View Full Version : Recruiting It's Actually Our Galaxy (Star Wars D&D 5e, Custom Setting, Potentially Lore-Heavy)

Dusk Raven
2023-12-29, 01:56 AM
So... a while back, I posted a thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?657067-Star-Wars-5e-Anyone-(OP-Also-Wants-to-DM!)) here asking if anyone would be interested in Star Wars 5e (https://sw5e.com/) – a free, fanmade variant of D&D 5th edition. A DM duly stepped up to the plate, but alas, that game fizzled out, as so many on this site do. Even so... in the process, I got myself motivated to try and run a game of my own – but in my own setting. At the time, I wasn't quite ready to start a game on here – there was homebrew to find (or make), lore to write, art to commission, and of course an actual campaign to write. But, I knew there would be a time in which I was willing and able to make a game here.

That time has now come. SW5e, Prepare to Text Edition!

But first, a little bit about this setting. It's one I've had for a long time, and originally based on Star Wars, but over time it's grown its own identity as I've consumed sci-fi media besides Star Wars itself. It's got some of the idealism of Star Trek, and room for free-spirited freelancers such as the heroes of Firefly, but still has its grittiness. It's got the advanced yet down-to-Earth aesthetic of games like Lost Planet, Armored Core, Mechwarrior, and the human side of Halo, mixed with some of the science-fantasy of Star Wars itself. Inspirations aside, it's ultimately about doing your best in your own small corner of a large galaxy, whether you're just trying to make a name for yourself, or want to leave the world a better place than you found it – and people like that are always needed.

Since I'm using a system designed around Star Wars, it's important to outline some differences.

Star Wars, ultimately, is meant to seem like another world. From the claim of “A long time ago in a galaxy far far away,” to the energy weapons and floating vehicles, Star Wars is meant to be fantasy set in space – and that's before The Force gets involved. Of course, their technology is also a bit varied in terms of how advanced it is, with fully sapient droids having to manually aim a ship's turrets. This too contributes to a sort of Western or WWII in space feel. It's a unique aesthetic – and I have no intention of copying it.

Instead, this setting has its share of advanced technology, the kind that doesn't exist in Star Wars. From things such as limited teleportation and portable shields, to genetic modification and advanced computerization – indeed, the main reason organic beings are still involved in war at all is because hacking and electronic counter-measures are also highly advanced. Every technology has a counter, and the entire point of some fields of technology is to make other technology useless.

Perhaps because of this last fact, there's also a fair amount of tech that we would find recognizable. People in this setting don't throw out proven technology just because something new and shinier can do the same thing for ten times the electricity requirements. As such, metal bullets propelled by explosions are still the primary infantry weapon. Miniature mechsuits and tracked tanks get air support from attack helicopters and jets. Technology has been refined, but rarely has it been reinvented.

That leads into one page I do take from Star Wars' book. Star Wars, put simply, looks lived-in. It's got dirt, it's got clutter, and in so doing it seems almost... familiar. Homely. By contrast, to quote a friend of mine, the bridge of the USS Enterprise in the most recent Star Trek films looks like the inside of an Apple store. And it's the former style I want to emulate. In Star Wars, even the insane high-rises of Coruscant stand above a seedy underhive. And in my own setting, there certainly are spit-shined surfaces and computer lights, but travel far enough and you'll find a thin coating of dust, grime, soot, graffiti, and occasionally blood over tried-and-true machinery.

One more thing – the sci-fi “magic.” Star Wars has The Force, which has its own fascinating lore, and I wouldn't even attempt to copy that over. So instead, in my setting, we've got psychic powers. It lacks much of the mysticism of The Force (although people can certainly see it as mystical), but it still has its mystery – especially since psychic powers are new to this setting, coming from a mysterious source, and those who develop them don't show a clear pattern. And like the Jedi, those with psychic powers are quite important to the setting... but more on that later.

I've also got a... bit of a text wall here, but I like to think it covers the theme of this setting, what it's about and what made it what it is.

Once, the galaxy was a different place. Thousands of species and millions of different worlds... and too many of them in some sort of conflict with each other. All for reasons insignificant in the grand scheme of things. And yet, one of these conflicts would reshape the entire galaxy, though none knew it at the time. This war was the work of the Terran Coalition, which sought to expand and secure its hold among the stars, even at the expense of the species in their path. Opposing them were the various species of the Corundorian Union, an alliance formed and centered around the world of Corundor, whose native species had been a primitive people until the arrival of human colonists over a century prior. Though the Terrans had great success at first, the resourcefulness of the Union threatened to undo all of the conquests the Coalition had made. But then, a breakthrough occurred for the Coalition – the discovery of an ancient alien space station and its reactor.

Scattered throughout the galaxy were ruins and devices left behind by an alien race, known only as the Ancients, that had lived millions of years previously. Most of what was left behind was inactive, and assumed to be as dead as their creators. But the construct found by the Coalition, half-buried on a desolate planet named Requiem, was different. Coalition scientists were able to reactivate it, and even get it back into space and able to travel to other star systems. Experimentation showed that it was capable of producing massive amounts of energy, far more than anything else the Coalition had at their disposal. Enough to power the technology of an entire planet. But if that energy were improperly directed, it could destroy everything on the planet’s surface instead.

The military uses for such a device were obvious, and the Coalition wasted no time in putting the station to use. They sent it against the Union world of Arovan, which just weeks earlier had repelled an attack by a substantial Coalition fleet. The Union defenses could do little against the station, for the Ancients could build their structures out of materials so strong, conventional weapons barely left scratches or burn marks on it.

In the end, the Union forces could do nothing but flee as the artifact's power scorched the surface of the world, burning away every trace of resistance and leaving only a desolate rock behind.

The entire Union was shaken by the reports of a massive, seemingly invincible artifact and the power it possessed. Even worse was the report that its next target was Corundor itself, in an attempt to break the spirit of the Union. There was little time to muster forces, and even less time to form a plan. But there was no choice. This station, this reactor – which they named the Devastation Engine – had to be stopped, at any cost.

As the Devastation Engine arrived in Corundor's system, its escort fleet was promptly engaged by every ship the Union could gather. But this was nothing more than a screening action for transports to board the station and find some way, any way, to destroy it or shut it down. Heroes on both sides fought inside and outside the Engine, with the fate of Corundor in the balance.

No one knows what exactly happened inside the Devastation Engine halls and systems. But as fleets battled for dominance or survival above Corundor, the Engine's power generators began to go into overdrive, rapidly building up far more energy than was needed to destroy all life on the planet below. Its operators had any control over the Engine anymore, finding that the jury-rigged control mechanisms they'd installed no longer functioned. Instead, something from within the Engine was waking up, and it did not like any part of the situation it found itself in.

The first thing it did was to fire up its drive systems, halting its progress towards Corundor. Then, it sent out a wave of psychic energy, a compulsion to every single combatant around it to cease fighting at once. The next wave it sent was even more powerful and far-reaching, a call into the void for every other relic of the Ancients, all across the galaxy, to awaken as well. Most stayed dead. A good portion of the remainder merely went into a standby mode, functional but inactive. But those that fully activated were able to exert enough influence to change the very nature of the galaxy itself, if not even further beyond. Across the Milky Way, anomalies in space appeared, wonders and dangers in equal measure, as matter, energy, and space reacted to the sudden changing of the laws of reality. But more than that... from that point onward, there would arise individuals with psychic potential – the same power, it was now known, that the Ancients once possessed.

And with this act, the Devastation Engine went cold, its systems burned out from the sheer amount of energy it had channeled. Perhaps it chose to burn itself out.

The galaxy would later come to know this event as the Psychic Awakening. But at the time, few realized its significance. The surviving forces of both sides withdrew from the ruin of the Devastation Engine, the Terran forces leaving the system entirely. It was merely a ceasefire... but the seeds for true peace had been sown.

Slowly, those with psychic abilities began to realize the power that was growing within them, the potential they possessed. And though these individuals were rarer than one in a hundred thousand, each of them possessed a supernatural awareness, a sense of the vastness of the universe – with other psychics shining like stars in the abyss. They were aided in this by some of the artifacts left behind by the Ancients – a web of psychically resonant devices that spanned the galaxy. Many of its nodes had been destroyed over millions of years, but enough remained to form a functional communications grid, a means for psychics to reach out and contact others like them. This contact was slow at first, with psychics just forming connections with random others across the galaxy, beings they had no hope of ever meeting in person. But the connections grew and multiplied, and with them grew a sense in many of the psychics of being a part of something greater. And within this network grew the idea – perhaps planted by the relics of the Ancients – that the wars across the galaxy could be ended, and that a galactic peace, if not galactic unity, could be achieved. Or at least, that was the hope.

Not every psychic in the galaxy chose to work towards this purpose, but many did, using their ability to communicate discreetly over any distance to their advantage, along with whatever powers they had to alter the world around them. Plans were made and set in motion to steer the course of the various forces in the galaxy towards cooperation and coexistence, or at the very least away from conflict. Not all of these plans succeeded, but each success let the psychics leverage the diplomatic and – if necessary – military might of another culture towards their goal. Some victories took patience, others took blood, and still others took luck. Not all successes were permanent. But the course of the galaxy had been set, and there were a growing number of beings wishing to see it through.

Twenty years after the Psychic Awakening, the two factions indirectly responsible for it – the Terran Coalition and the Corundorian Union – finally put their differences aside, and formed the Orion Alliance. It was only five years after that that they managed to persuade the Zodine League to join them, for while the League did nothing except by the unanimous agreement of its four distinct species, they were accustomed to working as part of a whole. The Reptonian Empire should have been a challenge, for the Redracoids that ran it desire only to prove their strength in combat while their Ceruleoid servants desire nothing more or less than fulfilling their purpose. Yet, the Redracoids understand the difference between a war and a good fight, and the Ceruleoids had generations of experience manipulating their masters into doing what was best, so it was only six years before they too joined the Alliance. The cunning Zekkai joined four years after that, largely out of pragmatism and a desire for protection from the nearby Ophios, but also out of respect for the wit the Alliance's negotiators had shown in forming a bond between so many different cultures.

The last addition was the Gerron Dominion, and it was this victory that was the most Pyrrhic, for it only came after a ten-year-long war. It couldn't be any other way, for the Gerron – or at least, the only culture of theirs that had survived this long - were an arrogant, amoral race bent on domination, and the old Coalition, Union, and Empire had reasons to hate them going back centuries. The military might of the growing Alliance was tested, and proved true. Every other war against the Gerron had been one of defense, and won only at great cost, but this time the Alliance pushed forward into the heart of Gerron territory. For the first time in the Dominion's history, their forces were crushed, and their homeworld of Gerrovenalon was besieged, shattering the Gerron's self-image of superiority. Hundreds of millions died in the conflict. And yet, at the end, with the Gerron worlds in ruins, the Alliance offered the chance to rebuild. It was a risk, and a hard one to sell to both leaders and citizens of the Alliance. But the Gerron had long believed that the losers in a war should adopt the culture of the victors, and the psychics in the Alliance had predicted that they would apply this belief to themselves, especially if the victors ran their worlds better than they had. It was a prediction that, in the end, was proven correct. It was not quick, or easy, but positive change had begun for the Gerron.

All this was a microcosm of events happening across the galaxy. And as the influence of the psychics grew, they set up pairs of jump gates, devices that allowed two-way travel across vast distances in seconds. The technology had existed for some time, but it required two gates to be set up in advance, their creation and activation carefully synchronized, so in general they only linked locations within nations, systems that weren't far away from each other to begin with. But with the psychics' ability to coordinate across any distance, pairs of jump gates could be built that spanned the galaxy. Slowly, more and more of the galaxy became connected, allowing species and cultures to interact that had never contacted one another before.

There was, of course, no hope of actually forming a galactic government. No mortal government could possibly hope to administer the thousands of species of the galaxy with any effectiveness, even if those species could actually agree on a form for that government to take. Better for the hundreds of thousands of worlds in the galaxy to govern themselves, yet remain united. Still, the psychics determined that some sort of galaxy-spanning organization would be helpful, and so the Galactic Peacekeepers were formed. This would be the trickiest task of all, they felt – not so much founding an organization dedicated to preserving peace, but making sure they stayed true to the ideals to which they were originally dedicated. There are too many species in which power corrupts, after all, and an organization with as much military power as the Peacekeepers could all too easily become an instrument of tyranny. But they felt it was worth the attempt, and they trusted themselves to be able to keep the Peacekeepers true. And so, the Peacekeepers were formed, not only to prevent and end wars, but to uphold basic rights and morality for life in the galaxy.

It has been 100 Terran years since the Psychic Awakening, 80 years since the formation of the Alliance, and 50 years since the creation of the Galactic Peacekeepers. On the galactic level, peace and unity no longer seem like distant dreams. This isn't to say that the Peacekeepers aren't busy, however, for peace, prosperity, and morality are fragile things that must be constantly maintained. The Alliance itself knows this too well, ever since the War of the Four Tyrants 10 years ago that threatened to undo all that had been gained. Even the psychics are not a monolithic group, but are divided into a number of separate factions. Some merely wish to hone their abilities in peace, but others disagree on what the course of the galaxy should be, and still others pursue their own agenda.

Even on the local level, there is still conflict. Pirates and other outlaws still find room to operate, and mercenaries have no shortage of work. Countless beings jockey for power at every level of organization. Sometimes conflict reaches the level of violence, other times it takes the form of scheming and intrigue. Peace, it seems, is relative.

The good news is that there's plenty of opportunity for a freelancer to find adventure and profit. And perhaps, some of them might change the course of history in their own way.

Jaded though I may be, from seeing too many games here fizzle, a couple of them being my own... It's my hope that I can find people willing to put as much effort into this campaign as I am – and I hope to put as much effort into the campaign as I have into the lore. I've done my best to make this an organic, detailed, and hopefully interesting world, even if that work is far from done. Your characters will be part of this world, and your actions will affect it. Such is the way of heroes.

