Emperor with his presumption. It has been forbidden to take land from the apes for centuries."

"They can do whatever they want to us now," he snarls.

Stomping his foot Thats outragous. How could they cast them down like that. Uproot so many lives so easily. What has university ever done hmm. All because they wanted to help and expand the empire. What sort of message does that send hmm. How day they. Cocytus if there is anything i can do just let me know. Ill be up to my usual duties of course. Not sure how I feel about having this scholar aboard now knowing all this now. You know i barely follow the news and barely leave the ship.. After cocytus response if any nibum turns to the navigator hope im not distracting you but id like to know if we might be setting off soon?

2023-12-19, 02:58 AM
Fork stood straight as usual as the captain made her speech. His stoic demeanor took in the information like a professional. -- won't we just, Mr. Frkkk? -- To this he gave a single confident nod.

As the captain went below Fork looked out towards the horizon with anticipation. He turned back towards the officers collected around him.

"It appears that the illithid will be passing through the Hic Sunt in larger numbers than usual. We should have good hunting." Servius said.

"Good." Fork responded. "But a good hunt is also a practice of moderation.. Then again the captain isn't one to bite off more than she could chew."

He overheard Ttharg cautioning against glorifying bloodlust and he nodded. "Wise words, to be heeded for sure."

The young professional kobold named Frkkk (About 35 years of age if he'd have been a human, whatever that translates to for kobolds) made his way past large lizardmen and burly dragonborn and went up the crows nest. He climbed slowly and deliberately, he wanted to save his energy and soak up some sun while contemplating over the coming days.

2023-12-19, 10:13 AM
Stomping his foot Thats outragous. How could they cast them down like that. Uproot so many lives so easily. What has university ever done hmm. All because they wanted to help and expand the empire. What sort of message does that send hmm. How day they. Cocytus if there is anything i can do just let me know. Ill be up to my usual duties of course. Not sure how I feel about having this scholar aboard now knowing all this now. You know i barely follow the news and barely leave the ship..

"Don't be a bloody fool, Nibum," says the First Mate, and turns away.

It's clear that he's moved by this and doesn't know what to say.

After cocytus response if any nibum turns to the navigator hope im not distracting you but id like to know if we might be setting off soon?

"Time is an illusion," Cauda says dreamily. "Did you know that stars are following you? How extraordinary."

The young professional kobold named Frkkk (About 35 years of age if he'd have been a human, whatever that translates to for kobolds) made his way past large lizardmen and burly dragonborn and went up the crows nest.

The eerie flat sea of the Calm stretches out around Lssthp in all directions, becalmed by the exponentially-multiplied influence of the hundreds of dragons.

Fork can see a scattering of ships crossing the Calm, but few heading in this direction; the Sunhome Isles are a less popular hunting ground for privateers than the scattered islands to the north and west, and the merchants rarely head in that direction, either.

There is a faint smudge of ship on the horizon, about a day's travel in the direction of the White Cliff's heading. It's quite hard to make out any details, though.

A very, very keen eye could make out by the light of dancing stars off clouds of steam that it's a goblin steamship puffing laboriously towards Lssthp. It's truly impossible to see from this distance if they're flying a registered flag of trade, but they would be pretty suicidal not to be.

2023-12-20, 06:31 AM
"Don't be a bloody fool, Nibum," says the First Mate, and turns away.

"Time is an illusion," Cauda says dreamily. "Did you know that stars are following you? How extraordinary."

Shocked at the scolding nibum lowers his eyes and says in a whisper Sorry sir.... wont happen again he salutes the back of the first mate then turns to cauda.

In response nibum lets out a raspy chuckleWell i could use some more illusion never have enough honestly. he jests. What do you mean the stars are following me?No diffrently then everyone else right? he asks full of confusion

2023-12-20, 05:34 PM
"Your loyalty has made a galaxy of you," she says, which turns out to be the most coherent thing you can get out of her on this topic.

Some hours later, Officer's Mess convenes in the Officer's Wardroom; smaller desk are folded up into the walls and a long banquet table is lowered on chains from above to convert the room from a shared study and library to a dining room. Chairs are rearranged and food a cut above the crew's meals is produced; at the beginning of the voyage, at least, there are still fresh vegetables and meat to enjoy. Soon it will be salt flesh and dubious potatoes for everyone, or the occasional cockatrice that has had the misfortune to stop laying eggs.

Cabin boys serve at the Officer's Table, and cabin boys gossip, so the Captain does not turn to matters of business until the plates are cleared and an excellent wine from a lesser Imperial vineyard is served. She pours herself, having turned out the curious lads after dessert, and passes the goblets to Frrkkk to hand around.

She settles back into her chair and looks pointedly to Professor Atropae. As a naga, she does not have a chair but coils her tail beneath herself; now she expands her coils to shift to a standing posture. Her blue monk's habit is as crisp as it was when she came aboard. The living serpents of her hair are released from the rigid bun she came aboard with, and although she does not drink from her wine, occasionally one of them will dip its head and flicker a tongue into the goblet.

"As the Captain has told you, I am Professor Siduri Atropae. I invite you to call me Siduri," she says. I am not a sailor or an experienced voyager, and I must ask you to excuse my ignorance in your particular area of specialty. It is... uneasy ground for me, as it is usually my job to be an expert."

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1185360485084839996/1187166794205630556/814df583-2fc3-47ec-a811-21916d616b8f.jpg?ex=6595e63c&is=6583713c&hm=401d0e2563289c96dcb7b27ed4271926d642d88468fc916 77b8b8a2f2a375fef&=&format=webp

"My field of study is theological, and that is the subject I teach at Chalcedon University. I specialize in the early scriptures of the Pentiarchal faith. In the Library, I hold a position a greater responsibility, as the Keeper of certain dangerous and heretical texts that pre-date, or only shortly follow, the Cataclysm. I am considered an expert of the cults of Tiamat, Apophis, Umberlee and several other minor heresies."

All of you would know that the dragons of Lssthp became the dragons of Lssthp after the Cataclym -- when Tiamat took offense at the independence of her children and tore the heart from the Plane of Fire, using it as a weapon to wipe out reptilian life in the continent of Daesic. The metallic survivors were those who had followed the prophet Bahamut out to sea some decades earlier; the chromatic survivors those who followed the Five Chromatic Gods to Lssthp just before the Cataclysm, in a betrayal of their vengeful tyrant mother. After the Cataclysm she was bound in the Fire Plane, beneath the central volcano of Sunhome Isle.

In the millennia that followed, the dragons and their servitor races took root in Lssthp, while the giants and their humanoid descendants claimed the wasteland that had been Daesic. The Five Gods were worshipped, not just in Lssthp, but in the human lands disguised as human gods.

Many of you also would be aware of the Tiamatic cult that claims that the Five were obeying the will of their mother, or are in fact faces she wears, and that the long history of Lssthp and Daesic has all been according to her plan. The cult is illegal, but not precisely unheard of. There is much distance, however, between those who worship the Mother of Dragons, and those who would actively seek to free her.

Fewer would be aware of the cult of Apophis, the snake god worshipped by the free Yuan-Ti of the Hic Sunt. Technically, only those serpentfolk who follow Apophis should claim the name Yuan-Ti. This faith is absolutely forbidden, as it is in many ways opposed to the Five Gods, but even in Lssthp, there are serpentfolk who serve Apophis by working against their draconic rulers in secret.

These are far from the only secretive or forbidden religions of Lssthp. The most vile and mysterious are the worshippers of the Slaadi who ruled Lssthp before the dragons came.

"Recently, the Library came into possession of some new texts--well. Not new. Very, very ancient versions of other texts that were merely old. But new to us; different. Certain passages that had been altered or removed entirely in the Diet of Iznik. Passages dealing with relationships between the gods long hidden, and certain rituals of binding and releasing."

The leather face of First Mate Achelous reacts, very slightly, to this by creasing further.

You suspect the texts came from the Achelous family estate that was transferred to the University.

"These texts had been kept in a private collection for millennia, and now, they are loose in the world. The Library preserves and treasures all knowledge, but some knowledge is not for all eyes. This knowledge was seen by eyes that should not have seen it. By a traitor within the Grand Library."

"The Captain has told you our destination is the Sunhome Isles. This is not entirely accurate... I still hope we can catch up to the traitor before he reaches the volcano. I hope so very much."

The Captain grimaces.

She seems to think this hope is feeble.

2023-12-20, 08:21 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 12 / 15 (Mage Armor) HP: 22/22
PPer: 10 PInv: 16 PIst: 10
Conditions: --

"Professor Siduri" (Servius falls back on old habits) "Does this traitor have a name? It sounds as though you are hinting at a goal of releasing Herself (or is it Herselves?) from her prison. That would be catastrophic! What kind of fool would seek that?"

Does this traitor have a name and a face, and perhaps a magical signature that can be traced? Is the ship and departure date known? Is this a mission of imprisonment to face justice, or are we seeking to bring back only a head?"

2023-12-21, 01:16 AM
"Professor Siduri" (Servius falls back on old habits) "Does this traitor have a name? It sounds as though you are hinting at a goal of releasing Herself (or is it Herselves?) from her prison. That would be catastrophic! What kind of fool would seek that?"

Does this traitor have a name and a face, and perhaps a magical signature that can be traced? Is the ship and departure date known? Is this a mission of imprisonment to face justice, or are we seeking to bring back only a head?"

"His name is Trionyx, a young tortle monk of my order. As a child, his lifeforce became bound to an artifact of Shetyw, one of the ancient and obscure deities we study in my part of the Library. He joined us because he burned with curiosity about the god that preserved him, but despite his best efforts, it seemed only fragments remained. He has been in the unusual position of the prophet of a god whose will is a mystery... a god who may not even exist outside the shard embedded in Trionyx."

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1185360485084839996/1187281247081349140/fa4d4d1f-5733-4598-b769-729d0add7ccc.jpg?ex=659650d3&is=6583dbd3&hm=684daa3b04d11aeb8cee07a11c2fb5b057ba96ce8b17842 e6c006a0f6f8feae8&=&format=webp&width=826&height=826

"And now, we believe, he has become convinced that Shetyw is merely one more mask of Tiamat. All of that frustration and zeal, converted in a moment into an ambition to... well, an ambition to seek out the Sunhome, first and foremost. "

"We cannot be entirely sure what he intends there, but what you have spoken is indeed what we fear. In any case, he has stolen the text and taken ship for the Sunhome Isles. It is a book of dark magic and the foulest heresies. No good can come of it being loose in the world. Our primary mission must be to retrieve it; what becomes of Trionyx, I'm afraid, is of secondary importance."

Her face is grim as she says this; it seems as if she regrets it, but has no doubt.

"As for his ship... that is another little mystery. The frigate Broad Fin was in dock while the mount recovered from injuries sustained in battle. Her crew was ashore. Yet it seems he stole it--alone--and broke out of dock. It took some time to put the two disappearances together; we are a week behind him, or a little less."

The Commander
2023-12-21, 01:34 AM
Ttharg Krixkrux

"Would removing the artifact kill him? Or has it become part of him entirely?" Ttharg mused for a second. "He may be a week ahead, aye, but his ship's mount be crippled, and he be just one man. He must eat and sleep like the rest o' us. We'll catch up with him." Ttharg says the last part whilst looking at the Captain, almost trying to assuage her fears. "Why not simply destroy the book, if it drives men mad?"

2023-12-21, 08:42 AM
"Destroy it? But then how would we learn from it? Or consider this: There could be another copy out there, somewhere. If we are ignorant of the contents, how would we know when someone else got the other copy and tried to do the same foolish thing with it? Only by knowing what we face can it be opposed properly." Servius seems offended at the idea of destroying books.

2023-12-21, 08:43 AM
Fork looked thoughtful as he took the information in. He tried to remember what he'd heard about the ship and mount they are now in pursuit of.

He couldn't answer the speculations about destroying the book, and right now he was like a bloodhound getting the first sniffs of its prey. This made him somewhat less inclined to spare the Captains feelings when he spoke up.

"Trionyx needs to sleep, maybe, but the same cannot be said for the mount of the Broad Fin. It's sleep cycle can be pushed to the extreme and if he's mad enough to hijack the Broad Fin by his lonesome I fear the worst for the poor mount." Fork looked over at Kabett and Nibum. "What are we looking at here? Speedwise?" Assuming the worst, and he's got enough provisions on board. And he's somehow got enough control over the mount to have it do his bidding for the full duration..

He tried to remember if he's heard any shoptalk or gossip about the Broad Fin and mount during his time on shore. "Any information we have on either the ship or its mount would be good to have." Fork said to noone in particular.

2023-12-21, 10:17 AM
A frigate, the Broad Fin is smaller than the White Cliff but faster and more maneuverable. The mount is quite younger than the White Cliff, and not trained to fight in its own battles; it would depend on warlock or sorcerer gunners for that. With a week's headstart, a healthy mount and a full crew in the rigging, it would be uncatchable, but of course it only has one of those. It needs less crew than a ship like the White Cliff, but one man absolutely could not work the sails alone -- it would be fully reliant on the mount.

"Well observed, Mr. Frrkkk," the Captain begins, but is interrupted.

"The book does NOT send men mad," Cocytus Achelous bursts out hotly. "It did no harm in the hoard of Tenebrous or his fathers, did it? And then you--"

"Not helping, Cocytus," murmurs the Captain, and the First Mate clamps his jaw shut angrily.

"Ain't this all madness?" says Tegu, diffidently. She rarely speaks up at these kind of meetings. "One tortle, not a sailing man, no navigator, no time to take proper supplies, no mastery of the beast -- an injured beast -- belike we'll find him drifting in the Calm and eating his own boots."

"There are spells," says the Librarian. "Spells to conjure food, to conjure a crew perhaps, to grant knowledge, assuredly. All that would be beyond Trionyx normally, but as Servius points out, we simply cannot know what he found in the book. Yes, perhaps he simply ran mad -- I pray he ran mad -- but we cannot trust it is not worse."

"And yet," the Captain says. "I think Tegu and Fork are both right. He cannot make the Sunhome on his own. I think he will drive his mount to its death, poor beast, to get out of the Calm, and then find passage on a metallic or trade ship. Either by trade or by compulsion... for there are spells for that, too."

The Commander
2023-12-21, 10:43 AM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg actually seems apologetic to the First Mate. "Beggin' ye pardon, sir. I meant no offence to ye House."

Ttharg thinks again. "If this book and this Tortle lad have a relationship with strange and old Gods, be it possible he's conjured himself spirits of the dead to help him sail? Mayhaps he's even claimed the soul o' the poor mount? If so, he could keep it sailin' for as long as he's got power."

2023-12-21, 11:22 PM
Nibum has been working on some voice recorders this entire time. He hadn't seemed like he was paying attention but since cocytus had made mention of tenebrous hoard and how the book came from there not only made him seeth but also made him remember something tho perhaps it was hardly important. He calm says to the captain as he slides the recorders to him i finished with the recording devices for any announcements you might have for the crew as the meeting takes place. I'll have mini cliff and fetcher deliver them wherever needed. . He never understood why he was in these meetings and always hated them. He could be working. He takes a deep breath before speaking again. It comes out sharp as he says it seems to me that once again those that think themselves intellegent have taken much too much time THINKING and not DOING now everyone is in danger. Cocytus is right why couldnt you have left it well enough alone obviosly it wasnt a danger before when it was in tenebrous hoard. You think he went mad ha what a laugh. I'm sure you recall the litany of kin and surrakh heresy. Let me refresh your memory. This basically says shetyw may be the tyrant queen herself. And look here the shell is on its way to her. Probably the key to releasing her. Lets stop talking and lets start doing. he ends starring daggers at the medusa. Maybe it wasn't the Medusa fault but none the less she represented in his mind the sacking of his home.

2023-12-22, 10:26 AM
"Enough," the Captain says heavily. "Enough. We are not here to argue about religion or the finer points of Imperial justice. The point of this meeting is to understand the mission and what must be done. Mr. Nibum, I believe you do understand the seriousness and the goals of this ship. Anything else you can take up with the Magistrate Lapis or the Heirophant Carmine (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1182044254831382600/1187805881891565728/60559f58-0276-4f94-8ee2-caa489e11e3d.jpg?ex=6598396e&is=6585c46e&hm=55185402fa1a5dad325a5ebf22d86af78711d0fd6a2dbcc 9fc5bcd36c3c63bc3&=&format=webp&width=826&height=826) upon our return."

"Right here and now, Professor Siduri is not a representative of the University or the Library, whatever you believe their sins to be." Her angry look takes in not just the elderly kobold, but her First Mate as well. "She is the person who knows what we need to know to complete our mission. End of."

"I do not accept the heresy of Sarrukh," the Professor says quietly, "And so I do not accept that the shard of Shetyw is a danger to us. But the book--the book is bad enough, and that is our fault. My fault. I trusted Trionyx. His faith seemed to have nothing to do--I thought it was safe. It wasn't."

"But you've said something important, Mr. Nobim. He carries the shard. It is a part of him." She looks to Servius. "You asked about a magical signature. Trionyx isn't powerful enough to track by his own, but the shell--" She looks now to Cauda, who seems as usual to occupy another plane of existence. "Perhaps with your help, Mr. Pamphilius, and a Navigator's..."

Tegu, silent up to now, mutters something under her breath.

It sounds suspiciously like, "All snakes together, is it?"

The Captain's expression is furious, no roll needed. And then the entire ship gives a splintering lurch, and an outcry rises from the deck.

Please roll for initiative and report in the OOC thread! If you didn't get a chance to ask your questions, well, it'll be a long voyage with Professor Siduri. :) With Christmas on the horizon I don't expect we'll actually get into it until after Christmas, but let's get started!

2023-12-23, 11:22 AM
The first officer on deck is Cauda, which is no one's preferred situation, but those who see only a vaguely smiling bohemian would be surprised...

She takes a deep breath, and as she does, the chaotic folds and fringes of skin around her head expand up and back, and a blaze of lights move under her skin, forming a constellation on the flaring cobra hood. "BEAT TO QUARTERS," she screams. "ALL HANDS ON THE EGG-SUCKING DECK."

Another sea serpent has attacked the White Cliff; shreds of harness and scraps of wood and iron hang from its body, the remains of another living ship. Gigantic coils of muscled, sea-reeking flesh are looped three times over the ship, one over each of the raised decks and a third running amidships. This one looks the most dangerous, as it is pressed tight against the splintering mainmast. A solitary grung, high in the crow's nest bleats pathetically. At the stern, the two raging sea monsters snap at each other ineffectually.

Professor Atropae emerges from the door behind her, eyes wide. "What is it -- Where -- In the Calm??" Focusing: "What do we do?"

Drawing a shining bow from thin air, Cauda fires two bolts of light into the nearest rope of flesh, the one amidships; one scorches into the scales, while another deflects off. The attacker screams, then snaps its head down and eats a lizardfolk sailor off the stern in one bite.

The professor swallows and follows her lead, launching a series of attacks into the nearby coil. "It's loosening!" she yells. I think it's loosening!" And indeed, the sea monster shifts its coils uncomfortably, trying to move the burn away from the pummeling fists of the librarian monk.


Enemy attacks with adv (surprise) - hits and constricts White Cliff
Enemy attacks again with adv (restrained), hits
White Cliff hits Enemy with a legendary action
Cauda takes starry archer form; misses second coil with attack action, hits with BA
Enemy takes Legendary Action and kills one Scout
Siduri attacks four times, misses with 1, hits 3 against second coil
Damage to middle coil causes Enemy to loosen grapple - White Cliff is still grappled but no longer restrained

Enemy Serpent:
HP lost: 34 head / 0 first loop / 21 second loop / 0 third loop
AC: 17 + 2 for partial cover (doesn't apply to White Cliff)
Crew: 5 gunner, 4 scouts, 5 carpenters, 5 medics

White Cliff:
Mount HP: 141 / 170
Ship: 71 / 130 (damage threshold 15)

22 - Enemy Serpent
19 - Siduri
18 - Cauda
17 -Fork
16 - Ttharg
15 - Tegu / 4 Scouts / 5 Medics
10 - Nibum
8 - Kabett
4 - Servius
3 - Capt. Magyar / Cocytus / 5 Carpenters / 5 Gunners / White Cliff


Spells can be cast on the White Cliff's mount without having to touch the beast's skin; there's a reason it's called a living ship.

Kabett can use his action to command the White Cliff's mount to fight; otherwise Cauda will command it (losing her turn). Here's a statblock:
(bite or breath attack ONLY -- the ship is in the way of the other attacks)

The rest of you can each use your action to direct the actions up to 5 members of the crew for various purposes.

Servius can direct a salvo from the gunnery crew, giving some of them advantage on their attacks. Otherwise, the First Mate will command them (losing his turn). The number of crew aided is determined by an Arcana check.

Fork can direct a melee attack from those trained as scouts, giving some of them advantage on their attacks. Otherwise, Tegu will command them (losing her turn). The number of crew aided is determined by an Insight check.

Nobim can direct a repair action from those trained as carpenters, who will each attempt 2 repairs. Otherwise, no repairs will be attempted.
(+4 to the check, 1d6+2 repair on a success, DC increases as the ship takes damage)

Ttharg can direct a triage action from those trained as medics, which will stabilize injured/unconscious crew and get them out of danger. Otherwise, crew will be left where they fall.

The Captain can take a morale action, giving inspiration to up to three crew members, in place of her action.

2023-12-23, 04:17 PM
Fork found his footing after the violent shaking and bolted for the door. He darted through the passageway past some crew and ran up out to the main deck. He had to blink to believe what he saw when he got there. It was but a split second of a moment before his training and instinct triggered.

He whistled sharply twice in a short burst. From up above the drake came soaring down. Fork didn't need to point and explain himself. The whistle and its intonation meant that his trusted companion knew what to do.

With a roar the drake fell upon the creatures head, harrying the eyes. (18 to hit, 5dmg)

Fork himself wasted no time and drew his shortsword and handcrossbow simultaneously. He spun around and then he noticed. "It's the Broad Fin Serpent!" He shouted, trying to be louder than the tumoultuous sounds around him.

"Scouts! Focus fire on the head!" He ordered the Lizardmen. (Insight roll: 20 total)

2023-12-23, 11:05 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)

Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 12 / 15 (Mage Armor) HP: 22/22
PPer: 10 PInv: 16 PIst: 10
Conditions: --

Servius slithers away from the table and up the stairs as fast as possible, using the bannister to lever himself up as the steep steps are not designed for those who don't rely on feet. As he reaches the deck and sees the situation he calls out "Head, target the head! Blind it! If it's mouth is open, that's an un-armored target!"

He doesn't even have Mage Armor running.... but as long as he can stay away from the sea serpent's tail, it shouldn't matter.

Arcana [roll0] to assist the gunners in their spell attacks.

2023-12-24, 09:26 AM
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1188492821599113296/image.png?ex=659ab931&is=65884431&hm=af550358c430c204c4ce51788f3f1b5a0e61946031a43bb c3d517a66a85b3368&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

Responding to Fork's command, the group of crew trained as scouts and marines swing into action, vaulting onto the stern to confront the sea serpent directly. One of their own just disappeared down its gullet, and their rage is palpable. The first round of attacks glance off the scales disappointingly, until one scout embeds a morning star right in the Broad Fin's eye. Salty black blood splashes over them, and three lizardmen go into a frenzy, tearing at the pleisosaur's throat with their teeth. All three clamp down, and two manage to tear loose chunks of flesh and gulp them down raw, howling with fury.

Their howls seem to ignite something in Tegu, who bursts onto the deck amidships with a huge iron-braced wooden mallet, ululating, and recklessly pounds at the middle coil of the beast, then takes her own tearing bite out of the flesh. "Sauirusoi omophagia!" she screams in an obscene war cry. "No offense to yer table, Cap'n but I'm still hungry!"

The Broad Fin moans and writhes in pain. It beats its tail against the aft deck, causing more worrying splintering sounds up and down the ship, but no serious damage. In its agony, the coils around the ship loosen further.

With rather more discipline than the rampaging marines, Servius's scouts swing into action. Any of them inclined to look their new commander askance are swiftly brought in line by his discipline and tactical assessment. From across the deck, sorcerers and warlocks send blasts of fire sizzling into the wet flesh of the Broad Fin, aiming for the eyes as the man said.

Fork commands the Scout crew; with a 20 on insight all 4 surviving scouts get advantage on their attacks.
Fork's drake attacks and hits for 5 damage
Scouts move into position on the stern and make 4 morningstar attacks with advantage (1 crit, 3 misses) and 4 bite attacks with advantage (2 crits, 3 hits, 1 miss) for 36 damage
The Broad Fin is bloodied at this point.
Tegu moves into position amidships and goes into a rage, attacking recklessly. Hits with her melee attack for 14 damage and her hungry jaws attacks for 8.
Legendary tail attack from the Broad Fin on the White Cliff -- 7 damage to the mount and 14 to the ship; however 14 damage fails under the damage threshold!
Servius commands the gunner crew; with a 25 on arcana all 5 gunners get advantage on their attacks.
Gunners make 15 Fire Ray attacks with advantage, with 6 hits and 1 crit for 32 damage.
Sustained damage to the head and middle coil cause the sea monster to reposition, losing the grapple entirely.

Broad Fin:
HP lost: 107 head / 0 first loop / 43 second loop / 0 third loop
AC: 17 + 2 for partial cover (doesn't apply to White Cliff)
Crew: 5 gunner, 4 scouts, 5 carpenters, 5 medics

White Cliff:
Mount HP: 134 / 170
Ship: 71 / 130 (damage threshold 15)

22 - Enemy Serpent
19 - Siduri
18 - Cauda
17 -Fork
16 - Ttharg
15 - Tegu / 4 Scouts / 5 Gunners
10 - Nibum
8 - Kabett
4 - Servius
3 - Capt. Magyar / Cocytus / 5 Carpenters / 5 Medics / White Cliff


Spells can be cast on the White Cliff's mount without having to touch the beast's skin; there's a reason it's called a living ship.

Kabett can use his action to command the White Cliff's mount to fight; otherwise Cauda will command it (losing her turn). Here's a statblock:
(bite or breath attack ONLY -- the ship is in the way of the other attacks)

The rest of you can each use your action to direct the actions up to 5 members of the crew for various purposes.

Servius can direct a salvo from the gunnery crew, giving some of them advantage on their attacks. Otherwise, the First Mate will command them (losing his turn). The number of crew aided is determined by an Arcana check.

Fork can direct a melee attack from those trained as scouts, giving some of them advantage on their attacks. Otherwise, Tegu will command them (losing her turn). The number of crew aided is determined by an Insight check.

Nobim can direct a repair action from those trained as carpenters, who will each attempt 2 repairs. Otherwise, no repairs will be attempted.
(+4 to the check, 1d6+2 repair on a success, DC increases as the ship takes damage)

Ttharg can direct a triage action from those trained as medics, which will stabilize injured/unconscious crew and get them out of danger. Otherwise, crew will be left where they fall.

The Captain can take a morale action, giving inspiration to up to three crew members, in place of her action.

The Commander
2023-12-24, 10:02 AM
Ttharg Krixkrux

The cries of battle, pain, the splintering of wood, and sweat and blood of men and women fighting for their lives and their ship. For a moment, Ttharg is transfixed, his mind elsewhere and nowhere. The moment lasts only a second until Ttharg is on his feet, moving with practised motion and surprising alacrity.

He moves up to the Captain, knowing that she is the most important part of this engagement (barring the ship itself of course, but he could leave that to the Keeper). He reaches out a scaly hand to her and, muttering deep and guttural words like the sound of a sinking ship cracking under the pressure of the waves, he casts Warding Bond upon her. The platinum rings upon both of their fingers glow brightly for a second, creating an almost invisible link between the two Dragonborn.

With the Captain safely protected by the Bond, Ttharg made his way up on deck and drew his Shield.

Move up to Captain and Main Action to Cast Warding Bond (2nd Level Spell) on her. We must remain within 60ft or the effect ends, so Ttharg would not want to get too far ahead of her, but he imagines that she'll head up the main deck as well, and so uses the rest of his movement to get up on deck at the entrance to the hold.
Free Action to draw Shield.

Warding Bond: Captain gains a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws, and it has resistance to all damage. Also, each time she takes damage, I take the same amount of damage. It is not Concentration, but lasts 1 hour, until we are more than 60ft apart, or if I fall Unconscious.

2023-12-24, 11:20 AM
"DONT YOU WRECK MY HOME YOU SON OF A SNAIL" nibum yells as he rushes onto the back of triceratool his assistants beginning flying past him. They knew thier job was to assess the damage and help with hasty repairs. Nibum takes up a gear that he straps to his left are and a very large screw driver as he reassures the white cliff "Don't worry I'll not let the beastie destroy you my home and my friend"
acting before i reach the deck
Move: get on triceratool
Bonus: none

Triceratool and my 2 assistants can take move actions without command so i move them up to the deck

Once he reaches the deck he barks out orders Yall just gonna stand around as this beast destroys our home. Get to fixin. he says commanding the carpenters. Nibum sends minicliff to help with repairs (familiars providing help action). He moves next to siduri to keep her safe remembering the captains words.

action: command the carpenters
Move: next to siduri
Bonus: command familiars to help with repairs

Basically at this point the ship should be getting heroism temp hp of 3 every round. My familiars should be able to do help action at least to 2 of the carpenters for 2 rolls (i think). I moved next to the siduri so triceratool can use its reaction to basically make the the first attack on siduri at disadvantage (because i cant do it for the ship i think)

2023-12-24, 05:19 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 12 / 15 (Mage Armor) HP: 22/22
PPer: 10 PInv: 16 PIst: 10
Conditions: --

Seeing that the creature's scales are hard to penetrate, Servius attempts another tactic: Freezing the water inside its veins.

Frostbite [roll0] cold damage and disadvantage on its next attack.
Con DC 14 negates
SS Con save [roll1] plus mods.

Infernally Clay
2023-12-24, 07:43 PM
Kabett (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114113838)
Tortle Druid, Circle of Spores
AC: 19 | HP: 35/35 | Initiative: +0
Str: -1 | Dex: +0 | Con: +3 | Int: +4 | Wis: +5 | Cha: -1

Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 3/3
Wildshapes: 2/2
Active Effects: None
Conditions: None

"Attacking us was an unwise move," Kabett says slowly, seemingly undaunted by the scene unfolding around him. He then kneels down, touching the ship and through his old friend carrying it, and says "Let us show this beast why."

