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2007-12-24, 01:33 PM
A104. Well, I don't know about height, but the master list of +0 LA races is Here (http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?p=10002276). There are several which boost Cha.

2007-12-24, 03:18 PM
Bugsysservant, thanks for the link, but most races there actually have a charisma penalty. No wonder so many players choose charisma as drop stat. I mean, if the game creators didn't want to make the stat more attractive to the players, who is really to blame :smallsigh: The only one with CHA bonus in there are lesser aasimar and spellscale. Hellbound too, but I doubt that comes into play with our group. Heck, even spellscale is somewhat risky. Or did I miss something?

Cupkeyk, thanks to you too. I'll check this star elf, but boumman also has penalty to charisma, at least according to bugsysservant link.

2007-12-24, 11:09 PM
Q 105: Do Favored Souls (Complete Divine) gain spell domains as a cleric?

2007-12-25, 05:43 AM
A. 105

2007-12-25, 06:11 AM
Q. 106

Can anyone tell me in which splatbook is the Shock Trooper to be found?

I do have quite a few between me and my friends, and there is the SRD online which has a reference, but nothing that explains all the praise I read about this class-concept-archetype-whateverthatis.

Thanks a lot!


2007-12-25, 06:22 AM
A. 106
Complete Warrior, pg. 112.
The Wizard's Feat Index (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/lists/feats) helps for locating things like this.
(ps: could you try to keep your question number in the appropriate format, please?)

(Not related to A.106)
Also, other than the unanswered questions on this page, these two questions still don't have an answer:

Q 84

The Scout's Skirmish feature does not work when mounted.

There is a Scout variant from Dragon347 called the Light Cavalry Scout, which basically grants a Scout the paladin's mount class feature. Wouldn't this mean that, while the Light Cav technically still has Skirmish, the class' intention is build against that. I'm working out of Crystal Keep's shorthand... is there some workaround provided with this variant, or is the message 'Ride like a paladin, or shoot like a scout.'?

Q 70

Regarding the Rogue's Vest (Magic Item Compendium, page 130): Is this damage skirmish/sneak attack/sudden strike damage?

If so, it would qualify for feats like Deadly Precision (which lets you re-roll 1s on sneak attack dice).

The item description obviously doesn't say, so I'm looking for a precedent from some other source.

2007-12-25, 06:31 AM
Q 107

According to the Crystal Keep Index, the Mystic Ranger can cast spells from the ranger spell list, and the mystic ranger supplimental spell list...where in the nine hells is the Mystic Ranger Supplimental Spell list?! It's not in the index, is there somewhere else I can find it?

Q 108

Are there any constucts that can be taken as 'Animal' Companions? If so, where can I find them?

Emperor Demonking
2007-12-25, 07:44 AM
Q109 Why can't you teleport a sword into tiamat.

2007-12-25, 10:18 AM
A. 107
If you are using the Base Classes index from Crystal Keep, go to page 185 of it. There are no additional 1st through 4th level spells.

A. 108
I can not find any info that would let you do this. I did discover there is a feat that allows you to get a construct familiar in a dragon magazine.

2007-12-25, 12:10 PM

Because, by the rules of the teleportation, you, or whoever was holding the sword, would simply appear somewhere close nearby suffering at least 1d10 damage. The spells don't explicitly allow you to leave anything behind or to do any kind of damage to whatever you tried to teleport into.

2007-12-25, 03:45 PM
Q. 110 Can someone please elaborate on what happens when you successfully use shadow discorporation (which is the capstone ability of the Telflammar shadowlord Prc)? Your status when you re-appear is not discussed at all. The ability text says "any damage that would reduce him to 0 hit points or below instead has a chance to discorporate him." Emphasis mine, and this would seem to indicate that you re-appear with the same hit points you had before being dealt the mortal wound. I personally think that while this certainly could be the case, it does not make much sense. If you can subconsciously wink out of existence using nothing but shadows, would it not make sense that when your body re-materializes from thin air that it is devoid of ailment and injury? I will accept whatever the RAW has to say and the help of the members of this forum is always appreciated. :smallsmile:

Nazde Bahatur
2007-12-25, 10:51 PM
Q.111 Where can i find the "viscious" weapon special ability?
Please, specify the book and page.
Thank you in advance.

2007-12-25, 10:56 PM
A 111

It's in the DMG. I'm working with an online SRD here, so I don't have the exact page reference to hand, but you can check it out yourself:

Vicious weapon enchantment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#vicious)

Nazde Bahatur
2007-12-25, 11:00 PM
I'm a complete idiot. I checked all the complete series but completely forgot to check in DMG.
Thanks, man.

Nazde Bahatur
2007-12-25, 11:10 PM
Also, in what books can one fild the elven swords?
(thinblade, courtblade..)

2007-12-25, 11:17 PM
A 112
The thinblade and the lightblade appear in Complete Warrior. They reappear in Races of the Wild, along with the courtblade.

2007-12-26, 03:59 AM
q 113
If I am a Swordsage Barbarian and I rage while in a stance. will I drop out of the stance?

2007-12-26, 05:34 AM
Q 114

Is the save of the spell control winds (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/controlWinds.htm) (and by extension, the mystery dark air or water) based in the spell/mystery level and caster's abilities, or the wind speed as given here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/weather.htm#winds)?

2007-12-26, 05:39 AM
Q 115
When a spell like enlarge or reduce person is added with permanency, is this an effect that can be dispelled (Within an antimagic field, for example), dismissable (at will), or are they a constant, uninterruptable effect? Pranks lie in the balance!

2007-12-26, 05:43 AM
A 115

Permanent spells are dispellable as normal. I'm not sure if they can be dismissed.

Duke of URL
2007-12-26, 10:39 AM
A 115, clarification

According to the description of permanency:

Spells cast on other creatures, objects, or locations (not on you) are vulnerable to dispel magic as normal.

This indicates that those spells cast on yourself by permanency cannot be dispelled. It can be argued that they could be suppressed for 1d4 rounds on a successful dispel magic check as if they were a magic item, but I can see no RAW ruling either way on that.

An antimagic field should suppress (temporarily) the effects in any case.

2007-12-26, 11:00 AM
Ability Damaged

The character has temporarily lost 1 or more ability score points. Lost points return at a rate of 1 per day unless noted otherwise by the condition dealing the damage. ... A character with Dexterity 0 is paralyzed.

Q 116

A spell like Panacea will immediately end various conditions, including paralysis -- but cannot remove ability damage. What does it mean to be at Dexterity 0 but not paralyzed?

- - - - -

A 113

You remain in the stance.
A stance remains in effect indefinitely and is not expended. You enjoy the benefit your stance confers until you change to another stance as a swift action.

2007-12-26, 05:43 PM
A 115, clarification
This indicates that those spells cast on yourself by permanency cannot be dispelled. It can be argued that they could be suppressed for 1d4 rounds on a successful dispel magic check as if they were a magic item, but I can see no RAW ruling either way on that.

An antimagic field should suppress (temporarily) the effects in any case.

A 115, disputation:

The original answer was correct. The text quoted in the above post simply reinforces this clause in Permanency and makes it clear that it does not apply to all uses of Permanency:

You can make the following spells permanent in regard to yourself.
(table cut)
You cast the desired spell and then follow it with the permanency spell. You cannot cast these spells on other creatures.This application of permanency can be dispelled only by a caster of higher level than you were when you cast the spell.

Other than that specific statement, Permanency has no special protection against being dispelled. It can be ended with a suitably high dispel check and will be suppressed as normal within the area of an antimagic field. Permanency is not normally dismissible, but the spell that is made permanent may be.

A 116
I believe you're still paralyzed. The underlying condition that is causing the paralysis is still active; if you remove the paralysis without curing any ability damage, the fact that you still have Dex 0 will simply re-inflict paralysis.

2007-12-26, 07:11 PM
Q 117

How does Maximize Spell-Like Ability from Complete Arcane work with Eldritch Blast? In the example it gives, it says a level 10 Warlock maximizes an eldritch blast and does 36 damage. The first problem with that is that would take a maximized 6d6, whereas at 10th level you only get 5d6 on Eldritch Blast. It also says that you can only maximize a spell-like ability of 1/2 your caster level -2 or lower, but an eldritch blast spell level is equal 1/2 your caster level. How can you possibly ever use a maximized eldritch blast?

2007-12-26, 08:02 PM
A 117

There are two errors here:
Theirs, for getting the level wrong; it should be 30 points, not 36.
Yours, for not reading the Complete Arcane errata:
Page 7: Eldritch Blast
Second paragraph of the Eldritch Blast ability
Change “An eldritch blast is the equivalent of a spell
whose level is equal to one-half the warlock’s class
level (round down), with a minimum spell level of 1st
and a maximum of 9th when the warlock reaches 18th
level or higher” to “An eldritch blast is the equivalent
of a 1st-level spell. If you apply a blast shape or eldritch
essence invocation to your eldritch blast (see page 130),
your eldritch blast uses the level equivalent of the shape
or essence.”
Any other references to eldritch blast being something
other than the equivalent of a 1st-level spell should be
Any other references claiming that eldritch blast is not
an invocation should be disregarded.
A warlock can use eldritch blast at will.
Go download this now (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/er/20060531a).

Fax Celestis
2007-12-26, 08:40 PM
Q118 Can you use UMD to emulate a feat prerequisite for an item?

2007-12-27, 12:25 AM
A 118

That isn't one of the options for the Use Magic Device skill, so I'd have to say no. But what weapon requires a feat to activate? (As opposed to a feat to operate well, such as Exotic Weapon Proficiency.)

2007-12-27, 06:05 AM
A 118

That isn't one of the options for the Use Magic Device skill, so I'd have to say no. But what weapon requires a feat to activate? (As opposed to a feat to operate well, such as Exotic Weapon Proficiency.)

Possibly mighty cleaving?

2007-12-27, 06:09 AM
Q 114

Is the save of the spell control winds (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/controlWinds.htm) (and by extension, the mystery dark air or water) based in the spell/mystery level and caster's abilities, or the wind speed as given here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/weather.htm#winds)?

Just making sure it hasn't been looked over.

2007-12-27, 07:01 AM
I did overlook that question, and so did the eye-tyrant apparently. Anyway.
The answer would be: "both". This is weird, but true. The only effect in the spell which allows a save is when you change wind strength. Creatures in the area save to resist being affected by your change at all. If they fail they suffer the effects of that wind strength (which might include an another save).

I think this is weird and I would houserule it to just the save versus the weather effect, not the spell.

Nazde Bahatur
2007-12-27, 10:16 AM
Q. 119 How much does a wand of Haste cost? Does it exist in DMG?
If not, please tell me where i can find the rules so that i can extenuate this purchase to my DM.
Thank you!

