View Full Version : Class similar to Summon Night: Swordcraft Story Craftknight

2024-01-19, 05:00 PM
Like the title says if you've ever played the game you know they craft their own weapons, have a summon that grants them magic. It's one summon that can fight later in the series but for the first couple they just cast the magic. I've looked at a few classes like Fiendbinder, Warlock, Binder. If you have any more ideas for feats or anything let me know please! Thank you in advance!

2024-01-19, 05:39 PM
Artificer could work well. They definitely craft their own stuff, and if they want can get summons. It seems like the fluff isn’t a great match: artificers don’t get their power from summons, but it’s not too far off.

2024-01-19, 06:20 PM
Binder is what you are looking for.
Two vestiges: Zceryll - for summoning any monster that could be summoned and Astaroth - for any craft magic item feat. Also some vestiges could summon specific weapons, armor, horse, etc.

2024-01-19, 08:33 PM
Artificer could work well. They definitely craft their own stuff, and if they want can get summons. It seems like the fluff isn’t a great match: artificers don’t get their power from summons, but it’s not too far off.
Be warned that Artificer is one of the most powerful but most complex classes in the game.

If you want your spells to take the appearance of a creature appearing briefly to attack for you, then you can just describe them that way; spells don't always look the same between casters. If you want more meat to it, then there's the Spell Thematics feat from Player's Guide to Faerun which gives all your spells a distinctive theme (e.g. "cackling skulls", "spheres" or "lightning") which makes them harder for enemies to identify, and also boosts caster level for a handful of your favorites.

If you want to craft a single powerful weapon for your own use then Weapons of Legacy has mechanics for taking a mundane weapon and imbuing powers in it through rituals... but they come with heavy penalties to your stats. Abilities which use the normal crafting system for this (but bypassing prerequisites) include the Ancestral Relic feat (Book of Exalted Deeds), the Kensei prestige class (Complete Warrior), and the Samurai base class (Oriental Adventures, not the Complete Warrior class of the same name). But also Dungeon Master's Guide II has mechanics which let anyone do it.

The way Wealth by Level works doesn't really account for characters carrying around a bunch of weapons and switching between them. There are a few things which could emulate this though:

Morphing weapon property (Magic Item Compendium): Allows your weapon to transform into different kinds of weapons on command. There are a few similar abilities with more restrictions but sometimes better pricing.
Weapon Augment Crystals (Magic Item Compendium). Keep a single weapon but socket different stuff to it for bonus effects.
Dragonshard Pommel Stones (The Forge of War). Enchanted like a weapon but at +25% cost; grant their magical properties to whatever weapon they're currently attached to.
Mutable Legacy items (Weapons of Legacy): Whenever your item would gain a legacy power, it gains 2-3 slightly weaker powers instead, which you can switch between by attaching different focus objects to it.
Soulbound Weapon (web article (https://web.archive.org/web/20210211064050/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a)): An alternate class feature for psychic warrior - when they conjure a temporary weapon its strength scales by level; they can also expend more mana to grant the weapon any enchantments they wish, tailoring it to fight their current foe.
Weapon Augmentation (Eberron Campaign Setting): A line of infusions which Artificers can use to temporarily buff a weapon with an enchantment of their choice.

If you want to have multiple weapons because you're interested in having multiple fighting styles, then there are other ways to do that; for base classes there's Binder and Incarnate; for prestige classes there's Chameleon, Master of Masks and Dragon Descendant. Or I guess a Tome of Battle character switching between stances and readied maneuvers, though that's more of a stretch.