View Full Version : Chronicles of the Blade IC

Kuro Dmon
2024-01-02, 08:36 PM
"Chosen by history, a person becomes a warrior.
Engraved into history, a warrior becomes a hero." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls2z2AaRPtA&ab_channel=VideogameClassics)

OOC Link. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?663449-Chronicles-of-the-Blade-OOC)
And Dice Link. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?663490-Chronicles-of-the-Dice)

In moments of peace, some Academics still debate details of the Sundering. Children still see it as a fairy tale, if not a doctrine to describe how Galatea came to be. Other academics, chief among them the Dwarven and Elvish scholars, hold more closely to the history of the old world, and to the idea of the Sundering. A time when Gods were thought to have abandoned the realm. When the power of magic had waned, even as monsters adapted. As if Galatea herself had been filled with a hatred for life.

All still hold faith in the idea of the Hero King, however. Be he the Last God, or merely a mythic hero; a man tore his way across the wasteland with strength unparalleled and skill unrivaled. After years of molding himself, he traveled the rest of the world, and sought out 5 Apprentices and their families, before returning to Galatea, and civilizing it. He became known through the world as the Hero King, and though his reign one day ended, both the skills and the legacy he left behind endured through the ages.

Decades later, as acculturation settled over Galatea, one of the Apprentices of the Hero King coveted the glory their master still held even in death, and sought to carve a legend of his own, by force. Consumed by dark emotion, the Fallen Knight threatened to undo the peace sculpted into place, even turning twisted blade on the Heir of the Hero. As the other Apprentices battled their former comrade, the aches of the War of Heroes hauntingly resembled the nightmares of the Sundering, with effects as reminiscent on the land.

As the Fallen Knight vanished into antiquity, the remaining Apprentices and the Heir spread to the edges of Galatea’s borders to protect and restore the land to the beauty their master had raised it to. In time, their efforts were largely successful, and some semblance of peace returned, though the region where their former comrade was claimed to have finally fallen remained desolate.

Worse, the prosperity once so hardly fought for seemed more and more fleeting over the ages. Galatea found herself struggling to maintain the peace that was paid in blood. From within, the calm was threatened by those who would forget the guidance of the heroes of old, and seek to war further amongst themselves for glory. Past her shores, invaders see a land that had never found a replacement for its greatest champions, with resources ripe for the taking. Still more unsettling are the rumors of influence from the far reaches of the east, where no mortal dare boast jurisdiction as of yet…

Galatea was destined, it seems, to be permanently bathed in blood…

The Algol Empire is the largest state within Galatea, and functionally remains its capital. One of the last direct links to the heroes of old, the Empire is a shell of its former self. Its current King mysteriously bedridden within its capital city Altair, much of its upper-class riddled with visions of grandeur, and ruled by a Prince with much different values than his ancestors; it nevertheless still bares a resemblance to the once glorious unifying point it was, right at the heart of Galatea.

Diphda is one of the states with lingering loyalty to the Empire. In recent times it might itself be fracturing as the condition of Galatea continues to deteriorate, and folks are stricken on how best to continue on; reclaim old ways, attempt to follow adjustments made for a new era, or abandon any sense of tradition to better survive?

The Ixion Republic is the most prominent of the forces outside of Galatea seeking to take advantage of its chaos. Having established a colony of their own in the islands to the Northwest, they move forces to and from the mainland via boat. Not just interested in resources, it’s rumored they’re fueling the raiding industry on outlying villages.

The Seiren Alliance is composed of several tribes and states that split from the waning Algol Empire. Once split and fighting amongst themselves, increasing strife not so easily contained caused most of these forces to unite under their own banner.

The Marauders of Shiver, a violent collective lead by a bloodthirsty Lizardfolk by the name of Gururu, were once a part of the Alliance, though whether or not they were worse before or after they were expelled from it remains to be seen. Their rumored headquarters so close to the Scarred Lands to the east only complicates those matters further…

Being so close to the southern shores, the Alliance also has much trouble with Pirate attacks. The most notorious of them, Alfred Crabbe, seems hellbent on surpassing the bloody exploits of the Fallen Knight, and he seems infused with a power not displayed by the others menacing the Southern Seas…

Sitting at the south eastern edge of the Algol Empire, between Diphda and the Seiren Alliance, stands the state of Benetnasch. So named for one of the 4 Apprentices who made a home in the lands, it's a diverse grasslands not too far from the South Coast, and nestled between the Schedar and Altair Mountain ranges. Much like the man who founded it, Benetnasch's walls are welcoming to all. Though allied to the Empire, Benetnasch's location makes it unofficial neutral grounds between it, the Alliance, and all other factions involved, only ever facing attack from the occasional marauder or privateer.

And also much like the man who founded it, Benetnasch never seemed to sleep. Being so well suited to commerce and influx meant the streets were constantly full of travelers, performers and peddlers on the average day. And that assumes a competition was not also being held, adding the roar of crowds and the clashing of blades to the discordant din; Lord Benetnasch lived out his days, even in peace, engaged in battle for the sport of it, and this tradition continued to be well honored here.

The latest tournament in Central Benetsnach was being graced by the Algol Empire directly. The businesses were compensated for routes closed down, as the Prince and Princess (and their entourage) graced the streets this occasion, and the businesses that could remain open flourished under the additional activity and publicity.

This time, as an attendant granted participation ribbons to those who applied themselves in various games and duels, those who distinguished themselves were given a congratulatory medal, as well as a brief audience on stage with the current head of the Empire; the Crown Prince, accompanied by his sister, the Captain of the Royal Guard, and even more imperial soldiers.

Later that day, certain participants who had earned a medal found their dwelling solicited by a tiny bird baring a letter. The symbol on the outside of it bore an insignia magically drawn upon it (one that folks would discover matched one drawn onto the back of each medal).

"You have displayed skill quite impressive, and a moral heart. I wish to request the assistance of such a fair warrior.

Though I must caution that the endeavor will be life threatening, I promise that the cause is just for more than just the Empire, and that your efforts would be fairly compensated for.

Should you accept, my handmaiden will be waiting for you in Southern Benetsnach, at the Fresh Fare bakery in the town square, at midday.

I respect you will please keep this matter a secret. I hope to hear of your exploits soon, and I wish you safe travels should you retain your services.

-Peace be upon you, Lady Carina Guinevere Von Altair, Princess of Algol."

2024-01-02, 10:59 PM
Darvan looked over the message with a curious eye; his orders had already been fulfilled to appear at this grand gathering as the representative of the Silent Order of Diphda and as such, the elder Brothers were expecting him back soon.

That was all the incentive he needed to decide to go to this meeting.

Folding up the paper and slipping it into his haversack, he left his inn room and began to walk toward the southern end of Benetnasch.

2024-01-03, 02:50 AM
Sieghart arrived back at his room at a local inn sometime in mid-morning, tossing the last bite of a fresh meat pie purchased at the market on his way back into his mouth. He fished the medal he'd been awarded at the tournament from one of the inner pockets of his coat and turned it in the light, examining it briefly before wrapping it in a handkerchief, placing it in a bag and storing it safely in his bag. The tournament was a good test for him, but with the festivities winding down, it was almost time for him to move on.

The bird flying in through his window and landing on his bag caught his eye immediately, as did the letter it was carrying. Sieghart took the note from the bird, quickly inclining his head out of thanks for the service and seeing the letter-carrier off before opening the envelope.

A clandestine meeting? Special orders from the imperial princess? Yet another entanglement. Honestly, he could've lived without it. Travel funds weren't exactly light, imperial lands weren't lacking in local imbroglios best solved by swordplay, and if work did dry up, it wasn't as though there weren't troubles back in the Alliance as well. Be that as it may, after months of wandering the land, slaying monsters, sleeping in stables, he was starting to wonder if his progress was beginning to plateau. At the very least, it wouldn't trouble him to hear Her Majesty out, to see if this cause of hers was truly just. It wouldn't hurt to do someone a good turn, while he had the chance.

Sieghart folded the letter and dropped it into his bag, which he hefted over his shoulder before departing and starting towards Southern Benetsnach.

2024-01-03, 03:26 PM
Dre'k has been pleasantly surprised to come out among the top warriors in the arena; though many in his unit had encouraged him to try, he hadn't been sure it would be suited to his style, and he had feared falling flat on his face so very publicly.
Still, medal or not, he longed to get back to the life that he knew - the simple life in the military.

He was packing his few belongings carefully when the message arrived. He was so caught up in his thoughts that the bird had to peep quite loudly at him until he snapped out of it.

You don't refuse an invitation from a Royal.
And so he shoulders his pack and his quiver, carefully picks up his bow, and goes on his way, dropping a small shower of silver coins on the counter to pay the overpriced fee for his tiny room on the way out.
He has to ask for the way a couple of times, and gets lost once, but the people are kind enough to point him in the right direction.

2024-01-04, 12:55 AM
Fresh from the tournament and still wearing his medals from the equestrian contests, Alaric read and re-read the message, turning it over in his mind as he fidgeted with the page.

Princess of Algol. Assuming the offer was genuine, this would be a tremendous opportunity, though it inevitably meant putting himself in grave danger of a sort he was unused to, the palace intrigue sort. Still, he had to believe he truly was chosen for the skills he possessed, not those he lacked. And though Alaric was no duelist—for those contests he sported only participation ribbons, not medals—he felt confident enough in his abilities to see himself out of a trap, especially if they tried to spring something in broad daylight in such a public place.

2024-01-04, 09:25 AM
Baldret's calloused fingers traced the delicate script on the parchment, his piercing eyes absorbing every word. The chaotic winds of destiny seemed to swirl around him as he considered the proposition laid out by the Princess of Algol. A slight smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, a silent acknowledgment of the gravity that awaited him.

"The Princess seeks a fair warrior," he muttered to himself, his mind already envisioning the challenges ahead. The promise of life-threatening endeavors only fueled the fire within him, the thrill of combat dancing like a flickering flame in his soul.

With a decisive nod, Baldret rose from his seat, the wooden chair groaning in protest. It was a call to arms, a chance to uphold justice beyond the confines of a bustling tournament. He strode purposefully towards the door of his modest dwelling, his bare feet making no sound on the worn floorboards.

Baldret's attire, a simple yet well-worn set of martial arts robes, clung to his muscled frame. A ceremonial sash, a memento from a past victory, was cinched tightly around his waist. The wind whispered through the open window, and he caught the scent of adventure on the breeze.

