View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next CLASS: The Swordmage - Might and Magic from 4th Edition

2023-12-22, 09:22 AM
I've been working on a homebrew class for the last while, and I'm reaching a complete stage - I'd love for anyone whose interested to have a look and tell me what they think!

The class is the SWORDMAGE, from 4th Edition, a fusion of arcane alacrity and martial might. Swordmages combine these two arts in far more complex ways than a mere swordsman casting a simple spell: their Arcana infuses their weapons and very body, allowing them incredible potential.

Their signature ability is their AEGIS: Your project a field of magic and Mark a creature. Depending on your subclass, you can either punish the creature for attacking creatures other than you by teleporting next to them and striking, or teleport next to your marked target when they are targeted by an attack and force the attack to target you. There are other AEGIS abilities as well.

They also have ARCANE LANCE, which allows them to, when casting a leveled attack-roll spell, make a weapon attack instead of a spell attack, applying both the effects of their weapon and spell in a single strike.

The Swordmage is a frontline-combatant, but their ability to constantly teleport across the battlefield means they get to choose where the frontline is actually fought. Despite wearing light armor, they project a barrier of magical force to protect themselves, meaning they aren't reliant on Dex for defense and can invest in Strength for high damage weaponry, if they wish.

The document also introduces several new spells for use with the Swordmage, and I consider their presence a core part of the Swordmage's class features as they level, not simply something tacked-on. The class is reliant on attack-roll spells, but baseline 5e doesn't have very many, so these help to fill that niche and give the Swordmage new abilities. There's also a set of new magic items at the end which is mostly for fun and tacked-on.


Please give it a look and tell me what you think! I really want to make sure the framework is conceptually solid and that none of the abilities are too far beyond the pale.

2023-12-22, 11:35 AM
I’m interested in looking at it but I can’t access the file. Could you just cut and copy the text of the class, and paste it here?

2023-12-22, 03:15 PM
I’m interested in looking at it but I can’t access the file. Could you just cut and copy the text of the class, and paste it here?

Very sorry! I messed up the Drive permissions. Should work now. I can work on copying it over to GitP only but it's a lot of text: full class, four subclasses, about two dozen spells, and several magic items.

2024-01-11, 01:58 AM
Sorry for the late response, I’ve been away from the forms for a while. I just downloaded the PDF so I’m still reviewing but you definitely put a lot of work in the presentation of the class.

2024-01-24, 11:14 AM
4e swordmages had lower HP than other defenders. The rough equivalent of d8 HD/level.

Aegis was highly tied to other 4e mechanics, and the assumption of Mark. 5e really doesn't assume mark-based defenders. Aegis is greek for shield - any kind of protection the swordmage can offer allies would qualify thematically.

As an example, what if Aegis protected a specific ally instead of being a mark on an enemy? It fits the theme but is mechanically very different, and would feel more 5e to me than a 4e "mark a foe".

Being able to throw your weapon as a swordmage was generally part of a specific, use-limited spell.

Swordmage Warding in 4e allowed you to hold a wand in the off-hand if I remember rightly?

Martial Arcana I think it divorces physical from mental a bit too much. How about a simple naked "add your intelligence modifier to strength(athletics) checks"? This is arguably stronger, mechanically simpler, and doesn't divorce your physical abilities from your athletics.

Extra Attack is something I'd argue against. There are lots of ways to show martial expertise without it.

Dimensional Rift is a restricted 2nd level spell slot gained at 7th level, and another bunch of uses later on. Late, and not great.

Mythal Recovery is interesting. Imagine if the swordmage had only a d8 HD, but gained 5 temporary HP per spell level whenever it cast a spell.

Arcane Transport is another example of gaining a spell ... after spellcasters have had it for many levels.

Blade Runes - introducing a complex new mechanic at level 17 is not great. You should introduce mechanics earlier so players of the class get to use it before the game is over. Level 12-19 should not be about new mechanics as much as they should be about making existing mechanics amazing.