View Full Version : The Hunter's Maze [PF1]

2023-12-28, 05:41 PM
The adventure begins with the party having rescued Eando Kline from the fortress of Thousand Fangs:

"The morlocks told me of a great weapon used against the serpentfolk in the past, which the ancestor gods hid in a place called the Hunters’ Maze. I didn’t have time to go looking for the weapon myself before I was captured, but the morlocks seemed to think that any attempts to defeat the serpentfolk without this weapon were doomed to failure. Before we go any farther, I think you need to go to the Hunters’ Maze and find this ancient weapon. After that, we can see about building an army.” Eando knows that, according to the morlocks, the Hunters’ Maze is located in the abandoned serpentfolk city of Ilmurea, deep underground in a choked warren of debris and fallen rock.

You therefore travel deep underground, through the Darklands and on through the ruined serpentfolk city to reach the location of the Hunter's Maze...


On the outskirts of Ilmurea, among a vast maze of fallen rock and rubble at the edges of the city’s cavern wall, lies a sprawl of ruins emitting a dim light. A stagnant aqueduct of putrid water and collected waste runs between several half-collapsed hovels formed from immense slabs of rock, each leaning upon one another to form a chain of habitats. The numerous gaps among these walls appear dark and silent, but rust-red smears of dried blood mark their outer walls, many in the shape of handprints. A large escarpment looms along the northern wall of the dimly-illuminated cavern, accessed by two steep ramps of loose stone.


2024-01-13, 08:38 AM
Serenity & Azalea
Looking around (darkvision 60ft) carefully & stealthily climbing the stone up the right ramp
Perception [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]
Acrobatics [roll2]

Perception [roll3]
Stealth [roll4]
Acrobatics [roll5]

2024-01-14, 11:28 PM
Darren & Blitz

Darren Detect Magic on his surroundings. Takes a pebble/rock, lights it up with light spell and hurls it 30 ft north on stable ground. Darren is armed with quarterstaff.

Spellcraft (to identify properties of magic item not from party and if aura is coming from magic item): [roll0]

Knowledge (Arcana) (if magic aura detect to determined school of magic): [roll1]

Blitz is not summoned if dungeon is not big enough to accommodate his large size. If he is, he will carry Darren/Halberd and takes the following actions.

Blitz's Perception: [roll2]

Blitz's Stealth: [roll3]

Halberd's Perception: [roll4]

Halberd & Nocturne

Nocturne is peeking out of Halberd's pocket. Halberd is armed with longbow.

Halberd's Perception: [roll5]

Nocturne's Perception (if needed for blindsense): [roll6]

Nocturne's Stealth: [roll7]

Halberd Detect Magic on his surroundings.

Spellcraft (to identify properties of magic item not from party and if aura is coming from magic item): [roll8]

Knowledge (Arcana) (if magic aura detect to determined school of magic): [roll9]

2024-01-16, 05:07 AM
Great piles of loose rock create sloping ramps leading up to the high terrace. At the top, barricades of sharpened stone block the approach and you see several figures guarding the barricades. Three large fire pits are spread across the terrace, the glow of their smoky embers reflecting off the mineral deposits of the north wall. Several small cave entrances lead into the north wall, while giant serpentfolk statues flank two larger entrances. To the east, a holding pen corrals several huddled figures inside.

Light in the cavern is generally 'dim' from the serpentstone (which radiates faint illusion aura).

Reminder that Darren, Halberd & co are Neutral alignment so use 2d10 rather than 1d20 :-)

Area is large enough for Blitz.

Moving carefully forward Serenity & Azalea notice hints of movement among the nearby slabs/ hovels (as well as the aforementioned guards at the barricades and group in the holding pen.

(map is above)

2024-01-20, 05:05 AM
A hail of arrows flies from the lurking assailants among the masonry blocks.

vs Serenity Azalea? attack [roll0] damage [roll1];
attack [roll2] damage [roll3];
attack [roll4] damage [roll5]

vs Darren attack [roll6] damage [roll7];
attack [roll8] damage [roll9];
attack [roll10] damage [roll11]

vs Blitz attack [roll12] damage [roll13];
possible crit? (2d10+16)[26] damage (1d8+7)[8]
attack [roll14] damage [roll15];
attack [roll16] damage [roll17]

vs Blitz attack [roll18] damage [roll19];
attack [roll20] damage [roll21];
attack [roll22] damage [roll23]

archers have improved cover +8 AC

2024-01-20, 08:28 AM

Serenity & Azalea immediately find cover

2024-01-20, 03:05 PM

Darren (2d10+9)[18]
Azalea (1d20+2)[15]
Ambushers (2d10+4)[14]
Serenity (1d20+4)[11]
Halberd (2d10+9)[11]
Nocturne (2d10)[8]

=> Darren & Azalea to go

(per prior post, Azalea to seek cover unless you wish to amend that action)

Any enemy visible to sight from that distance (Not sure if light helps)?