As he stepped into the vibrant streets of Benetnasch, the bustling sounds of commerce and revelry surrounded him. The tournament's fervor continued unabated, but Baldret's thoughts were elsewhere. His journey now led him to Southern Benetnasch, to the Fresh Fare bakery in the town square.

The midday sun hung high in the sky as he navigated the labyrinthine alleys, his keen senses guiding him unerringly toward his destination. He approached the bakery, its aroma of freshly baked bread, made him realize he was hungry and momentarily distracted him from the gravity of the task at hand.

Inside, amidst the sweet aroma and warm ambiance, he spotted a figure—a handmaiden, as the letter had warned. Baldret's eyes met hers, and without a word, he extended the letter towards her. The handmaiden, recognizing the unspoken agreement, nodded in acknowledgment. No words were needed; the shared understanding of duty was enough.

In the heart of Benetnasch, a fair warrior accepted the call to adventure. Baldret's journey into the unknown had begun, guided by the unseen threads of fate and fueled by the chaotic fire that raged within his soul.

2024-01-05, 11:42 AM
The Fresh Fare bakery was as bustling a place as Darvan expected it would be and the warm smell of fresh baked bread and other assorted pastries was comforting, even if he had no need for their sustenance.

He spied a young woman, clearly the same handmaiden he had been told to expect, talking to another figure. Upon approaching, he recognized him as Baldret, one of the others who had participated in the various tournaments earlier.

Taking a seat at the table, Darvan pulled out the note and extended it toward the handmaiden, "Here."

2024-01-05, 11:45 AM
"... and that's when I popped 'im a good one right between the legs! With 'is own broken hilt!" the tall woman laughed uproariously to the meager audience still remaining in the inn's common room, most of whom were doing their best to ignore her self-aggrandizing verbosity as that of a clear drunken madwoman. The hour was late, and Freki Stoneslapper had staggered back to her lodgings in as close to the opposite of a sober fashion as she could manage, the shiny medallion from the afternoon's tournament conspicuously out of place on her otherwise roughspun sailor's attire, and the only thing about her that lent credence to her ramblings. As she tipped back her flagon for the last few drops, she dully mused that she'd gotten a much warmer reception in the bigger taverns earlier that night. In fact, she was pretty sure this was the first drink she was actually paying for herself today, after her win on the sands, but she refused to let it spoil her good mood, continuing to chuckle to herself. Ain't my fault no one here likes a good story, she told herself, only a little salty.

A few minutes later she staggered up the stairs with her eyes already closed, ready to finally turn in for the night. Upon shoving her door open, though, she found a little bird waiting impatiently on her room's open windowsill, a tiny letter clutched in its claws. Squinting confusedly at it, Freki took the letter as if in a dream, barely noticing that the bird immediately took wing with a huff back out into the night. Breaking the seal, she read the invitation within haltingly; though she was perfectly literate, still the letters swam a bit in front of her eyes before she grimaced and forced the drunken feeling down and under control. Was enjoyin' it, too ... she lamented, but as the message came clearer she only grew more confused. "Moral heart? Fair warrior?" she disbelievingly laughed to herself. Fair compensation, though, an' from a princess, no less. That'll certainly do. She resolved to answer the note in the morning, and promptly passed out.

After a morning spent paying the innkeep and frequenting a few more taverns in search of someone to listen to her stories of glory, or failing that, at least dice with, she sauntered down to the south of Benetsnach in search of this bakery. If nothing else I'll come away with a few rolls, she told herself, refusing to admit how flattered and curious she was by the invitation.

Kuro Dmon
2024-01-05, 09:46 PM
Though Southern Benetnasch is only slightly less crowded than the rest of the state, and by all means still flush with plenty of folk coming and going, the Bakery was busy, yet nearly completely empty. True, the staff were certainly still bustling with replenishing food and cleaning up the last few tables, and a pair of servers were indeed instructed to greet and allow in only those with the inscribed letter.

But the rest of the establishment was empty, save for the foretold woman sitting in a table in the back to herself, dressed in a brown concealing cloak with her hood up, and nursing a cup of peach tea and a cinnamon roll. Leena looked up the first of the Chosen approached her, and her voice caught in her throat. She mimicked his nod with a smile, still somewhat nervous about the plan underway. As more joined, hesitation became a luxury she could no longer afford.

“Thank you very much.” She replies while taking it. “Baldret, Darven, feel free to help yourselves,” she adds, gesturing to the staff still running around. “We have a moment of peace to enjoy, and for your time, the food is complimentary. I’ll explain more once our table is more full, but no reason not to partake while you’re here.”

2024-01-06, 01:40 AM
Sieghart took measured steps walking down the main thoroughfare cutting through Southern Benetsnach on the way to the town square. Never taking his eyes off the road in front of him, he cut through the bustling crowds with the same practiced footwork he'd used in his duels, sliding by a few passersby with less than a hair's breadth of space and offering brief nods of apology for the disturbance. A half-cape affixed to his coat and covering the left half of his torso kept the sword at his hip (or, at least, its hilt) hidden, and his hand was never more than a gesture away from gripping the sword and preparing the draw.

"Royal meetings are never simple, after all." he thought, taking a small strip of leather from his coat pocket and tying a bit of his long mane of silver-gray hair behind and his head to keep it out of his face. An ambush was unlikely, even in the worst case. It was broad daylight, and the letter had pointed towards a public place in the dead-center of town. Even still, it was probably safe to assume that he was being observed.

He pushed open the door to the Fresh Fair bakery and stepped inside, scanning the interior before settling his eyes on the only occupied table and closing the door behind himself. As he approached the table, he reached into his bag and produced the letter he'd received, and produced it for the handmaiden's confirmation.

"Am I expected?" he asked.

2024-01-06, 01:44 PM
"Thank you," Darvan replied curtly to the handmaiden before taking a single roll from the offered food, having to move slowly to keep the chakram on his belt from colliding with any part of the table. While he had no need of sustenance, he knew it would be rude to refuse.


"It would appear so," He murmured to the newcomer.

2024-01-06, 04:58 PM
Freki paused outside the Fresh Fare bakery to take a swig from her second hip flask, the one with the really cheap stuff, before pushing her way through the door. A bit put out at first by the lack of patrons, her face lit up when she saw the occupied table at the back. Upon being stopped by a server asking for her letter, she flashed her shiny medal at him with a big smile, which only curdled a little bit when that didn't work, instead reaching into her pocket and producing the document in question. With a hard nod to the working man (Just doin' his job after all) she sauntered towards the table with her best, friendliest grin on her face.

"This the table for us fair warriors, then?" she asked. She thought she recognized the two men already there from other events at the tourney, but couldn't be sure; she gave them a nod anyway, before directing her attention at the confections on offer. "Ooh, cinnamon rolls, don't mind if I do!" she exclaimed, stuffing one in her mouth immediately as she sat down, taking another couple of sweet rolls for herself to munch on before anyone else got the chance. The cheap grog had been the right choice before this, she reflected, the abysmal taste of the former making the rolls taste ever sweeter. Cheerfully, she raised her flask in offer to the other guests, mumbling something unintelligibly friendly around the entire pastry she was still chewing on.

2024-01-07, 04:24 AM
Alaric dismounted, leaving his impressively large (and impressively armored) steed tied at the nearest hitching post. He looked around at the bakery, emptied out for their meeting. He supposed it wasn't just ostentation—the meeting had to be held in a private place that was still public enough to make those present feel safer. As he appraised those arriving with him, and those who'd arrived already, he realized he recognized each of them from one contest or another. Capable warriors all, but an eclectic group to be sure. So this mission was to be both clandestine and one requiring a highly diverse skill set. This was shaping up to be an interesting afternoon indeed.

As he entered, he produced his letter as though it were an invitation, and politely waved away the proffered flask from one of the other warriors. He did take a cinnamon roll from the table—the morning's events had given him quite an appetite after all. As their briefing would wait for all the invited to arrive (and, presumably, for the handmaiden's escort to shepherd the bakery staff safely out of earshot), so too would his own introduction.

2024-01-07, 02:07 PM
Baldret (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x5PTREcXTTMGK9hxC_Y3oA67LvD9pXLGaoUtr0TBB-4/edit#gid=2137517370)
Elan, Male - Mystic/Aegis // PsyWar/Awakened Blade
AC: 28 (22 T/27 FF)
DR: 2/-
HP: 124/124
Acrobatics: 12 / Intimidate: 21 / Perception: 23
Initiative: +2
Conditions: -

Baldret, having accepted the princess's invitation without a second thought, found himself in the Fresh Fare bakery, surrounded by a motley crew of warriors. The scent of freshly baked bread and pastries filled the air, a comforting backdrop to the unfolding intrigue. His rough-hewn features twisted into a faint grin as he recognized a familiar face, a fellow participant from the tournament. He made his way to the table and, with a nod, pulled out the letter from his robe. "Here" he grunted, offering the parchment to the handmaiden.

As the warrior settled into a seat, a tiefling woman, Freki, burst into the bakery with exuberance. Baldret observed her antics with a mixture of amusement and bemusement, his azure eyes flickering with a spark of curiosity. "Fair warriors, indeed" he mumbled under his breath, appreciating the diverse group that had been chosen as more people came and joined the table.

Leena, the handmaiden, greeted each arrival with a nervous yet warm smile. Baldret acknowledged her with a nod but remained silent, taking in the atmosphere of the bakery and the personalities of those around him. He wasn't one for unnecessary words, and the tension in the air hinted at a weighty discussion to come.

Darvan's stoic acceptance of the complimentary food drew a grunt of approval from Baldret. He, too, reached for a roll, tearing off a piece and savoring the taste, despite having no need for sustenance. The act was more a ritual, a gesture of camaraderie with his newfound companions. As he finished the last bite of the roll, wiping his hands on the front of his martial arts robe, His eyes met Leena's. His voice, gravelly and resonant, broke the silence that hung over the table:

"So, what's this task you've got for us, handmaiden?" Baldret's question was direct, a reflection of his straightforward nature. He leaned back in his chair, the wooden frame creaking slightly under his muscular frame, and awaited Leena's response with a calm intensity.

2024-01-09, 12:09 AM
Right before the door closes, an old man rushes into the building. In his hurry, he stumbles and trips over the fair handmaiden, causing all of their held items to go flying in the air.

In a heartbeat, the man sprints into action. Using his gauntlet hand, he catches himself from falling and pushes off from the ground. While in the air, he flips several times, catching each item before they could fall onto the ground.

At the same time, he rights himself up and catches the maiden with his ungloved hand - all items held in his opposite hand.