As for a campaign/starting hook, I've got several ideas, depending on what sort of adventures the players want to go on – along with whether or not the players want to be part of a good-aligned organization, and how much free reign that want to have. In all of them, however, you're part of or at least aligned to organizations with power and resources, allies you can draw upon if you have a good rapport with that faction. I've always liked the concept of a “Big Good” in stories and RPGs, the knowledge that the heroes are not alone and that they have support. It's also a bit of an interesting challenge, to make sure the players are important and can affect the outcome of events even if they aren't necessarily the most powerful pieces on the board.

EDIT: Idea 3 seems to be the most popular one, so that's what I'll go with, though I'm open to running multiple ideas if people are interested.

The PCs are freelancers of some sort, currently on planet Cherandai, second planet of the home system of the Terratoria species. It is one part mining colony, one part manufacturing center, one part junkyard, and one part cosmopolitan mixing pot. Rulership of the urban zones is shared between the actual Terratorian government (the Governing Authority), and various factions whom the government more or less allows to handle things at the ground level so long as they behave themselves. Some of these factions have both legitimate and underworld sides to them, though most are careful not to antagonize the Terratorian government. One of these factions, is led by a powerful individual named Ziral, who is not only responsible for running the southeast side of the city of Advent, but also has a hand in smuggling and black markets. So, not the best of people, but far from the worst of criminals. For whatever reason, your player character has come to his attention - or perhaps, sought it out. And as it happens, Ziral has use for a group of freelancers who can get things done…

Notes: I've actually started this campaign with an IRL gaming group. On the one hand, it means I'll be doing this again, but on the other... I've got a decent amount planned out, and the PCs might well take different actions. In any event, it allows the most free reign as far as player characters go, as they could be everything from bounty hunters, mercenaries, and general talent-for-hire... to agents from the planetary government or even the Galactic Peacekeepers, sent to keep tabs on the rapidly escalating events.

It's been eight years since the end of the War of the Four Tyrants, an interstellar conflict that nearly split the Orion Alliance apart, and tested the Peacekeepers' ability to live up to their ideals and achieve their goals. In the end, only one of the Tyrants escaped justice – a powerful psychic known only as Lord Cypher. True to his name, he always wore a face-concealing helmet in public, with a device to distort his voice – and though he was defeated in battle, he was able to flee the scene, and afterwards he simply vanished. The ways for such a psychic to remain hidden are endless – but that hasn't stopped the Peacekeepers from trying to find him.

The player characters are part of the latest team assigned to track down ex-Lord Cypher. But after eight years, there's little hope of finding him, and the search is mostly just a formality until new evidence arises. But you've got a new lead, in the form of Gabriel Dune, current pirate lord, but former commander for the Four Tyrants. He's one of the few people who might have seen Cypher's face, or have any insight into the man himself. And he's recently been captured, convicted of a variety of crimes, and sent off to the Alliance prison at Proserpina. It's not much of a lead – but it's worth following. The Peacekeepers, after all, never give up on bringing the guilty to justice.

Notes: A little more structured than the previous idea, in the sense that you're part of a command structure. I plan for that structure to be somewhat loose, but it will be there. On the bright side, you'll have a pretty well-established supply chain, allies to call upon, even a starship to use as a base (though you'll no doubt want one of your own in time!).

Among the Peacekeepers, the Ranger Corps is the most free-spirited, as well as the least restricted, and the least-visible. To most people, they appear to be bounty hunters, mercenaries, or vigilantes, but this is merely a disguise, for in truth they serve the cause of peace and justice. A combination of plainclothes law officers, reserve military, and secret agents, they are the first line of defense against corruption and tyranny, but they also find themselves busy taking on organized crime or even just helping ordinary people.

And boy, do your characters find themselves busy as Rangers. Your current assignment is on planet Erishkigal, a mostly-human world known for its manufacturing and shipbuilding capabilities, as well as for political discontent and crime at all levels of organization. Also, the climate's terrible. Things are rough as it is, but there's also rumors of a plague of some sort spreading among the populace, adding fuel to the fire. You're there to put the proverbial fires out before they become an inferno. As Rangers, you are both inside and outside the law, and you've got broad powers when it comes to making a difference in peoples' lives. The Rangers believe in results – and any result that involves people being able to sleep safely in their beds at night, with full stomachs and a roof over their head, is worth the cost.

Notes: Here we have the in-between, where the PCs are both freelancers able to go their own way, and also in service to a higher authority. You've got backing, but only to a point, and in exchange for that limitation you also have freedom to act as you see fit... but also only to a point.

And if all else fails, I'm down to come up with yet another idea. The galaxy certainly has room for it.

All right, enough fluff and text walls, let's have some hard details.

System: Star Wars 5th Edition, (https://sw5e.com/) a free online ruleset that converts Dungeons and Dragons' 5th edition for use in the Star Wars universe... or in my case, a custom sci-fi setting. This particular page (https://sw5e.com/rules/phb/whatsDifferent) may be useful for those new to the SW5e variant. I also have some houserules, listed here. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VA_hcLK6Za-gcy3jSlAMOiXWNgrDBvhaD4LcCSbx8HI/edit?usp=sharing) Yes, my obsession with making my own setting is rivaled only by my desire to make a system fit that setting. Anyway, some are ones I've found on the site itself, others I've found elsewhere or simply come up with.
Player Count: Ideally 4, perhaps one more, perhaps one less.
Style of Play: A mix of all types, tailored to the group's preferences... but hopefully with a lot of roleplaying.
Allowed Content: For the most part, anything on the SW5e site is fair game, be it marked PHB, WH, or EC. An exception to this is the PCs' choices for Species - I have my own list to pick from. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b4By-YibPPLOVNK8MjQYpqIivLht6R7WO5KWINwb1Bw/edit?usp=sharing) This document contains lore and statistics, and in a few cases it contains pictures - mostly art I've found. Actually commissioning art for my species is a slow and ongoing process. In addition, the SW5e Discord has plenty of homebrew content people have made. I've compiled a list of homebrew (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IswIKKnTUNbBx5zP9PaBwfEHUOd2fXyWEcWWtbUDe3Q/edit?usp=sharing) that looks promising, but I am always open to adding to that list.

Character Creation:

It's important to know that there's a character creator (https://sw5e.com/tools/mycharacters) on the SW5e site - though, it doesn't allow for custom species, so just set the species to "human." Once the game begins, though, I'll invite everyone to a Roll20 game and you can make a sheet there, or export a sheet from the SW5e creator to Roll20.

Backstory: I'm not going to demand an essay or anything, but in the absence of such, I'd the potential for growth and development down the line. This is a new setting for everyone here, it might take a bit to get into.
Experience: 6th level
Wealth: 4,000 credits, and an enhanced item/modification of Premium Rarity, or two of Standard. You'll also get some equipment issued to your team, but that'll be discussed later. Also, seeing as how this is the future... you all get a personal computer, the kind of thing they used to call a "smartphone." I bring this up now because, as a personal computer, it can be equipped with a number of apps, so that might affect your equipment-purchasing decisions - though it won't be as good as any dedicated items. Try not to abuse your power.
Ability Scores: What I'd like to do is have players roll stats, then place those stats on a 6x6 grid, and people democratically pick lines from that grid without repeating. That requires players to actually be finalized... or for me to limit applicants to 6. So what we'll do is this: Everyone rolls the usual 6 sets of 4d6k3, but after players have been selected, then we make an array and people can pick from either what they rolled previously, or a line on the grid.
Hitpoints/Health: Average or rolled. If you roll, you can re-roll 1s.
Alignment: I'd like people to lean Good Light, at least for ideas 2 and 3... as a party. On the individual level, I can appreciate a character with a more selfish outlook or darker morality, who can still work for a common purpose within the group. If you can make it work, I'll make it work. Also, since this seems the best place to put this info... for those planning to use Force powers, I consider morality to be independent of whether the powers they use are light or dark. Mostly. It's complicated.

Other Notes: One more thing... the lore document I've been compiling. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qnRPX63gNG71T8EieqFVM4wYaZ2IC8ATfGB9QN4Cu58/edit?usp=sharing) It contains the "Intro" I posted above, along with a few other things. It is embarrassingly incomplete, but I post it here because it's better than nothing. Also, it contains the info on psychics and how they work in this setting, which is necessary for anyone willing to play a Force-using class, for that's what said classes represent. Everything else... well, I'll be working on a "worldbuilding on demand" basis, I think. Ask, and ye shall receive.

And that's everything, I think. There is much work to be done - but I work faster when I have people to do the work for. Hopefully, someone will be able to bear the outrageous amount of text I've written about this... and the wall will only grow taller the more time I spend not posting this.

2023-12-29, 02:22 AM
Hmm. I haven't played 5e in a long while, but this looks very interesting. Plus, you caught me in the middle of looking at Star Wars stuff. I'll look through your material and see if I have any ideas for a PC.

2023-12-29, 07:04 PM
Interested in theory. I will need to look at your species lore to see if anything stands out.

2023-12-29, 07:30 PM
Im potentially interested in this but have to read over the rules but from skimming it looks interesting.

Dusk Raven
2023-12-30, 07:06 PM
If it helps, when it comes to species... if none of them strike your fancy, I'm open to a compromise. The region of space I plan to set the campaign in is just a very small part of a very large galaxy - and a part of a galactic community that's become increasingly connected over the past 50 years. Though it's rare for species outside this region to come into it, it does happen. So, if you have an idea that just can't be fulfilled with the materials you've been given here, I'd be willing to help work on statistics for that. Hell, I could do that even if you just find some awesome art - that's how I came up with a couple of the species I've got, I found art I thought was interesting and then came up with something to match. Point is, we've got options.

2023-12-30, 11:15 PM
This looks like an interesting ruleset and a cool setting, without the timeless stagnation that always bugs me about the Star Wars universe...

For the proposed campaign themes, I think I like the rangers or freelancers better than the military mission, though all of them have potential. As far as characters ideas, the scholar class looks intriguing; maybe in a bard-like support build?

2023-12-31, 01:39 PM
Is Roll20 gonna be used a lot? Or will it just be fore battlemaps and such?

Dusk Raven
2023-12-31, 02:44 PM
This looks like an interesting ruleset and a cool setting, without the timeless stagnation that always bugs me about the Star Wars universe...

For the proposed campaign themes, I think I like the rangers or freelancers better than the military mission, though all of them have potential. As far as characters ideas, the scholar class looks intriguing; maybe in a bard-like support build?

The full-military one was the best I could come up with from the perspective of, "How do I have PCs be a part of a command structure but still give them free reign as adventuring parties typically have?" And I came up with something where you have your orders, you have the chain of command, but you mostly just have an overarching mission directive and free reign in how to pursue what is a very open-ended goal. I'm pleased that they all still sound good on some level!

And yeah, Scholar... is an interesting one. I think it's very dependent on its archetype - I've seen one archetype, the Geneticist Pursuit, that can very much be a bruiser, but otherwise a lot of the Scholar's kit does lean to a support role. Alas, I don't have much experience with it.

Is Roll20 gonna be used a lot? Or will it just be fore battlemaps and such?

Mostly for battlemaps, but it also gives me an easy way to check people's sheets. Mythweavers, so far as I know, doesn't have a SW5e sheet, and in order to check a character in the creator on the SW5e site, they need to export the file and send it to me. Granted, I'll have to use one of those options anyway in order to check people's submissions before accepting characters... but once the game's going, Roll20 will be more convenient. Finally, people can roll dice on there if they'd rather do that instead of in their posts (and it might be more convenient if a character's options include a lot of re-rolls). Otherwise, we'll be keeping things on this forum.

2023-12-31, 03:26 PM
Okay, properly read the intro now that I know I'll be good to play.
And holy heck! That's one hell of an intro blurb!

Idea Three is my favorite idea, but they all sound pretty good.

2023-12-31, 04:13 PM
Having finished reading everything this looks fun as hell. I'm partial to 3 and looking at the races Geisim looks interesting to me. No idea on class yet

2023-12-31, 06:53 PM
This seems like a very interesting setting and I’d love to play. That said, it seems like quite a few people have already expressed interest. Not sure how you do priority on these things. If there is still a chance to get in, then I’m thinking of making a Nitatiko scout or sentinel. Scenarios 1 and 3 seem the most interesting to me.

2023-12-31, 07:25 PM
Just on the initial glance, i can see that wookie and scout, are options, so when i get more time i will read more and see what comes of it

2023-12-31, 07:58 PM
Just on the initial glance, i can see that wookie and scout, are options, so when i get more time i will read more and see what comes of it

Wookie is not an option in this game.

Dusk Raven
2023-12-31, 08:58 PM
Just on the initial glance, i can see that wookie and scout, are options, so when i get more time i will read more and see what comes of it

Wookie is not an option in this game.

Quite. I've got my own species to go with my own setting!

This seems like a very interesting setting and I’d love to play. That said, it seems like quite a few people have already expressed interest. Not sure how you do priority on these things. If there is still a chance to get in, then I’m thinking of making a Nitatiko scout or sentinel. Scenarios 1 and 3 seem the most interesting to me.

Well, I don't do things on a first-come, first-serve basis, but I also really don't like having to exclude people. Truth be told, this has gotten more popular than I thought it would. I'm actually considering running more than one campaign, though that may be a bit much to take on. It also, so far, seems like option 3 is the most popular, and while it would be interesting to have two different parties on the planet, going after the same objective and aware of each other's existence, it'd be pretty tricky to manipulate things so that they each end up taking different paths - and not step on each other's toes.

2024-01-01, 09:01 AM
well after looking over the selected fewer races and the classes and other homebrew, I am going to decline interest.

2024-01-01, 08:19 PM
Any idea when we'll got a more solid set of Recruitment Info?