2007-12-27, 10:35 AM
A. 119. Third level with no expensive material components: 11,250 gp

The answer is in the phb:


Prerequisite: Caster level 5th.

Benefit: You can create a wand of any 4th-level or lower spell that you know. Crafting a wand takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a wand is its caster level x the spell level x 750 gp. To craft a wand, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this base price. A newly created wand has 50 charges.

Any wand that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the cost derived from the base price, you must expend fifty copies of the material component or pay fifty times the XP cost.

2007-12-27, 11:26 AM
q. 120
do summoned creatures from spells with the summoning sub school (like summon monster)have weight?

2007-12-27, 12:24 PM
q. 120
do summoned creatures from spells with the summoning sub school (like summon monster)have weight?

A. 120 Yes, they do, since you bring real creatures into existence.

2007-12-27, 12:27 PM
A. 120 Yes, they do, since you bring real creatures into existence.

unless you summoned an incorporeal creature

Fax Celestis
2007-12-27, 02:06 PM
Possibly mighty cleaving?

That was the idea.

2007-12-27, 05:38 PM
Q121: Are nauseated characters denied their Dex bonus to AC? It seems somewhat logical, but I don't think it applies... :smallconfused:

2007-12-27, 05:43 PM
Q121: Are nauseated characters denied their Dex bonus to AC? It seems somewhat logical, but I don't think it applies... :smallconfused:

A. 121 nauseated from SRD:

Experiencing stomach distress. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn.

So per RAW no.

2007-12-28, 02:35 PM
Q. 122

If you throw a sap (or a whip), or use bolas as a melee weapon, do they do lethal or non-lethal damage?

2007-12-28, 04:03 PM

Does 1d2-2 damage deal 1 damage or 0? Either way, where is it specified?

2007-12-28, 04:14 PM
A 122

There is nothing in the RAW that indicates a weapon would change from nonlethal to lethal if thrown.

As always, you can take the -4 penalty to attack to change the damage from a nonlethal weapon to lethal.

A 123

Minimum of 1 damage. I'll see if I can find a reference (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatStatistics.htm#minimumDamage) for you in a second.

Minimum Damage

If penalties reduce the damage result to less than 1, a hit still deals 1 point of damage.

2007-12-28, 08:54 PM
Q 70

Regarding the Rogue's Vest (Magic Item Compendium, page 130):
... if you have the skirmish, sneak attack, or sudden strike ability, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage when making such an attack Is this damage skirmish/sneak attack/sudden strike damage?

If so, it would qualify for feats like Deadly Precision (which lets you re-roll 1s on sneak attack dice).

The item description obviously doesn't say, so I'm looking for a precedent from some other source. I think I've figured out the answer myself, from this Cityscape excerpt (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070314a):
Magic Weapon Special Ability

Price: +1
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 13) divination
Activation: --

The striking surface of this weapon is jet black. Although it shows little sign of use, you cannot help but picture it covered in freshly spilled blood.

An assassination weapon deals an extra 1d6 points of damage against a foe who is flat-footed or otherwise denied a Dexterity bonus to AC, or who is flanked. If the wielder deals sneak attack damage from other sources, such as levels in the rogue class, the extra damage stacks. A 70

So, following this precedent, the extra 1d6 damage from the Rogue's Vest definitely is sneak attack/skirmish/sudden strike damage.

2007-12-28, 08:57 PM
Can an Exotic Weapon's Master use a Bastard Sword for Uncanny Blow, as a Bastard Sword can be used one handed as an exotic weapon? I ask, because it's meant also as a two-handed weapon and I'm not entirely sure.

When wielding two swords, say Bastard Swords, as a Thri-Keen (for the four hands), wielding them both two handed, would Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting reduce the penalty to Light Weapon or not?

If, using Multiweapon Fighting, as a Thri-Keen, two ranged weapons are thrown using two hands and the others are wielding Bastard Swords, is the character capable of gripping the two Bastard Swords with the nowfree hands for any subsequent attacks, or is this just wrong?

2007-12-28, 09:22 PM
Q 127

Is there a minimum caster level for custom items?

2007-12-28, 09:30 PM
A 127

The minimum level required to cast the spells the item uses during creation. If it's a weapon or armor, the minimum caster level is 3 times the base enhancement bonus or the level needed for a creation spell, whichever is higher. If the item has no requisite spells for whatever reason, ask your DM.

2007-12-28, 09:35 PM
A 127 Clarification
The minimum caster level should actually be the caster level required to take the feat that allows crafting that item. Eg Craft wondrous Item has a minimum caster level of 3.

2007-12-28, 11:05 PM
Q 128

the power energy push (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/energyPush.htm) gives its effect as 'ray' and its save as 'reflex half'. Rays never allow reflex saves. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#rays) The text of the power indicates the effect is incorrect (no mention of an attack roll). Is this the correct reading?

Fax Celestis
2007-12-29, 12:14 AM
A128 Neither's right, actually. Energy push is a weak power and requires a ranged touch and still allows a Reflex save for half.

2007-12-29, 04:45 PM
Q 129

What happens if I try to bull rush a creature into an occupied space, such as a wall or a person? Do they simply fall prone or do they get shunted into an unoccupied space?

2007-12-29, 04:47 PM
Q 130

What happens if I cast ethereal jaunt, shadow walk or a similar spell on an Outer Plane? I know all Material Planes have their own Transitive Planes, but what about the Outer Planes?

2007-12-29, 05:25 PM
A 130

I think ethereal jaunt would not function, as the outer planes aren't connected to the ethereal. Shadow walk would function, as the Plane of Shadow is connected to every other plane.

2007-12-29, 06:48 PM
A 130

I think ethereal jaunt would not function, as the outer planes aren't connected to the ethereal. Shadow walk would function, as the Plane of Shadow is connected to every other plane.
A 130 Correction

The Plane of Shadow is only connected to every other Material plane, thats why you can travel from it to another Campaign Setting. The Astral Plane connects every plane.
(Unless theres some obscure text that contradicts me)

2007-12-29, 07:05 PM
Q 131

What's the Listen check DC to hear an explosion, such as from Explosive Runes?

2007-12-29, 09:55 PM

Q 132
A changeling wizard uses his minor shapechange ability and a disguise self spell concurrently. Does he create a disguise with +20 on the disguise check (the bonuses are unnamed and circumstance so they stack) or does he create two separate disguises each with +10 on the disguise check (the two cannot be combined because each only gives a bonus if that source is used to create a disguise; neither can enhance an existing disguise) or something else?

Q 133
The disguise created by a hat of disguise only lasts for 10 minutes. To extend the duration the user can command the hat to create the same disguise before the 10 minutes are up. I assume that the command requires a standard action, a new disguise check and presumably changes to the disguise. If the user is under observation when the hat recreates a disguise, is the command or is a change in the disguise check noticeable? What if the observer doesn’t see the actual change, but only witnesses the hat wearer before and after the disguise changes?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2007-12-30, 04:34 AM
A. 131

There is of course no listed DC for explosions (at least not in the PHB), but to hear "battle" requires a -10 check.
"Battle" is not clearly defined, but could potentially include spellcasting and explosions, which probably makes -10 a good guess for the proper DC.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2007-12-30, 04:40 AM
A. 129

The Bull Rush rules are not clear, but letting the creature fall prone is in my opinion the most appropriate result of such a situation.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2007-12-30, 04:51 AM
A. 124

Generally a weapon's designation depends on how you use it. If you use a bastard sword one-handed, it is a one-handed weapon.

A. 125

No, that would require Oversized Multiweapon Fighting, but there is no reason such a feat should not exist.

A. 126

It is not entirely clear what kind of action gripping a weapon is.
The FAQ has ruled that switching hands is a move action and gripping is arguably an easier task, but the final call is up to you and your group.

You could always take Quick-Draw and not worry about it at all. :smallwink:

2007-12-30, 10:13 AM
]Q. 131[/S] Q. 134

Does an arcane hierophant's familiar-companion get a natural armor bonus from the familiar and animal companion tables?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2007-12-30, 12:27 PM
A. 132

Something else.

The supernatural ability produces the same effect as a disguise spell effect and thus would overlap and not stack. Using both would allow you to use the better result though.

A. 133

Renewing the spell while keeping the exact same disguise should not be noticeable unless you the person looking is able to pierce the disguise.
The activation might look suspicious though.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2007-12-30, 12:32 PM
A. 134 (NOT 131)

Q. 131

Does an arcane hierophant's familiar-companion get a natural armor bonus from the familiar and animal companion tables?

You only add intelligence and the special abilities from the familiar table to your Companion Familiar. Natural AC bonus is gained from the animal companion.

2007-12-30, 01:59 PM
Q. 135:

Is there any kind of non-epic spells or skills that can be used to discern the alignment of a creature? What are these spells, if any?

2007-12-30, 02:12 PM
A 135

Detect (Good, Chaos, Law, Evil), of course. Certain divinations could do it; playing 20 Questions with Contact Other Plane (Is [creature X] of Good alignment? Chaotic? Lawful? Evil?), although you would take increased risk of getting struck dumb in order to get reliable answers. A Divination or Augury spell cast before taking an alignment-influenced action could give you some hint. A Legend Lore about a suitably legendary being may provide information on alignment, or at least direct the party to a place or person who can tell you more.

I suspect you actually wanted to know if there was anything like a Know Alignment spell that didn't have the restrictions and uncertainties of the of the other spells. I'm not aware of one, but standard disclaimers apply: This doesn't mean one does not exist, just that there is no such spell in any of the sources I can readily remember or check.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2007-12-30, 02:44 PM
A. 135 Addendum

A Sense Motive check can be used if it is described under Epic skills, albeit it might not exactly be easy.

Sense Motive


Discern partial alignment DC 60
Discern full alignment DC 80


Discern Partial Alignment: This use of the skill lets a character discern one component of a target’s alignment. When making the check, the character states whether he or she is trying to discern the law-chaos or good-evil component. A character can’t retry the check, and he or she can’t use this to discern more than one component of the alignment (but see below). The target must be visible and within 30 feet of the character.

Discern Full Alignment: This use of the skill lets a character determine both components of a target’s alignment. The character can’t retry the check. The target must be visible and within 30 feet of the character.
(Contains minor edits for readability)

Magnor Criol
2007-12-30, 04:29 PM
This question may be more appropriate in the Homebrew section. However, since I think there might be rules listed somewhere for it, I'll ask here first, and go to homebrew second if the response here suggests as such.

Q 136:
Is there rules for applying divine rank and abilities to creatures, and if so, where?