Kabett commands the ship to use Rime Breath, aimed at the Broad Fin's head but without risking anyone on the ship. DC 18 con save, taking [roll0] cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Kabett then moves closer to the head of the ship.

2023-12-24, 08:03 PM
The crew Nibum has trained as emergency carpenters swarm over the ship, patching and repairing as best they can to hold the ship together. But at the same time, the Broad Fin prepares to tighten its coils again and smash the ship apart. The tiny, hooded eyes of a living ship are normally wise and placid, but these are rabid pinpoints.

Before it can act, the White Cliff responds to Kabett's touch. It positions itself between the tortle and the other sea serpent and draws in a mighty breath. Just as the Captain and First Mate clear the stairs and come on deck, the White Cliff unleashes a torrent of freezing breath. It reeks of salt and fish and death, a wind out of the dark seas of Blackreach and the lands of Death beyond. Frost forms over the flesh of the serpent and crystallizes its glazed eyes, spreading down the throat already ravaged by the scouts.

The White Cliff thrusts its own head forward and bites down hard, shattering the frozen flesh and dropping the icy decapitated head into the placid sea of the Calm.

The sword in the Captain's hand slowly droops from its upright position. She looks around the splintered ship, still draped in the lifeless coils of the Broad Fin.

"Report!" she cries.

The tiny grung lookout, trapped in the crow's nest this whole time, scrambles down the rigging as the other hands start to free the ship from the Broad Fin's corpse.

"I saw it all, Cap'n! It was lying in wait for us under the water!" he pipes.

The Broad Fin failed its save and the 25 damage finished it off.

White Cliff:
Mount HP: 134 / 170
Ship HP: 71 / 130 + 25 repair HP that will need to be made permanent

2023-12-24, 11:20 PM
Nibum trying to correct himself from earlier reports Well we took some not insignificant damage to the ship. Seems we killed a sea serpent that used to carry a ship. I imagine the repairs may take awhile depending on supplies or how many can cast mending. Likely we can scavenge some supplies and food from the serpent. White cliff seems to have been hurt but not too badly so healers might be able to patch them up in near no time. Not sure if I said anything you couldn't see yourself tho. I imagine you'll order me to begin repairs so I'll just grab the carpenters and get to work. he signals his 3 assistants to assess the damage and get to work. Clean up This mess you layabouts he yells at the carpenters

The Commander
2023-12-25, 03:28 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg puts his shield away and bows his head. He begins a quick prayer for the swallowed crewman. "May ye find rest, that ye duty was done, on the Seas, Bahamut keep ye soul safe." He then raises his head and shouts: "Any o' the rest o' ye need puttin' back together? Sound off!"

Seeing that the rest of the crew were uninjured, Ttharg moved to look over the side of the ship at the corpse of the Broad Fin. It was dead, which was unfortunate, but Ttharg hoped he might learn something with a keen eye.

Medicine and Investigation check both rolled a 15. Ttharg wants to look over the corpse and identify any additional wounds or anything odd about the Broad Fin that might give some clues as to what happened to it; and if anything might be salvageable from the wreckage of it's harness/hull.

2023-12-26, 11:07 AM
Nibum trying to correct himself from earlier reports Well we took some not insignificant damage to the ship. Seems we killed a sea serpent that used to carry a ship. I imagine the repairs may take awhile depending on supplies or how many can cast mending. Likely we can scavenge some supplies and food from the serpent. White cliff seems to have been hurt but not too badly so healers might be able to patch them up in near no time. Not sure if I said anything you couldn't see yourself tho. I imagine you'll order me to begin repairs so I'll just grab the carpenters and get to work. he signals his 3 assistants to assess the damage and get to work. Clean up This mess you layabouts he yells at the carpenters

With the help of the apprentice carpenters he's trained among the crew, Nibum begins to assess the damage.

Ghosts of Saltmarsh offers the depressingly low rate of repairs at 1d6 per day, and requiring an Athletics check first. Since you have mending, we will skip the Athletics check; with the assistance of your 5 helpers and your various pets, I will give you an additional +8 to the d6. And for the hasty repairs, I will treat making them permanent as a max repair roll, so one full day shift will give the ship back 14 hp.

Once the hasty repairs are all converted into permanent repairs, you will have to roll 1d6+8 per day.

The real limiting factors will be supplies; you only enough supplies for 5 days of steady repair efforts.

Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg puts his shield away and bows his head. He begins a quick prayer for the swallowed crewman. "May ye find rest, that ye duty was done, on the Seas, Bahamut keep ye soul safe." He then raises his head and shouts: "Any o' the rest o' ye need puttin' back together? Sound off!"

Seeing that the rest of the crew were uninjured, Ttharg moved to look over the side of the ship at the corpse of the Broad Fin. It was dead, which was unfortunate, but Ttharg hoped he might learn something with a keen eye.

Medicine and Investigation check both rolled a 15. Ttharg wants to look over the corpse and identify any additional wounds or anything odd about the Broad Fin that might give some clues as to what happened to it; and if anything might be salvageable from the wreckage of it's harness/hull.

Looking over the corpse, Ttharg can see that it was already injured before the fight began, an old wound that was not allowed to heal. Not much remains of the ship itself, just leather straps and chains of harness and a few scraps of wood. It looks like it was torn apart by being submerged. It looks much as if the Broad Fin had run wild, but that doesn't explain its behavior of lying in wait and attacking a larger and healthier sea serpent.

2023-12-26, 09:29 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 12 / 15 (Mage Armor) HP: 22/22
PPer: 10 PInv: 16 PIst: 10
Conditions: --

Servius addresses the warlocks. "Acceptable shooting, but more practice is needed. This was a big target, and small misses count for a lot against heavy armor."

Looking over the side of the ship. "So, this used to belong to another ship. Any way to tell who it came from? Surely there's a registry or book somewhere."

2023-12-28, 12:27 PM
Looking over the side of the ship. "So, this used to belong to another ship. Any way to tell who it came from? Surely there's a registry or book somewhere."

Cauda peers over the side at the great corpse, light filming over her eyes. "His eyes opened but his heart in chains," she croons.

"Cauda," says the Captain with flat irritation.

Sulkily: "Divination, enchantment."

"Mr. Fork said she's the Broad Fin herself," says Tegu. "So he sent his own mount back to 'wait pursuit? And bespelled to know who to attack?" She shakes her head. "If he gave up the Broad Fin, he must have found another ship, or took passage on one. Nowhere to do that but Baratano."

Baratano is a pirate haven, the one located the closest to the Calm and thus most frequently raided by privateers and chromatic military.

"Might be we could catch his trail there, and resupply to boot."

First Mate Achelous scowls. "I disagree. We ought to hold course for Sunhome. Getting ahead of him is what matters."

The Captain considers for a moment, and checks her pocketwatch. "It's late, and much to do before we rest. Cauda, adjust the course for Baratano. Everyone else, get to work." The First Mate looks displeased, but does not speak further.

Eventually, you all sleep.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1189988844083359784/nobim.jpg?ex=65a02a79&is=658db579&hm=11ce77cf93b29dad112e831094336d973cf092ab8c0d2e8 88639a6403e41b6e3&=&format=webp&width=830&height=830

Darkness. A looming, terrible draconic skull, gleaming in the shadows.

Hungrily: The streams that dissolve and do not quench.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1189988843437445261/servius.jpg?ex=65a02a79&is=658db579&hm=d4090ad031525ae23fb42315803a276734e69101af46f37 93b7c4f0011fb2e1a&=&format=webp&width=830&height=830

A colossal, flame-lit cavern. Something too vast to understand, pinned beneath something vaster still. Muscular, writhing, an eternal struggle.

Ominously: The grips that crush and do not build

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1189988843160604712/ttharg.jpg?ex=65a02a79&is=658db579&hm=cf3d80af3761ea48282b1508ccdd29ccb4898ac5e0057fe ca6dc1390eb391a1f&=&format=webp&width=830&height=830

An endless shimmering geometric perfection, growing and expanding chaotically, fractally. A thunderbolt.

Sadly: The lights that burn and do not reveal.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1189988842862817349/Frrkkk.jpg?ex=65a02a79&is=658db579&hm=daa8f1d606e556684cad5ca75aa5ae9bbb06d865d91458b 450f6c63e2dacbc5d&=&format=webp&width=830&height=830

Glaciers and blind, blowing snow. Something vast, hunting in the white-out. Three stars, burning with cold.

Grimly: The winds that freeze and do not refresh.

It's just barely a long rest before you are awoken by cries from the crow's nest.

All PCs are now level 5. It is a noticeable change.

"Goblin ship off the portbow!" Indeed, a goblin steamship flying a legitimate flag of trade has appeared as you slept.

"We’ll stop briefly," the Captain decides. "To ask for word of Trionyx. It must have been chugging in this direction for some time."

"Permission to go aboard for a bit of shopping, Cap’n?" asks Tegu.

Humans think of goblins as savages and plague carriers, but the reptilians remember the height of their civilization, and the surviving goblin cities are still home to some of the finest artificers and creators of magic items in the world.

The Captain looks around at her officers. "All right, but make it snappy."

The ship is manned mostly by goblins, with a few hobgoblins and bugbears scuttling about, and quarters are a bit tight for the larger among you. The ship is a working ship, not a showroom, but they are willing to haul things out of the neatly-packed and organized cases to make a sale.

There are a few people among them who stand out from the busy, uniformed crew; Min, a young goblin woman in a toolbelt and civilian clothes, seems excited to be out in the world and is the main person who helps you find goods and makes sales.

Additionally, there is a moustachioed male hobgoblin and a female troglodyte, both in uniforms, but not sailing uniforms, who both radiate a sense of competency and sheathed danger. Captain Magyar, stooped in the narrow corridors, speaks briefly not just the captain of the goblin vessel but to them as well.

Sentinel Shield - 200 gp
All Purpose Tool - 150 gp
+1 shields/weapons - 150 gp
Mariner’s Armor - 200 gp
Luckstone - 200 gp
Clockwork Amulet - 50 gp
Bracer of Defense - 150 gp
Cloak of Protection - 150 gp
Assorted Scrolls
Magical Ink and Paper

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/862151400179499059/931940069877616750/Min-portrait.png?ex=65997853&is=65870353&hm=09eb0bcc56dc999cfd2dbd7fbe33e5d5669d319a353d280 dc6d59e1e580c1937&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=830&height=830

2023-12-28, 04:54 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)

Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
Conditions: --

Servius crosses to the other ship, cautiously balancing as he slithers across the planks laid as a bridge. A long-time sailor with "sea legs" he is not. After persuing the magic items, he spends his funds, and a bit of the Captain's, on a spell scroll, some inks to help him expand his spellbook in the future, and two items which make him more likely to stay healthy and protected against all manner of hazards. After finishing, he returns to the ship, where he pulls out some of his old books and finishes a project he'd been working on for several days - copying a pair of common spells from a textbook into his personalized notation.

2023-12-28, 05:12 PM
Some time before the tradegoblins show up:

Fork helped the Mariners collect the gear of the fallen scout. He carefully separated the package every scout had from their travel chest. The package he left into the care of the Captain. She'd see to it that it got back to the next of kin. It had some personal items, a letter and some coins. The Captain would no doubt add the wages owed, for the whole trip, as was customary.

The rest of the chest was weighed down with rocks and tied shut. In a short and silent ceremony every crewmember walked past and put their hand on the chest as they said a quick prayer, or something personal. Fork then took his own hand, blackened it with charcoal, and pressed his imprint upon the chest just before two large Lizardmen threw the chest in the water. They had no body to bury, but now in spirit too Able Seamen Riverdancer was committed to the deep.

The whole ceremony took about ten to fifteen minutes but all crew were on their best behaviour and everyone saw to it that it got done with the reverence it deserved.

As the two ships meet to trade goods and information, Fork makes sure to put his scouts on alert in case of problems. He hoped nothing would go down because the boys were in a foul mood after the burial.

He didn't feel like socialising much himself, but forced himself out and about amongst the traders. He picked up a cloak and a crossbow that looked like it meant business. As he was browsing he made sure to keep his ears open about any strange happenings, and he asked the salesman if they'd seen the Broad Fin recently, or perhaps a goal oriented Tortle? He asked casually, like it wasn't a big deal either way.

2023-12-28, 05:56 PM
there was alot to do when it came to repairs. The serpent did a number on the hull and a crewmember was swallowed. Nibum paid more attention to his duties and the living then the things he couldnt change and the dead but knowing the funeral was immenent he took special time out to do his part. He made sure the chest was absolutely water tight and wouldnt deteriorate for a very long time. Never being the one to show much of any sympathy he took this time to say his goodbyes the man even though he barely knew him. Then returned to work. He was the last to finnish repairs and possibly the last to be awake even he again shows some empathy but this time to the ship thank you lass and good night he says deep in the bowls of the ship bending down to cast cure wounds. Before he heads off to bed he surveys the work done That will dohe says like every night taking pride in his work. He sets fetcher and triceratool to help keep watch paying special attention to the scholar. Wether good or ill nibum was keeping to captains orders.

(triceratool has an ability that prevents surprise and much of this nibum keeps to himself but if anyone wants to observe this go ahead. Nibum isnt stealthy)

The dream seemed a bad omen perhaps he'd speak to someone about that soon but now there was some exploring and learning to do.

When the merchant ship shows up nibum checks his pockets... he finds barely a few gold to scrape together and that's quite alright there isn't much he needs. He takes a break from his work to check out the merchant vessel and how it operates.

2023-12-28, 09:26 PM
As he was browsing he made sure to keep his ears open about any strange happenings, and he asked the salesman if they'd seen the Broad Fin recently, or perhaps a goal oriented Tortle? He asked casually, like it wasn't a big deal either way.

Min is happy to listen to Frrkkk's questions, but she is not very much help, unfortunately; she is out of the goblin city of Sheerfast for the first time and can only talk about her own adventures. She doesn't have any memory of a Tortle, but she is full of information about their ultimate destination (an extremely rare diplomatic delegation to human lands for a coronation), her shipboard romance (a stoker named Brom), and their other passengers (two 'bigshot Bounders' she calls Moustakas and 'your cousin.')

He takes a break from his work to check out the merchant vessel and how it operates.

Nobim has never been on a steamship before in his long life, and it's fascinating. The concept of a boiler and using steam to drive a wheel is obvious to anyone who has seen a teapot, but the problem is elemental spirits -- boiling steam in quantity attracts steam mephits, and steam mephits destroy things for the fun of it. Only goblins have the art of building steam engines that aren't elaborate bombs. The boiler is hung with large quantities of spirit traps that extract the mephits into glass and silver canisters. They make terrible faces at Nobim, and it occurs to him to wonder where they are disposed of. Mass banishment? Dumped into the Cataract of Steam? It's interesting.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188604020592488579/1190121492017578106/4ec441d8-a24e-4a6f-88d9-3b8801e6c650.jpg?ex=65a0a603&is=658e3103&hm=35a9478bd58e00d8d0030be7e48dde1f985148aa2ab0879 ae3431bf341075806&=&format=webp&width=833&height=833

Nobim and Frrkkk fall into stride beside each other on their way back to the White Cliff, and so it is that you are both approached by a uniformed female troglodyte. Unlike the occasional semi-feral troglodytes who scrabble up from the Underdark in Lssthp, this one is clean, upright and seems to have her smell under control; strong and unusual, but not actually offensive. Like those trogs, however, she is blind, led through the world by her nose. It's strange to see the double handcrossbows strapped to her narrow hips. But somehow she does look like she can use them. Other than her eyes, she doesn't look that different from an ordinary red kobold.

"Word to the wise, lads," she says conversationally. "Your captain was asking us about a tortle and a ship. Don't know much about tortles or ships, and I told her so. Asked if we've seen anything weird and I don't see -- much. But I've been doing some thinking and I might've left something out."

"There was a fella approached me in Baratano. Can't smell a shell, of course, much less anything about cracks filled in with gold, but he sure moved heavy. Smelled bad, and that's me saying that, you know? Wanted me to bring him on the ship as a stowaway. Weird thing is, I thought about it. I thought about it hard. I've had some experience with enchantment, though--" She touches a silver figure of a goat's head on a pendant-- "And I came to my senses and shot him down."

"Thought it might be the kind of thing you wanted to know. I'm Tomyris," she adds belatedly.

2023-12-29, 12:51 AM
On his tour of the steam ship nibum was taking notes and thinking of ways to incorporate this into things like the shell or maybe landing or escape ships or perhaps even into triceratool itself.

After the trog had spoken. The gears in his mind spun into overdrive thinking of many revelations this simple conversation had.Lucky you werent tricked so easy. Do you suppose that charm you just touched had anything to do with it? he said while considering who he should speak to first about this information.

The Commander
2023-12-29, 08:30 AM
Ttharg Krixkrux

"Mr. Fork said she's the Broad Fin herself," says Tegu. "So he sent his own mount back to 'wait pursuit? And bespelled to know who to attack?" She shakes her head. "If he gave up the Broad Fin, he must have found another ship, or took passage on one. Nowhere to do that but Baratano."

Ttharg looks grim. "Then he knows we be after him. We'll get no element o' surprise with him. That's a bad omen that is. As fer bookin' passage with another boat; that be makin' a lot o' sense. Ye'd be making a date with Bahamut's Locker if ye attempted to take a wounded an' neutral flyin' living boat out into the Hic Sunt, 'specially around Baratano. The lad would need something less conspicuous." It's clear Ttharg speaks with a level of confidence and knowledge on the subject, but others can see a slight discomfort about him.

The Captain considers for a moment, and checks her pocketwatch. "It's late, and much to do before we rest. Cauda, adjust the course for Baratano. Everyone else, get to work." The First Mate looks displeased, but does not speak further.

Ttharg salutes the Captain, but as he walks away it's clear he is also troubled about the prospect.

Ttharg was glad Bahamut (or at least he assumed it was Bahamut) had decided to gift him a dream rather than the regular nightmares he had. He pondered upon what he was being told. The dream of last night made him feel more empowered, as if Bahamut trusted him more. He felt that he could reach out to the skies and call the very lightning that set him on this path of faith and privateering.

As the Goblin ship pulls up for trade, Ttharg makes enquiries as to whether the vessel has any goblinoid liquor. He had already purchased all the necessary supplies he needed back in port, and having spare gold was always important in the Hic Sunt, but it was rare to see the Goblins and obtaining Goblin-made liquor was even rarer. Besides, he owed Tegu a drink anyway.

2023-12-30, 08:36 AM
Fork took stock of the woman that approached them and found that he liked what he saw.

"Pleased to meet you, Tomyris. I'm Fork, this is Nibum." He reached out to grab her hand for a heartfelt handshake.

"You have no idea how much we appreciate you sharing this with us. I have but a few coins left after Min shook me down, but it would be my pleasure and honour if I could buy you a drink and a prime cut of meat."

He wholeheartedly hoped she'd take him up on it, and continued jokingly. "When you say you shot him down, do you mean his idea or did you plant a bolt between his eyes?"

He looked at Nibum expectantly. "What do you say my ancient kobold friend? A good meal is in order am I right?"

2023-12-30, 10:59 AM
As the Goblin ship pulls up for trade, Ttharg makes enquiries as to whether the vessel has any goblinoid liquor. He had already purchased all the necessary supplies he needed back in port, and having spare gold was always important in the Hic Sunt, but it was rare to see the Goblins and obtaining Goblin-made liquor was even rarer. Besides, he owed Tegu a drink anyway.

Min doesn't have any liquor for sale, only magic items, but you are able to charm her enough to be put in touch with a stoker named Brom, who slips you some of the local rotgut in exchange for some of the product of your own ship's still.

Distilled discreetly in and around the engine, the clear alcohol he provides you seems to be always smoking hot. He explains that that's from the steam mephits who got boiled away in the distilling process.

After the trog had spoken. The gears in his mind spun into overdrive thinking of many revelations this simple conversation had.Lucky you werent tricked so easy. Do you suppose that charm you just touched had anything to do with it? he said while considering who he should speak to first about this information.

"Could be," she says, and repeats: "I've had some experience with enchantments. I've got a special arrangement with a fae spirit of my acquaintance."

Fork took stock of the woman that approached them and found that he liked what he saw.

"Pleased to meet you, Tomyris. I'm Fork, this is Nibum." He reached out to grab her hand for a heartfelt handshake.

"You have no idea how much we appreciate you sharing this with us. I have but a few coins left after Min shook me down, but it would be my pleasure and honour if I could buy you a drink and a prime cut of meat."

He wholeheartedly hoped she'd take him up on it, and continued jokingly. "When you say you shot him down, do you mean his idea or did you plant a bolt between his eyes?"

"No, no such luck. He was creepy and tried to put a whammy on me, but I didn't suppose it rated homicide. From what I'm hearing maybe I should've."

He looked at Nibum expectantly. "What do you say my ancient kobold friend? A good meal is in order am I right?"

Tomyris grins, not precisely at either of you, holding her head like someone who has heard about eye contact but never experienced it. "I'll have to take you up on that later," she says. The Underdark has no word for 'raincheck.' "I reckon both our ships have to be about their business."

"But for your kindness I'll give you one more piece of advice. My impression is, you're meddling with god business, here. There's folks who'll tell you little guys like us ought to stay out of that kind of thing, that we can't make a difference and can only get hurt. But that's not my experience. All I'll say is when gods get desperate, power is there for the taking, if you're brave enough to jump in the middle and tough enough to survive it." She lays her hands on her crossbow stocks for a moment before walking away.

The Commander
2023-12-30, 12:06 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg took the Rotgut. Even if it wasn't something fancy, it might still be good. He'd have to try with Tegu later when they were on a rest shift. For now, he simply put the bottle away in his pack and thanked the stoker, before returning to the White Cliff.

2023-12-30, 08:00 PM
As he replies nibum pulls out a small device oh yes young lady thank you. Where does this vessel call home? Dont thunk we will have time to share a table for awhile. This information is vital and i must inform the captain and such he says before speaking into the device Captain i believe fork and i have come across vital information. Think we should talk as soon as possible. before handing the device to fetcher. Fetcher heads off to find the captain and play the recording

2023-12-31, 03:57 AM
"No, no such luck. He was creepy and tried to put a whammy on me, but I didn't suppose it rated homicide. From what I'm hearing maybe I should've."

"I have a feeling you would have saved us a whole lot of trouble." Fork thought to himself, but held his tongue. He also kind of wished for this whole ordeal not to be over yet. The start of a hunt was exhilarating.

Tomyris grins, not precisely at either of you, holding her head like someone who has heard about eye contact but never experienced it. "I'll have to take you up on that later," she says. The Underdark has no word for 'raincheck.' "I reckon both our ships have to be about their business."

"But for your kindness I'll give you one more piece of advice. My impression is, you're meddling with god business, here. There's folks who'll tell you little guys like us ought to stay out of that kind of thing, that we can't make a difference and can only get hurt. But that's not my experience. All I'll say is when gods get desperate, power is there for the taking, if you're brave enough to jump in the middle and tough enough to survive it." She lays her hands on her crossbow stocks for a moment before walking away.

"Spirits guide you." Fork said kindly. He watched her walk away and made note of her scent before getting back to business. "Right you are Mr. Nibum.. Lets go."

2024-01-01, 05:03 PM
Heading back walking with fork riding on triceratool nibum begins cleaning and adjusting his glasses. He says to the younger koboldYou know the olds purpose in life is to pass on thier wisdom to the young. Young man if ive heard right i believe i have heard of your family. Its hard to mistake one at least. Theyve been around as long as i can remember which is a very long time. Ive no idea what your time as a servant has been but i do know what its like to not have a purpose and as a loyal servant without purpose is awful. I found purpose with this ship.... er... where was i going with that..... oh yes. I think if ive heard right youll find yourself not as a servant any longer and i hope you might realize being of service isnt so bad. It gives purpose. I hope you have considered what your purpose will be. A kobolds life can prove difficult without patron.

2024-01-03, 11:44 AM
It's not much longer until Goblin Steamship #749 is chugging into the distance and the White Cliff is cruising out of the Calm. The transition from the still waters around Lssthp and into the active weather of the Hic Sunt is subtle, but for the first time the sails begin to bell out and white-capped waves begin to slap at the stern. Overhead, the chaotic stars begin to dance closer and more frenetically, with the quiet, stable constellations shifting into the background. Cauda coils herself around the helm and begins the subtle and precise navigation to Baratano.

You pass one full round of shifts and are rising for the third day at sea when small rocks and islets begin to appear. Before long, the hills of Baratano begin to rise over the dim horizon, lively with lamplight and campfires. As the ship draws closer, the first local ships appear; no obvious pirates yet, but fishing canoes carrying bullywugs and their spears, and then one of the graceful, slim inter-island sailing ships of the Hic Sunt glides past, the metallic dragonborn crew playing the wind like an instrument.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1187843495831011338/1192146995037618318/11.jpg?ex=65a80468&is=65958f68&hm=eb87402b63792115119a68121ce4a028a84edcf3d7d27c5 eb38703a17e08e18d&=&format=webp

On the eastward, mountainous side of Baratano lies the quartet of peaks called the Grin. The highest point in the region, these peaks have been the home to a succession of copper dragons who have called Baratano home, often slain as a preliminary stage of destroying the pirate haven, but always replaced.

A port built out more on piers and bridges than the islands themselves, Pierholt is homebase for both honest traders of the Hic Sunt and the pirates of the Flagless Fleet. Innumerable taverns, chandler's shops, flyby night dealers and open-air brothels operate on the edge of between indoor and outdoor, land and sea. A military ship would never survive making landfall here, but privateers as always are an edge case. Don't start nothing, won't be nothing.

Frogtown is a collection of impoverished villages on the southern West Horn where the bullywugs and grung of Baratano live, displaced by the reptilian sailors who cluster in Pierholt and settlers who occupy the more fertile and sheltered lands to the north. They live on fish, memory, and spite.

Cauda guides the ship between the the scattered and broken islands of West Horn and the rising, spiky peaks of East Horn, towards the tangled forest of masts known as Pierholt. The Captain addresses her officers as the ship makes anchor.

"All right, folks. We'll try to make our stop here quick, but I'm hungry to find some trace of Trionyx and what aid he might have acquired. He might not have landed in Pierholt proper, but if he wanted supplies or a place to rest or to find a new ship he must have passed through. The troglodyte on the goblin ship met him there, at least."

"Mr. Achelous and I will stay with the ship; we stink too much of the navy for these folk. Tegu will be taking on supplies for us, and Kabett healing up our mount. Cauda... is better served on the ship."

"I want the rest of you to get out there and hunt for the trail. Mr. Fork, trust your nose. Mr. Ttharg, I know you know these waters -- you can steer the others right. Mr. Pamphilius, maybe there's some magical trace to be found. Take Siduri if you think she can help you."

She turns to Nibum. "Mr. Nibum, I know perfectly well you'd rather stay onboard and finish patching up the ship, but you've got a keen eye and unusual tools. I'd like you to take a peek too. The four of you..." She trails off. "I'm hoping the four of you can stir something up. If all else fails, we can approach Shanidar, the dragon of these islands, but he'll be touchy. I'd rather see what we can turn up in Pierholt before we try the Grin."

Locations in Pierholt for Investigation or Social Checks:

A renowned tavern where pirates and privateers gather to share tales, recruit crew members, and seek out lucrative jobs. It's a hub of information about the chaotic waters and potential raids.

A less popular tavern for those who want to avoid scoundrels or keep a low profile; built on a high bridge that affords a panoramic view of the chaotic waters and nearby islands, serving as a lookout post and a beacon for ship's entering the crescent.

An open-air forum where disputes among pirate crews are settled, alliances formed, and bounties proclaimed. It's a place where the code of the sea is enforced and respected... but the mood and interpretation of the code can change wildly from day to day based on who is dominating the crowd.

A permanently docked ship/casino where gambling, high-stakes games, and clandestine deals take place, attracting both fortune-seekers and trouble.

Many islands across the Hic Sunt are marked with a platinum spring, a shrine dedicated to Bahamut as god of the sea. Adventurers might seek blessings or guidance here before embarking on perilous voyages. Located just outside Pierholt proper to the north.

2024-01-03, 12:30 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
Conditions: --

Servius considers the port area carefully. Parts of it remind him of the areas just off-campus, where foolish but wealthy students were often separated from their money via application of strong drink. He never had the funds to spare for that, and was too serious anyway.

"Siduri, would you like to split up, or should we travel as a pair? Anyone who looks like an unaware target may awaken the next morning with a headache and an empty purse."

There are three areas he considers traveling to, in this order:
First, the area of the docks where living ships typically moor and are cared for. If the Broad Fin docked here, someone is likely to remember it, and perhaps its lone passenger.
Second, the Captain's Court. If another ship has been stolen, or if the monk had magically influenced someone, there might be knowledge of it there. Even if it is an informal court, they will still have records, and he only needs to check a few days.

Third, as a last resort, the Wyvern's Roost. Perhaps there is someone there who watches ships come and go as a hobby, or to make unofficial records that are for sale. Some of the less personable individuals at the university - those less social than Servius and noted for making more social mis-steps - tended to have hobbies that revolved around obsessive specializations.

Ship docks
Investigation [roll0]

Captain's Court
Investigation [roll1]
Possibly plus a fee to access the records?

Wyvern's Roost
History [roll2] to find "that guy" by way of excessive knowledge of obscure topics

2024-01-03, 12:55 PM
"Siduri, would you like to split up, or should we travel as a pair? Anyone who looks like an unaware target may awaken the next morning with a headache and an empty purse."

The librarian-monk has changed out of her habit and into a more typical sailor's garb, no doubt borrowed from some other serpentine crew member. She is now wearing visibly a pendant you haven't seen on her in the last few days; it looks religious in nature, but not immediately obvious what god. "I don't know much about places like this," she admits. "I'll follow your lead."

First, the area of the docks where living ships typically moor and are cared for. If the Broad Fin docked here, someone is likely to remember it, and perhaps its lone passenger.

Living ships are few and far between here, and no one seems to remember the Broad Fin. On the other hand, no one is certain.

Second, the Captain's Court. If another ship has been stolen, or if the monk had magically influenced someone, there might be knowledge of it there. Even if it is an informal court, they will still have records, and he only needs to check a few days.