Dusk Raven
2024-01-01, 10:44 PM
Any idea when we'll got a more solid set of Recruitment Info?

What is it that you need?

2024-01-01, 10:47 PM
Character Creation:

It's important to know that there's a character creator (https://sw5e.com/tools/mycharacters) on the SW5e site - though, it doesn't allow for custom species, so just set the species to "human." Once the game begins, though, I'll invite everyone to a Roll20 game and you can make a sheet there, or export a sheet from the SW5e creator to Roll20.

Backstory: I'm not going to demand an essay or anything, but in the absence of such, I'd the potential for growth and development down the line. This is a new setting for everyone here, it might take a bit to get into.
Experience: At least 5th level, possibly as high as 8th, depends on the scenario people want to go for, as well as what level they're comfortable starting at.
Wealth: Again, to be determined, but at the very least, it'll be 4,000 credits, and an enhanced item/modification of Premium Rarity, or two of Standard.
Ability Scores: What I'd like to do is have players roll stats, then place those stats on a 6x6 grid, and people democratically pick lines from that grid without repeating. That requires players to actually be finalized... or for me to limit applicants to 6. So what we'll do is this: Everyone rolls the usual 6 sets of 4d6k3, but after players have been selected, then we make an array and people can pick from either what they rolled previously, or a line on the grid.
Hitpoints/Health: Average or rolled. If you roll, you can re-roll 1s.
Alignment: I'd like people to lean Good Light, at least for ideas 2 and 3... as a party. On the individual level, I can appreciate a character with a more selfish outlook or darker morality, who can still work for a common purpose within the group. If you can make it work, I'll make it work. Also, since this seems the best place to put this info... for those planning to use Force powers, I consider morality to be independent of whether the powers they use are light or dark. Mostly. It's complicated.

Other Notes: One more thing... the lore document I've been compiling. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qnRPX63gNG71T8EieqFVM4wYaZ2IC8ATfGB9QN4Cu58/edit?usp=sharing) It contains the "Intro" I posted above, along with a few other things. It is embarrassingly incomplete, but I post it here because it's better than nothing. Also, it contains the info on psychics and how they work in this setting, which is necessary for anyone willing to play a Force-using class, for that's what said classes represent. Everything else... well, I'll be working on a "worldbuilding on demand" basis, I think. Ask, and ye shall receive.

This gives a general idea of what sorta mechanics are gonna be like, but doesn't have hard and fast rules on PC building.
I'd also like a solid "This is the campaign idea we're going with" before I put words to paper.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-01, 10:55 PM
Hmm... well, you'll probably need a level and starting wealth... hmm... kinda depends on how comfortable people are with the system, but I'm leaning towards level 5, if we're going for Idea 3. The PCs are capable individuals, and may even have worked together before for a bit, but they haven't had too much experience, and still have a lot of room for growth. And we'll say 4,000 credits, plus the enhanced items/mods as mentioned.

...Other than that, I'm really not sure what else you need, aside from lore and background info. I can certainly give more fluff, if you've got something you want to know - some stuff's in the lore document, but not everything.

2024-01-01, 11:00 PM
Hmm... well, you'll probably need a level and starting wealth... hmm... kinda depends on how comfortable people are with the system, but I'm leaning towards level 5, if we're going for Idea 3. The PCs are capable individuals, and may even have worked together before for a bit, but they haven't had too much experience, and still have a lot of room for growth. And we'll say 4,000 credits, plus the enhanced items/mods as mentioned.

...Other than that, I'm really not sure what else you need, aside from lore and background info. I can certainly give more fluff, if you've got something you want to know - some stuff's in the lore document, but not everything.

So on the lower end? That's a-okay with me!

It's a touch late where I'm located, but I'll be working on it soon.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-01, 11:09 PM
So on the lower end? That's a-okay with me!

It's a touch late where I'm located, but I'll be working on it soon.

My experience with the system so far has been in the 3-7 range. I generally have no problem with starting at mid levels, but in addition to my own experience, most of the people here might not be familiar with the system, and I don't want people overwhelmed with the sheer amount of options available. People will have time to plan their characters!

...I know I just said 5, but maybe we can make it 6. That's where I've started my previous SW5e campaigns, and it also feels like a better place to start. I'll update the starting post with the new info.

2024-01-05, 10:27 PM
I'll have to read more into everything, but this looks really cool!

2024-01-07, 10:34 AM
This looks really cool!

2024-01-08, 12:44 AM
Very tempting, I do enjoy some space fantasy. My initial character idea would only really vibe with the Freelancers, so I'll make a second more law-abiding character for if things sway the other way.

2024-01-08, 01:00 AM
Rolling for ability scores (using the same set for each character and just distributing them differently):

2024-01-08, 01:03 AM
But with the correct roll codes. Sorry for the biff.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-08, 01:41 AM
But with the correct roll codes. Sorry for the biff.

Hmm... not the most inspiring array I've seen. Mind you, once players are selected, I'll be having everyone roll more stats for a grid that they can switch to if they so please*... so poor starting arrays can be replaced. But even so, since that array's less than what point buy would give you, feel free to roll a second one.

*- I should probably explain that in more detail... once it's not so late at night for me.

2024-01-08, 08:24 AM
I”ll also roll!

2024-01-08, 09:35 AM
Hmm... not the most inspiring array I've seen. Mind you, once players are selected, I'll be having everyone roll more stats for a grid that they can switch to if they so please*... so poor starting arrays can be replaced. But even so, since that array's less than what point buy would give you, feel free to roll a second one.

*- I should probably explain that in more detail... once it's not so late at night for me.

I did manage to squeeze some playable outlines out of what I got, but I won't refuse an offer to reroll.


Edit: Man, I fumbled it again. I'll just wait a while and work on what I have now instead of double posting. Too soon after waking up to operate a dice roller apparently.

2024-01-08, 09:51 AM

Dusk Raven
2024-01-08, 02:03 PM
Very tempting, I do enjoy some space fantasy. My initial character idea would only really vibe with the Freelancers, so I'll make a second more law-abiding character for if things sway the other way.

Oh yeah, forgot to reply to this bit. People seem to have gravitated to Idea 3 the most, so that's what I'm going with, though I'm open to running 1 as well.

In any event, I may offer a bit of leeway when it comes to the PCs of Idea 3. While the party as a whole is meant to be a group of Peacekeeper Rangers (people pretending to be freelancers or mercenaries), Rangers do have the option of working with certain freelancers. These individuals aren't Peacekeepers and haven't been through the same vetting process, but they have shown themselves to be dependable allies. They're mostly used in a support role, as the Peacekeepers prefer to do the heavy lifting themselves, but sometimes you see teams of mostly Rangers with a true freelancer or two.

Ultimately, it's about whoever can work well with the team.

2024-01-08, 06:55 PM
Oh yeah, forgot to reply to this bit. People seem to have gravitated to Idea 3 the most, so that's what I'm going with, though I'm open to running 1 as well.

In any event, I may offer a bit of leeway when it comes to the PCs of Idea 3. While the party as a whole is meant to be a group of Peacekeeper Rangers (people pretending to be freelancers or mercenaries), Rangers do have the option of working with certain freelancers. These individuals aren't Peacekeepers and haven't been through the same vetting process, but they have shown themselves to be dependable allies. They're mostly used in a support role, as the Peacekeepers prefer to do the heavy lifting themselves, but sometimes you see teams of mostly Rangers with a true freelancer or two.

Ultimately, it's about whoever can work well with the team.

Good to know. I've gone back to my first character idea then. 'Craver' (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sAI8y2_bK_3oeYkQQ8QXX8qTHnt-zhUBu6nEmuooccI/edit?usp=sharing), a Berserker/Operative with very minor psionics. Current backstory is built for Scenario 3, as an informant/insider for the Ranger party. A Dark character, but intended to clean up and respec later in the campaign into either a Fighter or a different Berserker archetype after some character development.

I was able to make things work with the so-so roll I got, but I'll roll a
Hopefully with more success this time.
Edit: Sticking with the initial roll for now. I'll see how the grid goes if I make it in.

2024-01-08, 07:16 PM
This is amazing! Seriously great work!

I am completely on board with helping to keep this game out of the "fizzled out" bin.

I've still got a few things to think about and re-read and, unfortunately, a few "no fun days" ahead. But you will definitely see more of me once I nail down the concept and stuff.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-09, 09:22 PM
First off, thanks to everyone who has experessed interest. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help with a character concept, be it with fluff or crunch. And speaking of characters, let me address our first submission!

Good to know. I've gone back to my first character idea then. 'Craver' (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sAI8y2_bK_3oeYkQQ8QXX8qTHnt-zhUBu6nEmuooccI/edit?usp=sharing), a Berserker/Operative with very minor psionics. Current backstory is built for Scenario 3, as an informant/insider for the Ranger party. A Dark character, but intended to clean up and respec later in the campaign into either a Fighter or a different Berserker archetype after some character development.

I am always in favor of character development, and I'm pretty generous with respecs as well. Now, for my feedback...

Backstory: Now that's what I like to see. Pretty much nothing here I'd really want to change, or that's really incompatible, with one minor exception I'll get to. I will definitely have to add Villaus to my list of confirmed planets, although from the sounds of it it's not a well-populated world - I'm getting the impression that it's the planetary equivalent of New Zealand or maybe even Iceland. Possibly even more minor - it's no small feat to take over a planet and keep word of it from spreading, but it's at least manageable with a minor world.

And speaking of the person responsible... that whole operation is definitely something Dune would attempt. Even the forced labor part - there aren't a lot of criminal groups that deal in slavery (drones tend to be cheaper and more effective), but the Dune Syndicate is one of them. Not that Gabriel Dune dislikes drones, and he has a lot of experience with them, but drones and AI in general can be hacked by those with the resources and technology, and with the kind of enemies he tends to make... well, best to have a backup. Especially if they can be made dependent through addictive chemicals. Other than that, the timeframe kinda works too - Dune first became a pirate lord (or at least, started making the attempt) about eight years ago, and while the exact timeframe for his arrest is up in the air, I can make that work too. That being said, the Peacekeepers and their Ranger Corps aren't directly responsible for Dune's capture (the exact how regarding the arrest has been the subject of much rumor), although they have done a lot of work in dismantling his criminal empire since.

And thus your character ends up with the party. A bit of a dark past, but the Rangers are all for giving someone a second chance. Strange bedfellows and all that.

Mechanics: The build looks good. I like that we've already got someone using one of the homebrew archetypes. Only correction I'd make is to the cybernetics - this may prove to be a mistake, but I have it so that most cybernetics and genetic modifications don't have drawbacks, except for ones that can be toggled and their drawback is just so you don't have them switched on all the time. And of course, the consequences for having too many. Enhancements are... not as jank in my setting as the ones in SW5e seem to be. So, long story short, you need not have the clause where if you roll a 1, your speed becomes 0 - unless the idea is that the legs really are as jank as a crude replacement job done by pirates is likely to be. In which case go for it!

2024-01-09, 11:28 PM
I am always in favor of character development, and I'm pretty generous with respecs as well. Now, for my feedback...

Backstory: Now that's what I like to see. Pretty much nothing here I'd really want to change, or that's really incompatible, with one minor exception I'll get to. I will definitely have to add Villaus to my list of confirmed planets, although from the sounds of it it's not a well-populated world - I'm getting the impression that it's the planetary equivalent of New Zealand or maybe even Iceland. Possibly even more minor - it's no small feat to take over a planet and keep word of it from spreading, but it's at least manageable with a minor world.

And speaking of the person responsible... that whole operation is definitely something Dune would attempt. Even the forced labor part - there aren't a lot of criminal groups that deal in slavery (drones tend to be cheaper and more effective), but the Dune Syndicate is one of them. Not that Gabriel Dune dislikes drones, and he has a lot of experience with them, but drones and AI in general can be hacked by those with the resources and technology, and with the kind of enemies he tends to make... well, best to have a backup. Especially if they can be made dependent through addictive chemicals. Other than that, the timeframe kinda works too - Dune first became a pirate lord (or at least, started making the attempt) about eight years ago, and while the exact timeframe for his arrest is up in the air, I can make that work too. That being said, the Peacekeepers and their Ranger Corps aren't directly responsible for Dune's capture (the exact how regarding the arrest has been the subject of much rumor), although they have done a lot of work in dismantling his criminal empire since.

And thus your character ends up with the party. A bit of a dark past, but the Rangers are all for giving someone a second chance. Strange bedfellows and all that.

Mechanics: The build looks good. I like that we've already got someone using one of the homebrew archetypes. Only correction I'd make is to the cybernetics - this may prove to be a mistake, but I have it so that most cybernetics and genetic modifications don't have drawbacks, except for ones that can be toggled and their drawback is just so you don't have them switched on all the time. And of course, the consequences for having too many. Enhancements are... not as jank in my setting as the ones in SW5e seem to be. So, long story short, you need not have the clause where if you roll a 1, your speed becomes 0 - unless the idea is that the legs really are as jank as a crude replacement job done by pirates is likely to be. In which case go for it!

I've changed the mention of the Rangers busting Dune to a mysterious entity instead, and left the Peacekeepers breaking up Abysswreck which probably wasn't his primary base of operations after he grew in esteem anyways. That should bring the backstory more in line.

My thoughts for Villaus were definitely along the lines of somewhere like the Northwest Territories. Technically it's part of a larger nation (the Zodine League), but its population suffer from being an afterthought. The planet's habitable strip is very small, comparatively, with its magnetic field and orbit around its sun making its polar regions extremely large. The places that are habitable are largely wet and cold year round, meaning it never got popular as a new colony to move to. There are maybe four 'major cities' with spaceports on the planet that are used for shipping farming equipment in and produce out. The rest is dotted with wide, sparse agricultural sectors being used for farming space rice, space grain, fungi, and algae- or moss-based foodstuffs that the aquatic originating species in the League enjoy.
Word would inevitably get out when the chain of production saw failed deliveries, but that left enough time for Dune to load up on what he wanted - food and workforce. Especially if he hit it during the down season.