You have line of sight to 4 humanoids. Dim light (20% concealment). Improved Cover (+8 AC). Range 120ft

2024-01-20, 05:40 PM
vs Serenity attack (2d10+16)[29] damage (1d8+7)[11]; presuming her stealth was thwarted

Action take cover, draw bow

2024-01-20, 07:41 PM
Darren whispers to his elemental to follow his directions in tengu: charge at his attackers. If not 10 ft from ground, gain 10 ft elevation if he is not in the air as he charge at the attackers (free action), identify his attackers, draw an arrow quiver from Halberd's bag (move action) to arm him with a normal arrow quiver (unless he already has with one set of quivers strap of normal arrows on his back; not sure if Darren can arm Halberd with the same move action? If not, he will amend his move action, hold his staff with one hand by switching grip (free action) and draw out one stun vial) and obscures his group with 20 ft radius obscuring mist (standard action).

Lore: Humanoids: [roll0]

Lore: Monstrous Humanoids: [roll1]

2024-01-21, 05:37 AM
Darren whispers to his elemental to follow his directions in tengu: charge at his attackers. If not 10 ft from ground, gain 10 ft elevation if he is not in the air as he charge at the attackers (free action), identify his attackers, draw an arrow quiver from Halberd's bag (move action) to arm him with a normal arrow quiver (unless he already has with one set of quivers strap of normal arrows on his back; not sure if Darren can arm Halberd with the same move action? If not, he will amend his move action, hold his staff with one hand by switching grip (free action) and draw out one stun vial) and obscures his group with 20 ft radius obscuring mist (standard action).

Lore: Humanoids: [roll0]

Lore: Monstrous Humanoids: [roll1]

Sure, let's say that's all fine. Not sure if he casts obscuring mist as well in that case? If so, we will add 50% concealment in to the below.

3 of the archers hold their positions and full attack. 1 makes a shot and then disappears from sight back into the ruins.

vs Serenity attack [roll0] damage [roll1] (miss 1-50? [roll2]);
attack [roll3] damage [roll4] (miss 1-50? [roll5]);
attack [roll6] damage [roll7] (miss 1-50? [roll8])

vs Darren attack [roll9] damage [roll10] (miss 1-50? [roll11]);
attack [roll12] damage [roll13] (miss 1-50? [roll14]);
attack [roll15] damage [roll16] (miss 1-50? [roll17])

vs Blitz attack attack [roll18] damage [roll19] (miss 1-50? [roll20]);
attack [roll21] damage [roll22] (miss 1-50? [roll23]);
attack [roll24] damage [roll25] (miss 1-50? [roll26])

vs Halberd attack [roll27] damage [roll28] (miss 1-50? [roll29])

Darren doesn't know what the lurking archers are but Halberd catching a glimpse and seeing their weaponry does!

Monster Lore Outsiders (Halberd) (2d10+7)[17]
They are urdefhan (https://www.aonprd.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Urdefhan).

=> Party

2024-01-21, 06:32 AM
vs Serenity attack (2d10+16)[29] damage (1d8+7)[11]; presuming her stealth was thwarted

Action take cover, draw bow???

2024-01-21, 09:48 AM
Serenity & Azalea

After being shot at Serenity studies her targets and quickly fires off multiple shots at the closest archer

Seeing the archers pop out and start taking shots at the party Azalea drops from invisible long enough to dip her arrows in poison then take multiple shots at the closest archer.

2024-01-24, 05:00 AM
Serenity shoots and hits for 6 damage (+21 if sneak attack, but they have excellent perception rolls so unless anything special I believe her stealth is thwarted).