"Sorry for all of that. Was running late. Had to do... a little research on some... interesting topics."

After handing the maiden all of her effects, he pats himself down, and frowns.

"Where... where is it?"

"Are you perhaps looking for this?" calls out a black bird, appearing almost out from nowhere, above his head.

Resting in the bird's beak, is a letter.

"You always did have a tendency to lose yourself in research. I'd swear you'd lose your head if you keep up this type of behavior. Try to make a better impression, next time. "

"Ah, yes, thank you, Quote." The old man says, taking the letter from the bird's mouth. "Now, where are my manners." He says, addressing the rest of the party.

"My name, is Dorian Grey. Please do excuse the tardiness. I got the message to meet here, is this the right place?" he says with a bow.

2024-01-09, 06:19 PM
Dre'k arrives slightly late at the bakery, enters and then just stands there indecisive.
He ends up waving awkwardly at everyone, and sidling over to one side, making sure there is room for his pack then leaning back against the wall, one hand on his bow.

He refuses the roll offered, despite the protestations of his stomach.
What's the etiquette for eating pastries in front of a Royal? I have no idea!
What if I make a mistake?

Ar, what am I doing here? I don't belong.
He is starting to spin out in his own head, but not much of it shows up except a nervous twitch.

With a bit of time, he manages to settle down his nerves. It's clear many are warriors here - he recognizes some faces from the tournament - so perhaps he does belong after all?

At a sign from an attendant, he shuffles forward to give his letter, then retreats.

Kuro Dmon
2024-01-10, 10:23 AM
When Alaric tied his horse to the hitching post, he found it would have some company. An Axebeak, itself mildly armored, was loosely connected to it as well. It tilted its head at its new companion, then went back to poking the dirt in boredom, the debris of a few pastries sprinkled across the ground.

Inside, Leena surveyed the chosen champions with mild amusement. The air between them couldn’t be more different. While the seriousness of some had her insides crawl with trepidation, the friendliness of others helped set her nerves at ease. Freki’s air in particularly brought Leena’s hand to her lip, in a failed attempt to suppress a giggle. “It’s good to see you all are finding the place well enough,” She replies to those who had already arrived. “There’s only a few more missing; we’ll begin, I believe, momentarily.”

Getting up to check on the rest of the matters (both ensuring the comfort and privacy of those who arrived and to look for the remainder to appear), Leena found herself knocked into the air and held in Dorian’s embrace. Her composure shatters even with her landing protected by him, her face flushed completely and her breathing unsteady. It takes a few moments for her to mentally catch herself, and accept the letter from quote. Dre’k, despite wordlessly arriving in a much more subdued fashion, almost startles her as he walks past her to make himself ‘comfortable’.

After a minute of collecting the remaining letters, ensuring the staff were accounted and reimbursed for, and collecting herself by enjoying another drink and another treat, Leena finally clears her throat to address the group at large, with every ounce of regality that she can muster.

“Good-day, everyone. My name is Leena Tessie.” She starts, glancing at Baldret in particular with a small smirk as she introduces herself properly. “I am the retainer to Lady Carina, and it is by her request that we meet today. She wishes to have some phenomena to the east investigated, and seeks… help, in this matter." With a quick glance at a nearby clock, she continues. "Yes, quite a few disturbances that My Lady wishes I inquire further. Tell me, have any of you heard of any rumors concerning Aldebaran? Or, perhaps, what a Wight, if not a Revenant, is?” she asks the group at large.

2024-01-10, 01:56 PM
Dorian perks up as something the woman says sparks recollection.

"Revenants and Wrights are obviously different types of undead. I'm sure even a child would know that." Dorian says with a smirk. However, the smirk quickly fades as his tone becomes more serious.

"That being said... Aldebaran. I had heard that they had suffered massive losses in a recent battle. I did not know the cause, nor the identity of the enemy that wrought such devastation. Are you suggesting... that it was a scourge of undead, that befell the city?"

Dorian asks the lady. Once she confirms, he continues.

"And, am I to surmise that this is the matter that requires investigation by ones such as ourselves?"

Going a bit more into a business-stoic mode, he will continue further.

"If so, we'll need to outline the terms of this contract before proceeding. What exactly constitutes an 'investigation' to the Good Lady's standards? We're not exactly signing up to go to war with a city-wide threat, after all."

2024-01-10, 08:23 PM
Once the total of the guests they had apparently been expecting arrived, Sieghart took a seat at the table, sweeping aside his cape and sitting with one leg crossed over the other, chair tilted slightly back and one palm keeping his sword steady. Though he'd already had breakfast, he certainly wouldn't turn down a cup of tea.

Something about this arrangement struck him as odd. Weren't they moving too fast?

"Madame Tessie, take a breath. Steady yourself." Sieghart said. "We're skipping over something fundamental as to the nature of this arrangement. Why rely on warriors from outside of Her Grace Princess Carina's retinue, and why go through the effort of hiring us in secret?"

Sieghart's suspicions were threefold. First was the fact that Princess Carina was one hiring them, albeit through an intermediary. Why her? Surely, this problem of Wights and Revenants was known to someone beyond a single member of the imperial family. Were it an issue so severe as to require immediate armed response, other agents of the imperial throne would surely be aware. The most likely scenario was that someone else did know, and was choosing not to act, either because they simply didn't care about the plight of Aldebaran, couldn't spare the resources, or it benefited them in some way.

Second, and more troubling, was the use of external (and, given the secrecy of their scouting, deniable) agents. Could the princess not muster her own forces? Were there not scores of noble scions, all well-versed in their families' noble martial arts, eager to throw themselves into danger to win the favor of the imperial family? Did their presence, as freelancers, not make them the equivalent of paramours kept secret from a consort when compared to the proper Royal Guard? No, the only reason to turn to them, Sieghart suspected, would be that relying upon the empire's proper sworn swords wasn't an option.

Finally, there was the secrecy of the operation itself. This was especially troubling. Maintaining a secret from the public was likely out of the question. The situation in Aldebaran was apparently already the subject of rumor. Why hide, then, that someone was going to fix it? Unless, of course, the intention was to hide the operation from someone else, someone who, if they knew, would intervene. It wouldn't have been unusual; Sieghart himself had taken part in secret operations on more than one occasion. But, from whom would a princess of the empire hide an operation to survey an internal trouble?

"Please take no offense; I do not mean to imply that I doubt the righteousness of your cause, nor the necessity of seeking external agents to investigate this problem. However, to be blunt, people don't keep secrets for themselves. They keep them from others. I needn't know their identity, but if there is someone from whom it is paramount that this operation remains a secret, I think it would be wise were all of us to be made aware."

2024-01-10, 10:20 PM
"I can see the logic behind wanting to keep secret any knowledge that might cause an outbreak of panic amongst the public."

Dorian Grey begins.

"And a scourge of undead, especially one based only on rumor, seems like something you'd need hard evidence of before you inform the public."

Dorian Grey continues, his face beginning to break out in a painful smile not so stealthily hiding a hint of grimace.

"Moreover, it makes sense to send a band of mercenaries. We are, after all, expendable. And if the expedition does not pan out, it's best not to let the people know of the Crown's potential failure, lest they appear weak at a time when they need to appear strong. Another reason for secrecy. Does that about sum things up?"

Dorian says, genuflecting towards the good madame.

2024-01-10, 10:32 PM
"Not all mercenaries..." Alaric began. "Alaric Berengard, Captain, Fifth Banner of the Altairan Light Horse," he hastily added by way of introduction. He cleared his throat briefly before he continued.

"The most troubling rumors I've heard out of Aldebaran is that several of its cities have outright disappeared under invasion. Whether they are destroyed, or so besieged that no word can escape, or simply subsumed by a swift and numerous invader, I cannot say for sure. It may well have been exaggerated in the retelling, or outright propaganda, but the apparent lack of any other rumor to gainsay it suggests it contains at least a seed of truth."

He turned to add his own opinion to Dorian's musings. "If these rumors are based in truth, the natural suspects—the Marauders of Shiver, I mean—well, it doesn't sound like their way. Nor, frankly, do I think them capable of such, however much they may have wished it. A scourge of undead... is a possibility worth taking seriously."

As far as all the intrigue was concerned, he would keep his peace for now, and save any more speculating for when he had more information. It wouldn't be the first time he kept a secret simply because he was told it was secret. But if the rumors of disappeared cities were anywhere close to true? There was no way that was staying secret for long. He had a feeling that their mission and its secret would be related, but rather more specific.

2024-01-11, 02:04 AM
"Wights and revenants..." Darvan mused aloud after listening to Dorian, Sieghart and Alaric speak, his fingers steepled under his chin, "Regardless of their origin or why we have been scouted for this mission, there is no doubting it is a task worth undertaking. Such creatures cannot be allowed to roam free."

He turned and intently stared at Leena, "While I was due back at the monastery within the week, I'm sure the other Brothers wouldn't mind if I assisted on such a noble task. I'm in."

2024-01-11, 01:02 PM
"I'm no mercenary, myself. Pardon my rudeness." Sieghart lowered his head in a short bow. "Sieghart Aetheredge, knight errant at present and former sworn sword of Duke Rowan Regulus. As I said: I speak not out of mistrust, only concern. We can all agree these are special circumstances. We're receiving a calling from a representative of the continent's most powerful family during a clandestine luncheon, like intelligence agents would. If we're being trusted to such a degree, to carry out a secret mission for an imperial princess, I want to answer that trust by asking the right questions and respecting the sensitivity of our situation.

"Is this acceptable? If I've overstepped, I apologize."

2024-01-11, 03:24 PM
I thought we were meeting the princess." The disappointment is plain in Dre'k's voice. Belatedly, he remembers he's seen the princess, and she looks nothing like the lady here.
The outburst attracts some looks, but he's used to it by now; it won't be the last time it happens, so he's getting on with it.

"I'm Dre'k, Special First Class, 29th of Infantry."
A pause. He presents his bow, horizontally.
"You have my bow."

Then he remembers a "detail".
"...well, assuming my command releases me, but I assume the Princess can make that happen."

"As for the topic of secrecy, I doubt this is how true secrets of state are handled - not that I am an expert." He gestures at the bakery, and its attendants who may well whisper some things to close ones who will in turn whisper them to others. "I think I see something genuine here, coming from the heart. But then I am a bad judge of character, so you tell me."

Odd as he may be, Dre'k at least seems to have a functioning brain.