Mechanically, I think I'll leave the janky legs the way they are. It's fitting, and I'd probably have been looking for an upgrade down the line anyways.

2024-01-10, 03:49 AM
I totally blanked on making a character for this, got up with work stuff. My apologies. I'll toss my dice here to roll for stats. It'll be done shortly.


2024-01-10, 08:55 AM
Here we go let's see what I get.



2024-01-10, 09:15 AM
Here we go. Zadock, The Hound (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BdKAkdGAi_KqQiZ_lklkrce5TWOL00xFFtdzLKSYL8E/edit?usp=sharing). Hope the link works. I'm not totally sure of the cybernetics yet, and same goes with the specific tech power spells I chose. I've not played with this system before, so I'm not sure how good the build might be. I think it'll work well; stay close to others firing with high accuracy from my routine and the mod technique plus extra damage from quarry dice, target lock, and the safety net of the minimum roll. Can donate some accuracy to others, or use bonus action help from the Nitatiko racial trait. Fits with the intention of the character, who must be more careful and focus on others to be truly effective.

I hope the character works well. Someone genuinely trying to do better, but lacking in understanding. They're never malicious, which ironically makes it harder for them to realize what they're doing wrong. Left everything as a neutral they for now, since I'm not sure whether failboy or failgirl is funnier in this case. Also it's not actually been established if the Nitatiko are gonadochoric or not, so I didn't want to assume. In general, since we don't have too many details about the Nitatiko, I just had to base what I put on the fact that they are silly creatures, and also reached space first. It seems they have hope more than the rest of the species, at least by default, so casting the first space explorers in this heroic light seems fair. Tell me if anything should be altered.

2024-01-10, 09:39 AM
Here we go. Zadock, The Hound (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BdKAkdGAi_KqQiZ_lklkrce5TWOL00xFFtdzLKSYL8E/edit?usp=sharing). Hope the link works. I'm not totally sure of the cybernetics yet, and same goes with the specific tech power spells I chose. I've not played with this system before, so I'm not sure how good the build might be. I think it'll work well; stay close to others firing with high accuracy from my routine and the mod technique plus extra damage from quarry dice, target lock, and the safety net of the minimum roll. Can donate some accuracy to others, or use bonus action help from the Nitatiko racial trait. Fits with the intention of the character, who must be more careful and focus on others to be truly effective.

I hope the character works well. Someone genuinely trying to do better, but lacking in understanding. They're never malicious, which ironically makes it harder for them to realize what they're doing wrong. Left everything as a neutral they for now, since I'm not sure whether failboy or failgirl is funnier in this case. Also it's not actually been established if the Nitatiko are gonadochoric or not, so I didn't want to assume. In general, since we don't have too many details about the Nitatiko, I just had to base what I put on the fact that they are silly creatures, and also reached space first. It seems they have hope more than the rest of the species, at least by default, so casting the first space explorers in this heroic light seems fair. Tell me if anything should be altered.

Looks like a cool character! Any party worth its salt in a scifi game needs a hacker type too. I can see some good potential with the annoying little wannabe hero and the jaded giant crab playing off of each other. With their cybernetics specialty and tech skills, they might even be able to fix her janky pirate-tech leg ports, which would go a long way towards earning her loyalty.

Infernally Clay
2024-01-10, 12:32 PM
I’m thinking perhaps a Geisim Consular. It just seems to fit. I’d like to think they have a personal code against using their psionic powers to manipulate others, whether by trick or by force. If they can’t convince you’re they’re right with words or deeds alone, this is merely the place where your paths are meant to separate. Since their ambition will be their strongest trait, don’t think they’ll give up easily on following their own path.

Let’s see what the rolls say…


So 16, 15, 15, 11, 9, 8, huh. With the Geisim racial bonuses and the +2 or two +1s from 4th level I guess that can become…

DEX 15 > 17 (+2) > 18 (+1)
CON 15 > 16 (+1)
INT 11
WIS 16 > 18 (+2)

Physically weak and not especially charming, but fast, tough and wise.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-10, 11:33 PM
Here we go. Zadock, The Hound (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BdKAkdGAi_KqQiZ_lklkrce5TWOL00xFFtdzLKSYL8E/edit?usp=sharing). Hope the link works. I'm not totally sure of the cybernetics yet, and same goes with the specific tech power spells I chose. I've not played with this system before, so I'm not sure how good the build might be. I think it'll work well; stay close to others firing with high accuracy from my routine and the mod technique plus extra damage from quarry dice, target lock, and the safety net of the minimum roll. Can donate some accuracy to others, or use bonus action help from the Nitatiko racial trait. Fits with the intention of the character, who must be more careful and focus on others to be truly effective.

I hope the character works well. Someone genuinely trying to do better, but lacking in understanding. They're never malicious, which ironically makes it harder for them to realize what they're doing wrong. Left everything as a neutral they for now, since I'm not sure whether failboy or failgirl is funnier in this case. Also it's not actually been established if the Nitatiko are gonadochoric or not, so I didn't want to assume. In general, since we don't have too many details about the Nitatiko, I just had to base what I put on the fact that they are silly creatures, and also reached space first. It seems they have hope more than the rest of the species, at least by default, so casting the first space explorers in this heroic light seems fair. Tell me if anything should be altered.

Looks good, so far as I can tell. ...I decided to look up what the Detatchable Eye's drawback was, and it's "While the eye is removed, you have disadvantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight beyond 5 feet." My immediate reaction was, "Well, what's the point of detaching it if you can't see very much while doing so?" I know I said I'd keep the drawbacks from active-use cybernetics, but... maybe we should do away with that one. Speaking of the eye, it doesn't say what kind of movement it gets what you move it. Does it just roll along the ground? That'd be funny.

Also, Nitatiko are indeed gonochoric - most of my species are, except for the Riltha (who reproduce asexually) and the Ceruleoids (who are all genetically engineered clones). Most of them don't have the same level of dimorphism humans do, though. Also, regarding the Nitatiko... I've been working on writing a series of "recent histories" of each species, from the perspective of that species, but I should probably work on the Nitatiko next. They're so... weird. They're all about being super childlike, and yet it works out because their psychology just... turns things that would be weaknesses for humans and turns them into strengths. They're hyperactive, never stop learning, and down to just be friends with everyone... and they get smarter in groups. They're insane and rational all at once.

I’m thinking perhaps a Geisim Consular. It just seems to fit. I’d like to think they have a personal code against using their psionic powers to manipulate others, whether by trick or by force. If they can’t convince you’re they’re right with words or deeds alone, this is merely the place where your paths are meant to separate. Since their ambition will be their strongest trait, don’t think they’ll give up easily on following their own path.

Let’s see what the rolls say…


So 16, 15, 15, 11, 9, 8, huh. With the Geisim racial bonuses and the +2 or two +1s from 4th level I guess that can become…

DEX 15 > 17 (+2) > 18 (+1)
CON 15 > 16 (+1)
INT 11
WIS 16 > 18 (+2)

Physically weak and not especially charming, but fast, tough and wise.

Don't forget, in SW5e Backgrounds give a feat, so that's potentially another +1 to some stat or other. Otherwise, the concept is quite sensible. There are a lot of ways to build a Consular, so I'm curious what you end up with.

2024-01-11, 01:15 AM
Has giant been slow for everyone else for the past week or is it just me but anyway I'm think of going Sentinel up the path of Synthesis. I was thinking of going Geisim but upon upon another look over the lore of the races the Skipiri seem more of a fit since my character joined the rangers to get off the hell that is his planet and reading their lore that makesway more sense for them.

2024-01-11, 03:11 AM
Looks good, so far as I can tell. ...I decided to look up what the Detatchable Eye's drawback was, and it's "While the eye is removed, you have disadvantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight beyond 5 feet." My immediate reaction was, "Well, what's the point of detaching it if you can't see very much while doing so?" I know I said I'd keep the drawbacks from active-use cybernetics, but... maybe we should do away with that one. Speaking of the eye, it doesn't say what kind of movement it gets what you move it. Does it just roll along the ground? That'd be funny.

It says that it grows 8 little legs in the description. As for the side effect, that is a weird point, but I had assumed that it meant the player had those disadvantages. Like, the cyber eye still does checks normal, but the player character has disadvantage with their remaining eye until the cyber eye is returned, because they literally removed one eye and their depth perception is shot. I guess it doesn’t actually say that though, my brain just assumed.

I’m still torn on exactly what to pick for cybernetics, which matter less than just having them, both in terms of lore and gameplay. This is because mod technique literally can take damage reduction at level 7 based on number of mods, hence my trying to get more mods.

Related to all this, the infiltration package says it, “conceals a security kit and a slicer’s kit”. I just realized it only says conceals, it doesn’t say explicitly whether it comes with those items preinstalled into the thing, or whether it’s just a holster for those two items that you buy separately. What’s your ruling on that.

Also Razorfloss, the website has absolutely been slow. I wasn’t sure if it was just me.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-11, 11:06 PM
Has giant been slow for everyone else for the past week or is it just me but anyway I'm think of going Sentinel up the path of Synthesis. I was thinking of going Geisim but upon upon another look over the lore of the races the Skipiri seem more of a fit since my character joined the rangers to get off the hell that is his planet and reading their lore that makesway more sense for them.

Indeed. The Skipiri can best be described as an entire species of high-functioning sociopaths (at least on some level). Fortunately for everyone, they're one of the four species of the Zodine League, which meant that they were talking with other species centuries before actually meeting them face-to-face, and that gave them time to realize how screwed-up they were in comparison to everyone else and clean up their act... mostly. Their homeworld is still a mess of politics and scheming, though.

And yeah, site's been slow for me too.

It says that it grows 8 little legs in the description. As for the side effect, that is a weird point, but I had assumed that it meant the player had those disadvantages. Like, the cyber eye still does checks normal, but the player character has disadvantage with their remaining eye until the cyber eye is returned, because they literally removed one eye and their depth perception is shot. I guess it doesn’t actually say that though, my brain just assumed.

I’m still torn on exactly what to pick for cybernetics, which matter less than just having them, both in terms of lore and gameplay. This is because mod technique literally can take damage reduction at level 7 based on number of mods, hence my trying to get more mods.

Related to all this, the infiltration package says it, “conceals a security kit and a slicer’s kit”. I just realized it only says conceals, it doesn’t say explicitly whether it comes with those items preinstalled into the thing, or whether it’s just a holster for those two items that you buy separately. What’s your ruling on that.

Also Razorfloss, the website has absolutely been slow. I wasn’t sure if it was just me.

Ah, that's what I get for reading while tired. I still think the "rolling" idea is funny though. Also, I can ask in the Discord server, but I think the intent is that you have disadvantage on both your normal vision and through the eye. But I'm still inclined to remove that drawback. Also, on a side note, you're probably right that the disadvantage is meant to reflect lack of depth perception, but that irks me because that's the opposite of how depth perception works. If you close one eye (or lose it), with objects closer to you it's definitely different, but the farther away you look, the less depth perception matters, until it simply isn't a thing anymore. Which is why I wish we saw less one-eyed swordsmen in fiction and more one-eyed archers/snipers.

I infer that the infiltration package comes equipped with a security/slicers kit, which is concealed by the prosthetic itself. If it didn't come with it installed, it'd probably have language stating what kind of kits can be installed.

2024-01-12, 12:50 AM
Would you mind if I wrote some lore for a popular card game and a painkiller drug to replace the Star Wars ones?

Dusk Raven
2024-01-12, 01:36 AM
Would you mind if I wrote some lore for a popular card game and a painkiller drug to replace the Star Wars ones?

I don't have any lore for them as it is and would love it if you felt up to writing the lore for them. Although I am curious which game and which drug.

That does remind me though, seeing the Sabaac proficiency for your character made me think, "I probably should come up with different kinds of gambling games for this setting," although realistically there'd be a lot.

2024-01-12, 04:01 AM
I don't have any lore for them as it is and would love it if you felt up to writing the lore for them. Although I am curious which game and which drug.

That does remind me though, seeing the Sabaac proficiency for your character made me think, "I probably should come up with different kinds of gambling games for this setting," although realistically there'd be a lot.

A new card game to replace Sabacc, and a drug to replace Karrak. Karrak's Star Wars lore is actually pretty neat, but the mechanics in SW5e don't actually make sense for it anyways so it might as well be something new the Abysswreck spicers cooked up that started to spread. Craver got to be a beta tester.


A four-player card game invented by the skipiri, which has become a growingly popular gambling pastime galaxy-wide. Cirrick, in the language of its origin, means ‘sold out’. Thus, the game has become colloquially known as Sellout or Capital. The goal of the game is to have the least number of cards, with the theme of the game being ‘selling’ your cards to the other players until you run out of product.

There are forty cards in a cirrick deck. Each of the numbers 1-4 is represented in permutations of their combinations, and there are 4 each of the single numbers 0, 6, and 7. The deck has been used and adapted to other games over time. Players begin by drawing a hand of six from one shuffled deck. The first player is determined by turning over a card from the deck, aiming to have the lowest. The deck is then reshuffled.

Each round, players bet on their hand. The first player can play any card on the ‘pallet’ of another player, in front of them. This is called ‘selling’ the card. The next player must play a card sharing one of the numbers on the previous card played. If a 0, 6 or 7 is played, all players collect and shuffle their respective pallets into their ‘stock’ of cards, similar to a discard pile. This is called a ‘delivery’. The next card played no longer needs to follow suit after a delivery.

If a player has two cards in their hand with a shared number, they may play them both at the same time, on the same or on different players’ stacks.