Specifically speaking, I'm looking to apply Divine Rank 0 to a creature. I've gone through what seemed like relevant sections in Dieties & Demigods, and all it had was the description of creating a pantheon - assigning gods to alignments and portfolios, but not actually creating those gods - and description of adventure ideas before and after ascension, and story ideas for how that ascension is attained, but again no actual process for giving the creatures divine rank and abilities. It seems likely I've just missed it somewhere, but where?

2007-12-30, 05:22 PM
Q 137

Is the feat "Smiting Spell" applicable for Favored Soul use?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2007-12-30, 05:42 PM
A. 137

Certainly, but as other casters that have no need for preparation metamagic feats take a full round action to cast in the case of spells with a standard action casting time.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2007-12-30, 05:48 PM
A. 136

I do not think there is an exact step by step template to go through, but I should think that chapter 2 would answer most questions.

However, it is hard to give more specific help without knowing exactly what you are looking for. If you open a separate thread for this question I am sure you will be able to find plenty of help statting your new God/demi-God though.

2007-12-30, 07:38 PM
Q 138

For what range and duration does command undead work? By core.

2007-12-30, 07:58 PM
Q 138

For what range and duration does command undead work? By core.

A 138
Command Undead. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/commandUndead.htm). Short range, one day/lvl.

2007-12-30, 08:07 PM
oh sorry. I meant in regards to the cleric's class feature Turn/Rebuke Undead.

2007-12-30, 08:12 PM
oh sorry. I meant in regards to the cleric's class feature Turn/Rebuke Undead.

According to the Rules (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#turnOrRebukeUndead) the range is 60 feet and the duration of 10 rounds (Though the effect ends if you move within 10 feet of them.)

2007-12-30, 08:20 PM
That is for turning... not commanding tho..

2007-12-30, 08:46 PM
A 138 (really)

You must be within the normal 60 foot range to make the Rebuke/Command attempt. Command is permanent once established; the limitation is determined by how many HD worth of undead you have under your command, not how long they have been under your command. There is no given limit on how far away you can be from your undead and still retain command, nor on how far away you can be and still give new orders to your undead.

However, since your DM probably won't appreciate you trying to make your undead rearrange your living room furniture from the other side of the planet, a reasonable limit for giving new commands would be 60 feet, the same as required to make a Rebuke attempt. The undead do not fall out of your command if you are outside that range, remember- they'll just keep following whatever command you last gave them. "Keep everybody except me out of this room" or "Stay here and do nothing until you receive further commands" are typical 'idle' orders.

2007-12-30, 11:32 PM

Since a were-rat has only one hit dice of animal, does a were-rat PC get to exchange that hit dice with a class level?

2007-12-30, 11:39 PM
A 139
No, as a Wererat PC trades the single Humanoid Hit die for a class level.

Q 140
If the Fell Drain metamagic feat from Libris Mortis is applied to Magic Missile, does each missile generated by Magic Missile cause a negative level, or just the first missile?

2007-12-31, 12:35 AM
Q 140[/B]
If the Fell Drain metamagic feat from Libris Mortis is applied to Magic Missile, does each missile generated by Magic Missile cause a negative level, or just the first missile?

A 140
The feat says that any enemy damaged by the spell gets negative level. So if you target different enemies they all get negative level. If you target only one enemy with all missiles he will get one negative level regardless of how many magic missiles damaged him.

2007-12-31, 12:42 PM
Q 141

Regarding Psicrystals:

"Psicrystal abilities are based on the owner’s levels in psionic classes. Levels from other classes do not count toward the owner’s level for purposes of psicrystal abilities."

Do prestige classes that advance ones manifester level count as psionic classes for the purpose of improving ones psicrystal?

2007-12-31, 02:00 PM
Q 141

Regarding Psicrystals:

"Psicrystal abilities are based on the owner’s levels in psionic classes. Levels from other classes do not count toward the owner’s level for purposes of psicrystal abilities."

Do prestige classes that advance ones manifester level count as psionic classes for the purpose of improving ones psicrystal?

A 141 They do, but I'm bit unclear how classes that partialy progress your manifester level (5/10 and similar) count. I believe that classes that improve your manifester level at least once count as psionic class.
For example if you are Psion5/X10 (where X is 5/10 class) you will have psicrystal with same abilities as Psion 15.

2007-12-31, 07:10 PM
Q 142

Regarding spells with Concentration duration:

If I cast say, summon swarm. Do I have to stand still and concentrate the whole time to maintain the spell? How does it work? Is it a move action to direct the swarm? Can I have a clear direct explanation of the rules here, please? Everything I've read is hopelessly confusing.

2007-12-31, 09:53 PM
Q. 143

Regarding Spell Resistance:

I know from the D20srd that a Character's Spell Resistance is considered always active, unless they spend a standard action to lower it, which they have to continue doing every round (at the expense of being able to do pretty much anything else other then move) or it raises again. The Character's own spells ignore their Spell Resistance.

I presume from the rules above that a Character's party, when casting beneficial spells on the Character, have to penetrate the SR normally unless it is dropped through spending a Standard Action... the Character can't simply willingly fail his SR check.

Is this correct? If so, is there any way short of house-rules to remove this down-side of having SR?

2007-12-31, 10:22 PM
A 142
Concentrating to Maintain a Spell

Some spells require continued concentration to keep them going. Concentrating to maintain a spell is a standard action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Summon Swarm lasts as long as you concentrate (using your standard action each round, but still leaving your move action and free actions available), plus 2 rounds.

2007-12-31, 10:31 PM
A 143 You understand correctly.

The feat Reactive Resistance (Drow of the Underdark, page 52) will let you lower your spell resistance quickly.

2007-12-31, 11:24 PM
Q 144

What attacks/special attacks are possible while under the influence of 'Spider Climb' or while using Slippers of Spider Climb?

2007-12-31, 11:53 PM
A 144 Any attacks that you can perform with your normal movement are possible, within the limitation of your climb speed (20' for Spider Climb). The magic keeps you from needing to make Climb or Balance checks while climbing.

2008-01-01, 12:57 AM
Q. 145

Daily limit for preparing spells.

I think I understand how divine casters work - they set a precise time during the day (i.e. midnight, sunrise) when they prepare spells. At that time they can choose spells for all of their slots, except the ones uesd within the last 8 hours.

What about wizards? Since they can prepare spells later in the day, what's keeping them from casting their daily allotment 3 times a day?

2008-01-01, 01:19 AM
Q. 146

Can wolves track without using scent? Can they follow trails marked by broken twigs, footprints, and the like?

Emperor Demonking
2008-01-01, 08:15 AM
Q.147 Is thier a feat that gives you a bonus to listen spells if your sleeping?

2008-01-01, 08:37 AM
Q 148

In the description of the Factotum's class ability, Cunning Defense, it is called a free action. Throughout the description, it sounds as if you can use it anytime for a quick AC boost. Then it sort of inserts "during your turn" in an awkward place in a sentence. RAW, does this mean it can only be performed during your turn?

2008-01-01, 10:42 AM
Q. 145

Daily limit for preparing spells.

I think I understand how divine casters work - they set a precise time during the day (i.e. midnight, sunrise) when they prepare spells. At that time they can choose spells for all of their slots, except the ones uesd within the last 8 hours.

What about wizards? Since they can prepare spells later in the day, what's keeping them from casting their daily allotment 3 times a day?

A 145
Nothing but remember that they need 8 hours of uninterupted rest to regain their spells which usually isn't easy to do every day.

2008-01-01, 10:45 AM
Q.147 Is thier a feat that gives you a bonus to listen spells if your sleeping?

A 147
I am not aware of any such feat but there is teamwork benefit in PHBII, Camp Routine (I think it's called), that does that.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-01, 02:00 PM

Both divine and arcane casters can prepare spells more than once per day, but you cannot use your spell slots more than once each day, they are only renewed once, typically at the time of prayer in case of divine casters and after the 8 hours of rest for the wizard.

The wizard will not have the spell slots renewed a second time if the wizard sleeps again later in the day.
"Spells per day" means spells per day and not spells per 8 hours of rest.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-01, 02:03 PM
A. 148

You cannot take free actions when it is not your turn unless specifically noted otherwise, so that alone would limit it to "on your turn".

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-01, 02:06 PM
A. 146

The RAW does not prevent such a use of the Track bonus feat. (Common sense might though)

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-01, 02:09 PM
A. 142 Addendum

Is it a move action to direct the swarm?

Directing a swarm is not possible through the spell.

The caster has no control over its target or direction of travel.

Lady Tialait
2008-01-01, 02:57 PM
Q 149

What book has the Barbarian with the 'Pounce' ability?

2008-01-01, 03:08 PM
Q 149

What book has the Barbarian with the 'Pounce' ability?

A 149 Complete Champion. Alternative class feature Lion Totem Barbarian.

2008-01-01, 03:24 PM
Q. 150 (follow up to 145 for

When does the day begin for wizards? for divine casters it would seem to start at the time desginated for preparing spells. When does the day restart for wizards?

If on Monday Joe wizard prepared his spells at 10 AM, when can he prepare them on Tuesday? 8 AM? What about 4 AM, if he's already slept 8 hours?

2008-01-01, 04:16 PM
I think some common sense is required here. Once per day is just that: once per day. It doesn't matter at what point during the day you refresh your spells slots (unless your deity requires you to do that at a certain time of the day), if it's a new day you can get new spell slots.
Something of note is this (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/arcaneSpells.htm#preparingWizardSpells) rule. Any spell slot that was cast out of 8 hours or less before the time you refresh your spell slots then you don't get that spell slot.

The wording of the text is somewhat vague (it does not make the distinction between preparing spells and refreshing spell slots I did). This will usually not be a problem in a normal game, only when a player tries to break the system to get more spells per day.

2008-01-01, 04:49 PM
Q 151
What book is Craven feat from? (The one that increases your SA dmg, I think this is it's name)

Edit: Yeah, sorry. Fixed the number.

2008-01-01, 04:57 PM
A151 (Not 150)
Google (http://www.google.com/search?q=craven+D%26D) says: "FR book Champions of Ruin"

2008-01-01, 05:14 PM
Gaseous Form

Q 152
Can you move through a square that contains an opponent if one or both of you are in gaseous form?

Q 153
Can creatures in gaseous form be sensed with: blindsense, tremorsense (assuming it is in contact with the ground), or scent?

2008-01-01, 05:42 PM
Q. 154 (follow up on 145 and 150

When does a day start in D&D?

2008-01-01, 05:47 PM

... :smallconfused:

What kind of a question is this? I'm not sure how this is relevant to anything you or your characters may do, but I'm pretty sure that a day starts at 12:00 PM unless your DM says otherwise.[/sarcasm]

2008-01-01, 05:49 PM
A154 (Sorry, not sure about 152 and 153)
Like I said, some common sense is required. This is not covered by the RAW, so we have to assume some similarities with our world. New day starts at 12 at night.
You are steadily steering away from a sensible line of RAW questions and into the realm where catgirls die.