Kuro Dmon
2024-01-12, 10:34 AM
Before Leena can properly address Dorian’s terms, she contemplates Sieghart’s questions. For a moment, rather than helping steady her nerves, the query sent a jolt down her spine worse than being launched into the air by Dorian. Ironically, it would be Dorian answering on her behalf that would help her relax a bit; her lavender eyes twinkled as her gaze flitted from him to Alaric to Darvan, pausing on Dre’k as he bluntly voiced his own concern while adding his own support.

With another glance at a nearby clock, Leena started with a breath. “The reason Lady Carina will not be joining us is precisely why this meeting is necessitated.” She addresses Sieghart. “Despite her upbringing, she has very little direct influence over the state of affairs within the Empire. At this very moment, she’s stuck within the Royal Entourage, on their way home to Altair to the west.” Leena stares into her own cup, looking crestfallen. “It’s her brother, the Prince, who is currently leading the Empire. Sir Edgar, the Captain of the Royal Guard, answers to only him at the moment.”

“And right now, the rumors of the dangers of Aldebaran are just that; rumors. My Lady has her sources, but nothing substantial to allow her to attempt to divert forces from the defense of the Empire. And this is indeed,” she continues with a nod towards Dorian, “why My Lady wishes the state of Aldebaran seen directly by a member of her court. The horrible possibility of innocent people being slaughtered when we could be helping them is more than she can stand, yet her already limited reach is even more bound in these troubled times…” Leena’s aspect saddens once again, as if personally troubled by these struggles.

“This is why she would request confirmation of these rumors, in order to beseech the Royal Guard act on yet another threat. Should I able to verify the state of affairs in Aldebaran, then return home to Altair and report to Her Majesty, surely the Prince would have to allow Edgar to act. Perhaps allow Bastian or Tristy to lead a regimen of their own to the east.” She continues, brightening up at the possibility. “But no, My Lady would not ask you to give up your livelihoods to serve her. Any pardon needed would be granted by her, and I may sign off on her behalf." Leena adds, glancing at Darvan and Dre'k, before focusing on Dorian. "Nor would she ask you to lay down your lives attempting to stem a potential flood of destruction. Even encountering them would be dangerous enough, and more than enough evidence that the Empire should take action, rather than continue to gnash its teeth at the Alliance or the Republic. My task is to verify for her the state of the largest cities: Nashira, then perhaps Siam, Juno, and Crytomera, if necessary; this matter should take but a few weeks of traveling. And enabling this venture is what My Lady begs of you.” Leena finishes, standing up to bow to the group at large, her amber hair spilling out of her hood and caressing the table in front of her.

2024-01-13, 12:30 PM
Dorian clasps his hands.

"So, this is a simple escort mission, then?" he asks Lady Leena.

"We are to keep you safe while you travel towards Aldebaran, and 'verify the state of affairs' before returning to this city. Is that the gist of things?" Dorian asks.

"If so, I'd have to ask for just a bit more clarity on the specifics of what it means to 'verify the state of affairs' before I can fully endorse this mission. There's also the question of compensation, of course. Gauche though the topic may be in light of the serious nature of this discussion, it does need to be addressed before we set out."

Dorian Grey begins to take out a pen and paper, and begins to write out terms of engagement for the deal. He'll mostly write down anything said by Leena, with focus on the specifics of their expectations, what they are meant to provide and what will be provided for them in term. The contract should also go over the pardons to be granted by the princess, or by Leena acting in the Princess's sted.

Once the contract is complete, he'll ask her and everyone else to sign it, and go about diligently making copies for everyone.

He won't attempt to alter the deal in any way, but he will try and work out a potential severance clause. After all, death and dismemberment is a huge risk on this journey, so each individual should retain the right to walk away at any point. In doing so, any compensation already earned shall by given to them, while any compensation remaining shall be forfeit, and the shares split amongst those who remain.

Compensation would be given out based on a combination of time taken and milestones accomplished, with milestones being decided by Lady Leena.

If everyone agrees, then all that remains is to prepare for the long and arduous journey ahead.

2024-01-14, 02:10 AM
"The right to walk away at any point?" Alaric raised an eyebrow. "Mercenaries don't get such generous terms, let alone soldiers and agents in direct service of the Crown."

2024-01-15, 11:09 AM
Baldret's gaze intensified as he locked eyes with Alaric, a growing sense of recognition flickering in his weathered expression. The unfolding discussion on the mission's terms prompted a reflection on their shared past, the memories of Nashira's uprising resurfacing in Baldret's mind.

"Alaric" he grumbled, a note of acknowledgment coloring his gravelly voice. Memories of their time in Nashira began to weave through his thoughts. "You were there, standing against the oppressor, rallying the people to defy their chains."

As the recollection deepened, a rare moment of appreciation softened Baldret's stern features. Despite his aversion to intricate plans, he recognized the value of a comrade who had fought alongside him.

"I recall now" Baldret continued, a subtle smile breaking through his rugged exterior. "We faced the crucible together, side by side in Nashira."

A shared nod and a glance conveyed their unspoken connection, forged in the fires of liberation. Baldret's agreement came with a sense of camaraderie. "If Alaric's with us, count me in. We've stared down tyranny before, and this won't be any different."

As the conversation shifted back to the ongoing negotiations, Baldret, while nodding in acceptance of Leena's terms, interjected with a gruff comment. "One thing, though. I've fought undead, but distinguishing between a wight and a revenant? Not my forte. If there's a difference, it eludes me. Not that it matters much; undead's undead."

Alaric, acknowledging Baldret's words, responded with a knowing smile. "Aye, Baldret. In the face of the undead, nuances matter less than mettle. We've seen it before, and we'll face it again." Their shared history lingered in the air, weaving an unspoken bond between the warriors

2024-01-15, 07:28 PM
"Speaking as a mercenary of considerable age," Dorian says, looking towards Alaric with a twinkle in his eye, "The terms of the contract are everything. They are an agreement between all parties involved. The clients are the wishmakers, and we mercendaries do everything in our power to fulfill those wishes. However..." and with this Dorian will once again turn to the Lady, crestfallen.

"Despite our efforts, not every wish can always be granted."

His gaze lingers on the Lady a bit before he returns to the young Alaric. "It is customary, therefore, that a third party be invited into the terms of the agreement. And that third party, my dear boy, is reality." Dorian says with a coy smirk.

"Things happen. Things change. That is the nature of reality, and it must always be taken into account. If you were tasked to climb a mountain and half way up were rendered paralyzed, do you still continue to try and fulfill your contract, knowing that it will lead only to death and failure either way? No. Such expectations are simply unreasonable. One does not live long in a job like this if they accept any mission and refuse to build in a simple exit clause. One cannot ignore reality."

2024-01-16, 04:12 PM
"Those so injured are typically discharged from such obligations as a matter of course," Alaric pointed out acidly. "I'm not so green that I haven't sounded a retreat in my time, and known it was the right call. But I do wonder what mercenary company gives its members a free pass—ahead of time, and in writing no less—to cut and run when it pleases them, who would depend on such men to stand beside them in a difficult moment, or who indeed would hire them in the first place under such an arrangement.

2024-01-16, 05:28 PM
"Let those who want a contract have their binding word, and those who seek ideals have their hearts bound" Dre'k suggests from his side of the room, a bit too forcefully to be diplomatic.

"Thanks for your work, sir Grey, was it? I myself will not be needing it."

Dre'k has 7 in Charisma AND Wisdom so, well, those interactions are not his thing. But he tries, at least!

Kuro Dmon
2024-01-16, 09:55 PM
“Well, Dre’k.” Leena starts. “It might be useful to you for your command. Proof of your talent being requested by the Royal Court.” At that word, Leena walks out of the bakery, but only to the bird parked next to Alaric’s mount. After petting its beak, Leena digs through its saddlebags and seeks additional items. Returning to the group at large and the table and struggling a bit with her load, she sits down while setting down a set of smaller purses in front of her, landing with the unmistakable gingle of coins.

“The right to abandon this mission at any point? Granted.” Leena says with a note of finality, her purple eyes starring softly yet determinedly into Alaric’s face. “More likely for personal taste, should that be one’s preference. I would hope that none should be so heavily injured to warrant discharge from what should be a simple scouting and escort mission. Though I have served My Lady and My Court dutifully enough to learn a thing or two of herbal medicine, and so hopefully should danger present itself, you would be as much in my care as I would be yours.”

Leena then places each bag in front of her, spaced out separately. “This is not quite a matter of mere Sell-swords and Mercenaries. So, the circumstances are somewhat atypical. But Lady Carina did understand and expect some compensations and care to be had. In addition to attempting to help as best as I am able on this venture, I am authorized to reimburse you for your time and efforts. This,” she emphasizes the bags in front of her, “is for your silence, should you at all choose to leave before the quest is complete. You will receive additional pay once I have arrived intact at Nashira first. Once there, I would request investigating each city to ascertain the situation. My knowledge” she pauses for emphasis to catch Dorian’s eye, given he is the most vocal about the need for this organization “will be evidence enough. Seeing enough of the land to confirm the rumors. At that point, or if we are lucky enough to visit each major city and find no evidence of a disturbance that would require the Empire's attention, then the rest of your reward will await you once I have been safely returned to Altair.”

"These are my terms, as a representative of Lady Carina. Would they be agreeable?" Leena asks, one gloved hand resting atop the bags, another held out in request for Dorian's pen. Should there be no complaint, Leena would sign each contract with her signature and title, as well as with the emblem drawn onto the earlier invitations, while placing a bag on each paper. Inside each bag lay 100 Platinum Pieces.

2024-01-17, 10:38 AM
After greeting newcomers to the table with a friendly grin and a shake of her flask in offering, Freki had been largely silent, owing to a combination of keeping her face stuffed alternately with pastries and grog as the conversation went on, but also due to keeping a surprisingly sharp eye on their prospective employer through her pitch. As she noticed the princess' retainer eye the clock for a second time, one side of Freki's mouth quirked up around ... what was this, a muffin? Oh well, gone now. The woman was nervous, and though it could be simply ordinary jitters for a royal servant having to interview possible employees for the first time, Freki thought she had a decent idea what else could cause that. As Miss Tessie left the bakery and returned, Freki cast a surreptitious eye out the doors and windows of the establishment. Finishing her baked good, she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and grins again as the money pouches and contracts are slid across the table.