If a turn player does not have a viable card to play, they must draw from the deck or their stock. If the new card is viable, they may play it. If not, they must draw a second time. A player may not draw from their stock more than once per turn. If neither card can be played, the turn is passed to the next player.

There are two ways for the game to end: a player runs out of cards (a sellout), or the deck runs out of cards (a market crash). At this point, the player with the least cards remaining in their hand and stock takes the betting pot. Some variants of the game instead use the total value of the cards held, with the player holding the least value winning the game.

Human spacers have developed a variant called Terran Cirrick, or Grift. This game involves a cup of three six-sided dice which a player shakes to randomize them. These dice are called ‘grifts’. A player covers their dice with the cup, but may peek at their grifts at any time. On a player’s turn, they may remove one of their grifts from the game to play a card with a matching number on it. A third end state is added to the game (the bust), occurring when all players are out of grifts. Players can bluff one another about their available grifts.

Grift has in turn become popular on Skiprae, enjoying the human element of deceit and chance. Both forms of the game, particularly when played among skipiri, encourage players to cut deals, make alliances, and backstab one another to stop powerful rivals and come out on top.

One goal of the spice lab on Abysswreck was to produce designer chemical combat enhancements for their crews to use, with labor slaves acting as test subjects. Cicatrix began as one of these projects. Standard painkillers are useful, but any potent enough to act fast often cause drowsiness or sluggishness, reducing a soldier’s effectiveness. Cicatrix was an attempt at creating a powerful painkiller that promotes quick scarring to prevent bleedout, and which does not dull the senses in battle.

Unfortunately, cicatrix has a plethora of side-effects. It gives the user a euphoric high and an addictive feeling of invulnerability, leading to reckless behavior in its users. It can also cause a depletion of the body’s resources for forming scar-tissue, leading to old wounds reopening fresh on a bad low or during an overdose. Withdrawal causes both an increased sensitivity to pain and a reduced sensitivity to touch, making coming off of the spice a living hell.

Profitable on the street and entertaining in the fighting pits, but the Dune Syndicate wanted something more reliable for their soldiers. Ultimately, it was scrapped as part of the combat stim project and handed over to the recreational spice labs.

Craver has managed to kick several of the experimental spices she was hooked on during her pit days (not all willingly; she could not find all the recipes before the Peacekeepers got to the labs). Cicatrix remains one of her primary vices, hooked on the confidence it gives in hard times and the relief it offers from her chronic cybernetic pains.

2024-01-12, 05:19 PM
[roll0] 17
[roll1] 11
[roll2] 15
[roll3] 16
[roll4] 11
[roll5] 12

I don't think there's a code for rerolling 1s so I figured I'd do the math manually?

Dusk Raven
2024-01-12, 06:52 PM
A new card game to replace Sabacc, and a drug to replace Karrak. Karrak's Star Wars lore is actually pretty neat, but the mechanics in SW5e don't actually make sense for it anyways so it might as well be something new the Abysswreck spicers cooked up that started to spread. Craver got to be a beta tester.


A four-player card game invented by the skipiri, which has become a growingly popular gambling pastime galaxy-wide. Cirrick, in the language of its origin, means ‘sold out’. Thus, the game has become colloquially known as Sellout or Capital. The goal of the game is to have the least number of cards, with the theme of the game being ‘selling’ your cards to the other players until you run out of product.

There are forty cards in a cirrick deck. Each of the numbers 1-4 is represented in permutations of their combinations, and there are 4 each of the single numbers 0, 6, and 7. The deck has been used and adapted to other games over time. Players begin by drawing a hand of six from one shuffled deck. The first player is determined by turning over a card from the deck, aiming to have the lowest. The deck is then reshuffled.

Each round, players bet on their hand. The first player can play any card on the ‘pallet’ of another player, in front of them. This is called ‘selling’ the card. The next player must play a card sharing one of the numbers on the previous card played. If a 0, 6 or 7 is played, all players collect and shuffle their respective pallets into their ‘stock’ of cards, similar to a discard pile. This is called a ‘delivery’. The next card played no longer needs to follow suit after a delivery.

If a player has two cards in their hand with a shared number, they may play them both at the same time, on the same or on different players’ stacks.

If a turn player does not have a viable card to play, they must draw from the deck or their stock. If the new card is viable, they may play it. If not, they must draw a second time. A player may not draw from their stock more than once per turn. If neither card can be played, the turn is passed to the next player.

There are two ways for the game to end: a player runs out of cards (a sellout), or the deck runs out of cards (a market crash). At this point, the player with the least cards remaining in their hand and stock takes the betting pot. Some variants of the game instead use the total value of the cards held, with the player holding the least value winning the game.

Human spacers have developed a variant called Terran Cirrick, or Grift. This game involves a cup of three six-sided dice which a player shakes to randomize them. These dice are called ‘grifts’. A player covers their dice with the cup, but may peek at their grifts at any time. On a player’s turn, they may remove one of their grifts from the game to play a card with a matching number on it. A third end state is added to the game (the bust), occurring when all players are out of grifts. Players can bluff one another about their available grifts.

Grift has in turn become popular on Skiprae, enjoying the human element of deceit and chance. Both forms of the game, particularly when played among skipiri, encourage players to cut deals, make alliances, and backstab one another to stop powerful rivals and come out on top.

One goal of the spice lab on Abysswreck was to produce designer chemical combat enhancements for their crews to use, with labor slaves acting as test subjects. Cicatrix began as one of these projects. Standard painkillers are useful, but any potent enough to act fast often cause drowsiness or sluggishness, reducing a soldier’s effectiveness. Cicatrix was an attempt at creating a powerful painkiller that promotes quick scarring to prevent bleedout, and which does not dull the senses in battle.

Unfortunately, cicatrix has a plethora of side-effects. It gives the user a euphoric high and an addictive feeling of invulnerability, leading to reckless behavior in its users. It can also cause a depletion of the body’s resources for forming scar-tissue, leading to old wounds reopening fresh on a bad low or during an overdose. Withdrawal causes both an increased sensitivity to pain and a reduced sensitivity to touch, making coming off of the spice a living hell.

Profitable on the street and entertaining in the fighting pits, but the Dune Syndicate wanted something more reliable for their soldiers. Ultimately, it was scrapped as part of the combat stim project and handed over to the recreational spice labs.

Craver has managed to kick several of the experimental spices she was hooked on during her pit days (not all willingly; she could not find all the recipes before the Peacekeepers got to the labs). Cicatrix remains one of her primary vices, hooked on the confidence it gives in hard times and the relief it offers from her chronic cybernetic pains.

Speaking of Sabaac... I actually have no idea how Sabaac's supposed to work (I'm more of a Pazaak player). As such, I'm quite appreciative of you coming up with rules for a new card game. I still need to come up with a few myself, but I'm not the greatest at it - at least, with coming up with something new.

Flavor for the drug also seems good. ...Hmm, I just recalled that there is one drug I have come up with, though I'm unsure where to put the info for it in my lore doc... seems a waste to come up with a section for spice until I've got more to write about.

[roll0] 17
[roll1] 11
[roll2] 15
[roll3] 16
[roll4] 11
[roll5] 12

I don't think there's a code for rerolling 1s so I figured I'd do the math manually?

Indeed, but you don't re-roll 1s for ability score rolls - just the hitpoint rolls, assuming you don't want to take the average.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-16, 09:18 AM
Have a dossier for Ereshkigal, the planet your characters are heading to (And I also found out I've been misspelling the name). I was going to infodump this on you once the campaign started, but realistically speaking your characters would know it in advance and so it might help to get the info now.

Ereshkigal was settled by human colonists (and some Nitatiko tagalongs) some 212 Earth years ago (CE 2087 in the Terran calendar). Despite being in its star's habitable zone, it had no life of its own, which meant there was no worry of colonists finding a hostile biome, or of contaminating such a biosphere with Terran invasive species. As such almost all of the life that is there is originally from Earth. Ereshkigal is much drier than Earth, however, so what life is there tends to be adapted to arid or semi-arid climates. To use Earth as a reference point, the better parts of the planet have climates and life like that of the American Great Plains. The capital city of Ganzir is in one such area, next to a relatively freshwater great lake. The worse parts of the planet are deserts of some form or other. While the climate isn't the most hospitable, it does have relatively low gravity compared to Earth, as well as abundant mineral resources, both on the planet itself or in the system's asteroid belt, so industrial manufacturing has long been a staple of the planet's economy.

E was also the last colony established before Earth was invaded by the Kronn, so it would be left to its own devices for two and a half decades, during which it escaped notice by the Kronn. When contact was reestablished, the colonists were mortified by what had happen to Earth in their absence and willing to join the new United Countries and Colonies, but they'd also developed an independent spirit, and lacked the newfound xenophobia of Earth's humans. As such, while they provided manufacturing capability and soldiers to the UCC during its later conflicts with the Gerron, the Ereshkigallans would also criticize the Coalition's treatment of aliens that weren't Gerron - namely, the species of the Corundorian Union.

These criticisms reached a height when the authoritarian Earth Coalition was established 115 years ago, and Ereshkigal declared its refusal to take part in the new nation. The response from Earth was swift and brutal, in the form of a fleet sent to subjugate the colony. The human and Nitatiko defenders, outmatched in equipment and air support, fell in a few days, but not before giving a number of other soldiers and citizens the opportunity to flee the planet entirely (these refugees would soon co-found the Exiled Legion). In the aftermath, the Coalition nationalized the world's industries, including its shipbuilding capabilities, and put its population to work. But while the colonists most passionate about liberty were dead or fled, that didn't mean the remainder were all fans of the Coalition as it was, and there would be simmering resentment all the way to the Coalition's reforms 84 years ago - and beyond.

In truth, the wound left by the Coalition's invasion never healed, and much of the human population today is suspicious of offworld authority. Even the Nitatiko, while willing to cooperate, share the humans' desire for liberty. Of course, their own planetary government has the same checkered history of success and failure as any other. Unfortunately, currently the planet is seeing one of its "low" phases. The planet has lately seen the loss of shipbuilding contracts to rivals at planet Kwenlun, and an accompanying rise in unemployment, crime, and drug use. This wouldn't be as much of a problem on other planets, but Ereshkigal's population has been accustomed to high employment for so long that the safety nets generally aren't there. Some have gone out beyond the capital city and lesser towns to become farmers, but true self-sufficiency is beyond many of them. Far easier, and more lucrative, to do work for the various gangs that reside in the capital city of Ganzir, or the pirates that make the system a clandestine port of call. The latter group might even give them a chance to leave the planet. The pirates for their part sometimes bring in black market goods, or trade goods that otherwise are hard to find at a reasonable price or quantity, but that doesn't mean that dealing with them is all that much better.

On top of all this, there's the rumors of a plague. Details coming out of the planet have been scarce, and response to the disease has been hampered by public distrust of the government, which might not be capable of handling the outbreak any better than it's handled the crime. Indeed, if rumors are true, too much of the government is compromised by corruption or bribery to be reliable. In fairness to the government, the rumors are probably worse than the reality, but no government can function if its people don't trust it. At least the populace isn't at the point of rebellion - they'd rather just stew in mistrust and resentment. That seems to be something of an Ereshkigallan tradition.

Otherwise... I don't have a deadline, but that's partially because I don't really know how many people are working on characters. There's been a bunch of people who've liked the setup but haven't said anything regarding intentions to make a character. Fortunately, I can run this with only three people if need be. And I have no problem with waiting a bit - there's always more prep work I can do.

2024-01-16, 09:54 AM
It's fitting, in a spiritual successor sort of way, that we begin on a desert planet like Tatooine.

Otherwise... I don't have a deadline, but that's partially because I don't really know how many people are working on characters. There's been a bunch of people who've liked the setup but haven't said anything regarding intentions to make a character. Fortunately, I can run this with only three people if need be. And I have no problem with waiting a bit - there's always more prep work I can do.

It's possible that the jankiness of some of the base SW5e system elements (mainly the items) filtered some people. Then again I've often seen games get far fewer completed characters than interest (especially in niche systems or settings), so it's not unusual in play by post. Sometimes inspiration for an interesting character just doesn't hit.

If push comes to shove and it's just myself and flyinglemur, a duo game might not be too bad. Fewer players often means better post turnout rates. If there are too few party members for the 3-4 you'd planned for, each player could potentially run two.

2024-01-16, 11:03 AM
I'm late to this but I wouldn't mind playing in a small group. I'll make whatever happens to fit in with the others if that helps.

2024-01-16, 09:19 PM
So I'm very interested in playing a geisim sentinel of the Path of Witchcraft because having a monster companion will be hella fun.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-17, 10:21 PM
It's possible that the jankiness of some of the base SW5e system elements (mainly the items) filtered some people. Then again I've often seen games get far fewer completed characters than interest (especially in niche systems or settings), so it's not unusual in play by post. Sometimes inspiration for an interesting character just doesn't hit.

It's possible. Either that, or the fact that SW5e gives a player a lot of options compared to standard 5e, especially with martials, and there's a bunch of new mechanics to learn. Still, we should have enough players in the end, and it's for the best that I'm not put in the position of having to turn too many down.

In the meantime, I added a new species to the document, the Ophios. They're in the lore, and there are a few scattered references here and there, but they didn't have stats until now. ...I had written up a lore entry for them for the species document, but I apparently forgot to put it in there. Welp. Anyway, they've got stats now. I originally wasn't going to make stats for them, since they aren't part of the Orion Alliance and are somewhat isolationist. But I figured that enough probably get outside their territory that one could still play as one. That, and the Exiled Legion (which is sort of like my adaptation of the Mandalorians) has a good number of Ophios in it. It was co-founded by Ophios exiles, in fact.

2024-01-19, 06:16 PM
I want to play, but don’t know how to make a character sheet. Is there a way?

2024-01-19, 06:59 PM
I want to play, but don’t know how to make a character sheet. Is there a way?