Azalea shoots poisoned arrows but misses (due to their cover)

2024-01-24, 07:38 AM
Blitz follows instruction and pounces on one of the archers after elevating 10 ft above ground during the charge, stopping 10 ft from enemies reach with their claws, prioritizing the area with multiple archers he can reach. (Full-Round Action; Full Attack; -2 AC; Current AC 26; Damage taking into account enemy's DR; Attacks get +3 bonus due to high ground and charge; Attack Reach is 15 ft; Switching attacks on closest archer if one archer is dead from some of the attacks and there are attacks remaining)

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]
Attack 3: [roll2]
Attack 4: [roll3]
Attack 5: [roll4]
Attack 6: [roll5]

Damage 1(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll6]
Damage 2(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll7]
Damage 3(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll8]
Damage 4(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll9]
Damage 5(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll10]
Damage 6(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll11]

Darren rearms Halberd with silver arrows (move action) and casts invisibility (standard action) on Halberd after his attacks.

Halberd Full-attacks the same archer Blitz targets with silver arrows, switching targets to the nearest second archer Blitz target after the first one dies and 5 ft step south after Darren made him invisible. (Attack gets +1 bonus due to high ground).

Attack 1: [roll12]
Attack 2: [roll13]

Damage 1(Magic, Piercing): [roll14]
Damage 2(Magic, Piercing): [roll15]

Blitz & Halberd ignore concealment to dim-light due to darkvision.

2024-01-26, 05:50 AM
Blitz charges forward carrying Darren & Halberd. His attacks all hit for 27 damage total (assumes -5 DR/ good or silver on each attack....let me know if this is overcome somehow for an extra 30 damage).

Halberd shoots and misses.

The urdefhan 5ft step back.

1 shoots vs Blitz

attack [roll0] damage [roll1]
attack [roll2] damage [roll3]
attack [roll4] damage [roll5]

3 fire rays of enfeeblement (ranged touch)

vs Blitz [roll6]; Str damage [roll7] Fort DC14 for half
vs Halberd Blitz [roll8]; Str damage [roll9] Fort DC14 for half
vs Darren [roll10]; Str damage [roll11] Fort DC14 for half

=> Party

2024-01-27, 02:27 AM
Blitz gets Attack of Opportunity vs Archer/Caster due to ranged attack/casting provoking and enemy still in threatened area when 5 ft step. Darren instructs Elemental in tengu to 5 ft step to the caster who deals the most STR damage penalty after Darren's/Azazel & Serenity's action if they want to flank for sneak attack.

AoO 1 vs archer: [roll0]
AoO 2 vs archer: [roll1]
AoO 3 vs archer: [roll2]
AoO 4 vs caster who deals the most STR damage roll: [roll3]

Attack 1 vs archer: [roll4]
Attack 2 vs archer: [roll5]
Attack 3 vs archer: [roll6]
Attack 4 vs archer: [roll7]
Attack 5 vs archer: [roll8]
Attack 6 vs archer: [roll9]

Claw AoO damage 1(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll10]
Claw AoO damage 2(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll11]
Claw AoO damage 3(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll12]
Claw AoO damage 4(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll13]

Claw Attack damage 1(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll14]
Claw Attack damage 2(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll15]
Claw Attack damage 3(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll16]
Claw Attack damage 4(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll17]
Claw Attack damage 5(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll18]
Claw Attack damage 6(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll19]

Caster has to make concentration check if hit or lose spell.

Hover vs DC 10: [roll20]

Blitz's Fort Save: [roll21]
Blitz's Fort Save: [roll22]
Darren's Fort Save: [roll23]

Darren takes a stun vial out and hurls it at the (Will DC 20 or stun for rounds. He hurls it at empty square that catches the most Urdefhan in the center while far enough to exclude his group from the radius.

Darren's attack]2d10+11

He whispers to Blitz in Tengu to relay the command to Halberd in Auran: heal blitz with a cure spell.

DM control or no: [roll25]

Cure spell on Halberd pass check: [roll26] x 1.5 = 39

2024-01-27, 09:55 AM
Serenity & Azalea

drawing her blade making a motion indicating her target to Azalea. Then moving with stealth and attacking the archer attempting to Assassinate it DC (19) *see ooc
+2 Sun Blade (1d20+19)[30]
confirm crit 19-20x2

Damage: (1d10)[9]
Sneak Attack: (5d6)[18]

re-activate her Ring of Invisibility
then move to and behind serenity's Studied Target Archer if possible
Move 30ft or double move 60ft

2024-02-03, 02:47 PM
Concenration check vs AoO DC14

[roll0] Fail! spell is disrupted

2024-02-03, 02:52 PM
Will save vs Stun Vial DC20


2024-02-03, 02:55 PM
AoO 3 vs archer: (2d10+20)[40]

Crit? vs archer: [roll0] Hit!
Claw Attack damage 4(Magic, Bludgeoning, Slashing): [roll1]

2024-02-03, 03:10 PM
Perception vs Stealth DC35 [roll0] Fail!