"Well, I for one am completely convinced!" she exclaims as she hefts the bag of coins in her hand, examining the contents far more thoroughly than she examined the terms of the contract (not at all). Whatever misgivings she may have had were largely assuaged by money in hand, though she had an increasing feeling that this job might be more fun than she'd initially thought for a government contract. "You need a traveling companion and sometime bodyguard for your completely sanctioned and official mission, Freki's your girl, Miss Tessie!" she winks at her new boss as she signs the contract with a sloppy flourish. Stories of the undead were actually some of the few lessons she'd paid attention to growing up, so she felt she had a decent grasp on the dangers in play; the fact that her father would approve of her aiding in this mission factored in to her decision not at all, nope.

Returning her flask to her belt, Freki draws a larger glass bottle from a pocket in the sash across her chest that absolutely should not have been able to hold such a thing; the fact that this bottle had a fancy label and a dark red liquid inside made it relatively obvious it was the kind of drink one would probably have to pay at least one of those platinum coins for. She waves at one of the servers with a signal to bring around some drinking glasses. "Toast of the Sealord, for any who'll be our new mates!"

Freki Stoneslapper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2859604)
Tiefling Female Stalker 8 // Striker 8
AC 29, Touch 26, Flat-footed 23
HP 104/104; Init +3
Speed 35 ft, climb 15
Senses Perception +18, Darkvision 60
Current Stance Primal Warrior Stance
Conditions Tipsy

Freki attempts a Perception check [roll0] to see if she notices anything unusual outside. Granted, she's unlikely to pick up much of anything without actually getting up from the table herself and looking around, but she's not trying to be obvious as of yet.

Freki offers a drink of Sealord Wine to anyone who signs up, which is a wine generally fancied by nobles.

2024-01-18, 01:38 AM
Darvan raised an eyebrow at Freki's energetic, carefree acceptance of this contract and after closing his eyes and mulling over the matter to himself for a minute, opened them once more.

"While I would like to believe my word is sufficient enough to vouch for my loyalty to this mission, if it will assuage your concerns," Darvan murmured as he glanced at Dorian, "Then I will sign this contract. That said, I do not tend to partake of anything that may inebriate my senses. My apologies...Freki, was it?"

After leaving his name at the bottom of the contract, he turned to Leena, "When will we depart?"

2024-01-21, 01:16 PM
"More than acceptable, my dear lady." Dorian says, bowing with a smile on his face as the terms are completed and the rate is ironed out betwixt the party and their benefactor.

With the contract done, he will fold it up repeatedly into a tight square before holding it up between his index and middle fingers. In a flash of darkness and jet black feathers, a raven appears from his shadow, grabs the contract in it's beak, flies around the man once more, before vanishing behind the man once more.

The deed is done, to go back upon the terms we swore...
To Quote the Raven... Nevermore!

With that out of the way, Dorian will once more look upon the Lady with a soft and gentle tone.

"The princess must really trust you, for your word to be sufficient enough to wage war. But... let us hope that such a thing shall not come to pass. I will do my best to protect you on this, most perilous of journeys."

2024-01-21, 03:18 PM
Alaric nodded assent without saying a word, and signed the contract as it came around to him. He somewhat regretted his vitriol, but he still felt he had had a fair point. For now, he had to believe all present had been thoroughly vetted and the truly untrustworthy would not have been invited in the first place.

2024-01-21, 06:30 PM
Dre'k steps up as well, and pockets the purse with only a nod - that loyalty is rewarded through payment, and not just kind words, is par for the course in his line of work.

He ponders for a time how he will handle the official army paperwork (a pretty seal, even Royal, is never enough by itself), but he concludes he likely won't have time.
I'll just have to smooth things over once I come back.
In any case, he has over a hundred days of R&R owed to him by the army, seeing as he's barely taken any time off in recent years, so he figures something can be worked out... Not that the army is tolerant of any kind of shenanigan, but his already established reputation for oddness might work for him in this instance.

Then he heads over to Freki and gratefully accepts slightly more than a thimbleful of her wine: it's good for wetting the throat, but he wants to stay sharp. Bow work, unlike mad sword-swinging, requires a vision unblurred by alcohol.
"This is good stuff, right? I don't know much about it, but the name rings a bell."

2024-01-23, 09:20 AM
"No worries, mate, Freki replies to Darvan, placing the assorted glasses the server had brought next to one another and pouring the expensive wine out all at once, surprisingly deftly, as though into shot glasses, the relatively small amount of excess dribbling onto the table in between. "It's good luck for the pourer to drink yours for you!" She holds off on doing so for the moment as she waits for the contract to make its rounds.

After sliding filled glasses across the table for Leena, Alaric, Sieghart, Baldret and Dorian, Freki thumps Dre'k on the back, picks up one of the glasses, pours most of the wine back into the glass before her, and clinks her now overfull glass against the barely filled one before handing it to him. "Mee-toh-nail's vintage," she proudly tells Dre'k, anyone who's seen the label on the wine bottle likely wincing at her mangled mispronunciation of the name written there. "I'd call it the weak but sweet stuff, myself, but for those with more discerning tongues I've been assured it's a treasure."

Freki Stoneslapper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2859604)
Tiefling Female Stalker 8 // Striker 8
AC 29, Touch 26, Flat-footed 23
HP 104/104; Init +3
Speed 35 ft, climb 15
Senses Perception +18, Darkvision 60
Current Stance Primal Warrior Stance
Conditions Tipsy

Kuro Dmon
2024-02-12, 07:50 PM
Before there’s time to truly enjoy the fancy sea spirits, or even for Leena to reply again, echoing screams and the squawks of the animals outside shattered the calm of the day. Indeed, Leena’s delicate grip on her glass slips, spilling over like her chair as she immediately rises to her feet.

Outside, a pack of monsters had broken past the market gates to the south. They resemble Dire Wolves, except much more nightmarish; flesh and fur so putrid it appeared to be almost rotting, bones jutting jaggedly out of the skin, multiple glowing blank eyes, and a maw of misshapen teeth longer than that of a crocodile’s jaw.

As citizens fled for their lives, one of the beasts charged across the commerce, horrible jaw agape. Another followed its nose onto a nearby cart, seeking prey. The last, notably larger than the other two and about the size of an elephant, crushed the fountain while in the middle of the square, bellowing towards the sky.

2024-02-15, 11:57 AM
The quiet so shattered, Darvan leaped from his seat and unsheathed his chakram. The blade erupted in a layer of ice as he did so while Darvan's form seemed to shimmer for a moment, an odd energy flowing through him as it did so.

"Shall we?" He asked the other assorted bodyguards before heading to the door of the shop.

2024-02-15, 06:52 PM
"Stay close to her," Alaric advised some of the others, as he indicated Leena. "These creatures may be a distraction." Mind racing, he thought it probable—monsters so large would have trouble navigating doors and narrow alleys in the middle of a city—but the creatures would have to be dealt with in any case. Alaric felt he would be better equipped for it, on horseback with long lance in hand, than most.

Alaric unhitched his unflappable warhorse, Kazimir, from his post. In smoothly practiced motions he swung himself into his saddle and brandished lance and shield, ready to charge out or skirmish before the bakery entrance, as needed.

Mounting up, drawing Lance and Shield, staying in Iron Tortoise Stance, and activating Piercing Thunder and Golden Lion Styles. Covering the entrance of the bakery for now. Assuming things like activating Raging Song will have to be combat actions. Integrating everyone for Squadron Feats has to be done tomorrow morning.

Kazimir, his horse, would have the Juggernaut Armor veil shaped on itself and The Brawler shaped on Alaric already.

2024-02-15, 11:03 PM
"Don't need to tell me twice," Freki mutters in response to Alaric's advice, taking in the newly appeared giant ... rotting ... wolves and deciding that can be someone else's problem if they want it, thank you very much. She stands from her chair and crosses to place herself in front of Leena, adopting a ready stance and a hard grin that is only slightly spoiled by her immediately reaching around the other woman to grab someone else's drink from the table. "Your health!" she tips the glass at Leena before knocking the wine back fast enough to personally offend the vintners, wherever they are, and tossing the glass behind her as part of the same fluid motion. Wiping her lips, she picks up one of the chairs and holds it before herself like a cross between a shield and a club, ready to dance.

Freki Stoneslapper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2859604)
Tiefling Female Stalker 8 // Striker 8
AC 29, Touch 26, Flat-footed 23
HP 104/104; Init +3
Speed 35 ft, climb 15
Senses Perception +18, Darkvision 60
Current Stance Primal Warrior Stance
Current Tension 0
Conditions Drunk 7 rds (DR 8/- vs nonlethal, morale +3 atk/dmg), Fool's Errand Style [Scholar: Surprise talent], Adrenaline Surge 1 min. (+10 temp HP), Vital Tension 5 rds (Vital Strike)

Freki gains 3 tension at the start of combat (+1 Boost first turn, +1 Desperate during round starting with 0, +1 Drunken when drunk). She spends 2 on Adrenaline Surge to gain 2xCon temp HP as a free action. She spends 1 as a free action on Vital Tension to gain the Vital Strike feat for 5 rounds.

She will also attempt Knowledge Religion: [roll0] to see if she can figure out anything about these narsty wolves that look like they might be undead.

Swift adopts Fool's Errand Style, selecting Extra Combat Talent: Surprise (Barroom) with her bonus feat from Fool's Errand Scholar.

Move steps around the table and grabs and drinks a glass of wine within her reach (move action due to Hard Drinker ability).

Standard picks up a chair to use as a 2H Improvised Weapon, granting it the Reach quality due to her Barroom Expert talent. Her first attack with it gains a +2 circumstance bonus and batters the target struck, due to the Surprise talent.

2024-02-17, 11:03 PM
Alaric's fast response to imminent danger and the immediate resolve to protect the rest of the group only served to strengthen Baldret's decision to ally himself with him.

Not wanting to leave all the fun and danger for his companion, he sprung into action, leaving the bakery to join his ally, ready to show his willingness to be shield and spear ror his party.

Swift: manifest claws of the beast

If he is able to charge, Baldret will charge the largest worglike monster, ending his movement in the K10 square and hitting AC [roll0] with his claw and dealing [roll1] damage on a succeful hit.

If he cant charge, Baldret will move to K10 and attack, using the aforementioned to hit roll -2 since he is not charging.

If a single move is enought to get to K10, he will use a double move to get to that position

2024-02-18, 05:46 PM
Dre'k takes a quick look at the monsters coming in, and can't help feel a chill creep in his bones... and at the same time the familiar fire of excitement.
This was new! This was dangerous for sure, but for a good cause!

Quickly evaluating the weak points in the shop, he kicks a couple of tables over, to create a makeshift barricade for the waiters and Leena.
"Please hunker there while we handle those creatures"

He doesn't need much preparation since he has his bow in hand already - and a quiver at the ready on his back.
Focusing on his trusty weapon, he prays briefly:
"Spirits of war, lend me the power to overcome these foul creatures!"
In response, his bow pulsates briefly with coruscating power.