A little light bribery gets you access to the records of the Court; as Siduri makes conversation with the archivist about filing systems, you pour over the comings and goings of the last week. This confirms that the Broad Fin never docked at the port--Trionyx must have landed outside the port and sent the ship back, then walked into town. But more importantly, you find something very interesting about a minor spree of disappearances to the south.

Sailors venturing down into Frogtown haven't come back, and the grung and bullywugs insist they know nothing and have lost their own people. The disappearances started about a week ago and after a few days, they were reported to the Court by Captain Vaarth Pthax of the Broken Wing, whose own quartermaster had vanished into Frogtown.

The decision of the Court was not to send anyone to investigate--land business, not sea business--but the clerk studiously recorded that Pthax called them cowards and swore to investigate himself.

The Broken Wing left port a day later, about three days past.

The archivist mentions he has heard the disappearances have continued.

The Commander
2024-01-03, 01:33 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

During the remaining voyage to Baratano, Ttharg invited Tegu to sample some of the Goblin Rotgut with him to see what it tastes like proper.

As the Broad Fin docked in Pierholt, Ttharg was uneasy. He doubted he'd be personally recognised here, it had been years since he'd been here, but there was always a risk of some kind of recognition when operating in Hic Sunt waters. He saluted the Captain and the First Mate before addressing the others: "Watch ye coin purse, be wary o' followin' strange men down alleys, act confident but don't be pushy. These sailors are here for rest and a good time, and to be away from the laws o' the world. Long as ye don't disturb that, ye should get on just fine."

He considered the options available to him. "If ye don't mind lads, I'll be headin' up to the Spring first. Be more appropriate to make me prayers with a clear head before heading to the taverns on this scalerotting island. Ye be welcome to join me if ye want."

Ttharg's first port of call is the Platinum Spring. He approaches and strokes a claw over the amulet of Bahamut around his neck. He begins to pray for guidance and safety for himself and his crew at the shrine. Once completed, Ttharg then makes his way over to The Corsair's Rest Inn.

At The Corsair's Rest Inn, Ttharg makes a beeline for the bar and orders a drink. He drinks it quickly and orders another one. This one he drinks more slowly. As he drinks, he begins to ask the bar staff and nearby patrons if they've seen or heard about the injured Living Ship that docked here and it's Captain, and where he might have gone now. He'll freely share the story of how it was lying in wait for them and they had to fight it off, including the detail about the Lizardfolk being eaten up; but he'll avoid mentioning this took place in the Calm. He'll even go as far to suggest the ship may have had a crew of Undead to help it get to port (sailors love tales, even if they're tall-tales). He'll continue to buy drinks (and maybe offer to buy a few rounds) if the information is good and forthcoming.

(Let me know if you'd like me to make any rolls, and how much money I need spend)

If the Inn is a bust, he'll then head to the Roost and try a similar approach.

2024-01-03, 02:32 PM
Ttharg's first port of call is the Platinum Spring. He approaches and strokes a claw over the amulet of Bahamut around his neck. He begins to pray for guidance and safety for himself and his crew at the shrine.

The spring spills out of the rock and fills a stone basin at the base of the rock. You pass other sailors returning from the spring, and find a few worshippers here kneeling in the pool to offer their own prayers.

You feel the presence of Bahamut strongly here, and in the shimmering waters of the pool you see the same fractal pattern you saw unfolding in your dreams, torn apart and reconstructed by flashes of light as the spring spills into the water. You feel the will of the seagod to oppose Tiamat laying on you like a massive paw laid on your shoulder; you know your power has been growing recently, and you sense dimly that great potential has been granted to you and your companions to meet this crisis. The future feels ominous and heavy.

A little kobold beggar wrapped in a grey cloak offers you a clear flask of the waters of the pool for a few copper.

At The Corsair's Rest Inn, Ttharg makes a beeline for the bar and orders a drink. He drinks it quickly and orders another one. This one he drinks more slowly. As he drinks, he begins to ask the bar staff and nearby patrons if they've seen or heard about the injured Living Ship that docked here and it's Captain, and where he might have gone now. He'll freely share the story of how it was lying in wait for them and they had to fight it off, including the detail about the Lizardfolk being eaten up; but he'll avoid mentioning this took place in the Calm. He'll even go as far to suggest the ship may have had a crew of Undead to help it get to port (sailors love tales, even if they're tall-tales). He'll continue to buy drinks (and maybe offer to buy a few rounds) if the information is good and forthcoming.

You do pick up some gossip; no one saw a Living Ship land here, but you meet a salvager who tells you about discovering the wreckage of one just off the crescent of Baratano. When you describe the tortle with the kintsugi shell, you get some thoughtful looks; but before you can follow up with the bartender, you are recognized by an old crewmate from your days on a fishing boat. He insists on buying you a drink, and then another, and the delicate discussion is disrupted.

The Commander
2024-01-03, 03:10 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg kneels down to the beggar Kobold. He offers them a gold coin instead, takes the flask, and says: "May Bahamut change the tides o' ye fate today." He then leaves.

Ttharg was glad it was a distant crewmate who recognised him, and accepted their hospitality. Ttharg was genuinely curious how the old-salt was doing and inquired about their own recent experiences around Baratano; including any ships to watch out for in these waters.

(I'll knock off 2gp for the beggar and the drinks)

2024-01-03, 03:25 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg kneels down to the beggar Kobold. He offers them a gold coin instead, takes the flask, and says: "May Bahamut change the tides o' ye fate today." He then leaves.

Ttharg was glad it was a distant crewmate who recognised him, and accepted their hospitality. Ttharg was genuinely curious how the old-salt was doing and inquired about their own recent experiences around Baratano; including any ships to watch out for in these waters.

(I'll knock off 2gp for the beggar and the drinks)

In response to your questions, the crewmate (a gem dragonborn) tells you about a few of the more notorious pirates operating in the area lately--the Sea Viper, the Whispering Banshee, the Broken Wing. He mentions that the Broken Wing belongs to the notorious pirate Vaarth Pthax, after surviving the wreck of his last ship, relating it only as an interesting tall tale.

As you reach into your purse to pay, you find that all of your copper coins have been transformed into solid platinum.

2024-01-03, 05:03 PM
To the captian.Yes captain understood he says sadly. He then mumbles and grumbles in goblin about many things like how his time would be better spent on the ship or how he could take a look from the ship but it was best not to argue. He intended to investigate but he didn't have to talk to anyone so he decided to send minicliff ahead just a bit. He knew what sort of magic the tortle was using so nibum decided to start casting detect magic. He followed along with everyone else keeping his companions and his own senses open to it all for any hints that and you don't live as long as him without being a bit paranoid.

2024-01-03, 05:18 PM
To the captian.Yes captain understood he says sadly. He then mumbles and grumbles in goblin about many things like how his time would be better spent on the ship or how he could take a look from the ship but it was best not to argue. He intended to investigate but he didn't have to talk to anyone so he decided to send minicliff ahead just a bit. He knew what sort of magic the tortle was using so nibum decided to start casting detect magic. He followed along with everyone else keeping his companions and his own senses open to it all for any hints that and you don't live as long as him without being a bit paranoid.

As you lurk along, you periodically peek through the eyes of Minicliff to look for anything suspicious, and you do indeed find it. You observe a muscular Yuan-Ti serpentfolk surreptitiously following Siduri and Servius as they move through the city. He follows them as far as the Captain's Court and then hangs back, fiddling all the time with a pendulum dangling from his fingers.

People use the term Yuan-Ti loosely to describe all serpentfolk, but it really refers only to those in the cult of Apophis. This is a true Yuan-Ti, with constricting brass bands stretching the neck and fused around the wrists, representing the coils of the great Constrictor. You circle back to detect magic at him and find lingering scraps of divination magic around him. Your familiar is able to follow him back to a run-down and nameless tavern squeezed between two other businesses.

The Commander
2024-01-03, 05:20 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg almost chokes on his drink when his old ship-mate speaks the name Vaarth Pthax. He tries to recover quickly, asking where the Broken Wing was supposedly last spotted.

Ttharg quickly hides the platinum back in his purse - it's not a wise idea to be openly showing that kind of money here - but inwards gives thanks to Bahamut for blessing him.

2024-01-03, 05:24 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg almost chokes on his drink when his old ship-mate speaks the name Vaarth Pthax. He tries to recover quickly, asking where the Broken Wing was supposedly last spotted.

He tells you the Broken Wing passed through Pierholt and only left a few days ago. He clearly doesn't know much about it, though.

2024-01-03, 05:49 PM
Heading back walking with fork riding on triceratool nibum begins cleaning and adjusting his glasses. He says to the younger koboldYou know the olds purpose in life is to pass on their wisdom to the young. Young man if I've heard right I believe I have heard of your family. Its hard to mistake one at least. They've been around as long as i can remember which is a very long time. I've no idea what your time as a servant has been but i do know what its like to not have a purpose and as a loyal servant without purpose is awful. I found purpose with this ship.... er... where was I going with that..... oh yes. I think if I've heard right you'll find yourself not as a servant any longer and i hope you might realize being of service isn't so bad. It gives purpose. I hope you have considered what your purpose will be. A kobolds life can prove difficult without patron.

Fork was silent for a moment. He nodded. "Thank you for sharing your personal wisdom, old friend." He said. "I am bound to little under fifteen years of service left. And I don't plan to regret a second of it." He was silent for a while longer.. "But the privilege of determining my own purpose after that time is something I hold dear, and it's something I will put a lot of thought to when that day comes."

Fork studied his quarry as much as he could in the short time before they spotted Baratano. The known items he was likely to have on his person, his looks, mannerisms and his most notable feature: his shell. When the crewmember in the crows nest finally signalled land in sight, Forks companion, the Drake, took off with purpose. Around his neck a leather tube with a letter in it.

As soon as the gangplank hit land, Fork was off as well. He made a beeline to the Wyverns Roost. He was dressed different. Gone was the stiff uniform. Instead he wore crocodile leather armour, straps and pouches. His blade and hand crossbows carefully concealed. His large crossbow, the one he'd bought on the Goblin vessel, was strapped to his backpack and visible enough to make ruffians think twice before harassing him. A dark cloak with a hood draped over him in a half concealing manner.

At the Roost, he took a side entrance. A small wooden door seemingly forgotten about.

It led to a narrow stairs going up and after a few curves another small door. He rapped a signal before he opened and entered the small office type building built onto the side of the Roost overlooking the south side of Pierholt from atop the bridge. A peculiar grung, bespectacled and with a few white hairs on the sides of his otherwise bald head sat at his desk, flanked by stacks of paperwork. Behind him more books, scrolls and stacks of paper. Several empty ink pots were strewn about and he was just about to dip his feathered pen in a fresh pot when he looked up at the intrusion.

"Ah." He said with a croaky voice. "Sooner than expected."

Fork threw his hood back and smiled. "Archibald. You got my letter?"

Archibald was a tight friend of the family, and quite the accountant. He didn't look like much, and it was precisely therefore he got around without much hassle. A staple in Pierholt in his own right and his connections with the FarSeers largely forgotten, there wasn't much that happened without the nosy old Grung knowing about it. If anyone could help Fork look in the right, or at least likely direction worth looking, it was Archie.

2024-01-03, 06:01 PM
Fork was silent for a moment. He nodded. "Thank you for sharing your personal wisdom, old friend." He said. "I am bound to little under fifteen years of service left. And I don't plan to regret a second of it." He was silent for a while longer.. "But the privilege of determining my own purpose after that time is something I hold dear, and it's something I will put a lot of thought to when that day comes."

Fork studied his quarry as much as he could in the short time before they spotted Baratano. The known items he was likely to have on his person, his looks, mannerisms and his most notable feature: his shell. When the crewmember in the crows nest finally signalled land in sight, Forks companion, the Drake, took off with purpose. Around his neck a leather tube with a letter in it.

As soon as the gangplank hit land, Fork was off as well. He made a beeline to the Wyverns Roost. He was dressed different. Gone was the stiff uniform. Instead he wore crocodile leather armour, straps and pouches. His blade and hand crossbows carefully concealed. His large crossbow, the one he'd bought on the Goblin vessel, was strapped to his backpack and visible enough to make ruffians think twice before harassing him. A dark cloak with a hood draped over him in a half concealing manner.

At the Roost, he took a side entrance. A small wooden door seemingly forgotten about.

It led to a narrow stairs going up and after a few curves another small door. He rapped a signal before he opened and entered the small office type building built onto the side of the Roost overlooking the south side of Pierholt from atop the bridge. A peculiar grung, bespectacled and with a few white hairs on the sides of his otherwise bald head sat at his desk, flanked by stacks of paperwork. Behind him more books, scrolls and stacks of paper. Several empty ink pots were strewn about and he was just about to dip his feathered pen in a fresh pot when he looked up at the intrusion.

"Ah." He said with a croaky voice. "Sooner than expected."

Fork threw his hood back and smiled. "Archibald. You got my letter?"

Archibald was a tight friend of the family, and quite the accountant. He didn't look like much, and it was precisely therefore he got around without much hassle. A staple in Pierholt in his own right and his connections with the FarSeers largely forgotten, there wasn't much that happened without the nosy old Grung knowing about it. If anyone could help Fork look in the right, or at least likely direction worth looking, it was Archie.

Archibald has much to tell you, although he hesitates and wavers often. You rely on your insight into his fears and mindset to read his pauses and halts as clearly as his words.

He looks at your sketch of the gold-sealed cracks in the back of Trionyx, and nods gravely. "Yes, he's been seen. He rbbt tried to stay at the Roost and was pushed out. Quite rbbt a disturbing fellow, I'm told. Unwell-looking. Fires and lamps extinguishing themselves around him. Salamander hounds and wyverns rbbt unsettled. Nasty business."

"The Apophians tried to take him in--gods know why--but rbbt the neighbors wouldn't have it. They pushed him all the way out of town, into rbbt my people, with the other unwanted things."

He also shares a variety of other information which seems trivial at the time; only one of these becomes important later in hindsight: the Broken Wing was seen at anchor overnight at the cape south of Frogtown a few days ago.

2024-01-03, 06:16 PM
"Many thanks, may the spirits guide your steps." Fork closed the door behind him and took a deep breath. It was his first time connecting with Archibald and the stories about him seemed so much more real after having shared a space with the legendary Grung. If only half of the stories about him were true.. but Fork shook off such thoughts and focussed again.

Fork wasted no time and booked passage on a local fishing skiff towards Frogtown. He keeps a low profile and wraps the crossbow in cloth this time. Hunched over, to make himself smaller and unassuming he scours through the run down villages looking for signs.

He's keeping his ears open for glimpses of conversation, he's scanning the wildlife for signs of anomalies. And most importantly, he's aware of his surroundings at all times. He won't let haste risk a meeting with the crew of the Broken Wing.

If salamander hounds and wyverns are unsettled by the tortle, Fork will look out for the smaller cousins of these beast. The tiny salamanders scurrying about. The wingless snakes crawling through the marshes. If he sees such a creature, and is out of earshot from locals, he'll cast speak with animals to ask around about any creatures that might have left a bad impression on their olfactory senses.

2024-01-03, 06:25 PM
Fork wastes no time and books passage on a local fishing skiff towards Frogtown. He keeps a low profile and wraps the crossbow in cloth this time. Hunched over, to make himself smaller and unassuming he scours through the run down villages looking for signs.

He's keeping his ears open for glimpses of conversation, he's scanning the wildlife for signs of anomalies. And most importantly, he's aware of his surroundings at all times. He won't let haste risk a meeting with the crew of the Broken Wing.

If salamander hounds and wyverns are unsettled by the tortle, Fork will look out for the smaller cousins of these beast. The tiny salamanders scurrying about. The wingless snakes crawling through the marshes. If he sees such a creature, and is out of earshot from locals, he'll cast speak with animals to ask around about any creatures that might have left a bad impression on their olfactory senses.

You find both tracks and traces in the wilds south of Frogtown, and testimony from a small wild swampdrake. It definitely has seen scary, dangerous creatures moving around out here; a tortle who filled it with an unreasoning, unholy terror, and some sort of massive predator, which it fears for simple and rational reasons. It is able to confirm the story of the Broken Wing weighing anchor here and then sailing away, but did not see if the ship took on a passenger or let off raiders. The cape has become a no-go zone for most of the beasts. The tracks you find support and help you piece together this story from the rather simple-minded conversation of the swampdrake.

However, the drake has not seen the tortle in a few days, and seems to assume the larger predator ate or cached him as it did other creatures. It offers, tentatively, to show you one of the caches, although it seems very uneasy.

2024-01-03, 06:33 PM
Fork conveys his thanks to the swampdrake and shares his concern about the Tortle and the predator.

He promises food in return for the favour, and says he will protect him if it would come to that. Fork says he cannot abide the nasty Tortle to poison the swamp and it's surroundings. Small drakes need healthy nests and Fork feels strongly about the natural order of things. He will fight for this swampdrake like it's his own spawn. To put power to his words he fishes a small strip of meat out of his rations and tosses it over.

He's hoping to appeal to the animals pride and sense of drake-ness. A shared idea that eggs should hatch in good swamps, not bad ones. And please, to show him the cache.

2024-01-03, 06:46 PM
Fork conveys his thanks to the swampdrake and shares his concern about the Tortle and the predator.

He promises food in return for the favour, and says he will protect him if it would come to that. Fork says he cannot abide the nasty Tortle to poison the swamp and it's surroundings. Small drakes need healthy nests and Fork feels strongly about the natural order of things. He will fight for this swampdrake like it's his own spawn. To put power to his words he fishes a small strip of meat out of his rations and tosses it over.

He's hoping to appeal to the animals pride and sense of drake-ness. A shared idea that eggs should hatch in good swamps, not bad ones. And please, to show him the cache.

Reluctantly, the drake leads you to a corpse cached in a hollow log. It is a lizardfolk sailor, bloated with death. Its filmy eyes bulge strangely, and its scales seem to have begun to slough off, leaving a weird splash of red skin across the snout. The drake tells you that the predator has been killing and caching prey like this, but only the larger ones. It just eats the little ones. The drake doesn't understand why it is stashing so much.

You are able to view the cache and make it back to Pierholt without being seen by anything.

2024-01-04, 04:11 AM
Nibum swallows his pride and buries his anger and speaks to siduri Captain says im to work with you and so i shall. I must defer to you in this matter. Why might the cult of apophis align with Trionyx? Something to do with the heresy?

2024-01-04, 12:41 PM
Nibum swallows his pride and buries his anger and speaks to siduri Captain says im to work with you and so i shall. I must defer to you in this matter. Why might the cult of apophis align with Trionyx? Something to do with the heresy?

Her expression tightens and she fingers the amulet around her neck. "Yes--this is what I was afraid of. The Litany of Kin claims Tiamat's authority over all reptilian gods, even those that have always been considered independent. If Trionyx can command the loyalty of the Apophidians and unite them with the cult of Tiamat, that alone would be a grave danger to us all. It was possible that the heresy would not persuade them, but... it seems we cannot hope that any longer."

"With this tome, Trionyx's power is waxing, and the cult recognizes power. The effects Fork described -- frightening beasts, quenching flames, disrupting sleep -- they attend only the most powerful artifacts. And the predator unleashed in the wilds... sometimes these powerful tomes are used to imprison enemies of the authors, and tampering can release them?" She smiles weakly. "We could hope it killed him, I suppose."

She looks at the group. "Do any of you recognize the creature from what Fork saw? If I had a bestiary..."

The cached, transforming body makes it sound like one of the slaadi, frog-like Outsiders of chaotic nature that reproduce by infecting humanoids. The slaadi were the original masters of the Hic Sunt and were driven out by the dragons and their inheritors, so one could quite plausibly be trapped in a lawful, Tiamatic tome.

The Commander
2024-01-04, 02:13 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

With the drinks and latest gossip consumed, Ttharg thanks his old ship-mate and stumbles out of the Inn and heads towards The Captain's Court. If Captain Pthax was operating again, there would almost certainly be a bounty on him from at least one injured party - even if they had no intention of collecting it themselves - and so the Court would be the best place to find information about the Broken Wing and perhaps Pthax himself.

Ttharg shuddered to think that Pthax had survived the terrible storm all those years ago. Perhaps others had survived? No... surely not... the Blind Sun had been broken in two. It was a miracle that Ttharg and Pthax had survived at all.

Once inside the Court, he made inquiries into the Broken Wing, Captain Pthax, and any who might have a grievance or, Bahamut forbid, an alliance with him.

2024-01-04, 02:41 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

With the drinks and latest gossip consumed, Ttharg thanks his old ship-mate and stumbles out of the Inn and heads towards The Captain's Court. If Captain Pthax was operating again, there would almost certainly be a bounty on him from at least one injured party - even if they had no intention of collecting it themselves - and so the Court would be the best place to find information about the Broken Wing and perhaps Pthax himself.

Ttharg shuddered to think that Pthax had survived the terrible storm all those years ago. Perhaps others had survived? No... surely not... the Blind Sun had been broken in two. It was a miracle that Ttharg and Pthax had survived at all.

Once inside the Court, he made inquiries into the Broken Wing, Captain Pthax, and any who might have a grievance or, Bahamut forbid, an alliance with him.

You don't find anything new from what Servius found, looking at the recent events, but digging in on the subject of the Broken Wing in particular you find some background. Before Pthax the ship was in the hands of a Captain Bronzebeard. You find the case that Bronzebeard brought before the court when his crew elected Pthax to replace him as captain and put him ashore in Baratano. Bronzebeard lost the case, on the ancient pirate code that if the men won't have you as captain, no law can make you one. There's no record of Bronzebeard as captain of another ship, but he might have taken passage as some lesser rank on another ship.

2024-01-04, 10:09 PM
Back at the ship, everyone shares their findings. Servius sums it up. "Concerning. He may have left, or he may still be here. We have no evidence that he is with those who follow Apophis now, but they are likely on his side. There are so many stupid people in this world. If he is here, he may be to the south, and if he is not, he likely left heading out that way. I propose that some of us go to the area south of Frogtown to seek his trail there."

2024-01-05, 12:12 AM
Fork nodded in agreement with Servius. "We should group up. I fear we're dealing with a Slaadi.. and it's been infecting people."

2024-01-05, 02:00 AM
Finding something nearby that he feels is fixed improperly and starts redoing it he says Whatever needs done to get me back to work since these...LAYABOUTS CAN'T SEEM TO GET ANYTHING DONE RIGHT WHEN I'M NOT AROUND He yells as he finishes the job I bet the captain will have me come along despite how much work i have to get done. Longer we wait or take the further the shell head gets away. he says as he finds something else to get done.

The Commander
2024-01-05, 02:03 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg has an uncomfortable look when the crew gathers back up at the ship. "We must be careful around Captain Pthax; he be a pirate o' some infamy and a merciless son of a grung. But aye, I agree we should focus on the area south o' Frogtown for clues."

He looks to Fork. "Never heard o' a Slaadi before, lad. What can ye tell us about them? Ye say they're infected the townsfolk?"

2024-01-05, 02:03 PM
The captain grimaces at F'rrkk's words. "The threat from Trionyx is potentially very dangerous, but the existence of a Slaad this close to the mainland is concrete and intolerable. And time is our greatest enemy." She looks over her forces.

"Mr. Pamphilius, Mr. Nibum, Mr. F'rrkkk, Mr. Krixkrux. I'm sending you as a strikeforce to neutralize the Slaad and keeping the rest of the crew to wrap things up in town. We'll meet you at the cape by 12 bells."

"Mr. Achelous, pull together a squad and go into Pierholt to raid these Apophidians. Take Siduri and find out what information they have or doctrine they've been fed to ally with a Tiamat worshipper. If the situation turns, fall back to the ship. Cauda and I will remain aboard and prepare for a hot exit."

She turns to the four of you. "Running these operations simultaneously, the four of you will be on your own for a time. It may all be over before we reinforce you." She pauses, and only says, "Good hunting."

The four of you man the oars and paddle along the coast to the cape south of Frogtown, nosing into the swamp further than a deeper keeled ship could go. There's no clean line between the sea and the swamp, only brackish water muddily mingling with the land in a host of islands and hummocks. The salt marsh is lit by the dance of the chaotic stars, and it's darker than it was when F'rrkkk first came here. Caiman surface briefly to regard you, and sahuigin paddle hastily away at the approach of your prow.

You bump into the same dock where Fork spoke with the swamp-drake; the surrounding islands hold the caches pointed out and investigated, along with ruined huts and abandoned miscellany of the amphibious folk who live north of here. In the murky swelter of the salt marsh, the simple lights of Frogtown in the distance look downright homely.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1192903588717006858/image.png?ex=65aac50a&is=6598500a&hm=13ec9a5943b047ed69d9a346f084dd9f8bd1509d808cd4c 32145fa13dc4a4264&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=825&height=826 (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1weniprtjYTtHUN1JI6ksIWHPE6gls8MCiLJ1e4iSuxE/edit#slide=id.p)

There's a murky figure under a tree a few islands away, roughly frog-shaped and about the size of one of the kobolds.

A bullywug swamp hunter is poking at the mud with his spear. In the water there are the swift-moving v-shapes of three or four larger predators, although they seem to be directed away from your landing, not towards you.

The cache F'rrkkk viewed earlier has been disturbed.
There are one or two ominous spots of too-still water, indicating a submerged predator that has not fled.

Ttharg, as you set foot on the little dock, you feel a silent thrum in your pocket from the vial of holy water from the Platinum Spring.

you see the fractal geometric patterns dancing in the water, but can still see through it -- and through it you see phantom shapes moving over the dock like ghostly afterimages.

The Commander
2024-01-05, 02:19 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg regards the water and images, paying little attention to the outside world. He tries to focus on the individual images, looking to see if any look even remotely recognisable as a Tortle or, Bahamut forbid, Captain Pthax. He moves the vial around, using it almost like a primitive spyglass, trying to see what the water shows him from many other angles and parts of the small island they were on.

2024-01-05, 02:29 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg regards the water and images, paying little attention to the outside world. He tries to focus on the individual images, looking to see if any look even remotely recognisable as a Tortle or, Bahamut forbid, Captain Pthax. He moves the vial around, using it almost like a primitive spyglass, trying to see what the water shows him from many other angles and parts of the small island they were on.

You see, in fact, both; you see Captain Pthax move across the dock followed by some tough and ugly pirates in his wake; then a spark crosses the water, disturbing the shapes, and you see the Captain and his cohorts returning, minus two pirates but accompanied by a hunched and sickly-looking Tortle.

He looks more like an honored guest than a prisoner.

The Commander
2024-01-05, 02:42 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg sighs. It was too good to hope that Captain Pthax had merely passed this way; but it seemed as though he was now deeply involved in their quest. "Aye, the Tortle lad was here alright; as was Captain Pthax. Pthax came ashore with a party, two died or were left behind, but our lad returned with them; freely it looks like. Seems like he be aboard the Broken Wing now. Perhaps this Slaad killed two o' the pirates?"

He puts the bottle back in his pack and draws his Shield and Warhammer. "No use standin' around here, where's the best place to look for a Slaad?"

2024-01-05, 03:39 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
Conditions: --

"There's a bullywug over there, past the ruins. He might know something. At the very least, if he can tell us what areas he was not attacked and eaten in, we know where to not bother searching."
Servius looks down in disdain at the mud and muck. He can glide across it easily enough without sinking in like a biped, thanks to his reduced ground pressure. He'll have to clean his tail later, though. At least there don't seem to be thorns or sharp rocks sticking out of the ground. Those are the worst.

2024-01-05, 03:47 PM
Sulking and generally not paying attention thinking about if he completed repairs or not or what is being ruined upon the ship. Actually looking around now. What? where? When? How can you tell? once he's able to see anything he readies for battle.

Nibum twists a portion of triceratools horn lifts his hand to his mouth and whispers ward in goblin. (He cast warding bond on triceratool). He then hands a potion to minicliff and fetcher. Then he readies to cast heroism (2nd level) at the first sign of a fight. Lets get this over with

2024-01-05, 05:59 PM
"There's a bullywug over there, past the ruins. He might know something. At the very least, if he can tell us what areas he was not attacked and eaten in, we know where to not bother searching."

Fork nods along and points out that the cache has been disturbed, along with the omnious spots of water.

He scans the area for Slaad activity. Now that he knows what he's looking for he keeps alert for tracks, unusual broken branches and the like..

2024-01-05, 06:23 PM
Fork nods along and points out that the cache has been disturbed, along with the omnious spots of water.

He scans the area for Slaad activity. Now that he knows what he's looking for he keeps alert for tracks, unusual broken branches and the like..

Ignoring the prints of caiman, salamander hounds and swamp-drakes, you find the footprints of three creatures. All three are heavy and have the amphibious feet of bullywugs or grung, with the occasional imprint of front paws; two large creatures and one medium, all with large claws. The large ones disappear fairly quickly into the muck of the swamp after shambling away from the disturbed caches, while the medium feet pad away across the islands, in the same direction of the bullywug under the trees. It looks far too light for the footprints, though.

Your keen eyes pick up not only the still patches of water flanking the island with the bullywug, but pierce the murk to make out slimy blue and red hides lurking under the water.

The little bullywug hunter continues jabbing his spear randomly into the muck, singing a nonsense song in burbling frogspeak.

2024-01-06, 06:26 AM
While sending up minicliff to get a diffrent view nibum explains Listen close i dont have the time to waste repeating myself. Slaadi are chaotic beasts they wont coordinate much. They resist nearly all elemental magic and heal amazingly quick so strike hard and fast. I hope you've come prepared with something else mainly weapons will be the best option. They have a good sense if smell and a fight with them might make you sick for a while. They are intellegent enough and will speak in your mind tho probably nothing too important. This will be a tough fight. he whispers as he looks through mini cliffs eyes.

He resolves himself in his mind. He may not live through this but what he's accomplished on that ship will. Maybe he could do enough to ensure the younglings around him now can carry out the captains orders. Lets make the captain proud he says quietly to everyone.

The Commander
2024-01-06, 02:24 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

"Thank ye for the tactical analysis, lad." Ttharg says sincerely. "I have prayers o' restoration prepared for today, but be warned I only have so many. Mind ye, if this creature resists Thunder an' Lightning that's a few o' me spells that won't do much for us. Me eyesight isn't what it used to be, it seems, so I'll follow ye lead."