2008-01-01, 05:50 PM
Gaseous Form

Q 152
Can you move through a square that contains an opponent if one or both of you are in gaseous form?

Q 153
Can creatures in gaseous form be sensed with: blindsense, tremorsense (assuming it is in contact with the ground), or scent?

A 152

Yes. Gaseous Form creatures cannot pass through solid or liquid. However, they can still pass through squares occupied by other gaseous creatures, and other creatures that don't consume their entire square. A Gelatinous Cube is the common example of a creature that occupies its entire square.

A 153

A creature in Gaseous Form is not ethereal, so it can still be detected via Blindsense.

Scent can also detect a Gaseous Form creature.

Tremorsense cannot detect a creature with Gaseous Form, because a gas cloud is flying, rather than walking.

2008-01-01, 06:24 PM
Q. 155

Wolf Fang Strike (from Tome of Battle) allows you to attack with two weapons as a standard action, with a -2 penalty to each attack. Does this penalty stack with the normal Two-Weapon-Fighting penalties, or replace it?

- Saph

2008-01-01, 06:37 PM
Q. 156

Copied from my thread on the subject (no replies yet, and I need the answer fast);

If an Archmage uses Mastery of Shaping to exclude himself from the area of an Antimagic Field, can spells that affect an area still affect the Archmage? Or do they get stopped by the Antimagic Field (As it's area would be a bubble around the Archmage)? What about spells that specifically target the Archmage?

2008-01-01, 06:50 PM
Q. 156

Copied from my thread on the subject (no replies yet, and I need the answer fast);

If an Archmage uses Mastery of Shaping to exclude himself from the area of an Antimagic Field, can spells that affect an area still affect the Archmage? Or do they get stopped by the Antimagic Field (As it's area would be a bubble around the Archmage)? What about spells that specifically target the Archmage?

A 156

Yes, the archmage can still be affected by spells, if he's shaped away an area of the antimagic field from himself.

2008-01-01, 08:51 PM
Q. 154 (follow up on 145 and 150

When does a day start in D&D? A 154

Following the convention of D&D as representing a fantasy of medieval Europe, the day starts at dawn and ends at dawn of the next day. The Romans used this convention before, and Roman Catholicism, the dominant multicultural force in Europe during the time, maintained the practice to schedule daily events. For example, Sext ("sixth hour") is a church service at noon, six hours after dawn. (Hours tended to be somewhat elastic in length to accomodate changes of seasons.)

While this is the start of day and the default for divine spell preparation, D&D Clerics are supposed to abide by the special times of their deities. For Pelor that's obviously the rising of the sun, but some others have their time for daily prayer to replenish spells at noon or midnight. Daily spell preparation doesn't have to coincide with the start of the day.

2008-01-01, 08:59 PM
A 155

As Wolf Fang Strike is a maneuver that requires a standard action, and fighting with two weapons normally requires a full-round attack, Wolf Fang Strike and Two-Weapon Fighting don't have any overlap. The penalties for each are separate.

DJ Scrub
2008-01-02, 12:37 AM

The Book of Vile Darkness does not list a limit for the number of wights a Soul Drinker can control with its ability. Many sections list a HD or similar limit for specific abilities or spells, but I'm not aware of a universal limit. Is there one, and if so would this mean that wights controlled by a Soul Drinker with the ability to cast raise dead or a Soul Drinker of an undead race with the ability to command other types of undead would count against some total limit? Or can a Soul Drinker's ability command an unlimited number of wights?

2008-01-02, 12:53 AM

is it possible for a caster to use dimension door to get out of his armour? how about his clothing?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-02, 10:03 AM
A. 158

The spell description states that you CAN (not MUST) bring along objects, so deciding not to bring either clothing or armor seems reasonable under RAW.

You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed your maximum load.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-02, 10:09 AM
A. 157

No limit is given.

2008-01-02, 12:05 PM

My only action for a round is casting Summon Nature's Ally I. If I'm at the top of the initiative, will I get my summons at the end of that turn, or at the beginning of the next round?

2008-01-02, 12:21 PM

My only action for a round is casting Summon Nature's Ally I. If I'm at the top of the initiative, will I get my summons at the end of that turn, or at the beginning of the next round?

You get them at the begining of your next turn since spells with casting time of 1 round (note that this is diferent than full-round casting time) resolve at the begining of your next turn.

2008-01-02, 12:43 PM

How is full-round casting time different from 1 round casting time?


Will I still be able to take a standard action and a move action in the turn following casting Summon Nature's Ally I?

2008-01-02, 12:51 PM

How is full-round casting time different from 1 round casting time?


Will I still be able to take a standard action and a move action in the turn following casting Summon Nature's Ally I?

a That's my mistake. It should be casting time of 1 full-round action (usually metamagiced spontaneous spells ). Full-round actions take your whole turn but are resolved at the end of your current turn.
b On your next turn you have full-round action available to do with it whatever you like. 1 round casting time consumes only time until the beginning of your next turn.

2008-01-02, 01:07 PM

Are there many items that give darkvision? Can you give a page refrence to it (or them)?

2008-01-02, 01:12 PM

Are there many items that give darkvision? Can you give a page refrence to it (or them)?

Googles of the night (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#gogglesofNight). They are also in the DMG but I'm not sure which page exactly.

2008-01-02, 02:23 PM
Q 161

Can you use Persistent Attacker to Sneak Attack outside of the 30 feet range? Can you take another 4d6 SA damage penalty on the resulting sneak attack of a Persistent Attacker to continue making SA's indefinitely?

2008-01-02, 02:24 PM
Q 162

What happens if you enchant one end of a double weapon with the Morphing ability (MIC 39)? Is this even possible?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-02, 02:32 PM
A. 161

Yes and yes.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-02, 02:37 PM
A. 162

Yes, IIRC Morphing the weapon into a single weapon will allow you to use either end of the double weapon's enhancement on that single weapon.

2008-01-02, 03:09 PM
How do you calculate BAB for multiple attacks in terms of adding BAB from attributes and prestige classes.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-02, 03:20 PM
A. 163

How do you calculate BAB for multiple attacks in terms of adding BAB from attributes and prestige classes.

You do not get BAB from attributes you only get a bonus on attack (and possibly damage).

BAB is added from all classes, base classes as well as prestige classes.

Your second attack is gained at +6 BAB, the third at +11 and the fourth and last at +16.

2008-01-02, 03:28 PM
A. 163

You do not get BAB from attributes you only get a bonus on attack (and possibly damage).

BAB is added from all classes, base classes as well as prestige classes.

Your second attack is gained at +6 BAB, the third at +11 and the fourth and last at +16.
Err, Allow me to reprase
I have a character with 10 levels in rogue, giving him a BAB of +7/+2, However, I also gain a +6 to attack rolls from attributes and a +8 BAB from a prestige class, do I add these numbers to all attacks or just the first attack or what?
wait, I think I figured it out (just confirming here)
so my BAB is +15/+10/+5, giving me a total attack roll bonus (not counting enhancement bonuses) of +21/+19/+11
EDIT: Q 164: I get Sense Motive as a class skill from both my base class and my prestige class, the SRD says sense motive is Wis linked, but the splat book containing the base class says it's Cha linked, which do I use?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-02, 03:30 PM
Err, Allow me to reprase
I have a character with 10 levels in rogue, giving him a BAB of +7/+2, However, I also gain a +6 to attack rolls from attributes and a +8 BAB from a prestige class, do I add these numbers to all attacks or just the first attack or what?
wait, I think I figured it out (just confirming here)
so my BAB is +15/+10/+5, giving me a total attack roll bonus (not counting enhancement bonuses) of +21/+19/+10

You are correct.

2008-01-02, 03:35 PM
A 164 (in Bloddyredcommie's edit)
The Players Handbook/SRD is the primary source. Due to this you use Wisdom for sense motive.

2008-01-02, 03:39 PM
A 164 (in Bloddyredcommie's edit)
The Players Handbook/SRD is the primary source. Due to this you use Wisdom for sense motive.

And that is likely a typo, sense motive is wis based.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-02, 03:42 PM
And that is likely a typo...

Let's hope so.... :smalltongue:

2008-01-02, 03:46 PM
Q 165

Do Masterwork Artisan's Tools work for any craft check or just for a specific kind of craft check? As in, can the same tools be used just as effectively for Craft: Poisonmaking and Craft Armorsmithing?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-02, 03:50 PM
A. 165

They only apply to one craft.

RMS Oceanic
2008-01-02, 04:00 PM
Q 166

Does the Practised Spellcaster Feat (Complete Arcane/Divine) stack with the Arcane Power Class ability of Ultimate Magus (Complete Mage) for raising caster level?

E.g. I am a Wizard 3/Sorceror 2/UM 10. For both classes, the Arcane Power raises my caster level by 4, meaning I cast as a Wizard 15 and Sorceror 15. Would Practised Spellcaster raise either to 19?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-02, 04:07 PM
A. 166

Yes, but Practiced Spellcaster cannot raise your caster level above your HD, so the creature in your example would gain no benefit without some racial HD.

2008-01-02, 06:48 PM
A166 correction
If I recall the FAQ correctly, such effects are applied in the most beneficial order. The base casting is 11/11, Practiced Spellcaster could increase either or both (if taken twice) to 15 without exceeding its cap, and Arcane Power is then added on top of that, raising the caster level to 19.

Note, however, that neither bonus grants additional spells per day, spells known, or higher level spells.

Also, due to the wording of the Ultimate Magus casting progression on those levels where it only advances one side, taking Practiced Spellcaster for the lower level side can "trick" the PrC into advancing the class that is actually farther along in spell progression but has a lower caster level due to not having Practiced Spellcaster's bonus.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-02, 07:11 PM
A. 166 Correction Corrected

The FAQ has made statements in regard to applying effects in the order most beneficial to subjects in a number of cases, mainly revolving around the application of damage.

It is true that there is no order of application in this case, but there is no provision in the FAQ or elsewhere for removing limitations of the effects such as the HD limitation from Practiced Spellcaster.

There is no basis for ignoring limitations simply by choosing a specific order of application where no order of application is given.

2008-01-02, 07:15 PM
Q 167

What are the rules for donating XP used in vicarious/hired spellcasting? Specifically, how much money would it cost to hire a wizard to case Permanent Reduce Person on someone? (9th level caster x 50gp = 450gp services to start, plus 500XP...)

RMS Oceanic
2008-01-02, 07:22 PM
A 167

The Players Handbook says add 5 GP to the cost per XP point expended. Your example would be 450 + (5 * 500) = 2950 GP.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-02, 07:23 PM
A. 167

Xp can generally be "bought" for 5 gp per xp.

