View Full Version : The End of my Campaign and it's wonky rules

2024-01-18, 09:22 PM
Aloha all! My current campaign is about to end and I'm sharing some of my crazier house rules/homebrew.
PCs are level 11 or 12.
The final boss is an immobile Plant Titan with hundreds of HP. It has a 0-action (declared on their turn, happens on initiative 0) Cross Pollination feature that can grant it additional resistances. If the PCs move around the battlemap and destroy all its off-shoots they can prevent it from gaining resistances.

1. Warlock is the best class, unless you are a Warlock in which case you might feel boned.
Whenever a player encounters a potential patron, they're always offered a deal. If they take it, the first level is free. So free HP, maybe a bump in proficiency bonus if you're level 4,8,or 12, etc. Patrons almost always try to seduce warlocks of other patrons away with promises of power or better deals and gifts, but there's also a hidden hierarchy and they don't pick fights upward on that list. Most Patrons offer two subclass options.

The Thing in the Lake/Winefog Entity- this goo monster lives under the floating city of Winefog. It's the source of the mist that gets you a little drunk. It's plasmoid off shoots provide continuous enthusiastic assistance to the injured and infirm. Surrounding communities often send their wounded there to convalesce. Fathomless and Great Old One

Grandmother Skin- A hag taking the appearance of a small wizened lizardfolk. She wears a mane of snake skins and resides in a demiplane her warlocks can access through a rosebush or gifted rose. She typically demands the casting of spells into earthen jars. While the spell is in a jar she has it prepared or can open the jar and release the spell as if it were in a scroll. She makes you cast such spells in exchange for the right to depart her home plane but will accept the flayed skin of a ring finger which she assures you will not prevent you from finding true love. Genie and Fey

The Power of Death- This is like a fundamental aspect of the universe. It provides it's own unique subclass that I'd love to share but can't because it grants the Spirit of Death Spell. I'll post it elsewhere.

Solar Angel Sophia- One of the PCs was an Aasimar. Aasimar aren't hybrids in this world, they're actual celestials that have given up their immortal divine forms so they can remain on the material world and either escape the will of their god (which is kind of identity destroying) or to perform some task that will take more than a few hours. Aasimar can always take levels in Celestial Warlock as they slowly learn to channel more of their original divinity.

Ahn Tampopo- an ancient halfling Vampire Lord. If you serve well as a warlock he'll make you a spawn. The encounter with him revealed that the sun of this world might not be real. Undead Patron.

-1a. GOO and Fathomless Warlocks are an easy win.
There's a town called Winefog that's made of boats tied together on a lake. The thing in the lake spawns plasmoids that help and heal people that show up. It pushes for codependent relationships. It wants to merge and absorb and spread. When it offers power it grants the free level, but also says you can give more of yourself to it in exchange for even greater power, this allows you to give up 1 level of your other class(s) for 2 levels of GOO or Fathomlock. If you give all your levels, you become a plasmoid and are basically just the Thing in the Lake at that point (it doesn't doesn't tell you that before hand though).

2. HALO dropping
The final battle can be entered as part of an army marching in, wading through minions and obstacles or you can be dropped from 10000 feet by an Ancient Wyrm.
The PCs have been given Dragonhide armors (free damage Resist by dragon type) with a wing suit function that's featherfall but different. You fall 500ft per round as normal, but will land safely unless you end the turn you'd land prone (then you crash).

2a. At the start of your turn you choose the direction you want to move and roll Acrobatics. The result tells you how many squares you will move in that direction. If you are proficient in the suit (meaning you have that armor training and you go through the HALO training) you can add OR subtract your bonus (dex+prof) to the result.

2b. At the end of your turn, you fall 500 feet. So it will take 20 rounds to get to the ground. Rounds 1-5 are essentially preparation and orienting then the Dominated Ancient Green Dragon

2c. By design this makes the midair combat like a giant game of Sorry! and the players risk landing in distant points around the final map.

I have a few more details. I'll update when my power is a little more stable (PNW weather, man).

2024-01-18, 10:41 PM
I like the air combat mechanic. Seems like it could be adapted to fights on the plane of air or battles while falling from high places.
I'd probably drop the whole wing suit thing and just allow people to maneuver around while falling. And maybe add a chance to start tumbling and suffer some penalties on action if you roll really badly.