(Ttharg will continue to have his Warhammer and Shield out)

2024-01-07, 12:09 PM
Fork explained his outlook on the situation and his idea to the team and if he doesn't get any objections he gets busy.

Fork moved carefully so that he'd have a good sight on the bullywug. He checked if his crew was ready and then whispered the magic to the winds, to be carried to the creature.

"Quick. Run to the building. Danger. Go.. now!"

He readied his crossbow and waited for the bullywug to respond. Hopefully it would follow his instructions and the two lurkers would show themselves but it was all a gamble.. too late now anyways.

2024-01-08, 01:12 AM
Nibum reacted quickly to the message finally activating two magnetized stones attaching one to triceratool and himself. heroism he says activating the devices with a twist. He then rides triceratool about 10ft in front of fork. He commands his familiar to hover over his shoulders. He then prepares to strike anything hostile that comes within short range of his thrown spear along with triceratool but within melee. He commands minicliff to distract (help action) anything hostile that triceratool strikes at.

steady now. Stay behind me.

2024-01-08, 11:46 AM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
Conditions: --

Servius follows Fork south to the other island. He still doesn't see anything, so maybe it's just swamp gas. In case it's not, he holds a minor spell ready to slow down the frog creature.

Readied Frostbite, range 60'. On a failed DC 15 Con save, the target takes [roll0] cold damage and has disadvantage on its next weapon attack roll before the end of its turn.

The Commander
2024-01-08, 09:35 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Following Fork's advice, Ttharg ran across the island they were on and hopped over to the island with the huts. He pushed on to the hut's edge and quickly muttered a prayer for a weapon from Bahamut's armoury. In an instant, a slightly glowing blue flail appears in the air next to him, awaiting his command.

Move + Dash to be next to the hut.
Bonus Action to cast Spiritual Weapon and have it appear next to me

2024-01-09, 10:40 AM
The bullywug under the tree's head jerks up when at Fork's message; it shrieks, gibbers, and runs straight towards Fork instead of towards the hut, waving its spear over its head. (It splashes through the muddy water without losing any speed, a benefit of its huge flapping feet.)

--no desire for anything, and chaos is always order and the sea rise, it is not a sea, and not from the land and the--

There is something strange about the bullywug's spear; it is not the crude stick-with-flint you might have expected, but instead something well-crafted, more like a halberd. The head is the strangest thing, as if two spear tips were welded together and bent back to almost touch.

There is something crazed about the bullywug; it looks hostile, not scared.

To either side of the island, the red and blue creatures Fork glimpsed poke their heads out and growl, but there is just time for Fork and Servius to react before they move.

Bullywug moves and dashes directly west. Responds to the message.

No damage yet.

21 - Bullywug
18 - Fork
15 - Servius (no action, waits for enemies to close)
10 - Red Slaad
10 - Blue Slaad
10 - Ttharg
3 - Nibum

2024-01-09, 04:32 PM
A bit annoyed at the bullywug not following his instructions, Fork was quick to forgive. He figured the backwater hillbilly creature was confused. Understandable, really. Fork shook off the ravings of the bullywug, they made no sense to him and as far as he was concerned the bullywug was daydreaming just moments ago anyways. Fork figured the bullywug would see reason the moment he'd clock the Slaadi.

Besides, Fork's main focus was on the creatures lurking behind. That's where the danger was. Fork focussed his senses on the Red Slaad emerging from the water. He linked his senses completely to the creature. When he felt he was in the zone, Fork aimed his crossbow and took a deep breath. A moment later he fired.

Hunters mark and attack with heavy crossbow: (14 to hit, 15 damage)

2024-01-09, 04:53 PM
As the creatures emerge more fully from the water and lumber forward, their appearance becomes more clear. You can see as they waddle towards you that neither of the corpses have fully transformed into slaad yet; their metamorphosis in the caches was interrupted, and the huge froggy forms have burst sloppily from the corpses. The blue slaad has one leg too small for its frame, limping behind, and the red slaad still drags a lizardfolk's tail behind it.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1182044254831382600/1194400964938051614/image.png?ex=65b03794&is=659dc294&hm=956018f810e4e692451d655bcaffe885ae2598c9b8f5511 3e0768e5defc452b7&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=994&height=826

As soon as they begin to move, Fork successfully puts a crossbow bolt in the red slaad's hide, followed closely by a scattering of ice from Servius's spell and the flight of Nibum's spear.

Fork's attack hits; readied action spear attack from Nibum hits; Red Slaad saves against Frostbite from Servius.
Move and dash action from Slaadi to approach.

21 damage to the Red Slaad.

21 - Bullywug
18 - Fork
15 - Servius (no action, waits for enemies to close)
10 - Red Slaad
10 - Blue Slaad
10 - Ttharg
3 - Nibum

2024-01-09, 09:05 PM
Nibum screwdriver spear is highly versatile. As soon as he was able to he took aim and hit a switch. With a loud click the head of the spear flew off lodging itself in the malformed creature. In the next moment minicliff went to distract the creature by flying around in its face and sounding a loud noise while it was distracted triceratool charges attempting to knock the creature to the ground. Nearing the creature nibum hits the switch again as it flies back into place. Once he is into melee with the creature he pulls a trigger that begins to spin the head of the screwdriver like a drill as he plunges it in once again. Minicliff then returns to where it started next to fetcher that does its best not to get hurt.

(2hits 7 piercing 6 piercing)

get behind me wet skin

The Commander
2024-01-10, 02:04 AM
Ttharg Krixkrux

As the creatures emerge and begin bearing down on the party, Ttharg charges up to the Blue Slaad and swings his Warhammer at it.

With a sharp click of his tongue, the Spiritual Weapon also moves in and swings against it.

Move up to the Blue Slaad.
Main Action Attack with Warhammer. (Not sure if I would be getting Advantage for Flanking with the Bullywug, so I rolled twice, but first roll was better.) 17 to hit for 4 Bludgeoning Damage.
Bonus Action to direct Spiritual Weapon up to the Blue Slaad and attack. 24 to hit for 7 Force Damage.

2024-01-10, 06:32 AM
As the spiritual weapon takes form, the Drake instinctively blows on it. A cold stream of icy air infuses the weapon and a glittering layer of frost covers it, then shatteres as it strikes.

(Drake reaction, to add 6 cold damage to the hit.)

2024-01-10, 10:32 AM
The bullywug hops back and forth from one big flapping foot to the other, then stabs its spear at the side of triceratool with a shriek; Nibum dives in the way and takes the blow instead. You can now all 'hear' it ranting telepathically:

--nothing, and then something destroys, nothing to infinity, and chaos ceases, spirit dissolves and chaos ensues, matter, dance and spirit do not arise from one nature alone, but from the chaos of Spirit--

He drives the spear in again and screams in distorted, archaic Draconic, "ˇI wOnT gO bAcK iN tHaT bOoK!" Scintillating chaotic energy sprays from the conjunction of the two points of the spear like an arc welder, and tears into the construct, rending its Order-infused metal hide.

Bullywug attacks Triceratool with the Dilemma, but Nibum redirects and Triceratool imposes disadvantage. Still hits, for 10 damage. Nibum takes 10 force damage, reduced to 7 by his temp hp.
Bullywug attacks Triceratool again, and hits for 7 damage. The magical weapon does double damage to constructs, but Triceratool has resistance via Warding Bond, so Triceratool takes 7 damage (reduced to 4 by his temp hp) and Nibum absorbs 7 over the Warding Bond.

21 damage to the Red Slaad.
30 damage to the Blue Slaad
4 damage to Triceratool
14 damage to Nibum

21 - Bullywug
18 - Fork
15 - Servius
10 - Red Slaad
10 - Blue Slaad
10 - Ttharg
3 - Nibum

2024-01-10, 11:17 AM
Surprised and annoyed with himself Fork cursed loudly when he saw the bullywug tear into the triceratool.

He called out. "Rumble! Attack!"

Upon hearing it's name the drake perked up and jumped into flight. He closed in between the Red Slaad and Fork and started clawing and biting before he'd even landed. He was excited though, with all the commotion and ended up scratching in thin air instead. Almost landed on his tail too but managed to find footing, albeit less than gracefully.

Fork noticed the clumsy landing and threw a sharp whistle to capture Rumble's attention. Fork shot a bolt at the Red Slaad and Rumble didn't miss a beat as he breathed another stream of ice through the trajectory of the bolt.

The iced bolt struck home and exploded in shards of icy death.

(Attack: crossbow 21 to hit for 22 damage)
(Bonus action: Have Rumble attack, 1 to hit. Reaction spent on infusing Forks bolt)

2024-01-10, 12:22 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
Conditions: --

Servius looked at the hulking, frog-like brutes. He does not want to get too close to them. If only... well, the bullywug with the magic weapon at least seems to be able to understand him. "The big Slaadi behind you wants to put you back in the book! You should kill it, now! It's more important than anything else!" he yells, with an undertone of magic in his words directed at the bullywug.

If he feels like his spell took effect, he'll tell the others "Leave the bullywug alone."

Suggestion, Wisdom save DC 15 or follow reasonable courses of action. If any of us damage it, the spell ends.
Bullywug Wis save [roll0]+??
Also move 2 square left and 1 down

2024-01-10, 12:40 PM
Both of the bulky half-transformed slaad seem to regenerate before your eyes, growing taller and stronger. The blue slaad bellows and slashes at Nibum twice with his claws, but both attacks bounce off the kobold's armor. It tries to bite him as well, but the half-finished transformation of its head means it can't even manage to bite down properly.

The red slaad makes a mighty leap over the scrum and lands in front of Fork, biting down viciously. Its first claw attack falls to hit, though, and the other arm flails but doesn't make an effective attack.

The bullywug turns and jabbers in an incomprehensible language at the blue slaad, waiving his spear.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1194765144484495392/image.png?ex=65b18ac0&is=659f15c0&hm=13b240c55c474d9a850930fd13e7cb65a4485093379cd18 66195ee3ec04c9986&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

Bullywug fails his save and believes the suggestion.
Blue Slaad attacks Nibum, two misses.
Red Slaad hops over the scrum and attacks Fork, one hit and one miss. 8 piercing damage to Fork.
Concentration check for Fork (passed)
Red and Blue both regenerate.

11 damage to the Red Slaad.
20 damage to the Blue Slaad
4 damage to Triceratool, +3 temp hp
14 damage to Nibum, +3 temp hp
8 damage to Fork.

21 - Bullywug
18 - Fork
15 - Servius
10 - Red Slaad
10 - Blue Slaad
10 - Ttharg
3 - Nibum

The Commander
2024-01-10, 06:05 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

"IF YE BE BLEEDIN' OUT AN' NEED A LICK O' HEALING, JUST CALL OUT!" Ttharg bellows as he sees his crew mates start to take some hits.

He moves around the Blue Slaad's flank. The bullywug may not have helped him hit the Slaad, but Nibum and his construct should. Once in position, he swings his Warhammer again and directs his Spiritual Weapon to do the same.

Move into a Flanking position with Nibum/Triceratool.
Main Action Attack with Warhammer against the Blue Slaad with Advantage for Flanking: Critical Hit for 15 Bludgeoning Damage
Bonus Action direct the Spiritual Weapon to Attack the Blue Slaad: 9 to Hit for 10 Force Damage

2024-01-11, 01:43 AM
Nibum growls out BUT THAT SCALELESS SON OF A NEWT TRIED TO DESTROY TRICERATOOL! but he listens and takes his frustration out on the blue slaad even more. He stabs into it and pulls the trigger for the drill once more (2 strikes 20 dmg altogether). Triceratool and minicliff tag team the blue slaad once more and once more fail to effect.

2024-01-11, 11:00 AM
As magical paranoia takes root, the bullywug looks wildly between his foes and his supposed allies. His telepathic ranting rises to a scream--

--are all rich in every way, but your portion will increase in me, until my seed i WoNt Go BaCk I wOnT gO bAcK--

And he slams down the butt of his spear. Flame erupts and engulfs everyone but Servius, whose last movement took him just out of range.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1195040552069120060/image.png?ex=65b28b3e&is=65a0163e&hm=4bfcb1e205400f7d831b4c15b716089b6c38d4871e8bf38 fbe5ce4485468273f&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=877&height=371

The bullywug's own flesh is consumed in the fire, but as it burns away the true form of another slaad is revealed. This one is smaller, the size of Servius or Ttharg, and has a rough, pitted and grey hide. The two other slaads look bewildered and betrayed. Much of the detritus of their humanoid forms has burned away, and the underlying and unfinished, malformed slaad forms are, if anything, more disgusting than the shambling half-transformed corpses. They don't look like they can take much more damage.

The 'bullywug' unleashes a fireball, DC 14, doing 36 damage on a failure and 18 on a save.
Nibum saves for half damage, reduced to 15 by temp hp. Makes the concentration save.
Triceratool saves, no damage because of Mounted Combatant
Minicliff saves for 18 damage. Destroyed.
Fetcher saves, with evasion, for 0 damage.
Fork fails for 36 damage. This knocks him unconscious.
Rumble saves for 18 damage.
Ttharg saves for 18 damage.
Red Slaad fails and takes 36 damage.
Blue Slaad fails and takes 36 damage.
'Bullywug' succeeds and takes 18. It is 'killed' instantly (11 hp) and carries over 7 damage to its true form, halved to 3 by fire resistance.

49 damage to the Red Slaad.
56 damage to the Blue Slaad
4 damage to Triceratool, +3 temp hp
29 damage to Nibum
18 damage to Ttharg
3 damage to Grey Slaad
Minicliff is destroyed
Fork is unconscious.

21 - Bullywug
18 - Fork
15 - Servius
10 - Red Slaad
10 - Blue Slaad
10 - Ttharg
3 - Nibum

2024-01-11, 11:56 AM
The explosion blast and heat rocked the scene. It was loud. Peoples ears were ringing moments after, and then their hearing got assaulted once more. As loud, or perhaps even louder, the shriek of Rumble pierced the air when the mystical bond between Fork and Rumble got severed. It was a desperate shriek. Full of anguish. The young drake didn't need to look behind to see the unconscious body of Fork laying in the muck. The drake reacted with a fierce bloodlust, a type of hatred unmatched as it clawed into the blue Slaad next to it.

Fork: Death save(18)
Drake: (15 to hit for 5 damage)

2024-01-11, 12:15 PM
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1189988842862817349/Frrkkk.jpg?ex=65a964f9&is=6596eff9&hm=5cebce97af5976759686f5f5ff4ef8e68c778814a334fff 5aa302613c41c4bb2&=&format=webp&width=826&height=826

When the Five Gods divided the sunlit world between them, the white dragon god journeyed to the west, the land of the giants, the endless plains and skytouch peaks. He brought them war and law, the discipline of the Ordning. They called him Tempus.

It's cold here. Snow blows, obscuring a crystal sky. The sky is full of stars, endless stars, but three are massive and unmistakeable. These stars burn fitfully, forming a line, flaring up and almost guttering out.

F'rrkkk is used to being small; he hatched in the clutch of a dragon and grew to manhood among dragonborn. The hunter is larger than large; the knife in his hand is a mountain. He is skinning a beast, and the beast is bigger than him by far.

Quod capio, teneo, he rumbles in Draconic. What I kill, I keep.

One star dims, then firms, burning constantly and unfailingly.

The tiny drake rips the throat from the blue slaad, and it sinks to the ground gasping fruitlessly.

2024-01-11, 12:47 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Servius is taken aback at the explosion, but also glad he didn't stand near it. The grey one, a spellcaster... trusting the others to take down the badly injured red creature, Servius points at the grey Slaad. Four magical darts fly unerringly from his finger to strike it. Servius watches it carefully to see if it will use magic again. If so, he will attempt to disrupt it as it weaves its spell.

Magic Missile [roll0] x 4 at 2nd level.

Will Counterspell the Grey slaad if it attempts to spellcast.

2024-01-11, 01:03 PM
The Blue Slaad sinks to the ground, decaying rapidly into a pile of sludge. The charred remains of the grung it was once was are more recognizable. The Red Slaad, on the other hand, heals and seems to firm up, shedding the last remains of the lizardfolk host it gestated within.

As the last shreds of the lizardfolk fall, something drops from within its coat -- a heavily-bound book.

It lumbers forward, standing over Fork's fallen body, and attacks Servius three times. It is shockingly clumsy, and the snakefolk wizard is able to dodge its bite and first claw attack. The second claw attack, however, lands solidly.

Red slaad regenerates 10 hp. Bite (misses), claw attack (misses), claw attack (hits). 10 damage (unless Servius chooses to shield).

39 damage to the Red Slaad.
19 damage to Grey Slaad
Blue Slaad is dead.

4 damage to Triceratool, +3 temp hp
29 damage to Nibum, +3 temp
18 damage to Ttharg
10 damage to Servius.
Minicliff is destroyed
Fork is unconscious.

21 - Bullywug
18 - Fork
15 - Servius
10 - Red Slaad
10 - Blue Slaad
10 - Ttharg
3 - Nibum

The Commander
2024-01-11, 05:15 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg turns away from the explosion and shields himself as best as possible against the raging inferno.

As it subsides, he quickly pats down any parts of his clothing that caught fire and assesses the damage to the crew with a practised eye. He sees Fork on the ground, charred, but not burnt to a crisp. He is too far for Ttharg to use his medical kit or hands of healing, so instead Ttharg speaks words of healing power to him. "O' the call o' the sea is mighty strong, it calls to ye and it calls to me!"

Ttharg then begins to wade into the swamp water proper, to close with the new Slaad. He is forced to leave his Spiritual Weapon behind for a moment, but swings at the new Slaad with his Warhammer.

Bonus Action to cast Healing Word (1st Level) at Fork. He heals 5 damage.
Move Action to close with the Grey Slaad, including Difficult Terrain.
Main Action to Attack the Grey Slaad with Warhammer: 16 to hit for 6 Bludgeoning Damage.

2024-01-11, 10:17 PM
Being a paranoid old crotchety kobold sometimes has its advantages such as knowing when to get out of the way... kinda... can't completely avoid an explosion right in your face. He's just glad triceratool and fetcher managed unharmed but minicliff sinks in flames to the ground. This makes nibum completely insane he wheels around triceratool (opposite and flanking with ttharg) and stabs hard into the Grey slaad. Once he scores a hit he presses the switch that would launch the head of the spear off to plunge it even more deeply into the beast. HOW DARE YOU WART SKINNED LOOSE TONGUED CHAOS CRAP! ILL KILL YOU! triceratool can't manage a hit with the wild thrashing on his back

He directs fetcher behind fork still holding the potion ready at a moments notice to give him the potion darting away from danger

2024-01-11, 11:53 PM
F'rrkkk, you open your eyes lying on the mucky swamp ground. Lying in the mud inches from your face is a heavy tome that reeks of ozone, fresh and sharp among the stink of the swamp and the reek of slaad. The battered red slaad is standing over both you and the book, snarling in the face of Servius.

You see the true face of gray slaad for the first time, still holding the scintillating spear known as the Dilemma even in this form. It is pinned between Ttharg and Nibum, who are both battering at it with their weapons. It seems to completely ignore Ttharg's warhammer, but Nibum's spear digs into it twice.

But even as it raises the Dilemma to take its own attacks, its wounds begin to close. Still hellbent on the construct, but realizing it won't be able to destroy it while Nibum still draws breath, it brings the polearm down on the ancient kobold. The burning edge of pure chaotic energy rips through Nibum once, despite Triceratool's attempt to dodge. On the second blow it clashes against the kobold's rusty shield, still bearing the crest of the disgraced Negniter family.

The gray slaad roars with frustration, then whips around to try and take a bite out of Ttharg, catching the cleric offguard. It chomps down its bit of dragonborn flesh and then sneers in its antique Draconic:


"żyOu StInK oF lAw LeSs ThAn ThEm... bUt MuSt KeEp yOu GuEsSiNg, YeS?"

Fork is back up with 5 hp.
Gray Slaad takes 20 damage from Nibum, none from Ttharg.
At the start of his turn Gray Slaad regenerates 10 hp.
Two Dilemma attacks on Nibum. Disadvantage on the first one (26, 24) due to Triceratool reaction; still hits for 12; reduced by temp hp to 9.
Misses on the second one.
Bite attack on Ttharg hits for 6 damage.

39 damage to the Red Slaad.
29 damage to Grey Slaad
Blue Slaad is dead.

4 damage to Triceratool, +3 temp hp
18 damage to Rumble
38 damage to Nibum
24 damage to Ttharg
39 damage to Fork
10 damage to Servius.
Minicliff is destroyed

21 - Gray Slaad
18 - Fork
15 - Servius
10 - Red Slaad
10 - Blue Slaad
10 - Ttharg
3 - Nibum

2024-01-12, 06:16 AM
Sweating and with a throbbing headache Forks worldview swirled back into the present. "What I kill, I keep." He whispered faintly as if unwilling to let go of a dream.

Then the stench hit him and he noticed the nasty feet of a red Slaad to either side of him. With a jolt, Fork suddenly remembered where he was and ignored the pain that was going through his entire body. He felt for his weapon and it was lying just there.. with a deep breath he rolled over slightly, freeing up his arm. He dragged the heavy crossbow, newly bought, up to his chest and aimed it upwards into an angle that was sure to hurt the slaad.

He pulled the trigger.

Then, without ever waiting for the outcome he released the mechanism and loaded another bolt. He didn't even consider aiming. The angle was still sort of similar and as soon he heard the mechanism shutting in acceptance of the second bolt he pulled the trigger again. Without pause he let go of the heavy crossbow and with his left arm pulled free a hand crossbow. In a similar style he shot from the hip as soon as he had the weapon raised. Like a porcupine Fork exploded with bolts shooting upward and it was a hot second before the light that had entered his eyes after falling unconscious started disappearing again.

A shadow closed in on Fork and then darkness engulfed him. He couldn't breath but all his senses were assaulted by a foul taste and smell. Bitter and evil. It was all Fork could do not to throw up.

Everyone else could see the Slaad fall over, then, a bit too long for comfort, Fork crawled out from under it. Gasping for air as he did so.

2024-01-12, 07:48 AM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 17/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Servius reaches down, his tail and body flexing as he pulls, helping Forkk get out from under the dead Slaad. "Good shooting. Only one left, but the most dangerous one." With a staticky popping sound, three more bolts of force fly towards the Grey Slaad, striking it.

Magic Missile
[roll0] x3

2024-01-12, 10:32 AM
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1195389465724735518/image.png?ex=65b3d031&is=65a15b31&hm=e42f93390fef9d87abce29809de5d129769f524b3f34b67 4412104ce9f883954&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=641&height=371

Ttharg uses a reaction to inflict 14 thunder damage on Gray, halved to 7 because it makes a DEX save.
Fork fires two heavy crossbow attacks at Red, with advantage because of his position (essentially hidden). (11,11) misses. (13,16) hits, for 14 damage.
This kills the Red Slaad.
He fires his hand crossbow at Gray, still with advantage. (11,24) hits, for 9 damage.
Rumble uses his reaction to add cold damage; however, 1 point of damage, halved by resistance, is 0.
Servius casts Magic Missile and hits Gray for 12 damage.
Nibum's temp HP comes back up.

57 damage to Grey Slaad
Red Slaad is dead.
Blue Slaad is dead.

4 damage to Triceratool, +3 temp hp
18 damage to Rumble
38 damage to Nibum, +3 temp hp
24 damage to Ttharg
39 damage to Fork
10 damage to Servius.
Minicliff is destroyed

21 - Gray Slaad
18 - Fork
15 - Servius
10 - Ttharg
3 - Nibum

The Commander
2024-01-12, 12:27 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

As the Grey Slaad takes a bite out of Ttharg, Ttharg retaliates by shouting back in the Slaad's face, his voice amplified by his faith into a thunderous assault on it's eardrums: "MAY YE SCALES ROT AND WITHER, BOTTOM FEEDER!" The Slaad seemed to dodge out of the way of most of Ttharg's tirade, but couldn't avoid all of it.

For a moment, Ttharg was concerned when the Red Slaad collapsed onto Fork, but then the valiant Kobold crawled out from underneath it's corpse.

He looked around at the crew, who all seemed to be in various states of injury, including himself. "Finish off this scaleywag! Hurry!"

They needed to finish off this foe quickly, and so Ttharg quickly holstered his Warhammer, repositioned himself around the Slaad, and reached out to the sky above the melee. "Bahamut, I call to ye! Strike me foe with your blessed lightning!" In an instant, a small storm cloud appeared above the battle and a electricity crackled within the cloud. Ttharg took out his holy symbol of Bahamut and proudly displayed it to the sky. As if in response, a bolt of lightning struck the ground next to the Slaad with a sound that defined Ttharg's lineage: krixkrux. Electricity arced towards the Slaad almost like a brilliant white claw reaching out for the creature; the power of which was increased by Ttharg's display of faith.

Ttharg then directed his Spiritual Weapon to attack whatever was left of the Slaad.

Move Action to move around the Slaad, getting out of the way of the incoming Lightning Bolt.
Free Action to Holster Warhammer
Main Action to Cast Call Lightning (3rd Level Spell) centred just to the north-east of the Slaad so that it will only hit it. Grey Slaad needs to make a DC 13 Dex Save or take 3D10 Lightning Damage. Takes half damage on a success.
Grey Slaad Dex Save = [roll0]+mods vs DC 13.
Regardless of whether the Slaad succeeds it's saving throw, Ttharg will use his Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage to it. So 30 Lightning Damage or 15 Lightning Damage depending on it's save.
Bonus Action to direct Spiritual Weapon to attack the Slaad: 21 to hit for 9 Force Damage.

2024-01-12, 02:05 PM
The lightning skitters over the Slaad's resistant hide, but in the brief heartbeat between the stroke and the sound, Ttharg, you feel a thrum from the vial of holy water; and then the loudest sound any of you have ever heard rips across the swamp and devastates the Slaad.

Bahamut transmutes the lightning to thunder damage. Everyone is deafened for 1d4 (4) rounds.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1182044254831382600/1195443242955722842/Untitled.png?ex=65b40247&is=65a18d47&hm=7407ec90dab672a6b85bee5b3ef15bfba5f86976bb33dbb 6ed642efd2350dd38&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

2024-01-12, 09:29 PM
Relieved the hatchling fork is ok nibum can focus again. There's not much more he can do but to keep up the attack and keep trying to take down this creature like captains orders.He moves to flank once more and then he hits the switch to unlodge the spear head and stabs in again but the force of triceratools attack combined with how tired nibum felt in this moment had the thrust off its mark.

Fetcher remains vigilant of incoming attacks

2024-01-13, 02:21 AM
As the thunder rings out across the islands of Baratano, startling wyverns into flight and sending swampdrakes diving for cover, Captain Magyar shouts to the crew to make way towards the cape. They leaving behind a smouldering ruin where the Asphodian lair was. But it's like she said -- by the time the White Cliff makes it to you, it will all be over. One more round of combat will decide things one way or another.)

At the same time, a bright copper figure takes flight from East Horn.


Shanidar, the dragon of these isles, sets out from his lair towards the source of the holy noise. As he does, the standing stones atop the foothills of the The Grin glow in sudden flares of starlight, and the ethereal music of woodwinds and bells is carried on the wind, although none of you could hear it. Across the bay in West Horn, where you fight for your lives, he is almost invisible against the twilight sky.

The gray slaad raises its spear in anger. It's badly hurt but still deadly, and each of you clings to the edge of life, too. Its huge eyes roll back and forth as its chaotic mind tries to calculate the odds.

You can't hear it speak -- you can't hear anything -- and the telepathic ranting seems to have stopped. The tension draws out... and then with a mighty leap that carries it away from your attacks, the slaad flees across the swamp and dives into one of the ruined huts. It's not much, but it does have a roof, and (more or less) walls.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1195628196188659772/image.png?ex=65b4ae87&is=65a23987&hm=7f3bd1e735a2edef8ca799ab3230402f81f1f10298ac50b a5068060cbaa4a321&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

The slaad takes the disengage action and flees into a nearby hut.

85 damage to Grey Slaad
Red Slaad is dead.
Blue Slaad is dead.

4 damage to Triceratool, +3 temp hp
18 damage to Rumble
38 damage to Nibum, +3 temp hp
24 damage to Ttharg
39 damage to Fork
10 damage to Servius.
Minicliff is destroyed

21 - Gray Slaad
18 - Fork
15 - Servius
10 - Ttharg
3 - Nibum

2024-01-13, 08:32 AM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 17/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Servius slithers north, dipping into the murky water in pursuit of the Slaad. As long as it doesn't shoot lightning, he's fine with getting a bit wet. He travels on a ship now, after all. And again - more magical darts fly after it.

3 squares due north to get line of sight
Magic Missile [roll0] x 3

2024-01-13, 11:45 AM
Fork darted after Servius in a similar direction and whistled once to indicate the chase was on.

Rumble followed the grey Slaad towards the building and as Fork released two bolts, Rumble infused them with icy death just before running into the hut and tearing into the slaad

1st bolt: 8+9= 17 to hit for 18 damage (includes 6 infused damage)
2nd bolt: 15+9 = 24 to hit for 10 damage
Drake attack: 19+6= 25 to hit for 4 damage

2024-01-13, 02:16 PM
Perhaps, in its jumble of a mind, the gray slaad thought that the hut could give it shelter long enough to turn invisible and vanish into the swamp. It almost did. If it could've closed a door behind it...

But three weeks ago a bullywug spearfisher noticed the hut, while decrepit, still had a pretty serviceable door, and removed it from the hinges, and took it home.

Earlier this week, that bullywug spearfisher met his death, and was consumed, and became a face for the gray slaad to wear.

Perhaps, in whatever afterlife his amphibious kind believe in, he is pleased to know that for the slaad that killed him, death came through that open doorway.

The drake claws at its face, and as it wrestles Rumble away, there come darts of steel and magical force to pierce its bulbous eyes.

The two who can see the slaad see something strange--a flattening dissolution into thin air.

Servius, who got the killing blow, sees the last, inexplicable thing. He's seen etchings for print reproduction before, and that's what the slaad looks like; two dimensional, inverted, sketched out and contained.

--no no not THE BOOK--

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1182044254831382600/1195816134788784198/Untitled.png?ex=65b55d8f&is=65a2e88f&hm=786f586ac39eb33b7ca60c5b16eaadfb436a0025392e2f7 d701ce8bc85c211da&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=884&height=826

Gone. The Dilemma (https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/1378267-dilemma) thumps to the packed earth floor. To the victors go the spoils (https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/2412256-fulminating-treatise).