The cost given is for a spell with no cost for a material component or focus component and no XP cost. If the spell includes a material component, add the cost of that component to the cost of the spell. If the spell has a focus component (other than a divine focus), add 1/10 the cost of that focus to the cost of the spell. If the spell has an XP cost, add 5 gp per XP lost.

Fax Celestis
2008-01-02, 08:28 PM
A167Corollary The interesting thing about this is that it gives souls a gold piece value. The BoVD discusses using captured souls as a replacement for paying XP costs, and fixes a value for a soul. Since there is an XP:GP correlation (at a 1:5 ratio), one can determine the cost value of a soul.

BoVD states that a soul can replace XP costs while casting a spell. One soul is worth 10 XP. Provided the ratio above, this means a soul is worth approximately 50 gp.

This also means that you can now have a t-shirt that says, "I was damned for eternity and all I got was this lousy t-shirt +1."

Nazde Bahatur
2008-01-02, 08:36 PM
Q. 168

I have a rogue/swashbuckler and daring outlaw as a feat and two weapon fighting..
If i make him invisible (with a wand, or sth), can I make 2 sneak attacks in a single round?
(the first one while invisible, the second one with the off-hand weapon and using daring outlaw)

RMS Oceanic
2008-01-02, 09:02 PM
A 168
Assuming there's nobody else involved in the fight, after your first attack, you're no longer invisible. Therefore he won't be denied his dexterity bonus against your second attack, and he won't be sneak attacked again. If you had greater invisibility active, or were involved in a flanking maneuver, each attack you made against him would be a sneak attack.

2008-01-02, 09:17 PM
A 166 re-Correction
Allow me to direct the Popcorn Tyrant's attention to page 40 of the FAQ and the two questions concerning Practiced Spellcaster on that page. They concern its interactions with caster level bonuses from domains (the answer also mentions beads of karma) and a Wild Mage's variable bonus modifier, not specifically the Ultimate Magus class feature, but the principle is quite clear.

For quick reference, here's a quote:
Does the bonus to caster level from the Practiced
Spellcaster feat (from Complete Arcane and Complete
Divine) apply before or after other caster level bonuses
(such as those from the Good or Healing domains)?
The bonus from Practiced Spellcaster applies whenever it
would be most beneficial to the caster. A 4th-level cleric/4thlevel
fighter with the Healing domain and Practiced Spellcaster
would cast Conjuration (Healing) spells as a 9th-level caster
(base caster level 4th, +4 from Practiced Spellcaster, +1 from
the Healing domain). A 4th-level cleric/4th-level rogue with
Practiced Spellcaster who activates a bead of karma (from a
strand of prayer beads) would cast her spells as a 12th-level
caster (base 4, +4 from Practiced Spellcaster, +4 from bead of

How does Practiced Spellcaster interact with the wild
magic class feature of the wild mage (from Complete
The –3 penalty and +1d6 bonus to the wild mage’s caster
level are applied as a single step in the process of determining
the wild mage’s caster level. Since Practiced Spellcaster’s
bonus is always applied when it is most beneficial to the
character (see previous answer), a wild mage with Practiced
Spellcaster would typically apply the wild magic class feature
first (subtracting 3 and adding 1d6 to her caster level) and then
add the Practiced Spellcaster benefit, up to a maximum value
equal to her character level.
For example, if a 5th-level wizard/4th-level wild mage with
Practiced Spellcaster rolled a 1 on the 1d6 bonus to her caster
level, her caster level for that spell would be 9th (base 9th, –3
from wild magic penalty, +1 from wild magic bonus, +4 from
Practiced Spellcaster up to a maximum equal to her character
level). If she rolled a 6, her caster level would be 12th (base
9th, –3 from wild magic penalty, +6 from wild magic bonus;
the Practiced Spellcaster bonus would not apply since it would
increase her caster level above her character level).
On the other hand, imagine a wild mage whose caster level
(before applying the effects of the wild magic class feature) is
less than her character level, such as a wild mage with levels of
rogue or other non-spellcasting class. She might well choose to
apply the Practiced Spellcaster bonus first, before applying the
wild magic modifiers. A rogue 4/wizard 5/wild mage 4 would
have a base caster level of 9th before any other modifiers are
applied. Adding Practiced Spellcaster’s bonus would increase
this to 13th, at which point the penalty and bonus from wild
magic would be applied. The Sage recommends that players
averse to frequently recalculating caster level avoid playing a
character with this combination, as it is likely to cause

Nazde Bahatur
2008-01-02, 10:02 PM
Q. 168
My mistake. I totally forgot to mention I have the "flick of the wrist" feat.
How about now?

2008-01-02, 10:50 PM
Q 169

I just failed to make a knowledge check for a specific piece of information. What, if anything, can I do in order to make another check for this same piece of information?

2008-01-02, 10:53 PM
A 169

Of the top of my head I can think of the Call to Mind Psionic Power, which grants you a second check at +4. I can think of a few ingame things, but they aren't necessarily RAW (Asking an expert on the matter; getting more skill ranks in the skill, which could easily be seen as double checking)

2008-01-03, 01:08 AM
Q 170

Does the psionic power Metamorphosis prohibit you from using a construct form if you already are a construct?

2008-01-03, 01:30 AM
Q 171
I can't seem to find this, but are there any feats that turn cross-class skills into class skills?

2008-01-03, 01:38 AM
A 171

Education (a regional feat from FR, though I think it has been reprinted elsewhere) makes all Knowledge skills class skills. I think there are others, but I couldn't find them.

Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick
2008-01-03, 02:39 AM
A 171
The Feat Able Learner allows a human or doppelganger to treat all skills as class skills for purposes of skill point cost, but not maximum ranks.
It may only be taken at first level.

Q 172

The Epic Level Handbook states somewhat paradoxically both that PP per day do not increase beyond 20th level, and that the Psion gains 34 PP each time they gain a level. The Errata to the text contradict this point, as follows:
The psion’s number of power points per day does not increase after 20th level, but the limit on power points spent on a metapsionic power is 19 (though feats such as Improved Manifestation extend this limit). Each time the psion achieves a new level, he learns a new power of any power level that he can manifest (according to his new level) that is within his primary discipline. Psions continue to gain bonus power points for high ability scores.

To throw more fuel on the fire, the d20SRD states that the Psion gains not one but two new powers of any level or levels he can manifest, with no mention of discipline.

However- the Expanded Psionics Handbook makes no mention of a limit to PP spent on a single power, metapsionic or otherwise, beyond the Manifester Level limit, as far as I can discern. Logically, then, a Psion of even pre-epic status, at twentieth level, could spend 20 PP on a power should he so choose.
Thus, the 19PP restriction of the Errata-corrected original handbook is nonsensical.
My hopes that this was somehow a relic of the previous edition, and corrected in the update booklet for the text, were dashed; the update makes precisely no mention of Psionics, in any capacity, and states that progressions given in the ELH for 'base classes' are unchanged. This can be presumed to include the Psion and Psychic warrior, which do indeed have twenty-level progression even in the previous editions.

Out of my frustrations, then, these queries:
172 A
What is the correct power point progression of an epic psionic character?
Do they gain bonus power points for high ability scores, as stated, and do they otherwise gain additional power points per day?
What is the correct progression of powers known for an epic psionic character, if it differs from the above, errata-corrected text?

172 B
What is the source of the outlandish 19PP limit given in the above text? Does it apply to the present (XPH-era) state of affairs?

172 C
If, as stated, Psionic characters 'do not gain new power points per day beyond twentieth level', would a multiclass psionic character therefore simply gain no PP, no matter what class they advanced in, if they are beyond Character Level 20- that is, would a Psion 20 who then advances to Wilder 20 have the Power Point reserve of a twentieth-level Psion, and no more- and learn no more powers from advancing as a Wilder?

Would a Psionic character who advances beyond twentieth character level in a prestige class, similarly to the above query, gain no new powers known or PP from such advancement?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-03, 04:41 AM
Q. 168
My mistake. I totally forgot to mention I have the "flick of the wrist" feat.
How about now?

A. 168 after the addition of FotW

Assuming you draw your off-hand weapon in the same round both attacks has the potential to become sneak attacks.

Att: Douglas and Q&A 166.

I apologize for my ignorance. I should have checked the FAQ.
It is not very consistent, but it does make sense for Practiced Spellcaster.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-03, 04:56 AM
A. 170


2008-01-03, 08:47 AM

How long does Inspire Courage with Requiem last for undead? If its half as long, then its for as long as you maintain it and an additional 5 rounds divided by 2. But how would you compute it if you don't know how long you will maintain it yet?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-03, 08:52 AM
A. 173 (NOT 171)

"Song" +2 rounds seems to be the only reasonable conclusion.

2008-01-03, 08:55 AM
Q 172

Say a monstrous web spinning spider spits its web at a creature and misses. Should the thrown weapon misdirection be rolled and should there be a gooey web in the place missed?

Also, along those lines, web spinners can make webs 5' square to 60' square depending on size. What size would a Large spider make?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-03, 09:29 AM
172 A
What is the correct power point progression of an epic psionic character?
Do they gain bonus power points for high ability scores, as stated, and do they otherwise gain additional power points per day?
What is the correct progression of powers known for an epic psionic character, if it differs from the above, errata-corrected text?

A. 172 A
Epic Psionic creatures do not gain additional PP from class levels. You would need to take Improved Manifestation or resort to increase in ability scores etc.
Powers known depend on class, but the Psion learns two powers of any level that he/she/it can manifest.

172 B
What is the source of the outlandish 19PP limit given in the above text? Does it apply to the present (XPH-era) state of affairs?

A. 172 B

The restriction does not appear in the Expanded Psionics Handbook.
I suggest you ignore it.

172 C
If, as stated, Psionic characters 'do not gain new power points per day beyond twentieth level', would a multiclass psionic character therefore simply gain no PP, no matter what class they advanced in, if they are beyond Character Level 20- that is, would a Psion 20 who then advances to Wilder 20 have the Power Point reserve of a twentieth-level Psion, and no more- and learn no more powers from advancing as a Wilder?

A. 172 C


Would a Psionic character who advances beyond twentieth character level in a prestige class, similarly to the above query, gain no new powers known or PP from such advancement?

A. 172 C-2

Correct, unless prestige class progression advances an already existing psionic class that gains new powers at epic levels or an epic prestige class progression exist that grants powers.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-03, 09:35 AM
A. 174

Q 172

Say a monstrous web spinning spider spits its web at a creature and misses. Should the thrown weapon misdirection be rolled and should there be a gooey web in the place missed?

No, it acts like a net.