Drawing on the mastery of his inner self, he also speeds up his movements.

He will step out of the shop just enough to be able to shoot anywhere on the plaza, yet still force any enemy to run over him before reaching the lady.
(If there are several entrances to defend, he'll coordinate with others so that they hopefully each block one.)

move: Touch of Joy on himself - duration 2r
free: K Religion Dungeoneering [roll0] (-1 since his Dungeoneering is slightly lower) for identification and weaknesses (technically he can roll twice, but I assume 24 gets him some info already)
std: Warrior Spirit to give +3 of properties to his bow (see stat block) - duration 1 min
swift: Time Skitter boost to get Hasted - duration 6 rounds

Move to a good position
Dre'k (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2859918)
M NG Tiefling Warder | Fighter/Conscript, Level 8, Init 15, HP 104/104, Speed 30ft + 15ft + 30ft
AC 31, Touch 17, Flat-footed 29, CMD 28, Fort 11, Ref 15, Will 5, CMB +11/+6, Base Attack Bonus +8/+3
Adaptive: +Str to damage Composite longbow +1 +18/+13 or +16/+16/+11 (RS) or +16/+16 (Barr2) or +14/+14/+14 (Barr3) (1d8+11, x3)
-- Deadly Aim -3 (+6, )
Breastplate +1, Living Steel Buckler +1 (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, +4 Dex, +1 Natural, +3 Deflect, +4 Misc)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 22, Wis 7, Cha 5
Aegis: for allies within 20ft, +2 morale to AC/Will

Warrior Spirit (10/10r): weapon is aberration Bane, flaming and corrosive
Haste (6/6r)
Touch of Joy (2/2r)

Threatened Area: 10ft around him

+2 to saves vs charm & compulsion
+1 to atk/dmg if target within 30ft

[X][X] Martial Foci
0/24 Delayed Damage Pool (nonlethal)
7/7 AoO

12/12 Marks (-6 to atk, 14% spell miss)
2/2 Defending the Sky: free, use counter at-will for 1r, for self and allies
4/4 Martial Flexibility: move, get Combat feat for 1 min
3/4 Warrior Spirit: std, grant weapon +3 worth of abilities
8/9 Touch of Joy (move): roll twice for all d20 for 2r
1/1 Darkness (Sp)

[X] SC1 Silver Crane Waltz: +5 Init, +3 AC and Ref
[ ] TG3 Tempest Gale Stance: +Int to dmg, +2 to DC and maneuvers

[ ] TG1 Disarming Shot: disarm via SoH
[ ] TG2 Sudden Gust: +2d6, trip via SoH
[ ] RH3 Flickering Defense: imm, -4 to atk & roll twice take lower
[X] RH3 Time Skitter: swift, Haste for Int r
[ ] TG4 Iron Wind: +4d6 dmg, Fort DC 22 ? staggered for Int r
[ ] RH4 Temporal Body Adjustment: imm, negate 1 condition

2024-02-22, 03:39 PM
Dorian Grey smirks at the approaching danger. A crazed look appears in his eye. He brandishes the clawed gauntlet covering his hand, as it begins to drip from every chink and crack. Drops of green liquid drop from his gauntlet, only to immediately sizzle upon contact with the ground.

"It's been a while... since I've been able to let loose!"

With that, he'll vanish and reappear straight in the thick of battle! A wave of cursed energy warps the battlefield at his feet as he plunges his claw into his opponent!

Current Stance: Poisoner's Stance
Standard Action: [Shattered Mirror] (Strike) Fetch's Wrath
--> Teleport Medium range, attack enemy

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + 8 (precision) (Also I forgot an extra +2 to hit and + 2 damage for Dark Focus, also forgot the bonus 4d6 damage for Fetch's Wrath [rolled 11 damage in OOC thread] total damage is therefore 25.

If Hit, target is exposed to poison, needs to make 1 Fort Save, DC 23, or take 3 CON damage once per round for 6 rounds. Gets a new save every round until it succeeds.

Free Action: 5 ft step for better coverage.
Swift Action: Enter into Obsidian Reflection Stance. All creatures within 20 feet of Dorian Gray (enemies and allies alike) will take a -3 to attack and damage.

2024-02-23, 07:28 PM
Upon reaching the square, Darvan's gaze immediately goes toward the biggest one of the creatures, "You must be their leader...good. If I kill you, then the rest should be easy to pick off."

A rush of winds surrounds him as he rears back with his Chakram before letting it loose with a mighty rushing gale, aiming straight for the head of the pack!

Standard Action: Used Cutting Gale Strike to hit the creature. If it hits, +5d6 damage and if the creature bleeds, it must pass a DC 18 Fort check or bleed for 4 points of damage a turn unless it can pass a DC 15 Heal Check. Dice Rolls will be in the Dice Thread.

Kuro Dmon
2024-02-24, 12:30 PM
Leena’s shaken out of her own fear of the disturbance by the swift reply of her new allies. The difference between someone tempered by adversity and those who have not are much more apparent once facing it directly.

Nevertheless, it’s Dre’k’s well-meaning idea which prompts her respond at all. “The patrons of the Fresh Fare should stay out of trouble. But Lady Carina would be upset if I represented her interests while merely sitting by as you risked your lives.” Leena replies to him while following the group outside. “Especially against Scarred Beasts! Why are those here?!” she screams in further alarm, once she’s gotten a proper look at the monsters.

Still staying behind the group at large, Leena returns to her Axebeak, untying her rope and hugging her. “Lyra, this will be dangerous, but we need to try to help, okay?” Leena croons to her mount while stroking her beak again. Shaken somewhat, the large bird steps forward to join the others, anxiously looking from creature to creature.

As her allies fly into action, Leena pulls open the neck of her robes. And then… unbuttons the top of her full blouse… and out pops the head of a small white rodent! (https://www.youtube.com/shorts/x-OK8DSxpgE) “Archimedes, find Sir Oscar! There’s no way this has gone unnoticed, but just to be certain!” she urges it. As the biggest Beast roars in agony while Baldret successfully slashes it, the Sugar Glider jumps out of his master’s ample bosoms and immediately flies away north.

Before the beast has time to even finish expressing its annoyance, Dorian’s claw similarly strikes true and it’s snarl of rage is disrupted by Darvan’s chakrams. The beast only screams even further in defiance as its fellows also turn their attention to the rest of the team.

All actions and needs should be largely accounted for at this point, I believe?

Baldret: Hit.
Dorian: Hit; it barely saved against poison.

With that out of the way, Round 1 Officially starts. (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17GFRW40ohvNQYa_VB0KCvh6loajQ4m8F_ffNTIa-v-c/edit#slide=id.p)

And with Scrambled having already acted (Hit, and a much higher roll on that Save), it's now Dre'k, Freki, and Dorian's turns again.

2024-02-24, 01:00 PM
Dre'k is both calm and filled by the thrill of battle, a thrill that he has practiced turning into actual power that fuels his prowess.

He told Leena that she had his bow, and he meant it; he is very earnest about these things.
His hand is a blur between quiver and bow, and he aims one arrow at each monster, then another one at the biggest of them.

"Unnatural creatures," his words ring clearly through the plaza "begone! Or we will unmake you, through blade, arrow, fire and acid!"

Swift: switch to Tempest Gale Stance
Full-round: full attack with Rapid Shot and Haste. Attack rolls are "roll twice take best" thanks to Touch of Joy
Attack vs Huge: [roll0] [roll1]

Base [roll2] + Bane [roll3]+6 + 6 Int (stance) = 29 dmg; Fire dmg: [roll4] Acid dmg: [roll5]

Attack vs 1: [roll6] [roll7]

Base [roll8] + Bane [roll9]+4 + 6 Int (stance) = 33 dmg; Fire dmg: [roll10] Acid dmg: [roll11]

Attack vs 2: [roll12] [roll13]

Base [roll14] + Bane [roll15]+5 + 6 Int (stance) = 26 dmg; Fire dmg: [roll16] Acid dmg: [roll17]

Attack vs Huge: [roll18] [roll19]

Base [roll20] + Bane [roll21]+3 + 6 Int (stance) = 25 dmg; Fire dmg: [roll22] Acid dmg: [roll23]

Each attack that hits a monster for the first time marks it: it takes -6 to attack anyone other than Dre'k. I'm assuming he hits all 3 and spends 3 marks.

Dre'k (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2859918)
M NG Tiefling Warder | Fighter/Conscript, Level 8, Init 15, HP 104/104, Speed 30ft + 15ft + 30ft
AC 30, Touch 16, Flat-footed 29, CMD 30, Fort 11, Ref 12, Will 5, CMB +11/+6, Base Attack Bonus +8/+3
Adaptive: +Str to damage Composite longbow +1 +18/+13 or +16/+16/+11 (RS) or +16/+16 (Barr2) or +14/+14/+14 (Barr3) (1d8+11, x3)
-- Deadly Aim -3 (+6, )
Breastplate +1, Living Steel Buckler +1 (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, +4 Dex, +1 Natural, +3 Deflect, +4 Misc)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 22, Wis 7, Cha 5
Aegis: for allies within 20ft, +2 morale to AC/Will

Warrior Spirit (9/10r): weapon is aberration Bane, flaming & corrosive
Haste (5/6r)
Touch of Joy (expires this round): roll every d20 twice

Threatened Area: 10ft around him

+2 to saves vs charm & compulsion
+1 to atk/dmg if target within 30ft

[X][X] Martial Foci
0/24 Delayed Damage Pool (nonlethal)
7/7 AoO

9/12 Marks (-6 to atk, 14% spell miss)
2/2 Defending the Sky: free, use counter at-will for 1r, for self and allies
4/4 Martial Flexibility: move, get Combat feat for 1 min
3/4 Warrior Spirit: std, grant weapon +3 worth of abilities
8/9 Touch of Joy (move): roll twice for all d20 for 2r
1/1 Darkness (Sp)

[] SC1 Silver Crane Waltz: +5 Init, +3 AC and Ref
[X] TG3 Tempest Gale Stance: +Int to dmg, +2 to DC and maneuvers

[ ] TG1 Disarming Shot: disarm via SoH
[ ] TG2 Sudden Gust: +2d6, trip via SoH
[ ] RH3 Flickering Defense: imm, -4 to atk & roll twice take lower
[X] RH3 Time Skitter: swift, Haste for Int r
[ ] TG4 Iron Wind: +4d6 dmg, Fort DC 22 ? staggered for Int r
[ ] RH4 Temporal Body Adjustment: imm, negate 1 condition
Area effect: Aegis: for allies within 20ft, +2 morale to AC/Will

2024-02-24, 01:23 PM
Sighing to herself as the nice lady with the moneybags states her intention to put herself in danger, Freki grumbles "Fiiiine," and decides that the bakery's chair is a sufficient remove from these disgusting creatures to merit getting close enough for a whuppin'.