Across the bay, sails are visible, with the distinctive living figurehead of the White Cliff. And in the sky, a coppery draconic silhouette approaches from The Grin.

2024-01-13, 03:25 PM
Fork clapped Servius on the shoulder when the Slaad finally croaked.

"Nice blasting." He said..

The adrenaline was leaving his body and he suddenly felt every wound on him, which were quite a few. He walked into the hut and hugged Rumble around the neck with one arm before petting him with his knuckles on Rumbles forehead with the other hand. "Good fighting buddy. Just as we trained." He said, proud of the drake.

When eventually Ttharg came into view Fork got serious again and walked over. "I passed out there for a hot second. But something pulled me back.. I suppose that was you?" If Ttharg reacted to be in any way confirming this suspicion, it would be followed by a sincere "Thank you." Before Fork pulled out a thick bladed bowie-knife and started skinning what he could from the Slaads laying around.

The Commander
2024-01-13, 06:24 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg had been prepared to cast another spell at the retreating Slaad, but the faces of victory on Fork and Servius stopped him.

He dug a taloned finger into his ear, trying to stop the ringing from happening, even though he knew it was futile. He moved up to the hut and the rest of the group who had already begun digging through the remains of the Slaad.

As Fork begins to speak, the deafness was still affecting him, and he had to bellow: "WHAT WAS THAT, LAD? I CAN'T HEAR YE!" several times before the ringing in his ears stopped and he could hear the Kobold. "Aye, it were me who brought ye back from Bahamut's locker. Couldn't have ye dying before the battle was over now."

Whilst the others looted or skinned the corpses, Ttharg took a quick look around the entire area with the flask of Holy Water; double checking they weren't missing anything further. Holding the flask in his hands, he felt a strange power about it, as if it were empowering him with Bahamut's blessing. He made a mental note to have one of the White Cliff's labourers fashion it into an amulet proper when they returned aboard.

(Ttharg will have the Holy Water made into an a wearable amulet, as per the Magic Item description, and will attune to it once back aboard the White Cliff)

2024-01-13, 07:13 PM
Servius cautiously slithers over to where the grey Slaad fell. He uses a piece of wood to poke cautiously at the book, then retrieves a second piece of wood. Using the two as tongs, he carries the book outside and sets it on a dry fallen stone, where he carefully flips pages while looking at the contents for a while before being satisfied that it is safe. "This is not the book that poisoned the tortle we seek, but a spellbook from one of the crew of the Broken Wing. I can put it to use. He took good notes."

He studies the book, oblivious to the oncoming ship and dragon until someone actively interrupt him and points them out.

2024-01-13, 08:54 PM
Nibum has fetcher bring him the spear. He examines it suspecting that it's from the negniter hoard after all the book they are after was. As he does so he says to fork Im relieved your alive hatchling we arent done yet tho. Do you think you can find any more or all of the foul tadpoles?

To everyone Im beat. Think theres time to take a break? Old bones havent moved like that for awhile. he weezes

2024-01-14, 12:30 AM
Whilst the others looted or skinned the corpses, Ttharg took a quick look around the entire area with the flask of Holy Water; double checking they weren't missing anything further.

With more time to look around, you can follow the phantom footsteps of Vaarth Pthax (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/115073817) and his goon squad onto the island, hunting slaad. You see their wraithly forms meeting with Trionyx, and at first the meeting is hostile, but then turns suddenly friendly. Two of the crew react badly to this--it would be really great to be able to hear--but the others are loyal and cut them down ruthlessly. Then they return to the dock, treating Trionyx like an honored guest. If you wish, you can follow the passage of their boat back to the Broken Wing, and the Broken Wing out of the bay, before the ghostly images pass beyond the sight of your flask.

The visions only seem to follow Trionyx, so you can't see what becomes of the corpses, but it's not hard to deduce that they were found, infected, and cached by the gray slaad.

Servius cautiously slithers over to where the grey Slaad fell. He uses a piece of wood to poke cautiously at the book, then retrieves a second piece of wood. Using the two as tongs, he carries the book outside and sets it on a dry fallen stone, where he carefully flips pages while looking at the contents for a while before being satisfied that it is safe. "This is not the book that poisoned the tortle we seek, but a spellbook from one of the crew of the Broken Wing. I can put it to use. He took good notes."

He studies the book, oblivious to the oncoming ship and dragon until someone actively interrupt him and points them out.

The book is a Fulminating Treatise, a gift the primordial Imix grants to his warlocks. They are incredibly rare, due to their tendency to self-immolate when the bearer dies. Apparently getting turned into a slaad is an edge case. It will take some deciphering and study to make use of it properly, but time is all you need, and time is in great supply on a long voyage.

Nibum has fetcher bring him the spear. He examines it suspecting that it's from the negniter hoard after all the book they are after was.

You recognize the twin spearheads. Judges who serve beneath the Magistrate of Lapis carry these spears; ancient weapons of millennia past made of axiomatic steel and charged with the power of Order and Law. In the present day they are only used ceremonially, being antique and delicate. These look well-used but certainly not millennia old; the slaad must have been imprisoned with this weapon in the dawn of history.

Someone very clever and devious has placed them in opposition to each other, so that two opposing poles of axiomatic energy create a vortex that shreds Reason and chews through Order.

To everyone Im beat. Think theres time to take a break? Old bones havent moved like that for awhile. he weezes

The White Cliff cannot come all the way into this tiny dock, but you can see a landing party led by First Mate Cocytus approaching in another boat to discover what has become of you. Maybe they can help clean up the other cached bodies. It looks like the copper dragon, Shanidar, is going to make it here first, though.

At this distance you can just barely make out a tiny figure clinging to Shanidar's neck.

The Commander
2024-01-14, 02:05 AM
Ttharg Krixkrux

"Somethin' were promised to Captain Pthax. Somethin' that stayed his hand and turned some o' his crew against him. Maybe it were a charm spell or some such, but it's difficult to tell." Ttharg said as much to himself as to anyone else.

Ttharg looks up to Shanidar as they approach rapidly. "We won't have enough time to rendezvous back with the crew before the King o' these isles comes." He points to the Copper Dragon for emphasis. "There be someone hitchin' a ride with the King, though. Hopefully someone kind to our cause. We can only hope the King looks favourably on what we've done here. Maybe we could even petition him for information on the Broken Wing? In any case, Nibum, I don't think we have time for a rest, and if the King decides to fight us, we're dead anyway."

Ttharg puts away his flask and stands in the open on the initial island they arrived on, as if inviting Shanidar to parley with him.

2024-01-14, 02:58 AM
He grumles Fine then if im going out im gonna go out seated with back support. Saddles got my back sore. Come on treceratool fetcher help me out as he begins gathering up some supplies from the shack and setting up an improvised chair in the clearing tthrag went to.

2024-01-14, 11:16 AM
It's a good chair, although it really doesn't take that long. There are few things as fast as a dragon in a hurry.

Shanidar touches down neatly and quietly on one of the larger hummocks, which he takes up pretty much entirely. You are all well-accustomed to living among dragons, and it's clear he's an adult dragon, but maybe not long an adult. His copper scales are still largely untouched by green patina. He's big and bulky, with a heavy jaw and deep-set eyes that seem to gleam at you from under his cavernous brow.

"How are you, now," he rumbles.

Shanidar is known as the dragon of Baratano, but he wouldn't say he ruled Baratano. Most metallic dragons don't like to make claims to authority like that.

It's true, however, that he's the strongest creature in Baratano, and the richest, and the biggest, and that his opinion carries a lot of weight in Baratano because of his strength and wealth and general largeness; not to mention longevity and cultural, traditional role.

No, he wouldn't say he's the *god* of Baratano, either.

The Grin is one of the longest continuously-occupied lairs in the Hic Sunt, changing hands frequently, and under Shanidar Baratano has thrived and enjoyed relative stability. He has smoothed the often-fractitious relationship between the natives of Frogtown, the pirates, the lizardkin fisherfolk, and even the less degenerate of the cultists.

Like any metallic dragon he is not friendly to Lssthp, but there are worse neighbors. Shanidar keeps order in Baratano, in a rough and ready way, and upholds certain unspoken principles. It's lawless, but not ruthless, brutal anarchy.

Almost unseen, a small copper figure drops from his neck and steps forward. It's a female copper kobold--a beautiful one, if you're the type of person who can see beauty in a kobold--and she looks a little friendlier. "Howdy boys," she says. "Rough day?"

This is Shanidar's older sister Zab. Rumor has it she's the brains behind his brawn.

The Commander
2024-01-14, 11:52 AM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg bows to the pair.

"Ahoy Shanidar, ahoy Zab. Our apologies for the disturbance; but we heard tell o' Slaad in these swamps and came to investigate on ye's behalf. We encountered a few o' 'em, but, as ye can see, we dealt with 'em. Took a few blows across the bow we did, but we're still afloat. We don't think there's any more about; so we'll be takin' our leave as soon as the jolly boat gets here."

2024-01-14, 12:14 PM
Shanidar's head snaps up at the mention of slaad, and he sniffs the air intently. He looks down at Zab, and she looks up at him, the kind of silent communication siblings excel at. "Well, get after it," she says. He shoots a line of acid that crosses a couple of islands, dissolving two additional caches of infected bodies.

She turns back to Ttharg. "Much obliged. More hands mean less work, right, little brother?"

The dragon nods its huge head. "If you can be one thing, be efficient."

"Youse did us a favor. And with that in mind we won't even mention that snake bar got burnt down in Pierholt, will we, little brother?"

The dragon rumbles, "Least said, soonest mended."

She snaps a finger, and all your wounds are suddenly lightened.

Ttharg crits on both History and Persuasion.

Mass Cure Wounds, +27 hp.

"There's your boat," she says, pointing at the dock. "Pitter patter." She tips you a wink.

Come back and split a bottle with us sometime when you're not in such a hurry.

2024-01-14, 01:05 PM
Im relieved your alive hatchling we arent done yet tho. Do you think you can find any more or all of the foul tadpoles?

"That makes two of us Nibum, old dog." He said as only response to it. To be honest Fork didn't know if he wanted to find more tadpoles.


As he set about skinning the hides, he followed the goings-on from a bit away. He finally tied together and slung the hides over Rumble's back to fly them to the ship and stepped up when the healing spell got cast over them. He felt instantly better.
"Thank you kindly." He said with reverence to Zab. Fork was absolutely the kind that was the type of person who can see beauty in a kobold. "And pleased to make your acquaintance." He said to the both of them.

"Any idea where the Broken Wing is off to?" Fork asked after Zab sort of sent them off of the island. He knew it was a risk asking for anything, and even revealing what their captain Magyar might be after was in and of itself a gamble. But something about the copper kobolds appearance seemed alright to Fork, and the way the pair conducted themselves right now made him take a chance.

The Commander
2024-01-14, 01:10 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg bows again to the pair. "Thank ye from the bottom o' our hearts. May the winds and the water be kind to ye." He smiles at Zab when she messages him and subtly nods.

Once the jolly boat arrives, Ttharg salutes the First Mate. "Ahoy, sir! It be me pleasure to report a successful excursion. Best we be back aboard the ship for debriefing, aye?"

2024-01-14, 04:02 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)

Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

The arrival of the dragon ruling the area is enough to jolt Servius away from his studies. "My thanks," he offers in exchange for the healing. It appears others have handled all the social niceties already.

2024-01-14, 04:54 PM
"Thank you kindly." He said with reverence to Zab. Fork was absolutely the kind that was the type of person who can see beauty in a kobold. "And pleased to make your acquaintance." He said to the both of them.

Your courtesy nets you a flirtatious smile from the female kobold, and a low grumble from the hulking copper dragon.

"Any idea where the Broken Wing is off to?" Fork asked after Zab sort of sent them off of the island. He knew it was a risk asking for anything, and even revealing what their captain Magyar might be after was in and of itself a gamble. But something about the copper kobolds appearance seemed alright to Fork, and the way the pair conducted themselves right now made him take a chance.

"He's headed Sunward, I know that," Zab says. "We saw them our way back."

"He's got friends in Cagway," says Shanidar unexpectedly. "More'n he's got here, anyway. If you're hunting him, and he feels like he wants some back up, he might head there." Zab gives him a surprised look, but the dragon says, "If they're huntin' Vaarth Pthax, it's fine by me, Zab. I'd have sunk himself for two pins."

"Hard yes," she agrees.

Cagway is the derelict remains of a once greater city. It was the center of reptilian life in the Hic Sunt before the migration of the chromatic dragons in the wake of the Cataclysm and the collapse of the utopian anarchist project of the worshippers of Bahamut. In the ruins of the great stone lairs built by metallic dragons in that lost age are bars, whorehouses, and auction markets selling stolen ships and goods, but never, ever slaves. Nothing infuriates a metallic dragon like slavery. It is further from Lssthp, within a few days of the Sunhome Isles.

Back on the White Cliff, Captain Magyar brings the officers (plus Siduri) together in her quarters. She has her own information from the raid on the cultists's lair to share. "It seems like most of the Apophidians went over to Trionyx right away. He's got something in that book that swayed them. Not magical compulsion. According to our informant, he convinced them that serving Tiamat would serve Apophis. The Litany of Kin convinced them."

"The ones who protested the blasphemy were killed. Only one was bright enough to keep his mouth shut until the moment came."

Tegu chuckles and fingers her blood-stained maul. "We were the moment."

"Based on the lad's testimony, we believe Trionyx is bound for Malatra. If his doctrine is as successful with the Apophidians there, we won't need any supernatural trouble... an alliance between the cult of Tiamat and the cult of Apophis would be more than bad enough."

"That's what I've been most afraid of," Siduri admits.

Malatra is a Yuan-Ti city that occupies the majority of an island (also called Malatra) within sight of Sunhome Qua. It is a great trade-port, a key junction between human lands and the empire of Lssthp. It is a city of great decadence and corruption; sometimes it seems they only pass laws as an excuse for bribes to change hands and to collect prisoners to sacrifice to Apophis.

Cocytus speaks up: "Captain, Shanidar believed Pthax may head to Cagway to find allies, first and foremost. It's my duty to pass that along... but I'll also say I've got my doubts. Pthax isn't in charge anymore, Trionyx is. If we guess wrong and they don't head to Cagway, we'll have lost the time for nothing."

The Captain considers that and looks to her officers. "All right... so straight to Malatra, to try and get ahead of him for once? Or keep chasing him along the route to Cagway, assuming they are going there first? Opinions?"

Both routes have their risks. The route to Cagway is home to many populated islands, ships of the Flagless Fleet, and metallic dragons. A direct route to Malatra will go through emptier waters, where the odds of encountering illithid ships is higher... which is no doubt why Cocytus favors it. But there will also be less chance to stop for repairs until you reach the Yuan-Ti city.

2024-01-14, 05:20 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Servius looks around. If no others speak up first, he'll give his opinion. "Malatra sounds like a certainty. If we arrive first, we can research, and prepare to engage Trionyx on our own terms, plus keep him from having the opportunity to spread his heresy to more of my kind. The only risk would be if he doesn't go there, and it takes us too long to realize it.."

2024-01-15, 01:19 AM
The encounter with the dragon
Nibum stood up of course and before he lowers his head he notices the relationship between the siblings. This confuses and irritates the ancient kobold. Perhaps the times are changing. He says nothing of it tho for that wouldn't be proper. I hope we were of use he says respectfully falling into old customs

During the meeting
He cares little for where they go but one thing is clear... wherever this tortle goes demons will follow and so he speaks up So he can charm with and without magic. He releases ancient foes with ancient weapons (indicating delima) from books. I say we follow and at the very least try to warn those in his wake if not deal with the horrors he releases. I am confident we will catch up and stop him. If we try and get ahead of him what will it matter if we stop him if he's released 100s of other horrors. he says ending looking at cocytus as if to apologize for disagreeing. He hated to do it.

do the stars speak to you on this? he asks the navigator.

He turns to Siduri I had misplaced anger from something i had learned just before meeting you. I wanted to apologize for that outburst now if i hadnt. My memory isnt what it used to be. Knowing trionyx what do you suppose is his next port?

The Commander
2024-01-15, 02:50 AM
Ttharg Krixkrux

"I hear that Captain Pthax is a vile taskmaster; helps him act on rumours o' plunder and get there before other pirates; or so I be understandin'. And now his ship might be boosted by whatever vile powers our Tortle lad has gotten his grippers on. Even with the White Cliff, I don't expect us to catch up with 'em before they reach Cagway. And I do expect he'll go to Cagway first, sir." Ttharg says respectfully to the First Mate. "The Tortle lad may be leadin' their voyage, but Pthax runs the ship and his crew, and like any scaleyrot pirate he'll want backup; 'specially if he's going to Yuan-Ti waters. I overheard at the Court that he'd convinced the crew to oust the old Captain. And now he's convinced 'em to work with a lad who releases Slaad and makes allies of cultists. He's got a force o' personality alright." Ttharg shifts uncomfortably as he relays this information, scratching at this hands as he does so.

"Headin' to Cagway won't get us very much. I say we head to Malatra."

2024-01-15, 03:43 AM
Fork listened to it all and waited a bit before chiming in.

"I don't have much to offer except for a strong instinctive urge to rush for Malatra." He took a second before trying to explain his reasons. "Pthax may not be in charge anymore but Trionix recruited him for a reason.. He needs him and his skill. He couldn't navigate the seas himself, we've seen this. And if there's the slightest chance we can catch up with them at Malatra, or spirits willing even get there before they do I think we should go straight for it. If we miss them there, I doubt the inhabitants there will be as helpful as they've been here.. and I don't want the trail to go cold."

2024-01-15, 11:59 AM
do the stars speak to you on this? he asks the navigator.

"The stars of the Outer Edge are few and wild," Cauda says. "Wherever we go I will do my duty. But I would stay where the paths are ones I have trod before."

Tegu makes eye contact with Nibum and Kabett before she speaks up. "Fighting squids or fighting metallics, it's all the same to me, but speaking for them of us that have to keep this tub floating, I'd rather be where there's friendly ports for rest and repair and supplies easy to hand myself." Kabett nods.

He turns to Siduri I had misplaced anger from something i had learned just before meeting you. I wanted to apologize for that outburst now if i hadnt. My memory isnt what it used to be. Knowing trionyx what do you suppose is his next port?

"Please, don't worry about it..." she murmurs, then considers the question. "I am confident Malatra is his destination, after what we found here. But I see no reason to doubt the dragon of Baratano or Mr. Ttharg. Unless his impatience is mastering, he would trust the captain he has found. As for whether we should give chase or try to get ahead of him... I am not an expert in these matters, nor do I have a vote here. But I think your point about the dangers he might unleash along his path, whatever path he takes, is well-taken, Mr. Nibum."

"Agreed," says the Captain heavily. Tallying up the votes, she sees that the decision is hers, as it always really was. "Those of you who think first of the ship chose Cagway. Those of you who think tactically chose Malatra. I need both sides, but in the end, I must favor mission. I am not a free woman. I serve the Throne."

"But giving a thought for those along the path to Cagway, and weighing secrecy against decency... I'll speak candidly with Shanidar before we leave. The metallic dragons along the route to Cagway must be warned." She sighs. "Set a course for Malatra, Cauda. And gods grant we choose right."

She holds back the four of you who fought the Slaad for a moment. "One last piece of business you gentlemen haven't heard of yet. As mentioned, there was one among the cultists who aided us in the raid and has given information since. He's a Yuan-Ti, a native of Malatra, and altogether horrified by Trionyx's religious opinions. Name of Orophias. I've brought him on board to fill our vacancy, in exchange for a lift home."

"He'll do for the triage corps, I think." Even a junior Yuan-Ti priest tends to have a rough-and-ready understanding of anatomy, at least as it relates to human(oid) sacrifice. "Break him in, Mr. Krixkrux, and you and Mr. F'rrkkk pick someone to get their step to Able Seaman and the Marines."

All of this is routine staffing business, but she adds: "The new lad is no born sailor, but he needs a ride and we need a cold body, and he knows more about Malatra and the Yuan-Ti than anyone else we have on board. He understands he's to be a resource to us, first and foremost, when he's not swabbing the deck. "

2024-01-15, 02:31 PM
Cauda lays her course while the Captain speaks briefly to Shanidar, and Ttharg and Fork sort out the crew roster. Then you point the White Cliff out of the bay, and set sail for Malatra, along the Outer Edge.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1187843495831011338/1196535239086964846/Capture.png?ex=65b7fb47&is=65a58647&hm=b1fad3829825cc0578c2dc9d2c409afb80ae1a9be32deed f3e18356bbc7e7695&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

The Outer Edge marks the boundary between the Hic Sunt and the outer chaos--the Plane of Chaos itself, the Far Plane and the space between worlds where the spelljammers fly. Visitors from Beyond must enter via the Outer Edge and navigate the Hic Sunt towards more stable waters. It is less populated than other areas of the Hic Sunt, with the reptilian and draconic population largely clustering around the Inner Rim in this quadrant. But the quickest path to Malatra from here will take you through it.

These waters are lonely and largely empty; bare rocks are spotted passing by, or distant silhouettes of dragons island-hopping. Cauda predicts sixteen to twenty weeks of travel to Malatra; Tegu starts a pool betting on how long it will be before anything interesting happens.

Everyone who bet on four weeks wins a tidy packet.

2024-01-15, 09:26 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 17 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Over the next few weeks, Servius spends some time working with Tegu. She's nearly his opposite in temperament, so they don't spend too much time together - but she's bearable, especially in the morning before she has drunk much. He spends some time working with her on his balance at sea, getting better at dodging and absorbing blows, while she works on her quickness using padded sticks. It's not precisely fun, but Servius also didn't enjoy getting punched and clawed by a Slaad. Until he picks up some means of teleportation, he'd best get better at surviving enemies that get too close.

Waking up early to work with the purser also means the food quality is slightly better; that which is served first is less burnt than the dregs of the pots and skillets. Lemon or orange juice squeezed onto a dish every meal is an adjustment - it works for meat, but not so well for porridge - but the risk of scurvy is well-known and planned for by all competent captains, quartermasters, and students of the sea.

The Commander
2024-01-16, 02:18 AM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg wasn't best pleased at having to welcome a Yuan-Ti as an apprentice; but as the Captain had said: 'needs must'. He had selected one of his more clumsy assistants - Ttharg hoped that the assistant's clumsiness when it came to wielding a surgeon's blade would translate nicely into a killing blow eventually - to fill the marine vacancy.

As the Captain had mentioned, the Yuan-Ti already had a rudimentary understanding of anatomy and surgery; it was just a case of putting things back into a person rather than taking them out. He gave the apprentice the bare amount of training, trusting his other assistants to help buoy the new arrival's skills. Instead, Ttharg focused on improving the ship's surgery - making the space more efficient and organised. Towards the end of the month at sea, Ttharg appreciated his team needed a break, and decided to regale them with stories of his previous times in Baratano (omitting any notions of personal piracy, of course) as he passed around his bottle of Goblin Rotgut.

(All the others can now see Ttharg wearing the bottle of Holy Water as an amulet around his neck)

2024-01-16, 02:55 AM
A handshake between Ttharg and Fork had sealed the clumsy lizards fate.

Second chances were rare in this particular environment, but it was about making do with what they had and every man was going to be making himself useful. Besides, Fork figured, this particular individual at least has had some experience killing.. albeit patients, not enemies. It shouldn't be too awkward a transition for the fellow.

In order to make sure the new inductee found his place, and in order to tighten up the ranks, Fork set about with a brutal schedule for the marines. It was in part to make sure that the men knew that the fallen marine was taken serious and in part because they were sailing towards a possible heap of danger. He needed their heads in the game. Also, Lizardman mariners were harder to control if they were left unchecked. Their natural violent tendencies did not mix well with the boredom and routinised life onboard.
This meant four weeks of non-stop training and drills. Fork had them hang from both the sides of the ship for hours only to blow a whistle, where they had to scramble up and get to the other side as fast as they could. Patience, strength and endurance were tested. He had them completely do all their weapons and gear every day. Unpack, fix, clean and pack again. Discipline was demanded.

They dove from off of the head of the mount, had to swim under the White Cliff and be fished out along the tail end by four teammates. In full gear. This was particularly gruelling since it tested mettle, reaction and teamwork. It wasn't without danger. Fork came up with many ways to keep the Marines occupied during the four weeks. If they recognised the necessity of it or not, he didn't mind. A strict system was the only way he knew how to keep order on a long voyage. Tried and proven. He liked to think that they were glad for the distractions of boredom, even though he came close to testing their limits sometimes.

He needed them to be at their absolute best.

2024-01-16, 05:04 AM
Nibum gathers together the carpenters. Standing in front of them he begins It occurs to me that i cannot live forever. That i cannot care for this ship all by myself so... ive decided instead of just calling you hatchlings layabouts i decided id pass along wisdom so maybe one day youll be worth more then just labor. You all did reasonably well during that fight but your repairs were unfocused. I have been working in this ship since before anyone and i imagine before some of you lost your egg tooth.... yes like an old man he rattles on and on for a good while losing his point now and again but all in all he starts a regimine of exercises with spare supplies broken in various ways (in which he makes sure mending is applied so they can be reused) to focus the repairs to what really matters. At times he has to stop himself from yelling at the hatchlings and jumping in himself. He teaches them easier methods of quick repairs things they'd likely never learn from more modern craftsmen. He is actually really enjoying teaching and proud of his students but his reply anytime they finish something is a scowl and you still got alot to learn hatchling

2024-01-16, 10:41 AM
As the ship makes its way south and east, the weather becomes more unpredictable and colder. As Cauda warned, the stars themselves become fewer; only the most chaotic draconic spirits make their way to the Outer Edge, and the constellations behind the dancing stars fade away. In the dimness, safety lanterns multiply onboard. Nibum watches them narrowly. The job of lookout becomes tedious to the point of absurdity; there's little to see and they can't see it very well anyway. Fork still sends them up anyway.

But midway through your fourth week on this journey, a voice pipes from above: "Sails ho!"

Everyone scrambles to the railings to see.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1196838180255694869/a9ce7a0b-ad33-4019-8f54-ba138561d366.jpg?ex=65b9156a&is=65a6a06a&hm=b71a6338d1d62048fc6e009906d96ac0a9d42aa327dde23 b8ead2985c8c3928a&=&format=webp&width=826&height=826
Sure enough, a ship is coming into view. It's a lithe sailing ship, no harness for a mount but heavily rigged.

It looks much the worse for wear, like a ship about to break up and sink. Holes and scorchmarks stud the hull and the sails are tattered. It flies a white flag of distress.

Those of you who can see through the gloom to the deck can see ballistas and catapults, the mark of a ship too poor to employ spellcasters. No crew are visible on deck, which is eerie.

2024-01-16, 12:39 PM
Carefully monitoring the crews reaction time, and glad that he'd been pedantic about setting out watches, Fork peered put over to see what the commotion was about.
It didn't take him long to clock that something was off about the vessel.
"Take positions! Stay sharp and hold still." He ordered as he sent the newest marine running for the captain with the information that Fork could make out.

(Passive perception 16, i think he clocks all three of the notes?)

2024-01-16, 01:02 PM
Servius moves to the forward deck to get a better view. He has his warlocks distribute themselves evenly about the ship. "Keep an eye out in all directions. The ship may be in front of us, but it could be bait for an attack from behind, or below."

The Commander
2024-01-17, 06:12 AM
Ttharg Krixkrux

"ALL ORDERLIES PREPARE TO RECEIVE CASUALTIES!" Ttharg bellowed. He directed two of his team towards the forecastle, and two towards the poopdeck. The last remaining medic, the new Yuan-Ti, remained with him on the main deck. Ttharg took a position towards the centre, ready to rush to whatever part of the ship needed him most. He drew his shield, but kept his warhammer holstered to keep a hand free.

He mentions to the Captain: "Captain, if you need, I can amplify my voice to make a challenge from afar."

2024-01-17, 10:40 AM
He mentions to the Captain: "Captain, if you need, I can amplify my voice to make a challenge from afar."

The Captain nods. "Give them a hail."

The other ship does not respond. All the time, the wind pushes you closer; the silent ship, its sails ragged and untrimmed, merely wallows. Cauda asks the Captain, "Shall I have the White Cliff fight the breeze?"

"I can take over a party in a boat to investigate," volunteers the First Mate.

"Or we could sink it from here," Tegu comments with a neutral voice.

"It's flying a white flag, I'm not going to sink it," the Captain says. "And if you get there and they still don't respond, Mr. Achelous, what are you going to do? No, we're in this together."

"Bring us closer, Cauda, with caution. At boarding distance, and try to take her amidships.

2024-01-17, 03:17 PM
As the White Cliff moved closer, Fork decided he wanted a better view. He hurried up the ropes and climbed the long climb towards the crows nest. It was a cramped spot, and not ideal if things were going off, but he hoped the vantage point would give him more information to work with. As he got up he immediately started scanning the strange ship they were inching towards, as well as making a scan of the whole 360 degree view he had. Even the water got some attention, although the main focus was definitely the ship they were closing with.

2024-01-17, 03:44 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: Warding Wind (10 minutes)

Servius studies the ship as they come closer to it. Something is off, but what detail...

The wind shifts slightly, causing the sails behind him to flap in the wind. The sails on the ship they are approaching don't change, and in fact are rather full given the angle it's at.

Realizing what's wrong, he calls out "There's something wrong about its' sails! They aren't moving with our wind. It could be an illusion of some sort... and what's underneath it?"

He moves up to the front of the ship and hisses a precise incantation while gesturing for the on deck to come close to him. A strong wind whips around them, warding Servius, his subordinate, and anyone around them from several forms of ranged attacks.
(warding wind)

2024-01-17, 04:14 PM
With Servius's words, the Captain swears and calls a halt. But as the ship stops abruptly, the sea behind you seems to drop suddenly, forming a whirlpool that engulfs the back of the ship and throws the whole deck into a mild but perceptible tilt.

