View Full Version : DM Help Best PHB feats for low-level NPCs

2023-12-30, 06:33 AM
I am preparing a whole lot of low-level generic NPCs, trying to cover all the character classes from 1st to 4th level. So that for any random NPC the players might decide to start a fight with or use skills on, I can immediately pull out a full stat block that will be good enough for the moment.

The toughest part is actually deciding what feats such generic low-level NPCs should have.

I would like it to be picks that make sense for a people who likely will remain 2nd or 3rd level forever, and who would want a benefit that is useful to them throughout their lives and not just for one season of adventuring.

A 3rd level Adept would get endless use out of Brew Potion, and almost every 1st level Expert would probably want Skill Focus (Craft) or Skill Focus (Profession).

But what about other classes? What would be good feats for a 3rd level druid or 4th level fighter who have no prospects of ever reaching the mid-level range?

I'm looking for ideas for all 11 PC classes from the PHB and the 5 NPC classes from the DMG, for characters in the 1st to 4th level range, limited to the PHB feats for simplicity (and my sanity).

2023-12-30, 07:05 AM
I often use this guide (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?232822-The-Commoner-Handbook) to make NPCs. Sure it's for level 1 Commoners, but a lot of the feat selection stuff also works for low-level Warriors, Experts, Fighters, etc.

2023-12-30, 07:12 AM
Well if it is low level NPCs you probably want to keep the effort in running them down.

Improved Initiative is almost never bad, but beware overusing it


Great Fortitude/Lightning Reflexes/IronWill

Skill Focus or +2/+2 feats in whatever they make their living in, or key class skills

Weapon Focus

Weapon Specialisation even

2023-12-30, 09:32 AM
I tend to give my innkeepers improved unarmed strike (the better to eject undesirables from their establishment). City watch also get this, as most of their action is against drunks and petty criminals. Most shopkeepers get iron will (the better to avoid being scammed/charmed).

2023-12-30, 12:26 PM
Power Attack is as good on an NPC with a full BAB as it is on a PC with a full BAB, especially if you go up to level 4. For a city watch type whose job is to rapidly respond to unfolding events, I find Improved Initiative/Rapid Reload a fun combination. Blind-Fight can actually be funny on a blind Monk, if the bvlind Monk is an NPC. Skull Focus (UMD) and Magical Aptitude are nice on a charlatan-type Expert or Rogue.

2023-12-30, 04:13 PM
As a side choice to Skill Focus (UMD) and Magical Aptitude, Skill Focus (UMD) and Magical Device Attunement. The first success is harder, but as long as they're only slinging around one wand they only need to make that first success and then can use it for the rest of the day without rolling.

2023-12-31, 05:22 AM
Combat Reflexes with a reach weapon can be fairly potent since it can enable bonus attacks (a big deal when you only have one attack) even when you lose initiative (a big deal when you have few hit points).

Silly Name
2023-12-31, 06:31 AM
BARBARIAN: Weapon Focus, Power Attack; Improved Initiative or Great Fortitude if Human

BARD: Negotiator, Persuasive; Skill Focus (Knowledge: History) if Human

CLERIC: Extra Turning, Improved Turning; Combat Casting if Human

DRUID: Animal Affinity, Brew Potion; Combat Casting if Human


IF "Brute": Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun;

IF Two-Weapon Fighter: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Defense, Dodge;

IF Cavalry: Weapon Focus, Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge, Trample;

IF Archer: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization;

Improved Initative or Iron Will or Great Fortitude if Human

MONK: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse, Deflect Arrows, Blind Fight; Acrobatic or Agile if Human

PALADIN: Weapon Focus, Power Attack; Mounted Combat or Skill Focus if Human


IF Archer: Track, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Endurance, Precise Shot;

IF Two-Weapon Fighter: Track, Weapon Finesse, Two-Weapon Fighting, Endurance, Two-Weapon Defense;

Animal Affinity if Human

ROGUE: Stealthy, Weapon Finesse; Nimble Fingers if Human

SORCERER: Eschew Materials, Spell Penetration; Magical Aptitude if Human

WIZARD: Scribe Scrolls, Spell Focus (in specialized school), Spell Penetration; Greater Spell Focus if Human

ADEPT: Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion; Magical Aptitude if Human

ARISTOCRAT: Negotiator, Weapon Focus; Persuasive if Human

COMMONER: Skill Focus (Profession: Whatever), Skill Focus (Craft: Whatever); Self-Sufficient if Human

EXPERT: As Commoner; one more instance of Skill Focus if Human


Melee: Weapon Focus, Power Attack; Weapon Specialization if Human

Ranged: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot; Improved Initiative if Huamn

Those aren't necessarily the best or most optimised choices, but they're basically good enough, fit with the classes' theme (mostly, Paladin doesn't have a lot of Paladin-y feats in the PHB, grumble), and should be quick to use

2023-12-31, 11:34 AM
Tower shield proficiency for a Frontline phalanx (even better if double wielding tower shields for the cover bonus and the armor bonus) with a second row of reach weapon wielders can cause problems in narrow spaces.

Improved trip is effective with the use of bolas (exotic prof helps with the hit rate) and nets are just great in and of themselves.

Far shot allows you to set ambushes much farther away.

2023-12-31, 11:44 AM
Combat Reflexes with a reach weapon can be fairly potent since it can enable bonus attacks (a big deal when you only have one attack) even when you lose initiative (a big deal when you have few hit points).100% this, especially for your city guard or anyone with any kind of reach weapon.

2023-12-31, 12:08 PM
There's been several mentions of Power Attack. A feat that often appears in monster and NPC stats, but that I've only seen used a few times very early when the edition just came out.

Is it really good at lower levels? I always assumed it only becomes interesting much later in the game.

At 2nd level, it's a -2 to attack and a +4 to damage if you have a two-handed weapon. That +4 to damage is nice, but that early on you probably only have a +4 or +5 at most to your attack roll. That -2 penalty looks quite steep to me.

Sure, when you're at higher levels and run into some low-AC enemies, you could take a -5 penalty and go to town with a +10 to damage. And then you can have real fun with Cleave. But when I have a +5 to attack and dealing with AC 15 goblins and AC 14 wolves, I'd not want to to take any avoidable penalty to hit.

2023-12-31, 01:14 PM
Second level fighter with elite array could be expected to have 15 Str. With weapon focus you can expect +5 to hit, maybe +6-7 if you had a master work weapon or where flanking. You would deal 2d6+3 damage with a great sword, which is 5-15 or 10 average. Most warrior mooks would have 0-2 dex bonus, 3-5 from armour and maybe 1-2 from a shield, so 16-17 AC would be reasonable. With 10-14 con your looking at 11-24 HP, 17-18 being the 3.5 average with how it rounds enemy HP.

So our warrior has a ~50% chance to hit and needs about 2-4 hits to kill with 2 being the average. So after 4 attacks they can be expected to take out a comparable foe. Throw in power attack and the hit rate drops to maybe 40% but their damage jumps to 9-19 or 14 average. This drops our hits required to 1-2 and this gives us a 2-5 attacks average. This does ignore the "alpha damage" which can OHKO most level 2 foes, guarantee a drop on almost any level 1 foe and squishier level 2 foes. Heck if you catch an unarmoured foe lying on the ground and flank them your chance to hit jumps to 95% and with 9-19 damage that WILL drop any enemy at your power level in 1-3 hits.

TLDR; The DPR stays about the same but they chance to OHKO jumps massively. Remember; advantages to hit in combat are much easier to get than damage and a K.O.'d foe can't hit you back.

2023-12-31, 04:37 PM
Quickdraw feat always seems to surprise players .