View Full Version : What If Astilabor Helps The Homeless Community

2024-01-01, 07:32 PM
Hey everyone. Happy 2024 by the way. So anyway I have a what-if scenario. What if Astilabor (True Neutral Female Dragon Deity Of Wealth And Acquisition) helps the homeless community? I mean she is extremely wealthy and she could give money to those who are less fortunate including the homeless dragons. She can do good things with her generosity. What does everyone else think about it? :smile:

2024-01-02, 07:02 AM
She can't do good things with her wealth, except incidentally as a side effect of profitable ventures. Deities are bound by their nature in a way that mortals are not. She's a god of acquisition; therefore, she must acquire.

2024-01-02, 07:18 AM
As likely as Jeff Bezos doing so...

2024-01-02, 08:00 AM
She can't do good things with her wealth, except incidentally as a side effect of profitable ventures. Deities are bound by their nature in a way that mortals are not. She's a god of acquisition; therefore, she must acquire. Oh ok. That's unfortunate. :frown:

As likely as Jeff Bezos doing so...
Yeah. :frown:

2024-01-02, 08:12 AM
On the other hand, there are any number of Robin Hood style redistribute the wealth kinda beings who would love to get their hands on her hoard...

2024-01-02, 08:33 AM
1) It doesn't seem very True Neutral to do this, even disregarding the rules surrounding deity conduct that have already been pointed out
2) Homelessness is rarely solely attributable to simply not having a home. Homeless people often have underlying issues that make it difficult for them to keep a home, maintain it, pay taxes, and so forth. Presumably this would apply to other intelligent nonhumanoid beings as well.

To join everyone else, I don't really see this as something that Astilabor would do.

2024-01-02, 12:06 PM
It would seem to at least require unusual circumstances. If, for example, her church was being taxed and she could avoid paying taxes and at the same time operate some kind of land speculation scheme, it might be plausible. But thats a level of economics few games I have seen have involved.

2024-01-15, 02:43 PM
"Adolescents kwow exactly what have to be maded with the whealth.... of others"
Azhoun IV