At the same time, the illusion around the unmanned ship drops. It is the same ship, but rather than just damaged and raddled, it is hulled and ruined; a shipwreck hauled back to the surface, worm-eaten and soaked. Within the cavernous hole in the side, something moves, and emerges--

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1196908965536215140/465fe9e1-a5ba-43e6-b1ff-8c0f45cda93b.jpg?ex=65b95756&is=65a6e256&hm=f02d02b8d4b3386038505981d9618504d0ebe2331d4118c ada893e1072fedb33&=&format=webp&width=826&height=826

It's a giant crab. It seems to be wearing the shipwreck as a shell, like a hermit crab.

You've heard of crabs like this, but you didn't know it could create illusions.

You've heard of crabs like this, and you knew it could create illusions -- chronomancy illusions, showing the last moments of the ship's 'life' before it sank.

Don't sahuigin domesticate these things to hunt surface dwellers?

The ship lurches forward as the crab paddles beneath it, and the both claws lash out; only one manages to grab hold of the deck, crunching through the railing.

Over the sound of the whirlpool and the crab attack, you can hear something scrabbling on the side of the ship. If you look over either rail, you can see the sahuigin climbing up the side.

Over the sound of the whirlpool and the crab attack, you can hear something scrabbling on the side of the ship. If you look over either rail, you can see the sahuigin climbing up the side.

ACTIONS: Someone creates whirlpool behind the ship.
The giant crab drops the illusion around the ship and moves forward. It is out of range for its bite attack, but makes two claw attacks.
One hits with a 17. 19 damage is inflicted, split between the hull and the mount.
Everyone is surprised for this round but Servius.

Mount - 9
Hull - 9

21 Cauda
21 Siduri
20 Fork
20 Enemies
18 Tegu
17 Ttharg
16 Kabett
13 Servius
12 Captain Magyar
12 Enemies
8 Nibum
5 Cocytus

2024-01-17, 11:09 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 27/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: Warding Wind

Servius' orders to open fire can't be heard over the rushing wind surrounding him, but the roaring burst of flame that engulfs the crab and the ship it's hiding within should act as a sufficient beacon.

[roll0] fire damage, Dex DC 15 half
Crab Dex [roll1]+??

2024-01-18, 11:30 AM
A great number of of things happen at once.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1197567704899530832/image.png?ex=65bbbcd6&is=65a947d6&hm=7d5fd61476a24b4b85fcf4696f8db9393b97af34bc1d9e0 0242f7c18f2c89cf5&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

With the rocking of the ship, Fork tumbles from the crow's nest. Grabbing at rigging, he slows his fall and takes only scrapes and bruises.

Nibum reaches down and casts a spell on himself and Triceratool, bolstering them for the fight to come. At the same time, his familiars spot the sahuigin climbing up the side of the ship and let out blaring alarms to warn the crew.

As the sahuigin clamber over the rails, Siduri darts forward and strikes one of them three times, sending him back to the water with a broken neck. But two of the sahuigin move faster and more dangerously; equipped with thicker hides and heavier spears. One scuttles to Fork and jabs at him repeatedly as he lies prone on the deck. The other moves onto the helm; Cauda draws herself up, summons her radiant Archer form, and puts an arrow of light into his chest. He retaliates with two jabs that leave her barely breathing.

And then Servius' fireball detonates.

The point-blank explosion rocks the crab, and rips away some of the shipwreck that shrouds it. In retaliatory fury, it inhales a huge amount of water and then sprays it directly straight ahead, in a massive torrent.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1197569129859780608/image.png?ex=65bbbe2a&is=65a9492a&hm=bd82083adf1700556480bf2ba09f76c4651667d88db1ddf 48d6b2150c3a2b142&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

The jet hits the warding wind and sprays, giving some protection for those in the line of fire. The White Cliff and Servius manage to dodge the worst of it, as does one of Servius' gunners. Two medics and a carpenter are blasted off of the stern and drop amidships, landing unconscious at Ttharg's feet as the jet blasts overhead. On the poopdeck, Cauda dodges but is still knocked unconscious by the spray, and two medics and a carpenter fare worse, knocked unconscious and carried off the aft of the ship to drop into the vicious whirlpool.

Four more sahuigin drop over the rails and onto the decks.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1197577594737012848/image.png?ex=65bbc60c&is=65a9510c&hm=434e816fbf0b02a1748567eabed3bf26ac4d92effb43765 4e112dba37ceca7f2&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

Nibum casts Heroism on himself and Triceratool.

Fork falls out of the crow's nest. He catches some ropes on his way down and takes only 10 damage.

Servius casts Fireball on the crab. The crab fails its dex save and takes 25 damage. The shipwreck takes double damage; damage to the shipwreck lowers the crab's AC.

Nibum's familiars spot the sahuigin climbing up the side of the ship and alert the crew, preventing a second round of Surprise. Triceratool takes the dodge action.

Sahuigin begin to reach the railing of the ship and climb aboard. 2 Sahuigin champions and 5 regular Sahuigin.

Cauda takes Starry Form Archer (bonus action) and shoots her Starry Form attack as well as a guiding bolt (action) at the nearest sahuigin (Teal Sahuigin Champion). Starry Form hits for 9 radiant. Guiding Bolt misses.

Siduri attacks the nearest Sahuigin (gray Sahuigin) with two attacks and a Flurry of Blows. 3 hits. The Sahuigin drops.

Sahuigin Champions act. Teal goes for Cauda, who damaged him. Two of his three spear attacks hit, for 19 damage.

Orange Gunner gets an opportunity attack on Teal Champion as it passes; misses.

Green Champion attacks Fork, using its advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points. Two of his three spear attacks hit, for 21 damage.

The crab uses its Water Jet attack, hitting Servius (succeeds), Yellow Carpenter (fails), Green Gunner (suceeds), Green Medic (fails), Yellow Medic (fails), Blue Carpenter (fails), Orange Medic (fails), Cauda (succeeds) and Blue Medic (fails).

Yellow Medic, Green Medic, and Yellow Carpenter are pushed back 30 feet and fall into the main deck. The failing damage knocks all 3 unconscious.

Orange Medic, Blue Medic and Blue Carpenter are pushed back 30 feet and fall into the whirlpool. The falling damage knocks all 3 unconscious and they are being sucked into the whirlpool.

Cauda is knocked unconscious but does not get pushed back. Green Gunner takes 12 damage and is not pushed back. Servius takes 12 damage and is not pushed back; makes his concentration check for Warding Wind. The mount of the White Cliff takes 12 damage.

Crab - 25 damage
Shipwreck - 50 damage

Teal Sahuigin Champion - 9 damage
Green Sahuigin Champion - 0 damage

Green Sahuigin - 0 damage
Blue Sahuigin - 0 damage
White Sahuigin - dead
Yellow Sahuigin - 0 damage
Orange Sahuigin - 0 damage

Fork - 31 damage
Nibum - 0 damage, +3 temp HP
Triceratool - 0 damage, +3 temp HP

Cauda - unconscious

Yellow Medic - unconscious
Green Medic - unconscious
Orange Medic - unconscious (drowning)
Blue Medic - unconscious (drowning)

Yellow Carpenter - unconscious
Blue Carpenter - unconscious (drowning)

Mount - 21
Hull - 9

21 Cauda
21 Siduri
20 Enemies
20 Fork
18 Tegu
17 Ttharg
16 Kabett
13 Servius
12 Nibum
12 Enemies
8 Captain Magyar
5 Cocytus

2024-01-18, 11:49 AM

Servius Calventius Pamphilius

Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 15/27
PPer: 11 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: Warding Wind

Servius blasts the giant crab again, this time aided by rays of flame from his gunners.
The wind around him keeps him from even noticing the sahuagin on deck.

[roll0] Dex DC 15 half
Crab Dex [roll1]

2024-01-18, 12:01 PM
The second blast of fire tears away more of the crab's protection, making it easier for the gunners to unleash even more flame on it. The shipwreck falls away from it in flaming debris, exposing its vulnerable thorax, and the crab moans aloud as it begins to cook inside its carapace. This prey is not as easy as the ships it normally preys on, and it begins to paddle uneasily backward.

The Commander
2024-01-18, 12:28 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg curses under his breath as his orderlies are blasted both onto and off the ship. Those on the deck would survive for a moment, but those knocked in the water would surely disappear and drown if Ttharg didn't do something.

Instinctually, he began to climb the rigging next to the mast. For a moment, his thoughts were lost in battles past, but he refocused and climbed harder. Once he had a vantage point for his two wayward orderlies, Ttharg called out to one of them: "Let the salt of sea, cleanse ye wounds!" Healing magic began to flow around the orderly and his eyes blinked back awake.

As soon as the orderly had come to, Ttharg shouted: "TRIAGE, TRIAGE! GET THE OTHER ORDERLIES UP! MEN OVERBOARD! STOP GAWKIN' AND START PATCHING YOUR MATES UP!" He looked down at the newest Yuan-Ti medic, the only one who was unharmed. "THAT MEANS YE! GET TO IT!"

Move Action to climb the rigging (Athletics 18) to get a vantage point for the two drowning medics.
Bonus Action to cast Healing Word at 1st Level on the Orange Medic for 6 healing.
Action to command the crew to use Triage, focusing on picking up other medics first.

2024-01-18, 01:34 PM
Amidships, the trainee medic attempts to stabilize one of the others, but his hands shake and he fails. Minicliff hovers over his shoulder and presses a clean rag into his hands and he tries again, successfully stabilizing one of the fallen medics. Fetcher, Nibum's construct, scrambles up and pours a potion down the third medic's throat, and he rises choking to stabilize the carpenter.

In the whirlpool, one of the medics suddenly opens his eyes and shoves his head above water, gasping for air. A wave crashes over his head and almost takes him back under, but he fights clear and grabs hold of his drowning buddy, getting his head above water, too. He grabs at the unconscious carpenter, but can't hold onto both of them.

Kabett follows your lead as well, running to the edge of the forward deck to sending a healing word back to Cauda, who writhes and then wriggles blearily upright.

Kabett also directs an ear-splitting whistle to the White Cliff. The sea serpent whips its head around and swallows a sahuigin whole. At the same time, the sea serpent's tail lashes out and raises the revived medic out of the whirlpool. He clings to his drowning friend and together they rise above the whirlpool.

The carpenter circles the whirlpool, drawn towards the sahuigin seashaper greedily awaiting him at the bottom of the funnel -- but Cauda jukes away from the sahuigin champions and leaps overboard, transforming into a dolphin as she does. She darts through the water, evading the grasp of the whirlpool but still battered by the waves. She loses her dolphin form, but manages to pull them both up onto the tail.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1197611321743650956/image.png?ex=65bbe575&is=65a97075&hm=b093cb9f9a08adfb9a628e8a2ed4db881aac7a12c6b4147 9b902485e559be469&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

Cocytus uses his action to command the gunners.
Fetcher administers a potion to Green Medic, back up with 8 hp.
Minicliff gives a help action to Purple Medic.
Healing word brings Orange Medic back up with 6 hp. He takes 5 damage from the whirlpool; still up with 1 hp.
Medicine check from Purple Medic for Yellow Medic w/ advantage - succeeds, stabilized at 0 hp.
Medicine check from Green Medic for Yellow Medic - succeeds, stabilized at 0 hp.
Medicine check from Orange Medic for Blue Medic - succeeds, stabilized at 0 hp.
Kabett heals Cauda with healing word, back up with 7 hp.
Cauda bonus action disengages, takes the shape of a dolphin and dives in to save Blue Carpenters. Take 14 damage from the whirlpool and returns to her original form.
White Cliff uses a tail attack and a legendary action tail attack to lift the drowning out of the water; Cauda and the Orange Medic holding the unconscious.

Blue Carpenter fails a death saving throw.

White Cliff kills Green Sahuigin with a bite attack.

Crab - 101 damage
Shipwreck - destroyed

Teal Sahuigin Champion - 15 damage
Green Sahuigin Champion - 0 damage

Green Sahuigin - dead
Blue Sahuigin - 0 damage
White Sahuigin - dead
Yellow Sahuigin - 0 damage
Orange Sahuigin - 0 damage

Fork - 31 damage
Nibum - 0 damage, +3 temp HP
Triceratool - 0 damage, +3 temp HP

Cauda - 18 damage (5 hp remaining)

Green Medic - 17 damage (8 hp remaining)
Orange Medic - 24 damage (1 hp remaining)
Blue Medic - unconscious (stable)
Yellow Medic - unconscious (stable)

Yellow Carpenter - unconscious (1 failed DST)
Blue Carpenter - unconscious (1 failed DST)

Mount - 21
Hull - 9

21 Cauda
21 Siduri
20 Enemies
20 Fork
18 Tegu
17 Ttharg
16 Kabett
13 Servius
12 Nibum
12 Enemies
8 Captain Magyar
5 Cocytus

2024-01-18, 04:06 PM
Nibums cursing would have been alot worse had the ship taken more damage but he dealt with the immediate threat, a sea scale coming up over the side of the ship. He sent his minions to administer aid as soon as it happened and guided triceratool to the left of the nearest champion and channeling all his rage into a booming strike with his newly acquired spear. He has made some modifications to the spear and so when he strikes a speaker goes off and says as loud as a cannon directed mainly at the champion WHOEVER CAN GET THAT DAM SHELLFISH DONT WANT THE SHIP WRECKED!. Triceratool takes a defensive stance.

(Crit booming blade on champion. Triceratool takes dodge action and moved a bit. Fetcher and minicliff aid in reviving downed crew)

2024-01-19, 04:05 AM
Fork had one of those classic: 'Oh no..' moments when he lost his footing as the ship got rocked from the initial impact. The fall down went in a sort of slowmotion way, where he felt hyper aware, however everything that happened was inevitable and he was hopeless to stop the events from transpiring. As such, the impact with the deck was expected but still came way too fast.

All breath was knocked out of him along with some teeth. The damage was mostly internal though and soon blood was escaping his ears, nose and left eye. He felt quite stunned for a moment, which is why the finer details of the goings-on escaped him. He maybe able to construe together the sounds of fireballs and waterblasts, and shouts and screams into a semi-cohesive account of what went down this day, but later, and only after much sleep and talking to people who can explain to him the events that transpired. Right now, in this moment, it was chaos and he was turned inward.
Therefor, it was a complete surprise to Fork when he suddenly got stabbed repeatedly. Pain had lost all meaning to Fork. The first one was a surprise, an unwelcome way to be prodded back into reality. His vision tried to show him what was happening but he was still seeing double. The second one was a nuisance, a total irritation. It was rude, and that pissed him off. He became aware of the Sahuigin. On his ship.. Stabbing him? His vision zoomed into focus again. Just in time as the third spear was aimed right at his head.

He turned his head and the spear narrowly missed him, thuncking onto the hardwood deck instead.

Fork rolled away and scrambled up. He scanned the deck. "Get those fish off of the ship!" He said weakly as his chest was still trying to handle breathing, and all that escaped him was blood and whisper. He fumbled in his right breast pocket and quickly blew his signal whistle. Once, sharp and loud, two seconds long. This whistle has been heard several times the last couple of weeks. Every marine that has been training the last four weeks would know what this particular order meant. It should come as no surprise.

-Kill all enemies.-

Upon hearing the whistle the marines should be left with no confusion. Someone else heard the whistle too. Rumble bolted towards the Sahuigin closest to Fork and attacked fiercely, as Fork fell down to one knee to grab his weapons. The slowness from the fall was replaced entirely with something else now. Routine and muscle memory, survival. He'd found his second wind and Fork was going to kill every last one of them or die trying.

Action: Command Marines
Bonus Action: Have the drake attack (to hit: 22, damage: 5)

2024-01-19, 11:10 AM
Even as Fork calls out, the Champion strikes him again and again, sending him unconscious. But the Marines roar and charge into their well-drilled action, sweeping the remaining lesser sahuigin from the deck. Tegu and the Captain assist, with some rage-fueled strikes of the maul and well-placed longbow shots, respectively. Rumble and a furious Tegu round on the Champion and tear him apart, both stooping to devour bits of fishy flesh. But Fork is bleeding out...

Whiteout. This is getting familiar. Three stars on the horizon, burning fitfully.

One winks out.

The crab seems to consider fleeing, but beneath the waves, a furious Sahuigin Baron whispers to it, and it turns to finish the job. It strikes twice at Servius, the source of the fiery pain inflicted on it, and with the second strike its claws close on an unconscious body and drag him away.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1197931637338538015/image.png?ex=65bd0fc6&is=65aa9ac6&hm=3f03b1a30966508dc6d52dba3a7c504c5e92627d98a9a0c ac5dd03168fbd622a&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

It takes a final bite out of the White Cliff, and receives a retaliatory blast of icy breath and a bite in return. It is barely clinging to life, but seems intent on finishing what it started, one way or another. Servius dangles from a claw... and then the call of a Healing Word from Kabett rouses him, albeit in a desperate position.

Rumble attacks Green Sahuigin for 5 damage. Uses a reaction to add 9 damage to Nibum's attack on Green Sahuigin.

Yellow and Green Marines attack Yellow Sahuigin. 3 attacks hit, doing 22 damage. Yellow Sahuigin is killed.

Orange, Blue and Purple Marines attack Orange Sahuigin. 3 attacks hit, doing 11 damage.

Tegu rages and attacks White Sahuigin. 2 attacks hit, doing 25 damage. Blue Sahuigin is killed.

Orange Sahuigin attacks Orange Marine. 1 attack hits, doing 9 damage.

Captain Magyar uses a bonus action to give herself advantage on attacks and attacks Orange Sahuigin. 2 attacks hit, doing 15 damage. Orange Sahuigin is killed.

(Cocytus uses his action to command the Gunners.)

(Cauda uses her bonus action to disengage and her action to become a dolphin and jumps in the whirlpool; takes damage, loses dolphin form, grabs the Carpenter.)

(White Cliff uses a legendary action to pull Cauda and Blue Carpenter out of the whirlpool.)

Siduri attacks the Teal Champion. 1/4 attacks hits, doing 6 damage. It passes the Stunning Strike save.

Teal Sahuigin attacks Siduri. 1/3 attacks hit, doing 8 damage.

Green Sahuigin continues attacking Fork and hits 2/3 times, doing 16 damage. Fork is unconscious.

Sahuigin Baron crits on an Animal Handling check and the crab does not flee. Crab's Water Jet does not recharge. Crab attacks Servius, hitting with both Claws for 37 damage. Servius is knocked unconscious. Warding Wind drops. Grappled by the crab.

The crab then bites the White Cliff, hitting, and does 27 damage.

Fork makes a death saving throw and fails.

Tegu moves to attack the Green Champion and goes nuts, hitting 3 times with 2 crits; does 50 damage overall. Green is killed.

Kabett directs the White Cliff to retaliate with its Rime Breath. The crab makes the save and has resistance to Cold. 61 damage is reduced to 15. Healing Word on Servius for 4 hp.

Crab - 135 damage
Teal Sahuigin Champion - 21 damage

Fork - unconscious
Servius - 23 damage
Ttharg - 0 damage
Nibum - 0 damage, +3 temp HP
Triceratool - 0 damage, +3 temp HP

Cauda - 18 damage (5 hp remaining)

Green Medic - 17 damage (8 hp remaining)
Orange Medic - 24 damage (1 hp remaining)
Blue Medic - unconscious (stable)
Yellow Medic - unconscious (stable)

Yellow Carpenter - unconscious (stable)
Blue Carpenter - unconscious (2 failed DSTs)

Green Gunner - 12 damage (21 hp remaining)

Orange Marine - 9 damage (24 hp remaining)

Mount - 36
Hull - 9

21 Cauda
21 Siduri
20 Champions
20 Crab
20 Fork
18 Tegu
17 Ttharg
16 Kabett
13 Servius
12 Nibum
8 Captain Magyar
5 Cocytus

2024-01-19, 12:16 PM
Cocytus marshals the gunners for a final salvo, and the crab collapses with an oddly-delicious smell rising from its shell. Servius is left clinging to the massive floating claw, but the sahuigin remaining beneath the waves are already fleeing. The whirlpool collapses.

As one, the crew turns to destroy the last remaining sahuigin champion. Arrows blossom from his chest as the Captain fires again and again, and Siduri ruthlessly turns his face into her petrifying gaze, then crushes the stony body in her coils.

Delicately, the White Cliff returns Cauda and the medics and carpenter to the deck, and extends its neck to lift Servius back aboard as well. Fork's vision of the blizzard and the great Hunter is blotted out as Ttharg returns him to consciousness.

The battle is over. And meat is back on the menu... crab meat, anyway. Crab meat until everyone is sick of it.

The Commander
2024-01-19, 03:03 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg finished up healing both the dying carpenter and Fork, hauling the latter to his feet. "Gotta stop takin' a nap on the job, lad!" Over the next few minutes Ttharg and his team patched up wounds, applied bandages, and set broken bones. The new Yuan-Ti apprentice had been shaky to start with, but was now adapting to the job nicely.

As soon as he had finished patching up the crew, Ttharg's amulet began to glow and he picked it up to look through it. He could see the ghostly after image of the crab firing it's deadly jet of water across their face which had sent crew tumbling. Bahamut's blessing began to flow through him and he felt as if he could also push his foes away if he ever hit them with the power of Bahamut's storms.

(Level 6 Tempest ability unlocked)

2024-01-19, 08:54 PM
Servius rubs at his bruised and cracked ribs. He'll be moving carefully for a few days. "Thanks for the help," he coughs out to Kabett.

Despite the injury, he felt he did quite well in that battle. Fire is truly the solution to many problems.

The Commander
2024-01-19, 09:55 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Over the next couple of weeks, Ttharg continues to improve the ship's surgery; even being able to incorporate some of the crab's shell into his own armour for added protection. Even though the surgery wasn't designed for the beast that carried them, Ttharg felt that his team would be able to respond better to treating the creature over time with the new upgrades.

(Finish improving the ship, Ttharg gains +1 AC when close to the ship via crab armour additions, and the mount gains +1 HD)

Ttharg then spends a few more weeks with Kabett, learning more about taking care of the mount and general druidic wisdom from them.

2024-01-19, 10:24 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)

Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 38/38
PPer: 11 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: Warding Wind

Servius resumes his training with Tegu. Although his sore ribs keep hurting, he learns how to push through the pain better. That's something they don't teach you in school, or at a print shop. At least, not for anything beyond cramping hands or squashed fingers.

After this, he gets some scrap wood from Nibum and begins training his gunners to aim better, drilling them daily to shoot accurately at targets across the deck, preferably in heavier seas.
A few planks are scorched by the misses.
Then a few more.

Eventually, he decides to be less systematic about it, and makes it more fun. Scraps of wood are floated out beside the ship to bob up and down on the waves, serving as moving targets. The warlocks get competitive, and it soon turns into a tournament for bragging rights, with extra points awarded for shots made at long distance, at targets being moved by Mage Hand, and even a competition where Servius casts Water Walk on the gunners and they have to aim while walking on the moving waves themselves.

It is...fun. They're pretty good at it, although not as systematic as Servius would like.

2024-01-20, 05:30 AM
There is a tide in the affairs of serpents which taken at the flood leads on to fortune... Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat; And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. (https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/303784-there-is-a-tide-in-the-affairs-of-men-which)

In the warm the warm fug in the apartments above, the voice of your father, reading the great authors of history from remaindered texts. The heavy thump of the printing press in the workshop below.

In an honest service there is thin commons, low wages, and hard labor; in this, plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power; and who would not balance creditor on this side, when all the hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour look or two at choking. No, a merry life and a short one, shall be my motto. (https://www.azquotes.com/quote/590451)

Huddled around carefully guarded furnaces, the rough laughter of rough sailors, well-intentioned for all of that, telling stories of heroes of the sea. The rise and crash of the waves, fast becoming second nature.

Servant. Serpent. Scribe.

I do not offer you obedience or service, safety or certainty. You know well certain ones, at certain times, have the opportunity to rise, to wax in power. Seize it while it lasts, and grasp in weeks what decades of study could not give you. But the bargain is this... danger, and great deeds, and great enemies. You will not be forgotten, a mere printer's son. And I, I will not be rewritten as an appendix of Her greatness...

The dry, hissing voice of the god; the dry, eternal heat of the Near Fire. The endless coils of Apophis, and tangled and laced among them, huddled and writhing, the countless souls of the Yuan-Ti. The humans call it a Hell of Fire, but to a serpent's soul it's warmth and brotherhood and safety. And behind it, the scuffle and thump of the eternal struggle in these titanic caverns. Tiamat does not lie still, with the snake-god binding her limp as rope; they struggle. For millennia they have struggled, and the sound of it fills your dreams.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1189988843437445261/servius.jpg?ex=65bbd9f9&is=65a964f9&hm=af3541277b258a33f6e3eba901425bd59f771ba40240fba 9cf31166fd2c3b9b7&=&format=webp&width=826&height=826

You sail on, and you get stronger.

2024-01-20, 06:08 AM
"Gotta stop takin' a nap on the job, lad!"

"Thank you.." He said deflated. Even though he knew Ttharg didn't mean to, the words stung a little. Fork felt he was supposed to be better than this. There was something gnawing at his soul and it made him feel restless and uneasy. He also felt quite sick, in the physical sense. His insides needed time to rearrange themselves again.

The first week he tried pretending nothing was wrong and pushed the training onwards. The fight with the crab and its subsequent spoils had invigorated the marines, and they had witnessed first-hand the fruit of their labour. After the week though, Fork handed the training regime over to the squad leader, and things settled into a bit of a more routinised schedule.

The restlessness hadn't gone away.

He found himself wandering, and distancing one evening when he came upon Cauda. They never really had spoken but as Fork was gazing up at the sky Cauda made an off-beat remark which made something click for him. He asked about the three stars he'd seen. Not just twice when he'd fallen in battle but also in a dream not long before that. He asked about the stars and the vast frozen wasteland, the kill and the wind that blew but never refreshed.

They settled into a conversation that lasted for weeks on end. They'd stop when it was time to work, and pick it up like no time had passed. This took practice on Forks end, since Cauda wasn't the easiest to follow, but he managed. They compared, riffed, discussed and listened as they connected dots that hadn't been obvious. It was exactly the outlet Fork needed and he was grateful. It also grew his awareness and managed to keep him stable and grounded when he was feeling like he was losing his place in the only world he knew how to be anything.

2024-01-20, 06:21 AM
After the attack of the crab nibum lists off all the work that needs done to the ship in front of the carpenters ... and in conclusion leave it all to me cause i cant trust you hatchlings. Leave your tools wirh me and take off for a week but dont layabout too much cause im going to work your scales off when you get back. he says grinning in his head. Once he collects up the tools and everyone has gone thier merry way nibum begins drawing up plans for what he's gonna get done during the week. Then servius shows up talking about games seriously games thats what you think is important right now? Dont i have enough work? Does it look like i have time for that? Fine ill figure out something secretly he really likes the idea but he'd never tell that to the hatchling gunnery coil walker. He draws up plans for some more armor for the sails... maybe a chain woven into them? During that week nibum and his assistants have a blast with all the work
Early to rise and late to bed. When his carpenters returned he not only kept ip with all the work but also made repairs and perhaps improvements to all thier tools. You better make good use of these or else
Now get your stuff and get in that rigging. Gotta add some metal thread to them sails he says as he thinks about his next project.

2024-01-20, 06:39 AM
The bond you feel with the sea serpent touches also the bond you feel with Bahamut, in his aspect of God of the Sea. You find yourself thinking and dreaming of the ancient past of the dragons, when they emerged from the chaos of the sea, moving towards the order represented by the land. Frogfolk becoming sea serpents becoming the first dragons.

In your dreams you see the carving away, the infinity of chaos giving way to the single, gem-like facets of identity. Bahamut is rooted in the sea, multivalent and shining with all colors from his platinum hide, but his teachings were a return to the Sea, an embrace of Chaos after Tiamat's overdose on order. You've never worried about these things, doctrine and alignments; your connection with Bahamut was primal. And that's how he likes it.

But now he needs you to understand. You see the first draconic spirit, a ball of infinite possibility, and how it came to know itself; how by defining itself, it broke itself into pieces, shedding identities like shed skins. You understand why Tiamat feels that all the other gods were once a part of her and could be again; all of them were a part of something greater once, and Tiamat, control freak that she is, still sees herself as that greater thing.

You see, however, that she, too, was cast away; Tiamat, Lawful Evil, and Erathis, Lawful Good, were the last masks to be cast away. (Erathis, your own progenitor as a blue dragon, and another god of storms...) And then all that was left was Primus, eternal order, perfect understanding, who departed the world forever.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1189988843160604712/ttharg.jpg?ex=65bbd9f9&is=65a964f9&hm=bc1f66a27c984f6746f82bdd65b90aba67e1153f3184d1e aa8531604fafe5be6&=&format=webp&width=826&height=826

And shattering that perfect order, the revelation of Bahamut. Bahamut led your people back to the sea, and taught them that only by embracing chaos and that total potential can you reach back to that ancient draconic spirit.

Tiamat thinks she can get there by eating all the gods. You understand Trionyx's heresy now, and are immune.

2024-01-20, 07:07 AM
When you tell the Captain what you have in mind, she hands over a parting gift from Shanidar, the copper dragon of Baratano; a stretch of shed hide, gleaming with coppery light that mirrors your own. There's not enough to reinforce all the sails, but you can stretch for now, and maybe you can get your hands on more down the line. Acid-resistant sails sounds good to you.

Dragon Sails (https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/gos/of-ships-and-the-sea#SuperiorShipUpgrades)
Dragon scales woven into these sails make them more resistant to damage. The sails gain a +3 bonus to AC, and they have resistance to a damage type based on the type of scales used to craft them, as shown on the Dragon Sails table.

Working with the copper scales make you think of the young dragon and the kobold he acknowledges openly as his sister. It isn't right. Isn't proper. Kobolds of the first generation--kobolds like you, not to put too fine a point on it--are born of dragons, yes. But they're born to serve, to protect, to preserve the next generation of dragons. It's unsettling to even think of it as... well...

Your loyalty has made you a galaxy, Cauda said.

You dream a star comes down; not one of the silly metallic dancing stars, but one of the proper ones that should be at rest. The skull-like face, white bones emerging from black scales.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1189988844083359784/nobim.jpg?ex=65bbd9f9&is=65a964f9&hm=35f55728deecfcb5f2ac0dea9e25573a187d04a49d2bf33 735c86d633b4845ff&=&format=webp&width=826&height=826

Not Orcus, after all. Negniter. Your brother. Who delved too deep into mysteries and paid the price, him and all of his house. And you too, of course. You too.