We've just been using google docs so far.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-19, 11:05 PM
I want to play, but don’t know how to make a character sheet. Is there a way?

Google Docs works, and there's also a character creator on the SW5e site, although it's a little unpolished, and doesn't allow for custom species, archetypes, or powers. You can get around that somewhat by using the "Custom Features" section on the sheet (and, in the case of species, manually inputting what your ability scores should be), but it can still be a bit awkward. And you'd also have to export it and send it to me somehow so I can actually read it, and that might be a bit of a hassle.

Once characters are actually selected, we'll try and recreate everything on Roll20.

2024-01-20, 12:53 PM
Second rolls

Dusk Raven
2024-01-20, 12:59 PM
Second rolls

Oh dear... yeah, feel free to re-roll that.

2024-01-20, 08:34 PM

2024-01-21, 08:42 AM

2024-01-22, 12:37 AM
Oh yeah, I should roll stats.


Dusk Raven
2024-01-22, 01:52 AM
Oh yeah, I should roll stats.


6, 8, 11, 13, 13, 18... I'm not sure if that's good or not. An 18 is always nice, but it doesn't have much else going for it. My benchmark so far is that I let people re-roll if their stats are less than even what little you can get from 5e's point buy... but it's hard to figure that with a 6 and an 18. With a bit of an extrapolation, I think it's worth... 28/27. Hmm. What do you think?

2024-01-22, 02:14 AM
6, 8, 11, 13, 13, 18... I'm not sure if that's good or not. An 18 is always nice, but it doesn't have much else going for it. My benchmark so far is that I let people re-roll if their stats are less than even what little you can get from 5e's point buy... but it's hard to figure that with a 6 and an 18. With a bit of an extrapolation, I think it's worth... 28/27. Hmm. What do you think?

It depends I suppose on how the grid thing is going to end up working? 27 is exactly 5e point buy, and an 18 is good but yeah the rest is not great.

2024-01-22, 05:52 PM
It depends I suppose on how the grid thing is going to end up working? 27 is exactly 5e point buy, and an 18 is good but yeah the rest is not great.

Good if you wanted an idiot savant or a desk warmer nerd sent into the field. But a bit limiting, yeah. There's always the 6x6 array selection once we get rolling.

2024-01-22, 06:11 PM
Good if you wanted an idiot savant or a desk warmer nerd sent into the field. But a bit limiting, yeah. There's always the 6x6 array selection once we get rolling.

Yeah that's what I mean. Is it just gonna be picking anyone's array? Or can we do vertical, diagonal, etc? How are the numbers going to be arranged? In the order we rolled them?

Dusk Raven
2024-01-22, 09:18 PM
It depends I suppose on how the grid thing is going to end up working? 27 is exactly 5e point buy, and an 18 is good but yeah the rest is not great.

It's 28 out of 27, one point above point buy. But yeah, not a good array for a Sentinel, I think, since those tend to really want Wisdom/Charisma, Dexterity, and Constitution. Sacrifices can be made if one is leaning more towards combat or powers, of course.

But anyway, yeah, the grid will be a matter of, each player rolls an array, and each array forms a row. I roll for any remaining rows. Once those are in place, a player can pick any vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line. Ideally people can ration the lines out democratically. Players will, of course, have the option of using the array they rolled here if they prefer.

I may also allow for the option of deleting a line that's already been used - which means, of course, that all the numbers in it get re-rolled.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-24, 03:25 PM
Google Docs works, and there's also a character creator on the SW5e site, although it's a little unpolished, and doesn't allow for custom species, archetypes, or powers. You can get around that somewhat by using the "Custom Features" section on the sheet (and, in the case of species, manually inputting what your ability scores should be), but it can still be a bit awkward. And you'd also have to export it and send it to me somehow so I can actually read it, and that might be a bit of a hassle.

Once characters are actually selected, we'll try and recreate everything on Roll20.

I'm silly and completely forgot that there's a Google Sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mrat3jDbIKd0_7GzCMAt0OUxFVhyG16FiaHjjOHP3oQ/edit?usp=sharing) template people have made for this. I won't require anyone to use it, of course, but it's there if you want it. It probably is more convenient in some ways than a Roll20 sheet. It's certainly got more places to put things.

2024-01-28, 08:40 PM
Pulse checking in, who we still got around?

2024-01-28, 09:10 PM
I’m still here. We’re just waiting for anyone to be a third.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-29, 12:20 AM
Likewise, just haven't had any questions to answer or new information to post.

If all else fails, I can trawl the SW5e Player Search Discord (because that exists) but I don't think I'll need to resort to that. Just need to hear from those others who have expressed interest.

I could always share/develop some details that your respective characters would know. In particular, flyinglemur, I'd like to figure out where your character comes from. The Nitatiko have had a thousand years of admittedly slow space travel, give or take a century, and their habit of considering anybody who can talk and isn't trying to eat them to be a potential friend. So their territory overlaps with a bunch of other species, mostly the other Corundorian Union species but also humans and the Zodine League. So they're one of the more prolific and widespread species in the setting. Still working on a full sector map (which is to say I keep shifting the system positions), but I can still give suggestions, or accept them.

Oh yeah, if you guys feel like it we can get started on that grid. You two can each roll an array, and whoever else joins in, or shows continued interest, can add to it.

2024-01-29, 06:05 AM
I sort of imagined that Zadock would be from the Nitatiko homeward, whatever that's called. They would think of their joining the rangers and traveling through the galaxy as a similar journey to those first Nitatiko who took to space. Is there anything special about that homeworld? Regardless, I imagine Zadock is not super attached to wherever they were born. They believe a true hero is an explorer, motile, not sedentary.

Aside from that, I'm certainly willing to hear more details as to how exactly the Nitatiko operate, and their relationships with the other species. Even if they are odd, they are responsible for the uplifting of the Daniobi, the Midrac, and humanity. Seems like other species owe a lot to them.

I want Zadock to try and strive to be the best sort of Nitatiko that can exist, even if their own pride so often gets in the way. That's their central issue. If they can actually be like the hero they want to be, which would require putting aside their own arrogance and glory hound tendencies. What are the heroes of the Nitatiko like? What do they look up to, and believe to be ideal? I figured that the first space travelers would surely be remembered in history, so I imagined that those are the sorts that Zadock looks up to. However, I don't know if you have any specific individuals in Nitatiko history already established. Otherwise, mind if I come up with some names? Just to have some names that Zadock can invoke when they try to get all heroic.

2024-01-29, 07:51 AM
I’m going to have to decline interest, as I accidentally put too many things on my plate. I hope you all can forgive me.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-29, 11:46 PM
I sort of imagined that Zadock would be from the Nitatiko homeward, whatever that's called. They would think of their joining the rangers and traveling through the galaxy as a similar journey to those first Nitatiko who took to space. Is there anything special about that homeworld? Regardless, I imagine Zadock is not super attached to wherever they were born. They believe a true hero is an explorer, motile, not sedentary.

Aside from that, I'm certainly willing to hear more details as to how exactly the Nitatiko operate, and their relationships with the other species. Even if they are odd, they are responsible for the uplifting of the Daniobi, the Midrac, and humanity. Seems like other species owe a lot to them.

I want Zadock to try and strive to be the best sort of Nitatiko that can exist, even if their own pride so often gets in the way. That's their central issue. If they can actually be like the hero they want to be, which would require putting aside their own arrogance and glory hound tendencies. What are the heroes of the Nitatiko like? What do they look up to, and believe to be ideal? I figured that the first space travelers would surely be remembered in history, so I imagined that those are the sorts that Zadock looks up to. However, I don't know if you have any specific individuals in Nitatiko history already established. Otherwise, mind if I come up with some names? Just to have some names that Zadock can invoke when they try to get all heroic.

The Nitatiko homeworld has the unimaginative name of Nitatariko, and it's not too atypical for a temperate world - though it gets a good amount of tourist traffic for its extensive beaches around the tropics and colorful wildlife. It's other notable feature though, is the variety of dangerous predators throughout its jungles, deserts, tundras, and even oceans. It is because of these predators that the Nitatiko are so willing to unite and cooperate. Unlike humanity, the Nitatiko's worst enemy was never their own kind. And, fortunately for them, it was a long time before they encountered a species violently opposed to being friends, and by that point they had a good web of allies. Among them were the species they'd uplifted, but others as well. They were a bit iffy about the Terratoria at first, seeing as how the latter are blatantly predators - but it didn't take them long to recognize that predators aren't necessarily enemies, and that enemies aren't necessarily trying to eat them. One can thank the Gerron and the Redracoids/Ceruleoids for that.

The uplifting part is, of course, a result of the Nitatiko being perfectly happy to share technology with new friends, but out of universe it's also there to solve a particular issue of mine. I find it unlikely that a bunch of species near each other would develop space travel at the same time (even the Zodine League stretches my credulity), so I simply made it so that a small handful of species developed interstellar travel first (in this sector, the Nitatiko, Gerron, and Ophios) and then the tech proliferated from there. In the case of humanity, it also let me leapfrog humanity into the interstellar age without the several centuries of progress that such tech would otherwise require.

It's also why the theme of "primitive people that gets boosted into the space age" shows up a lot in this setting. The Terratoria, the Redracoids, the Midrac, the Daniobi (whose lore I might alter, but that's another topic), and of course humanity all got this boost in some fashion (technically the Kronn too, but I haven't talked about them much since they're extinct. Important to human and Gerron history, but extinct). And the jury's still out on whether the Zodine League and Zekkai got boosted too. In the League's case, it's funny to imagine the four species having a little friendly competition to see who can develop interstellar travel first, and thus travel to the other species' homeworlds... and then some other species shows up and delivers the tech, so none of them win the race. Anyway, it is a theme I use a lot, but I think I've got good reason for it.

As for how they operate... I've described the Nitatiko as being rather childlike, and on the surface they don't seem much smarter than human ten-year-olds. But they do some mental tasks very well. They're good at mathematics, and social intelligence. On top of that, they can process language faster than humans can, and also learn languages very quickly. This meant that the Corundorian Union often used them as translators and communication officers, able to jabber away with officers in other ships or units while still listening to those around them. But they can also be rather rational, in an odd way. The Nitatiko are fascinating for being such a violation of how mob psychology should work in a species. When a group of Nitatiko discusses things, there's a very rapid series of suggestions and attempts to scrutinize those suggestions. If any Nitatiko sees a problem, they speak up without hesitation and the entire group mulls it over. The Nitatiko may have conformity of action, but they neither expect nor are capable of conformity of thought or speech. They are all the child in the tale of The Emperor's New Clothes, who does not hesitate to say exactly what he sees. On top of that, they're weirdly able to compensate for their own childlike minds by a sort of metacognition, bouncing their thoughts off others and being smarter for it. Two Nitatiko with half a thought can make a whole thought pretty easily.

Humans, by contrast, can often be described with the saying, "One of us isn't as dumb as all of us." Sometimes we too can get better perspective by interacting with others, but it's also too easy for us to fall into herd mentality.

Of course, while the Nitatiko are naturally a direct democracy kind of species, they also recognize that sometimes in an emergency it can be more effective for someone to take charge and more swiftly direct the self-organizing chaos of the Nitatiko swarm mentality. And that is where heroes come in.

Nitatiko history and folklore of heroes is... a little interesting. Generally, the Nitatiko are a very collectivist species, as implied. Nitatiko are only as strong as those around them. Few things are done by lone heroes in Nitatiko history (even fewer than in human history, really), so more common are stories of heroic teams, like the "Ace Squad" of the early Corundorian Union period, each of whom was admittedly a hero in their own right. This isn't to say they don't have individual heroes, but by and large they come in three types. There are those who, though they become isolated by mistakes or bad luck, are able to keep their wits about them and safely reunite with their comrades, showing courage and ingenuity in horrible (for a Nitatiko) circumstances. There are also those who sacrifice themselves for the greater good. But finally, there are those who are able to come up with a good idea and convince or inspire their fellows to follow that good idea. Sometimes these individuals are inventors or scientists, but other times they are military leaders of some fashion, since a proper chain of command can be essential in combat, as mentioned. One such leader was Commodore Sundokiwaria ("Sun" for short), one of the top Corundorian Union commanders during the final Terran-Corundorian war. After Corundor was temporarily occupied by the Terran Coalition, Commodore Sun was able to take command of much of the Union's scattered forces, rallying the different species into an effective guerilla force even in the absence of instructions from Union High Command - all from the bridge of his modified Skydart-class corvette. Able both to recognize and take good suggestions from his comrades, and come up with an ideas of his own, Sun was a true Nitatiko leader. Alas, he was killed in action during a mission to investigate a top-secret, high-priority Terran Coalition project that turned out to be the excavation of the Devastation Engine, making him also an example of the second type of Nitatiko hero.

If there's any room for personal glory in the Nitatiko mindset, it's in the above. When the going gets tough, someone who can salvage a situation through their own cunning and influence will earn the respect of their peers. Assuming they really are that competent, of course.

Oh, right, names. Feel free to come up with some, I may have come up with names in the past but I've since forgotten them. Fortunately, there aren't a lot of guidelines for Nitatiko names, given the number of languages the Nitatiko have or can learn. Since the Nitatiko have a big population, unique names are more important to have, so they either have really long names or a lot of them, depending on the culture. Beyond that, come up with whatever sounds good to you. I may be a bit of a linguistics nerd, but I'm not enough of one that I'd be able to come up with naming conventions for each of the multiple cultures each of my species have. At least not all at once. So I won't interfere too much with chosen names unless asked for guidance.

