View Full Version : Mount Celestia (Amiria's Mini Plot Thread)

2007-12-12, 04:31 PM
We three arrive on the slope of a foothill of an incredibly huge mountain. Below an endless ocean breakes against the shore of the mountain-island. Everything seems orderly and exudes a warm and fuzzy aura of goodness.

Amiria seems a bit qualmish here.

2007-12-12, 04:58 PM
malos looks around in bewilderment, teleportation was new to him

Emperor Ing
2007-12-12, 05:02 PM
Ser appears
Nice. Been awhile since I plane-shifted.

2007-12-12, 05:11 PM
"Alright, now we gotta find some really powerful celestial. A Planetar or Solar. The Archons are just to stuck up most of the time ..." Amiria looks around at the quaint scenery. "Oh yeah, by the way, we are here on Lunia, the first layer of Mount Celestia."

Emperor Ing
2007-12-12, 05:26 PM
To be honest, I never was an expert on celestial realms.
The presence of a powerful corrupting force might attract some attention...

2007-12-12, 05:39 PM
((who is the curropting force here ?))

Amiria turns around and walks up a rough mountain path. "Look for bald guys and gals with wings. Or just ask the next best floating ball of light if they've seen an angel recently."

Emperor Ing
2007-12-12, 05:42 PM
((sereyentheous. He's a phazon elemental, and phazon tends to be a powerful corrupting force))
He hovers up behind Amira

2007-12-16, 06:40 AM
Indeed it doesn't take long until six hound archons approaches the group. "What do you want here ?", asks their leader. They eye us suspiciously, especially Sereyentheous and Malos.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-16, 07:02 AM
((actually, that took quite some time. :smalltongue: ))
Excellent. Listen, I require some assistance with something.

2007-12-16, 02:27 PM
Malos just looks at them wide eyed

2007-12-16, 03:11 PM
"Speak quickly then, creature. You don't belong here.", says a second hound archon.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-16, 04:04 PM
I request a Cure for Vampirism. Can you help?

2007-12-17, 02:19 AM
The hound archons look a bit confused. "And why do you think that you'll find a cure here ?", aks their leader again

Emperor Ing
2007-12-17, 05:54 AM
This is a celestial realm, correct? That means that you must have access to a Miracle or Wish spell.

2007-12-17, 10:25 AM
"That's a very strange way of thinking, even though you may be right in the end. But you'll also find mighty spellcasters on the material plane and all other planes in the multiverse, even in the Abyss. So why did you come here ?"

Emperor Ing
2007-12-17, 04:08 PM
It does not matter. Will you help me or not?

2007-12-17, 04:21 PM
Malos finally gathers the courage to ask:

w...what are they?

Emperor Ing
2007-12-17, 04:37 PM
Hound Archons, I believe.

2007-12-17, 04:43 PM

He looks confused

Emperor Ing
2007-12-17, 04:45 PM

2007-12-17, 04:46 PM
oh... cool...

2007-12-17, 05:10 PM
"It matters to us. Choose your words carefully, we feel that you bring a taint to this plane.", snarls the leader.

"No, archons are not angels or vice versa.", says another hound archon. "But a mighty angel might be able to help you. They can work miraces."

Emperor Ing
2007-12-17, 05:17 PM
If you must know, it is because this is the first place I was taken to. I do not wish to bring a taint to this realm.

2007-12-17, 05:51 PM
"It was me who brought us here.", says Amiria. "We are searching for a powerful angel that can cure vampirism with a miracle. My companions would repay him for the favor."

"Well, that changes things then. There should be some angels down in the city of Pearl Haven. Turn around and follow the path down to the sea. You can't miss it, see, those tiny lights down at the shore there ? That's Pearl Haven."

Emperor Ing
2007-12-17, 05:53 PM
Ser starts hovering to the direction of the city

2007-12-18, 07:56 AM
Malos follows Ser

2007-12-18, 11:33 AM
After two hours weu arrive in the small city of Pearl Haven which reeks of goodness, honesty and flowers. A plethora of more or less lawful good aligned people and creatures populate the streets and watch us suspiciously. The main area of the city lies between the sizable harbor and some big temple- or palace-like buildings on some hills towards the humongous mountain.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-18, 03:33 PM
Ser starts following Amira, having no idea where to go.