Rocking back on her heel for a moment as she gathers her strength, she explodes forward and around the mount nearby, bringing the chair in an upwards arc from behind her and slamming it towards the largest dog's face. "Bad dog! Heel! she snarls at it, her own mouth suddenly doing a pretty close approximation to the expression on the monsters' slavering snouts.

Freki Stoneslapper (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2859604)
Tiefling Female Stalker 8 // Striker 8
AC 30, Touch 27, Flat-footed 23
HP 104/104; Init +3
Speed 65 ft, climb 45
Senses Perception +18, Darkvision 60
Current Stance Primal Warrior Stance
Current Tension 2
Conditions Drunk 6 rds (DR 8/- vs nonlethal, morale +3 atk/dmg), Fool's Errand Style [Scholar: Surprise talent], Adrenaline Surge 9 rds (+10 temp HP), Vital Tension 4 rds (Vital Strike), Hasted (+1 atk/AC/Ref, +30 move, +1 attack on full attack) 5 rds

Freki gains 2 tension at the start of the round (+1 Desperate during round starting with 0, +1 Drunken when drunk). She banks them for now.

Swift initiates Time Skitter on herself, she is Hasted for Wis mod rounds.

Move She moves to L11.

Standard Freki Vital Strike Power Attacks the Huge Scarred Wolf with her chair (which is 2H and has reach at the moment).
-Attack [roll0] (crit on 18-20, crit confirm roll [roll1])
-Damage [roll2]
Whether the attack is successful or not, the Huge wolf is Battered (-2 CMD, can't make AoOs vs combat maneuvers) for 1 round due to the Surprise talent, and Freki loses her +2 circumstance bonus to hit with the chair.

If successful (and it's not dead), she attempts a free action (due to Cornugon Smash) Intimidate check [roll3] against the dog to demoralize it. She also uses the Follow-Through talent as a free action to deliver a Bull Rush as a free action through her improvised weapon and deal damage (thanks to the Smash talent). She is treated as Huge sized due to her Primal Warrior stance so she can bull rush the dog just fine.
-Bull Rush CMB [roll4]
-Damage [roll5]

If the Bull Rush is successful she will move with the creature as it is pushed straight back (up the 11-13 columns, 5 feet for every 5 by which she beats the CMD).

If she hits with either of those attacks she gains +1 tension for the round (but only once). If her demoralize succeeded, she gains another +1 tension.

2024-02-25, 02:24 PM
Dorian hums in appreciation at his ally's suggestion of "blade, arrow, fire and acid" as the main means of dealing with these accursed creatures. So he chimed in as well, to add to the party's information:

"Indeed, fire and acid are very effective against these things, though blade and bow perhaps less so. I also definitely wouldn't try lightning damage though. Nor would I try anything mind-affecting. These guys don't have much to affect in the first place!"

With that, despite being in the cluster of enemies, he calmly took out a small alchemist set, folding out from his utility belt, and began mixing some belladonna root with some herbs and spices into a nice relaxing tincture.

He drinks the tincture, and takes a calming breath, before eyeing the mutated Scarred Beast before him.

"Want some?" he asks the monster with a smile, despite knowing very well that it wouldn't.

Ugh. You know I hate it when you drink that stuff.

"Ey, if it works, it works, Quote. Besides... this creature doesn't have much a choice. It's not going anywhere" Dorian says, with a hard glare directed at the monster.

Standard Action: Activate Belladonna Barrier.
--> Normally, this provokes an AoO, but since the enemies haven't moved yet, they're still considered flat-footed and are thus unable to take AoOs.
--> This uses up martial focus.
--> Dorian Grey gains a circumstance bonus equal to his INT-mod (8) to AC vs natural attacks for INT-mod (8) rounds.

Move Action: Focusing Breath
--> Recovers martial focus

Swift Action: Dark Claim on the Big Scarred Beast.
--> For 1/2 class level (4) rounds, Dorian always knows the creature's exact location, and Withdraw actions provoke if in his threatened range.
--> Dorian Grey also recovers 1 maneuver - Fetch's Wrath.

QUOTE THE RAVEN: Continues to use Guardian Sphere Patrol w Assist Zone + Berserking for extra temp hp.

Kuro Dmon
2024-02-25, 11:10 PM
Drek’s first arrow finds purchase easily, as do the following pair. Perhaps it was the pain of the first shot that causes the giant beast to recoil, barely dodging the second one Dre’k sent its way.

Dorian easily finds an opportunity to express himself and enjoy his drink. If Dre’k’s skill wasn’t a distraction enough, Freki’s brutal attack certainly is; enough to send herself and the monster reeling over the fountain from the incredible force of her blow.

As it attempts to regain it’s footing and lash back out with renewed vigor, it seems far too disoriented to land a single hit! Blows that would have easily killed lesser men, and that all together might have doomed Freki, smash the ground and slice the air as she almost effortlessly dodges them.

One of the beasts crawls up next to its larger kin, and sprays a wave of electrified energy from its jaw in the general direction of the source of the arrow sticking out of its skull.

Very poor dice on the monster's part (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25970857&postcount=11), and very good fortune and team work on your end! You barely even took chip damage; Baldret and Freki just took 17 Lightning Damage, DC 23 Reflex for Half.

And speaking of the man, Baldret and Alaric (and Kazimir) up next! (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17GFRW40ohvNQYa_VB0KCvh6loajQ4m8F_ffNTIa-v-c/edit#slide=id.g2bc3a4ef4d3_0_2)

2024-02-26, 08:46 PM
Alaric paused only to bellow an inspiring command before spurring his mount into movement. Until he got to know his companions better, he would have to keep things simple.

"They are few! We are many! Divide their attentions and we shall triumph, but 'ware their breath attack! Onward, for the Empire!"

As he spoke, he wheeled Kazimir to the enemy's right flank, eyeing up the biggest of the monsters. Bad angle for his lance, tight quarters for a mounted charge, but attacking the creature's legs seemed a good way to disrupt it and get its attention. His lance point missed the scarred wolf's leg; the creature was quick and erratic despite its size. Committed to his course, Alaric urged Kazimir further to get almost literally underfoot. With any luck he could send it sprawling, or at least convince it to blast its breath weapon away from the rest of the group—and their charge.

(Alaric) Move Action: Begin Raging Song (Inspired Rage). Any ally who can hear him can choose to gain the effect (spellcasters etc. will probably not want it).

(Alaric) Swift Action: Activate Protective Shout; allies gain a +3 competence bonus to save against the wolves' breath weapon.

(Alaric) Move Action: Activate Aggressive Flanking Tactic (plus Expert Coordinator Enhanced Tactic). Center on I11, affects allies in a 50' radius (practically the whole map)

(Kazimir) Move Action: Shove the big bad wolf, moving to G8/H9 as part of the action. Kazimir's Juggernaut Plate allows him to ignore Difficult Terrain if that is what the steps are.
Attack: [roll0] vs Touch; deals 9 Bludgeoning Damage if it hits, and inflicting the Battered condition (-2 CMD, cannot take AOOs provoked by combat maneuvers) until the end of Alaric's next turn.

(Kazimir) Standard Action: If target was Battered, make a Trip attempt. Otherwise, make a regular Bite attack.
Attack: [roll1] (+1 Size Bonus if making the Trip attempt)
Damage (if making a Bite): [roll2] B,P,S

(Alaric) Immediate Action (after his turn ends): Activate Extended Defense to use the Warning Roar counter an unlimited number of times until Alaric's next turn.

- If Kazimir made a successful combat maneuver check, Alaric will make an AOO against the same target via his Double Team talent. This close in, he will have to make Shield Bashes.
Attack: [roll3] (Power Attack)
Damage: [roll4] Piercing

- If any of Kazimir's attacks missed, Alaric uses Golden Lion Style to make an AOO against the target.
Attack: [roll5] (Power Attack)
Damage: [roll6] Piercing

- If Alaric has at some point made an AOO (whether it hit or not), Kazimir can do so as well via Paired Opportunists.
Attack: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8] B,P,S

- If Kazimir's original Bite Attack did not miss, other allies flanking with Alaric can activate Golden Lion Style if they miss. In any case he can use it only once per round.

- If Alaric or any adjacent ally are attacked, he can use an AOO to increase Shield AC by +4 against that attack. If that attack misses, he can make a shield bash attack against that attacker as a free action.

- If anyone adjacent to Kazimir is attacked, he can use an AOO to increase their AC against that attack (+4 for Alaric, +2 for anyone else) via the Bodyguard feat.

- If Kazimir is attacked or has to make a Reflex save, Alaric can use an AOO to make a Ride check and use that in place of Kazimir's AC or Reflex save, if it is higher.

- Enemies provoke AOO from Alaric just for entering his threatened area; in Iron Tortoise Stance he threatens a 15' radius with his Lance and 10' with his non-reach weapons.

Aegis (20' Radius from Alaric): +2 AC, +2 Will saves (all Morale bonuses)

Raging Song (should you choose to accept it):
- STR+4, CON+4, +3 to Will saves (all Morale bonuses), -1 AC
- Quick Reflexes Rage Power (1 additional Attack of Opportunity per turn)
- Cannot use Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.

Protective Shout: (50' Radius from Alaric) +3 competence bonus to save against the wolves' breath weapon. 3 Rounds Remaining.

Aggressive Flanking: (50' Radius from I11) Allies that threaten the same enemy count as flanking that enemy, regardless of positioning.

Expert Coordinator: Allies benefiting from Aggressive Flanking also gain Outflank and Paired Opportunists Teamwork Feats.

Guerilla Formation: Allies in formation* gain +2 to attack and damage from flanking, and can take a 5' step as a free action once per round if doing so would put them into position to flank an enemy (with Aggressive Flanking, this can be any enemy that another ally already threatens).

*within 15' of Alaric or someone else in the formation (as I read it, you need a line of allies between you an Alaric with no more than 15' in between each)

Extended Defense—Warning Roar: (60' Radius from Alaric) When an ally is attacked, Alaric can attempt a Diplomacy roll versus the Attack roll to negate it.