...Oh yeah, and I almost forgot to mention the Nitatiko belief in Marisonza - a kind of spirit. Marisonza are believed to possess individual Nitatiko and... well, they don't actually override the host's personality, but they do inspire the host to accomplish (or perhaps make them obsessed with accomplishing) some challenge or task. One of the most famous is known as Calnofikip, loosely translated as "Duty Incarnate" who enters into a Nitatiko soldier on the battlefield when their comrades need them most, making them capable of seemingly impossible feats of courage, skill, and badassery, until the battle is won and the spirit departs for another warzone. On the one hand, it's possible to think of this belief as taking away from the agency and ability of the Nitatiko involved and crediting a spirit instead, as if the only way a Nitatiko could achieve such deeds is through supernatural forces - but a Nitatiko who believes themselves inhabited by a Marisonza will go to great lengths to accomplish what they believe is their destiny, and will be cheered by their fellows should they succeed.

*ahem* That was a bit of a ramble, but it's a worthy set of worldbuilding questions.

I’m going to have to decline interest, as I accidentally put too many things on my plate. I hope you all can forgive me.

Unfortunate, but understandable.

...I think I'm going to wait another day or two for anyone else to renew or show interest, and then I'll post on the SW5e Player Search Discord. That ought to give us the one or two additional players we need.

2024-01-30, 11:22 AM
Sounds like what's going on with the Nitatiko cognitively could be that their brains have poorer storage capacity (which makes them look scatterbrained in the moment, and childlike when they rediscover in awe things they forgot), but exemplary ongoing neuroplasticity (great capacity to learn and relearn). Normally for us, that capacity fades in time as humans get older. But for Nitatiko it's constantly forming, unforming and reforming synaptic pathways. Their memory is composed of constant 'aha' moments where old pathways are reformed and they recall important information from cues they get from others. Just talking in a language they once learned is enough to bring it rushing back in the moment they need it, like riding a bike.

Just a bit of speculative evolution thoughts.

I'm still around and not going anywhere, I love all the worldbuilding and strange aliens in the setting.

2024-01-30, 01:43 PM
...Oh yeah, and I almost forgot to mention the Nitatiko belief in Marisonza - a kind of spirit. Marisonza are believed to possess individual Nitatiko and... well, they don't actually override the host's personality, but they do inspire the host to accomplish (or perhaps make them obsessed with accomplishing) some challenge or task. One of the most famous is known as Calnofikip, loosely translated as "Duty Incarnate" who enters into a Nitatiko soldier on the battlefield when their comrades need them most, making them capable of seemingly impossible feats of courage, skill, and badassery, until the battle is won and the spirit departs for another warzone. On the one hand, it's possible to think of this belief as taking away from the agency and ability of the Nitatiko involved and crediting a spirit instead, as if the only way a Nitatiko could achieve such deeds is through supernatural forces - but a Nitatiko who believes themselves inhabited by a Marisonza will go to great lengths to accomplish what they believe is their destiny, and will be cheered by their fellows should they succeed.

When you give an answer, you give an answer. Much appreciated. I think I can use this rather well. Tell me how this sounds.

Zadock is a weird Nitatiko, in ethos rather than skill. Their skill with machines is just related to the typical Nitatiko capacity for math. Their failures are a result of having a way more individualist bent then most, translating into a tendency to try and do things on their own that blow up in their face. They lose the most important advantages Nitatiko have. Relating to this, Zadock is going to invoke these spirits a lot. I think they might feel that they get possessed all the time, and that the spirits and heroes of long past want them to succeed. They fully believe they have a grand destiny in store for them, and that is what bolsters their arrogance and general recklessness. They don’t understand what they’re doing wrong, and how they keep failing when they know the Marisonza are inspiring them. Zadock can only think that they just aren’t strong enough or smart enough yet to accomplish their destiny. Hence, the continual addition of more cybernetic parts. They have yet to realize that they need to give up their ego and become a team player, like a true hero would do.

Dusk Raven
2024-01-31, 01:21 AM
Sounds like what's going on with the Nitatiko cognitively could be that their brains have poorer storage capacity (which makes them look scatterbrained in the moment, and childlike when they rediscover in awe things they forgot), but exemplary ongoing neuroplasticity (great capacity to learn and relearn). Normally for us, that capacity fades in time as humans get older. But for Nitatiko it's constantly forming, unforming and reforming synaptic pathways. Their memory is composed of constant 'aha' moments where old pathways are reformed and they recall important information from cues they get from others. Just talking in a language they once learned is enough to bring it rushing back in the moment they need it, like riding a bike.

Just a bit of speculative evolution thoughts.

I'm still around and not going anywhere, I love all the worldbuilding and strange aliens in the setting.

I do like speculative evolution. It's an important field of study when it comes to making sci-fi species, anyway.

What you described is pretty much what I'd imagined them as - that thing human children have where they learn much more quickly than adults never really fades for Nitatiko, except perhaps in old age, at which point most other species finally treat them as adults.

They've also got another thing, which I called metacognition, but I'm not sure if that's the proper term for it. It's basically the use of external elements to augment one's own thinking. In humans, it's stuff like using written notes to help us remember things, or an abacus to help perform complex math equations. I imagine Nitatiko are quite good at that. This might mean that they developed writing and cognitive aids like abaci sooner than one would it expect, but they specialize in using other sapient beings to help them think.

...I really like the work I've done for my species so far. I used to kinda just make races in my settings (fantasy and sci-fi alike) pretty much for fun, but as I've gotten older I've started trying harder to make sure there's an actual point to having a different species or race. The best way to do that, I think, is to give them some meaningful psychological or biological differences from humans (and often both, since the two can be interconnected). For anything less, one might as well just have different human cultures instead of different races.

When you give an answer, you give an answer. Much appreciated. I think I can use this rather well. Tell me how this sounds.

Zadock is a weird Nitatiko, in ethos rather than skill. Their skill with machines is just related to the typical Nitatiko capacity for math. Their failures are a result of having a way more individualist bent then most, translating into a tendency to try and do things on their own that blow up in their face. They lose the most important advantages Nitatiko have. Relating to this, Zadock is going to invoke these spirits a lot. I think they might feel that they get possessed all the time, and that the spirits and heroes of long past want them to succeed. They fully believe they have a grand destiny in store for them, and that is what bolsters their arrogance and general recklessness. They don’t understand what they’re doing wrong, and how they keep failing when they know the Marisonza are inspiring them. Zadock can only think that they just aren’t strong enough or smart enough yet to accomplish their destiny. Hence, the continual addition of more cybernetic parts. They have yet to realize that they need to give up their ego and become a team player, like a true hero would do.

It's actually not uncommon for Nitatiko to become engineers or technicians, there's a certain logic in it that works for them. That, and being small and compressible is of great help when working on ships or other vehicles. Anyway, everything makes sense to me!

And I'm glad both of you seem to enjoy what I've got, that's just what I've been looking for! Now I just need to deliver on the actual campaign...

2024-01-31, 01:22 AM
I'm still around.

2024-01-31, 10:41 AM
Going to go ahead and roll one of the sets for the grid and see what comes out.

When you give an answer, you give an answer. Much appreciated. I think I can use this rather well. Tell me how this sounds.

Zadock is a weird Nitatiko, in ethos rather than skill. Their skill with machines is just related to the typical Nitatiko capacity for math. Their failures are a result of having a way more individualist bent then most, translating into a tendency to try and do things on their own that blow up in their face. They lose the most important advantages Nitatiko have. Relating to this, Zadock is going to invoke these spirits a lot. I think they might feel that they get possessed all the time, and that the spirits and heroes of long past want them to succeed. They fully believe they have a grand destiny in store for them, and that is what bolsters their arrogance and general recklessness. They don’t understand what they’re doing wrong, and how they keep failing when they know the Marisonza are inspiring them. Zadock can only think that they just aren’t strong enough or smart enough yet to accomplish their destiny. Hence, the continual addition of more cybernetic parts. They have yet to realize that they need to give up their ego and become a team player, like a true hero would do.

I find it amusing we picked two of the most social species, but for their own reasons they're both individualistic loners. Zadock's got an arrogant ego to contest with, and Craver is just numb and jaded.

I do like speculative evolution. It's an important field of study when it comes to making sci-fi species, anyway.

What you described is pretty much what I'd imagined them as - that thing human children have where they learn much more quickly than adults never really fades for Nitatiko, except perhaps in old age, at which point most other species finally treat them as adults.

They've also got another thing, which I called metacognition, but I'm not sure if that's the proper term for it. It's basically the use of external elements to augment one's own thinking. In humans, it's stuff like using written notes to help us remember things, or an abacus to help perform complex math equations. I imagine Nitatiko are quite good at that. This might mean that they developed writing and cognitive aids like abaci sooner than one would it expect, but they specialize in using other sapient beings to help them think.

...I really like the work I've done for my species so far. I used to kinda just make races in my settings (fantasy and sci-fi alike) pretty much for fun, but as I've gotten older I've started trying harder to make sure there's an actual point to having a different species or race. The best way to do that, I think, is to give them some meaningful psychological or biological differences from humans (and often both, since the two can be interconnected). For anything less, one might as well just have different human cultures instead of different races.

I think the Riltha are one of my favorite in terms of being weird, because they're sort of like what would happen if not all the symbiotic components of a sapient life form adapted to operate under a single brain. Having two components that can mix and match phenotypes for new pairs means they get the best of both worlds for sexual and asexual reproduction, as well. Perfectly capable of making a colony of clones if necessary, but they can create their own biodiversity after a certain point. As some of the best medical researchers, I imagine they're pretty good at biotech and gene editing too.
My alternate character was going to be one of them, but a more straight-laced serious Ranger type.

I'd be interested to hear more of your thoughts about the Karkero and their societal norms as well. Craver was abducted pretty young, but what would she know from early education on a Zodine League planet?

Dusk Raven
2024-02-03, 12:30 AM
I think the Riltha are one of my favorite in terms of being weird, because they're sort of like what would happen if not all the symbiotic components of a sapient life form adapted to operate under a single brain. Having two components that can mix and match phenotypes for new pairs means they get the best of both worlds for sexual and asexual reproduction, as well. Perfectly capable of making a colony of clones if necessary, but they can create their own biodiversity after a certain point. As some of the best medical researchers, I imagine they're pretty good at biotech and gene editing too.
My alternate character was going to be one of them, but a more straight-laced serious Ranger type.

I'd be interested to hear more of your thoughts about the Karkero and their societal norms as well. Craver was abducted pretty young, but what would she know from early education on a Zodine League planet?

The Riltha have been popular among my IRL players. I partially attribute this to the image I found for them. It's great not having a mental image of a species, and then finding some great art of them. Or seeing a pic and thinking, "I must make something based off this." Which is what happened with the Riltha. They're also one of the rare instances of me trying to do something really weird and different on a biological level - I'm normally more of a social sci-fi person.

Anyway, the Karkero... I actually don't have a lot for them as of this time, since I made them only recently. But there's a decent amount I can still provide. So, they are of course one of the more cooperative and empathic species. This is partly because, like the Nitatiko, they had to deal with a lot of predators - the ocean is a scary place on any planet. Unlike the Nitatiko, they're very slow. I mean, they can breathe underwater, but they don't really swim, they just walk along the bottom. Not the most speedy form of travel. And if you can't run from a predator, and you can't hide, you have to fight. And so, the Karkero stand firm, and they stand together.

Beyond that, I said they were rather empathic and cooperative. The phrase "scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" is an important cultural concept for them, especially since they're incapable of reaching behind their own backs. That, and they do have to worry about little drillshrimp that like to burrow into their exoskeletons and get at the juicy bits. Not fun. They're like mosquitoes but they leave big holes that take way too long to heal.

I also imagine the Karkero were kind of the main driving force behind forming the League - at least when it came to motivation. And then the Taupin were like, "I'll guess it's up to us to make this work," the Riltha were all like "YOLO" and the Skipiri just quietly got in line. And when they got space travel, the Karkero wasted no time in colonizing as many shorelines as they could. Like the Nitatiko, they probably spread around a bit, although in a bit more of an organized fashion.

...Going to have to work some more on them.

2024-02-03, 10:24 AM
Makes sense they would prefer to set up settlements at the shoreline, where they have access to water but can avoid the additional flanking direction of 'up' from predators. I imagine being a sea-floor walker would lead to interesting sports for a social sapient species as well, with all the ways being underwater would affect movement and trajectories.

Dusk Raven
2024-02-05, 09:27 PM
Makes sense they would prefer to set up settlements at the shoreline, where they have access to water but can avoid the additional flanking direction of 'up' from predators. I imagine being a sea-floor walker would lead to interesting sports for a social sapient species as well, with all the ways being underwater would affect movement and trajectories.

Well, they're generally fine with living in shallows, at least - they don't need to compete for housing when it comes to underwater real estate. But that's a valid point, and it reminds me of something else. Water is fundamentally hostile to most technology. There are a lot of water worlds out there, but if they have no land, or their sapient species can't go on land, then they'll never even get close to space travel. Hard to do metallurgy, for instance, when you can't make fire. The Karkero are capable of going on land, at least for a while... and probably 95% of their advancement as a civilization was done on the 10% of their planet's surface that isn't covered by water. Of course, with advanced technology comes the potential to make stuff that works underwater, but still. At this point, they're likely in a weird place where they're most accustomed to life in air, but are still adapted to being in water - and prefer to never be too far from it, anyway.

Victoria is going to dislike it on Ereshkigal. Hope she's got plenty of water bottles.

Underwater sports is an interesting concept, although I imagine it would be somewhat slow from the perspective of humans. Karkero, as mentioned, are not fast, certainly not underwater. That probably lends itself to more tactical sorts of sports.

...I've also kinda got the idea that the Karkero have some pretty good shipbuilding operations around their world. They may be the "feeling" type, but they're capable builders, too. Maybe that comes from all the engineering challenges involved in building their structures... or maybe boats, because while the Karkero may be able to breathe water, they sure didn't spread to the various islands of their world by swimming or walking. Or maybe their home system has a lot of shipbuilding materials, or perhaps their aquatic adaptation means they don't mind low-gravity or zero-gravity physics as much. So many possibilities.

