View Full Version : False Spark IC

2024-01-20, 01:06 AM
OOC (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?663914-False-Spark)
Dice (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?663913-False-Spark-Dice-Rolls)
Recruiting (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?663541-The-False-Spark-(PF1-high-level))

You are all within the town of Grenhome, nestled in the foothills of the Adaman mountains in the northern reaches of the wastes. A relatively large town of a few thousand people, it draws its wealth from the few mines within the mountains, but the most notable attraction is Mount Senrith. A towering sight visible even from the town, the peak is normally shrouded by clouds, and the dragons that dwell on it dissuade most exploration. However where there is danger there is money to made, and the riches and exotic metals and machines underneath the mountain lure in many.

You each for your own reasons are in this town and investigating the region if not the mountain itself. The trip on foot to the mountain takes five days, the trackless hills leaving it slow and treacherous. With your abilities alternative means than walking exist of course, or simple preparation.

2024-01-22, 05:20 PM
Randal is in the same place he has been for the last week, deep in the catacombs of Greg's library, researching the history of the mountain and particularly the strange language sometimes found in the caves within. He runs his fingers through his long black hair in frustration. He was quickly coming to the conclusion that this was far too big to handle on his own. He went to find the troll, "Greg, you make it a point to know everyone that passes through this town, right? I don't suppose you know of anyone trustworthy looking to put together an expedition into the mountain...or that could be convinced to join one?"

2024-01-27, 04:59 PM

It had been a long week of walking for Dola before she arrived in the foothills of Mt. Senrith. Planar travel is not the most accurate method of instantaneous translocation but it can shave a few thousand miles off a journey, if one knows how to walk in the spaces between existence. Her key to Forgeheart is one of her most prized possessions not for the material worth of it but for the level of trust it showed when her superiors place the tuned fork into her care for protection. Watching the mountains and town grow bigger as she walked closer to them she wondered why they bothered to build their houses outside in the weather and sun when there was a perfectly good mountain right next to them. She learned years ago that some things about humans would never make sense.

She allowed herself one evening of rest once inside the town before beginning her mission in earnest. What can you tell me that's unusual about the mountain? Do you have any personal experiences related to the Sendisian devices? Are you aware of anyone conducting expeditions into the mountain, and if so, would you recommend them as trustworthy companions? Her people skills leave much to be desired and her interviews have a tendency to become more like interrogations, but after a few days of hassling the tavern patrons and shop owners she's directed to the local sage by name of Greg.

'I wonder if the local trolls have a similar custom as back home.' Dola thinks as she looks at the gift in her hands while she waits outside the house indicated to be Greg's. Late last night she walked a few miles out of town to get a look at the mountain range in panorama. She then formed and shaped the local stone into a replicate of the ranges silhouette. Knocking on the door, Dola holds the miniature mountain range in her hand. "Hello the house!" She hollers after a few moments. "Dola, of the dwarves, is here to speak with the one known as Greg."

2024-01-31, 07:55 AM
Randal spies the troll in the back of his library, an elf brushes past him as he approaches, a brief glimpse of a badly burned face under his shadowed cloak. Greg is a troll barely the height of a gnome, dull grey rocky skin shining and a carefully shaped moss beard at their chin. They're sitting hunched over at a desk, glasses glowing slightly as they read a tome written in a language Randal doesn't recognise at a glance, before looking up at the question. "Another one for the mountain 'ey? Yeah, there's a few of you around always, depends on how risky you want to be." They pause for a moment in thought, surveilling Randal. "You look a cut above most though, ask around for an android named Ario, one of the best guides to the hills still working."

A shout bellows forth from towards the front of the library, Greg shouting back in response. "I'm back 'ere dwarf, Just come in!" They hop down, grabbing a bronze cane as they start to head away, giving an apology before muttering about people being too polite for their own good these days.

2024-02-02, 06:22 PM
"Dola, is that you? I haven't seen you in ages... but of course you're investigating whatever this spark nonsense is. It's Randal, we stopped that big sacrifice in that creepy tower a few years back, remember." Randal offers the dwarf a hug, fairly certain that Dola wouldn't accept one but would at least recognize the sentiment in offering it.

"I was just going to look up a guide this kind troll suggested. Are you already hooked up with an expedition? You weren't planning on taking on the entire mountain yourself, were you?"

2024-02-03, 01:42 PM

"Randal. What a pleasant surprise." Dola says and returns the humans hug as if observing a formality one accepts but doesn't understand. "I mark it a blessing that I find you here. A tested ally in uncertain endeavors is worth two axes." She says and turns towards their host. "Sir, allow me to introduce myself and present you with a house gift. I am Dola, of the dwarves, and I seek to gain an understanding of the mountain and quest for the spark that Randal mentioned. Here." She says and holds out the miniature rock formation. "It's a replica of the mountain range formed from local clay."

She turns back to Randal. "No, I've no intention of climbing it alone, nor found companions. I walked into town just yesterday. It seems you have been here for longer. Has your research borne any fruits?"

2024-02-07, 11:56 PM
"Honestly, I got distracted researching an obscure language that was occasionally found in the Mountain. I haven't made much progress on researching who else is here or what they're actually up to." Randal opened his notes. "The deva that sent me here didn't have a ton of details, but seemed insistent that if the conspiracy currently in power controls the Spark it'll end very poorly. I trust you to be on the side that doesn't end in horrible deaths for everyone. How'd you like to come meet that guide Greg suggested with me?"

2024-02-10, 05:16 PM

"I thank you for your trust, and will endeavor to make sure it is not misplaced." Dola says. "I would like to go with you, yes. What do you know of this guide?"

2024-02-23, 03:31 PM
“I only know that he’s an android and a guide, and that the troll vouches for him”

2024-02-24, 02:27 PM
Greg waves his hand and the model floats down out of Dola's hands into the air, peering and nodding at it as it twists back and forth. "Solid work. Haf ta keep a nodule watching out for you, must've taken some study to get some of these details right. Happy to help ya out with some questions, most of what I'm here for nowadays is keeping track of it all. Things round here run smoothly enough nowadays." He shrugs a little at that as he talks. "Now what was it you and ya friend wanted beyond just an expedition? I'm assuming by a 'spark' you don't mean just a bit of electricity, we've got plenty of that down here."

2024-02-24, 06:03 PM
Greg waves his hand and the model floats down out of Dola's hands into the air, peering and nodding at it as it twists back and forth. "Solid work. Haf ta keep a nodule watching out for you, must've taken some study to get some of these details right. Happy to help ya out with some questions, most of what I'm here for nowadays is keeping track of it all. Things round here run smoothly enough nowadays." He shrugs a little at that as he talks. "Now what was it you and ya friend wanted beyond just an expedition? I'm assuming by a 'spark' you don't mean just a bit of electricity, we've got plenty of that down here."

He had spent a week studying under the troll and thought that he could trust his character, “There is something down there that could give the group that claims it the power of a God… though perhaps only at a horrific price. I was sent here to investigate the groups going after and make sure that whoever does claim it doesn’t do so at the expense of innocent lives.”