View Full Version : DM Help Does removing the spell Read Magic break the game?

2024-01-05, 03:33 PM
So I really hate the spell read magic, it makes decipher script and to an extent spellcraft worthless. So I was thinking what if I just scrapped the spell does that break the game or just for wizards and other spell casters to actually use decipher script and spellcraft to identify scrolls, spell books, and other magical writing?

2024-01-05, 03:40 PM
I do not see a lot of overlap between read magic and Decipher Script. Read magic allows you to read magic glyphs that were created through spells, scrolls and spell books. Decipher Script is for unknown writings in general. It allows you to read textes in languages you don't know or textes that are fragmentary or ciphered. The only overlap lies IIRC in the reading of scrolls (I think reading another one's spell book is covered by Spellcraft).

And how does read magic obsolete Spellcraft if it utilizes Spellcraft to analyze glyph of warding and so on?

2024-01-05, 03:43 PM
If it's your game it only breaks the game if you say it does. Admittedly it does the same as the other two for wizards but what about all other casting classes say Factotum?

2024-01-05, 05:31 PM
I can't think of anything it really breaks, just causes inconvenience to some characters in some circumstances.

I've considered making it give you a bonus to Spellcraft for reading scrolls and spellbooks (and mean you're treated as trained if you don't have any ranks) rather than automatically succeeding. I've done similarly with other spells like Knock and it's worked fine.

2024-01-05, 07:31 PM
I don't think I've ever seen read magic cast, not even once, in the many years of 3.5/pf I've played. Across multiple groups

Detect magic, otoh

2024-01-06, 09:05 AM
I don't think I've ever seen read magic cast, not even once, in the many years of 3.5/pf I've played. Across multiple groupsDitto. It's just not worth the preparation slot/spell known when everything it does can be done with a fairly easy Spellcraft check (a skill that you're probably going to be maxing out anyway if you're the kind of character might be considering read magic).

2024-01-29, 11:15 PM
It doesn't break anything, and doesn't affect very much.

Kurald Galain
2024-01-30, 04:10 AM
I don't think I've ever seen read magic cast, not even once, in the many years of 3.5/pf I've played. Across multiple groups
Me neither.

Everybody either takes 10 on spellcraft checks, or during downtime the DM just asserts that the party has enough time to get their loot identified. I've never seen the point of this spell.