You are loyal to a fault, Nibum. Loyal to the death. Lawful to your bones. But in the end you must decide... loyal to who? Who will you serve? It is a choice we all must make.

Orcus, Father of our Line, is loyal to Tiamat, his mother. In life I was loyal to him. And while I lived, you were loyal to me. But this ship has pledged life and honor to defeat her prophet, Trionyx. Are you loyal to our memory, Nibum? Or to this ship, and its crew, and its mission?

There is no wrong answer; no right answer. But you must choose, my brother. You choose now for all of us.

You've always had a metallic hide, not the ebony of your household. You still do. But for the first time, in the mirror, you see the bones of your face begin to stretch against the tarnished copper of your face. It looks... familiar.

2024-01-20, 07:40 AM
Although she is serpentfolk, Cauda belongs to House Niobara just like you, and she's knowledgeable about the White God. And she loves the stars. She just... wanders.

There's a story the humans tell about Tempus (https://pedicaboredde.obsidianportal.com/characters/celestial-general). They call him a General, and they say the three stars on his belt are tokens of the human women who loved him. Some people say there was a fourth, and she had a metal man, or an army of metal men... So she was a kind of general, too, I suppose.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1189988842862817349/Frrkkk.jpg?ex=65bbd9f9&is=65a964f9&hm=579203e78e8d7148fc462f95669a40c8cc0840860f872e6 fa60edaf66e3f2b59&=&format=webp&width=826&height=826

But to us he is always the Hunter. People think war and hunting are the same thing, but I don't know.

There's another legend the giants tell, that three of their sons followed a white stag (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunor_and_Magor) into the east and became... changed. One chose life, one chose death, and one chose the sword. And elves and goblins and human beings came out of those lines. Do you believe that? How did they get so small? But I turned into a dolphin, after all. And there it is, three of them again..

They say in human lands the stars never change, and you can see those three stars all the time. I think that must be very sad for them.

She sips her tea. We know you were chosen, you know. We can all tell. You and Nibum and Ttharg and that new boy, the printer's son. You're changing. You're getting bigger all the time. And sometimes I wonder why it was you. I'm glad it wasn't me. Do you think the Captain minds? I don't think so.

Later on it seems to you that the most important thing she said was that a sword isn't life and it isn't death, either. It's a third thing.

2024-01-20, 02:14 PM
This interlude last for five weeks. As they wear on, you draw close to furthest reaches of the Outer Edge. The stars are almost all gone, replaced by strange shapes and colors that move across the sky and beneath the waves. The water grows darker and colder and more perfectly transparent, until the horizon disappears, sea and sky merging together. You sail on a thin rime of glass with dim chaos above and below. You are approaching the threshold of the Plane of Chaos and all points beyond.

But the ship still floats, and the beast still swims, and wind still fills the sails, even if it's unpredictable which direction it will come from and what smells it will carry. Cauda steers the ship blind now, dead reckoning, and that's a little bit terrifying for all of you.

And then it comes again, the cry from aloft. "Land -- that is, ship --- uh, Captain, I don't know what I'm looking at."

You all wait as it comes into view. It's a sort of construct, a knot of piers and structures built out on them, sort of like in Baratano. But there is no solid ground to anchor the piers, just thrumming pylons of magic force, hovering just above the waves.

It looks like an enlarged application of the principle of the Immoveable Rod, normally little more than a toy.

The piers and platforms and buildings on the platforms are matte metal, and studded with blinking arcane lights. A stalk or mast goes straight up from the central building, blinking with lights, but carrying no sails.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1182044254831382600/1198344388674338958/c8278355-3f5d-4536-8fcd-5bc79229d33d.png?ex=65be902e&is=65ac1b2e&hm=dbfe9a60809e7642f78163a7e6100d2450ad7fd2622a92b 48db37891f85a38d9&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=826&height=826

Arcanotech of this kind, so close to the border of Chaos and wildspace, can only have one source.

"Squids," growls First Mate Achelous as he lowers the spyglass.

You can make out no ships docked at this derrick, nor living things moving on the outside, at least right now.

The Commander
2024-01-20, 02:30 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg regards the structure with a mixture of wonder and concern.

"We could spend all day pounding at these here platforms, but the core o' the structure would stay afloat. I don't see no squid ships about, docked or otherwise. I say we pass by; no reason to be invitin' a siege with just us here."

2024-01-20, 03:05 PM

"It appears to be magically anchored. The only way to destroy it would be to disenchant whatever keeps it fixed in place. That would be a difficult task, possibly impossible, with the resources we have. If we attack it, we may wipe it clean for a few weeks... but it could be re-occupied at any point. It would be like wiping raindrops off a book while trying to read during a rainstorm - a temporary measure at best."

2024-01-20, 04:08 PM
"Yes, but we know the illithid are on the run from Spice Harbor," Cocytus argues. "Removing one of their footholds right now isn't the same as doing it a year ago. And even if there are no ships docked right now, their station might have information about the movement of ships in the Hic Sunt."

"How many orcs can possibly they have it there? This is our chance."

2024-01-20, 05:29 PM
"It shouldn't take too long, then. Our errand is urgent..." (I had a dream, a dream of Apophis, he thinks) "But surely we can take an hour or two."

2024-01-20, 11:41 PM
Shouldnt take long at all. You see that there he points to a turbine taking out that is catastrophic. It doesnt look too busy id imagine we would be attacked already if there were many here. he points to thier flag they know our flag. We would strike a large blow and perhaps find some information. Isn't that this ships mission? Isn't this part of why we came this way?

He thinks about his dream trying to make sense of it. His brother is behind him regardless but why did or why is nibum doing what he's doing? Perhaps he should speak with cocytus or his focus of affection clauda.

2024-01-21, 10:38 AM
"I'd kill some orcs," Tegu agrees. A cluster of lizardman marines are standing a few feet away on deck as the Officers deliberate, and they cheer at this; one of them shouts, "I'm surprised we're not killing orcs right now!" Discipline is suffering, nine weeks in.

"I'm with Ttharg," Kabett says. "We've got other places to be."

Cauda hems and haws, fidgeting with her star chart. She mutters to herself, looking up at the baffling auroras of the Chaos-infused sky.

You can clearly hear her mutter the word, "Maps," but aloud, she says:
"Against. I'm against."

As is her habit, the Captain says nothing while her officers deliberate, but watches with tidy discipline, arms tucked behind her.

Her eyes are particularly heavy on the four of you.

2024-01-22, 09:21 AM
Fork found himself looking up at the sky during the discussions. He got shaken out of his though process when he heard the lizardmen shouting at officers.

He walked up to them, straight, no hesitation. "Do you feel like shouting at your captain too? Perhaps you would like to decide where to take this ship next?" He did not wait for an answer. "That's a week on disciplinary rations for the five of you. Now get to work before you make it worse for yourselves." He looked the ringleader in the eyes and didn't break eye contact until they had acquiesced to his orders.

(If they did as asked:)
Fork walked back to the meeting.

"I feel strongly about wasting time during a chase, but if there is a chance on information about ships in these waters, we cannot let that slide. It's worth the risk and I think we should investigate." He said finally, avoiding Cauda's gaze.

2024-01-22, 11:13 AM
Most of the Marines quiet down and find something that needs done on another part of the deck, but the ringleader -- Able Seaman Snapscale -- holds your gaze an uncomfortably long time before he breaks away. Trouble's brewing there.

Tegu watches him go with contempt and a barely-suppressed rage. No one likes to see seamen talking back, but it looks like there may be violence the next time she has a moment alone with Able Seaman Snapscale. Lizardfolk accept a hierarchy whole-heartedly or not at all, and they enforce one with a heavy hand.

The Captain pretends to take no notice of squabbles at this level, but she's watching closely.

"All right," the Captain says. "Mr. Achelous, take a boat and a small squad. If this is going to succeed, it must be a mission of stealth, not a full-scale assault."

"Mr. F'rrkkk, Mr. Krixkrux, Mr. Pamphilius, Mr. Nibum. The four of you will go with him, but I want to speak to the four of you alone, first."

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1185360485084839996/1198665069769265273/fa3da2e9-27fe-4666-b4b4-b235ebcfa077.webp?ex=65bfbad6&is=65ad45d6&hm=f4075544aa7b8e9e5a861c8309a0f904308e3da82c4bc55 4d06479a98e81b6ca&=&format=webp

"I'm going to speak frankly with you, gentlemen. It's no secret from anyone that in the nine weeks of this voyage the four of you have grown visibly in your abilities. Mr. Pamphilius, you're a young man, just out of school, but the rest of you are grown and we've sailed together before. You know this doesn't always happen."

"We don't like to speak of it... perhaps we're superstitious. But there is something that happens... a tide that lifts certain people at certain time, to rise to meet a moment. It doesn't last forever, and while it lasts you must grab it with both hands."

"When I was a young ensign I was shipwrecked on the southern tip of Meall, in Daesic; in the Feywild. I was the only survivor. I joined a group of individuals who found themselves lost there as well, and together we found our way out... but not before I had seen the marriage of Maebe, the May Queen. In fact, I think I can say that if we hadn't been there, the marriage, and subsequently the New Year, would not have come off."

"I grew more in those months than I had in years at the naval academy, or than I would in subsequent years as an officer. I was capable of more... while it lasted. I see that same fate has landed on you four. It's not an unmixed blessing. But while this lasts, great challenges and great opportunities will come to you. I think this is one of them, and so we take the risk."

"Finally, gentlemen, a piece of... of rare personal advice. The gods take notice of such things. You have been chosen for great things, and it may feel that as if they have chosen you. That you are under some obligation. They have not, and you are not. You have been chosen by something higher even than the Five, and they simply... want to get a hand on the ball. If you feel a connection to one of them, and you trust and desire divine guidance, then it can be a blessing. But they do not own you, or your power."

She fingers the cuff of the vivid green uniforms she chose for her own ship; green, the color of the May Queen. Of romance and of poison. "Remember that."

The Commander
2024-01-22, 12:32 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg listened intently to the Captain's story. She was sharing more here than she had done in the past, and that meant it was serious. When she was finished he bowed his head and spoke: "Thank ye for sharin' such a personal story, Captain. I make no secret o' me worship of Bahamut; unusual though it may be. Me connection to him has grown a lot over the past few weeks, this be true. But as ye know, Bahamut is chaos, and I shouldn't presume to be some kind o' chosen one from such a being." He pauses for a moment. "The Heresy that we be followin', it won't sway me. All the Gods were once part of a single great thing o' potential, which broke down into all the Gods we know today. Tiamat wants to return to this single great thing by consumin' the other Gods; but she be mad with delusion and such a thing be folly."

He stopped himself. "Aye, but forgive an old salt his daydreamin'. Ye call for a stealth mission, Captain, so perhaps I should wait behind Mr Fork and the others." His splint mail clinks and clanks as he moves around for emphasis. "I be not built for sneakin' around."

2024-01-22, 05:14 PM
"You, Mr. Achelous and Mr. Nibum," she observes. "But I don't think it's wise to separate you, and I definitely don't want to send the group without a healer."

"Just try to avoid sounding a general alarm and rely on Mr. F'rrkkk and Rumble for scouting."

2024-01-22, 06:58 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 38/38
PPer: 11 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

"Thank you Captain. That helps clarify a recent...dream... I had. Nothing harmful, I think."

2024-01-23, 09:35 AM
Fork listened intently to the captains words. He wasn't sure he was part of what she spoke about but he kept his mouth shut. He wasn't about to argue. Surely he was just a lowly kobold caught up in the slipstream of the others.. Even so, he would serve to or die trying. He shuddered. Quickly he tried to shake the idea of his mortality. There was no place for it on missions like this. He would take the orders given and execute them to the best of his abilities.

He heard the captains words and steeled himself.

*** "Just try to avoid sounding a general alarm and rely on Mr. F'rrkkk and Rumble for scouting." ***

"Aye Captain!" He said, immediately feeling better with the familiarity of following orders.

His mind on the mission ahead he made his preparations.

2024-01-23, 10:16 AM
The five of you load into one of the ship's boats and begin to row towards the derrick. It's a weary job but a quiet one, and you move over the dark and glassy waters like a ghost.

As you leave the ship you notice it vanishes behind you in a bank of mist rapidly; you weren't aware of the mist from the inside. It's strange, but seems positive...

It reminds you, in fact, of the mist that surrounds the lair of a black dragon. Any place that becomes the home of a dragon for a long time can develop lair effects, but as far as you know there's no black dragon on the White Cliff.

You sense dimly a connection between this and the ancient copper kobold sitting in the bow of the boat with his machine companions. Did he always have that frill of boney horn on his cheek?

As the ship falls away behind you, the current catches you and takes over much of the work. Which is both good and worrying, when you think about the future. The current bears you towards the derrick, and soon it's close enough for Nibum to send his tiny mechanical model of the ship ahead of you to scout.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1199419143498252449/image.png?ex=65c2791f&is=65b0041f&hm=54863c1198b55906ecdb145f2ae80997cbab889e05886d0 36227cb1c6c9819b4&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=827&height=826

The station floats just above the water, supported on four great floating pylons. The lowest level is a great cloverleaf of twisting docks. They seem large enough to accomodate three or four illithid ships the size of the White Cliff or larger. The docks are at deck level, and look like they would require scaling, from a low boat like this.

From the center of the docks, a structure rises, perhaps three or four stories tall. You can see arcane defenses positioned on the roof; unmanned, or perhaps controlled from inside. They do not notice you. Above them rise several tall and illuminated communication masts.

On the underside of the docks you can see a complex network of chains and gears, crackling with arcane energy.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1199419056210583735/image.png?ex=65c2790b&is=65b0040b&hm=f4839eda7b8d4655a1b3e42ed90ef0a72abc7d72a33eda7 cc0c92aa3e8c9f4bc&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=827&height=826

Descending from this down into the water you can see a huge, churning mill structure, revolving in the current, and you have to paddle fiercely to stay clear of it.

The flow of magic seems to connect to the four major pylons at each dock and run up into the structure.

The revolving mill must connect to something higher up to generate this much arcane force, then it flows back down into this distribution network.

Just looking at this you can sketch in a loose map of the rest of the structure. There must be a generator on a higher floor where the arcane energy is being created, and that probably requires also another floor just to house the turbine housing and ventilation. The top floor, then, would be where the control rooms are located. At least, that's how you'd design it.

Minicliff sends word from ahead of what it has spotted. At the far end of the docks structure is a ramp that leads down to the sea. The reason this ramp exists is because there is a small tender boat docked there. It must move around the dock to service larger ships. It looks broadly similar to other illithid nautiloid ships, but is not much larger than your own boat, and doesn't seem to have any weapons. Minicliff doesn't report seeing anyone onboard, but they could easily be inside the shell-like cabin.

2024-01-23, 03:27 PM
Hearing the information Nibum and his contraptions came forward with, Fork hunched over, closer to the small team, and whispered barely audible.
"We board the small vessel, and from there enter the compound?" He suggests as much as asks and holds his breath while waiting for a response from the team.

The Commander
2024-01-23, 04:12 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg grunted as he rowed. "The tender be fine, maybe we could even loose it as we leave; let it crash and burn into the mill?"

2024-01-23, 06:37 PM
Servius nods. "Or take it," he hisses.

2024-01-23, 06:44 PM
You continue to row towards the tender.

You realize you can read the name printed on the side of the tender. It's not much of a name -- a series of letters and numbers -- but the strange thing is that you can read the squiggly illithid writing.

You make it within 15 feet of the tender when a single orc emerges from the shell and out onto the deck of the tender, wearing uniform coveralls and carrying a rod with a flanged head. His hand is to one ear and he is speaking in an unfamiliar language. There is a small gelatinous homonculus following behind him, tight at his heel.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1199742984216911912/Capture.PNG?ex=65c3a6b9&is=65b131b9&hm=7179cf7557a054a14921b7b123d60582113713721f4039a 39cf02df3a9512615&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=544&height=826

The languge is incomprehensible to you, so you're not under the effect of Comprehend Languages...

Nibum, you dimly recognize the language as similar to Goblin and attempt to extract some kind of sense from it.

"No, I don't have eyes on it, I'm going to check now--"

He stops stockstill and stares at your boat, which must be pretty inexplicable from his perspective. You have a brief moment to act before he can finish his sentence or otherwise take action; only Fork is swift enough to take advantage of it.

16 - Fork
15 - Orc
11 - Cocytus
8 - Nibum
4 - Ttharg
2 - Servius

2024-01-24, 05:25 AM
Fork took advantage of the orc trying to figure out what he was seeing by raising his crossbow over the bow and before the realisation had come to the poor fellow, he fired. The mystical focus he had, when hunting, he applied to this creature and Fork was now fully hunting this one particular orc. Even as the first bolt was soaring through the air Fork hit the reloading mechanism so fast that the second bolt was flying before the first even had impacted. The difference was that between firing the first and second bolt Rumble had shifted his weight to enthusiastically imbue the first bolt with ice, like he'd been trained to do so many times, and the second bolt therefore got a completely different trajectory than the first one.

Fork knew the score even before the second bolt obviously went astray, so he sighed but still managed to utter a complementary: "Good boy." Just before the first bolt shattered in icy damage onto the target.

27 to hit on the first attack for: 5 +5 (infused) +2 (hunters mark) = 12 damage
Natural one on the second attack

2024-01-24, 07:20 AM
The other reason the second bolt misses is that the orc tumbles off the deck of the tender and into the water with the first shot. The tiny plasmoid vanishes, oozing into some crevice of the tender.

At the same time, you can hear muffled orcish voices and the clang of boots on the metal on the derrick above; they pick up speed as the orc on the tender cuts off mid-sentence.

Pressing a finger to his lips, Cocytus seizes the oars and maneuvers the jolly boat to hide behind the ramp. He drags the corpse behind the ramp with you, which is unpleasant for everyone in the boat but hopefully covers your tracks. The orc's (weapon? tool?) stick doesn't seem to be very dangerous, just a brief jolt of non-lethal damage.

The additional orcs need 3 rounds of movement to get to you; you can take up to 3 actions out of sequence here until they show up.

17 - More Orcs
16 - Fork
15 - Plasmoid
11 - Cocytus
8 - Nibum
4 - Ttharg
2 - Servius

2024-01-24, 07:35 AM
On the rowboat before the orc fell
Nibum didn't have much time to think about anything this day between his dream and this large rig in front of them. He itches his face feeling more molting coming probably due to old age and pulls away a clump of copper scales. He looks into a particularly shiny part on triceratool to see if he's bleeding and a bit of surprise shows on his face. His dream seemed not to be nearly as much of a dream as he'd thought and so perhaps his brother had really reached out to him.

After the kill. we gotta get on there. Give me a bit of time to check on this craft. It looks... useful. he grabs up the thing that the orc was speaking into and shuts it off. seems like we will have company soon so maybe prepare for battle. Ill check on this craft later. Perhaps we should find a place more defensivle or lay low? Ward he says as he hops on triceratool and twists a nob on it and twists the ring on his finger. He glows gently for a brief moment before it fades. (Cast warding bond)

2024-01-24, 08:00 AM
Back on the tender, something weird is happening. The plasmoid emerges warily from the crevice, and four more ooze out from under the door. They converge and become a slightly larger plasmoid.

The strangest thing is all five of them are wearing tiny toolbelts, which seem to merge into one along with the plasmoids themselves.

The Commander
2024-01-24, 01:36 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg spotted the plasmoids emerging and merging together on the deck of the tender and whispered to the others. "Hold fast! That there plasmoid be back with his mates, and they be joinin' together on the deck o' the tender! But we need to get our boat secure! Nibum, can ye get one o' ye mechanical mates to tie the boat to the ramp?"

In the meantime, Ttharg drew his Shield and began quietly speaking a prayer to damage the Plasmoid if it took any hostile actions against them.

Draw Shield as Free Action.
Stay on the boat.
Ready an Action to cast Cantrip Toll the Dead on the Plasmoid if it takes any hostile actions against us.

2024-01-24, 03:19 PM
"I'm spreading out, going to see if I can't flank them as they come down." Fork whispers as he throws a grappling hook at the smaller platform to their left.

The metal grapples as intended and he tugged the rope twice to see if it held. As he climbed up he looked at Rumble. "Stick with the others." He said as he struggled up the rope.

With barely enough time to spare he made it up the platform as four orcs came running down.
He looked over at Ttharg and pointed a finger at him while he whispered faintly. "Four. Three workers, one guard." He said as he ducked down in the hope that they wouldn't notice him.

He started sneaking around the backside of the platform. Handcrossbow and shortsword drawn, crossbow slung on his back.

(Round 1&2 climbing up. Round 3 casting message to Ttharg and sneaking around the platform.)

2024-01-24, 11:33 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 38/38
PPer: 11 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Servius finds a place out of immediate sight so that when the others trigger the ambush, he can join in. He will ready a spell that sucks heat and energy from its victim, dispersing it into the ether.

Stealth, if needed [roll0]
Readied Frostbite at the better-armed orc soldier.
Frostbite [roll1] cold damage and disadvantage on next weapon attack it makes before the end of its next turn
Con DC 15 negate
Orc Con save [roll2]+??

The Commander
2024-01-24, 11:43 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

The narrow nature of the ramp made testing Ttharg's new ability to push foes with lightning or thunder damage too irresistible to pass up. The plasmoid didn't appear to be doing anything hostile, so Ttharg holstered his Shield and began to climb the rope after Fork.

After he reached the dock, he attempted to hide himself, thinking of the chaotic nature of Bahamut and doing something completely new and unexpected. By the grace of Bahamut, his armour briefly stopped squeaking and scraping and Ttharg was able to nestle himself into a crevice in the dock, out of sight, and redraw his Shield.

2024-01-25, 06:42 AM
As usual fetcher and minicliff grab a potion after tying off the boat. Nibum prepares to cast frostbite if they have drawn attention of anyone. Minicliff prepares to run distraction (readied help action on an attack roll for someone) while fetcher prepares to draw some attention away from someone else if they become spotted (readied help action for anyone trying to stealth).

2024-01-25, 09:01 AM
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1200069074995122218/image.png?ex=65c4d66b&is=65b2616b&hm=acfb2c273a460d2282fc44c9ab2421e93ff94b703591ab2 7526aac3d5f40040c&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=990&height=833

As you make your preparations, the plasmoid oozes its way off the tender and onto the ramp. The vibrations of the boots of the oncoming orcs finally reach it, and in response it exudes a slippery goo all over the last ten feet of the ramp. As the orcs thunder down, they immediately hit the patch of grease and begin to curse loudly; you recognize some of the words, but all of them are very obviously obscene. None of them fall, but it's a near thing.

They round angrily on the little plasmoid, and one of the orcs in coveralls hits it with the little prod they carry. The plasmoid instantly splits back apart into five smaller oozes. The lead orc, carrying a heavy crossbow, swears once more and puts his hand to his ear and says something in a disgusted voice. He looks at the technicians with him and gestures towards the tender, but it's clear the urgency has gone out of his activity. He takes a moment to punt one of the slimes into the sea viciously.

You can't understand the words, but his tone tells you everything you need to know; he is reporting back to his superiors and blaming the plasmoid and the grease patch for the interruption and disappearance of the orc guarding the tender. Has this happened before? They will check the tender to be sure but seem satisfied with this explanation.

And then, from the point of view of the orcs, all hell breaks loose.

Cocytus kicks things off with a blast of acid breath that catches three of the four orcs full in the face. Then Servius and Nibum's readied frost spells both hit the lead orc simultaneously. A frozen corpse tumbles into the water, and the kicked plasmoid squirms up onto it.


Last round of prep:
Fork casts message.
Ttharg hides.
Cocytus readies an action to use acid breath.
Servius readies an action to cast Frostbite.
Nibum readies an action to cast Frostbite.
Plasmoids use the prep rounds to merge together, move onto the ramp, and cast grease.

Current Round:
Orcs arrive and Orc Supervisor and Orc Technician 2 step in the grease; make their DEX save. Orc Technician 2 tases the plasmoid and it breaks back into five parts. Orc Supervisor kicks one plasmoid into the water and calls in a report.

Readied actions go off; Orc Technician 2 succeeds on his save to avoid the acid breath. All other saves failed. Orc Supervisor takes 19 damage and drops dead. Orc Technicians 3 and 4 take 4 points of damage each. They are bloodied.

17 - Orcs
16 - Fork
15 - Plasmoids
11 - Cocytus
8 - Nibum
4 - Ttharg
2 - Servius

Orc Supervisor - dead
Orc Technician 2 - 0
Orc Technician 3 - 4
Orc Technician 4 - 4

2024-01-25, 09:23 AM
Fork sneaked up to the balustrade and put his crossbow sniper style on the railing. He tookadvantage of the confusion down him by loosing two bolts after another and downed two technicians, while Rumble sank his teeth into the last one. Fork scans the area they came from for more orks.

2024-01-25, 09:30 AM
The orcs are all dead. The plasmoids take the opportunity to fish their friend(?) out of the water and re-merge, then ooze up the ramp.

Fork, you don't see any other orcs coming, but you do make out the dim shape of another plasmoid coming around the main ring to meet this one. It is of a similar size, a little smaller than Rumble.

Cocytus loosens the rope and rows you over to the tender and the foot of the ramp.

Each of the technicians has one of the weird little prods and an All Purpose Tool +1. Their overalls don't appear to be magical.

The supervisor has a +1 crossbow that looks different from but not any more effective than Fork's; his quiver also looks magical, but will need to be identified (Efficient Quiver, possibly with some added effects). He has a +1 mace as well. His light-weight armor is no stronger than Nibum's scale mail, but it looks much quieter (mithral scale mail). He also has a ring of keys that look useful.

Each orc has one of the little speaking-ear jewelry. You also find single-use tokens of Water Walk on three of them.

2024-01-25, 12:40 PM
Why can I read this? I didn't study Quaalith back in school, did I? Servius thinks to himself. Then he mentally checks, doing some math and memory exercises to make sure nothing is beaming anything into his head or otherwise affecting him.

2024-01-25, 12:47 PM
As you turn your thoughts inward you remember the disdainful words of a god; a mere printer's son. Yet it appears there are some benefits of being the son of a scribe, as your power waxes.

At the same time, searching your mind for any external influence, you become aware of the tendrils of a powerful mind in the higher floors of the complex. It is not in your head currently, but you can feel its presence, like feeling the sun through closed eyelids.

2024-01-25, 12:53 PM

"Whatever is in charge of these orcs is up above. We should move quickly." If anyone else doesn't, he will pick up the tokens and the All Purpose Tools. They may be useful. The ear-communicators perhaps not, if they broadcast freely.

The Commander
2024-01-25, 12:57 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

"Well done mates." Ttharg says quietly. "Seems like the plasmoids can get a little rowdy, and even though I couldn't understand 'em, the orc lads seem to be satisfied that it's just a rebel plasmoid on the loose. Lucky for us, that should help distract the crew whilst we get on with our mission."

Ttharg helps secure the jollyboat to the base of the ramp with some rope and also returns the grapnel and line to Fork.

"If ye want to keep up the scouting, ye can go on ahead a little, and the rest of us noisy lot will hang back a little and follow at a pace."

Ttharg took a quick look around the tender, but didn't see much.

He picks up one of the strange cattle prods and stows it away.

2024-01-26, 03:43 AM
"You got it." Fork nodded once and moved upwards the ramp from where the orcs had come from. He kept himself half crouched, and Rumble was at his feet similarly trying not to make sound but still moving at a brisk pace.
He peeked around the corner.

***If he gets to the next sort of intersection without being spotted or noticing anyone, he'll message back to the group to move up to his position.***

2024-01-26, 09:13 AM
Fork, as you ascend the ramp, you can see three other docks similar to the one where you hid; rings of metal, each supported by a central pylon that blazes with stored energy. They are connected to a central ring by ramps like this one, and from the center of the central ring a structure rises. Two of the docks are mostly obscured by the structure, and the fourth connects to the central close to where this ramp does the same. About three stories up you can see the lights of the roof -- arcane artillery emplacements and communication masts.

As you move closer to the structure, you immediately feel a strange tingle you haven't felt since Baratano. Your training and experience allows you to sense when a dragon is close; now you pick up a very faint sense of one. It's very, very weak -- perhaps a wyrmling, or an egg? Or one that is dying or held unconscious? It's definitely not the full-blown magnificence of a dragon, which even untrained people can often sense. But it's here, inside these walls.

Scooting ahead of you up the ramp is the plasmoid with its odd little modular tool belt. You realize it's converging with two other plasmoids up here on the central ring; one the same size, and one about twice as big. They seem eager to recombine; when you drive them apart with one of the orc prods they flinch away and mill around you.

Not far from here is a door to the central structure; a strange folded-up flower of gold metal. You could try the keys you took off the orc supervisor, but you would have to leave the plasmoids unattended.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1200435111758409779/image.png?ex=65c62b51&is=65b3b651&hm=6a01e98de48a088665211825a5e4366c2567d589ae67a19 4814718328595a25b&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

The two arcanists of the group move onto the tender to investigate it while Fork scouts ahead. It's a weird mix of the organic, the arcane, and the unfamiliar technology the illithid have created or stolen from other worlds. The main cabin is a huge nautilus shell, and tentacles depend from the other end, but the deck is solid underfoot and the shell has a door. There are furled gossamer wings to either side, which you are able to recognize as astral sails; this thing can move on invisible arcane winds.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1200447029973893281/image.png?ex=65c6366b&is=65b3c16b&hm=b54b000ccc8ed09a66daa69225af6671fd4a7666bf5bf81 787a50a9062e62fbc&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

The door is unlocked, but strange and tricky to open; Ttharg, of all people, points out where the switch is. The cabin looks big enough to accommodate one person comfortably or four in a slightly cramped fashion; if you piled people onto the deck it could maybe take eight total at a pinch. At a table with greasy boot prints you see the remains of some kind of card game the orc was playing; there are five other hands. Was he playing with his plasmoids?

You find a maintenance log that is incomprehensible to Nibum and perfectly clear to Servius; perfectly clear and fairly dull. Leafing through it and counting names, you can see that the orcs use a rotational schedule. From the doodles you can tell that tender maintenance is one of the more boring jobs on the rig. All in all, it looks like about 24 technicians and 6 supervisors rotate through, night and day, which means some of that thirty are likely asleep right now. Weekly, the log is countersigned by an overseer, and you see three different names. 33 orcs? Plus maybe more who aren't part of the maintenance rotation?