Also, along those lines, web spinners can make webs 5' square to 60' square depending on size. What size would a Large spider make?

The size the DM finds appropriate. No guidelines are given.

2008-01-03, 09:40 AM
Regarding A 172...thank you - you are a gentleman and a scholar, Lord_Silvanos!

2008-01-04, 02:22 AM
Q. 175

What happens when a creature with Regeneration suffers Vile Damage?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-04, 04:51 AM
A. 175

The same restrictions to healing would apply and thus regeneration would not work.

2008-01-04, 01:12 PM
Q, 176

Can glitterdust blind an undead creature?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-04, 01:17 PM
A. 176

Yes, Undead are generally not immune to blindness and blinding effects.

2008-01-04, 03:03 PM
A 169 additional answer

You can also use Gather Information to pick the brains of other people who might already know what your Knowlege check failed to disclose.

2008-01-04, 07:17 PM
Q 177

Are there feats which give a Warlock additional Invocations?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-04, 07:22 PM
A. 177

Extra Invocation, Complete Arcane.

Nazde Bahatur
2008-01-04, 08:14 PM
Q. 178
Can a warlock use scrolls? (he does not have "spells", that's why i'm asking.)

Q. 179
Can somebody use 'Permanency' on a 'Change Self' spell?
That is, can i cast 'change self' from a scroll, and then have someone make it permanent?

2008-01-04, 08:18 PM
A 178
A Warlock must use Use Magic Device in order to use scrolls

A 179
Permanency (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/permanency.htm) does not list change self as a spell that can be effected by Permanency.

2008-01-04, 08:57 PM
Q. 180

What is the minimum cost to purchase from NPCs a Permanencied +5 Greater Magic Fang bodily enhancement using core rules?

(I calculate it as 8530 gold, and the prerequisite of finding a level 16 Druid and a level 11 Wizard/Permanency using Sorcerer. But it couldn't be that cheap...)

2008-01-04, 09:03 PM
A 180
An Amulet of Mighty Fists +5 costs 150,000 gp, and acts as the Greater Magic Fang spell.

Edit: 8530 gp would be the correct amount. However since the cost is over 3,000 gp for the permanency, you will be hardpressed to find someone willing to cast it.

1. See spell description for additional costs. If the additional costs put the spell’s total cost above 3,000 gp, that spell is not generally available.

2008-01-04, 09:13 PM
(That's a good point about the generally applied 3000 gp limit. How odd that magic items don't follow the same scheme.)

Follow-up question:
Q 181

Would a targeted dispel check on a creature target a spell that was made permanent, the permanency spell itself, or both in some random order?

2008-01-04, 09:14 PM
A 180, minor correction:

8650. You need a 20th level caster for a +5 bonus (or a 16th level caster with +4 worth of caster level boosters.) The price difference is trivial; the difference in difficulty between finding a 16th and a 20th level character is most likely not.

2008-01-04, 09:19 PM
A 180 Consideration

I had assumed that the +1 per 4 levels is in addition to the +1 from the base Magic Fang spell. But since I can't find the "additional" keyword in the right location in the spell description, I can't really argue with that interpretation.

Nazde Bahatur
2008-01-04, 09:46 PM
Q. 182
Ok, let's say that I have a human character, and I want him to look like Spawn, for example. Or Hulk.
Is there a spell that can alter my appearance permanently?
(I do not have to be the caster, I can find another person to cast it on me, if need be)

2008-01-04, 11:10 PM
A 180 Final

Aha! There is another way! Unfortunately, it might run into the dreaded "Rules As Intended"...

A scroll of permanency can be purchased for 10,125 gp. And it allows EXP expenditure of up to 2000 EXP.

The only problem is that, technically, it must be assumed to be of caster level 9, since that is the lowest caster level that could conceivably cast that spell.

However, it wouldn't make any sense if that was the case, as all minimum caster level 9 spells which can be permanencied use only 500 EXP. The spells which use 2000 EXP are all 12th level. So in following the designer's intentions, one must assume that the caster level for the scroll is supposed to be 12.

Actually, one may even make the case that this IS RAW, as a scroll with the same exp limit may not be even craftable by someone with a caster level less than 12. So the footnote of the scroll could be increasing the minimum caster level.

This would perhaps grant a more reasonable minimum of 10,725 gp. (Assuming the discovery of a level 20 druid, of course.)

2008-01-04, 11:31 PM
A 182

Polymorph Any Object (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/polymorphAnyObject.htm) could do it as long as you aren't looking for any mechanical bonuses. Human turning into a strange looking human should get you +9 to the duration modifier.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-05, 04:34 AM
A. 181

The permanency spell itself is irrelevant after it has been cast. The spell that is made permanent is what matters and is what is the concern with regards to dispelling.

EDIT: Sorry, I assumed that WotC would have made some sensible notes on the duration, such as making the duration of Permanency instantaneous.

2008-01-05, 04:56 AM
Q 181

Would a targeted dispel check on a creature target a spell that was made permanent, the permanency spell itself, or both in some random order? A 181

A targeted dispel will go through all ongoing spells currently affecting the targeted creature, in no specified order. As both the original spell and the Permanency spell are ongoing, either can be dispelled; and since dispelling either is generally sufficient to end the original spell (which would probably have expired long since), that gives two chances to end the permanent spell.

Note that some applications of Permanency require the dispeller to be of a higher caster level than that of the Permanency caster.

2008-01-05, 04:54 PM
Q 183

When a creature has Damage Reduction 5 Bludgeoning, does it take 1 damage from what would normally be a 6-damage Bludgeoning attack, does it soak 5 damage from everything else, or is it immune to everything but Bludgeoning attacks of 5 damage and more?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-05, 05:00 PM
A. 183

DR X/ ? means that the creature ignores the first X points of damage from weapon attacks by anything but ?.

In your example the creature would take 6 damage from bludgeoning attacks, but 1 point from any other type.


Some magic creatures have the supernatural ability to instantly heal damage from weapons or to ignore blows altogether as though they were invulnerable.

The numerical part of a creature’s damage reduction is the amount of hit points the creature ignores from normal attacks. Usually, a certain type of weapon can overcome this reduction. This information is separated from the damage reduction number by a slash. Damage reduction may be overcome by special materials, by magic weapons (any weapon with a +1 or higher enhancement bonus, not counting the enhancement from masterwork quality), certain types of weapons (such as slashing or bludgeoning), and weapons imbued with an alignment. If a dash follows the slash then the damage reduction is effective against any attack that does not ignore damage reduction.

Ammunition fired from a projectile weapon with an enhancement bonus of +1 or higher is treated as a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Similarly, ammunition fired from a projectile weapon with an alignment gains the alignment of that projectile weapon (in addition to any alignment it may already have).

Whenever damage reduction completely negates the damage from an attack, it also negates most special effects that accompany the attack, such as injury type poison, a monk’s stunning, and injury type disease. Damage reduction does not negate touch attacks, energy damage dealt along with an attack, or energy drains. Nor does it affect poisons or diseases delivered by inhalation, ingestion, or contact.

Attacks that deal no damage because of the targetÂ’s damage reduction do not disrupt spells.

Spells, spell-like abilities, and energy attacks (even nonmagical fire) ignore damage reduction.

Sometimes damage reduction is instant healing. Sometimes damage reduction represents the creature’s tough hide or body,. In either case, characters can see that conventional attacks don’t work.

If a creature has damage reduction from more than one source, the two forms of damage reduction do not stack. Instead, the creature gets the benefit of the best damage reduction in a given situation.

2008-01-05, 07:21 PM
Q 184

Where are the rules regarding sneak attack and weapon-like spells? What qualifies a weapon like spell, and how many times sneak attack may be applied to a spell?

Q 184.5Specifics would be handy, and appreciated, especially in regards to Volleys like Scorching ray or rapid shot.

2008-01-05, 09:29 PM
A 184

The rules are in pages 85 and 86 of Complete Arcane. A weapon like spell is one that needs an attack roll and that deals damage. You can apply sneak attack damage if you are within 30 ft and all the regular conditions are met. The sneak attack damage is considered of the same type as the energy and is only applied on the actual attack roll (For example: the sneak attack would deal acid damage for melf's acid arrow, but only on the attack. The additional damage over time dealt by this specific spell works as normal). This changes with ability damage and negative levels, the sneak attack becomes negative energy damage, not bonus ability damage or negative levels.

A 185

For volleys, the sneak attack is only applied on the first attack, whether it hits or not. (scorching ray would only apply sneak attack on the first missile) Rapid Shot isn't a volley attack though, it's a full attack, so every arrow would have sneak attack as long as they all qualify for it.

2008-01-05, 11:32 PM
Q 186 Can you fire a spell through an arrow slit?

Line of Effect

A line of effect is a straight, unblocked path that indicates what a spell can affect. A line of effect is canceled by a solid barrier. It’s like line of sight for ranged weapons, except that it’s not blocked by fog, darkness, and other factors that limit normal sight.

You must have a clear line of effect to any target that you cast a spell on or to any space in which you wish to create an effect. You must have a clear line of effect to the point of origin of any spell you cast.

A burst, cone, cylinder, or emanation spell affects only an area, creatures, or objects to which it has line of effect from its origin (a spherical burst’s center point, a cone-shaped burst’s starting point, a cylinder’s circle, or an emanation’s point of origin).

An otherwise solid barrier with a hole of at least 1 square foot through it does not block a spell’s line of effect. Such an opening means that the 5-foot length of wall containing the hole is no longer considered a barrier for purposes of a spell’s line of effect. Arrow slits are much smaller than a square foot. Say there's just one arrow slit in a 5' section of wall. We know that you can fire a non-spell ranged weapon (say an arrow from a bow) through an arrow slit (Duh!) and that you can fire a ranged spell through if you have a big gaping 1' square hole. But can you fire a spell through a smaller hole, when you have cover from the world outside?

2008-01-05, 11:50 PM
Q 187 Charisma bonus to AC?

A monk can turn Wisdom into AC, a duelist can turn Intelligence into AC, and obviously everything turns Dexterity into AC.

Is there any feat, template, or prestige class that can turn one's Charisma bonus into AC? (Short of being something like the Ghaele, which has a Deflection AC Bonus equal to their Charisma modifier while in Globe form, but isn't something one can easily cross-class into...) :smallsmile:

2008-01-06, 12:04 AM
A 187
According to This (http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=320889), the following abilities grant the bonus
Arcane Duellist 2|Online|AC
Battle Dancer|DragMag#159/DragComp p26|AC
Dread Pirate 9|Complete Adv. p39 3.5|AC, Self and Allies, 1/Day
Mystic Wonderer|Magic of Faerun p35 3.0|AC
Risen Martyr 2|BoED p68 3.5|AC
Divine Shield|Complete Warrior p106 3.5|AC
Sirine's Grace|Spell Compendium p191 3.5|AC[/table]

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-06, 03:59 AM
A. 186

No, if you could there would be no point in mentioning that a solid object with a hole of that size would not block line of effect, but it should of course have been spelled out.