Fort save vs Assassinate DC19 [roll1] Save! => Sneak damage, no assassinate

2024-02-03, 07:36 PM
Will save vs Stun Vial DC20


2024-02-03, 11:33 PM
And a second

Will save vs Stun Vial DC20


2024-02-03, 11:48 PM
2 urdefhan are stunned and drop their bows

1 urdefhan moves to flank Serenity. Draws sword. Draws AoO from Blitz. Wind Stance (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Wind%20Stance) = 20% concealment vs ranged.

rhoka sword [roll0] damage [roll1] (+ sneak? [roll2] +3 bleed)

1 urdefhan also draws sword & attacks Serenity with flanking

rhoka sword [roll3] damage [roll4] (+ sneak? [roll5] +3 bleed)

=> Party

2024-02-04, 12:03 PM
Blitz attacks enemy moving in threatened area. He attacks the damaged archer who drew his sword to attack Serenity, 5 ft stepping to get into position to flank the archer with Serenity if needed, switching targets to the nearest stunned urdefhan. Otherwise, if he is 10 ft away from enemy, he does not move or 5 ft step.

Claw Attack of Opportunity vs the urdefhan who triggered it: [roll0]

Claw AoO Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll1]

Claw Attack 1 vs focused urdefhan: [roll2]
Claw Attack 2 vs focused urdefhan: [roll3]
Claw Attack 3 vs focused urdefhan: [roll4]
Claw Attack 4 vs focused urdefhan: [roll5]
Claw Attack 5 vs focused urdefhan: [roll6]
Claw Attack 6 vs focused urdefhan: [roll7]

Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll8]
Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll9]
Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll10]
Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll11]
Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll12]
Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll13]

Note: If swap to stunned target once damaged urdefhan is killed, -2 to attack result due to not receiving flank bonus. Attacks above are made with elevation/flanking bonus accounted.

Bonus on attacks: Elevation (+1)/Flanking with Serenity (+2)

Hover: [roll14]

Darren's Action: Black Tentacles (20 ft radius) to catch the stunned urdefhans and if can be positioned to catch a third urdefhan without friendly fire, he will do so. Instruct orders in the languages as last post to Blitz and Halberd which Blitz translates: Continue attacking damaged urdefhan (Blitz) and heal all allies in range (Halberd).

CMB check to grapple: [roll15]

Untyped Damage if CMB succeed: [roll16]

Halberd's Action: Channel Positive Energy to heal allies within 30 ft radius and exclude enemies with Selective Channeling.

Channel Positive Energy Healing: [roll17]

Note: Halberd heals extra 18 damage due to fey foundling feat.

2024-02-04, 02:51 PM
Serenity twists in place to attack the one that attacked her, while azalea takes advantage of the situation and strikes the archer.

Azalea Full Attack Archer:

Confirm Crit:

+2 Sun Blade Damage
1:(1d10+2)[3] Against evil creatures, its enhancement bonus is +4. Against Negative Energy Plane creatures or undead creatures, the sword deals double damage (and ×3 on a critical hit instead of the usual
Sneak attack: (5d6)[22]

Serenity Full Attack the urdefhan that hit her
1:(1d20+19)[23] *Possible flanking ? add +2 if so
2:(1d20+14)[20] *Possible flanking ? add +2 if so
3:(1d20+9)[25] *Possible flanking ? add +2 if so

Confirm Crit
1:(1d20+19)[22] *Possible flanking ? add +2 if so
2:(1d20+14)[34] *Possible flanking ? add +2 if so
3:(1d20+9)[13] *Possible flanking ? add +2 if so

+2 Sun Blade Damage
1:(1d10+2)[3] Against evil creatures, its enhancement bonus is +4. Against Negative Energy Plane creatures or undead creatures, the sword deals double damage (and ×3 on a critical hit instead of the usual
Sneak attack: (5d6)[12] *if applicable

2024-02-05, 04:42 AM
Blitz strikes 3 times plus the AoO doing plenty damage (although the urdefhan armour still soaks a fair bit)

Darren casts black tentacles but the 2 stunned urdefhan both evade (even after losing Dex to CMD).

Halberd channels, healing everyone (also stopping Serenity's 3/round ongoing bleed damage)

Azalea hits once (now visible), Serenity hits twice. Both with sun blades and flanking sneak attacks.

The urdefhan that has been taking all of this beating is now staggered.

