View Full Version : Pathfinder Deity of Deep Forests and Noble Beasts?

2023-12-26, 09:57 AM
Is there a deity of remote wilderness and pure-hearted beasts anywhere in first-party Pathfinder sources? I’m aware of Erastil and Gozreh, but looking for something more like Mielikki and Lurue from the Forgotten Realms.

A unicorn connection would be ideal, though not necessary; but for my purposes this needs to be from an official Paizo source. Is there a Pathfinder deity that fits these parameters?

2023-12-26, 01:12 PM
Is there a deity of remote wilderness and pure-hearted beasts anywhere in first-party Pathfinder sources? I’m aware of Erastil and Gozreh, but looking for something more like Mielikki and Lurue from the Forgotten Realms.

A unicorn connection would be ideal, though not necessary; but for my purposes this needs to be from an official Paizo source. Is there a Pathfinder deity that fits these parameters?

Not that I can think of, at the very least not within the main Gods and Goddesses of the setting. The main one with an animals domain that comes to mind is Lamashtu and she is decidedly evil, in fact her backstory includes killing and stealing the domains of a God who would actually fit your parameters slightly and, arguably, is the reason for "wild animals aren't friendly to people."

Something to keep in mind on this is that Pathfinder launched with its setting being intentionally darker and grittier than something like Forgotten Realms. For a while they were perfectly willing to touch on things that were disturbing or taboo topics for some people and only really pulled back from that a few years into the game being out, or in a few earlier cases where people published things that went against the creative director's vision for a character (Paladins of Asmodeus, Erastil having a misogynist streak, and more). One consequence of all that is that they went with a "nature is dangerous and should be respected" approach instead of a "nature is happy and friendly and you can totally pick up a bunch of animal friends by being a good person" one.

All that said they do have Deities and some weaker things powerful enough to have their own domains and grant their own spells that aren't recognized in the lineup of big name Gods and Goddesses. For the most part I expect that a general domain of "noble beasts" is probably not going to show up and even a more generalized domain referring to animals will probably be running into Lamashtu's intentional monopoly, but if it can it will probably be in a God or Goddess outside the core Deities of the setting, or on an Empyreal Lord which is basically the next step down for most of the Good aligned Outsiders.

2023-12-27, 02:11 AM

2023-12-27, 11:27 AM
Ketephys (https://www.aonprd.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Ketephys) - An Elven deity of forestry, hunting, and the moon.

This might be the closest you'll find to what you are looking for. There are three Empyreal Lords that have links to unicorns (at least as minions) but none fit the sort of wilderness theme you are going for. They are Chadali, Lymnieris, and Rowdrosh.