2008-01-06, 10:46 AM
Q. 188

The Sahuagin in the MM is listed as having the stats 14 13 12 14 13 9.

How do I figure out which array they started with, and where the racial bonuses and penalties are applied?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-06, 10:53 AM
A. 188

All monsters (not stat blocks with class levels though) use the following base stats:

11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10

All uneven stats have 11 as the base and all even 10.

In you Sahuagin case that becomes (assuming your numbers are correct):

+4, +2, +2, +4, +2, -2

2008-01-06, 10:58 AM
A 188 cont..

yeah... thats kinda what I thought, but ...um... that just seems WAY overpowered compared to what other races get, especially if you look at the races as player characters sections..

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-06, 11:08 AM
A. 188 Continued

Well what do you want me to say; It is a fish and it has 2 racial HD and level adjustment +2/+3.

2008-01-06, 11:13 AM
A. 188 last time

heh no, im making some sahuagin with a class level or two and i was just worried because i wanted to give it a better array and then give it the proper bonuses as well, but I dont want to destroy my party with it.

Anyhow, thanks for the quick answers.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-06, 11:23 AM
A. 188...

You can always go for the Nonelite Array: 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 if you are afraid the Elite is going to break it.

2008-01-06, 01:01 PM
Does Gaes (and Lesser Gaes) compel the target to immediately take up the action they've been Gaesed to do?
For example, if the Gaes was to "Kill those people", is the target going to immediately start attacking "those people", or must they only begin doing so after a day (when the penalties kick in)?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-06, 01:58 PM
A. 189

The recipient will try to carry out the task immediately.

2008-01-06, 02:05 PM
Q. 190

If a cleric casts half their spells about 4 hours before dawn, and dawn is their chosen time for prayer/meditation for spell recovery, is it possible for them to recover those cast spell slots 4 hours after dawn? If so, how exactly would that work? What method of prayer or meditation would allow them to recover those slots in the quickest manner possible?

2008-01-06, 02:09 PM
Q. 191

What happens if you use the Mithral Tornado maneuver while wielding a reach weapon?

- Saph

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-06, 02:14 PM
A. 190

No, unfortunately not. The RAW is rather strict on that point.

Recent Casting Limit: As with arcane spells, at the time of preparation any spells cast within the previous 8 hours count against the number of spells that can be prepared.

Unless of course the caster is so lucky to be prevented from paying at the designated time and the next 4 hours.

If some event prevents a character from praying at the proper time, he must do so as soon as possible. If the character does not stop to pray for spells at the first opportunity, he must wait until the next day to prepare spells.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-06, 02:20 PM
A. 191

A strict reading would prevent you from using the reach weapon for the attacks.

2008-01-06, 02:55 PM
Q. 192

Is there a feat that I can take that let me 'belly bounces' an opponent away after a charge?

I was looking at Knockback, Shock Trooper, Power Attack, Leap Attack, Improved Bull Rush to do it, but it seems that Knockback that would only move them 5' (as I can't follow). What I'd like is something that would send them away from me into charge rage again so I can hit them again next round with a charge.

2008-01-06, 05:10 PM
Q. 193

Where in the PHB/DMG does it show how many bonus spells spellcasters gain for having a higher spellcasting ability score?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-06, 05:14 PM
A. 193

PHB page 8.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-06, 05:18 PM
A. 192 Comment

I cannot recall a feat that would let you do that.
Awesome Blow will knock them 10 feet back, but it requires a standard action.

Even if you found a feat that would let you do it, what would prevent them from moving to a position where you cannot charge?

2008-01-06, 05:56 PM
A. 192 Comment

I cannot recall a feat that would let you do that.
Awesome Blow will knock them 10 feet back, but it requires a standard action.

Even if you found a feat that would let you do it, what would prevent them from moving to a position where you cannot charge?

You can't really charge someone, then turn around walk back a bit then charge again in the same round. Though charging back and forth two different opponents is an option, which is what I'm currently doing.

2008-01-06, 06:03 PM
You can't really charge someone, then turn around walk back a bit then charge again in the same round. Though charging back and forth two different opponents is an option, which is what I'm currently doing.

A 192. Comment 2

Instead of pushing them back, why not do hit and runs? If you can find a way to move with a swift action (The Hustle psionic power, the Sudden Leap tiger claw maneuver, a Belt of Battle from MIC) you can charge and retreat in the same round.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-06, 06:21 PM
A. 192 3rd Comment

Not a feat, but the Dislocator weapon enhancement will teleport your target 10 feet away. (MIC & Psionic Handbook)

2008-01-06, 07:06 PM
Q 194

Does a Raptoran with the Stormtalon prestige class (both from Races of the Wild) gain a single Talon attack or two (one for each foot). The text seems to refer to it as both a Talon and as Talons.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-06, 07:13 PM
A. 194

You get a single attack with your talons (both are used together in one attack, hence the use of plural).

2008-01-06, 09:53 PM
Q. 195

Is their information somewhere about the price of hiring henchmen? One of my players wants to hire a 5th level Wizard to travel around with him for a few days/weeks and I can't seem to find any entries in the DMG about how much that would cost.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-07, 03:48 AM
A. 195

Information about adventures as henchmen can be found in DMG II, page 154.

A 5th level wizard would cost 25 gp/day + a share of the loot equal to:
1 / (2 x (# in party))

If the party is not above level 5 the fee increases to 250 gp / day and a full share of the loot.

2008-01-07, 11:40 AM
Q. 196

Exactly what conditions can Iron Heart Surge remove? Can it remove, say, poison, disease, or negative levels? (This may not count as a simple question . . .)

- Saph

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-07, 12:02 PM
A. 196

It can remove almost anything. :smalltongue:

Poison and Disease are not listed as conditions, but their effects certainly are.

Whether they themselves are effects if they are a result of extraordinary (non-magical) abilities is not spelled out directly.

However, if we consider the otherwise liberal interpretations of effects used by WotC I would not call it an unreasonable interpretation to include both poison and disease as something that can be removed by IHS and I even think it is RAI.

Negative levels in the form of energy drain is listed as a condition and it is certainly also an effect.

2008-01-07, 02:51 PM
Q. 197.
If a caster level changes during the casting of a spell, what caster level is the caster level of the spell?
(Say, for example that I have CL 15, then use a Bead of Karma to get CL 19, wait 5 minutes, and cast Fierce Pride of the Beastlands, with a 10 minutes casting time.)

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-07, 03:06 PM
A. 197

There is no explicit rules, but considering that the caster's decisions are not determined until the casting has finished it is most reasonable to rule that the CL is determined at the end of the casting time.

You make all pertinent decisions about a spell (range, target, area, effect, version, and so forth) when the spell comes into effect.

2008-01-07, 08:27 PM
Q. 198

Can you use a Crown of White Ravens or similar item to meet the prerequisites for a maneuver? For instance, if you knew one Diamond Mind maneuver and in addition had a Ring of Diamond Mind, could you learn Ruby Nightmare Blade (which has a prerequisite of two Diamond Mind maneuvers)?

- Saph

2008-01-07, 11:28 PM
Q. 198

Can you use a Crown of White Ravens or similar item to meet the prerequisites for a maneuver? For instance, if you knew one Diamond Mind maneuver and in addition had a Ring of Diamond Mind, could you learn Ruby Nightmare Blade (which has a prerequisite of two Diamond Mind maneuvers)?

- Saph

It's gray IMO (technically she knows 2 maneuvers with an item) so I would say yes although it should be clearly defined what happens if the PC loses the Crown of White Ravens. IMO she would lose the Ruby Nightmare Blade maneuver (wouldn't get a replacement for it either) until she levels up and is able to swap it out for another maneuver, gets the crown or a similar item back or learns a prerequisite maneuver (IMO it could actually be a higher level maneuver than normal since she knows Ruby Nightmare Blade but just can't access/use it at the moment).

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-08, 04:02 AM
A. 198

There is precedent for allowing magic items to qualify for feats and such.

In this case however, the item in question grants you the use of maneuvers, but it does not grant you maneuvers known, which is what the prerequisite is.

This may seem like being overly literal, but consider a similar situation where an item grants you the use of a specific spell. I don't think you would allow that item when qualifying for a prestige class where you must be able to cast said spell.

2008-01-08, 06:47 AM

How do you determine the total ECL of a PC or NPC?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-08, 06:52 AM
A. 199

ECL = Racial HD + Level Adjustment + Class levels.

For NPCs or monsters ECL is most often irrelevant. What matters for antagonists are their challenge rating.

Duke of URL
2008-01-08, 10:27 AM
Q. 200

Let's talk ghosts for a minute.

According to the SRD, the Manifestation ability states:

Manifestation (Su)

Every ghost has this ability. A ghost dwells on the Ethereal Plane and, as an ethereal creature, it cannot affect or be affected by anything in the material world. When a ghost manifests, it partly enters the Material Plane and becomes visible but incorporeal on the Material Plane. A manifested ghost can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons, or spells, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source. A manifested ghost can pass through solid objects at will, and its own attacks pass through armor. A manifested ghost always moves silently. A manifested ghost can strike with its touch attack or with a ghost touch weapon (see Ghostly Equipment, below). A manifested ghost remains partially on the Ethereal Plane, where is it not incorporeal. A manifested ghost can be attacked by opponents on either the Material Plane or the Ethereal Plane. The ghost’s incorporeality helps protect it from foes on the Material Plane, but not from foes on the Ethereal Plane.

When a spellcasting ghost is not manifested and is on the Ethereal Plane, its spells cannot affect targets on the Material Plane, but they work normally against ethereal targets. When a spellcasting ghost manifests, its spells continue to affect ethereal targets and can affect targets on the Material Plane normally unless the spells rely on touch. A manifested ghost’s touch spells don’t work on nonethereal targets.

A ghost has two home planes, the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane. It is not considered extraplanar when on either of these planes.

What I do NOT see, in any way, shape, or form, are answers to the following:

200 A What kind of action does it take to manifest? I.e., immediate, swift, free, move, standard, full-round, etc?

200 B What is the mechanism for "un-manifesting"?

200 C Is there a time limit on the minimum or maximum amount of time a ghost may be manifested for?

200 D How often may the ghost manifest or "un-manifest" itself?

Also, on the Malevolence ability...