Mounted in the center of the cabin is a simple chair, bolted to the ground. When you gingerly sit in it, illusions spring to life in front of you. You are able to intuit fairly easily that these are controls for the tender. In addition to the astral sails, there is a water jet that can propel it through the water. The boat moves shell first, which is opposite what you might have imagined. You find controls for large tools that can operated by the tentacles; welders, saws, scrapers, buffers. It does not look like the tender is designed to leave the rig; you find a display for the battery level, which shows it is fully charged and indeed still charging while docked.

It looks like the tender can levitate above the surface of the water, but not far; no higher perhaps than the rings of the docks. There are definitively, no weapons.

Moving beyond the displays to look at the technology, it seems like power is stored in the spiral of the shell. You think between the two of you you could figure out how to charge it if you took it away from the refuelling station. You also find a bad-smelling hopper that seems to be composting organic material, perhaps for the living parts of the ship.

Tucked into a narrow gap you find a few vials of the drug ink; orcs are dependent on it, and it is dealt out to them in very limited quantities by their masters. Some orc has squirreled away a few vials here. Two of them are empty but two are full of murky evil fluid.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1185360485084839996/1200448111357739138/8875647f-28f9-4992-8a75-a36ec26e0282.png?ex=65c6376c&is=65b3c26c&hm=55067abc3d7a74cb24e6b8b73fa5c32ec47e1fb50d0d029 e182730be8135199e&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=826&height=826

As everyone else splits off to investigate, you are left alone with the First Mate. The fury and impatience he has shown since the illithid structure appeared is still banked, but he paces back and forth on the ramp with suppressed energy. This is obviously a deeply personal mission for him.

"They can infect dragons, you know," he tells you in a bitter, fast monologue. "Not with one of their vile tadpoles, no, it takes a full elder brain to do it. But they can do it. They could do it to our dragons, all of the Malaki. They could turn us into troglodytes or worse; degrade us like they did these orcs. They're an existential threat. Tenebrous saw that and set out to stop it and he paid the ultimate price. And then the Malaki add insult to injury and disown him!"

(The Malaki is the ruling body of Lssthp, the council of all the noble Dragon Houses. Recent centuries have added a lower chamber, the Council of Admirals, made up of dragonborn of high birth or wealth. But everyone knows the Malaki rule Lssthp... under the Emperor, at least. But the Emperor doesn't do a lot of day to day governing.)

"This should've been our whole mission," Cocytus continues to rant. "Scouring this threat from our waters. You know the islanders use ink freely. The metallic dragons don't like it but they love freedom too much to do what needs to be done. The metallics whining about freedom and the Malaki quaking in their lairs about the Mother of Us All, and all the time the squids are eating away at us..."

This is a deep and infected wound in the man's soul, and you realize it's hard to predict what he may do out here.

The Commander
2024-01-26, 01:20 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg notices the First Mate's agitation, but more than that, he notices how personal this situation is for him. Something happened to this man, or to people close to him, that rooted a deep and unshakeable hatred in him.

Ttharg was a religious man by chance, and had made no effort to study religion or the practises of men and women of the cloth, but he realised in this moment that he should be acting somewhat as a confessor. He had no idea exactly how to start such a process, and wasn't naturally charismatic either.

He made a quick, quiet prayer to Bahamut for Guidance, and then turned to the First Mate. "Beggin' ye pardon sir, but it sounds like this be personal to ye. I understand the disgust at the betrayal of Tenebrous ye feel, but, if I may be so bold sir, there's something more to this that be weighin' ye down. The crew needs ye to keep a level head here, and in the weeks to come. If it'd make ye feel better to get it off ye chest to a priest, even one as unorthodox as I, then I'll listen."

(Guidance for 1, Persuasion Roll 10, for 11)

2024-01-26, 01:43 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg notices the First Mate's agitation, but more than that, he notices how personal this situation is for him. Something happened to this man, or to people close to him, that rooted a deep and unshakeable hatred in him.

Ttharg was a religious man by chance, and had made no effort to study religion or the practises of men and women of the cloth, but he realised in this moment that he should be acting somewhat as a confessor. He had no idea exactly how to start such a process, and wasn't naturally charismatic either.

He made a quick, quiet prayer to Bahamut for Guidance, and then turned to the First Mate. "Beggin' ye pardon sir, but it sounds like this be personal to ye. I understand the disgust at the betrayal of Tenebrous ye feel, but, if I may be so bold sir, there's something more to this that be weighin' ye down. The crew needs ye to keep a level head here, and in the weeks to come. If it'd make ye feel better to get it off ye chest to a priest, even one as unorthodox as I, then I'll listen."

(Guidance for 1, Persuasion Roll 10, for 11)

Coctyus Achelous stops and looks at you, with an expression compounded of surprise and disgust. "Mr. Krixkrux. The loss of Tenebrous has been the downfall of several noble families, mine included. Three seats in the Council of Admirals struck down, our lands forfeit to the University, and my own naval commission -- all gone into the Abyss with him. And I find myself lowered to this extremity -- to serve as a privateer --and on a ship of considerable irregularities and disgraces. Not the least of which is the absence of any orthodox priest of the Chromatic faith. You have distinguished yourself in combat and as the ship's medic I must needs depend upon you -- but your faith in the Platinum Mendicant is nothing but repugnant to me. Pray remember that."

"This is the only task I have been given in three months that is not a waste of my time and my blood, Mr. Krixkrux. No one will find me wanting in its execution."

The Commander
2024-01-26, 02:49 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg actually found the First Mate's response to be rather measured. This was good and bad. Good that the First Mate was, at least for now, capable of reason and focusing on the mission. Bad that the hatred and anger had been incorporated into the First Mate's psyche rather than simply manifesting as emotional outbursts (and thus, perhaps easier to deal with in the long-term).

"Understood, sir." Ttharg replies. There is no bitterness or sarcasm in his voice.

In many ways, the two Dragonborn were the opposite sides of chaos. Whereas Ttharg's life had been spared and given a second chance due to random fate, Cocytus's life had been shattered and doomed to mediocracy by events outside of his control. Idly, Ttharg wondered if Bahamut made a point of trying to balance the chaos he delivered upon the world: exacting one good fate for every bad fate that was set into motion, and vice versa. For a brief, dark moment, he wondered if his own fate had been 'paid for' by the decline of the First Mate's fate and felt ashamed that, indirectly, he was responsible for Cocytus's situation. The moment was quickly dispelled however: Ttharg was attempting to find logic in a God of change, and he realised the folly and insanity such a route would take those who truly tried to make sense of such cosmic things. His mind shifted to Trionyx, and the madness that had overcame him. Perhaps ignorance truly was bliss?

"We should move up to Mr Fork, sir; he says the way is clear up to the next section." Ttharg says, beginning to make his way up to Fork.

2024-01-26, 06:24 PM
This is exactly the sort of thing nibum was good at which is why he made little complaint about going this time plus the ship wasn't damaged too badly. He poured over the controls of the tender. Went over the earpieces turning them off and making plans to do something with them later. He strapped on the new armor feeling much more free to move. He wasnt sure what he'd do with the cattle prod yet but he took some of them too. After all that was done he joined up with the group So take out the guns and then signal the ship?

2024-01-26, 06:52 PM
As you ascend the ramp, you can see three other docks similar to the one where Fork and Ttharg hid; rings of metal, each supported by a central pylon that blazes with stored energy. They are connected to a central ring by ramps like this one, and from the center of the central ring the main structure rises. Two of the docks are mostly obscured by the structure, while the fourth connects to the central close to where this ramp does the same. About three stories up you can see the lights of the roof -- arcane artillery emplacements and communication masts.

Not far from here is a door to the central structure; a strange folded-up flower of gold metal. Fork is standing a few feet from these doors, jabbing one of the prods at three plasmoids. You can see the one from the tender, another one about the same size, and a third about twice the size of it. They seem intent on merging, and Fork seems just as intent on not letting them.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1200588940906860575/image.png?ex=65c6ba95&is=65b44595&hm=2f42eeb355fda187eeff590a6f1a344d883afe63fe432cd 038a6d0dda77b72b6&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=736&height=826

2024-01-26, 07:56 PM
"What's going on?"

2024-01-26, 09:28 PM
woah hatchilng they just helped us... or is it just one? Anyways... can you speak? he says trying the languages he knows

2024-01-26, 11:16 PM
The two smaller ones stretch into a vague homunculus shape in order to shake their heads. The larger one, however, burbles, "Yes."

"Split," it says, and stretches pseudopod arms out to the other two plasmoids. "Forget." Then:

"Merge." They suddenly lunge to reunite with each other.

Roll DEX saves (DC 16) to try and prevent them from merging, or an attack roll (AC 11) with the prod to zap them back apart. Or -- allow it.

2024-01-27, 03:48 PM
Fork looked behind him as the team caught up. He shrugged. "Alright." He whispered. These globs were getting on his nerves but he didn't want to admit it.

He quickly darted past them as they started merging and rounded the corner into the interior (Where it says 'to level 1')

2024-01-27, 04:25 PM
The three plasmoids collide immediately as soon as nothing is stopping them and merge into a single entity, with a drain-rattling cry of "Goronglix!" It wobbles itself into its homunculus shape; at first at the size of a kobold, but then lurching taller. It forms a basic stick-figure of a shape, tall but stretched very thin. It looks emaciated, but mutters, "Yes, yes, goronglix" to itself, in what seems like (mostly) Draconic. Then it rushes after Fork into the structure.

Unfortunately, the first thing Fork sees as he unlocks and opens the metallic door, is another tiny plasmoid, scooting urgently towards the larger one. The first thing you hear is someone screaming out an orcish battlecry.

Beyond the plasmoid, at the end of a long gantryway, is another supervisor orc. Behind this orc is a blazing ball of light about sixty feet across. Fork is standing on a sort of balcony that continues to the left and right, circling all around the interior of the structure; it is connected to the center by gantries like the one in front of you, like spokes on a wheel.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1200908957930234036/image.png?ex=65c7e49f&is=65b56f9f&hm=18d6391ebdc1a4a6757c27c36baec40d4990109ea1896d3 debb46a90c52c8a73&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

In between the radiating spokes are complex arcano-tech, capturing the light generated in the center and channeling it downward, to a space below the station that glows too bright to look down into.

In addition to the orc supervisor (teal box) at the end of the gantry, there are four orc technicians (orange) ranged along the back balcony and two other orcs; one on the central ring, beyond the supervisor, and one just entering the room at the end of a different gantry. They are both equipped better than any orcs you have seen so far; one dressed for combat with a whip of starlight in his hand (white), and one dressed in the lighter bracers-and-staff of a battlemage (gold).

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188494815319564288/1200910264795672576/image.png?ex=65c7e5d6&is=65b570d6&hm=abeb8ae292895aeba9eede40c380ee9629852bfcef134da 9aafb417d072b2002&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=823&height=826

The technicians look frightened; the supervisor looks grim, and the overseer with the whip looks furious. The mage looks extremely stoic.

But deep down, you think he's excited to finally see a little action.

The orc supervisor at the end of the gantry looks down the barrel of his crossbow as if he's been ready for someone hostile to walk through this door, although maybe not this short. He adjusts his aim and fires, landing a bolt in Fork's shoulder.

Fork enters the room.
Readied action: battlecry from orc overseer.
Reading action: Crossbow bolt from orc supervisor (with advantage). Hits Fork for 9 damage.
Goronglix follows Fork into the room.

Fork - 9 damage

17 - Orcs
16 - Fork
15 - Plasmoids
11 - Cocytus
8 - Nibum
4 - Ttharg
2 - Servius

2024-01-27, 04:51 PM
Fork took the impact of the bolt with a curse. "Chumsucking softmeats!" He shouts as he hit the deck on one knee and raised his weapon to return fire. The first bolt hit its mark and the supervisor fell over. He aimed the crossbow at the battlemage but it flew past. Fork indicated to Rumble to go after the same target.

"We've got contact!" He shouted at the others.

2024-01-27, 04:57 PM
Goronglix the plasmoid, continuing to act according to their own mysterious directives, dashes forward to the rail and oozes over into the blazing light of the deck below. All the smaller plasmoids, unattended by their technicians, ooze through the gantry and drop below as well.

You can't tell if Goronglix is friendly or unfriendly yet; all you can tell is they appear to be hellbent on merging with the tiny plasmoid assistants the technicians have following them around. What you may have initially seen as a familiar or homonculus may have a darker explanation.

They're all pieces of them, scattered around the ship and forced to help the orcs in their maintenance and repairs.

It seems like they're getting smarter and remember more as they re-absorb them...

Cocytus charges into the generator room as well, but squints furiously at the artificial sun. "Where are they?!" He hurries down the gantryway, although the supervisor is already down.

The Commander
2024-01-27, 05:19 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg charged into the room. He briefly eyed Fork as he passed him, making sure he wasn't in danger of immediately dying, but he seemed relatively ok. He continued to thunder into the room, locking eyes with the orc mage and feeling the excitement in his gaze.

(Double Action Move)

2024-01-27, 05:43 PM
Nibum not sure what the glob is up to but it hasn't hurt him or the rest of them so he tosses out a quick sanctuary spell to grant it a bit if protection. The device lands on and then into the slime and begins to blur its form. He then spurs triceratool towards a mage while he unleashes a frosty Grenade type thing from a launcher he's attached to delima much in the same way he attached that speaker as well. His familiars follow as close behind as they can but fetcher lags behind about 20ft being a bit slower.

2024-01-27, 06:15 PM
As you get closer, Nibum, you realize a few things about the orc mage.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1185360485084839996/1200943294398607380/637961800680190391.jpeg?ex=65c80499&is=65b58f99&hm=40adf8cf6aa4d70d8054f475a92dfc46cb2128cacd5fea7 a9f9ec4add8b5cf91&=&format=webp&width=449&height=825

1) She's a she. Her bare arms and legs are tattooed with the sinuous illithid script.

2) She just walked out a small door that seems to lead to a tiny room. Was she just standing in there waiting? Or does the doorway somehow connect to other parts of the station?

3) She is floating just above the ground.

Your grenade hits her in the face and does enough to damage to kill one of the technicians or bloody a supervisor. She wipes the snow away and says in badly-accented Draconic: "Nice snowball, little vun."

4) She is definitely the most dangerous thing you have encountered on this station so far.

Fork enters the room.
Readied action: battlecry from orc overseer.
Reading action: Crossbow bolt from orc supervisor (with advantage). Hits Fork for 9 damage.
Goronglix follows Fork into the room.

Fork - 9 damage
Orc Battlemage - 6 damage

17 - Orcs
16 - Fork
15 - Plasmoids
11 - Cocytus
8 - Nibum
4 - Ttharg
2 - Servius

2024-01-27, 06:22 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 38/38
PPer: 11 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Servius enters the room just behind the others. Taking the situation in at a glance, he moves towards the floating figure, firing a burst of magical darts at her.

Move 20' northwest to get closer. Magic Missile [roll0] x3

2024-01-27, 06:37 PM
The mage flinches back from Servius' arcane darts, then vanishes, seeming to slip through space and reappear halfway down the gantry. She floats the rest of the way to the central ring.

As your eyes adjust to the glare, you can see that the axle of the turbine below runs up through this room and into the ceiling, with an open revolving cage in the center of it where the artificial star is generated. Both the mage and the overseer have half-cover behind it. The overseer moves in front of her and readies an attack with his whip.


The technicians ranged around the balcony hurry towards the other door; they want no part of this.

From below you hear shouts, gushing noises, and the familiar splash of a man overboard.

Mage uses starlight step to move 30 feet, then flies another 60 to take cover.
Overseer moves up in front of her and readies an attack.

Fork - 9 damage
Orc Battlemage - 21 damage

17 - Orcs
16 - Fork
15 - Plasmoids
11 - Cocytus
8 - Nibum
4 - Ttharg
2 - Servius

2024-01-27, 07:05 PM
Stick around find out what else i can do! as he continues the chase and attempts the same trick which is easily resisted taking out some of the wind from nibums sails so to speak. Minicliff continues to keep up and fetcher catches up by using the gap.

2024-01-27, 07:11 PM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 38/38
PPer: 11 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Servius moves closer. He's heard tales of orcs and illithid, but this is his first in-person encounter with him. The orcs aren't too bad, but he's also not interested in finding out just how skilled their wizard (or sorcerer? do orcs have sorcerers? he doesn't recall) is... so he unleashes the most powerful spell in his arsenal upon her and her guard, placing it to avoid hitting anything else that might explode.


[roll0] fire Damage, Dex DC 15 half
Mage [roll1]+??
Whip [roll2]+??
Slither 30' northwest

2024-01-27, 07:24 PM
The fireball detonates, and some of the magic is funneled away down into the distribution nodes, but it doesn't seem to have made it any less hot for the two orcs in the center ring. Coytus continues charging forward, bellowing furiously, but still doesn't reach them.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1200958201886150756/image.png?ex=65c8127c&is=65b59d7c&hm=e6f5a3d5499043020d88d497ccc87da8b54a051c65ebabd d940be2caf92a9b21&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

The battlemage is overplaying how much the fireball hurt, in fact; but she doesn't have a hair out of place.

Mage uses starlight step to move 30 feet, then flies another 60 to take cover.
Overseer moves up in front of her and readies an attack.

Fork - 9 damage
Orc Battlemage - 59 damage
Overseer - 19

17 - Orcs
16 - Fork
15 - Plasmoids
11 - Cocytus
8 - Nibum
4 - Ttharg
2 - Servius

The Commander
2024-01-27, 08:05 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg continued to move towards the centre of the room. Sparks and lightning flashed from the mysterious arcane equipment; lightning Ttharg could use.

Using his free hand, he grabbed hold of his Amulet of the Devout and made a prayer to Bahamut for control over the arcane storm raging within this platform.

He then pointed at the Mage and directed a bolt of lightning to strike at her. As the bolt struck, Ttharg directed the wrath of Bahamut into the strike, hoping to deal a significant blow.

Move Action to move 30ft towards the centre.
Main Action to cast Call Lightning at 3rd Level, centred in the middle of the room. As part of the spell, I'm targeting the Mage with a bolt from the storm.
Amulet of the Devout gives me a +1 DC to spell DC, but Half-Cover gives the Mage +2 to Dex saving throws (I'll factor that into the roll). Normal spell DC is 14, so DC is 15. Saves for Half.
Mage Dex Save vs 15: [roll0]+dex mod.
Regardless of whether she passes her dex check, Ttharg will use a charge of his Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage, so 40 Lightning Damage or 20 if saved.
Finally, the Mage is pushed 10ft away from me, hitting the deck.

2024-01-27, 08:09 PM
The warmage writhes as the lightning hits her. However, she does not move backwards 10 feet, but stays hovering in place.

This is an illusory double. The real mage is invisible somewhere else in the room.

Ttharg, as you channel magical energy away from the power core, your connection to Bahamut and focus on the core leads you to sense a weak draconic presence hidden inside the flames of the artificial star. Fork, you have been sensing this presence since before you entered the room, but now know it comes from inside the core.

2024-01-27, 08:46 PM
Things didn't match up in nibums mind so he peaked around and noticed something off over the flower or as near as he could describe as one. He shouts she is over here somewhere pointing with delima.

2024-01-28, 04:01 AM
Fork looked over to where Nibum pointed and scanned the area for inconsistencies. He wasn't confident about shooting just yet so he ran down the ramp towards the middle. Meanwhile Rumble continued along the outer ring, both were closing in on their prey like a pair of wolves.

Something was tugging on the edge of Forks senses though. Then it hit him. "The star! The Core! They've got the essence of dragon in there!" He hoped the others could hear him. "Don't blow it up!"

He was surprised by himself, since he normally wasn't extremely nurturing. But in this scene, this place, it felt perverse and wrong whatever was being done up there. Fork couldn't make out where the mage was so he looked ahead of him and targeted the overseer for a kill, becoming hyper aware of the orcs moves, stance and what he had for breakfast.

Action: Move¨
Move: Move
Bonus action: Hunters Mark on the visible orc
(Perception: 11 to find the mage)

2024-01-28, 05:07 AM
Then the battlemage drops invisibility, and it's no longer necessary to search for her. She hovers above the blue flower-like structure, and puts out a hand to deflect a jet of arcane energy being absorbed by it. She redirects it at Nibum and his entourage in a blast of scintillating energy.

She laughs nastily, then vanishes in another space-warping blip. At the same time, her illusory duplicate ducks fully behind the generator. A moment later, both of her drift out from behind it and take up station over two different blue flowers.

The one on the right is real.

At the same time, the overseer charges out of cover towards Cocytus and Ttharg and lays about with his starry whip. He passes the First Mate to attack Ttharg with his whip; his first strike misses, but the second cracks against him nastily, and leaves a glimmering starlight halo outlining the cleric.

Cocytus, infuriated beyond belief by being ignored, pursues the overseer; he coats his blade with a blast of acid and brings down two heavy blows against the overseer, shouting: "ORCUS! Another soul for your hoard!" It doesn't quite send the orc to the Abyss, but combined with the fireball the overseer has gone from a healthy green to a pale muddy grey.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1201104211555909753/image.png?ex=65c89a77&is=65b62577&hm=94a3f695bac5034b017b9df14c9ba06f76e7721c3c2dbdd f4961fe86caa34d12&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

Meanwhile, the technicians continue their gradual escape from this enormous room; it would be funny if it wasn't so grim. Nibum, you feel your Sanctuary drop, but it's difficult to say whether it was because of the damage you took or because Goronglix has gone on the offensive instead of relying on Grease traps.

Mage drops invisibility. Uses Radiant Beam against Nibum, Triceratool, Fetcher and Minicliff for 17 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Only Minicliff succeeds. Warding Bond halves Triceratool damage and does the same to Nibum. Starlight step behind the generator core; illusory double hides behind it too, then both move out. Which is which? Insight 9 to detect.

Overseer moves past Cocytus to attack Ttharg. Misses once and hits once, for 7 damage and leaves some kind of glowing trace on him.

Ttharg and Nibum both make concentration saves; however, Sanctuary drops as Goronglix starts attacking people below.

Cocytus hits the Overseer an opportunity attack and adds a smite; then moves to hit the Overseer with his action, using Channel Divinity to gain advantage and putting a Hunter's Mark on him. This hits as well, and also adds a smite. 20 and 17 damage respectively. The Overseer is bloodied.

Technicians continue their dash actions towards the door.

Nibum: 23 damage
Ttharg: 7 damage

Triceratool: 8 damage
Fetcher: destroyed
Minicliff: destroyed
Fork - 9 damage

Orc Battlemage - 21 damage
Overseer - 61 damage

17 - Orcs
16 - Fork
15 - Plasmoids
11 - Cocytus
8 - Nibum
4 - Ttharg
2 - Servius

2024-01-28, 05:21 AM
Fork drops to one knee again in his signature run, drop to knee, fire crossbow stance everyone has come to love. He's momentarily confused by the images of the mage appearing but a hint of light hitting the 'wrong' one in a strange angle had him aim and fire two bolts at the real mage.

After seeing one bolt hit home, he grabbed his dual crossbows and jumped to his feet again.

(Edit: Rumble runs towards the middle)

19 and 15 to hit -
for 13 and 9 respectively

Bonus Action none.

2024-01-28, 05:49 AM
It was a longshot but nibum took up delima thrust it forward attempting to implant into the mages mind the origin in which he discovered this weapon. The realm of the slaad and a whole hoard of them but sadly the mages will was to strong to succumb to the trickery. After his familiars had fallen and after feeling the might of that spell he decided he might be at a disadvantage fighting her so he turned his attention to the overseer and taking out his frustration he charges hard and pouring what he's got into it. If one threat goes down the other might not have as much of a chance and perhaps he can get a breather. He's an old lizard he gets tired easy. He yells DIE YOU INKY MINDED EMPTY SCULLED PIG that channels in through the speaker as he activates a light focused through a lense that he'd normally use for targeting but he calibrated it for deadly force this time searing and marking the pig.

(Triceratool gets us to the overseer. Nibum casts branding smite and makes a booming blade attack)

2024-01-28, 09:02 AM
https://i.ibb.co/k9C0dF5/ytw3.jpg Servius Calventius Pamphilius (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/114096617)
Yuan-ti Evoker
AC: 13 / 16 (Mage Armor) HP: 38/38
PPer: 11 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: Melf's (4/6)

The two images don't match. Servius is close enough to her now, and farther away from both entries, so his positioning is right. He conjures up several balls of flame that orbit around his head, sending two at the mage.

You create six tiny meteors in your space. They float in the air and orbit you for the spell’s duration. When you cast the spell — and as a bonus action on each of your turns thereafter — you can expend one or two of the meteors, sending them streaking toward a point or points you choose within 120 feet of you. Once a meteor reaches its destination or impacts against a solid surface, the meteor explodes. Each creature within 5 feet of the point where the meteor explodes must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Meteor 1 [roll0] fire damage, Dex DC 15 half
Mage [roll1]
Meteor 2 [roll2] fire damage, Dex DC 15 half
Mage [roll3]

2024-01-28, 10:44 AM
Her deception not going so well this time, the orc mage looks frustrated and furious. She's struck by a crossbow bolt and a ball of flame in close succession and howls with rage, allowing the illusory duplicate to vanish.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1201192391156187166/image.png?ex=65c8ec97&is=65b67797&hm=04793c30eb5c5d06320f3c14cef54b52e8bf914ad6ad09d 0db0d0078e72c6743&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=610&height=825

The overseer looks not just frustrated but badly injured, as the Dilemma goes home. The mage touches her earpiece and barks something in Quaalith; the doors of the tiny room she emerged from close, and there's a faint hum.

Nibum: 23 damage
Ttharg: 7 damage

Triceratool: 8 damage
Fetcher: destroyed
Minicliff: destroyed
Fork - 9 damage

Orc Battlemage - 41 damage
Overseer - 78 damage

17 - Orcs
16 - Fork
15 - Plasmoids
11 - Cocytus
8 - Nibum
4 - Ttharg
2 - Servius

The Commander
2024-01-28, 07:52 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg grunted as he was hit with the whip; but it barely bothered him. What bothered him was the draconic spirit trapped inside the core. Almost everything else lost meaning. "FORK BE RIGHT! THAR BE A DRACONIC SPIRIT IN THIS HERE MACHINE!" He bellowed in agreement.

He was dimly aware of the mage, but had enough sense to try and focus her down as the biggest threat in the room.

He maintained his control over the arcane storm in the the room, but this time he reached out to explode the area the mage occupied in a thunderous boom. Once again, he focused on channelling the destructive might of Bahamut into the prayer.

He then moved aggressively up towards the Overseer, hoping to trap him between himself and the First Mate. "We'll be sending ye to Bahamut's locker, ink suckling smooth skin."

Continue concentration on Call Lightning.
Main Action to Cast Shatter at 2nd Level, aiming to catch just the Mage and none of the station's equipment.
Amulet of the Devout gives +1 to save DC, normal save DC is 14, so 15.
Con Save for Mage: [roll0]+mods vs 15.
Save for half. Will use my 2nd Channel Divinity to again do max damage. So 24 full damage, 12 half damage.
Mage is NOT pushed.
Move Action to flank the Overseer.

2024-01-28, 08:30 PM
Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg grunted as he was hit with the whip; but it barely bothered him. What bothered him was the draconic spirit trapped inside the core. Almost everything else lost meaning. "FORK BE RIGHT! THAR BE A DRACONIC SPIRIT IN THIS HERE MACHINE!" He bellowed in agreement.

"Oh, you noticed that?" the battlemage sneers. "Once she hatches she'll make a lovely host for a brainstealer, but for now, the extra power is just a bonus." She gathers a ball of arcane energy in her hands once more and considers her targets.

The overseer lashes at Ttharg ineffectually, and the glow around the cleric fades; the potential for additional damage lost. The battlemage looks at the wounded overseer and sighs. "Borgan, I knew giving you that thing would be a waste." She looks towards the humming elevator; and then with a complete disregard for her own ally, she swoops over to the catwalk and fires a beam of scintillating light in a straight line across everyone but Servius.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1188492107401404537/1201334138117046292/image.png?ex=65c9709a&is=65b6fb9a&hm=d43815bdc015eb9ac54285ba84a827080969ee8481dd561 d9289f550f56a07d9&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

The Overseer crumples to the ground, smoking. The elevator keeps humming... and then the lights flicker, the axle slows and then picks back up speed -- and the hum stops. The battlemage puts a hand to her ear and barks, again, in Quaalith. She sounds a lot less smug this time.

A message spell delivers to you:

Thanks for the sanctuary, mate. Feeling much more like myself now. Part of me is still in the system so I locked things down... thought we could use a chance to catch our breath! Not that I breath...

The technicians who had just made the door pound fruitlessly; it's locked itself.

Cocytus shifts his hunter's mark and runs at the Battlemage, spitting a blast of acid as he runs that she dodges cleanly.

ACTIONS: Overseer misses on two whip attacks.

Battlemage fires a radiant beam that hits Nibum, Triceratool, Rumble, Fork, Ttharg and the Overseer. 17 damage, DC 16 to halve. Only Nibum saves. Triceratool has resistance, and Nibum takes the same damage (Warding Bond). Cocytus and Ttharg make concentration saves.

Goronglix takes control of the station from inside and locks down the doors and elevator.

Technicians move towards the door, which is now locked. Another elite orc is trapped in the elevator.

Cocytus shifts his hunter's mark and runs the Battlemage, spitting a blast of acid as he runs that she dodges cleanly.

Nibum - 39 damage
Ttharg - 24 damage
Fork - 26 damage
Cocytus - 17 damage

Triceratool: 16 damage
Rumble - 17 damage

Orc Battlemage - 53 damage
Overseer - killed

17 - Orcs
16 - Fork
15 - Plasmoids
11 - Cocytus
8 - Nibum
4 - Ttharg
2 - Servius

2024-01-28, 08:54 PM
Nibum brunts the majority of the damage then returns the favor rushing in for a thrust BETTER THEN A SNOWBALL TUSKMOUTH WITCH! he shouts from the speaker again Try and run again i dare ya he says with delima still lodged in her

To the slides message welcome. Anything more you can do from there?