2007-12-18, 06:34 PM
"Uh, I don't see big, bald, winged guys or here on the street. Do you want to search around here in a tavern or the like ... or should we go up to the big buildings on the hills over there ?"

Emperor Ing
2007-12-19, 05:30 AM
Those buildings in the hills. The chances of them being in the tavern are remote at best.

2007-12-19, 11:29 AM
Up on the hills are very few people on the streets. The first big building seems to be a temple of Niolore, demi goddess of heralds and messengers and herself messenger of more powerful gods.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-19, 04:27 PM
Ser checks out the other buildings...

2007-12-20, 12:26 PM
There is also a temple devoted to Niraton, a god of Endurance, Healing and Suffering, four mansions and the palace of the city's ruler.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-20, 01:32 PM
Rand goes to the temple

2007-12-20, 03:41 PM
There are no guards or other people at the entrance or atrium. In the main hall stands a statue of the god with offertory bowls in front of it. Torches are blazing and throw moving shadows onto the white walls and pillars.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-20, 03:47 PM
Ser goes to the statue, and examines it lightly

2007-12-20, 03:55 PM
((rand? don't you mean Ser?))

Malos follows him

Emperor Ing
2007-12-20, 04:34 PM
((rand? don't you mean Ser?))

Malos follows him

((indeed. I got confused. :smalltongue:. Fixed))

2007-12-22, 05:30 PM
It is a white marble status of a bearded, muscular man, clad only in a loincloth. He bleeds from many wounds (red marble) and looks tired, but also noble and determined.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-22, 05:43 PM
And Ser looks around for any way to get him to help.

2007-12-24, 12:09 PM
There is a faint light and some music of the spheres coming from the ajar door of a back room.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-24, 01:23 PM
Ser peeks into that room...

2007-12-24, 01:37 PM
It is a storage room. A window is open and the wind moves some kinds of wind chimes. A young man in a white robe with a red sash is standing there with a ledger and seems to take inventory.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-24, 02:04 PM
Excuse me, but can you help us?

2007-12-25, 04:36 AM
"Oh, hello, what are you doing here ? You need help ?"

Emperor Ing
2007-12-25, 05:14 AM
As a matter of fact, yes. Do you know anyone here who could help us cure vampirism?

2007-12-25, 02:00 PM
The young man peers earnestly at us three for some time. "Vampirism ? That's a very grave affliction, the only way to cure it is very powerful magick ! Let me think, who could do this here ... ah, yes, me !", he says and looks at Malos "Who is in need of healing here ?"

Emperor Ing
2007-12-25, 06:09 PM
magic i used to be able to wield.
Ser points at Malos

2007-12-26, 06:05 PM
Malos by this point looks very pale, and in need of feeding

2007-12-27, 05:10 PM
"Follow me.", says the young man and walks into the main hall with the statue. "Just a moment." He kneels before the statue and prays.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-27, 05:33 PM
Ser waits patiently, nervously watching Malos out of the corner of his vision.

2007-12-27, 05:53 PM
As the man prays he slowly changes appearance and he grows larger. His hair vanishes, his skin gets light green and white feathery wings sprout from his back. When the transformation is complete he stands up and turns around to face Malos. "Are you ready ?"

2007-12-27, 05:55 PM

his voice sounds weak

2007-12-27, 05:58 PM
The large-sized angel reaches out and touches Malos with hands on his forehead and chest. He speaks some mystical words and the Miracle happens ... Malos is cured from vampirism and is mortal again. But he still feels very hungry ... and thirsty ... and weak on his legs.

2007-12-27, 06:01 PM
he falls over, in a hungry way...