Malevolence (Su)

Once per round, an ethereal ghost can merge its body with a creature on the Material Plane. This ability is similar to a magic jar spell (caster level 10th or the ghost’s Hit Dice, whichever is higher), except that it does not require a receptacle. To use this ability, the ghost must be manifested and it must try move into the target’s space; moving into the target’s space to use the malevolence ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The target can resist the attack with a successful Will save (DC 15 + ghost’s Cha modifier). A creature that successfully saves is immune to that same ghost’s malevolence for 24 hours, and the ghost cannot enter the target’s space. If the save fails, the ghost vanishes into the target’s body.

200 E What happens if the Ghost is subject to a turning or rebuking attempt while it is in possession of another being's body?

2008-01-08, 10:35 AM
A 200A This one is in the Special Abilities defaults:
Supernatural Abilities (Su)

Supernatural abilities are magical and go away in an antimagic field but are not subject to spell resistance, counterspells, or to being dispelled by dispel magic. Using a supernatural ability is a standard action unless noted otherwise.

2008-01-08, 11:19 AM
Q 201

What is the correct pricing of the Druids Vestment (vestment, Druid's)? The Dungeon Masters guide lists 3500 (I think) in the wonderous items table, but in the description lists it as 10 000gp.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-08, 11:28 AM
A. 200


Also a standard action.




At will.


Nothing is mentioned that would indicate that the Ghost would have to leave the body, but since it has to flee by the fastest means possible if turned it would most like often be the result.
A rebuked Ghost would most likely stay in the body.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-08, 11:29 AM
A. 201

Text trumps table, so the description is the primary source.

2008-01-08, 10:16 PM
Q202 -

A. What's the pricing equation of damage resistance?

B. Is it different for DR/material, DR/magic, DR/Alignment, or DR/- ?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-09, 03:37 AM
Q 202 Info query

Q202 -

A. What's the pricing equation of damage resistance?

B. Is it different for DR/material, DR/magic, DR/Alignment, or DR/- ?

With respect to magic items, LA or something else?

2008-01-09, 05:05 AM
Q. 203
Stuck on dialup, hope nothing like this has been asked since last I looked...

Wizards and the Divine Oracle prestige class: The PrC grants the Oracle domain. A spellbook caster like the wizard adds domain spells to his spell list, then must acquire and scribe them as normal, after which he can cast each of them 1/day in his normal slots. This much is clear from CDiv.

But what about when a domain grants a spell that's already on the wizard list, but it differs between arcane and divine versions? Specifically, M/DF spells, such as identify (the 1st-level Oracle spell)...

Can a wizard who acquires the Oracle domain use his already-scribed identify spell exactly as the 1st-level domain spell, thus negating the need for an arcane material component?

Or (as I think likely) does he need to scribe it from a divine scroll first, in order to cast it in the divine manner?

Or would it be (though I think it less likely) that scribing it from a divine scroll would make no difference and he must always cast it as an arcane spell with its arcane material component?

2008-01-09, 05:22 AM
A 203
I can see an argument be made in favor of ditching the component; however RAW say that your spells are still arcane, so your Identify is still an arcane spell and as such it will need a material component.

Hope that somebody proves me wrong though...

Fax Celestis
2008-01-09, 10:30 AM
Q204a If I dual-wield two one-handed double weapons, do I use two-weapon fighting or multiweapon fighting?

Q204b If I dual-wield two two-handed double weapons, do I use two-weapon fighting or multiweapon fighting?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-09, 10:42 AM
A. 204

Multiweapon, assuming you are using more than 2 limbs to wield your weapons.

Fax Celestis
2008-01-09, 10:45 AM
Q204Cont Ah, but see there's a prestige class in Drow of the Underdark that makes the spiked chain into a one-handed weapon. If I have two arms and dual-wield spiked chains in this fashion, I have two double weapons in two hands. Is it still Multiweapon?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-09, 10:52 AM
A. 204 Continued

What you wield is irrelevant, the number of appendages you use is what ultimately matters.

If you are using two limbs you should be using TWF. (If you qualify for Multiweapon Fighting you can opt to use that instead of course.)

2008-01-09, 11:49 AM
A204 Continued
Spiked chains are not double weapons, so that class is not relevant to this question.

2008-01-09, 11:49 AM
Preface: Thanks for all the help with this thread, people! Long time reader, not first time typer :smallsmile:

Q 205
Questions regarding a spell like hail of stone that takes 1 round to cast.

1) As for LoS v. LoEffect: Say, a group of goblins are hiding atop a wall behind a castle's merlins (within spell range), our wizardess knows they are there, but cannot see them. Can she cast the spell so that the 5' radius/40' tall column gets the goblins? Namely, can the top of the column be in the LoS of the wizardess and will drop the stones on the goblins atop behind the battlements.

2) Since the spell acts immediately before the start of the next round's action of the caster, can she indicate the placement of the hail at that time or does it have to be at the start of casting? For instance, the goblins hear her casting and run over to a catapult away from their position she began casting - can she drop the stones over there instead?

3) If she had LoS of the place she wanted at the start of casting, but then lost it (she was blinded or a smoke cloud/mist obscures her sight) before her turn, can the spell still take effect in its original place?

4) As for using 5' squares, how is the 'damage' zone determined with the spell if it is plopped smack dab in the middle of a square like "X" below:


Does it include A, C, F, and H? or just get B, D, X, E, and G?

2008-01-09, 12:02 PM
Stupid Q206

Result of thinking+too much coffee = Is there anything like Colossal-size Demilich?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-09, 12:37 PM
A. 205

Ad 1)
I don't have access to the spell description, but if the "Area" is a "Cylinder" like, say the Flame Strike, LOE to the point of origin (the top of the cylinder) is sufficient.

You must have a clear line of effect to the point of origin of any spell you cast. A burst, cone, cylinder, or emanation spell affects only an area, creatures, or objects to which it has line of effect from its origin (a spherical burst’s center point, a cone-shaped burst’s starting point, a cylinder’s circle, or an emanation’s point of origin).

Ad 2)
All those details are not determined until at the end of casting.

You make all pertinent decisions about a spell (range, target, area, effect, version, and so forth) when the spell comes into effect.

Ad 3)
LoS is not a requirement for area spells.

Ad 4)

That will not happen. You must choose a grid intersection.

The point of origin of a spell is always a grid intersection.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-09, 12:43 PM
A. 206

No, no creatures exist that would result in a such a creation.


Medium-size and Large liches become Diminutive demiliches, Huge liches become Small demiliches, Gargantuan liches become Medium-size demiliches, and Colossal liches become Large demiliches.

You could of course increase the size of the Demilich after it has been created.

2008-01-09, 02:01 PM

If I want to take a PrC that requires a skill rank of 8, would I be able to take the 1st level of the PrC at level 5 when I put the 8th rank into the skill, or would I have to wait until level 6?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-09, 02:14 PM
A. 207

You would have to wait until level 6.

Prestige classes offer a new form of multiclassing. Unlike the basic classes, characters must meet Requirements before they can take their first level of a prestige class. The rules for level advancement apply to this system, meaning the first step of advancement is always choosing a class. If a character does not meet the Requirements for a prestige class before that first step, that character cannot take the first level of that prestige class.

2008-01-09, 10:34 PM
Q. 208

Does a Swordsage actually have ×6 to skills at first level, or is that a typo? I can't seem to find the answer.

2008-01-09, 11:42 PM
Q 202 Info query

With respect to magic items, LA or something else?

magic items.

2008-01-10, 12:52 AM
Q 209

Do different spells with similar effects stack?
Ex: Control winds + gust of wind

2008-01-10, 02:55 AM
A 209

One Effect Makes Another Irrelevant

Sometimes, one spell can render a later spell irrelevant. Both spells are still active, but one has rendered the other useless in some fashion.
The stronger effect (in this case Control Winds) renders the Gust of Wind irrelevant. Control Winds completely dictates the wind behavior in its area.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-10, 03:10 AM
A. 202

I am afraid there is no official pricing guidelines. You would have to look at existing items for comparison.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-10, 03:13 AM
A. 208

I don't think there is any official errata.

2008-01-10, 06:42 AM
Q 209 When taking a prestige class, does it count towards multi-classing penalties?

Q 210 Is a breath weapon (su), (ex), or what?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-01-10, 06:49 AM
A. 209

No, it was an omission. The FAQ clarified that.

In the previous version of the D&D game, having levels in a
prestige class never caused you to pay the experience
penalty for being a multiclass character without uneven
class levels. (The prestige class levels didn’t count when
checking to see if you had a penalty.) The section on
prestige classes in the new Dungeon Master’s Guide no
longer mentions that you don’t suffer an experience penalty
for having levels in a prestige class. Is this a change or an

It’s an error. Having levels in a prestige class won’t give
you an experience penalty.

A. 210


^@ putting the quotes in later eh, so thats the way is it?

Well, if it means Ninja'ing you I will do it every time. :smalltongue:

2008-01-10, 06:50 AM
A 209 No.

Prestige Classes
Prestige classes offer a new form of multiclassing. Unlike the basic classes, characters must meet Requirements before they can take their first level of a prestige class. The rules for level advancement apply to this system, meaning the first step of advancement is always choosing a class. If a character does not meet the Requirements for a prestige class before that first step, that character cannot take the first level of that prestige class. Taking a prestige class does not incur the experience point penalties normally associated with multiclassing.

white text nessisary, as clearly this would be spam without the ever useful and not at all pointless minimum character limit, thank god it saved me from spamination, shame it didn't stop me being simu-ninjaed by an eye tyrant rendering this post useless and indeed turning it into the very thing it was supposed to prevent... not that I'm bitter or anything, but you'd have thought that the text inside quotes might count toward the ten character limit.
^@ putting the quotes in later eh, so thats the way is it?

2008-01-10, 08:48 AM
Q. 210211

What type of action is it to use a Pearl of Power - standard? If a person is using pearls to recall the same spell, can he cast every round, or every other round?

Q. 211212

Is there a save against the sickening effect of the Cloudy conjuration feat (complete mage)?


2008-01-10, 08:55 AM
Q. 210

What type of action is it to use a Pearl of Power - standard? If a person is using pearls to recall the same spell, can he cast every round, or every other round?

Items that need command word to activate require standard action. So it is every other round.

Q. 211

Is there a save against the sickening effect of the Cloudy conjuration feat (complete mage)?

No. Effects that allow saving throws state so.

The J Pizzel
2008-01-10, 09:41 AM
There was a debate on this in an earlier thread but no one ever had the official ruling. I usually like yalls answers, so:

If someone isn't proficient with heavy armor (only light and medium) finds a suit of Mithral Full Plate, can they still wear it?
Most mithral armors are one category lighter than normal for purposes of movement and other limitations. Heavy armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light. Does that include proficiency? Is this just open to interpretation?