View Full Version : Increasing caster level in the PHB and DMG

2024-01-20, 06:26 AM
I am working on an E12 campaign in which no characters ever get higher than 12th level, and accordingly there are no 7th to 9th level spells in existence. (Spellcasting monsters also can't cast higher than a 12th level character.)

But the effect of spells depends almost always on caster level rather than class level, and there are ways to cast certain spells at a higher caster level than your class level. Also, monsters can cast their spell-like abilities at any caster level.

So I am now wondering what kinds of effects become possible in the campaign if 1st to 6th level spells are cast at CL 13 or higher, and which ones just won't be happening at all.
For example, create undead is a 6th level spell that can be learned and cast by an 11th level caster to create ghouls. But if a 12th level caster can somehow get a +3 to caster level for this spell, he could also raise a mummy.

So what ways are there in the PHB and DMG (the main two books the campaign will be using) that increase caster level above your class level?

I know the alignment domains and the Healing and Knowledge domains give you +1 to CL for certain spells.
The death knell spell grants a +1 to CL for 10 minutes per HD of the target it killed to a cleric.
(Golem manuals provide a +5 to CL for the purpose of crafting a golem, but the iron and stone golem manuals require 16th and 14th caster level to be created in the first place.)
An orange ioun stone gives a flat +1 to CL (and requires only CL 12 to make).
A strand of prayer beads of karma grants a +4 to CL for 10 minutes for divine spells (and is CL 9th itself).

Any others I missed?

2024-01-20, 06:44 AM
The DMG has the Red Wizard PrC, which comes with an ability that "increases his effective caster level for purposes of determining level-dependent spell variables". Assuming entry after 5 levels of wizard, a red wizard could get +3 CL out of this ability; early entry shenanigans raise this further.

Much more significantly, the same PrC grants the ability to engage in circle magic, which can boost the leader's CL up to 40.

2024-01-20, 08:37 AM
I made this thread for raising caster level. Hopefully, you will find it useful.


2024-01-20, 04:21 PM
Oh, certainly.