2007-12-27, 06:05 PM
"Oh, he is quite exhausted. I guess he hadn't food and water for quite some time. Why don't you go down into town ? There is a big feast in the fest hall.", says the Planetar.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-28, 06:19 AM
((eh, nevermind.))
Ser disperses himself, and the particles quickly fly out of the building to where he is supposed to go, and reforms just past the entrance. He looks around quickly.

2007-12-28, 08:37 AM
Nothing has changed on the outside. There is an eternal night sky over head. The streets are still empty up here. Don the hill there are more lights and sounds in the city.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-28, 09:07 AM
Ser goes into the building where the feast should be. He looks around again.

2007-12-28, 09:41 AM
That's quite a walk ... or fly, whatever. And he doesn't really know where it is and what it looks like. Anyway, he finds the fest hall - which is the largest building in the lower town with a huge conical roof. Inside are dozens of partying archons and angels and other good folk. They dance on the floor ...and on tables ... and in the air. There is also a big buffet (multiple Hero's Feast), including a chocolate fountain. :smallsmile:

Meanwhile Amiria casts Tenser's Floating Disc and heaves Malos over the rim of the disc.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-28, 12:53 PM
Ser disperses and reforms over to the buffet table. Grabs a plate, and places some random food onto it. Trying very hard not to corrupt anything. Also tries to grab a glass of water, and then out he tries to go, back to the palace.

2007-12-28, 01:13 PM
Something tugs down on Ser's robe. As he looks down he sees a Musteval (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/boed_gallery/75111.jpg). "What are you and what are you doing here ?", asks the small guardinal.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-28, 02:12 PM
Ser's robe flows with incredible amounts of deadly phazon energy. Its dangerous to the touch, but ill excuse this.
Oh, I need to take this to someone. Its for a noble cause I assure you.

2007-12-28, 05:51 PM
"Oh, you want to sacrifice this food ?", asks the guardinal. "Then be on your way."

Emperor Ing
2008-01-05, 04:59 PM
:smallconfused: Thanks.
Ser hovers carefully back to Malos with the food and drink in hand.

2008-01-15, 06:30 PM
((Man, you didn't post for such a long time that I thought you had abandoned this plot. :smalleek:))

When he returns Amiria and the Planetar are standing at the arcades at the entrance of the temple. Malos lies limply in the nearby Flaoting Disc.

Emperor Ing
2008-01-16, 07:21 AM
((I thought the same for you for awhile before I actually CHECKED. :smalltongue:
<godmod detected> And besides, did Meta give you permission to use his char?))

Hey. I got the food and drink.
Ser sets the food and drink by Malos.

2008-01-16, 09:12 AM
((i don't mind))

Malos looks at the food, and weakly reaches for it, upon reaching it, he eats it

Emperor Ing
2008-01-17, 07:40 AM
Ser looks at Malos
Are you okay?

2008-01-17, 01:31 PM
i feel better than i felt a while ago...

Emperor Ing
2008-01-21, 06:55 AM
Well, thats good.
He turns to the planetar.
Well, I would like to thank you. How can I ever repay you?

2008-01-21, 07:01 AM
((my hard drive crashed yesterday, corrupt boot sector, currently at university, few internet access in the next days))

"This is not neccessary. I'm glad that I could help him. Just do good deeds and help people in need, especially the sick and cursed."

Emperor Ing
2008-01-21, 07:40 AM
((:smallconfused: ))
That I will do. Thanks again.
He turns to Amira. Probably expecting to be plane-shifted back.

2008-01-28, 02:26 PM
Amiria stares back uncomprehendingly and then gazes down to the city.

The food is very tasty and invigorating. Malos should feel better after only a few bites.

Time passes ...

Emperor Ing
2008-01-28, 02:31 PM
...As soon as you are ready, you can Plane Shift us back, right?

2008-01-28, 02:31 PM
((gah, sorry, malos just fell out of my head))

And feel better he does, he gets up

2008-01-29, 02:44 PM
"Uhm, yes, then we'll go now. Farewll, heavenly entity.", says Amiria. She joins hands with Malos and Ser and they leave the upper plane ...

... to arrive in the streets of the Town in front of Trog's Tavern.