Otherwise... I think I'll post that advert in the SW5e Discord server now. As for our existing players, or at least one who's shown interest: Rokku, any updates or questions?

2024-02-05, 11:37 PM
I'm still here! I haven't done much work on the character yet and I'm about to crash for the night but I'll get back to you tomorrow.

2024-02-07, 10:17 PM
Victoria is going to dislike it on Ereshkigal. Hope she's got plenty of water bottles.

I'm sure the desert will do wonders for her sunny disposition.

2024-02-08, 02:42 AM
So coming back to questions... I kinda feel like I've lost track of what this campaign is going to be? And also I feel like the weird ability scores thing makes it impossible for me to make a character sheet.

Dusk Raven
2024-02-08, 01:42 PM
So coming back to questions... I kinda feel like I've lost track of what this campaign is going to be? And also I feel like the weird ability scores thing makes it impossible for me to make a character sheet.

Well, it hasn't changed from whenever you lost track of it, and I'm not sure where that was, so... I'll try and go into more detail with the premise. Or at least restate it. It seemed longer in my head.

The galaxy is at peace, in large part due to the efforts of the Galactic Peacekeepers - and a constant effort it is. The PCs are part of their Ranger Corps, the branch given the most free reign and license to act on their own initiative. Either that, or they're freelancers who can be trusted enough to work towards the common good for various reasons. The PCs are sent to the planet Ereshkigal, a troubled world with trouble brewing. Between rival organized crime factions and an unknown disease starting to spread, the PCs are going to have their hands full trying to manage things. But the Peacekeepers have never given up before, and they're not about to give up on some arid manufacturing world with authority issues. The PCs are the first line of defense against chaos, crime, and suffering. And they won't be alone.

As for the ability score issue, by that do you mean that the array you rolled isn't working out for you? If so... you can roll a new one if you'd like.

2024-02-09, 11:40 PM
As for the ability score issue, by that do you mean that the array you rolled isn't working out for you? If so... you can roll a new one if you'd like.

Oh no, I mean I thought we were doing the thing where we put them all in a grid and then people pick lines and basically we wouldn't know what they were gonna be until you'd picked all the players. Anyway!


Dusk Raven
2024-02-09, 11:51 PM
Oh no, I mean I thought we were doing the thing where we put them all in a grid and then people pick lines and basically we wouldn't know what they were gonna be until you'd picked all the players.

Well, we are going to make that grid, and it won't be complete until people are picked, but until then, people can roll an array normally and use that. Then after the grid is made, people can switch to a line from it if they wish.

2024-02-11, 05:00 PM
Any biters on the Discord?

Dusk Raven
2024-02-11, 05:39 PM
I had one person show interest, but I haven't heard from them after I mentioned the thread. I'll poke them.

2024-02-12, 09:36 AM
I'm still here giant just hasn't been coopeting with me for the last 2 weeks or so.

Dusk Raven
2024-02-13, 09:17 PM
I'm still here giant just hasn't been coopeting with me for the last 2 weeks or so.

Understandable. Well, if you and/or Rokku are able to play in the end, that's all we need, really.

Hmm, any more info I can provide for the setting or what I've got in mind? I do have writing and worldbuilding to do, and sometimes I'm best able to provide info when someone asks for it.

2024-02-14, 07:21 AM
I'm quite interested!


2024-02-14, 08:24 AM
I'm quite interested!


Yo, that's some nice rolls.

2024-02-14, 12:29 PM
I'm quite interested!


Dang that's good. See I feel like I should keep the array with the 18 just because it'd be interesting to put in the grid, however that ends up working.

Dusk Raven
2024-02-14, 02:34 PM
I'm quite interested!

And we have a recruit from the Discord, if I'm not mistaken! Welcome! Let me know if there's anything you require! Although you will not be needing better stats. Damn. I had to look at the coding for that for a bit because, while it's statistically possible and bound to happen eventually, it's hard to believe an array that good came from the standard 4d6k3. But the dice gods have smiled upon you and decreed that you are quite welcome here!

...I should probably delete the Discord recruitment post. 5 is pushing it as far as players go - although if I had six applicants, I could just divide them between two campaigns.

Dang that's good. See I feel like I should keep the array with the 18 just because it'd be interesting to put in the grid, however that ends up working.

...You know, I was just going to just have people roll entirely new arrays for the grid once players are chosen, but in light of hagtron's roll, maybe I should have the grid consist of whatever people rolled initially, plus however many it takes to get to six total.

2024-02-14, 04:06 PM
Sorry for being needy, but is there any way to get into the Roll20 to build a sheet since that's the endgame anyway? Even if there's no maps yet, but just like a landing page? I'm trying to use the SW5e site, because I can't imagine copying and pasting everything into a Google Doc just to make the sheet again later. I'm going with a Geisim Scholar (explorer) with a Politician background. I think she's here to get her hands dirty and work toward peace. Almost like serving in the Peace Corps if you have political aspirations. She's also probably been spoken to by higher ups about the diplomatic aspects of this mission. Let me know if I need to change any of that.

Dusk Raven
2024-02-16, 01:12 AM
Sorry for being needy, but is there any way to get into the Roll20 to build a sheet since that's the endgame anyway? Even if there's no maps yet, but just like a landing page? I'm trying to use the SW5e site, because I can't imagine copying and pasting everything into a Google Doc just to make the sheet again later. I'm going with a Geisim Scholar (explorer) with a Politician background. I think she's here to get her hands dirty and work toward peace. Almost like serving in the Peace Corps if you have political aspirations. She's also probably been spoken to by higher ups about the diplomatic aspects of this mission. Let me know if I need to change any of that.

Sounds reasonable so far. I do like someone who's with the group for their social skills.

As for the Roll20 bit... well, I had hoped to select players first, but at this point I doubt I'm turning anyone away, so... I'll work on setting one up tomorrow morning. I was initially going to invite people to the one I already have set up, but I realized that, while I can use the same for multiple live groups, when one group is PBP it gets trickier, since the PBP group needs to have access to the map at any given moment. While I could use the same Roll20 game, it would mean you guys wouldn't be able to look at the map or take your turns while I'm running a session for, say, my IRL group. That closed window is a small section of the week, but still.

Dusk Raven
2024-02-16, 03:25 PM
All right, game made! (https://app.roll20.net/join/16743679/3BJn5A) You should have the ability to create character sheets. I don't know if you can import character sheets from the SW5e website on your own, but if not I can do so. ...You might have to upload it somewhere and share the link, either on here or on Roll20.

2024-02-17, 01:07 AM
What does our party composition look like? I wanna have a little guy but I could go Witchcraft Sentinel OR Mechanist Scout and still do my thing, depending.

Dusk Raven
2024-02-17, 01:17 PM
Well, we've got a Scout and a Berserker/Operative already made, and one Scholar in the works, so far as I know.

2024-02-17, 01:22 PM
Well, we've got a Scout and a Berserker/Operative already made, and one Scholar in the works, so far as I know.

Cool cool cool!

When/how do you plan on doing the grid thing?

Dusk Raven
2024-02-17, 02:03 PM
Cool cool cool!

When/how do you plan on doing the grid thing?

Well, I like to have an array that has at least two 15s for each row. As such we need a roll from razorfloss, and one from you. Since I've committed to the concept of "our rolls in here are going on the grid," and I'm thus no longer worried about people having specularly better rolls than other people... that means the both of you can re-roll your existing arrays once more if you wish.

EDIT: Wombat had a roll of 7 12 15 17 11 10 a page back when I asked them to roll for the array, that's what I'm using for the grid since their initial roll didn't meet my criteria.

2024-02-17, 02:16 PM
Alright lets see if the die roller still wants to fight me.


Dusk Raven
2024-02-20, 08:52 PM
Hmm... it might be beneficial for me to set a deadline. Or at the very least, a deadline for me to actually post the IC thread. Wombat and flyinglemur have been quite patient, and I don't want to keep them waiting more than I have to. So... let's go for Friday, March 1st. If people do finish their character sheets after that, I'll be able to integrate them into the campaign without much problem. This is the sort of situation where PCs can sort of "trickle in" and arrive separately.

In the meantime, for those who are still making sheets, I'll reiterate that I'm here to help if needed.

2024-02-21, 12:55 PM
Speaking of me, I am still here. I'm Da Walrus on roll20. Tried adding a character sheet in the notes tab the other day, but it didn't seem to open anything.

Dusk Raven
2024-02-21, 03:12 PM
Speaking of me, I am still here. I'm Da Walrus on roll20. Tried adding a character sheet in the notes tab the other day, but it didn't seem to open anything.

The notes tab? Well, on my screen, on the Journal page under the Character subheading, you and whoever else joined have characters you should have access to. Hmm.

EDIT: Roll20's giving me a prompt: "If you're having issues creating a character, clear your cookies and log in again. If you continue having issues, contact us." Hmm...

2024-02-21, 09:12 PM
Don't know why it wasn't working before, but it works now. Made Vic a bio with some of my cheat sheet info for quick reference, though the SW5e sheet doesn't seem to allow for multiclassing so I've left that alone for now.

Dusk Raven
2024-02-21, 09:35 PM
Don't know why it wasn't working before, but it works now. Made Vic a bio with some of my cheat sheet info for quick reference, though the SW5e sheet doesn't seem to allow for multiclassing so I've left that alone for now.

To multiclass, you have to go to the little gear icon in the same row as Core/Bio/Powers. On the left-hand side, among the many options, there are options for multiclassing.

Dusk Raven
2024-02-29, 09:38 PM
All right, it's the 1st of March in Greenwich Mean Time, so I'm going to get this going, at least for RandomWombat and flyinglemur.

As far as the Roll20 goes... I've got two people who've joined, Wombat and Rokku. Had a third person join, but then they left. In the case of the two people who have joined, they've got sheets, but they don't have much changed from the default. Don't know what's going on, but fortunately, I'm belatedly realizing that a Roll20 sheet isn't strictly necessary. It's convenient, but not essential.

Since Wombat and lemur have completed sheets, they may proceed to the OOC (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?665068-It-s-Actually-Our-Galaxy-OOC&p=25973120#post25973120), if they're still interested. For everyone else who wants to be a part, keep at it! The Rangers still need more hands (or equivalent appendages) on deck!

Oh yeah, the aforementioned people can now also pick a row, column, or diagonal in the grid (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19AdoJf1tqCgb62VmiTZK8Rkx-BLIeo5ydDw-3LiUFq0/edit?usp=sharing) for their stats. Hopefully you won't both pick the same one, but if that happens you can discuss it here. I figure it's best to have that discussion here rather than in the OOC, since others will be picking from it too.

EDIT: Also, the forum's issues are beginning to make me consider hosting this on Discord. It would certainly be easier to poke people that way. Thoughts?

2024-03-01, 03:01 AM
All right, it's the 1st of March in Greenwich Mean Time, so I'm going to get this going, at least for RandomWombat and flyinglemur.

As far as the Roll20 goes... I've got two people who've joined, Wombat and Rokku. Had a third person join, but then they left. In the case of the two people who have joined, they've got sheets, but they don't have much changed from the default. Don't know what's going on, but fortunately, I'm belatedly realizing that a Roll20 sheet isn't strictly necessary. It's convenient, but not essential.

Since Wombat and lemur have completed sheets, they may proceed to the OOC (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?665068-It-s-Actually-Our-Galaxy-OOC&p=25973120#post25973120), if they're still interested. For everyone else who wants to be a part, keep at it! The Rangers still need more hands (or equivalent appendages) on deck!

Oh yeah, the aforementioned people can now also pick a row, column, or diagonal in the grid (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19AdoJf1tqCgb62VmiTZK8Rkx-BLIeo5ydDw-3LiUFq0/edit?usp=sharing) for their stats. Hopefully you won't both pick the same one, but if that happens you can discuss it here. I figure it's best to have that discussion here rather than in the OOC, since others will be picking from it too.

EDIT: Also, the forum's issues are beginning to make me consider hosting this on Discord. It would certainly be easier to poke people that way. Thoughts?

I'd be down to give Discord a try for a bit. Past PBP games there haven't been super great, but it's an options while the forums are ungood. I'm still around, it's just been a busy week so I've not had a good chance to work out the roll20 sheet.

2024-03-01, 04:15 AM
Hey, just wanted to say I'm still here. March 1st is kind of bad for me, swamped with stuff, but I'm completely free on the 2nd. I'll get all of my stuff on roll20 then, and be ready to start. I'm also fine with discord. This forum is really suffering.

2024-03-01, 07:22 PM
All right, it's the 1st of March in Greenwich Mean Time, so I'm going to get this going, at least for RandomWombat and flyinglemur.

As far as the Roll20 goes... I've got two people who've joined, Wombat and Rokku. Had a third person join, but then they left. In the case of the two people who have joined, they've got sheets, but they don't have much changed from the default. Don't know what's going on, but fortunately, I'm belatedly realizing that a Roll20 sheet isn't strictly necessary. It's convenient, but not essential.

Since Wombat and lemur have completed sheets, they may proceed to the OOC (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?665068-It-s-Actually-Our-Galaxy-OOC&p=25973120#post25973120), if they're still interested. For everyone else who wants to be a part, keep at it! The Rangers still need more hands (or equivalent appendages) on deck!

Oh yeah, the aforementioned people can now also pick a row, column, or diagonal in the grid (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19AdoJf1tqCgb62VmiTZK8Rkx-BLIeo5ydDw-3LiUFq0/edit?usp=sharing) for their stats. Hopefully you won't both pick the same one, but if that happens you can discuss it here. I figure it's best to have that discussion here rather than in the OOC, since others will be picking from it too.

EDIT: Also, the forum's issues are beginning to make me consider hosting this on Discord. It would certainly be easier to poke people that way. Thoughts?

You know I'm already pro-Discord on this.