2024-02-27, 07:00 PM
"agh you damned misshapen beast" curses Baldret as the electric current burns his skin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25971980&postcount=13). He takes a wide stance (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg1Exm2fh8PEjqFF3hTzIWsn0g5LwBYyKmTSDNE9C3Hpg L6SDUZYEHWT3bkcHXm7szo8gW_QszbToQuOUGAj3yGBBeHUNxh 01-xdDkkKwOCKk58v9Hg7t5fxnVVwEv6YFpV6oiGo0OU82MUNFSGd ReIHvwzEEBy2J8aQi4ScZdDQXW_vZHyU8whK3iuvg/s1600/images%20(5)-01.jpeg) briefly closes his eyes and a spark of static sweeps away from him and then dissipates.

Opening his eye again, the man smirks "Let's see you try that again" and rushes towards the creature that tried to electrocute him at an inhuman speed

Standard action - energy adaptation, specified (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/e/energy-adaptation), gaining resistance to electricity 20
swift action - initiates Time Skitter (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/Riven-Hourglass-maneuvers/#TOC-Time-Skitter) with a duration of 5 rounds
move action - moves adjancent to I14

Kuro Dmon
2024-03-03, 11:51 PM
For the Empire… of course. Leena thought, watching yet another of her protectors rush forward.

Kazimir has very little resistance riding forward and shoving the battered beast out of his way. Though its toughened skin shakes off some of the continued assault, by this point it has to be near the end of its rope, more so once master and mount strike again after sending it crashing into the ground.

As Leena contemplates Alaric’s courageous shout, the last whelp jumps forward. But rather than continue charging towards the squisher folk in the distance, its head turns and faces the continued movement in the center of the square, and it breathes another gasp of electricity into the fierce melee.

Over the noise of the static discharge comes the most beautiful sound anyone present has ever heard in their entire lives; a singing that resonates within the soul of each person that hears it. What could have been the melody of a choir of angels emanates from none other than Leena herself; having shaken off the spike of adrenaline Alaric sent up her spine, she yet replies by attempting to sing an old battle hymn in Celestial.

During this time, her Axe Beak mount, which squawks angrily upon hearing and accepting Alaric’s song, rushes past Darvan and charges down the third beast, furiously biting at it with her large beak. As her mount joins the fray, Leena caps off the first chorus of the hymn by swinging her hands in front of her, and releasing a wind teeming with sparkling blue motes of light. Though the affect flows around each beast, it settles on each of Lyra, Kazimir, Alaric, Freki, Baldret, Dorian, and Quote. The caress of the wind immediately brings relief to any of the burns caused by the beasts, along with a lingering feeling of relief and comfort.

What positivity was brought by Leena’s attempts at aiding her new allies is somewhat undercut by her suddenly screaming in surprise and peril. As the group was heavily distracted by the battle, only Dorian had a moment to see the ropes fly through the air. In an instant, Leena found herself flat on the ground and ensnared by a capture net, with a lasso tightening across her torso pinning her arms to her sides, and her legs tied together by an additional set of bolas.

4 men, dressed like adventurers but much more clandestine, and hidden until the battle had come further under way, reveal themselves: a serious looking half-elf on the roof with a glare as sharp as the arrow he has trained at Dre’k; a goblin next to him, leaning casually on the chimney and leering at their catch while palming a pair of black spheres; a young human at ground level, brandishing a pair of swords while looking anxiously on the battlefield; and a muscular orc, only loosely holding his war hammer one handed while pulling in the rope ensnaring a struggling Leena.

Map to be updated, but 4 new combatants appear! They were totally planned for the entire time, and not just because someone put the idea into my head and I thought it was hilarious (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25964463&postcount=41) as the rest of the party charged forward! :smallwink:

The 3rd Scarred Wolf did 28 damage (DC 15 Reflex Half) with its breath weapon... but Leena's Channel Energy was worth 29 points of healing, so I'm not sure if anyone even needs to save for it. Though I think Baldret can appreciate the healing for his earlier burns, at least?

Her channel energy also has the benefit that for the next 9 turns, [Lyra, Kazimir, Alaric, Freki, Baldret, Dorian, and Quote] may roll twice and take the best result on a single attack roll, skill check, or saving throw of their choice.
And then the entire party gains the benefits of her Inspire Courage for the next 3 rounds, which grants a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear, and a +2 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. It'd last longer, but it was a very short performance before she got a bit... tied up. :smallcool:

I'll try not to be too hard on Initiative for the sake of keeping up a better flow, but I think we can continue with the first half of the party (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17GFRW40ohvNQYa_VB0KCvh6loajQ4m8F_ffNTIa-v-c/edit#slide=id.g2bf1d9a889c_0_1), before either bandit or monster attempts to interrupt?

2024-03-04, 04:11 PM
Darvan turns to face the newcomers, specifically the Orc holding that has lassoed Leena, with a glare, "You will regret that," He snarls out at the assailant. In the next instant, his arm hurls his chakram out at said criminal, aiming specifically at forcing him to drop the rope and upon letting loose the bladed missile, sprinted to intersperse himself between said Orc and Leena, catching and sheathing his chakram mid-run as he did so. As soon as he was face to tusk with his opponent, his hands took up a defensive position before him and his feet took a wide, grounded stance.

Standard Action: Disarming Shot aimed at the Orc in an attempt to force him to drop the rope. The disarm check is based on a Slight of Hand check from me, just FYI.
Move Action: Due to Quick Stow, I can move and sheath a weapon in the same action so I catch my chakram on the rebound while running and sheath it before ending up in M2.
Swift Action: Change Stance to Pugilist Stance.
Necessary Rolls will be in the Dice Thread.

2024-03-05, 11:55 AM
Dorian will react to the unforseen attack by teleporting to the ropes and attempting to damage them, hoping that he can help free Leena from a worse fate.

After that, he'll switch to Poisoner's Stance, with the green ichor glazing his fist starting to bubble over, almost as if expressing his inner rage.

Free Action: Change Obsidian Reflection Stance from Negative to positive.

Standard Action: Initiate Fetch's Wrath, teleport adjacent to Leena
Attack: [roll0] vs AC 5 or so for rope. I will reroll if nat 1.
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] Fetch's Wrath + 8 precision

If successful, Dorian will use his move action to pick up the rope, thus removing it from Leena.

Swift Action: Switch to Poisoner's Stance

Move Action: Exit Dorian's Shadow and enter Leena's shadow
Stealth: [roll3]

Standard Action: Use Swift Patrol with Assist Zone while in Leena's Shadow.

2024-03-08, 04:05 PM
Dre'k is surprised by the ambush coming from behind.
He fully intends to berate himself about missing it later, but for now he needs to adapt to it.

Closing in on Leena, he lets his allies free her while he attracts the attention of the newcomers, not with words but with arrows: he shoots on the run, just as a distraction.
"Stay close to me" he tells her imperiously. "They may be trying only to capture you, but we can't know for sure."

Aiming his next arrow, he hesitates only briefly before firing at one of the goblin's orbs. They're an unknown quantity, and military training teaches you to eliminate those whenever possible.

Whether that succeeds or not, he is ready to thwart the efforts of all opponents for a short while: he keeps firing arrows at an incredible pace at each of them in turn (or sometimes two at once if the enemies are close to each other), distracting them, forcing them to dodge, blunting their attacks.

Free: activate Berserking (-2 AC, 11 temp HP)
Swift: N/A
Move: move to M4
Standard: Disarming Shot
Attack vs Goblin: [roll0]

Base [roll1] = 29 dmg; Fire dmg: [roll2] Acid dmg: [roll3]
Sleight of Hand for Disarming on orb (vs CMD): [roll4]

If it hits, he marks the goblin: it takes -6 to attack anyone other than Dre'k.

I'm pre-rolling some Intercepting Shots in case the ranged attacker aims at someone within 15ft of Dre'k:
(if Dre'k's attack is higher, the ranged attack misses)

Separately from the Intercepting Shots, which are AoOs, he uses an immediate action after his round for Defending the Sky with the Flickering Defense counter: ALL enemies within 60ft must roll twice, take lower, with a -4 penalty for the next round (whatever the attack target).

Dre'k (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2859918)
M NG Tiefling Warder | Fighter/Conscript, Level 8, Init 15, HP 115/104, Speed 30ft + 15ft + 30ft
AC 31, Touch 17, Flat-footed 29, CMD 28, Fort 11, Ref 15, Will 5, CMB +11/+6, Base Attack Bonus +8/+3
Adaptive: +Str to damage Composite longbow +1 +18/+13 or +16/+16/+11 (RS) or +16/+16 (Barr2) or +14/+14/+14 (Barr3) (1d8+11, x3)
-- Deadly Aim -3 (+6, )
Breastplate +1, Arrow Catching Living Steel Buckler +1 (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, +4 Dex, +1 Natural, +3 Deflect, +4 Misc)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 22, Wis 7, Cha 5
Aegis: for allies within 20ft, +2 morale to AC/Will

Warrior Spirit (8/10r): weapon is aberration Bane, flaming & corrosive
Haste (4/6r)

Threatened Area: 10ft around him

+2 to saves vs charm & compulsion
+1 to atk/dmg if target within 30ft

+2 atk +1d6 dmg vs aberrations (bane)
+2d6 dmg vs evil

[X][X] Martial Foci
0/24 Delayed Damage Pool (nonlethal)
7/7 AoO

8/12 Marks (-6 to atk, 14% spell miss)
1/2 Defending the Sky: free, use counter at-will for 1r, for self and allies
4/4 Martial Flexibility: move, get Combat feat for 1 min
3/4 Warrior Spirit: std, grant weapon +3 worth of abilities
8/9 Touch of Joy (move): roll twice for all d20 for 2r
1/1 Darkness (Sp)

[] SC1 Silver Crane Waltz: +5 Init, +3 AC and Ref
[X] TG3 Tempest Gale Stance: +Int to dmg, +2 to DC and maneuvers

[X] TG1 Disarming Shot: disarm via SoH
[ ] TG2 Sudden Gust: +2d6, trip via SoH
[X] RH3 Flickering Defense: imm, -4 to atk & roll twice take lower
[X] RH3 Time Skitter: swift, Haste for Int r
[ ] TG4 Iron Wind: +4d6 dmg, Fort DC 22 ? staggered for Int r
[ ] RH4 Temporal Body Adjustment: imm, negate 1 condition
Area effect: Aegis: for allies within 20ft, +2 morale to AC/Will