=> bad guys to go (I will do this momentarily)

2024-02-05, 05:08 AM
urdefhan 1

full attack Serenity (w +2 flank included)

rhoka sword [roll0] damage [roll1] (+ sneak [roll2] +3 bleed (doesn't stack))
rhoka sword [roll3] damage [roll4] (+ sneak [roll5] +3 bleed (doesn't stack))
rhoka sword [roll6] damage [roll7] (+ sneak [roll8] +3 bleed (doesn't stack))
bite [roll9] damage [roll10] (+ sneak [roll11] +3 bleed (doesn't stack) +2 Str damage (DC15 to avoid))

urdefhan 2 (staggered)

Daemonic pact - explodes and dies. 5ft negative energy blast (gets Serenity & Azalea) damage [roll12] Reflex DC15 for half.

urdefhan 3

double move to engage Serenity (draws AoO from Blitz, 50% concealment see below)
Lightning stance => 50% concealment for 1 round
exits black tentacles

urdefhan 4

move to engage Serenity (draws AoO from Blitz)
rhoka sword [roll13] damage [roll14]
does not exit black tentacles

2024-02-07, 10:08 PM
Blitz retaliates on the flies that buzz towards Serenity to attack her and attacks the closest one without concealment that Serenity can flank without getting her getting into the area of tentacles, 5 ft step backwards. He will fall to ground to let Halberd get to Serenity.

Claw Attack of Opportunity vs urdefhan 1: [roll0]

Beating concealment: [roll1]

Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll2]

Claw Attack of Opportunity vs the urdefhan 2: [roll3]

Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll4]

Claw Attack 1: [roll5]
Claw Attack 2: [roll6]
Claw Attack 3: [roll7]
Claw Attack 4: [roll8]
Claw Attack 5: [roll9]
Claw Attack 6: [roll10]

Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll11]
Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll12]
Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll13]
Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll14]
Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll15]
Claw Damage (Magic/Slashing/Bludgeoning): [roll16]

Rend if two claw attacks hit: [roll17]

Fly check to negate damage while falling 10 ft as free action after attacks: [roll18]

Note: If able to flank with Serenity, add +2 to attacks.

Darren's Action: Evolution Surge, Lesser on Blitz to grant him rend. Instruct Halberd in language from last posts which Blitz translates: Move to Serenity and use Heal spell on her. If fail, use ranged healing spells.

Halberd's Action: Fall from Blitz as free action. Move action to move an unoccupied space next to Serenity that is not next to tentacles. Use Heal on Serenity (Heals 130 damage). He is invisible still so he does not provoke Attack of Opportunity when casting. Dropped prone from failed acrobatics check. Stand up from Prone and use Mass Cure Light Wounds on allies.

Acrobatic check: [roll19]

Fall damage: [roll20]

2024-02-24, 04:09 PM
The rest of your group arrive and the fight is quickly over. The ruins and fallen blocks and now quiet.

Great piles of loose rock create sloping ramps leading up to the high terrace. At the top, barricades of sharpened stone block the approach and you see several erdefhan figures guarding the barricades. Three large fire pits are spread across the terrace, the glow of their smoky embers reflecting off the mineral deposits of the north wall. Several small cave entrances lead into the north wall, while giant serpentfolk statues flank two larger entrances. To the east, a holding pen corrals several huddled figures inside.

Light in the cavern is generally 'dim' from the serpentstone (which radiates faint illusion aura).

You are at roughly DA38 on this map:


Remaining players/ characters join the party.

2024-03-04, 10:31 PM
Venser casts Eaglesoul on himself and Karn casts Heightened awareness on himself. Karn casts Light on Venser's sword, both ACs' barding, and his own amulet.

Venser and the wolf will advance along the bottom of the room, towards the eastern ramp, followed by Karn and the elk. They carefully observe their surroundings as they go.

Perception rolls:
Venser: [roll0]
Karn: [roll1]
Elk: [roll2]
Wolf: [roll3]

2024-03-05, 06:57 PM
Darren orders Halberd to scout ahead the east, eastern ramp and holding pen area with Nocturne's blindsense while his invisibility is intact in the communication language he used in battle and report back their findings. He and Blitz follow the paladin, guarding the rear looking for any threats coming from behind. Halberd moves ahead with detect magic on.

Perception rolls

Halberd: [roll0]
Nocturne (if needed for blindsense): [roll1]
Blitz: [roll2]
Darren: [roll3]

Halberd's Stealth: [roll4]

Halberd's Spellcraft from Detect Magic: [roll5]